Tag: RRI

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    COVID – Tru România, numirlu a infecțiilor cu coronavirus ma largu easti tru scadeari, 1.550 di cazuri noi di COVID-19 hiinda raportate tru aesti ditu soni 24 di săhăţ. Tutunăoară, fură raportate 154 di decesi, ditutre cari 29 fură nregistrate ninte di perioada di referință. Cama di 11.000 di persoane infectate cu SARS-CoV-2 suntu spitalizate. Tru UTI suntu 1.539 di paciență, un numir ma ñic atora sumundicra di dzuua di ma niti, iar 150 ditu aești au certificat cari atestă vaccinarea, asi cumu spunu autoritățli. Rata medie di infectare easti tora sumu 3,5 cazuri la nillea di bănători, iara ma mult di giumătate ditu giudețele României numata suntu tru sţenariul aroșu. Șeflu a campaniei di vaccinare COVID, Valeriu Gheorghiță, feati timbihi că ari riscul ca scenariul bănatu di Germania, cari tricu iruşi di la dalga 4 la a 5-a a pandemiillei, să s’facă și tru România, iu rata di vaccinare easti scădzută. . Un piriclliuol nica ș-ma mari poati s’hibă alăncearea a unei mutații a coronavirusului cari s’afireaşti di apandisea imună a organismului, spusi Gheorghiță. Numirlu a persoanelor complet vaccinate easti aproapea di 7,2 milioane.

    Guvern – Prezidentulu Klaus Iohannis simnă luni decretlu mutrinda număsearea tru funcția di prim-ministru a senatorlui liberal Nicolae Ciucă. El spusi, dpu consultărli cu partidile și grupările parlamentare, că număsearea al Ciucă easti ndrupătă di ună majoritate vărtoasă tru Parlament, cari includi PSD, PNL, UDMR și grupul a minorităților naționale, alti dicâtu aţelu maghiar. Klaus Iohannis lli-apruke tu idyea oară reprezentanțăllii PNL, PSD și UDMR tru cadrul a consultărilor. El zbură și cu liderllii a partidului naționalist di opoziție, AUR, kiro tru cari USR, fost partener junior a liberalilor tru guvernu, curmă călisearea-a prezidentului, stipsinda-lu pi aestu că easti nunlu a unăllei coaliții monstruoase. Uidisitu cu Constituția, candidatul la funcția di prim-ministru ari la dispoziție dzati dzăli di la nominalizare tră s’cafţă a Parlamentului un vot di pistipseari ti programulu di guvernare și tră tută lista di miniștri. Purtătorlu di zboru a PSD, Radu Oprea, spusi că, tru yinitorlu Executiv, social-dimocrații va s’aibă ună funcție ministerială tră secretarlu general a Guvernului, cum și portofoliile Finanțe, Apărare Națională, Economie, Transporturi, Agricultură, Sănătate, Muncă, Cultură și Tineretul. UDMR li ţăni ma largu ateali trei ministeri ţi li ari tu cumănduseari di ma ninti Dezvoltare Locală, Mediu și Sport. Iara libearalii armasiră cu Ministerele Justiției, Internelor, Afacerilor Externe, Investițiilor și Proiectelor Europene, Energiei, Educației, Cercetării și Turismului. Uidisitu cu presei, liderllii liberali ditu România și di București ălu cutugursiră sertu pi prezidentulu PNL, premierlu demisionaru Florin Cîțu, tră că trapsi mănă di la multi portofolii clleai tră social-democraț. Generalu tu rezervă, Ciucă fu număsitu meslu triecut di prezidentulu Iohannis s’adară guvernarea, ama trapsi mănă di la mandat după ţi agiumsi limbidu că guvernul minoritar format ditu PNL-UDMR nu va s’aminta votul di nvestitură. Ma ninti, guvernul USR pripus di liderul a partidului, Dacian Cioloş, nu fu aprukeatu di senatori şi diputaţi. Cara va s-hibă investit, Ciucă va s’agiungă primul militar di carieră cari va s’conducă un guvern ali Românie post-comuniste. Prima a lui nominalizare vini tu scurtu kiro după ţi un sondaj di opinie spusi că Armata și Bisearica suntu pi primile locuri tru un clasament a instituțiilor cari s’hărsescu di nai ma marea pistipseari a românilor. Uidisitu cu sondajului, realizat di Laboratorul di Analiză a Polimlui Informațional și Comunicari Strategică, 87% ditu români spun că au pistipsearea tru Armată, 70% – tru Biserică, iar 67% – tru Serviciul Român di Informații și tru Academia Română. Cama di 40% ditu apăndisitori lugursescu corupția și incompetența clasăllei politică ca suntu protili fuvirseri la adresa Româniillei.

    Vizită — Prezidentulu ali Republică Moldova (fosta republică sovietică cu ună majoritate di limbă română), pro-occidintală Maia Sandu, faţi marț ună vizită oficială tru România viţină, la invitația a omologlui a llei, Klaus Iohannis. Easti prima vizită tru România di la alidzerli parlamentare anticipate ditu 11 alunaru, amintati di partidul prezidințial Acțiune și Solidaritate (PAS). Vizita are loc tru contextul a yiurtusearillei, tru 2021, a 30 di ani di la ligăturloru diplomatice bilatearale, după ţi tru 1991, Chișinăul ș-proclamă indipendința andicra di Moscova. Vizita, precizeadză Administrația Prezidințială di București, easti ună multu bună furñie ta s-u spună hăirlătica a ligăturăllei specială, privilegiată, apufusita tru cadrul Parteneriatului Strategic tră integrarea europeană a Republicii Moldova, bazată pi ună limbă, cultură și istorie comuni. Consultările politice a aţiloru doi prezidenţă va li anvărtuşeadză excelenta și substanțială coopearare bilatearală la nivel politic, economic și sectorial și va s’da silă ti avansarea proiectelor comune di interes strategic tru domeniile energiei, transporturilor, sănătății, educației și IT. Accentul va s’bagă pi aţeali proiecte cari mutrescu conectarea Republicii Moldova la spațiul Uniunii Europene, pritu România, și aduţearea di hăirlătică alithea și concrete tutulor cetățenilor a llei — nica spuni izvurlu adusu aminti.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Commissioner Thierry Breton pays visit to Bucharest

    Commissioner Thierry Breton pays visit to Bucharest

    The visit of the European Commissioner for Internal Market, Thierry Breton, to Bucharest comes at a complicated time: the country has an interim government, and statistics on infections with the novel coronavirus are still worrying, even though the number of cases reported daily has fallen. Thierry Breton says that, with the coming of winter, the low vaccination rate endangers the health of Romanians, which is also an obstacle in the way of the full recovery of the country and the European Union as a whole.

    The European official’s discussions with the Romanian authorities, with health professionals and non-governmental organizations representaives were a plea in favor of vaccination and introducing the green certificate, an issue tackled bya draft law currently debated in the Chamber of Deputies. The vote on the green COVID certificate, together with the vaccine, ensures survival during the pandemic, says the European Commissioner, Thierry Breton, who added that it is high time Europeans were united, because only together this war can be won. He went on to say: We are all Europeans, we share the same values. Its time to act. We cant postpone it for a few months, because the virus isnt waiting. It is important that the green certificate is voted on and used, because we know that vaccination and the green certificate are the key to ensuring our survival and it is equally important that we should be part of the European community, the EU Commissioner added.

    Thierry Breton gas given assurances that the European Commission will continue its efforts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and called on Member States to properly use the tools and mechanisms created within the EU. The EU Commissioner met with the interim ministers of defense and health and was received by President Klaus Iohannis. The latter praised the European Commissions support for managing the health crisis and emphasized the need to continue to coordinate Member States actions and maintain unity at EU level.

    Klaus Iohannis reiterated that the vaccine is the main tool in fighting SARS-CoV-2. Regarding the green certificate, the pace of debates in the Chamber of deputies, which is the decision-making body in this case, seems to have got in tune with the pace of negotiations between the National Liberal Party – PNL and the Social Democratic Party – PSD on the future government. The political crisis delays the adoption in Parliament of the law on imposing the green certificate, says the head of the Health Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, the Liberal Nelu Tătaru. The parliamentary parties have so far failed to agree on the number of days for which testing for unvaccinated employees will be covered from the state budget. The Liberals have proposed 30 days, while the Social Democrats would like a 60-day grace period. A political agreement in the government will speed up the adoption of the green certificate. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The mens handball team Dinamo Bucharest was defeated, on Wednesday, away from home, by the German team Flensburg-Handewitt with the score 37-30. The match counted for Group B of the Champions League. Following this result, the Romanian team fell on the last place in the group, with only 4 points from 7 games. Also on Wednesday, the Ukrainian team Motor Zaporoje defeated the Hungarian team Veszprem 29-27. Next Thursday, Dinamo will play the return match with Flensburg-Handewitt, in Bucharest.

    In Group G of the Champions League in mens basketball, U-BT Cluj-Napoca obtained on Wednesday, on home turf, a dramatic victory against the Israeli team Hapoel Holon, with the score of 106-101, after two rounds of extra time. The best player of the hosts was the American Brandon Brown, with 20 points, a recovery and eight decisive passes. In the same group, on Tuesday, the Italian team Happy Casa Brindisi defeated the Turkish team Daruşşafaka Istanbul 82-73. Top of the ranking is U-BT Cluj-Napoca, with 7 points from 4 games, followed by Hapoel, with 5 points from 3 games, Happy Casa Brindisi, also with 5 points, but from 4 games, and Daruşşafaka, with 4 points from 3 games. The outstanding games between Daruşşafaka – Hapoel Holon will take place on December 7. U-BT Cluj-Napoca will play the next match on December 15, at home, with Happy Casa Brindisi. The winners of the groups qualify directly in the second phase of the groups, in which 16 teams will play. The teams on the 2nd and 3rd positions will play tiebreakers to be split and move on to the next phase.

    We continue with mens basketball. CSM CSU Oradea qualified to the second phase of the groups of the FIBA ​​Europe Cup competition. The Romanian team defeated on Wednesday, at home, after extra time, the Hungarian team Szolnoki Olajbányász, with the score 78-70, in their last game in Group H. In the final ranking of the group, Legia Warsaw ranked first, with 12 points, followed by CSM CSU Oradea, with 9, FC Porto, with 8 and Szolnoki Olajbányász, with 7 points. In the next phase, Oradea will play in Group K, together with Trefl Sopot, from Poland, Sporting Lisbon, and Parma Basket, from Russia, or Benfica Lisbon.

    Now volleyball. The Romanian mens volleyball champion, Arcada Galaţi, qualified for the 16th finals of the CEV Cup. Although it was defeated away from home by the Czech team Lvi Prague, with the score 3-2, in the second leg of the preliminary round of the competition, the team coached by Sergiu Stancu goes further thanks to the 3-1 win in the first round. In the 16th finals, Arcada Galati will be up against the French team Chaumont, the first game being scheduled in France. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The mens handball team Dinamo Bucharest was defeated, on Wednesday, away from home, by the German team Flensburg-Handewitt with the score 37-30. The match counted for Group B of the Champions League. Following this result, the Romanian team fell on the last place in the group, with only 4 points from 7 games. Also on Wednesday, the Ukrainian team Motor Zaporoje defeated the Hungarian team Veszprem 29-27. Next Thursday, Dinamo will play the return match with Flensburg-Handewitt, in Bucharest.

    In Group G of the Champions League in mens basketball, U-BT Cluj-Napoca obtained on Wednesday, on home turf, a dramatic victory against the Israeli team Hapoel Holon, with the score of 106-101, after two rounds of extra time. The best player of the hosts was the American Brandon Brown, with 20 points, a recovery and eight decisive passes. In the same group, on Tuesday, the Italian team Happy Casa Brindisi defeated the Turkish team Daruşşafaka Istanbul 82-73. Top of the ranking is U-BT Cluj-Napoca, with 7 points from 4 games, followed by Hapoel, with 5 points from 3 games, Happy Casa Brindisi, also with 5 points, but from 4 games, and Daruşşafaka, with 4 points from 3 games. The outstanding games between Daruşşafaka – Hapoel Holon will take place on December 7. U-BT Cluj-Napoca will play the next match on December 15, at home, with Happy Casa Brindisi. The winners of the groups qualify directly in the second phase of the groups, in which 16 teams will play. The teams on the 2nd and 3rd positions will play tiebreakers to be split and move on to the next phase.

    We continue with mens basketball. CSM CSU Oradea qualified to the second phase of the groups of the FIBA ​​Europe Cup competition. The Romanian team defeated on Wednesday, at home, after extra time, the Hungarian team Szolnoki Olajbányász, with the score 78-70, in their last game in Group H. In the final ranking of the group, Legia Warsaw ranked first, with 12 points, followed by CSM CSU Oradea, with 9, FC Porto, with 8 and Szolnoki Olajbányász, with 7 points. In the next phase, Oradea will play in Group K, together with Trefl Sopot, from Poland, Sporting Lisbon, and Parma Basket, from Russia, or Benfica Lisbon.

    Now volleyball. The Romanian mens volleyball champion, Arcada Galaţi, qualified for the 16th finals of the CEV Cup. Although it was defeated away from home by the Czech team Lvi Prague, with the score 3-2, in the second leg of the preliminary round of the competition, the team coached by Sergiu Stancu goes further thanks to the 3-1 win in the first round. In the 16th finals, Arcada Galati will be up against the French team Chaumont, the first game being scheduled in France. (LS)

  • Seven million Romanians fully vaccinated

    Seven million Romanians fully vaccinated

    Romania has exceeded the threshold of seven million people fully vaccinated against the novel coronavirus, which represents about 37% of the countrys population. The announcement was made by the National Committee for COVID 19 Vaccination Coordination, in the context in which doctors keep saying that vaccination must remain the most important method of preventing infection. Health experts say that physical distancing and preventive measures should continue, given that the Western countries, where the immunization rate is much higher, are once again facing an increase in the number of infections.

    Although, in Romania, the incidence of new COVID-19 infections is decreasing, the number of COVID-19- associated deaths and that of patients in serious condition remains high. The manager of the University Emergency Hospital in Bucharest, Professor Cătălin Cârstoiu, PhD, says that, although the number of new cases of infection has apparently decreased, there is still pressure on the big hospitals.

    Professor Cătălin Cârstoiu: “In the big, emergency hospitals, such as the University Hospital, a tense situation will persist, so to speak, for the next few weeks, because you understand and we all understand that, generally, patients with moderate forms of the diseases reach the intensive care units or the big hospitals, so even if the number of cases in emergency units seems to be on a downward trend, things remain complicated: there are 30-40 inpatients, every day, from one day to another, in the ER. There are 350 hospitalized patients, not 450. This is the first time that the number of hospitalized patients testing negative for COVID-19 is higher than the number of patients testing positive for the virus, after almost two and a half months.”

    The National Committee for Vaccination Coordination estimates that, by the end of the month, the logistical preparations for the COVID vaccination of children aged between 5 and 11 will be completed. Vaccination for this age group might start in December or, in a less likely scenario, in January next year. Children up to the age of 11 can be vaccinated in centers where the Pfizer BioNTtech vaccine is available as well as in the family doctors offices. The dedicated platform will be modified so that one adult can schedule one child.

    On the other hand, the problem of fictitious vaccinations makes the situation more difficult. Two nurses accused of taking money for issuing false COVID vaccination certificates at a center in Petea Border-Crossing Point were taken into temporary custody for 30 days. The same decision was made for two registrars at the vaccination center. According to prosecutors, one of the nurses and the two registrars allegedly asked and received repeatedly between 250 and 300 Euros from those who wanted to obtain vaccination certificates and the European digital COVID certificate without being vaccinated. The other nurse allegedly acted as a go-between. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The mens handball team Dinamo Bucharest was defeated, on Wednesday, away from home, by the German team Flensburg-Handewitt with the score 37-30. The match counted for Group B of the Champions League. Following this result, the Romanian team fell on the last place in the group, with only 4 points from 7 games. Also on Wednesday, the Ukrainian team Motor Zaporoje defeated the Hungarian team Veszprem 29-27. Next Thursday, Dinamo will play the return match with Flensburg-Handewitt, in Bucharest.

    In Group G of the Champions League in mens basketball, U-BT Cluj-Napoca obtained on Wednesday, on home turf, a dramatic victory against the Israeli team Hapoel Holon, with the score of 106-101, after two rounds of extra time. The best player of the hosts was the American Brandon Brown, with 20 points, a recovery and eight decisive passes. In the same group, on Tuesday, the Italian team Happy Casa Brindisi defeated the Turkish team Daruşşafaka Istanbul 82-73. Top of the ranking is U-BT Cluj-Napoca, with 7 points from 4 games, followed by Hapoel, with 5 points from 3 games, Happy Casa Brindisi, also with 5 points, but from 4 games, and Daruşşafaka, with 4 points from 3 games. The outstanding games between Daruşşafaka – Hapoel Holon will take place on December 7. U-BT Cluj-Napoca will play the next match on December 15, at home, with Happy Casa Brindisi. The winners of the groups qualify directly in the second phase of the groups, in which 16 teams will play. The teams on the 2nd and 3rd positions will play tiebreakers to be split and move on to the next phase.

    We continue with mens basketball. CSM CSU Oradea qualified to the second phase of the groups of the FIBA ​​Europe Cup competition. The Romanian team defeated on Wednesday, at home, after extra time, the Hungarian team Szolnoki Olajbányász, with the score 78-70, in their last game in Group H. In the final ranking of the group, Legia Warsaw ranked first, with 12 points, followed by CSM CSU Oradea, with 9, FC Porto, with 8 and Szolnoki Olajbányász, with 7 points. In the next phase, Oradea will play in Group K, together with Trefl Sopot, from Poland, Sporting Lisbon, and Parma Basket, from Russia, or Benfica Lisbon.

    Now volleyball. The Romanian mens volleyball champion, Arcada Galaţi, qualified for the 16th finals of the CEV Cup. Although it was defeated away from home by the Czech team Lvi Prague, with the score 3-2, in the second leg of the preliminary round of the competition, the team coached by Sergiu Stancu goes further thanks to the 3-1 win in the first round. In the 16th finals, Arcada Galati will be up against the French team Chaumont, the first game being scheduled in France. (LS)

  • Sports Flash

    Sports Flash

    The mens handball team Dinamo Bucharest was defeated, on Wednesday, away from home, by the German team Flensburg-Handewitt with the score 37-30. The match counted for Group B of the Champions League. Following this result, the Romanian team fell on the last place in the group, with only 4 points from 7 games. Also on Wednesday, the Ukrainian team Motor Zaporoje defeated the Hungarian team Veszprem 29-27. Next Thursday, Dinamo will play the return match with Flensburg-Handewitt, in Bucharest.

    In Group G of the Champions League in mens basketball, U-BT Cluj-Napoca obtained on Wednesday, on home turf, a dramatic victory against the Israeli team Hapoel Holon, with the score of 106-101, after two rounds of extra time. The best player of the hosts was the American Brandon Brown, with 20 points, a recovery and eight decisive passes. In the same group, on Tuesday, the Italian team Happy Casa Brindisi defeated the Turkish team Daruşşafaka Istanbul 82-73. Top of the ranking is U-BT Cluj-Napoca, with 7 points from 4 games, followed by Hapoel, with 5 points from 3 games, Happy Casa Brindisi, also with 5 points, but from 4 games, and Daruşşafaka, with 4 points from 3 games. The outstanding games between Daruşşafaka – Hapoel Holon will take place on December 7. U-BT Cluj-Napoca will play the next match on December 15, at home, with Happy Casa Brindisi. The winners of the groups qualify directly in the second phase of the groups, in which 16 teams will play. The teams on the 2nd and 3rd positions will play tiebreakers to be split and move on to the next phase.

    We continue with mens basketball. CSM CSU Oradea qualified to the second phase of the groups of the FIBA ​​Europe Cup competition. The Romanian team defeated on Wednesday, at home, after extra time, the Hungarian team Szolnoki Olajbányász, with the score 78-70, in their last game in Group H. In the final ranking of the group, Legia Warsaw ranked first, with 12 points, followed by CSM CSU Oradea, with 9, FC Porto, with 8 and Szolnoki Olajbányász, with 7 points. In the next phase, Oradea will play in Group K, together with Trefl Sopot, from Poland, Sporting Lisbon, and Parma Basket, from Russia, or Benfica Lisbon.

    Now volleyball. The Romanian mens volleyball champion, Arcada Galaţi, qualified for the 16th finals of the CEV Cup. Although it was defeated away from home by the Czech team Lvi Prague, with the score 3-2, in the second leg of the preliminary round of the competition, the team coached by Sergiu Stancu goes further thanks to the 3-1 win in the first round. In the 16th finals, Arcada Galati will be up against the French team Chaumont, the first game being scheduled in France. (LS)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    In rugby, November is dedicated to international matches. High-level matches take place, often ending in surprises. The big surprise this year was reported on Saturday, in Dublin, where Ireland beat New Zealand 29 – 20.

    Romania’s team is also participating in international games. Stejarii – “The Oaks” played their first test match on Sunday, November 7, in Italy, in Verona, with the Uruguayan team. The match should have taken place in Bucharest, but due to the health situation in the Romanian capital, it was agreed to be played in Italy. Although the South American team was better placed in the world ranking, Romania won 29 – 14. The Romanian rugby players thus took their revenge after, 3 years ago, Uruguay won in Bucharest, also in a test match, 27-20. It is worth mentioning that the team of Uruguay is already qualified to the World Cup scheduled for 2023, in France.

    Last Saturday, “Stejarii” played, in Bucharest, an outstanding match counting for the continental Rugby European Championship competition, against the Netherlands. Romania obtained a landslide win, with the score 56 – 15, the Romanian rugbyists scoring no less than eight tries, four in each half. In the 2021 edition of the competition, there is only one game left to play, the Netherlands versus Spain, scheduled for December. Top of the ranking is Georgia, with 23 points, followed by Romania with 14 points, which has an equal number of points with the team on the 3rd place, Portugal. Russia is on 4th place with 9 points. Spain is on 5th place, with 7 points, but with one game less. The Netherlands ranks last with no points.

    The Romanian team also has a test match with Tonga scheduled for this year, on Saturday, November 20, in Bucharest, on the Arcul de Triumf National Rugby Stadium. For this game, 30 players were selected, most of them playing in the domestic championship. The rugby players of the defending champions, CSM Știința Baia Mare, who left with the club team in a tournament in South Africa, are missing. At the same time, almost all the rugbyists who play in France have returned to the club teams. In the world ranking, at this moment, Romania is ranked 16th, and Tonga 15th. (LS)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    In rugby, November is dedicated to international matches. High-level matches take place, often ending in surprises. The big surprise this year was reported on Saturday, in Dublin, where Ireland beat New Zealand 29 – 20.

    Romania’s team is also participating in international games. Stejarii – “The Oaks” played their first test match on Sunday, November 7, in Italy, in Verona, with the Uruguayan team. The match should have taken place in Bucharest, but due to the health situation in the Romanian capital, it was agreed to be played in Italy. Although the South American team was better placed in the world ranking, Romania won 29 – 14. The Romanian rugby players thus took their revenge after, 3 years ago, Uruguay won in Bucharest, also in a test match, 27-20. It is worth mentioning that the team of Uruguay is already qualified to the World Cup scheduled for 2023, in France.

    Last Saturday, “Stejarii” played, in Bucharest, an outstanding match counting for the continental Rugby European Championship competition, against the Netherlands. Romania obtained a landslide win, with the score 56 – 15, the Romanian rugbyists scoring no less than eight tries, four in each half. In the 2021 edition of the competition, there is only one game left to play, the Netherlands versus Spain, scheduled for December. Top of the ranking is Georgia, with 23 points, followed by Romania with 14 points, which has an equal number of points with the team on the 3rd place, Portugal. Russia is on 4th place with 9 points. Spain is on 5th place, with 7 points, but with one game less. The Netherlands ranks last with no points.

    The Romanian team also has a test match with Tonga scheduled for this year, on Saturday, November 20, in Bucharest, on the Arcul de Triumf National Rugby Stadium. For this game, 30 players were selected, most of them playing in the domestic championship. The rugby players of the defending champions, CSM Știința Baia Mare, who left with the club team in a tournament in South Africa, are missing. At the same time, almost all the rugbyists who play in France have returned to the club teams. In the world ranking, at this moment, Romania is ranked 16th, and Tonga 15th. (LS)

  • RRI Personality of the Year

    RRI Personality of the Year

    friends, RRI continues its traditional polling of listeners on short wave, the
    Internet and social media, with a new challenge, in a further complicated
    context generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. We would like to ask you which
    person you think left their imprint on the world in a positive way in 2021.

    are preparing to designate, based on your options, The Personality of the Year
    2021 on RRI. Will this person be a public person, an opinion leader or a
    regular person with a special story? The decision is yours. We would also want
    to ask you why you picked that particular person.

    You can send your answers, as
    usual, by commenting on our website, at rri.ro, by e-mail at engl@rri.ro,
    on our Facebook profile, on WhatsApp at +40744312650, by fax at,
    or by post (Covid-19 may cause postal services delays), at 60-64, General
    Berthelot Street, sector 1, Bucharest, area code 010165 (PO Box 111), Romania.

    remind you that last year, RRI’s listeners and Internet and social media users
    chose healthcare workers, who were on the front line of the battle against the
    pandemic, as Personality of the Year. We’re looking forward to your proposals
    this year! We will announce the winner on the 1st of January,

  • Towards a big 3-party coalition?

    Towards a big 3-party coalition?

    In Bucharest, the idea of a new government made up of the PNL (National Liberal Party) — PSD (Social Democratic Party) – UDMR (Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania) is getting shape, after the minority cabinet made up of the Liberals and ethnic Hungarians, led by the Liberal leader Florin Cîţu, was dismissed by a censure motion in early October, and after Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis announced last week that he would call the parties for consultations only when an assumed parliamentary majority was formed. The Liberals no longer agreed to rebuild the alliance with USR (Save Romania Union), so, for the Liberals, the winning option seems to be the Social Democrats, for the time being. PNL previously had an alliance with PSD between 2013 and 2014, and that was not the first governing alliance between the Right and the Left. In 2008, the Democratic Party, de facto led by the then President Traian Basescu, formed a government with Mircea Geoanas Social Democrats.

    Therefore, the Liberal leadership decided, with a vast majority, to officially start negotiations with PSD to form the government. UDMR and the national minorities will also be part of this new majority. The conditions set by the Liberals are not negotiable. They want no taxes to be increased and that the state should be an honest partner of the business environment. Last but not least, they want the formation of a majority around the PNL with a Liberal prime minister. PNL also intends to continue the administrative reforms, especially in relation to ​salaries and pensions, as well as to respect the partnership with the head of state, Klaus Iohannis. The Liberal president and the interim prime minister Florin Cîțu says, quote: “Reforms are important to me. I have to see with whom I can make these reforms in the next period, and we must find a partner, because PNL alone does not have a majority in Parliament. I am interested in carrying on with the reforms included in the National Recovery and Resilience Program – PNRR, with the pension system reform, the salary reform, the public administration reform, and I want to make sure that we maintain the growth rate of investment expenditures” Florin Cîțu said.

    In turn, the PSD leadership, which views the alliance with the Liberals as a chance to come to power, unanimously voted to start negotiations with them. “The National Political Council has given its consent, because we are open to negotiate in order to speed up the resolution of the Romanians problems,” said the first vice-president of PSD, Sorin Grindeanu. The Social Democrats have also come up with a list of measures to be taken in the next period, which includes: managing the pandemic, raising allowances, increasing pensions and the minimum wage. The UDMR is also to be part of the future government. They decided to start negotiations for the formation of a large coalition with PNL and PSD supported by the national minorities. The ethnic Hungarians president Kelemen Hunor has said that this coalition makes sense if reforms can be made to revise the Constitution, in order to introduce the concept of parliamentary republic, which is an important goal. (LS)

  • Anunţ emiţătoare defecte

    Anunţ emiţătoare defecte

    Dragi prieteni, Radiocom, compania care asigură emisia programelor Radio România Internaţional, a anunţat că persistă defecţiunea la emiţătorul BD 300-1 de la Ţigăneşti (lângă Bucureşti), care transmite emisiuni RRI. Radiocom face eforturi pentru remedierea defecţiunii. Sunt afectate frecvenţe de unde scurte pentru emisiuni RRI în română (azimut New York, şi Curierul românesc, difuzat duminica), engleză (azimut New York, San Francisco, Nairobi, Londra, Tokyo şi spre Australia), franceză (azimut Paris, Africa Centrală, Maghreb), germană (azimut Berlin), spaniolă (azimut Madrid, Buenos Aires), rusă (azimut Moscova, Novosibirsk), arabă (azimut Magreb şi Mashrek) şi chineză (azimut Beijing).

    Pe de altă parte, Radiocom a anunţat că a avut o defecţiune mecanică la emiţătorul de la Săftica, BD 100-1, care a afectat emisiunile în italiană, sârbă, ucraineană şi dialect aromân. Defecţiunea a fost parţial reparată, dar nu se pot difuza emisiunile cu azimut 30 de grade, Kiev, în limba ucraineană. Radiocom a dat asigurări că face eforturi pentru remedierea completă a defecţiunii de la emiţătorul de la Săftica.

    Vă vom ţine la curent cu situaţia şi vă invităm să recepţionaţi programele RRI pe frecvenţele funcţionale de la Ţigăneşti (BD 300-2), Galbeni (ID 300-1 şi ID 300-2), pe site (inclusiv on demand), pe SoundCloud, pe aplicaţii, prin TuneIn şi prin satelit.

  • Listener’s Day on RRI

    Listener’s Day on RRI

    On November 1st we celebrate Radio Day here in Romania, a date linked to the establishment of Romanian public broadcasting service back in 1928. To mark this celebration, Radio Romania International is traditionally hosting a special broadcast around this date in which listeners get to weigh in on a topical subject. And what can be more topical this year than the coronavirus pandemic and the harm posed by misinformation?

    This year on Listeners Day, weve asked you to share your own experience with fake news during the pandemic. We were also eager to find out if the pandemic has affected the way you get your information, and more specifically what sources you use to keep yourself informed on an everyday basis. Today we will be looking at your interesting insights into these topics.

  • November 5, 2021

    Covid — 8,268 cases of COVID-19 and 483 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours in Romania, 20 of the deaths being reported previous to the reference interval, shows data announced on Friday by the authorities. All beds in ICUs across the country are occupied. Most new cases were registered in Bucharest, where the incidence rate is dropping towards less than 12 cases per thousand inhabitants. The president of the Medical College, Daniel Coriu, said that over 92% of the infected people who died were not vaccinated against COVID. The vaccination rate has slowed in recent days, after a surge reported in the past two weeks. More than 82,000 people have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in the last 24 hours, of whom 43,000 with the first dose. The total number of fully vaccinated people stands at a little over 6,400,000.

    WHO — A World Health Organization delegation is in Bucharest where they visited several hospitals in Romania. Their conclusion is that the situation in hospitals across Romania is dramatic and immediate sanitary measures are needed to protect vulnerable people, above all. At the same time, vaccination against COVID-19 is the main solution to prevent new waves of infection. WHO representatives also met with members of the parliamentary health committees of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

    Schools — Classes will start on November 8 for all students and preschoolers in Romania, both in the state and private education systems, the interim Education Minister, Sorin Cîmpeanu said today in a press conference. He explained that courses will be attended physically in the schools where the COVID vaccination rate among teachers is over 60%. One week ago, the minister had announced that more than half of the schools and kindergartens exceeded this level. Instead, several student associations across the country request the opening of schools with physical attendance only in those localities where the incidence of COVID cases is less than 6 per thousand inhabitants.

    Government – On Monday the National Political Bureau of National Liberal Party – PNL will make a decision regarding the negotiations with Save Romania Union – USR and the Social Democratic Party — PSD, the interim prime minister and Liberal leader Florin Cîţu announced on Friday. According to him, at the meeting with PSD, the option of a rotating prime minister position was suggested, but they did not talk about portfolios. He said that the talks with USR, a former governing partner, would continue. On Thursday, Florin Cîţu declared after the negotiations with the PSD leader, Marcel Ciolacu, that he found many things that could bring the two parties together. In his turn, the Social Democrat’s president said that the two parties are on a correct path, which could lead to the formation of a majority. The PNL and PSD negotiating teams are trying to find a governing formula, with a solid parliamentary majority, after two attempts to form a minority government failed. On Thursday evening, President Klaus Iohannis announced that he would call the parties for consultations only when an assumed parliamentary majority is formed. We recall that the minority government made up of the PNL – UDMR headed by Florin Citu was dismissed by a no confidence motion.

    EBRD — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development — EBRD estimates that Romanias economy will grow by 7% this year, after forecasting a 6% growth in the summer, the main engine behind growth being domestic demand, an EBRD report shows. For 2022, EBRD experts say that the European money that will be channeled through the Recovery and Resilience Program is to bring about increased investments and improved exports, which, together with the expected fiscal consolidation and a slowdown in private consumption, could translate into an increase in the GDP by more than 4%. However, the EBRD also warns in todays report that these forecasts are subject to a high degree of uncertainty. The main risk, in the case of Romania, is the evolution of the pandemic, given that Romania has the second lowest vaccination rate in the EU. Another risk is posed by the high prices of natural gas and oil, because Romania, like other states, is pressured to offset high energy expenditures for low-income households. (LS)

  • November 4, 2021 UPDATE

    November 4, 2021 UPDATE

    Covid — Almost 9,000 SARS-CoV-2 contamination in 24 hours and 489 deaths, of which 55 prior to the reference interval, were announced on Thursday in Romania. All beds in ICUs at national level are occupied, and 1,902 patients are hospitalized, of whom 33 are children. Most new cases were registered in Bucharest, where the incidence rate stands at 12.44 cases per thousand inhabitants, on a downward trend for 13 days. The president of the Medical College, Daniel Coriu, stated that over 92% of the infected people who have died were not vaccinated against COVID. The vaccination rate has slowed in recent days, after it was on an upward trend for two weeks. Over 82 thousand people have got vaccinated against Covid in the past 24 hours, of whim 43 thousand with the first dose. The total number of fully vaccinated people is a little over 6,400,000.

    Government — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis announced on Thursday evening that he would call the parties for consultations when an assumed parliamentary majority that wants to propose a government is formed. According to him, it is clear that the attempts at forming minority governments have not yielded results. Iohannis recalled that the latest proposal did not gather enough votes in Parliament and the Ciuca Government did not go for approval in Parliament. The last Prime Minister designate, the liberal Nicolae Ciucă, relinquished his mandate, on Monday, after having failed to obtain parliamentary support for a minority government made up of the PNL – UDMR. The first person President Iohannis appointed as prime minister was the USR leader, Dacian Ciolos, who did not gain Parliament’s support. We remind you that the government led by the liberal Florin Citu was dismissed by a censure motion. Meanwhile, negotiations between the parties continue. The Liberal representatives discussed on Thursday with those of the opposition Social Democratic Party – PSD for the formation of a government with full powers and a stable majority in Parliament. On Wednesday, the Liberals resumed negotiations with USR and according to the PNL leader, Florin Cîţu, there are great chances for the right-wing coalition to be rebuilt. USR leader Dacian Cioloş was more reserved and is waiting for the Liberals decision, after discussions with PSD.

    EBRD – The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD has significantly improved its estimates on Romania’s economic growth in 2021 forecasting a 7.2% growth this year as against 6% as it estimated in June, a report published on Thursday shows. In 2022 the Recovery and Resilience Facility could lead to a rise in investment and a gradual increase in exports whereas the reduced private consumption and the fiscal consolidation could translate into a 4.4% GDP growth, the bank experts believe. According to them the main risk is posed by the development of the pandemic as Romania has the second slowest EU vaccination rate. According to the EBRD, Greece, Romania and Bulgaria are seeing a significant economic recovery after the difficult year 2020. Romania’s main growth engine seems to be its domestic demand.

    Tax evasion – The European Public Prosecutors Office (EPPO) coordinated an action following which 4 people were arrested and 23 million Euros worth of assets were confiscated in a tax evasion case in the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia. According to an EPPO statement, those arrested are suspected of organized crime and tax evasion. The core of the criminal activity was located in Hamburg (Germany), and the money laundering was organized by companies from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with important connections in Romania. EPPO started operating on 1 June this year, being an independent EU body in charge of investigating, prosecuting and arraignment of those who perpetrated crimes against the EUs financial interests, including: fraud, corruption, money laundering, cross border VAT fraud. 22 of the 27 EU states are members of the EPPO.

    COP 26 — Nuclearelectrica executive director Cosmin Ghiţă and NuScale Power (USA) President and CEO John Hopkins on Thursday signed in Glasgow the official documents of the agreement based on which the two companies will work together to build a small modular nuclear reactor (Small Modular Reactor – SMR) in Romania. The power plant will be the first of its kind built in Europe. Nucleaelectrica and NuScale Power have concluded the partnership for its construction at a recent meeting of the heads of state, government officials, non-governmental associations and scientists at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow.

    Foreign workers — The Romanian Labor Ministry suggest an increase in the number of newly admitted foreign workers on the Romanian labor market to 100,000 by 2022, double the figure reported in 2021. Foreign labor force is needed for the construction of residential and non-residential buildings, restaurants and road transport of goods. According to data provided by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, most foreign citizens who come to work in Romania are from Vietnam, the Republic of Moldova, Turkey and Nepal.

    WHO — The World Health Organization is concerned about the deteriorating health situation in Europe, currently considered the epicenter of the pandemic. According to the organizations director for Europe, Hans Kluge, the current transmission rate is worrying in several countries, and if the trend continues, there could be half a million new deaths by February. According to the WHO, the most complicated situations are currently reported in Eastern European countries that have poor vaccination coverage. Most deaths reported in the last seven days were registered in Russia, over 8,000, in Ukraine, 3,800 and in Romania, 3,100. The UK and Belgium have also been facing a surge in the number of new contaminations. A record number of new infections, almost 34,000, in 24 hours, has been reported in Germany, a situation that it last faced in December last year.

    Wrestling — The Romanian athlete Andreea Beatrice Ana won the gold medal in the 55 kg category on Thursday, in the Under-23 World Wrestling Championships held in Belgrade, after defeating the Russian Viktoria Vaulina in the final. Also on Thursday, another Romanian, Stefania Claudia Priceputu, won the bronze medal in the 50 kg category, after defeating the Tunisian, Sarra Hamdi (LS)