Tag: Romanian education system

  • Education at a Glance 2023 report on Romania

    Education at a Glance 2023 report on Romania

    In an event hosted by
    the Carol I Central University Library in Bucharest, government officials and
    representatives of the OECD attended the official launch of the Education at a
    Glance 2023 report. Attending were a large number of education experts,
    university rectors, department chairs and other academia. The report was
    published as a novelty this year after Romania joined the Indicators on
    National Education System programme in 2023, and as a result will be included
    in each EAG report, alongside other OECD members and candidates.

    Further information:


  • Report of the Day: i-RESTORE 2.0 – Laying the foundations of restorative justice in Romania

    Report of the Day: i-RESTORE 2.0 – Laying the foundations of restorative justice in Romania

    Last week a group of 7 international organizations from Romania, Hungary, Greece,
    Belgium, the Netherlands and Estonia attended the launch of the project
    i-RESTORE 2.0 – Accessible Quality Restorative Justice processes for children
    in contact with the law. Organized by Terre des hommes Romania and partner
    institutions, the event brought together experts from these countries to
    discuss best practices in the field and identify country-specific solutions.

    goal of the conference held in Bucharest was to discuss a number of case
    studies and come up with efficient child-friendly solutions to fill the void of
    restorative practices in the Romanian education system.

    Further information:
