Tag: RRI’s listeners



    “I have been a short-wave listener since the mid 1980s. I enjoy short wave, road cycling, science and astronomy. Its nice to be able to listen, learn and find out about different countries and cultures around the world. I feel that short-wave radio listening is a hobby that many here in the US have forgotten about, and that to me is sad because there is so much on. I love going into my little radio room and sitting in front of my receiver and just listen. No Internet, cell phones, just me and my radio, doing it the old fashion way. I find that peaceful and relaxing. I listen to RRI every time I tune in to my radio. I really like the programs, news and especially the music. Its nice that Radio Romania has continued to broadcast on short wave when many stations have chosen to leave the airwaves. I think everyone at RRI does a great job of reporting the news, and all other programs are well put together, informative and a pleasure to listen to.”

    (Ray Lyell of Johnston City, Illinois, the USA)

    “Radio Romania International on 9730 kHz, often makes it to the New York area with complete ease for the duration of each and every broadcast on this frequency at this time of year. This broadcast was no exception to that, and aside from some mild fading and some mild local noise, the broadcast was heard with good signals and was a pleasure to listen to. Radio Romania International is by far one of my favourite stations to listen to on short wave, I have been listening to Radio Romania International since 2013 regularly and this station is always such a pleasure to hear. Its great that I am able to hear this station with ease, and the English Service is always informative and entertaining, and I always enjoy the music programs which are included in the English Service.”

    (John Jurasek, the USA)

    “There is nothing in Romania like RRI, it just promotes the country big time. Your news and opinions have definitely the best form, and not many stations have such good opinions and such good format on topics that are really hard to talk about and discuss. I love your radio, and coverage is just amazing. You cover everything – from sports, news, actualities in the world, society in Romania, tourism, economy…it just really gives Romania a great promotion. Without any over- phrasing, RRI just shows the Romania like Romania is. Romania is proud of you, as well as short-wave radio, so thank you for making interesting reports.”

    (Kristian Kolar, Croatia)

    “I had a pleasure of listening to your radio station on July 31st 2015. I was at my summer cottage and it was really nice to get a signal from Romania. Thank you very much for your program. It is great that there are countries in Europe like Romania still transmitting on short wave. The web is absolutely not enough. At our summer cottage with no Internet connection the only way to get a signal from a radio station is trying to catch it on air. Keep up the good work”

    (Kari Kivekas, Helsinki, Finland)

    “I listened to your todays edition of The Week In Review program. I always feel pleasure to enjoy your nice and important programs. In this program today you had broadcast about the major events of the past week related to Romania. Some of the major events like the NATO official attended in Bucharest the opening of the headquarters of the first of two allied command and control centres to operate in Bucharest. Also one of the major event was Romania and the economic & financial crisis in Greece and other major interesting and informative news. I very much enjoyed it. I thank you and your department for broadcasting this wonderful program. I found this program more informative and outstanding”.

    (Debakamal Hazarika, India)

    “I am always pleased to receive your programme schedules. They include photos of Romania that bring the country into my home. The details of what you are broadcasting are appreciated too.”

    (Brian Kendall, England)

    “The two people I will like to mention today do not make headlines on the international stage. They do not speak at climate conferences in Paris or trade shows in Japan. Yet, the two are well known in the studios of Radio Romania International in English, and also in the ears of your English-speaking listeners.I am speaking of Eugen Nasta and Calin Cotoiu, producers of the Romanian language learning program ‘Romanian Without Tears’. I am a person who has studied foreign languages. During my university years, I had learned Spanish, French, some Italian and Portuguese. I was very keen to study this other Romance language, spoken in the far off Balkans. Also, I wanted to study the language of a socialist country, since I believed my government was not telling me the complete truth about these countries.In 1971, I actually had the opportunity to visit Romania for one month. I regret to say that I have not been back since. However, through the programs of Radio Romania International, I can know what is happening in your country. I am very glad that you now broadcast over the internet, as reception is much clearer than it is on short-wave.I believe that studying the language of another country is a vital part of getting to know the people, culture and customs of that country. Even if one does not achieve full fluency in this language, the effort one has made truly does open the doors to the country in question”.

    (Tim Hendel, the US)