Tag: reconstruct

  • Bucharest and its parks

    Bucharest and its parks

    Saying that Bucharest is
    teeming with historic places and period listed buildings, richly decorated,
    that is no cliché. Interest for such areas and buildings may be dwindling, yet there
    are parks across the city where Bucharesters hurry to take a breath of fresh
    air in the summer, when the sweltering heat makes life almost unbearable, for a
    couple of weeks. Some of the parks are cultural icons and Gradina Icoanei is
    one such spot, which can be found in the city centre.

    As usual, we
    begin with a bunch of relevant words and phrases.

    Icoanei=The Icon’s Garden




    A asana= drain


    In colaborare

    Now let us use some of the words in meaningful

    Parcul Gradina Icoanei a fost construit in secolul al 18lea.

    The Gradina icoanei (Icon’s Garden) park was built in the
    18th century.

    Piriul Bucurestioara izvora exact
    din locul unde se afla astazi parcul.

    The Bucurestioara rivulet sprang exactly from the
    place where the park lies today.

    Izvorul a fost asanat in anul 1870.

    The spring was drained in 1870.

    Reabilitarea Parcului a fost facuta in colabiorare cu
    Ministerul Culturii.

    The reconstruction of the park was carried jointly
    with the Ministry of Culture.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!