Tag: Rolland Garros

  • 03.06.2021


    Coronavirus – Le
    certificat numérique de vaccination sera lancé le 1er juillet au
    niveau européen et la Roumanie est en bonne voie pour respecter ce délai, a annoncé
    Andrei Baciu, secrétaire d’Etat auprès du ministère de la Santé. Les autorités
    roumaines vont lancer une plateforme en ligne sécurisée qui permettra aux gens
    de télécharger leur certificat afin de l’imprimer ou de le garder en version numérique.
    L’authenticité du document sera garantie par un QR code, qui sera scanné au
    passage aux frontières. Le certificat COVID numérique de l’UE est une preuve attestant
    qu’une personne a été vaccinée contre la COVID-19, a reçu un résultat de test
    négatif, ou a guéri de la maladie. Par ailleurs, la vaccination des 12-15 ans a
    démarré mercredi en Roumanie, après que l’Agence européenne des médicaments a autorisé
    l’utilisation du vaccin Pfizer/BioNTech pour cette tranche d’âge. Jeudi, les
    chiffres officiels font état de 196 nouveaux cas de contamination au Sars-Cov-2
    sur près de 32.000 tests effectués. 365 malades de Covid-19 sont en

    Enquête – 76%
    des Roumains considèrent que la pandémie de Covid-19 a eu ou aura un impact sur
    leurs finances personnelles, alors que la moyenne dans l’Union européenne est
    de seulement 57% – montrent les données publiées jeudi du plus récent
    Eurobaromètre. La dernière enquête du Parlement européen a été effectuée entre
    mars et avril cette année et montre l’impact croissant de la pandémie sur la
    vie personnelle et la situation financière des européens. Malgré les dommages sur
    leurs portefeuilles, une petite majorité des personnes interrogées – 57% dans l’UE
    et 45% en Roumanie – considèrent que les bénéfices des mesures de confinement
    sur la santé des citoyens dépassent leurs effets économiques négatifs. Cette
    opinion est partagée dans la plupart des pays de l’UE et suggère un changement
    d’attitude des européens par rapport à la seconde moitié de l’année précédente,
    où une légère majorité d’entre eux considéraient que les dommages économique étaient
    plus importants. Près de la moitié des citoyens – 48% dans l’UE et 41% en
    Roumanie – sont au courant des mesures prises par Bruxelles pour lutter contre
    la pandémie et ses effets, mais seulement 48% des citoyens européens et, respectivement, 52% des Roumains en sont satisfaits.

    Schengen – La
    Commission européenne soutient l’entrée rapide de la Roumanie, de la Bulgarie
    et la Croatie dans l’espace Schengen, a déclaré la commissaire aux Affaires
    intérieures Ylva Johansson. Bruxelles a présenté hier sa stratégie pour réformer
    l’espace européen de libre circulation. La Commission rappelle dans le document
    que la Roumanie et la Bulgarie avaient reçu des évaluations positives pour rejoindre
    l’espace Schengen et que c’est aussi le cas de la Croatie plus récemment. A présent,
    22 pays membres de l’UE, aux côtés de l’Islande, de Liechtenstein, de la Norvège
    et de la Suisse, font partie de l’espace de libre circulation.

    Moldavie – La
    Commission européenne a approuvé mercredi un plan de relance économique pour la
    République de Moldova de 600 millions d’euros pour les trois prochaines années.
    Le plan est fondé sur cinq piliers : la gestion des finances publiques et
    la gouvernance économique ; économie compétitive, commerce et PME ; infrastructure ;
    éducation et emploi ; ainsi que la réforme de l’Etat de droit et de la
    Justice. La Roumanie a réitéré à de nombreuses reprises qu’elle restait le
    principal partenaire des citoyens de la République de Moldova et qu’elle
    continuait à soutenir le parcours européen de ses voisins moldaves.

    Football – L’équipe
    de Roumanie de football a été vaincue hier soir, pour la première fois, par la Géorgie,
    score 2-1, lors d’un match amical déroulé à Ploieşti, dans le sud de la Roumanie. C’est la troisième défaite d’affilée essuyée par les footballeurs roumains, après s’être inclinés 0-1 devant l’Allemagne
    et 2-3 devant l’Arménie dans les préliminaires de la Coupe du monde 2022. La dernière
    présence de la Roumanie à une Coupe du monde de football remonte à 1998, en France.
    Ce samedi 5 juin un autre match amical est prévu contre l’Angleterre à Middlesbrough.

    Tennis – Les sportives
    roumaines Mihaela Buzărnescu et Patricia Ţig affrontent aujourd’hui, dans l’épreuve
    de double dames du tournoi du Grand Chelem de Rolland Garros, le duo Lara
    Arruabarrena d’Espagne – Caroline Dolehide des Etats-Unis. Aujourd’hui encore, la paire Irina Begu de
    Roumanie – Nadia Podoroska d’Argentine a vaincu 6-3, 6-1 la paire française Estelle
    Cascino – Jessika Ponchet. Seulement deux joueuses roumaines sont encore en
    compétition dans l’épreuve de simple dames. Sorana Cîrstea, qui affrontera la
    Russe Daria Kasatkina, et Ana Bogdan, qui aura pour adversaire Paula Badosa
    Gibert d’Espagne, vendredi, dans le troisième tour de la compétition. Côté
    hommes, le Roumain Horia Tecău et l’Allemand Kevin Krawietz joueront demain
    contre le duo Yen-Hsun Lu de Taiwan – Yoshihito Nishioka de Japon.

    Météo – Le temps se
    réchauffe légèrement en Roumanie, mais reste instable. Dans le sud-est du
    territoire, le ciel est principalement couvert et on signale des pluies
    localement. Ailleurs dans le pays, on attend des pluies de courte durée, qui
    pourraient tourner à l’orage. Le vent est faible à modéré, mais connaît des
    intensifications sur les crêtes des Carpates et dans l’est du pays, où les
    rafales pourraient atteindre 45 à 55 km/h. Les températures maximales iront de
    16 à 25°. 17° et un ciel couvert à midi à Bucarest.

  • June 11, 2018

    June 11, 2018

    VENICE COMMISSION – A Venice Commission delegation is in Romania on a 2-day visit focusing on the changes to the justice laws. The delegation will have meetings with President Klaus Iohannis, with Parliament members, and officials from the Justice Ministry, High Court of Cassation and Justice, the Constitutional Court, the Prosecutor Generals Office, the National Anti-corruption Directorate, the Higher Council of Magistracy, judge and prosecutor associations and civil society organisations. Both President Iohannis, and the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe have requested the opinion of this body, which comprises independent experts in constitutional law, with respect to the Romanian laws on the organisation of courts, the operation of the Higher Council of Magistrates and the status of judges and prosecutors. The requests came after the right-wing opposition, the media and civil society claimed that these laws are used by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in order to stop the fight against corruption and get control over magistrates.

    TRADE – Romanias exports totaled over 22 billion Euros in January – April 2018, while imports reached nearly 26 billion euros, according to data made public today by the National Statistics Institute. The trade deficit reached 3.7 billion euros in the first 4 months of the year, as against 3.3 billion euros last year. According to the Institute, in the first 4 months most of the imports and exports were accounted for by vehicles and transport equipment and other manufactured products.

    EXERCISE – A large-scale military exercise involving more than 800 Romanian and British troops is taking place until June 22 in the counties Braşov (in central Romania) and Prahova (in the south). The troops are training as part of Sarmis 18, which is coordinated by the Brasov-based 2nd Mountain Troops Brigade. Also taking part are members of Battalion 47 Communications and IT and 1st Battalion, The Rifles from the UK. The exercises are designed to simulate military interventions in case of hybrid threats.

    THEATRE – In Sibiu (central Romania), the 25th International Theatre Festival continues. This is the largest performing arts event in Romania and one of the most important in Europe. Today, on the 4th day of the festival, over 40 events will take place, including the opening of the performance exchange, a structure launched 22 years ago in Romania, which brings together companies and festival directors from around the world. Thousands of artists from over 70 countries are performing every day both in theatre halls and in unconventional venues.

    SUMMIT – The North-Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and US President Donald Trump are in Singapore, where they will hold a historic meeting tomorrow morning. The summit is the first one between a Kim dynasty member and a US president in office. The talks, whose outcome is uncertain, will focus on the achievement of a special agreement regarding, above all, a full, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea in exchange for relaxing international economic and diplomatic sanctions. President Donald Trump has today voiced optimism about the eagerly awaited meeting, which was unimaginable just months ago, when Trump and the Pyongyang leader were exchanging harsh lines that made the world fear the worst.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number 1 in the world, returns to Bucharest today, when she is to present her first Grand Slam trophy, won in Roland Garros on Saturday, to the Romanian public. We remind you that Halep defeated the American Sloane Stephens in the final.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • May 29, 2016 UPDATE

    May 29, 2016 UPDATE

    ROMANIANS AROUND THE WORLD – The Diaspora should truly become a “national priority and therefore Ive asked the government to come up with a Roadmap, Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, said on Sunday, in his message on the Day of the Romanians Around the World. In his opinion, thus, the potential of the Romanians living outside the borders of the country will not be wasted, and these citizens can contribute to developing Romania, either by returning home, or by representing its image abroad. In turn, the minister delegate for the relation with the Romanians around the world, Dan Stoenescu, underlined how important it is for the Romanians living outside the borders of the country to get involved in the countrys development as strategic partners, to always stay connected and united, and be aware of the fact they represent a force for Romania. Celebrated every year on the last Sunday of May, in 2016 the Day of the Romanians Around the World was marked by a series of academic and artistic events held both in the country and abroad.

    PRINCE CHARLES – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, on Monday will receive in Bucharest HRH, the Prince of Wales. The British Crown Prince Charles is also due to meet Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos. Last year, Prince Charles launched “The Prince of Waless Foundation Romania, an educational charity which aims to support heritage preservation, agriculture and sustainable development in Romania. In recent years, Prince Charles has frequently visited Romania, where he owns several properties and where he spends some of his vacations. He has a well-known fondness for the medieval Saxon architecture in central Romania- citadels, fortified churches and houses- built by ethnic Germans who settled down in Transylvania, in the Middle Ages.

    NEGOTIATIONS– A new round of negotiations will be held in Bucharest on Monday between the Romanian Government and the trade unions in education on the salary scheme in the sector. On Saturday, the government came up with a new proposal, an average 5% increase as of January 1, 2017, but the trade union representatives expressed their discontent over the offer. So far, the trade unionists declined all offers made by the government, deeming the sums allotted to education as too low. They have announced to stage a protest march in Bucharest on June 1.

    THE HEXI PHARMA SCANDAL – The director general of Hexi Pharma, Flori Dinu, will be investigated and placed under home arrest, in the case of the diluted biocides, Romanian judges ruled on Saturday evening. She is accused of misrepresentation and preventing the combating of disease. Prosecutors say she coordinated the staff that promoted the Hexi Pharma products and signed contracts with Romanian hospitals while aware that the products have a different composition from the one specified on the label. In the same file, the Romanian General Prosecutors Office has commenced prosecution against the Hexi Pharma production manager, Mihai Leva. The damages caused for the last 4 years alone through the supply of low-quality disinfectants are put at more than 6 million euros. The media quotes judicial sources as saying that Dinu is facing a 30-year prison sentence. We recall that the owner of Hexi Pharma, Dan Condrea, seen as the mastermind of the illegal operation, died last Sunday in a car crash in still unclear circumstances, which are being investigated.

    ROMANIAN PEACE KEEPERS – 62 Romanian policemen and gendarmes last month participated in UN peacekeeping missions in dangerous areas around the world. According to the Romanian Interior Ministry, they were dispatched to Haiti, the Central African Republic and Congo. Raluca Domuta has received the title of “International Female Police Peacekeeper 2015, for the special role she played during a search and rescue mission in Haiti. She is the first Romanian policewoman to be granted this award.

    GYMNASTICS – Romanian gymnast Marian
    Dragulescu grabbed a silver medal in the vault final on Sunday, at the European
    Gymnastics Championship held in Berne, Switzerland, just hours after he had won
    a silver medal in the floor event. A multiple continental and world champion,
    Marian Dragulescu, 35, has qualified for the Olympic Games due in Rio de
    Janeiro, in August.

    TENNIS – The pair made up of Romanian Florin Mergea and Indian Rohan Bopanna on Sunday defeated the pair Brian Baker/Marcus Daniell (the US/New Zealand) 6-2, 6-7 (4), 6-1, in the eighth finals of the Roland Garros tennis tournament. In the quarter-finals, Mergea and Bopanna will meet the winner of the match between Ivan Dodig/Marcelo Melo (Croatia/Brazil) and Chris Guccione/Andre Sa (Australia/Brazil). In the womens simple tennis competition, Romanian Irina Begu (WTAs no. 28) got eliminated by the American Shelby Rogers (WTAs no.108), 3-6, 4-6.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • May 29, 2016

    May 29, 2016

    ROMANIANS AROUND THE WORLD — The Diaspora should truly become a “national priority” and therefore I’ve asked the government to come up with a Roadmap, says Romania’s President, Klaus Iohannis, on his message delivered on the Day of the Romanians Around the World. Thus, the Romanian president believes the potential of the Romanians living outside the borders of the country will not be wasted, and they can contribute to developing Romania, either by returning home, or by representing its image abroad. The Day of the Romanians Around the World is marked today by a series of events held both in the country and abroad.

    THE HEXI PHARMA SCANDAL — The director general of Hexi Pharma, Flori Dinu, will be investigated and placed under home arrest, in the case of the diluted biocides, Romanian judges ruled on Saturday evening. She is accused of misrepresentation and preventing the combating of disease. Prosecutors say she coordinated the staff that promoted the Hexi Pharma products and signed contracts with Romanian hospitals while aware that the products have a different composition from the one specified on the label. In the same file, the Romanian General Prosecutor’s Office has commenced prosecution against the Hexi Pharma production manager, Mihai Leva. The damages caused for the last 4 years alone through the supply of low-quality disinfectants are put at more than 6 million euros. The media quotes judicial sources as saying that Dinu is facing a 30-year prison sentence. We recall that the owner of Hexi Pharma, Dan Condrea, seen as the mastermind of the illegal operation, died last Sunday in a car crash in unclear circumstances, which should still be investigated.

    NEGOTIATIONS– A new round of negotiations will be held in Bucharest on Monday between the Romanian Government and the trade unions in education on the salary scheme in the sector. On Saturday, the government came up with a new proposal, an average 5% increase as of January 1, 2017, but the trade union representatives expressed their discontent over the offer. So far, the trade unionists declined all offers made by the government, deeming the sums allotted to education as too low. They have announced to stage a protest march in Bucharest on June 1.

    ROMANIAN PEACE KEEPERS – 62 Romanian policemen and gendarmes last months participated in UN peacekeeping missions in dangerous areas around the world. According to the Romanian Interior Ministry, they were dispatched to Haiti, the Central African Republic and Congo. Raluca Domuta has received the title of “International Female Police Peacekeeper 2015”, for the special role she played during a search and rescue mission in Haiti. She is the first Romanian policewoman to be granted this award.

    TIFF — Film screenings, concerts, workshops and performances for children are the highlights of the day, at the Transylvania International Film Festival, in short TIFF. So far, over 10,000 people attended the events and activities organised as part of TIFF. Until June 5, over 248 films, of which 216 long reels and 32 shorts, will be presented to the public. The special guest of this year’s edition of TIFF is Sophia Loren, who comes to Romania for the first time. During the festival, she will receive a prize for lifetime achievement.

    TENNIS — Two Romanian women tennis players are today playing in the eighth finals of the Roland Garros, the second most important Grand Slam tournament of the year. Simona Halep (WTA’s no. 6) is facing Australian Samantha Stosur (WTA’s no. 24), whereas Irina Begu (WTA’s no. 28) is meeting American Shelby Rogers (.WTA’s no.108). Halep and Stosur have met 7 times so far, the Romanian player defeating the Australian player four times. In exchange, Irina Begu has qualified for the first time for the eighth finals and has never met Rogers in the world circuit so far. The two Romanian tennis players might meet in the Rolland Garros semi-finals. In the men’s double tennis competition, the pair Florin Mergea and Rohan Bopanna (Romania/India) has qualified for the eighth finals.

    FOOTBALL– Romania’s national football team continues its training in Italy, in preparation for the European Football Championship due in France, next month. The Romanian footballers are today meeting Ukraine in Turin, in a friendly match, after on Wednesday they ended in a draw, 1-1, the match, played in Como, against the representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo. On June 3, Romania will meet Georgia in Bucharest, in the last preparatory match played ahead of the final tournament. In Paris, Romania will play the opening match of Euro 2016, with the host country, France, on June 10. Also paying in Group A are Switzerland and Albania.

    GYMNASTICS – Romanian gymnast Marian Dragulescu has today grabbed a silver medal in the floor event, at the European Gymnastics Championship held in Berne, Switzerland. He was outperformed by Russian Nikita Nagornyy, and the bronze medal went to Israeli Alexander Shatilov. Thus, Dragulescu, 35, has brought the first medal to Romania, in this edition of the European Champions held in Berne. In the floor event, throughout his career, the Romanian gymnast has won three gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze medal in the European Championships, is the holder of four world titles and has also won a silver Olympic medal.

    (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • May 19, 2016 UPDATE

    May 19, 2016 UPDATE

    PRESIDENCY – The President of Romania Klaus Iohannis told a press conference on Thursday that the Supreme Defence Council, due to convene on May 27, would discuss the public healthcare issue. The head of state explained this decision was made following the most recent public scandal, involving diluted disinfectants, which revealed the extent of the damages caused by the carelessness and corruption in the public healthcare system. Iohannis also mentioned that healthcare was included in the National Defence Strategy. In another development, the President announced on Thursday having signed into law a legislative package on public procurement, which was recently endorsed by Parliament. Iohannis also said he would send back to the Government the Ph.D. bill, because he intended to put an end to the scourge of plagiarism, and the text endorsed by Parliament fails to define a proper legislative framework to encourage excellence.

    DIPLOMACY – While on an official visit to London, the Romanian Defence Minister, Mihnea Motoc, had a meeting on Thursday with the British Secretary for Defence, Michael Fallon. The talks focused on strengthening the bilateral military cooperation as well as cooperation in preparing the agenda for the forthcoming NATO Summit due in July. The two officials emphasised the critical role of the strategic partnership between the UK and Romania in the current security context. The Romanian Defence Minister also highlighted the strategic important of the Black Sea, as an integral part of Euro-Atlantic security, and the need for a stronger NATO presence along the eastern flank of the Alliance.

    CULTURE – The Government of Romania and the Culture Ministry Thursday officially launched the support campaign for the national subscription for purchasing Constantin Brancusis famous work “Wisdom of the Earth. The campaign will run until September 30. The work, currently in a private collection, costs 11 million euros, of which the Government announced it would pay 5 million euros, with the balance to be raised through this public campaign. The “Wisdom of the Earth, dating back to 1907, alongside works like “The Kiss and “Prayer, is representative of Brancusis most creative years.

    PLANE CRASH – A terror attack is a more likely explanation than technical failure in the case of the airliner that went missing on Thursday in the Mediterranean, says the Egyptian Civil Aviation Minister, Sherif Fatih. Previously the President of France had confirmed that the EgyptAir plane had crashed into the sea. The aircraft, which was flying from Paris to Cairo, carried 66 passengers and crew, mostly Egyptians and French people. A spokesperson for the Greek Army announced that pieces of debris were spotted in the search area around 370 km from the Greek island of Crete. Originally the presumed crash area was off the Karpathos Island, east of Crete. According to the Greek authorities, the aircraft lost contact with the radar little after leaving the Greek airspace and entering Egypts.

    TENNIS – Two more Romanians, Sorana Cîrstea (99 WTA) and Andreea Mitu (114 WTA) have reached the main draw of the Roland Garros tournament, the second Grand Slam tournament of the year, totalling 32 million dollars in prize money. Cîrstea defeated Jana Cepelova (Slovakia, 134 WTA) and Mitu outplayed Chinas Jia – Jing Lu (208 WTA). Marius Copil, 190th ranked in ATP rankings, will play Roberto Carballes Baena (115 ATP), while Adrian Ungur, 204th ranked in
    ATP standings, defeated Frances Tiafoe of the United States, 188 ATP. Simona Halep, Irina Begu, Monica Niculescu and Alexandra Dulgheru have already secured qualification to the main draw.