Tag: Resolute Castle

  • 31.07.2019


    Infrastructure – La Commission européenne a approuvé un investissement de 27,4
    millions d’euros pour la modernisation du port de Galaţi (sud-est), le plus grand
    port fluvial de Roumanie. Le projet inclut, notamment, la modernisation des
    quais et la construction de l’infrastructure nécessaire pour un terminal
    intermodal moderne. Cela permettra de passer du transport routier au transport ferroviaire
    et sur les voies navigables de l’axe de transport transeuropéen
    Rhin-Danube, en remplissant ainsi un
    objectif d’intérêt commun de l’Union européenne. Le coût total des travaux s’élèvera
    à près de 90 millions d’euros et la différence sera cofinancée par l’Etat

    Chômage – En Roumanie, le taux du chômage est monté à 4% au mois de juin, soit
    0,1% de plus par rapport au mois de mai, selon les données publiées aujourd’hui
    par l’Institut national de la statistique. Le nombre estimé de chômeurs pour le
    mois de juin, des personnes entre 15 et 74 ans, a été de 352.000, en hausse par
    rapport aux 351.000 chômeurs du mois de mai. Néanmoins, le nombre a baissé par
    rapport à juin 2018 quand il était estimé à 379.000 personnes. Pour ce qui est
    du chômage par sexes, 4,4% des hommes sont chômeurs, contre seulement 3,3% des
    femmes. Le taux du chômage pour les adultes entre 25 et 74 ans a été, lui,
    estimé à 3,1% pour juin.

    Education – Les élèves roumains participant à l’Olympiade de chimie 2019 à Paris
    ont remporté une médaille d’or et trois médailles d’argent. C’est Mircea Raul Bodrogean,
    élève en seconde au Lycée international d’informatique de Bucarest, qui a gagné
    la médaille d’or. Les médailles d’argent sont allées à Ioana Maria Popa, en
    terminale au Lycée national de Iaşi (est), Ana Florescu Ciobotaru, en première
    au Lycée international d’informatique de Bucarest, et Tudor Lile, en seconde au
    Lycée national « Moise Nicoară » d’Arad (ouest). La 51e
    édition de l’Olympiade internationale de chimie a eu lieu du 21 au 30 juillet
    à Paris et a compté 309 concurrents de 84 pays.

    Défense – La cérémonie de clôture de l’exercice militaire multinational « Resolute
    Castle 2019 » a lieu aujourd’hui au polygone militaire de Cincu, dans le
    centre de la Roumanie. A l’exercice ont participé des unités du génie des
    Forces terrestres roumaines et de la Garde nationale de l’Etat américain de
    Caroline du Sud. C’est pour la cinquième année consécutive que les militaires
    roumains et étrangers ont exécuté des travaux d’infrastructure et d’aménagement
    des plates-formes d’instruction au polygone de Cincu. « Resolute Castle
    2019 » visait à augmenter le niveau d’interopérabilité par l’instruction
    continue et par l’application de solutions novatrices aux problèmes habituels
    du génie. Les travaux menés font partie du projet European
    Reasurance Initiative, déroulé par l’armée américaine en coopération avec des
    structures du génie des Forces terrestres roumaines.

    Football – La championne de Roumanie de
    football CFR Cluj s’est qualifiée au
    troisième tour préliminaire de la Ligue des champions, mardi soir, après avoir terminé à égalité,
    2 partout, en déplacement, contre l’équipe israélienne Maccabi Tel Aviv.
    Lors du match aller à domicile, CFR avait gagné 1-0. Les Roumains auront pour
    adversaire la célèbre Celtic Glasgow qui a vaincu la championne de l’Estonie,
    Nomme Kalju, 5-0 et respectivement 2-0. Victorieuse 3-0 au match aller, à
    Erevan, la vice-championne de Roumanie, FCSB, jouera jeudi à domicile contre
    l’équipe arménienne Alachkert FC, lors des matchs retour du deuxième tour de la
    Ligue Europa. CSU Craiova aura pour
    adversaires à domicile Honved Budapest, contre lesquels les Roumains ont remisé
    0-0 au match aller. La gagnante de la Coupe de Roumanie, Viitorul
    Constanţa, rencontrera l’équipe belge KAA La Gantoise, qui l’a surclassée
    3-6 la semaine dernière.

    Météo – Alerte jaune aux averses, aux vents forts et à la grêle à partir de
    cet après-midi jusqu’à cette nuit, dans les régions de montagne et dans
    plusieurs départements de pays. Les quantités d’eau dépasseront les 15-25 l/mc
    et, par endroits, les 35-40 l/mc. Les pluies s’étaleront ensuite sur la plupart
    du sud, du centre, du nord et de l’ouest du pays jusqu’à jeudi midi. Les températures
    maximales vont de 27° à 36°, avec 32°C à midi dans la capitale.

  • May 13, 2018

    May 13, 2018

    VISIT Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to the Vatican, has talked on the phone with His Grace Siluan, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop to Italy, who is currently on a visit to Paris to participate in the Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Western and Southern Europe. The Romanian Prime Minister has highlighted aspects related to her visit to the Holy See and the excellent bilateral relations at political, cultural and educational levels. Viorica Dancila has appreciated the support offered by the Romanian Orthodox Church to the communities in the Diaspora, mainly in Italy, and has mentioned the importance the church has in the life of the Romanians living abroad. The Romanian Prime Minister has also underlined the importance the Romanian authorities attach to the observation of the rights of the Romanian communities and the role of religious denominations in keeping spiritual and linguistic identities. On Saturday Dancila met the Romanian students in the Catholic universities in Italy and was received by Pope Francis. Her visit to the Vatican comes against the background of excellent bilateral relations and in the year when we celebrate 100 years since the unification of the Romanian principalities, an event to be also marked at the Holy See through a series of major cultural and academic events.

    RALLY Thousands took to the streets of Bucharest on Saturday and other major cities across Romania to participate in a protest rally under the title ‘We want Europe not Dictatorship!’ The participants have accused the ruling PSD – ALDE coalition of having failed to meet the pledges it made in the election campaign trying to keep Romania away from European and democratic standards throwing it into a regime where only political interests prevail. According to the organizers, among the anti-democratic actions of the PSD-ALDE coalition are the amendments to the penal codes, the fines abusively imposed by the Romanian gendarmes, as well as the politicians’ attempt to amend laws without public consultations. The Romanians abroad have announced their solidarity with the protesters.

    TENNIS Several Romanian players are on the main draw of the tennis tournament in Rome with 3.3 million dollars in prize money, a competition that is to kick off on Monday. The world’s number one Simona Halep will play directly in the competition’s second round against the winner of the game pitching Victoria Azarenka of Belarus against Naomi Osaka of Japan. Mihaela Buzarnescu will be playing Shuai Zhang of China whereas Irina Begu will be up against Shuai Peng also from China. Sorana Carstea will play against a player coming from the qualifying rounds where Monica Niculescu of Romania will be meeting Russian Natalia Vikhlyantseva. In the last year’s edition Halep lost the finals to Elina Svitolina of Ukraine. The tennis competition in Rome is the last before the Roland Garros Grand Slam tournament in Paris.

    HANDBALL Romania’s champions in women’s handball, CSM Bucharest takes on Russian side Rostov Don today in Budapest for the third place in the Champions League. The finals is pitching local side Gyor against Vardar Skopje of Macedonia. CSM lost the semifinals to Gyor 26-20 while Vardar secured a 25-19 win against Rostov Don. We recall that CSM Bucharest won Final Four in 2016. In another development on Friday, Romanian women’s handball side SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup after a 30-25 win against the Norwegians from Vipers Kristiansand. The Romanians lost the first game 22-26. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova and the first EHF Cup secured by Romania’s women handballers. We recall that back in 1984 and 1989, when the competition was named the IHF Cup, Romanian side Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea emerged as winner, while Rapid Bucharest, also from Romania secured the title in 1993.

    DRILL Resolute Castle 2018 is a multinational drill that has kicked off at the shooting range in Cincu, central Romania. The six-month exercise has brought together troops from Romania’s Ground Forces and the South Carolina National Guard. The US and Romanian troops will get involved in infrastructure projects aimed at modernizing the training facilities in the Cincu shooting range. Resolute Castle 2018 is an exercise focusing on streamlining the training centers in Poland and Romania allowing the US troops to quickly mobilize and hold exercises jointly with their multinational partners in order to prove their deterrence capability in a complete security environment.

    (translated by bill)

  • May 11, 2018 UPDATE

    May 11, 2018 UPDATE

    VISIT – The Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă is on a visit to the Vatican until Sunday. On Friday the PM was received in audience by Pope Francis. According to a communiqué issued by the Romanian Government, PM Dancila thanked the Pope for the special attention he has always paid to relationships with Romania and expressed hope that the Pope will pay an apostolic visit to our country. So far, the agenda of the talks has included, among others, the protection of human rights and ensuring religious freedom. The PMs visit to the Vatican comes against the backdrop of very good bilateral relations, in a year when Romania celebrates the Centennial of the Great Union, which will be marked at the Holy See through a number of academic and cultural events.

    CORRUPTION – Liviu Dragnea, the head of the Social Democratic Party, in power in Romania, told the Associated Press that in Romania the fight against corruption has gone too far, and that there has been a shift from a time when no politician in power was probed into, to a situation where all politicians are accused, prosecuted and indicted, and their careers are ruined by trials. Dragnea also said that Romania will find a fair, legal way to tackle corruption. AP mentions that Liviu Dragnea could not become a PM after his party won the election because he had been convicted for vote rigging, and that he is currently facing 2 other charges, namely embezzling European funds and official misconduct. The American news agency also mentions that the attempts by the ruling coalition to amend the countrys criminal laws triggered massive protests at home and criticism abroad. In the interview, Liviu Dragnea also said his party supports the EU concept, but that both Romania, and other Eastern European member states are concerned and preoccupied about a “two-speed Europe that leaves poorer nations behind while the wealthier ones benefit.

    LEGISLATION – The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis Friday notified the Constitutional Court of Romania on a change in the law regulating the operation of the Higher Council of Magistracy, the Presidential Administration announced. The President criticised the separation of the Councils powers by departments. Early this month the President decided to send back to the Constitutional Court the 3 justice laws, on the status of judges and prosecutors, on the organisation of courts and on the Higher Council of Magistracy, after they had been rushed through Parliament in the form drafted by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Democrats and Liberals. Iohannis also announced he would send the bills to the Venice Commission for review.

    MILITARY – The opening ceremony for the multi-national exercise Resolute Castle 2018 took place on Friday at the military firing range in Cincu, central Romania. This is a six-month exercise involving troops of the Romanian Land Forces and the South Carolina National Guard. Until September, the Romanian and American military will conduct infrastructure works and arrange the training platforms at the Cincu range. Resolute Castle 2018 is an exercise focusing on the construction and strengthening of training centres in Poland and Romania. This enables US military units to rapidly deploy troops, to rotate troops with allies and multi-national partners and to prove their deterrence capacity in a complete security environment.

    ART – Works put at some 10 million euros, from important private collections, from the Pompidou Museum in Paris as well as from the collection of the former communist dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu are on display, as of today until May 20th, in Art Safari, the largest art event in Romania, hosted by a central Bucharest square. The most valuable piece on display is a Brancusi from a private collection and estimated at “a seven-digit number as the director of Art Safari Bucharest, Ioana Ciocan has put it. The Art Safari exhibition has reached its 5th edition this year.

    ECONOMY – The GDP of the European Union amounted to 15,300 billion euros in 2017, according to data made public on Friday by Eurostat. Romanias GDP was nearly 188 billion euros, accounting for 1.2% of the GDP of the bloc, and ranking as the 16th economy in the EU. According to Eurostat, Romanias GDP was slightly higher than Greeces 178 billion euros, but below the GDP of the Czech Republic, 192 billion euros. More than half of the GDP of the EU was generated in 2017 by just 3 countries: Germany, the UK and France. With nearly 3,300 billion euros last year, Germany strengthened its position as the top economy of the Union, accounting for 21% of the Unions GDP. At the opposite pole, 11 EU member states produced less than 1% of the blocs GDP: Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Hungary.

    REP OF MOLDOVA – Over 100 mayors gathered in Chishinau on Friday to attend the third meeting of the Congress of Local Authorities from Romania and the Republic of Moldova (a former Soviet country with a Romanian speaking population). During the meeting, the mayors unanimously endorsed an appeal-declaration calling on the central authorities in Romania and the Republic of Moldova to go ahead with the local decentralization process, to organize every year a joint session of the Romanian and Moldovan Governments, and to harmonies the legislation of the two countries. In 2017, some 100 towns and communes in the Republic of Moldova signed twinning agreements with similar localities in Romania. An overall number of over 500 localities from the two countries have joined the twinning program. (Translated by D. Vijeu and AM Popescu)

  • May 11, 2018

    May 11, 2018

    VISIT – The Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă is on a visit to the Vatican until Sunday. On Friday the PM was received by Pope Francis. The agenda of the visit also includes a meeting with his Holiness Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, with the Grand master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, and with the president of the Community of SantEgidio Marco Impagliazzo. According to a news release issued by the Government of Romania, the PMs visit to Vatican comes against the backdrop of very good bilateral relations, in a year when Romania celebrates the Centennial of the Great Union, which will be marked at the Holy See through a number of academic and cultural events.

    CORRUPTION – Liviu Dragnea, the head of the Social Democratic Party, in power in Romania, told the Associated Press that in Romania the fight against corruption has gone too far, and that there has been a shift from a time when no politician in power was probed into, to a situation where all politicians are accused, prosecuted and indicted, and their careers are ruined by trials. Dragnea also said that Romania will find a fair, legal way to tackle corruption. AP mentions that Liviu Dragnea could not become a PM after his party won the election because he had been convicted for vote rigging, and that he is currently facing 2 other charges, namely embezzling European funds and official misconduct. The American news agency also mentions that the attempts by the ruling coalition to amend the countrys criminal laws triggered massive protests at home and criticism abroad. In the interview, Liviu Dragnea also said his party supports the EU concept, but that both Romania, and other Eastern European member states are concerned and preoccupied about a “two-speed Europe that leaves poorer nations behind while the wealthier ones benefit.

    LEGISLATION – The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis Friday notified the Constitutional Court of Romania on a change in the law regulating the operation of the Higher Council of Magistracy, the Presidential Administration announced. The President criticised the separation of the Councils powers by departments. Early this month the President decided to send back to the Constitutional Court the 3 justice laws, on the status of judges and prosecutors, on the organisation of courts and on the Higher Council of Magistracy, after they had been rushed through Parliament in the form drafted by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Democrats and Liberals. Iohannis also announced he would send the bills to the Venice Commission for review.

    MILITARY – The opening ceremony for the multi-national exercise Resolute Castle 2018 takes place today at the military firing rage in Cincu, central Romania. This is a six-month exercise involving troops of the Romanian Land Forces and the South Carolina National Guard. Until September, the Romanian and American military will conduct infrastructure works and arrange the training platforms at the Cincu range. Resolute Castle 2018 is an exercise focusing on the construction and strengthening of training centres in Poland and Romania. This enables US military units to rapidly deploy troops, to rotate troops with allies and multi-national partners and to prove their determent capacity in a complete security environment.

    ART – Works put at some 10 million euros, from important private collections, from the Pompidou Museum in Paris as well as from the collection of the former communist dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu are on display, as of today until May 20th, in Art Safari, the largest art event in Romania, hosted by a central Bucharest square. The most valuable piece on display is a Brancusi from a private collection and estimated at “a seven-digit number as the director of Art Safari Bucharest, Ioana Ciocan has put it. The Art Safari exhibition has reached its 5th edition this year.

    ECONOMY – The GDP of the European Union amounted to 15,300 billion euros in 2017, according to data made public on Friday by the Eurostat. Romanias GDP was nearly 188 billion euros, accounting for 1.2% of the GDP of the bloc, and ranking as the 16th economy in the EU. According to Eurostat, Romanias GDP was slightly higher than Greeces 178 billion euros, but below the GDP of the Czech Republic, 192 billion euro. More than half of the GDP of the EU was generated in 2017 by just 3 countries: Germany, UK and France. With nearly 3,300 billion euros last year, Germany strengthened its position as the top economy of the Union, accounting for 21% of the Unions GDP. At the opposite pole, 11 EU member states produced less than 1% of the blocs GDP: Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Hungary.

    EUROVISION – The band The Humans, representing Romania in the Eurovision 2018 Song Contest in Lisbon with the song “Goodbye, has failed to qualify on Thursday into the Grand Final. The Republic of Moldova, on the other hand, managed to get past the semi-finals. A total of 20 countries will take part in the finals. Apart from the host country Portugal, the top 5 contributors to the Eurovision, namely Germany, Italy, France, the UK and Spain, take part in the final by default. Last year, Portugal won the Eurovision with a song performed by Salvador Sobral.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball team SCM Craiova is playing at home on Friday against the Norwegian side Vipers Kristiansand, in the second leg of the EHF Cup finals. In the first leg, last Saturday, the Norwegians won 26-22. Meanwhile, Romanian champions, CSM Bucharest, will face on Saturday the Hungarian team Gyor ETO, in the so-called Final Four, the Champions League semi-finals. If they get into the final, CSM will play on Sunday against the winner of the match pitting HC Vardar, of Macedonia, against Rostov-Don, of Russia. CSM Bucharest won the Final Four in 2016.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 11.05.2018


    Visite — Le Premier ministre roumain, Mme Viorica Dăncilă, qui effectue une visite officielle au Vatican, jusqu’à dimanche, a été reçue aujourd’hui par le Pape François. Elle doit également rencontrer le Secrétaire d’Etat et chef de la diplomatie du Saint Siège, le cardinal Pietro Parolin, le Grand Maître de l’Ordre souverain de Malte, Giacomo Dalla Torre del Tempio di Sanguinetto, le président de la communauté de Sant’Egidio, Marco Impagliazzo et les étudiants roumains des universités pontificales. Cette visite a lieu sur la toile de fond des très bonnes relations entre la Roumanie et le Saint Siège et dans le contexte où la Roumanie fête cette année le Centenaire de la Grande Union. Selon un communiqué du gouvernement de Bucarest, plusieurs événements culturels marquant le Centenaire roumain sont prévus à Rome.

    Déclarations — Le chef de file des sociaux-démocrates et l’homme fort de la coalition gouvernementale de Bucarest, Liviu Dragnea, a déclaré, dans une interview pour Associated Press, que la lutte anti-corruption était allée trop loin en Roumanie. On est passé de la situation où aucun politicien au pouvoir n’était mis en examen à celle où tous sont accusés, poursuivis et déférés à la justice, leur carrière étant ruinée à cause des procès, a-t-il affirmé. Et lui d’ajouter que la Roumanie trouvera une voie correcte, légale et constitutionnelle pour aborder le phénomène de la corruption. Associated Press rappelle que Liviu Dragnea n’a pas pu devenir premier-ministre, après la victoire de son parti, en raison d’une condamnation pour fraude électorale et de deux autres accusations à son encontre, à savoir détournement de fonds et incitation à l’abus de pouvoir. L’agence de presse américaine mentionne que les tentatives des la coalition gouvernementale de modifier la législation pénale ont suscité d’amples protestations internes et les critiques de ses partenaires externes. Liviu Dragnea a également affirmé que le parti qu’il dirige soutient les concepts de l’UE, mais que la Roumanie et certains autres pays d’Europe de l’est sont préoccupés par l’existence d’une Europe à deux vitesses.

    Justice — La Haute Cour de cassation et de justice de Bucarest pourrait rendre ce vendredi son verdict dans le dossier où l’ancien juge de la Cour constitutionnelle Toni Greblă est accusé de trafic d’influence, d’opérations financières incompatibles avec ses fonctions, d’association de malfaiteurs et de fausses déclarations. La décision des magistrats ne sera pas définitive. Le 27 mars dernier, la Direction nationale anti-corruption avait demandé une peine de prison ferme et l’interdiction d’occuper des fonctions publiques pour un certain temps. Ancien sénateur social-démocrate et juge à la Cour Constitutionnelle, M. Grebla est accusé davoir reçu entre 2010 et 2015 plusieurs objets de valeurs – une automobile de luxe, des sommes dargent et des objets publicitaires pour la campagne électorale – en échange de son intervention afin de favoriser des contrats à lintention dun certain homme daffaires. Cest pour la première fois quun juge de la Cour Constitutionnelle de Roumanie fait lobjet dun dossier de corruption.

    Exercice — Le polygone militaire de Cincu, au centre de la Roumanie accueille aujourd’hui la cérémonie d’ouverture de l’exercice multinational Resolute Castle 2018. Y participent, six mois durant, des militaires des Forces terrestres roumaines et de la Garde nationale de l’Etat de Caroline du sud. Jusqu’au mois de septembre, les militaires roumains et américains vont exécuter des travaux d’infrastructure et d’aménagement des plates-formes d’instruction du polygone de Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 est un exercice ciblé sur la construction et le renforcement des centres d’instruction de Pologne et de Roumanie. Cela permet aux unités militaires des Etats-Unis de mobiliser rapidement leurs forces, de mener, à tour de rôle, des exercices conjoints avec les alliés et les partenaires multinationaux et de démontrer leur capacité dissuasive dans un environnement de sécurité complet.

    Art — Des ouvrages d’art du Musée Pompidou de Paris, évalués à près de 10 millions d’euros, provenant de collections privées importantes, ainsi que de celle de l’ancien dictateur communiste Nicolae Ceauşescu, sont exposés du 11 au 20 mai, à Bucarest, dans le cadre de l’Art Safari. Il s’agit du plus grand événement de Roumanie consacré à l’art, accueilli par la capitale et qui en est à sa 5e édition.

    Eurovision — Le groupe The Humans avec la chanson « Goodbye », qui représente la Roumanie à l’édition 2018 de l’Eurovision de la chanson, n’a pas réussi à se qualifier pour la grande finale de samedi. Par contre, le groupe représentant la République de Moldova a réussi la qualification. 20 pays au total sont présents au dernier acte du concours. Hormis le Portugal, le pays hôte, cinq autres contribuables — Allemagne, Italie, France, Royaume-Uni et Espagne sont automatiquement qualifiés pour la finale prévue pour samedi. L’édition 2017 de l’Eurovision de la chanson a été remportée par le Portugal, avec la chanson “Amar pelos dois”, interprétée par Salvador Sobral.

    Handball — L’équipe féminine de handball de Roumanie SCM Craiova rencontre aujourd’hui à domicile les sportives norvégiennes du Vipers Kristiansand, en match retour de finale comptant pour la Coupe EHF. Lors de la première manche, déroulée samedi dernier, les joueuses norvégiennes se sont imposées sur le score de 26 à 22. D’autre part, le champion de Roumanie, CSM Bucarest, rencontrera samedi prochain l’équipe magyare Gyor ETO, dans les demi-finales de la Ligue des Champions, dans le cadre du « Final Four » de Budapest. Si les sportifs roumains remportent la demi-finale, ils rencontreront l’équipe gagnante du match disputé dans l’autre demi-finale, entre l’équipe de Macédoine, HC Vardar et l’équipe russe Rostov-Don. Le CSM Bucarest a remporté l’édition 2016 Final Four.

    Météo — Les températures vont légèrement augmenter, mais le temps demeure instable. Des pluies à verse accompagnées de phénomènes orageux sont attendues sur la moitié sud du pays et en haute montagne. Des chutes de grêle sont également possibles. Les maxima de la journée iront de 19 à 29 degrés. 21 degrés à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.