Tag: RON

  • 25.01.2019 (mise à jour)

    25.01.2019 (mise à jour)

    Taux de change – La monnaie nationale, le leu, a atteint vendredi un nouveau minimum historique par rapport à la monnaie unique européenne. Un euro séchangeait vendredi pour 4 lei et 76 centimes sur le marché interbancaire, après la pause enregistrée jeudi, jour férié. La monnaie nationale a laissé des plumes face au dollar américain, estimé vendredi à 4 lei et 20 centimes et au franc suisse, estimé à 4 lei et 22 centimes. Le Parti social-démocrate, au pouvoir, affirme que les réserves de près de 37 milliards deuros de la Banque nationale sont suffisantes pour intervenir en la faveur de la monnaie nationale. Par ailleurs, selon les données publiées vendredi par la Banque centrale, la masse monétaire a augmenté de près de 9% en décembre dernier, par rapport à décembre 2017.

    Corruption – Le parquet national anticorruption a requis vendredi 12 ans de prison, soit près du plafond maximum de la peine prévue par la loi, pour lancien maire de la ville-port de Constanta, Radu Mazare, dans le procès où il est accusé dacceptation de pots-de-vin, conflit dintérêts et abus de fonction. Le procureur a en outre requis la confiscation de la somme dun million deuros, reçue par linculpé sous forme de pot-de-vin, ainsi que la récupération du préjudice. Le procès se déroule en labsence de lancien édile social-démocrate, réfugié au Madagascar, où il a sollicité le statut de réfugié politique en décembre 2017. Ancien maire de Constanta entre 2000 et 2015, membre du Parti social démocrate, il avait quitté son fauteuil de maire, après avoir été retenu une première fois en 2015, dans un autre dossier de corruption. Radu Mazare est devenu après sa fugue de Roumanie un investisseur de marque au Madagascar, construisant une petite station au bord de lOcéan Indien, bâtie autour des sports nautiques.

    Grippe – La ministre roumaine de la Santé, Sorina Pintea, a déclaré vendredi attendre le communiqué de mardi prochain de lInstitut national de la statistique, avant de déclarer lépidémie de grippe en Roumanie. Pour que létat dépidémie soit déclaré, il faut compter une hausse inhabituelle des cas confirmés de grippe, pendant trois semaines consécutives. 36 personnes sont mortes à cause de la grippe en cette saison froide. Les médecins conseillent à la population de se faire vacciner et daller consulter le médecin aux premiers symptômes.

    Notation – L’agence de notation financière Fitch a révisé de « stable » à « négative » ses prévisions pour la situation des deux premières banques de Roumanie – La Banque Commerciale Roumaine (BCR) et la BRD – Groupe Société Générale (BRD). Selon Fitch cette révision porte sur le risque potentiel plus élevé d’une intervention gouvernementale dans le secteur bancaire, si l’Etat n’est plus capable de payer ses dettes. Pour ce qui est des notations sur le long terme des deux banques, l’agence souligne que les institutions sont sensibles, notamment pour ce qui est des révisions des risques du pays.

    République de Moldova – En République de Moldova voisine a démarré vendredi la campagne électorale pour les élections parlementaires du 24 février. En première, le nouveau système électoral mixte, verra élire 50 députés sur les listes des partis, alors que 51 autres seront élus par voix de préférence, par vote uninominal, en seul tour. Jusquici, la République de Moldova compte 9 partis enregistrés, dont 6 sont déjà en lice pour ces élections. Les socialistes pro-russes du président Igor Dodon sont donnés favoris, suivis par une coalition formée par la droite pro-européenne et le Parti Démocrate, de centre gauche, au gouvernement. Un référendum est prévu le même jour, portant sur la réduction du nombre des parlementaires, de 101 à 61, et sur la possibilité légale à ce que le mandat de député puisse être révoqué par les citoyens.

    Handball – La championne de handball féminin de Roumanie, léquipe CSM Bucarest, rencontrera samedi en déplacement léquipe hongroise Gyor ETA dans son premier match du groupe B de la Ligue des champions. Les deux équipes démarrent depuis les deux premières places du groupe, Gyor à 8 points, la CSM à 6 points. Le groupe D compte des équipes de Norvège, Vipers Kristiansand, de Slovénie, Krim Ljubljana, de Hongrie, Ferencvaros et dAllemagne, Thuringer HC. Lors des deux dernières saisons, la CSM Bucarest a raflé la troisième place de la compétition, après avoir été sacrée championne en 2016. Samedi toujours, la vice-championne de handball féminin de Roumanie et championne en titre de la coupe EHF, la SCM Craiova, joue à domicile contre les Croates de Podravka Vegeta Koprivnica, dans le groupe D. Podravka est classée première de son groupe, avec 6 points, suivie par léquipe espagnole Amara Bera Bera et la SCM Craiova, chacune avec 2 points. Dans le groupe A de la même compétition, la SC Măgura de Cisnădie va se mesurer en déplacement aux Norvégiennes de Storhamar Handball Elite.

    Météo – Du verglas et du mauvais temps sont attendus pour ce week-end sur une grande partie du territoire de la Roumanie, qui se trouve en vigilance orange jusquà dimanche matin, alors que la vigilance à la neige sera levée le samedi dans la matinée. La pluie verglaçante a affecté les lignes de haute tension, la circulation des trains, alors que les avions ont enregistré des retards au décollage. Le vent qui a soufflé fort a arraché des arbres, abîmant des voitures et bloquant la circulation de certaines artères. 46 localités sont privées délectricité. Plus de 12.000 personnes du ministère de lIntérieur ont été mobilisées pour aider la population civile. Le ciel restera couvert et des précipitations sont attendues sur la majeure partie du territoire. Les températures minimum varieront entre -8 et +6°, alors que les maxima varieront entre -5 et +9°, en fonction des régions.

  • Romanian currency hits all-time low

    Romanian currency hits all-time low

    The Romanian currency, the leu, continues to decline against the Euro. After several consecutive increases, the single currency soared to an all-time record, the official, National Bank exchange rate for the first time exceeding the 4.7 leu ceiling.

    According to analysts, it is a temporary increase. On Monday, the exchange rate was 4.7081 leu for the Euro, down 0.23% since Friday. The national currency also lost ground to the US dollar and to the Swiss franc. Central bank officials say these are inconsequential fluctuations and should not be seen as signs of currency market instability.

    The National Banks strategy adviser, Adrian Vasilescu, noted that the impact is psychological, and that the Romanian currency only depreciated by 1 ban, the 100th subdivision of the leu, against the Euro. He also emphasised that the National Bank would only consider an intervention in case the depreciation exceeds 4-5%. Such fluctuations from one day to the next cannot reflect developments in the national economy, but rather the supply-to-demand ratio and the evolution of imports, Adrian Vasilescu explained:

    Adrian Vasilescu: “Importers brought Christmas-related commodities in Romanian stores, shops were full, people bought foreign products extensively, and now those importers exchange their Romanian-currency revenues to Euros, to pay their invoices.

    But, Adrian Vasilescu warned, apart from long-term, economy-related factors that lead to changes in the exchange rate, the currency market is also influenced by political statements. He argued however that investors do not make their decisions based on emotions, and they will very likely not see Romania as a high-risk country. Financial analysts also agree that the current fluctuations in the currency market are small and that there are no reasons to worry.

    Corneliu Cojocaru: “The Euro rises against the leu in very small steps. This is not an alarming occurrence, and it may get reversed at any moment. The causes are well known, we have a high demand for Euros in the market and a small supply. The high demand is understandable, considering that we import more than we export so Romania has a trade balance deficit. In other words, we pay more than we cash in, so naturally the Euro is in high demand.

    Economists believe an exchange rate that more properly reflects the actual Romanian economy is 4.75 leu for the Euro, and that the national currency may well continue to drop in the forthcoming period. ROBOR, the main index used in setting the floating interest rates for loans in the national currency, has also gone up again and is getting close to 3%.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • November 18, 2016 UPDATE

    November 18, 2016 UPDATE

    CURRENCY – The Romanian currency, the leu, further depreciated on Friday against the US dollar, to a new all-time low. The National Bank of Romania announced an exchange rate of 4.25 leu for the dollar. Economic analysts believe the evolution of the American currency will entail an increase in the prices of Romanian imports from outside the EU, including fuels.

    AWARD – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, received in Kerkrade, the Netherlands on Friday the Martin Buber medal granted by the Euriade foundation, an NGO promoting the education of youth in the spirit of European values. The award is handed every year to personalities whose public and private work contributes to the development of friendly communities relying on humanist values, through genuine dialogue, openness, responsibility and respect for the others. Prior to the ceremony in Kerkrade, the head of state had meetings with over 100 young people from various countries, taking part in the International Festival of Dialogue, currently under way in the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion, a region on the borders of Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. The award has been granted every year since 2002. Queen Silvia of Sweden, Mikhail Gorbachev, Gary Kasparov and Helmut Schmidt are some of the personalities who have received this award over the years.

    MOLDOVA – The Central Electoral Committee in Chisinau Friday night announced the official results of the presidential election in the Republic of Moldova, won by the pro-Russian Socialist Igor Dodon with 52% of the votes. The Committee dismissed the over 170 objections submitted by Dodons challenger, the pro-European reformer Maia Sandu, who claimed there had been many irregularities and requested that the election be invalidated. The Committee also rejected the more than 3,000 complaints filed by Moldovan citizens living abroad, who claimed their constitutional right to vote had been violated. According to the head of the Central Electoral Committee, Alina Rusu, quoted by Radio Romania correspondents, the respective irregularities were minor and could not have influenced the outcome of the election. Also on Friday, Dodon resigned as president of the Socialist Party, whose leadership will be taken over by the chief of the Socialist group in Parliament, Zinaida Greceanîi, a former PM during the communist rule.

    BOOK FAIR – Hundreds of visitors of the Gaudeamus International Book Fair organised by Radio Romania and under way in Bucharest attended on Friday book launches, cultural events, debates, recitals, workshops and meetings with authors. The list of books launched on Friday includes “The Colour of Paradise by the contemporary Chinese poet Jidi Majia and “The Wedding by the Romanian writer and journalist of Polish descent Gabriel Klimowicz. Radio Romanias stand had a programme dedicated to children. The fair, which comes to an end on Sunday, brings together hundreds of publishers and more than 850 events. This years guest of honour is China. Gaudeamus is organised by Radio Romania, the only public radio station in the world to initiate and develop a programme of such magnitude to support print culture.

    HEALTH – Romania ranks second in the EU, after Greece, in terms of antibiotic use per capita. In average, 600,000 Romanians receive antibiotic prescriptions every day, according to the latest report of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. This reflects in the high level of antibiotic-resistant bacteria occurrence, warns the president of the Romanian Microbiology Association, doctor Alexandru Rafila. The absence of measures to combat antibiotic resistance might cause up to 10 million annual deaths by infection with multi-resistant germs by 2050, reads a forecast by the World Health Organisation.

    US PRESIDENT – EU leaders and the US President Barak Obama Friday pleaded for preserving trans-Atlantic cooperation within NATO. According to a news release issued by the White House, Obama and his host, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, alongside the President of France François Hollande and the Prime Ministers of UK Theresa May, of Spain Mariano Rajoy, and of Italy Matteo Renzi, also agreed to maintain sanctions against Russia. Germany is the second country, after Greece, that Obama visited as part of his last trip to Europe as President of the USA, amid concerns that his successor, the right-wing populist Donald Trump, would be a threat to democracy. After Germany, Obama is traveling to Peru, to attend the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit. Trump is to take office on January 20.

    RUGBY – Romanias national rugby team is playing a friendly game in Bucharest on Saturday night against Canada. The two teams also played last year, at the World Cup in England, where the Romanians managed the most spectacular reversal of fortune in the history of the competition, winning 17-15, after 0-15 on 52 minutes. This is the second test match played this month by the Romanian rugby team, which last week defeated the US, at home, 23-10. The series of test matches in Bucharest concludes on November 26, when Romania plays Uruguay.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Povestea leului, moneda românilor

    Povestea leului, moneda românilor

    În 1835, în ziua de 16 septembrie, domnitorul Munteniei, prinţul Alexandru Ghica, a oficializat leul ca monedă a principatului său. Este un moment de pionierat, principatele româneşti erau încă separate, aşa cum voiau marile puteri. În acest context, domnul muntean a ales leul să fie moneda ţării sale, unde circulau o multitudine de monede străine, care din Occident, care din Orientul turcilor.

    Dintre toate aceste monede, talerul olandez, loventhaler pe numele său, era cea mai populară. Era o monedă frumoasă, cu un leu rampant pe avers, de unde şi-a primit şi numele taler-leu. Era o monedă larg utilizată în această parte a Europei, concurând paraua otomană. De altfel, şi albanezii şi bulgarii şi-au numit moneda naţională, în funcţiune şi astăzi, după talerul-leu al olandezilor.

    Şi în Republica Moldova, moneda naţională se numeşte leu, dar aici explicaţia este diferită. Nu este vorba de o alegere istorică, precum în Albania şi Bulgaria, ci de numele istoric purtat de moneda ţării, România, din care Republica Moldova a fost ruptă de Stalin, în 1940. Leul românilor a înflorit” după 1859, când dubla alegere a domnitorului Alexandru Ioan Cuza, la Iaşi şi la Bucureşti, a înfăptuit unirea Moldovei cu Muntenia.

    Este începutul făuririi şi consolidării statului român, cu crearea instituţiilor sale esenţiale. Leul din sistemul monetar al lui Cuza avea 100 de subdiviziuni, aşa cum funcţionează şi astăzi. Cuza, totuşi, nu a putut introduce moneda naţională pentru că însăşi unirea principatelor era vulnerabilă şi nerecunoscută oficial de marile puteri care îşi impuneau voinţa în această parte a lumii. Tot pentru a salva unirea, acceptată cât trăia Cuza, el a fost obligat să abdice şi a fost adus un prinţ german, Carol.

    La mai puţin de un an de la urcarea pe tron, în 1867, domnitorul Carol l stabileşte moneda naţională cu numele leu, ca o monedă bimetalică cu etalonul la 5 grame de argint sau 0,3226 grame de aur şi având ca subdiviziune banul, în număr de 100. Primele monede româneşti emise, cu grijă, au fost cele divizionare din bronz, de 1 ban, 2 bani, 5 bani şi 10 bani, care au fost bătute la Londra.

    Anul următor, 1868, a fost pusă în circulaţie prima monedă românească de aur, în valoare de 20 de lei. Este celebrul pol, derivat din francezul napoleon de aur. Moneda românească, semn puternic al suveranităţii, s-a consolidat treptat, odată cu ţara condusă de Carol l. La 3 martie 1870 este înfiinţată şi Monetăria Statului, care bate leul românesc de aur şi argint şi banii divizionari din bronz.

    Primele bancnote româneşti au fost biletele ipotecare din 1877 care îşi propuneau să susţină România în Războiul său de independenţă faţă de Imperiul otoman. După acest moment istoric, România se proclamă regat, iar în acelaşi an, 1880, este înfiinţată şi Banca Naţională a României, singura abilitată, de atunci, să emită monedă de metal şi hârtie. De-a lungul timpului şi a zbuciumatei istorii, mai ales a secolului XX, leul românesc a cunoscut tot felul de schimbări, denominări şi evoluţii, inclusiv în forma preferată de numismaţi.

    În 2005, moneda românească a fost denominată, adică i s-au tăiat 4 zerouri din coadă, pentru a fi mai uşor de comparat cu euro, moneda unică a Uniunii Europene. Atunci se ştia că România va adopta euro în 2019, dar această dată a fost clar infirmată, fără a fi oferit un alt moment al dispariţiei leului şi transformarea sa în euro. La denominare i s-a dat un nume nou, RON, în loc de ROL, ceea ce voia să sublinieze faptul că este vorba de un leu nou. Acum, ne-am obişnuit, deja, cu noul leu şi preţurile fără multe zerouri la coadă, astfel că vorbim tot de un singur leu, cel pe care îl vom mai folosi ceva ani, care pare a se fi stabilizat la un curs simetric de 4,4 lei pentru un euro.