Tag: relief

  • Dambovicioara


    We’re heading today towards the center of Romania. Our
    stopover is a tourist resort of national interest, the commune of Dâmbovicioara.
    The area is recommended to all categories of tourists, for relaxation, but also
    for active tourism. Climbing, mountain cycling and agritourism can be practiced
    there. Also, in the region you can watch genuine pageantries of traditional apparel,
    or you can take part in festivals that promote the local cuisine.

    It is a
    place replete with traditions, it is a destination for the entire family. With details
    on that, here is an official of the National Tourism Information
    and Promotion Center, Raluca Busioc.

    is a wonderful commune, with breathtaking scenery and I’m not the only one
    saying it, as here it feels like home to me and there are also many other people
    saying it, those who arrive here. Geographically speaking, Dâmbovicioara is
    part of Wallachia, it is a commune in Arges county, lying on the border with Brasov
    County, in Transylvania. The mountain ranges surrounding our commune are part
    of the Southern Carpathians, namely Piatra Craiului, Iezer-Păpușa and Leaota. So,
    the invitation we ‘re extending is for you to see spectacular landscapes existing
    in those mountain trails. The trekking routes are very many, and extremely varied.
    Also, you can practice bouldering in the Brusturet Gorges, a segment of the gorges
    which is part of a complex of eighteen gorges in our area. Apart from tis
    adventure tourism, relaxation is, by all means, welcome in our area because it
    is a very quiet area, it is not crowded at all. In recent years, jointly with
    the people in the community we have succeeded to lay our emphasis on experience
    tourism. We have been trying to promote, and we’ve succeeded, together with
    groups of tourists, to stage all sort of activities related to the life here,
    to life in the countryside.

    Experience-based tourism is an innovative
    approach to travelling, for which center-stage is being able to experience and
    understand culture, places and people, instead of only visiting traditional
    tourist objectives. This kind of tourism provides
    a deeper perspective on the destination. In Dâmbovicioara, you’re sure to
    experience the local culture and the local way of living, which, definitely,
    means unforgettable memories, says the official
    of the National Tourism Information and Promotion Center, Raluca Busioc.

    We experienced stitching on etamine, wood
    sculpture, tourists can see for themselves how to sew the ie, the traditional blouse
    specific for our area. Even the cooking workshops based on the recipes in our
    region have worked very well, while people have begun to be strongly attracted
    by everything related to experience tourism. Apart from the scenery or the leisure
    of the guesthouses, people want to have their own memories of their stay here. Usually,
    such activities target groups of at least ten people. So far, we have worked
    with tourism agencies that had the role of organizing that group. I have been approached
    and, jointly with the people here, in the community, with other partners, I have
    created tourism programs for those people. So a connection between tourists, the
    community and these activities in the community can be the Dambovicioara
    Tourism Center. The Center’s Facebook page can be accessed at Turism Dambovicioara
    and there it is the fastest way to contact me, but you can also contact me by phone,
    that’s for sure.

    You will also find a little museum with the Turism Promotion
    and Information Center.

    It is a room that has been arranged
    according to tradition. I thought, together with my colleagues and with the
    other people I have been working with, that it could act as an introduction to tradition.
    There is, in the region, a museum which is a lot more complex than tis room in
    the tourism center, yet the role this room had was, in fact, a meeting point
    for the women in the community. Later, tourists also came, they wanted to see
    for themselves how this demo of sewing and weaving work, actually, as we also
    have a weaving loom here, at the tourism center. So, the main role was to give
    an impetus of village women’s evening sittings that have of course got a new
    shape, yet what we had in mind were the village evening sitting of the old

    The Dâmbovicioara river cut down, into the rock, an eight-kilometer-long
    canyon, while in some of the segments the walls of the valley are more than 200
    meter high. There are more than 50 caves in the region. However, Raluca Busioc
    of the National Tourism Information and Promotion Center recommends that we
    visit the Dâmbovicioara Cave, which offers a varied karstic relief. It was
    discovered in 1579 and has electric lighting since 1980. Right at the entrance,
    you will find a restaurant with a traditional menu. Access can be made through a
    floodlit walkway, made of metal, on which tourists can walk the 250 meters that
    are available for visiting.

    Coming here, every year,
    are tens of thousands of tourists who are simply impressed by the legend of
    this cave. Briefly, it is about two outlaws, Fulga and
    Budac. The two outlaws stole the fortunes from the rich and gave them to the poor.
    So the legend is very interesting for those who come over. However, the most important tourist assets with us
    remain the tourist trekking routes, especially in Piatra Craiului, since it is
    one of the most spectacular mountains.

    If you intend to plan a holiday in Dambovicioara in 2024,
    it is advisable that you get there when a local event is held. Palm Sunday, The
    Assumption of Saint Mary, but also December 1st, the National Day of
    Romania, are an opportunity for a great feast or holiday. Also, another local event
    that has been very successful in recent years, an event which began in 2016, is
    the Day of the Peasant Embroidered Blouse, the ie in Romanian, staged on June

    It is a very interesting day,
    as the guests make contact with the people of the community, and it is also a
    merry-making opportunity. We have succeeded, together with the people in the region,
    to remind tourists of the simplicity of the days of yore, to better present the
    traditions that are specific to the region. By and large, the key element in
    all these activities has been the contact tourists had with the people in the
    region. We are here with our arms wide open for you, in a bid to show you the
    beauty of the region, to speak about us, to tell our story to the best of our
    abilities and, of course, to make you enjoy quiet and relaxing stay.

    So here we have a destination for all nature lovers, a
    destination where you can see unique assets, where you get to know special people and where you can charge your batteries for the whole year.

  • Support for Ukraine

    Support for Ukraine

    Romania will take care of
    all the Ukrainian nationals who reach its territory, president Klaus Iohannis
    promised his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, in a telephone conversation
    in which he also reiterated Romania’s full support for Ukraine’s EU accession.

    During the almost 3 weeks
    since Russia started the war in Ukraine, over 400,000 Ukrainian citizens entered
    Romania, and nearly one-fifth of them stayed here.

    Both the authorities and
    civil society have been quick to provide assistance, ever since the first wave
    of refugees: people fleeing the war at home received everything from free hot
    meals and accommodation to free transport and necessity goods, donations (including
    a charity concert that raised over EUR 750,000), job opportunities as well as healthcare
    or classes for the children who stayed in Romania.

    An EU-coordinated
    humanitarian hub set up in Suceava, in northern Romania, near the Ukrainian
    border, started operating last week and relief is already being delivered. The
    hub is critical in facilitating the transfer of donations raised in EU member
    states and from other countries and organisations.

    Assistance was also provided by Romania to
    those who are only transiting the country, which includes not only Ukrainian
    nationals but also third-country citizens who were in Ukraine when the war
    broke out.

    Among these were over 3,000 Israeli
    citizens and over 1,200 Jewish Ukrainians. Romania helped them enter the
    country and leave for Israel, the Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu announced
    after a meeting in Bucharest with his Israeli counterpart Yair Lapid. Jewish
    children from Odesa, children with cancer, were sent to Israel for treatment,
    and thousands of refugees fled via the Siret checkpoint. Their lives were saved
    thanks to the cooperation between our countries. Thank you, and thanks to the
    government of Romania, for cooperation and assistance, said Yair Lapid, who also
    visited the Siret checkpoint on Sunday.

    On the other hand, the
    World Health Organisation expressed concerns that the war in Ukraine may cause
    a spike in COVID-19 cases. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
    also issued an alert for the countries hosting refugees from Ukraine, warning
    of high rates of anti-microbial resistance in Ukraine, and also of polio and
    measles outbreaks that prompted a state of biological emergency being declared
    in October. This is why the EU institution recommends patient isolation in
    hospitals so as to prevent infectious diseases from spreading. (A.M.P.)

  • August 9, 2020

    August 9, 2020

    COVID-19 In Romania, another 1,145 coronavirus infections were reported in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cases since the start of the pandemic up to 61,768. More than 30,000 patients have recovered. The Strategic Communication Group announced that 458 patients are still in intensive care. The death toll of the pandemic in Romania is 2,700, with 41 deaths reported in the last 24 hours. The first COVID-19 case in the country was confirmed on February 26. The authorities urge citizens to get information from official sources only. Romania requested 10 million vaccine doses, when one is available, the health minister Nelu Tătaru announced. He added the vaccine will primarily be given to healthcare staff, to the elderly and people with previous conditions. Tǎtaru also warned that many cases are confirmed among tourists returning from their holidays, and reminded that the number of cases depends to a great extent on peoples compliance with face covering and distancing requirements. Apart from tourism, the health minister added, a number of other major risks have been identified, including business activities and regional commuting and transport. Tǎtaru expects a steady number of new cases next week, rather than an increase, but warned that the situation depends entirely on people observing protection rules.

    PANDEMIC Meanwhile, in spite of international and local efforts, the covonavirus continues to spread. worldometers.info reports at least 19.8 million cases worldwide, over 729,000 deaths, and at least 12.7 million patients recovered since the first case was reported in China 7 months ago. The worst hit country is the USA, which currently has over 5.1 million cases and over 165,000 deaths. Problems are still reported in Europe, with Britain still the worst affected (46,000 deaths), followed by Italy (35,000), France (30,000) and Spain (28,000). Many countries are stepping up efforts to create a vaccine. Singapore is starting human trials next week, in a first stage that would take until October. In Israel trials will also begin soon, while Russia announced it was producing 2 vaccines to be distributed this month—an announcement received with reserve by the World Health Organisation. The US has recently increased investments to support a potential vaccine currently in the last stage of clinical trials. Pharmaceutical companies around the world have signed contracts with countries like Canada, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands for experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

    TIFF Today brings the last screenings as part of the Transylvania International Film Festival in Cluj-Napoca. On Saturday night, the winners of this years edition were announced, in an event where the director Cristi Puiu caused a stir when he urged people to take off their protection masks. At the opening of his latest movie, “Malmkrog, Puiu argued that it is “inhuman to have people watch a 200-minute long film with their faces covered. The Transilvania trophy went to ”Babyteeth, the debut feature of the Australian director Shannon Murphy. The award gala was held for the first time outdoors, in the Union Square in Cluj-Napoca, as were all the around 140 film screenings this year.

    LEBANON The leaders of the worlds most powerful states are discussing today, in a conference call initiated by France and the UN, means to raise aid for Lebanon, after the massive explosion that ravaged Beirut. The US president Donald Trump said he planned to join the call. Several countries promised millions of US dollars in aid and sent vessels, healthcare workers and materials to help. Romania has joined the international relief effort. Nearly 8 tonnes of medical materials and pharmaceuticals were donated and shipped on Saturday from Romania to Lebanon. Authorities estimate the blast caused losses of up to 15 billion dollars. At least 158 people died, 5,000 were injured and 300 lost their homes. On Saturday several thousand people took to the streets, and clashes with the police were reported. Lebanons PM Hassan Diab said he would push for early elections. Lebanon was already in a major economic crisis and struggling with the coronavirus pandemic.

    NAGASAKI The mayor of the Japanese city of Nagasaki urged the government to take more steps to eradicate atomic bombs in the world. Tomihisa Taue gave an address during the commemoration of the 1945 American attack on the city, which killed over 80,000 people, and said that as the only country in the world to experience the devastating effects of nuclear weapons, Japan should sign and ratify as soon as possible the agreement prohibiting nuclear weapons. On August 9, 1945, an atomic bomb nearly obliterated Japans fourth-largest city, after on August 6 another bomb had killed over 140,000 in Hiroshima. (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 28 May, 2020

    28 May, 2020

    Coronavirus Romania. 197 new
    infections with Covid-19 were reported in Romania on Thursday, taking the toll
    to almost 19,000. 12,629 people have recovered and 182 are in intensive
    care. The death toll stands at 1,231. We cannot speak yet about a significant
    reduction of the epidemic, said president Klaus Iohannis, but announced a
    further easing of restrictions beginning on 1st June. International
    passenger rail travel will reopen and people will no longer have to carry a
    declaration when travelling out of town stating the purpose and destination of
    their journey. Outdoor bars and cafes will also reopen and access to beaches
    will be allowed as of 1st June, while respecting physical distancing
    rules. Outdoor performances with at least 500 spectators will also be allowed
    as of this date, as well as sports competitions that don’t involve physical

    Coronavirus world. Almost 5.7 million people have been
    infected with the novel coronavirus worldwide, while the death toll passes
    355,000. The situation continues to deteriorate in Brazil, where the number of
    infections exceeds 410,000 and where 25,000 people have died. Brazil is the
    world’s second most affected country after the United States, where there are
    1.7 million cases and more than 100,000 deaths. In Italy, the third worst hit
    country in Europe in terms of number of deaths, the authorities are tightening
    restrictions to prevent a second wave, after reports that people are not
    complying with social distancing recommendations. France
    announced it would reopen bars, cafes and restaurants on 2nd June,
    while Croatia said it would reopen its borders for ten EU countries. Spain is holding ten days of national
    mourning, the longest in history, in memory of the more than 27,000 people who
    died due the pandemic.

    EU. The European Commission has
    warned that access to the funds laid down in the recovery plan proposed on
    Wednesday will be linked to economic reforms. The conditions will not,
    however, be as strict as during the previous financial crisis, but will be aligned
    with the European agenda for environment and digitalisation, France Presse
    quotes European officials as saying. The plan entails a recovery fund of 750
    billion euros, of which 500 in subsidies and the rest in loans, which the
    European Commission wishes to attract from financial markets. To have access to
    these funds, member states must present projects that will then be approved in
    Brussels and other European capitals, explained the vice president of the
    European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis on Thursday. The main beneficiaries of
    the relief fund will be Italy and Spain, which were considerably hit by the
    coronavirus pandemic. Romania may be entitled to around 33 billion euros. The
    proposal of the European Commission will be subject to intense negotiations
    among member states, whose leaders will meet on the 18th and 19th
    June, when they will also discuss the EU multiannual budget for the period
    between 2021 and 2027.

    Romania’s Prime Minister
    Ludovic Orban on Thursday talked on the phone with German Chancellor Angela
    Merkel. They mentioned the special strategic relations between Romania and
    Germany and agreed to continue efforts to expand them, especially in the
    economic sector. The two officials also tackled the situation of Romanian seasonal
    workers in Germany. The chancellor conveyed her government’s constant concern with
    respect to observing and protecting the rights of Romanian workers and
    readiness to maintain close contact at all levels between the authorities of
    the two countries, building on the recent visit to Germany by the Romanian Minister
    of labour and social protection, Violeta Alexandru. The federal government recently
    initiated amendments to the domestic legal framework to provide increased
    protection for and guarantee the rights of Romanian workers.

    Repatriation. The Foreign Ministry in Bucharest announced
    on Thursday that 64 Romanian nationals were repatriated from France thanks to joined
    efforts by several Romanian institutions. Among those repatriated are students
    and their families who were unable to extend their stay in France. According to
    the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest these repatriations are part of efforts to
    facilitate the return of Romanian citizens stranded abroad because of air
    travel restrictions to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

    Ascension. Orthodox and Greek Catholic Christians on Thursday celebrated the Ascension of Jesus. This holiday was also declared Heroes’ Memorial Day in Romania after the First World War, in 1920, when all provinces with a majority Romanian population came under Bucharest’s control. Religious and military services were held outside churches and memorials dedicated to Romania’s heroes. In an address on this day, Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis said, quote: This special day in which we celebrate both our heroes and the Ascension of Jesus has a special meaning for the Romanian people. On this occasion we pay homage to the martyrs of the Romanian nation who gave their lives for us. Iohannis also paid tribute to the Romanian soldiers who died in the line of duty in various theatres of operation in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Western Balkans as part of international missions.

    Judiciary. The Superior
    Council of Magistracy in Bucharest on Thursday issued a negative opinion on a
    bill initiated by the centrist Save Romania Union, in opposition, on the
    dismantling of the special department for the investigation of crimes in the
    judiciary. The bill was endorsed by 40 deputies and senators from the Save
    Romania Union and the independent MP deputy Ana Birchall, a former member of
    the Social Democratic Party and former justice minister. Established by the
    former Social Democratic government, this department was presented as a means
    of preventing abuses in the judiciary but its critics say it was intended in
    fact to intimate magistrates and thus hinder the fight against corruption.

  • European agreement to manage the crisis

    European agreement to manage the crisis

    At the end of difficult negotiations, the EU finance ministers reached a deal on an over 500-billion euro rescue package for the member states severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

    The European Stability Mechanism will make 240 billion euro available in an emergency credit line to provide cash to member states. The European Investment Bank provides 200 billion euro worth of loans for small and medium-sized enterprises. And a further 100 billion euro will be made available by the European Commission to help companies retain workers, so that exporters can rebound once the pandemic passes.

    The Eurogroup president, Mário Centeno, has announced the deal, which was the outcome of lengthy negotiations. This response contains bold and ambitious proposals that would have been unthinkable just a few weeks ago. We can all remember the response to the financial crisis of the last decade when Europe did too little, too late. This time around, it is different, Centeno said.

    The French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, described the deal as the most important economic plan in the EU’s history.

    At the end of extensive talks, the 27 finance ministers have reached a consensus over strong responses to this unprecedented crisis, which is bringing many economies to their knees, the German finance minister Olaf Scholz said in his turn. He mentioned among these responses the strong support to the corporate sector, the very clear support to employees, allowing for the funding of partial unemployment, and support for the countries that need it through the European Stability Mechanism.

    The deal reached in Brussels is “a good message for the EU citizens, who will know that the states work together and the Union is effective, the German official also said.

    In the online negotiations, northern European countries were on one side, and the south of the continent, the most badly hit and the most fragile in economic terms, on the opposite side. Italy and Spain asked for funds to spend as they see fit, but the Netherlands insisted on strict conditions.

    A compromise was eventually reached, and any government borrowing money under this agreement is bound to use it strictly for COVID-19 prevention. The EU finance ministers rejected the idea, put forth by France and Italy, to share the costs of the crisis by issuing EU-underwritten “corona-bonds.

    Previous talks had failed, with the EU leaders mainly divided over the conditions under which Eurozone member states may have access to low cost loans from the European support fund.

    Both the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte emphasised at that point the importance of a united response from the EU.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • September 2, 2017

    September 2, 2017

    PARLIAMENT – In Bucharest, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate have convened for the second regular parliamentary session of the year. Romanian MPs are scheduled to handle overdue bills from previous sessions, and the new draft legislation tabled by the Government. Debates are to begin next week. Apart from the emergency orders concerning special pension benefits, child allowances and police salaries, Parliament is also to discuss a bill on mandatory vaccination. The most eagerly awaited debates concern the new Pension Bill, which is to reach the Parliament chambers by October 1, and the changes of the laws on the judiciary and the set-up of a Sovereign Investment Fund.

    CORRUPTION – The former president of the National Healthcare Insurance Agency, Marian Burcea, has been placed under 30-day arrest in an investigation into illegal refunds for healthcare services. According to the Bucharest Court of Appeals, in the same case the judges have also decided to place other individuals under pre-trial arrest. Anti-corruption prosecutors suspect frauds involving the funds of the Bucharest City Healthcare Insurance Agency, consisting in the refund of fictitious healthcare expenditure. The refunds were allegedly granted based on hundreds of fake medical records and involved agency personnel protected by top officials of the National Healthcare Insurance Agency. Tens of searches conducted at the offices of companies and institutions as well as at the homes of several individuals in Bucharest seem to indicate losses of 3 million euros caused to the public budgets.

    ENESCU FESTIVAL – The George Enescu International Festival, one of the most prestigious music events in Europe, opens today. For 3 weeks, 80 concerts and other events will bring together in Bucharest and 7 other major Romanian cities more than 3,000 of the best international artists. The honorary president this year is the famous conductor Zubin Mehta, and another conductor, Vladimir Jurowski is the artistic director. Radio Romania is the only media institution in the country to broadcast the concerts live, on its channels Radio Romania Music and Radio Romania Culture. The opening show, a performance of George Enescus opera “Oedipus by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, with conductor Vladimir Jurowski, will include multimedia features. First organised in 1958, 3 years after the famed Romanian composer had died, the George Enescu Festival was discontinued in 1971 by the communist regime, and was resumed in 1989. It has been held every 2 years ever since.

    HARVEY – The US President Donald Trump has requested Congress to earmark 7.85 billion US dollars for relief and reconstruction following hurricane Harvey, Reuters reports. Trump is to visit the disaster-hit areas today, for the second time. Harvey, one of the worst hurricanes to have hit the US in terms of the damages it has caused, forced one million Americans out of their homes. Tens of people died. Houston, the largest city in Texas and the fifth-largest in the US, is still paralysed by floods. In Beaumont, over 120,000 people are without drinking water.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias national football team had some difficulties defeating Armenia. The Romanians only managed to score in extra time, although they missed a penalty shot and the guests had a player taken off the pitch. Ranked 4th in the group, 7 points behind the group leader Poland and 4 points behind Denmark and Montenegro, Romania will play its next match on Monday, in Podgorica, against Montenegro. In this qualifying campaign, Romania is for the first time coached by a foreign manager, the German Cristoph Daum, who has been the target of growing criticism lately, from supporters, experts and the media, because of the poor performance of the national squad.

    BASKETBALL – The national basketball team of Romania plays today against Croatia, in Cluj-Napoca, in Group C of the European Basketball Championship, FIBA Eurobasket 2017. Romania was defeated on Friday by the Czech Republic, 83-68. Returning to continental basketball elite competitions after a 3-decade gap, Romania was only able to keep up with the Czech team in the first half of the game. In the other matches played on Friday in the same group, Croatia beat Hungary 67-58, and defending European champions Spain defeated Montenegro 99-60. The best 4 teams in each group will move on to the eighth-finals held in Turkey. The FIBA EUROBASKET 2017 final will be played in Istanbul, on September 17.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Toamna, în Clisura Dunării

    Toamna, în Clisura Dunării

    Vă invităm astăzi în sud-vestul României, într-o
    zonă despre care mulţi turişti spun că ar fi printre cele mai frumoase.
    Relieful este cu siguranţă unul deosebit. Veţi găsi aici pe de o parte dealuri
    stâncoase, pe de altă parte Dunărea, iar iubitorii naturii vor fi încântaţi de
    rezervaţiile naturale în care se găsesc păduri seculare cu plante şi păsări
    rare, protejate prin lege. În această ediţie a rubricii Radio Tour, vorbim
    despre Defileul Dunării, cunoscut şi sub denumirea de Clisura Dunării. Dacă
    doriţi să pescuiţi, să vă plimbaţi cu barca, să vizitaţi peşteri sau să faceţi
    drumeţii, atunci, aceasta este destinaţia perfectă.

    Crîsta, director executiv la Grupul de Acţiune Locală, Clisura Dunării, ne
    explică de ce toamna este anotimpul ideal pentru a ne îndrepta atenţia către
    această zonă. Toamna în Clisura Dunării este cea mai frumoasă,
    coloritul vegetaţiei fiind în toată splendoarea lui. Sunt diferite specii de
    arbori, care îşi colorează frunzele diferit. Toamna aţi putea vizita Peştera
    Veterani, una dintre dintre cele mai vechi
    peşteri descoperite în zona noastră. Vizitarea se face din Dunăre,
    accesul făcându-se în bărci. Acestea pot fi închiriate fie din portul Dubova,
    fie din Eşelniţa. Apoi, se poate vizita Peştera Ponicova. Aceasta nu este
    amenajată, dar e deschisă pentru turişti. Nu e o peşteră grea, e frumoasă, care
    are o intrare dinspre drumul principal, iar ieşirea din peşteră se face direct
    în Dunăre. De asemenea, unii aventurieri coboară din barcă în timpul croazierei
    şi intră în peşteră direct prin apă. Depinde de nivelul apei.

    zonă se întinde pe arealul a două judeţe: Mehedinţi şi Caraş-Severin. Dacă
    Mehedinţiul se laudă cu peşterile turistice, în Caraş Severin, recomandate sunt
    cetăţile, spune Raluca Crîsta, director
    executiv la Grupul de Acţiune Locală, Clisura Dunării. Sunt
    vestigii istorice şi culturale frumoase în anumite peşteri. De exemplu, Peştera
    Gaura cu Muscă. Este foarte accesibilă publicului. Apoi, foarte importantă e
    salba de cetăţi care se află pe Dunăre: Cetatea Drencova, Cetatea Tricule.
    Perioada de toamnă este foarte frumoasă când, după coacerea smochinelor, se
    face dulceaţa de smochine la Şviniţa, care este foarte renumită. Aici, turiştii
    îşi pot face programare la localnici şi pot asista la preparea gemului
    tradiţional de smochine Şviniţa şi a ţuicii tradiţionale din smochine.

    Clisura Dunării vă veţi bucura de bucătăria românească specifică zonei: ciorbă
    de peşte, dar şi peşte plachie şi gătit în diferite feluri pe post de aperitiv.
    Iar peşterile, mănăstirile şi disponibilitatea proprietarilor de pensiuni de a
    vă umple programul cu trasee deosebite vă vor asigura cu siguranţă o vacanţă de
    vis. Turişti veţi întâlni din toate colţurile lumii şi practicând toate formele
    de turism, spune Raluca Crîsta, director executiv la Grupul de Acţiune Locală,
    Clisura Dunării. Clisura Dunării este o destinaţie pentru
    toate tipurile de turişti. Avem turişti care vin pe bicicletă, care tranzitează
    Europa fie de-a lungul Dunării, fie prin alte circuite. Există câteva locuri de
    campare. Există case tradiţionale în care se pot închiria camere. Apoi, avem
    turiştii obişnuiţi care găsesc pensiuni şi vile la două şi trei stele, la
    preţuri accesibile. Există însă şi turismul de business. Cei care caută
    condiţii excelente de cazare le găsesc şi pe acestea. Acesta a început să se
    dezvolte tot mai mult. La început s-a dezvoltat pe partea judeţului Mehedinţi,
    acum se dezvoltă acest tip de turism şi în judeţul Caraş-Severin. Avem proiecte
    finanţate pentru activităţi recreaţionale: bărci, caiace, tir cu arcul,
    paintball, activităţi de speologie, de alpinism şi escaladă.

    Şi nu sunt de ratat nici
    evenimentele din zonă. Ca în fiecare an, de la Şviniţa a
    fost deschis la sfârşitul lunii august de concursurile sportive la fotbal,
    tenis de masă, şah şi pescuit sportiv şi cu
    înscrieri pentru concursul Cea mai bună dulceaţă de smochine şi Cea mai bună
    ţuică din smochine. În primul weekend al lunii
    septembrie, peste 300 de turişti au
    participat la cea de a 16-a ediţie a
    Festivalului Smochinului, având ocaziă de a degustă atât dulceaţa cât şi ţuica de smochine. Însă calendarul evenimentelor cuprinde şi alte
    acţiuni, pe care le aflăm de la Raluca Crîsta, director executiv la Grupul de
    Acţiune Locală, Clisura Dunării. Există Festivalul Satelor
    Dunărene, care se desfăşoară tot la Şviniţa. Există Festivalul Lalelei de
    Cazane, din Dubova. Pe lângă acestea, în Moldova Nouă există renumitul Festival
    al Ceaunului, când se prepară peşte la ceaun şi se fac tot felul de concursuri
    culinare. Pe lângă acestea există Nedeile, la care, pe lângă localnici, vin şi
    cei din comunităţile apropiate şi turişti. Sunt rugi care au o foarte mare valoare
    culturală. Generaţia tânără şi bătrână se adună laolaltă şi vedem cum oamenii
    îşi păstrează tradiţiile, vin îmbrăcaţi în portul tradiţional şi expun scenete,
    cântece şi dansuri populare. Există turişti care vin odată la câţiva ani şi
    simt schimbare în bine. Există alţii care vin în fiecare an de Crăciun, de

    Iată aşadar o destinaţie
    cu numeroase oferte de cazare, pentru toate buzunarele, în care vă puteţi
    bucura de toate formele de turism şi unde puteţi aprecia din plin bucătăria
    românească tradiţională, pe bază de peşte.

  • Meriem Sabine Amrane (Algérie) – le positionnement géographique de la Roumanie

    Meriem Sabine Amrane (Algérie) – le positionnement géographique de la Roumanie

    Les mentalités situent la Roumanie en Europe du Sud-Est, alors qu’en fait elle est exactement au centre de l’Europe, à distance égale de l’Atlantique et de l’Oural. Le pays est traversé par le 45e parallèle. Sa superficie est de 238.391 km² et il avoisine la Hongrie à l’Ouest, l’Ukraine dans le Nord, la République de Moldova dans le nord-est, la mer Noire dans l’est, la Bulgarie et la Serbie au sud.

    Son relief est varié, puisqu’il passe de 0 m d’altitude à la mer Noire à 2544 m, le plus haut sommet, celui de Moldoveanu. La Roumanie dispose de ressources naturelles dont le pétrole, le bois, le gaz, le charbon, le sel, de terres fertiles et de ressources hydrographiques, ainsi que de la plus grande concentration d’eaux minérales d’Europe. Sur l’ensemble de sa superficie, 28% est occupé par des montagnes (de plus de 800 m d’altitude), 42% par des collines et plateaux avec une altitude entre 200 et 800 m, et 30% par des plaines entre 0 et 200 m.

    L’arc des Carpates est présent au milieu du pays, avec au centre le Plateau transylvain, entouré des Carpates Occidentales, Méridionales et Orientales, à l’extérieur desquelles on retrouve des collines et des plaines. Les Carpates Orientales sont la chaîne de montagnes la plus longue du pays, composée de roches volcaniques, cristallines et sédimentaires. Leurs principales ressources sont les minerais de cuivre, plomb, or, argent, manganèse, charbon, eaux minérales etc. Les Carpates Méridionales sont formées de roches cristallines et de sommets calcaires. Ce sont les montagnes les plus hautes du pays, avec 11 sommets de plus de 2500 m. Les Carpates Occidentales sont les plus basses des montagnes du pays. Leurs principales ressources sont des minerais ferreux et non ferreux, du charbon, des eaux minérales, des matériaux de construction etc.

    Son climat est continental tempéré, avec des hivers moins rudes maintenant et des étés chauds, parfois caniculaires. La mer Noire forme la frontière sur 245 kms. Le pays est baigné par le Danube sur 1075 km ; son delta est la plus jeune terre roumaine. 95% des rivières roumaines se jettent dans ce fleuve, et le pays peut s’enorgueillir de ses 2300 lacs. Les plus grands sont près de la mer, et les plus petits, en montagne. Nous avons des lacs de barrage, volcaniques et glaciaires. En tout et pour tout, la Roumanie a un relief généreux, varié, et beaucoup d’endroits inédits qui méritent vraiment d’être visités.

  • Tout sur la Roumanie ou presque

    Tout sur la Roumanie ou presque

    Chapitre 1 : Informations générales

    Chapitre 2 : Armoiries, fête nationale, jours fériés, heure officielle, monnaie

    Chapitre 3 : Séparation des pouvoirs, pouvoirs dans l’Etat

    Chapitre 4 : Informations sociales-démographiques

    Chapitre 5 : Division administrative du territoire, principales villes

    Chapitre 6 : Histoire

    Chapitre 7 : Relief, eaux, climat, végétation, faune, aires protégées, ressources minérales

    Chapitre 8 : Transports

    Chapitre 9 : Préfixe téléphonique, domaine Internet

    Chapitre 1: Informations générales

    Nom officiel: Roumanie (appellation adoptée dès 1862, après l’union en 1859 des principautés de Moldavie et de Valachie).

    Forme de gouvernement: République

    Statut international: membre de l’ONU (depuis 1955), de l’UNESCO (1956), du Conseil de l’Europe (1993), de l’OTAN (29 mars 2004), membre de l’Union Européenne (depuis le 1er janvier 2007).

    Capitale: Bucarest (dans le Sud du pays, superficie de 228 km²). Attestation documentaire de 1459.

    Position géographique: Etat du Sud-Est de l’Europe Centrale, situé dans la partie Nord de la péninsule des Balkans, dans le bassin inférieur du Danube, avec une petite façade sur la mer Noire. Entre son extrémité Est et celle de l’Ouest, la Roumanie couvre 9 méridiens environ. Du Nord au Sud, le pays couvre 5 parallèles.

    Superficie: 238.391 km². (91.843 milles carrés). La Roumanie est le 12e plus grand pays d’Europe.

    Frontières: ~3150 kilomètres, dont un tiers environ de frontières terrestres et deux tiers de frontières sur l’eau (les rivières de Tisza et Prout, le Danube et la mer Noire). La côte roumaine de la Mer Noire s’étend sur près de 245 kilomètres.

    Voisins: La Hongrie (à l’Ouest et au Nord-Ouest), l’Ukraine (au Nord et à l’Est), la République de Moldova au Nord-Est et à l’Est), la mer Noire (au Sud-Est), la Bulgarie (au Sud) et la Serbie (au Sud-Ouest et à l’Ouest).

    Langue officielle: le roumain, qui est une langue néo-latine.

    Chapitre 2: Armoiries, fête nationale, jours fériés, heure officielle, monnaie

    Fête nationale: Le 1er Décembre (le 1er décembre 1918, les provinces historiques à population roumaine prépondérante envoyèrent leurs représentants à Alba Iulia, au centre du pays pour décider de leur union à la Roumanie).

    Drapeau: Le drapeau roumain est tricolore (bleu, jaune, rouge) et n’a pas connu de transformations majeures le long de l’histoire; la disposition des couleurs est verticale, en trois bandes de largeur égale, dans l’ordre suivant à partir de la hampe: bleu-cobalte, jaune-chrome, rouge-vermillon.

    Hymne national: “Réveille-toi Roumain!”, sur les vers du romantique roumain quarante-huitard Andrei Muresanu et la musique du poète et musicien Anton Pann.

    Armoiries: Les armoiries actuelles ont pour élément central l’aigle d’or des croisés, sur un écu d’azur, tenant dans ses serres un sceptre et une épée. Sur la poitrine de l’aigle se trouve un blason partagé en champs héraldiques représentant les provinces historiques roumaines (Valachie, Moldavie, Transylvanie, Maramureş, Crişana, Banat, territoires adjacents de la mer Noire).

    Heure officielle: l’heure de l’Europe orientale: (TU+2 (hiver), TU+3 (été). L’heure d’été est valable depuis le dernier dimanche du mois de mars et jusqu’au dernier dimanche du mois d’octobre.

    Jours fériés: Les 1er et 2 janvier (Nouvel An), le dimanche et le lundi de Pâques, le 1er mai, (Journée Internationale du Travail), le 24 juin (la Pentecôte), le 15 août (Fête de l’Assomption de la Vierge Marie), le 30 novembre (la Saint André), le 1er décembre (Fête nationale), les 25 et 26 décembre (Noël).

    Monnaie: Le leu (pluriel “lei”; symbole international RON) divisé en 100 bani. Le taux de change du leu par rapport à d’autres monnaies est disponible sur notre site.

    Chapitre 3: Séparation des pouvoirs, les pouvoirs dans l’Etat

    L’Etat roumain est organisé suivant le principe de la séparation et de l’équilibre des pouvoirs – législatif, exécutif (le Gouvernement et le Président de la république) et judiciaire — dans le cadre de la démocratie constitutionnelle (aux termes de la Constitution roumaine de 2003).

    Le président est élu au suffrage direct pour un mandat de 5 ans. Une personne peut occuper la fonction de président de la Roumanie pour deux mandats maximum.

    Les gouvernements roumains ont été pour la plupart issus de coalitions politiques, notamment depuis la première succession au pouvoir de la période postcommuniste, en 1996.

    Le Parlement bicaméral, formé de la Chambre des Députés et du Sénat (Chambre Supérieure), est élu au suffrage universel, dans un système uninominal à un seul tour de scrutin, pour un mandat de 4 ans. Les citoyens roumains résidant à l’étranger désignent par vote 4 députés et 2 sénateurs qui représentent leurs intérêts.

    Selon la Constitution, les minorités ethniques qui ne peuvent pas accéder directement au Parlement, se voient réserver un siège à la Chambre des Députés, à condition d’obtenir un nombre minimum de voix au niveau national.

    18 minorités sont ainsi représentées à la Chambre des Députés. La seule minorité ethnique qui parvient à accéder directement au Législatif est celle magyare, la plus nombreuse de Roumanie.

    La Roumanie est représentée au Parlement européen par 33 eurodéputés, pour un mandat de 5 ans.

    Chapitre 4: Informations sociales-démographiques

    Selon le recensement de la population et des immeubles, d’octobre 2011 (résultats partiels), la population stable était d’un peu plus de 19 millions (19.043.000) de personnes, dont 18,38 millions étaient présentes et 659 mille temporairement absentes. 910 mille autres étaient parties pour une longue période, (plus de 12 mois), et 300 mille temporairement présentes. Le recensement général de 2002 faisait état de 21,68 millions de personnes, la population ne cessant de baisser, en raison du déclin accentué de la natalité et d’un solde migratoire extérieur négatif.

    52,8% de la population stable de la Roumanie habitaient dans des grandes villes (appelées « municipes ») et villes et 47,2% dans des communes rurales.

    16,87 millions de personnes de la population stable (88,6%) se sont déclarées Roumains. La population d’ethnie magyare s’est chiffrée à 1,24 millions de personnes, (6,5%). 619 mille personnes (3,2%) se sont déclarées Roms.

    Autres groupes ethniques plus nombreux : Ukrainiens (51,7 mille personnes), Allemands (36,9 mille), Turcs (28,2 mille), Russes – Lipovènes (23,9 mille) et Tatares (20,5 mille).

    Les plus importantes communautés de Roumains ou de personnes originaires de Roumanie au delà des frontières nationales se trouvent en République de Moldova, aux Etats-Unis, au Canada, en Ukraine, Serbie, Allemagne, Israël et Australie. S’y ajoutent les nombreuses communautés de Roumains parties travailler à l’étranger, notamment en Italie et en Espagne.

    La population par sexe, selon l’Institut National de la Statistique ( le 1er janvier 2011): 51,3% de sexe féminin, 48,7% de sexe masculin. L’espérance de vie était de 70,1 ans pour les hommes et de 77,5 pour les femmes. L’âge moyen estimé de la population était de 39,8 ans.

    Chapitre 5: Division administrative du territoire, principales villes

    Divisions administratives : 41 départements et Bucarest, la capitale, qui a le rang de département; 320 villes (dont 103 grandes villes portant le nom de “municipes”) et 2861communes rurales.

    Principales villes: Bucarest (1,94 millions d’habitants environ) suivie par Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara et Constanta (de plus de 300 mille habitants).

    Chapitre 7: Relief, eaux, climat, végétation, faune, aires protégées, ressources minérales

    Les différentes formes de relief dessinent un amphithéâtre, à trois niveaux importants. Le plus élevé est représenté par les Carpates (avec un sommet atteignant les 2544 mètres – le Pic Moldoveanu, dans les Monts Fagărăş). La chaîne montagneuse, qui entoure le Plateau de la Transylvanie, se prolonge vers l’est et le sud, par les Subcarpates, zone de collines hautes de 1000 à 1500 mètres. Viennent ensuite les plaines, les vallées et le Delta du Danube, la région la plus jeune du pays qui subit des transformations permanentes, atteignant une altitude moyenne de 52 centimètres.

    La particularité du relief de la Roumanie est sa proportionnalité — les montagnes représentent 31% du territoire, les collines et les plateaux — 36%, alors que les plaines et les régions basses occupent 33% du territoire du pays.

    Le climat de la Roumanie est de type semi-continental de transition, avec des influences océaniques (dans l’ouest de la Roumanie), méditerranéennes, (dans le sud-ouest) et continentales excessives (dans l’est). Les températures moyennes pluriannuelle varient en fonction du relief, 8°C dans le nord, plus de 11°C dans le sud, moins 2,5°C à la montagne et 11,6°C dans les plaines.

    Ces dernières années, la Roumanie a connu des phénomènes météorologiques extrêmes — chutes abondantes et rapides de neige, pluies diluviennes, tornades, vagues de chaleur extrême et sécheresse prolongée, qui ont fait de nombreuses victimes et des dégâts matériels.

    Les eaux courantes de Roumanie forment un réseau radial. La plupart d’entre elles prennent leur source dans les Carpates et se jettent dans le Danube, directement ou par leurs affluents. Ce fleuve est le plus important cours d’eau du pays, qu’il arrose sur une longueur de 1075 kilomètres. Avant de se jeter dans la Mer Noire, le Danube forme un delta.

    Les lacs de Roumanie sont notamment naturels et se retrouvent à tous les niveaux du relief : lacs glaciaires (tel le Lac Mioarelor, à 2282 mètres d’altitude, dans les monts Fagaras), lacs fluviaux et maritimes (comme le lac Techirghiol, à 1 mètre et demi d’altitude).

    La végétation a une distribution étagée, suivant les caractéristiques du sol et du climat. Les régions montagneuses sont couvertes de forêts de conifères (notamment des épicéas), de forêts mixtes (hêtre, sapin et épicéa) et de forêts de hêtre. Les sommets des montagnes sont couverts de pâturages alpins et de buissons variés — genévriers, airelles (myrtilles), buis etc. Le hêtre, le chêne, le rouvre dominent les forêts de feuillus couvrant surtout les régions collinaires et les plateaux. La végétation de steppe et de sylvosteppe, occupant jadis les aires peu humides, a été en grande partie remplacées par des cultures agricoles.

    Variée, en fonction de la végétation, la faune de la Roumanie reste parmi les plus riches en Europe. A la montagne, on peut toujours rencontrer le chamois ou l’aigle. Les principaux locataires des forêts des Carpates sont — l’ours, le cerf, le lynx, le loup, le sanglier, le chevreuil, l’écureuil et de nombreuses espèces d’oiseaux. Dans certaines régions montagneuses, on peut encore observer le coq de bruyère ; les collines et les plaines, elles, sont notamment peuplées de lièvres, taupes, hérissons, reptiles, batraciens et un grand nombre d’espèces d’oiseaux. Les zones de steppe sont surtout le territoire des rongeurs — dont le souslik d’Europe et le hamster d’Europe. Du côté des eaux, les poissons dominants sont la truite (en montagne), le chevesne et le barbeau (dans les régions collinaires), la carpe, la perche, le brochet, le silure glane et le carassin argenté (dans les eaux des basses régions ainsi que dans le Delta du Danube) ou encore plusieurs espèces d’esturgeons (sur le cours du Danube inférieur ou dans les eaux marines).

    Les ressources minérales sont plutôt bien variées également : pétrole — avec une importante tradition d’exploitation — gaz naturels, charbon (la houille, le charbon brun ou le lignite), minerais ferreux et non ferreux, gisements d’or, d’argent et de bauxite, sel et ainsi de suite. S’y ajoutent les plus de 2000 sources d’eaux minérales et thermales utilisées dans la consommation courante ou pour des cures médicales.

    Plusieurs centaines d’aires sont protégées en Roumanie, totalisant quelque 20% du territoire du pays. En 2011, il y avait 3 réserves de la biosphère, inscrites au patrimoine de l’UNESCO (le Delta du Danube, les Parcs Nationaux des Monts Retezat et Rodnei), 8 zones humides d’importance internationale, 13 parcs nationaux, 15 parcs naturels, 206 monuments de la nature, 64 réserves de préservation scientifique, 699 réserves naturelles et 148 aires de protection spéciale des populations d’animaux et d’oiseaux.

    Chapitre 8: Transports

    La Roumanie dispose d’un peu plus de 500 kilomètres d’autoroutes ou routes en régime d’autoroutes, groupés sur 3 directions : A1 (Bucarest – Piteşti–Sibiu–Deva–Timişoara–Arad–Nădlac), A2 (Bucarest — Constanta), A3 (Bucureşti–Braşov–Oradea–Borş).

    Les routes européenne classe A qui traversent la Roumanie sont : E58; E60; E68; E70; E79; E81; E85; E87. En Roumanie les routes s’étendent sur 198.930 kilomètres.

    La longueur totale des voies ferrées est d’environ 10.785 kilomètres, dont près de 4.020 kilomètres électrifiées.

    Principaux ports : à la Mer Noire – Constanţa, Mangalia ; sur le Danube – Orşova, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Mãgurele, Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Olteniţa, Cãlãraşi, Cernavodã, Brãila, Galaţi, Tulcea, Sulina.

    Principaux aéroports : Bucarest (“Henri Coandã” – Otopeni et Aurel Vlaicu” — Bãneasa pour des vols charters et vols privés), Constanta, (Mihail Kogãlniceanu”), Timişoara (Traian Vuia”), Cluj-Napoca, Târgu Mureş (Transilvania”), Bacău, Iaşi, Sibiu, Arad, Oradea, Baia Mare, Suceava.

    Chapitre 9: Préfixe téléphonique, domaine Internet

    Le préfixe téléphonique international pour la Roumanie est 0040 (ou +40)

    Le préfixe de Bucarest est 0040.21 si on appelle de l’extérieur de la Roumanie. Le préfixe est suivi d’un numéro à 7 chiffres.

    Le domaine Internet pour la Roumanie est .ro .