Tag: Robert Jitaru

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    Romanian swimmer David Popovici, former European and world champion, on Wednesday won the 200 meter free-style race of the Mare Nostrum competition in Barcelona.

    The Romanian ended the race in one minute, 44 seconds and 74 hundredths, a new record of the competition. The result also represents Popovici’s personal record this year. The Romanian ended the race almost one second ahead the South-Korean runner-up Sun-woo Hwang, the world champion of this race.

    David Popovici is Romania’s greatest hope at the Olympic Games in Paris. His last verification before the summer Olympics will be at the European Championships in Belgrade in June.

    Bangkok in Thailand, is hosting until Sunday the last pre-Olympic boxing tournament before Paris. On Tuesday, Romanian boxer Robert Jitaru conceded defeat to US challenger Emilio Garcia on points in the second round of the 63.5 kilogram category.

    In the first round match, Jitaru clinched a TKO win against Jinxiang Pan of China.

    The event is also being attended by several Romanian pugilists in both the male and female competitions. Romania so far boasts only one athlete qualified for the boxing competitions of the Olympics in Paris, Lacramioara Perjoc in the 54 kilogram category.

    Dinamo Bucharest has ended with a win the championship of the National Handball League. This male team coached by Spanish Xavi Pascual on Wednesday secured a 37-21 home win against CSM Bucharest in the season’s last match.

    Dinamo has ended the championship unbeaten with 24 wins and two draws. This is their 20th title of champions in men’s handball.

    Romania’s national football side is training in Mogosoaia, close to Bucharest for the European Football Championship in Germany. Next week, our footballers will be playing two friendlies, one against Bulgaria on Tuesday and another one against Lichtenstein on Friday. Romania’s first match at the European championships will be against Ukraine on June 17th.


  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    The World Boxing Championships got underway in Russias Yekaterinburg. More than 450 boxers from over 80 countries will fight for the medals up for grabs, in eight Olympic categories. Four Romanian boxers have travelled to Russia to take part in the competition. They are Gabriel Şchiopu, who competes in the 52-kg category, Vasile Suciu, in the 63-kilogram category, Andrei Arădoaie, who will fight in the 91-kilogram category, and Cristian Filip, also in the 91-kilogram category. The latter pugilist has already been edged out of the competition since he sustained a defeat on points in the match against Georgian challenger Nikoloz Begadze, 3-2. Vasile Suciu will fight against Hungarys Milan Fodor on Thursday while on Saturday, in the competitions second round, Gabriel Schiopu will take on Azat Usenaliev of Kyrgyzstan. Also in the second round, the winner of the match pitting Dutch boxer Artjom Kasparian against Armenias Arthur Hovhanisian will take on Romanian pugilist Andrei Aradoaie.

    Two-time European youth champion in the 56-kilogram category, Robert Jitaru, did not travel to Russia since he is still in recovery, according to the management of the Romanian Boxing Federation, so under the circumstances, all hopes are pinned on Andrei Aradoaie. Aradoaie is a European youth champion himself and for him, it is the first time he competes in a seniors world championship.

    The Romanian delegations set task is to see that as many Romanian boxers as possible book their ticket for the 2020 edition of the Olympic Games in Japan. The first six boxers in each category will secure their ticket for Tokyo. “The main objective is for the boxers to reach as far as the quarterfinals”, said the president of the Romanian Boxing Federation Vasile Citea. “I believe the potential we have enables us to achieve a lot more than that, even if only four pugilists compete in the present edition of the World Championship. I am positive we will also walk away with a medal, since, just as we took the liberty to rest Robert Jitaru so that he can complete his recovery program, other teams, Im sure, did not bring in their top-notch boxers at the World Championship,” the Romanian daily newspaper Libertatea quoted Citea as saying.

    2011 is the year when Romania last won a medal in the World Boxing Championships. Back then Bogdan Juratoni won bronze in the 75-kilogram category, in the Azeri capital Baku, while 1999 is the year when Romania last won an amateur boxing title. We recall that back then, in Houston, George Olteanu walked home with gold in the 54-kilogram category, while in the 71-kilogram category Marian Simion also won gold. (Translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    The World Boxing Championships got underway in Russias Yekaterinburg. More than 450 boxers from over 80 countries will fight for the medals up for grabs, in eight Olympic categories. Four Romanian boxers have travelled to Russia to take part in the competition. They are Gabriel Şchiopu, who competes in the 52-kg category, Vasile Suciu, in the 63-kilogram category, Andrei Arădoaie, who will fight in the 91-kilogram category, and Cristian Filip, also in the 91-kilogram category. The latter pugilist has already been edged out of the competition since he sustained a defeat on points in the match against Georgian challenger Nikoloz Begadze, 3-2. Vasile Suciu will fight against Hungarys Milan Fodor on Thursday while on Saturday, in the competitions second round, Gabriel Schiopu will take on Azat Usenaliev of Kyrgyzstan. Also in the second round, the winner of the match pitting Dutch boxer Artjom Kasparian against Armenias Arthur Hovhanisian will take on Romanian pugilist Andrei Aradoaie.

    Two-time European youth champion in the 56-kilogram category, Robert Jitaru, did not travel to Russia since he is still in recovery, according to the management of the Romanian Boxing Federation, so under the circumstances, all hopes are pinned on Andrei Aradoaie. Aradoaie is a European youth champion himself and for him, it is the first time he competes in a seniors world championship.

    The Romanian delegations set task is to see that as many Romanian boxers as possible book their ticket for the 2020 edition of the Olympic Games in Japan. The first six boxers in each category will secure their ticket for Tokyo. “The main objective is for the boxers to reach as far as the quarterfinals”, said the president of the Romanian Boxing Federation Vasile Citea. “I believe the potential we have enables us to achieve a lot more than that, even if only four pugilists compete in the present edition of the World Championship. I am positive we will also walk away with a medal, since, just as we took the liberty to rest Robert Jitaru so that he can complete his recovery program, other teams, Im sure, did not bring in their top-notch boxers at the World Championship,” the Romanian daily newspaper Libertatea quoted Citea as saying.

    2011 is the year when Romania last won a medal in the World Boxing Championships. Back then Bogdan Juratoni won bronze in the 75-kilogram category, in the Azeri capital Baku, while 1999 is the year when Romania last won an amateur boxing title. We recall that back then, in Houston, George Olteanu walked home with gold in the 54-kilogram category, while in the 71-kilogram category Marian Simion also won gold. (Translated by Eugen Nasta)

  • Sport Club RRI: Box

    Sport Club RRI: Box

    România a
    încheiat Europenele de box Under 22 de la Târgu Jiu cu un bilanţ de patru
    medalii: una de aur, două de argint şi una de bronz. Robert Jitaru a cucerit
    medalia de aur la categoria 56 kilograme, el impunându-se la puncte în finala
    disputată cu azerul Tayfur Aliev. La categoria 81 kilograme, Alberto Biro a
    obținut medalia de bronz.

    La feminin,
    ambele reprezentante ale României au obţinut medalii de argint. La categoria 57
    kilograme, Cristina Cosma a cedat în faţa campioanei mondiale Irma Testa din Italia,
    iar la categoria +81 kilograme, românca Alina Gabriela Ene a fost învinsă de
    unguroaica Adrienn Juhasz la puncte.

    Jitaru, care a câştigat titlul la categoria 56 de kilograme, a declarat, citat
    de agenția Agerpres, că nu îi lipseşte nimic pentru a câştiga o medalie şi la
    Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo 2020. Jitaru spune că are nevoie de experiență
    câștigată în lupte cu adversari cu stiluri cât mai diferite și nu în funcție de
    valoarea lor. Brăileanul Jitaru a mai adăugat că era foarte important să
    câştige medalia de aur la Târgu Jiu pentru a-şi apăra titlul european de anul

    La rândul
    său, pugilistul Alberto Biro, medaliat cu bronz la categoria 81 de kilograme, a
    declarat că se gândeşte la participarea la Jocurile Olimpice de când a început
    să practice boxul. La prima sa competiție, el consideră că a obținut un
    rezultat bun.

    Cristina Cosma a afirmat că boxul feminin românesc va produce multe surprize
    plăcute în viitorul apropiat. Învinsă în finală de italianca Irma Testa,
    campioana mondială en titre, Cristina Cosma a spus că o poate învinge și că
    următorul prilej va fi la Campionatele Europene de seniori din luna mai din

    Federaţiei Române de Box, Vasile Câtea, a declarat că România şi-a recâştigat
    dreptul de a sta la masă cu marile puteri ale boxului internaţional. Câtea
    crede că rezultatele obținute de români sunt de excepție și că finanțarea
    federației de către ministerul sportului va fi mai bună în perioada care

  • Sport Club RRI: Box

    Sport Club RRI: Box

    România a
    încheiat Europenele de box Under 22 de la Târgu Jiu cu un bilanţ de patru
    medalii: una de aur, două de argint şi una de bronz. Robert Jitaru a cucerit
    medalia de aur la categoria 56 kilograme, el impunându-se la puncte în finala
    disputată cu azerul Tayfur Aliev. La categoria 81 kilograme, Alberto Biro a
    obținut medalia de bronz.

    La feminin,
    ambele reprezentante ale României au obţinut medalii de argint. La categoria 57
    kilograme, Cristina Cosma a cedat în faţa campioanei mondiale Irma Testa din Italia,
    iar la categoria +81 kilograme, românca Alina Gabriela Ene a fost învinsă de
    unguroaica Adrienn Juhasz la puncte.

    Jitaru, care a câştigat titlul la categoria 56 de kilograme, a declarat, citat
    de agenția Agerpres, că nu îi lipseşte nimic pentru a câştiga o medalie şi la
    Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo 2020. Jitaru spune că are nevoie de experiență
    câștigată în lupte cu adversari cu stiluri cât mai diferite și nu în funcție de
    valoarea lor. Brăileanul Jitaru a mai adăugat că era foarte important să
    câştige medalia de aur la Târgu Jiu pentru a-şi apăra titlul european de anul

    La rândul
    său, pugilistul Alberto Biro, medaliat cu bronz la categoria 81 de kilograme, a
    declarat că se gândeşte la participarea la Jocurile Olimpice de când a început
    să practice boxul. La prima sa competiție, el consideră că a obținut un
    rezultat bun.

    Cristina Cosma a afirmat că boxul feminin românesc va produce multe surprize
    plăcute în viitorul apropiat. Învinsă în finală de italianca Irma Testa,
    campioana mondială en titre, Cristina Cosma a spus că o poate învinge și că
    următorul prilej va fi la Campionatele Europene de seniori din luna mai din

    Federaţiei Române de Box, Vasile Câtea, a declarat că România şi-a recâştigat
    dreptul de a sta la masă cu marile puteri ale boxului internaţional. Câtea
    crede că rezultatele obținute de români sunt de excepție și că finanțarea
    federației de către ministerul sportului va fi mai bună în perioada care