Tag: Romanian Black Sea Coast

  • The summer season

    The summer season

    The sea, the sea…the summer season
    is in full swing in Romania. For all its decreasing popularity, the Romanian
    Black Sea coast still attracts lots of tourists who come from all over the
    country to spend a couple of days, or maybe more, on the Romanian seaside.

    Today we offer you basic vocabulary
    on tourism on the seaside.

    This summer=vara aceasta

    Secetos, secetoasa=droughty

    Mai secetos, mai secetoasa=droughty, droughtier

    Comparativ=as compared to

    Litoralul romanesc al Marii Negre =
    The Romanian Black sea coast

    Oferta turistica de anul
    acesta=this year’s tourist offer

    Turism de weekend=weekend tourism

    Dezvoltare spectaculoasa=spectacular

    Now here are some meaningful
    sentences including part of the words and phrases above:

    Vara aceasta a fost mai secetoasa,
    comparativ cu verile trecute.

    This summer was droughtier, as
    compared to previous summers.

    Pe litoralul romanesc, oferta turistica de anul acesta nu este neaparat mai
    bogata, ci mai scumpa fata de anul trecut.

    On the Romanian Black Sea coast,
    this year’s tourist offer is not necessarily more generous, but it is more
    expensive than last year.

    Pe litoralul romanesc, turismul de
    weekend s-a dezvoltat spectaculos in ultimii sase sapte ani.

    On the Romanian seaside, weekend
    tourism has seen a spectacular growth in the last six or seven years.

    Thank you ALL for the interest you take in Romanian culture, and for
    being so keen on learning Romanian with us. Good Bye! La revedere!

  • Holiday on the Romanian Black Sea coast

    Holiday on the Romanian Black Sea coast

    The Romanian Black Sea Coast stretches along 245 kilometers. The sea water has a low percentage of salinity, while the uniform shores and the eastern-oriented expands of beach, with a thick layer of sand, are perfect for a relaxing holiday. In Romania, at the peak of the summer season, water temperature readings may stand at over 25 degrees Celsius. As soon as the evening sets in, the coast sizzles with events, most of them enjoying international recognition. However, resorts on the Romania Black Sea Coast are also suited for families with children, in search for peace and quiet, but also for those who are into partying and love to dance the night away.

    Adriana Deoancă is a spokesperson with Constanta Town Hall, and also our guide. She says that these days, the Romanian seaside translates into a fine experience.

    “We have called it the Constanta-Mamaia experience. Our city, Constanta, is Romanias second most important city, but also one of Europes largest and the most beautiful harbor-cities. With a population of more than 300,000 inhabitants, Constanta is a perfect blend between the old and the new, between history, tradition and modernity, between having fun in the summertime and quality multiculturalism, it is an unparalleled ethic mosaic and a city teeming with business opportunities. Constanta, in recent years, has become a noteworthy landmark on the summer holiday map for hundreds of thousands of tourists, Romanian and well as foreign. Apart from Mamaia, a resort offering countless leisure opportunities thanks to its wide beaches, with golden sand, and the sea water with a very beautiful blue color, the city is also worth discovering, step by step.”

    Our journey on the Romanian Black Sea Coast begins in Constanta Municipal city.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “You will find archeological vestiges that are unique around the world, you can admire buildings which are iconic for the Romanian and international heritage, the Casino, the Roman Edifice and its Mosaic, the Roman thermae, the museums, the cultural institutions, the Ovidius Square, the Old city center, the Tomis harbor. These are some of the tourist and economic assets nobody should miss, once they get here. We are Romanias only city which is accessible using all modern means of transport, road, rail, sea, river and air. It is Romanian Black Sea Coasts most important harbor city, so Constanta is also easy to reach.”

    Mamaia is located in the northern part of Constanta. It is the most modern, the most popular and the most densely-populated resort on the Romanian Riviera. Mamaia is also the trendiest and the most dynamic resort.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “It is a title awarded in 2012, at the International Clubs Festival in Monte Carlo. Nowhere else can you spend such nights like in Mamaia. Lying between waters, the Black Sea on one side and the Siutghiol Lake on the other side, Mamaia is the perfect place for you to spend the holiday of your dreams. You should know that tanning sessions on comfy lounge chairs, sipping a refreshing cocktail, in Mamaia perfectly tie in with consummate culinary experiences, ranging from the traditional Romanian, Turkish of Greek dishes to sophisticated shell or seafood-based Mediterranean recipes, prepared with all sorts of flavors and spices. All that simply enchants the taste buds of tourists who chose to spend time with us. Kite, kayak, snorkeling, parasailing or windsurfing and but a few of the sport disciplines you can practice on our seashore. So I believe we have enough reasons to invite all those listening to us right now to spend at least a couple of days on the Romanian seaside.”

    As a rule, the north of the Romanian seaside is popular for its vibrant nightlife, whereas the south is more appreciated by families with children for its peace and quiet. But special events for families are organized in all seaside resorts.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “We are happy to see that a growing number of businesses provide all-inclusive services, complete packages for families with children or for large families coming to the seaside. The north of Mamaia resort is famous in that it attracts youth from all over the world. There are a lot of events devoted to young people, with at least 2 major music festivals, Sunwaves and Neversea, which are already known abroad. There are however a lot of events for families as well. In June, for instance, Ovidiu Square hosts an ice-cream festival. In July we have car races. Colour Run is another popular event held in Mamaia resort. In August, events are devoted to book lovers, such as the Gaudeamus Caravan. Marina Food Challenge and Pontus Euxinus festivals are also held in August. A more recent event, which is also becoming very popular, is the Dobrogea Wine Story, which brings together vineyards from the entire region which showcase their production from the current and previous years.”

    The authorities also pay close attention to the safety of tourists.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “We take care of our tourists. We try to ensure an appropriate number of lifeguards are available in all resorts. As of June 1, the beaches of Constanta and Mamaia are monitored by over 120 lifeguards using 29 towers and 7 first-aid units, so that all locals and tourists may feel perfectly safe. They are also equipped with quick motor boats and ski-jets for emergency interventions. Comfort and safety are very important for us, and together with the local investors we are doing our best to make Constanta-Mamaia as attractive a destination as possible.”

    If you have enough time, you can also choose from a variety of day trips in the area. So whether you want an active holiday, a peaceful one, an immersion in the rich history and culture of multi-ethnic Dobrogea, the Romanian sea coast is the perfect summer holiday choice.

  • Holiday on the Romanian Black Sea coast

    Holiday on the Romanian Black Sea coast

    The Romanian Black Sea Coast stretches along 245 kilometers. The sea water has a low percentage of salinity, while the uniform shores and the eastern-oriented expands of beach, with a thick layer of sand, are perfect for a relaxing holiday. In Romania, at the peak of the summer season, water temperature readings may stand at over 25 degrees Celsius. As soon as the evening sets in, the coast sizzles with events, most of them enjoying international recognition. However, resorts on the Romania Black Sea Coast are also suited for families with children, in search for peace and quiet, but also for those who are into partying and love to dance the night away.

    Adriana Deoancă is a spokesperson with Constanta Town Hall, and also our guide. She says that these days, the Romanian seaside translates into a fine experience.

    “We have called it the Constanta-Mamaia experience. Our city, Constanta, is Romanias second most important city, but also one of Europes largest and the most beautiful harbor-cities. With a population of more than 300,000 inhabitants, Constanta is a perfect blend between the old and the new, between history, tradition and modernity, between having fun in the summertime and quality multiculturalism, it is an unparalleled ethic mosaic and a city teeming with business opportunities. Constanta, in recent years, has become a noteworthy landmark on the summer holiday map for hundreds of thousands of tourists, Romanian and well as foreign. Apart from Mamaia, a resort offering countless leisure opportunities thanks to its wide beaches, with golden sand, and the sea water with a very beautiful blue color, the city is also worth discovering, step by step.”

    Our journey on the Romanian Black Sea Coast begins in Constanta Municipal city.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “You will find archeological vestiges that are unique around the world, you can admire buildings which are iconic for the Romanian and international heritage, the Casino, the Roman Edifice and its Mosaic, the Roman thermae, the museums, the cultural institutions, the Ovidius Square, the Old city center, the Tomis harbor. These are some of the tourist and economic assets nobody should miss, once they get here. We are Romanias only city which is accessible using all modern means of transport, road, rail, sea, river and air. It is Romanian Black Sea Coasts most important harbor city, so Constanta is also easy to reach.”

    Mamaia is located in the northern part of Constanta. It is the most modern, the most popular and the most densely-populated resort on the Romanian Riviera. Mamaia is also the trendiest and the most dynamic resort.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “It is a title awarded in 2012, at the International Clubs Festival in Monte Carlo. Nowhere else can you spend such nights like in Mamaia. Lying between waters, the Black Sea on one side and the Siutghiol Lake on the other side, Mamaia is the perfect place for you to spend the holiday of your dreams. You should know that tanning sessions on comfy lounge chairs, sipping a refreshing cocktail, in Mamaia perfectly tie in with consummate culinary experiences, ranging from the traditional Romanian, Turkish of Greek dishes to sophisticated shell or seafood-based Mediterranean recipes, prepared with all sorts of flavors and spices. All that simply enchants the taste buds of tourists who chose to spend time with us. Kite, kayak, snorkeling, parasailing or windsurfing and but a few of the sport disciplines you can practice on our seashore. So I believe we have enough reasons to invite all those listening to us right now to spend at least a couple of days on the Romanian seaside.”

    As a rule, the north of the Romanian seaside is popular for its vibrant nightlife, whereas the south is more appreciated by families with children for its peace and quiet. But special events for families are organized in all seaside resorts.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “We are happy to see that a growing number of businesses provide all-inclusive services, complete packages for families with children or for large families coming to the seaside. The north of Mamaia resort is famous in that it attracts youth from all over the world. There are a lot of events devoted to young people, with at least 2 major music festivals, Sunwaves and Neversea, which are already known abroad. There are however a lot of events for families as well. In June, for instance, Ovidiu Square hosts an ice-cream festival. In July we have car races. Colour Run is another popular event held in Mamaia resort. In August, events are devoted to book lovers, such as the Gaudeamus Caravan. Marina Food Challenge and Pontus Euxinus festivals are also held in August. A more recent event, which is also becoming very popular, is the Dobrogea Wine Story, which brings together vineyards from the entire region which showcase their production from the current and previous years.”

    The authorities also pay close attention to the safety of tourists.

    Adriana Deoanca:

    “We take care of our tourists. We try to ensure an appropriate number of lifeguards are available in all resorts. As of June 1, the beaches of Constanta and Mamaia are monitored by over 120 lifeguards using 29 towers and 7 first-aid units, so that all locals and tourists may feel perfectly safe. They are also equipped with quick motor boats and ski-jets for emergency interventions. Comfort and safety are very important for us, and together with the local investors we are doing our best to make Constanta-Mamaia as attractive a destination as possible.”

    If you have enough time, you can also choose from a variety of day trips in the area. So whether you want an active holiday, a peaceful one, an immersion in the rich history and culture of multi-ethnic Dobrogea, the Romanian sea coast is the perfect summer holiday choice.

  • Blizzard hits Romania

    Blizzard hits Romania

    The latest snowfalls in Romania have again disrupted road, air, railway and naval traffic. The worst-hit regions were the country’s south and east, including the capital city Bucharest. Tens of villages have been cut off from the power grid, while traffic on numerous national and county roads was closed down, including the motorway to the seacoast. Railway traffic was also severely affected. Dozens of trains were cancelled while numerous others reported delays that in some cases exceeded two hours.

    Due to the strong wind, all operations on the Romanian Black Sea Coast, as well as traffic on the Danube-Black Sea canal have been temporarily put on hold. In Bucharest, over 130 cars were damaged by trees that snapped under the weight of the snow and ice. Additionally, several flights have been cancelled, while others took off with great delays. Several people in need of medical care were transferred to hospitals using dual track snowmobiles, as emergency vehicles could not reach certain areas due to the snow.

    Police authorities have fined several road administrators for failing to properly manage the roads. Equally, all snow-clearing services in Bucharest were fined for their faulty intervention. Over 6,000 firefighters, police officers and gendarmes were called up to help the population and clear the snow off the roads. The Interior Ministry has announced there are no stranded areas at present or people snowed in.

    After the heavy snow, meteorologists expect a cold snap to take hold of the entire country. Temperatures will drop to minus 15 and even minus 20 degrees Celsius during the night in some areas. Other countries in Eastern Europe too, including Serbia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria Croatia or Poland were confronted with heavy snowfalls, blizzards and cold weather.

    (Translated by Vlad Palcu)

  • Greek Citadels on the Black Sea Coast

    Greek Citadels on the Black Sea Coast

    The area stretching between the Danube Delta and Vama Veche, on what today is Romanian Black Sea Coast was once full of Greek settlements and fortresses. Only a few ruins of the formerly flourishing places can still be seen today. Archaeological research in the area started in 1914, when historian Vasile Parvan began excavations at the former Greek settlement of Istros. Other such settlements were later also investigated. First founded by the Greeks, they were later taken over by the Romans. Many mediaeval settlements were then founded on their sites. Our guest today, archaeologist Sergiu Iosipescu, tells us more:

    “The northernmost fortification is Licostomo, in Chilia Veche, of which no trace has been found despite the fact that research has been carried out for a long time. Its existence is recorded in many historical documents starting with the 10th century, including Byzantine documents and seals belonging to the leaders of the settlement. Licostomo was first a Byzantine castle, later it was Genoese fortress and then was under the control of Wallachia and Moldavia. Mircea the Elder was one of the rulers of that settlement. Between 1465 and 1484, it was controlled by Moldavia during the reign of Stephen the Great. Another Black Sea ancient fortress is Halmyris, which was identified by archaeologists near Murighiol. Traces of it were discovered alongside the tombs of a group of Christian martyrs. The Halmyris site is spectacular, but its restoration is not complete. The name of the place comes from its location close to the route to the large lake Halmyris, today known as the Razim-Sinoe lagoon complex. One of the branches of the Danube passed through that lake on its way to the Black Sea near Istros. Halmyris was probably founded by the Greeks before becoming a Roman settlement and used to connect the Danube and the river’s southern branch flowing into the Black Sea. “

    Close to Murighiol, on the shore of Lake Razim, there lies Enisala, partly restored overlooking a breathtaking landscape seemingly out of this world. Around the medieval castle in Enisala, a small fortified burg had been erected in the late 14th century by a local prince called Dimitrie; the premises later became part of Wallachia under the rule of Mircea the Elder. Here is archeologist Sergiu Iosipescu again.

    “Heading further southward, also on the shore of Lake Razim, one can find the ruins of another beautiful fortress called Arganum on Cape Dolosman. Arganum used to be a Greek settlement just like the ancient seaport of Istros. Further southwards there lie the ruins of other ancient settlements, which unfortunately are now part of the modern cities of Constanta and Mangalia. I am speaking about the ancient Greek settlements of Tomis and Callatis. But they aren’t all the ancient citadels that existed in Dobrogea and we have reasons to believe that between Tomis and Callatis there were two other ancient citadels, Stratonis Portos and Partenopolis. Excavations are underway and we are looking forward to new discoveries.”

    Those two cities could have disappeared into the sea as the Romanian Black Sea coast has undergone a series of geological changes, such as transgression and regression, processes that are still going on nowadays. Here is Sergiu Iosipescu again.

    “Those citadels were in a better shape back in the 14th and 15th centuries; walls were taller as they were part of the defence system of that time. They also provided building material back in the time of the Ottoman Empire, for buildings such as the castle that was built in Vadu, on the shore of Lake Sinoe. Ruins of the castle, resembling the one in Cetatea Alba, can be seen nowadays. Later during the Russian-Turkish wars in the early 19th century, the citadels in Carahalman, Constanta and Mangalia were systematically destroyed. Those citadels were razed to the ground by the Russian army and a large part of their vestiges vanished with the emergence of modern cities.”

    The cities that have survived up to now testify to both Romanian and Ottomancultures back in ancient and medieval times.