Tag: Ramstein

  • April 21, 2023

    April 21, 2023

    TALKS Romania will not ban the import of Ukrainian grains unilaterally and will wait for the European Commission to implement measures aimed at supporting farmers in Central and Eastern Europe, the country’s Minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea, said on Friday. According to him, Romania and Ukraine will consult weekly regarding the expected volumes of grain, in an attempt to limit imports. At the end of a meeting held in Bucharest with his Ukrainian counterpart, Mykola Solsky, Petre Daea said that Romania stands in solidarity with farmers from Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria and Slovakia, but the rules must be made together. In turn, Mykola Solsky thanked the minister for the sincere and constructive dialogue as well as the Romanian people for the sincere support he has felt for the past two years. The situation we are in now requires some very quick decisions – added the Ukrainian official. The two ministers also tackled the cereal crisis online, a couple of days ago, when Petre Daea briefed his Ukrainian counterpart on the serious situation farmers are facing in Romania and informed him about the measures taken in relation to the transit of Ukrainian cereals.

    BILL Government in Romania is expected to present next
    week a draft emergency ordinance regarding the efficiency of public spending.
    This will also include other fiscal-budgetary measures, which must not be
    perceived as austerity measures, Finance Minister Adrian Câciu has said.
    According to the country’s Prime Minister, Nicolae Ciucă, curbing budget
    expenditures is aimed at being within the deficit limits at the end of the year
    and is not going to affect investments and salaries. The Romanian official also
    made an appeal to the big taxpayers urging them to pay their debts to the

    DEFENCE The Romanian
    Minister of Defence Angel Tilvar is today attending the meeting of the Contact
    Group for Ukraine, presently underway in Ramstein, Germany. According to a
    communique by the Ministry of Defence, the meeting of the already established format,
    on the support the international community is providing to the Ukrainian
    partner, proves to be another opportunity to exchange ideas on the security
    situation created by the war the Russian Federation is presently waging on that
    country and to identify new ways of supporting the Ukrainian partner. According
    to Reuters, the German Minister of Defence, Boris Pistorius, has rejected a
    quick decision on Ukraine’s membership at NATO. Kyiv wants to join the
    North-Atlantic Alliance but the country’s entry either into NATO or the EU is
    not going to be discussed at the aforementioned meeting in Ramstein. NATO’s
    Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg has extended an invitation to president
    Zelensky for the NATO summit in Vilnius in July, which will have high on the
    agenda, the country’s NATO accession as well as solid security guarantees for Kyiv.

    HOSPITALS The Romanian Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, on Thursday signed the financing contracts through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) for a new hospital infrastructure. Thus, military hospitals in the country, as well as others in the capital Bucharest and the city of Constanta, in the south-east, will benefit from new wards and pavilions. At the same time, a tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment center is to be built in Bucharest. The general objective of the PNRR is the development of Romania by carrying out essential programs and projects, which support resilience, the level of preparedness for crisis situations, the ability to adapt and the potential for growth, through major reforms and key investments with funds allocated by the European Commission within the mechanism.


  • January 20, 2023 UPDATE

    January 20, 2023 UPDATE

    Romania’s economy will be, this year as well, influenced by global
    uncertainties triggered by inflation, the escalation of the war in Ukraine, the
    energy crisis and problems in supply chains. This is one of the conclusions of
    a report on financial stability, made public by the National Bank of Romania. The
    report also mentions a systemic risk entailed by delays in reforms and in
    spending EU funds. On the other hand, the central bank calls on Romanians to be
    cautious with respect to residential real estate loans, as the high inflation
    triggers risks of default.

    PHARMACEUTICALS Romania obtained from Brussels a 3-month suspension of
    exports for certain drugs, particularly in the antibiotics and oral antipyretic
    categories. According to Bucharest, the measure is designed to ensure the
    availability of such medication for Romanian patients, as the country is
    struggling with a wave of viral respiratory infections.

    MILITARY Over 100
    troops from the US 1-26 Infantry Battalion are training with Romanian troops
    from the Sf. Andrei 300 Infantry Battalion in Galaţi until March this year. According
    to the Romanian defence ministry, the US troops were deployed late last year to
    the Mihai Kogălniceanu air base, and as of this week they were relocated to Galaţi.
    The goal of the joint training scheme is to practice working techniques,
    tactics and procedures, and to enhance interoperability in line with NATO

    DAVOS The international community cannot afford a strategic
    ambiguity regarding the war in Ukraine, the Romanian foreign minister said at
    the World Economic Forum in Davos. He mentioned the seriousness of the security
    crisis and the main risks and challenges for the international system, and
    emphasised the need to maintain a world order based on rules, supporting peace
    and facilitating solutions to global problems. The Romanian official also
    highlighted Romania’s efforts to support Ukraine, such as receiving over 3.3 million
    refugees and the transit of over 11 tonnes of Ukrainian grains and agricultural
    products, as well as the need to continue supporting this country. Mr. Aurescu had
    a number of meetings with representatives of the business communities in Canada
    and Portugal, with whom he discussed issues related to the energy sector in
    particular. (AMP)

  • April 27, 2022

    April 27, 2022

    REFUGEES Romania firmly condemns the blatant violation by Russia of
    Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity as well as its international
    obligations pursuant to international laws, Romania’s Prime Minister Nicolae
    Ciuca said during the talks he had with his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shmyhal
    in Kyiv on Tuesday. Ciuca has today announced that Romania is considering the
    possibility of opening new border checkpoints at the border with Ukraine. The
    number of Ukrainian refugees who came to Romania on Tuesday rose by 50% as
    compared to the previous day – says the General Border Police Inspectorate.
    3,655 Ukrainian nationals entered Romania at the country’s border with Ukraine
    and 1,372 at the border with the Republic of Moldova. Since the onset of the
    Russian invasion, on February 24th, until Tuesday 792,715 Ukrainian
    nationals have entered Romania.

    torches are to be lit tonight at the Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Day
    ceremony. Six million Jews were killed in Europe during the Holocaust, the most
    shameful page in the history of mankind, says Radio Romania correspondent in
    Israel. President Isaac Herzog and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett are going to
    deliver speeches to the memory of the victims and the torches, a symbol for the
    six million Jews who died in Nazi concentration camps are to be lit by Holocaust
    survivors from Hungary, Lithuania, Austria, the Netherlands and Poland. Barbel
    Bas, president of the German Bundestag, is this morning visiting the World
    Holocaust Remembrance Center Yad Vashem in Jerusalem accompanied by the speaker
    of the Israeli Knesset, Mickey Levy.

    PLAN Romania has
    accomplished all the objectives in the National Plan of Recovery and Resilience
    (PNRR) it assumed jointly with the European Commission, the Romanian Minister
    of the Economy Florin Spataru says adding that when it comes to the reforms chapter,
    certain aspects must be reanalyzed in the following period and that will
    contribute together with investment to a major jump of the Romanian economy,
    which has the ability to see a fourfold economic growth by 2030. This growth
    will become possible if the principles included in the resilience plan are
    observed and funds intelligently used. According to the minister, money isn’t
    the only opportunity offered by the PNRR, but also the principles of economic
    and administrative reforms and all these converge towards a re-industrialized Romania,
    according to the principles of green economy and through digitization.

    SUPPORT Defence Minister Vasile Dincu has
    reiterated Romania’s support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of
    Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. The Romanian official
    spoke within the Ukraine Defence Consultative Group hosted on Tuesday by the US
    air base in Ramstein, Germany. Dincu had a brief meeting with his Ukrainian
    counterpart Oleksii Reznikov whom he assured of our country’s full support for
    Ukraine and the readiness of keeping a constant and open dialogue whenever necessary.
    In Ramstein, the USA and their allies have pledged to support Ukraine by
    providing heavy artillery equipment. The event was held at the initiative of US
    Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin and involved the participation of scores of
    defence ministers and chiefs of staff.

    COURT Legal Committees in
    the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies in Bucharest are today interviewing the
    candidates proposed by parties for the new judges of the country’s
    Constitutional Court. MPs will be voting the new candidates next week as the mandates
    of three of its judges are due to end in June this year. They are Valer
    Dorneanu, proposed by the Chamber of Deputies, Mona Pivniceru, proposed by the
    Senate and Daniel Morar proposed by the country’s president. Made up of nine
    judges appointed for a nine-year mandate, which cannot be extended or renewed,
    a third of the judges of the Constitutional Court is being renewed every three
    years. In another development, upon the request of the USR Parliamentary group,
    Finance Minister Adrian Caciu is today participating in a fresh session of political
    debates during the so-called ‘The Government Hour’. High on the agenda is the
    diminished purchasing power of the Romanians, public finances and Romania’s
    macro-economic balances.


  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    ARIFUGAT. România condamnă susto călcaria flagrantă di către Rusia a suveranitatillei și integritatillei teritoriale a Ucrainei, cum și a borgiloru a llei internaționale pi thimellilu a nomurlor internaționale, diclară prim-ministrul a Româniillei, Nicolae Ciucă, tru cadrul a discuțiilor ţi li avu marță la Kiev cu omologul a lui ucrainean Dinys Shmyhal. Ciucă dimăndă adză că România ari tru scupo căbilea ti dişcllidiarea noi puncte di triţeari la sinurlu cu Ucraina. Numirul arifugațlor ucraineni cari viniră marți tru România criscu cu 50% andicra di dzuua di ma ninti – spune Inspectoratul General al Poliției di Frontieră. 3.655 di cetăţeni ucraineni intrară tru România la sinurlu a văsiliillei cu Ucraina şi 1.372 la sinurlu cu Republica Moldova. Di la nkisita a aputrusearillei ruse, pe 24 şcurtu, până marță intraă tru România 792.715 cetățeni ucraineni.

    HOLOCAUST. Șasi torțe va s’hibă apreasi tu aesta seară la ceremonia Dzuuăllei Martirilor și Eroilor Holocaustului. Șasi milioane di uvrei fură vătămaţ tru Europa tru kirolu a Holocaustului, nai ma arușinoasă pagină ditu istoria omenirillei, spuni corespondintul Radio România tru Israel. Prezidintulu Isaac Herzog și prim-ministrul Naftali Bennett va s’ţănă discursuri tru memoria victimelor, iara torțile, un simbol ti ateali șase milioane di uvrei cari muriră tru lagărele di concentrare naziste, va s’hibă apreasi di aţelli cari armasiră tu bana dupu Holocaustulu ditu Ungaria, Lituania, Austria, Olanda şi Polonia. Barbel Bas, prezidintulu a Bundistag-ului german, viziteadză tru aestă dimineață Centrul Mondial di Comemorare a Holocaustului Yad Vashem ditu Ierusalim, diadunu cu purtătorul di zboru a Knesset-ului israelian, Mickey Levy.

    PLAN. România ș- tiñisi tuti obiectivele ditu Planul Național di Recuperare și Reziliență (PNRR) pi cari ș-lu lo diadunu cu Comisia Europeană, spune ministrul român ali Economie, Florin Spataru, adăvgânda că atumţea cându yini zborlu di capitolu reforme, născănti lucri lipseaşti s’hibă rianalizate tru yinitoru și cari va s’agiută diadunu cu investițiile la ună iruşi ma mari a economiei românești, cari ari axizearea s’agiungă pi ună creaștere economică di patru ori până tru 2030. Aeastă creaștere va s’hibă di căuli cara va s’tiñisească prinţipiile ditu planul di reziliență și s’finanțeadză fonduri ufilisiti mintimenu. Uidisitu cu ministrulu, păradzlli nu suntu goala oportunitate ţi u dişcllidi PNRR, ama și prinţipiile a reformelor economiţi și administrative și tuti aestea converg cătră ună Românie reindustrializată, după prinţipiile economiillei veardi și prit digitalizare.

    AGIUTORU. Ministrul ApărArillei Vasile Dîncu năpoi adusi tu muabeti agiutorlu a României tră suveranitatea și integritatea teritorială a Ucrainăllei tru cadrul a sinurloru a llei pricunuscuti internațional. Oficialu român lo zborlu tu arada a Grupului Consultativ di Apărare a Ucrainei a curi nicukiru eara marț baza aeriană americană ditu Ramstein, Germania. Dîncu avu ună şcurtă andamasi cu omologul a lui ucrainean, Oleksii Reznikov, pe cari lu asiguripsi di agiutorlu pănu di mardzină a văsiliillei a noastre tră Ucraina și disponibilitatea ta s’aibă un dialog constant și dişcllis câte ori easte ananghi. La Ramstein, SUA și aliațllii a lor ş-loară borgea s’ndrupască Ucraina cu darea echipamente di artilerie grea. Evenimentul s-ţănu la inițiativa secretarului american ali apărarii, Lloyd Austin, și la cari loară parti dzăţ di miniștri ali apărari și șefi di stat major.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • 26/04/2022 (mise à jour)

    26/04/2022 (mise à jour)

    Gaz — Le projet de l’exploitation gazière offshore en mer Noire est désormais soumis au débat des commissions spécialisées du Sénat roumain. Censé réglementer l’exploitation de gaz dans les eaux de la mer Noire, le projet offre à l’Etat roumain le droit de préemption, en lui permettant d’acquérir prioritairement les ressources de gaz. Avant que les débats ne commencent, le Conseil législatif économique et social est tenu de donner son avis. Le vote final est prévu pour le mois de mai.

    Hépatite – La Roumanie a rapporté un cas d’hépatite aigüe chez un enfant de 5 ans dont l’état est stable. Ce cas s’ajoute à ceux annoncés déjà par l’OMS qui, le 21 avril, répertoriait 169 cas d’hépatite inconnue détectés en Europe et ailleurs dans le monde. Tout est parti du Royaume-Uni, qui compte le plus grand nombre de cas (114 désormais). Les enfants affectés étaient âgés d’un mois à 16 ans, mais la plupart avaient moins de 10 ans, et beaucoup moins de 5 ans. Aucun d’eux ne présentait de comorbidité, mais des transplantations rénales ont dû être effectuées sur 17 jeunes. Au Royaume-Uni, l’un d’eux a perdu la vie. Actuellement, la cause exacte de l’hépatite reste inconnue, selon le Centre européen de prévention et de contrôle des maladies. Pour l’instant, une cause infectieuse semble considérée comme la plus probable, mais aucun lien commun avec une alimentation contaminée ou un toxique n’a été identifié. Une hépatite est une inflammation du foie, en réaction à des virus, des toxines (drogues, poisons etc.), des maladies auto-immunes ou génétiques. Souvent d’évolution bénigne, ses principaux symptômes – fièvre, diarrhées, douleurs au ventre, jaunisses – se résorbent rapidement ou restent faibles. Plus rarement, ils peuvent déboucher sur une insuffisance rénale.

    Réfugiés — La Police roumaine aux frontières a annoncé que 4 412 citoyens ukrainiens sont entrés lundi en Roumanie, soit de 38,3 % de plus que la veille. Depuis le début de l’invasion russe, le 24 février, et jusqu’au lundi 25 avril, plus de 78 6000 Ukrainiens sont arrivés en Roumanie. La Police roumaine aux frontières précise que des mesures de renforcement du contrôle ont été mises en place tout au long de la frontière terrestre roumano-ukrainienne.

    Défense — Le ministre de la Défense, Vasile Dîncu, a réitéré le soutien de la Roumanie pour la souveraineté et l’intégrité territoriale de l’Ukraine, dans ses frontières reconnues à l’international. Il a condamné les atrocités commises dans les villes et les villages d’Ukraine et a mis en exergue le besoin urgent d’ouvrir et de faire fonctionner sans conditions des couloirs humanitaires. Il a participé mardi à la première réunion du Groupe consultatif dans le domaine de la défense relatif à l’Ukraine. Elle a été accueillie sur la Base aérienne de Ramstein, en Allemagne, par le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Lloyd Austin. « Nous sommes tous déterminés à aider l’Ukraine à vaincre aujourd’hui et à consolider sa force demain », a souligné le responsable américain. Il a salué « la décision majeure » de l’Allemagne de soutenir l’Ukraine par des systèmes d’armes antiaériennes autopropulsées blindées Gepard. Antérieurement, la ministre allemande de la Défense Christine Lambrecht avait annoncé que des soldats ukrainiens seraient entraînés sur le sol allemand pour utiliser des systèmes d’artillerie.

    République de Moldova – La République de Moldova souhaite résoudre les tensions de la région séparatiste transnistrienne, affirme la présidente moldave, Maïa Sandu. La Transnistrie appartient à la République de Moldova, a-t-elle souligné, à l’issue d’une réuni on du Conseil suprême de sécurité convoqué suite aux incidents qui s’y sont fait jour. Les incidents qui ont eu lieu ces dernières 24 h dans la région transnistrienne sont une escalade des tensions et ont été provoqués par certaines forces favorables à la guerre, a précisé Maia Sandu. Elle a réitéré que la République de Moldova continue de plaider pour la solution pacifique du conflit transnistrien et a nié l’existence d’une quelconque tentative de Chişinău de mettre en place un blocus économique de la région séparatiste prorusse. La Transnistrie a fait sécession de la République de Moldova après un conflit armé soldé par des centaines de morts. Il a été tranché suite à l’intervention des troupes de la Fédération de Russie du côté des rebelles séparatistes. C’était en 1992, moins d’un an après que Chișinău eût proclamé son indépendance. Lors du sommet de l’OSCE d’Istanbul, en 1999, l’ancien président russe, Boris Eltsine, s’est engagé à retirer les troupes russes de Transnistrie. Environ 1 500 militaires et un important arsenal russe s’y trouveraient toujours.

    Pandémie — En Roumanie, le dernier bilan des cas de Covid-19 faisait état de 724 contaminations en 24 heures et deux décès associés. Le plus grand nombre de cas est à retrouver à Bucarest — 123. Plus de 1 200 personnes positives sont actuellement hospitalisées en Roumanie, dont 224 dans des unités de soins intensifs.