Tag: Resolute Castle 2018

  • May 13, 2018 UPDATE

    May 13, 2018 UPDATE

    VISIT Romania’s Prime
    Minister Viorica Dancila on Sunday paid a visit to the Academia di Romania in
    Rome, the oldest Romanian cultural institution abroad, which this year
    celebrates 96 years of existence. Romanians this year mark a century since the
    foundation of the Romanian modern state (1918 – 2018). According to a
    government communiqué released on Sunday, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has also talked on the phone
    with His Grace Siluan, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop to Italy, who is currently
    on a visit to Paris to participate in the Congress of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitanate of Western and Southern Europe. The Romanian Prime
    Minister has highlighted aspects related to her visit to the Holy See and the
    excellent bilateral relations at political, cultural and educational levels.
    Viorica Dancila has appreciated the support offered by the Romanian Orthodox
    Church to the communities in the Diaspora, mainly in Italy, and has mentioned
    the importance the church has in the life of the Romanians living abroad. The
    Romanian Prime Minister has also underlined the importance the Romanian
    authorities attach to the observation of the rights of the Romanian communities
    and the role of religious denominations in keeping spiritual and linguistic

    TALKS Ludovic Orban,
    president of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Romania’s main opposition party,
    is expected to meet German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday as part of a
    three-day visit a delegation of Romanian Liberals is paying to Germany. Talks
    have been scheduled with representatives of the federal government on energy
    issues, with representatives of the business environment, MPs from the
    Christian Democratic Union and with representatives of the Romanian community
    in Germany. According to the PNL press office, the visit is the result of the
    very good cooperation the Romanian Liberals have inside the European People’s
    Party with the Christian Democratic Union of Germany and the visit comes in
    response to an invitation from Konrad-Adenauer Foundation.

    HANDBALL Romania’s
    champions in women’s handball CSM Bucharest have become the bronze medalists
    in the Champions League after a 31-30 win in Budapest on Sunday against Russian
    side Rostov Don. CSM lost the semifinals on Saturday to Hungarian side Gyor 26-20.
    This has been CSM’s second bronze medal in a row. We recall that in 2016 CSM
    was the competition’s gold medalist.

    DRILL Resolute Castle 2018 is a multinational
    drill that has kicked off at the shooting range in Cincu, central Romania. The
    six-month exercise has brought together troops from Romania’s Ground Forces and
    the South Carolina National Guard. The US and Romanian troops will get involved
    in infrastructure projects aimed at modernizing the training facilities in the
    Cincu shooting range. Resolute Castle 2018 is an exercise focusing on
    streamlining the training centers in Poland and Romania allowing the US troops
    to quickly mobilize and hold exercises jointly with their multinational
    partners in order to prove their deterrence capability in a complete security

    TENNIS Several Romanian
    players are on the main draw of the tennis tournament in Rome with 3.3 million
    dollars in prize money, a competition that is to kick off on Monday. The
    world’s number one Simona Halep will play directly in the competition’s second
    round against the winner of the game pitching Victoria Azarenka of Belarus
    against Naomi Osaka of Japan. Mihaela Buzarnescu will be playing Chinese Shuai
    Zhang whereas Irina Begu will be up against Shuai Peng also from China. Sorana
    Carstea will play against a challenger coming from the qualifying rounds where
    Monica Niculescu of Romania will be meeting Russian Natalia Vikhlyantseva. In
    the last year’s edition Halep lost the finals to Elina Svitolina of Ukraine. The
    tennis competition in Rome is the last before the Roland Garros Grand Slam
    tournament in Paris.

    (translated by bill)

  • 13.05.2018


    Visite – En
    visite au Vatican, la première ministre de la Roumanie, Viorica Dăncilă, a eu
    une conversation téléphonique avec l’évêque Siluan de l’Evêché orthodoxe
    roumain d’Italie, qui participe, à Paris, au congrès de la Métropolie orthodoxe
    roumaine d’Europe occidentale et méridionale. Au cours de cette conversation
    téléphonique, la chef du gouvernement roumain a souligné les excellentes
    relations politiques, culturelles et éducationnelles entre Bucarest et le
    Vatican. Mme Dăncilă a apprécié l’appui de l’Eglise orthodoxe aux communautés
    roumaines de la diaspora, notamment d’Italie, soulignant l’importance des lieux
    de culte dans la vie des Roumains qui vivent à l’étranger. Au cours de cette
    conversation téléphonique, la première ministre a aussi souligné l’attention
    accordée par les autorités de Bucarest au respect des droits des communautés
    roumaines et au rôle des cultes religieux à la sauvegarde de l’identité
    spirituelle et linguistique. Après l’audience accordée par le Pape François,
    vendredi, Mme Dăncilă a rencontré hier des étudiants roumains des universités
    pontificales. La visite au Vatican de la chef du gouvernement roumain a lieu sur la toile de fond des très
    bonnes relations entre la Roumanie et le Saint Siège et dans le contexte où la
    Roumanie fête cette année le Centenaire de la Grande Union. Plusieurs
    événements culturels marquant le Centenaire roumain sont prévus à Rome.

    Manifestation – Des
    milliers de Roumains ont manifesté, hier soir, sous le slogan « Oui à l’Europe,
    non à la dictature ! », à Bucarest et dans d’autres grandes villes à
    travers le pays, contre
    la coalition gouvernementale, formée par le Parti
    social-démocrate et par l’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates. Les
    manifestants accusent le pouvoir d’avoir manqué à ses
    électorales, d’éloigner
    la Roumanie des standards européens et démocratiques
    et de la pousser vers
    un régime où règnent seulement les intérêts de ceux qui
    accèdent à la politique
    . Les manifestants ont demandé la démission de la
    première ministre et des présidents des deux Chambres du parlement de Bucarest.
    Selon les organisateurs de la manif, parmi
    les actions anti-démocratiques de la coalition au pouvoir figurent la
    modification des Codes pénaux, les amendes abusives infligées par la
    Gendarmerie, le changement des lois en l’absence de consultations publiques.
    Les Roumains de l’étranger ont exprimé leur solidarité avec ceux du pays.

    Le polygone militaire de Cincu, au centre de la Roumanie accueille l’exercice
    multinational Resolute Castle 2018.
    Y participent des militaires des Forces terrestres roumaines et de la Garde
    nationale de l’Etat américain de Caroline du sud. Jusqu’au mois de septembre,
    les militaires roumains et américains exécuteront des travaux d’infrastructure
    et d’aménagement des plates-formes d’instruction du polygone de Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 est un exercice
    ciblé sur la construction et le renforcement des centres d’instruction de
    Pologne et de Roumanie. Cela permet aux unités militaires des Etats-Unis de
    mobiliser rapidement leurs forces, de mener, à tour de rôle, des exercices
    conjoints avec les alliés et les partenaires multinationaux et de démontrer
    leur capacité dissuasive dans un environnement de sécurité complet.

    Des œuvres d’art du Centre Pompidou de Paris, d’une valeur estimée à près de 10 millions d’euros, provenant
    de collections privées importantes, ainsi que de celle de l’ancien dictateur
    communiste roumain Nicolae Ceauşescu, sont exposés jusqu’au 20 mai, à Bucarest,
    dans le cadre d’Art Safari. Accueilli par la capitale et arrivé à sa 5e
    édition, Art Safari est l’événement consacré à l’art le plus important de
    Roumanie.La plus chère des œuvres exposées est une création du grand sculpteur
    roumain Constantin Brancusi.

    Cannes – La Roumanie est présente à la 71e
    édition du Festival de Cannes. Le court-métrage Albastru şi roşu, în proporţii
    egale/Bleu et rouge à part égale de la réalisatrice Georgiana Moldoveanu est
    présenté dans la section Cinéfondation, tandis que la coproduction franco-belge
    « Seule à mon mariage », premier long-métrage de la réalisatrice
    belge d’origine roumaine, Marta Bergman, est projeté dans le cadre de la
    section parallèle ACID. Le programme Romanian Short Waves, qui amène à
    Cannes, depuis 2008, des courts-métrages roumains, propose, cette année, 14
    productions, tandis que trois autres courts-métrages seront présentés au Short
    Film Corner. Enfin, la réalisateur Cristian Mungiu, Palme d’Or en 2007, pour
    son film « 4 mois, 3 semaines, 2 jours », préside la dixième édition
    du programme La Fabrique Cinéma, de soutien aux réalisateurs et producteurs
    de pays émergents.

    Festival – Le Festival de théâtre Matei Vişniec a été ouvert ce
    samedi à Suceava, ville du nord de la Roumanie. L’événement, qui s’achèvera le
    20 mai, met à l’affiche une soixantaine de spectacles pour
    toutes les catégories de public
    . Y participent plus de 300 comédiens,
    metteurs en scène et critiques de théâtre de Roumanie, de République de Moldova
    et de France. Comme chaque année, l’invité spécial du festival est Matei Vişniec, écrivain
    et dramaturge roumain établi en France
    , dont les pièces ont été mises en scène dans de nombreux
    pays à travers le monde. Ses créations littéraires ont été interdites de publication
    en Roumanie jusqu’à la chute du régime communiste, survenue en décembre 1989.

    Handball – En handball féminin, l’équipe championne de Roumanie, CSM
    Bucarest, joue aujourd’hui à Budapest contre l’équipe russe Rostov Don dans la petite finale de la Ligue
    des champions. La finale proprement-dite opposera les Hongroises de et les
    Macédoniennes de Vardar Skopje. Samedi,
    en demi-finales, CSM Bucarest a perdu devant Györ (26 à 20),
    tandis que le Vardar Skopje a eu raison de Rostov Don (25 à 19).
    CSM Bucarest
    a remporté le Final Four en 2016.

    Météo – Il fait frais dans l’est, le
    centre et le sud-est de la Roumanie, où il pleut. Les températures de la mi-journée
    se situent entre 14 et 27°, avec 23° à Bucarest à midi.

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • Nachrichten 12.05.2018

    Nachrichten 12.05.2018

    Tausende Rumänen sind am Samstag abend in der Hauptstadt Bukarest und in mehreren rumänischen Gro‎ßstädten auf die Stra‎ße gegangen, um an der gro‎ßangelegten Demonstration mit dem Motto Ja zu Europa, Nein zur Diktatur“ teilzunehmen. Die Demonstranten protestieren gegen die Regierungskoalition der Sozialdemokratischen Partei und der Allianz der Liberalen und Demokraten (PSD-ALDE). Die Regierungskoalition habe seine Wahlversprechen nicht eingehalten, habe Rumänien der europäischen und demokratischen Standards ferngehalten und würde das Land in Richtung eines politischen Regimes führen, in dem nur das Interesse der politischen Machthaber regiert, klagen die protestierenden Bürger. Zu den antidemokratischen Aktionen der Regierungskoalition gehören die Änderung des Strafgesetzbuches und der Strafproze‎ßordnung, die willkürlichen Geldstrafen, die von der Gendarmerie verhängt werden und die Änderung der Gesetze ohne öffentlichen Besprechungen, so die Organisatoren der Protestdemonstration. Die im Ausland lebenden rumänischen Bürger erklärten sich solidarisch mit den in der Heimat lebenden Rumänen, die auf der Stra‎ße protestieren.

    Rumäniens Premierministerin, Viorica Dăncilă, setzt ihren Vatikan-Besuch fort. Am Samstag ist Viorica Dăncilă mit rumänischen Studenten, die an den päpstlichen Universitäten studieren, zusammengekommen. Bei dem Treffen sagte die Premierministerin, die Bukarester Exekutive werde das päpstliche Kollegium “Pio Romeno” bei der Ausstattung unterstützen. Am Freitag wurde Viorica Dăncilă vom Papst Franziskus empfangen. Laut einer Mitteilung der Bukarester Regierung habe sich die rumänische Premierministerin bei seiner Heiligkeit für die besondere Aufmerksamkeit bedankt, die Papst Franziskus ständig den Beziehungen zu Rumänien geschenkt hat. Im Anschlu‎ß drückte die rumänische Premierministerin ihre Hoffnung aus, dass der Papst einen Rumänien-Besuch unternehmen wird. Ferner hob Viorica Dăncilă die Bedeutung der Beziehungen zwischen Rumänien und Vatikan hervor, einschlie‎ßlich im dem Kontext der rumänischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft im ersten Halbjahr 2019. Der Vatikan-Besuch der rumänischen Premierministerin findet vor dem Hintergrund der sehr guten bilateralen Beziehungen, im Jubiläumsjahr der Gro‎ßen Vereinigung Rumäniens statt. Zu diesem Anla‎ß werden am Heiligen Stuhl mehrere kulturelle und akademische Veranstaltungen organisiert.

    Rumäniens Staatspräsident, Klaus Iohannis, hat sich am Samstag in der Stadt Blaj (in der Mitte des Landes) an den Veranstaltungen anlä‎ßlich der Feierklichkeiten zum 170-Jahre-Juübiläum der Nationalversammlung während der Revolution von 1848 beteiligt. Zu diesem Anla‎ß sagte Präsident Iohannis, Rumänien müsse seinen europäischen Weg fortsetzen, stark sein und in den europäischen Werten verankert bleiben. Präsident Iohannis hat am Denkmal Gloria“ auf der Freiheitsebene einen Blumenkranz niedergelegt und an der Debatte mit dem Titel Blaj 1848-2018: Nationales Bewusstsein und europäische Bestimmung“ teilgenommen. Im Rahmen der vom Nationalkolleg Inochentie Micu Klein“ organisierten Debatte haben Vertreter der Kommunalverwaltung, Geschäftsleute, Sportler, Kulturpersönlichkeiten, Lehrer und Schüler Gespräche geführt. Im letzten Teil seines Besuches beteiligte sich der rumänische Staatschef an der Wiedereröffnung des Kulturpalastes in Blaj. Der 1936 zum erstenmal eröffnete Kulturpalast in Blaj, eine der wichtigsten Kultureinrichtungen in Siebenbürgen, wurde 1995 bei einem Brand zerstört. Durch eine Initiative der Kommunalverwaltung wurde der Kulturpalast restauriert und erhielt den Gro‎ßen Preis der Europäischen Union für Denkmalschutz.

    In der Ortschaft Cincu (in der Mitte Rumäniens) findet diese Tage die multinationale militärische Übung Resolute Castle 2018 statt. An dieser sechsmonatigen militärischen Übung beteiligen sich Soldaten von den rumänischen Bodentruppen und von der Nationalgarde des US-Staates South Carolina. Bis September werden rumänische und US-amerikanische Soldaten Infrastrukturprojekte durchführen und die Training-Einrichtungen auf dem Schie‎ß- und Übungsplatz Cincu modernisieren. Die Übung Resolute Castle 2018 konzentriert sich auf die Verstärkung der militärischen Ausbildungs- und Trainingszentren in Polen und Rumänien. Dadurch werden die US-Militäreinheiten ihre Kräfte schneller mobilisieren, turnusmä‎ßige Übungen mit den Alliierten und multinationalen Partnern durchführen und ihre Fähigkeiten in einem Sicherheitsumfeld beweisen.

    Kunstwerke in Wert von etwa 10 Millionen Euro, die aus wichtigen Privatsammlungen, aus dem Centre Pompidou in Paris und aus der Sammlung des ehemaligen kommunistischen Diktators Nicolae Ceausescu abstammen, können bis zum 20. Mai auf der Bukarester Ausstellung Art Safari” besichtigt werden. Das wertvollste Ausstellungsstück ist ein Werk von Constantin Brancusi, mit einem 7-stelligen Wert, das von einer Privatsammlung ausgeliehen wurde, erklärte die Direktorin der Ausstellung Art Safari Bukarest”, Ioana Ciocan. Die Ausstellung Art Safari”, die auf dem Platz George Enescu, vor dem Bukarester Athäneum, eingerichtet wurde, hat dieses Jahr ihre 5. Auflage erreicht.

    In der Stadt Suceava (im Norden Rumäniens) findet bis zum 20. Mai das Theaterfestival Matei Vişniec“ statt. An dem Festival, das mehr als 60 Theateraufführungen für alle Publikumsschichten und alle Altersgruppen bietet, beteiligen sich mehr als 300 Gäste — Schauspieler, Regisseure, Theaterkritiker — aus allen historischen Regionen Rumäniens, aus der Republik Moldau und aus Frankreich. Ehrengast des Theaterfestivals ist, wie jedes Jahr, der in der Ortschaft Rădăuți, in der Nähe von Suceava, geborene Schriftsteller und Dramatiker Matei Vişniec, der in Frankreich lebt. Seine Theaterstücke wurden in vielen Ländern aufgeführt, von Japan bis in die USA, von Brasilien bis in die Türkei. Bis zum Fall des Kommunismus in Dezember 1989 waren die Stücke von Matei Vişniec in Rumänien verboten.

  • May 12, 2018

    May 12, 2018

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila continues her visit to the Vatican, where on Friday she was received by Pope Francis. The Prime Minister thanked his Sanctity for the attention he had always paid to the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The two officials also talked about human rights and religious freedom. Viorica Dancila stressed the need for a deeper cooperation between Romania and the Vatican, especially against the background of Romanias taking over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2019. This will provide the opportunity to send a message to the whole of Europe, given Romanias ecumenical vocation, Viorica Dancila also said. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through a string of high-class cultural and academic events.

    1848 REVOLUTION – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis is today travelling to Blaj in central Romania to attend events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. The head of state will lay a wreath at the Gloria monument on Liberty Field and will participate in the debate titled Blaj 1848-2018: National Consciousness and European Destiny, organized by the Inochentie Micu Clain National College. At the meeting, the president will talk with representatives of the local administration and associative environment, with business people, athletes, cultural personalities, students and teachers. Also, the Romanian president will take part in the inauguration of the Culture Palace in Blaj, one of the most important cultural edifices in Transylvania, built in 1936, but destroyed by fire in 1995. The palace has been rehabilitated and has been awarded the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival starts today in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the event will host some 60 performances, targeting all categories of audience. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – SCM Craiova has won the EHF Cup in womens handball, after they defeated on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. In the first match, Vipers had won 26-22 and were standing good chance of winning, had they maintained the pace in the return game. Fortunately, the goal keeper Yuliya Dumanska managed to defend two shots just seconds before the end of the game. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before under the previous name, IHF Cup, by Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993. In another development, Romanias champions CSM Bucharest are today playing against the Hungarians from Gyor ETO, in the semifinals of the Champions League hosted by Budapest. If they manage to win, on Sunday the Romanian squad will take on the winner of the match between HC Vardar of Macedonia and Rostov-Don of Russia. CSM Bucharest won the Final Four in 2016. (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)