Tag: rugby

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romania’s women’s handball team has qualified for the 2024 European Championships hosted by Austria, Hungary and Switzerland. On Sunday night, in Group 1, Romania, missing its star players Cristina Neagu and Crina Pintea, defeated Croatia away from home 25-23. Romania, which tops the group standings with 8 points, is yet to play against Bosnia-Hertegovina away from home and against Greece at home. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament, along with the best 4 teams having ranked 3rd in each group.


    The Kenyan-born Romanian athlete Joan Chelimo Melly won Sunday’s semi-marathon race in Paris, and set a new national record on this occasion. Coached by Carol Şanta at the Dinamo Bucharest club, Joan Chelimo Melly has qualified to the Paris Olympics marathon event this summer. She finished the race in one hour, 6 minutes and 57 seconds, followed by the Kenyan athletes Veronica Loleo and Jesphine Jepleting, respectively. Romania’s previous semi-marathon record, 1 hour 7 minutes and 45 seconds, had been set by another Kenyan-born athlete, Stella Rutto, on 21 February 2021.


    At the Glasgow World Athletics Indoor Championships, the Romanian athlete Alina Rotaru-Kottmann finished 8th in the long jump finals. Two other Romanians, Diana Ion and Andreea Taloş, came out 9th and 10th in the triple jump final.


    Romania’s rugby team played on Saturday against Georgia, away from home, in the semi-finals of the 2024 Rugby Europe Championship. Georgia won the match, 43-5. In the other semi-final, on Sunday, Portugal defeated Spain, 33-30. The finals are scheduled on the 17 March in Paris, with Romania and Spain playing for the 3rd place, and Georgia and Portugal competing for the trophy.


    This past weekend also saw matches counting towards the 29th round of the Romanian football SuperLeague. On Friday, Poli Iaşi drew against Dinamo Bucharest, 0-0. On Saturday, UTA Arad beat FCU Craiova 3-2, FC Hermannstadt defeated Oţelul Galaţi 4-1, and Farul Constanţa drew against CFR Cluj, 1-1. On Sunday, Universitatea Cluj defeated FC Botoşani 1-0 while FCSB outplayed Petrolul Ploieşti 1-0, with two other matches, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe vs FC Voluntari and Universitatea Craiova vs Rapid Bucharest scheduled for Monday. FCSB rank first in the current standings, with 64 points, followed by Rapid (51) and CFR Cluj (50). (AMP)

  • February 17, 2024 UPDATE

    February 17, 2024 UPDATE

    Navalny – On Friday evening, hundreds of people gathered in Europe and the USA, in front of the Russian embassies, to pay tribute to Alexei Navalny, the number one opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Moscow announced, on the same day, the death of Navalny, at the age of 47, in a penitentiary colony in the Arctic, where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence. In Russia, a human rights organization said that more than 100 people were detained at rallies in memory of the Russian dissident. Most of those arrested are from St. Petersburg, Putin’s hometown. At political level, dignitaries from all over the world, including Romania, expressed their sadness and concern over the death of Alexei Navalny. The international community has lost a brave fighter for freedom and rights, said the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, who asked Russia for a transparent and comprehensive investigation. The Romanian Foreign Ministry condemned the repeated violations of international law by the Russian regime and reiterated the importance of observing fundamental human rights and freedoms without delay.


    Elections – The leaders of the governing coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party – PSD and the National Liberal Party – PNL resume, on Sunday, the negotiations regarding the possible merging of the elections that are scheduled this year in Romania. If an agreement is not reached, the elections will be organized on time, said the social-democratic PM Marcel Ciolacu. The liberals insist on holding the elections for the European Parliament together with the ones for the local public administration, on June 9. The arguments put forward are the reduction of expenses and a greater voter turnout. The social democrats demand a clear calendar for the entire electoral year and propose, in addition, to merge the parliamentary elections with the second round of the presidential election. The opposition claims that the discussions on the issue of merging the elections do nothing but distract the attention of Romanians from the real problems of the coalition government.


    Polo – Romania’s national men’s polo team is going to the Olympic Games in Paris, the international specialized federation, World Aquatics, announced on Saturday. Romania ended this month’s World Championships in Doha, Qatar, on 10th position, and only the presence among the top eight would have ensured its qualification to the Olympic Games. South Africa, which was qualified as the best team on its continent, has withdrawn from the Paris Olympics. Thus, Romania, the best-ranked team among the unqualified teams, climbed the Olympic table. Polo is the only team sport with Romanian participation in the Olympics. At the World Cup, the Romanian national team was defeated in the group by Hungary, score 15-8, by Italy score 16-10 and won against Kazakhstan score 25-3. It then lost in the quarter-final playoff 9-12 to Montenegro, and in the qualifying matches it defeated China 9-7 and lost to the USA 13-9. Last month, Romania finished 8th in the European Championships in Croatia.


    BUCHAREST – Romania’s national rugby team was defeated by the Portuguese team, 49-24, on Saturday, in Bucharest, in their last match in Group B of the Rugby Europe Championship, the second continental competition, after the famous Six Nations Tournament. In the first two matches, Romania defeated Poland 20-8 (away from home) and Belgium 33-18 (at home). In the semifinals (March 2-3), Romania will play away from home against Georgia, the winner of Group A, while Portugal will play Spain on home ground.


    Munich – The G7 countries’ foreign ministers discussed on Saturday, under the Italian presidency, the international crises: the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the situation in the Red Sea and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the continuation of the support given by the G7 countries to Kyiv. The meeting is organized as part of the Munich Security Conference (February 16-18). The Romanian Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, is also attending the conference in southern Germany. Romania and Estonia share common values ​​and similar concerns regarding regional security, said Minister Tîlvăr, who met, on the sidelines of the Conference, with his Estonian counterpart, Hanno Pevkur. He also had a meeting with James Mattis, former American Secretary of Defense, an opportunity for the two to reiterate the need to continue bilateral efforts in order to strengthen Euro-Atlantic security and deepen the Romania-US Strategic Partnership. In Munich, on Friday, the Romanian Foreign Minister, Ms. Luminiţa Odobescu, pleaded, in turn, for maintaining the multidimensional international support granted to Ukraine.


    Paris – The Ukrainian and French presidents Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron signed, on Friday evening, a security agreement between their countries, which also provides for the supply of ammunition. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Paris, France will support Ukraine not only to defend itself, but also in the fight against external interference, in the protection of civil infrastructures, in counterintelligence and espionage, in cyber security and in the fight against organized crime. In the press conference held after the signing of the agreement, President Macron stated that the future accession of Ukraine to the European Union and NATO will mean a useful contribution to the peace and security of the continent. For his part, President Zelensky expressed hope that the security agreements signed with France and, earlier on the same day, with Germany, after the one with Great Britain last month, will also give an impetus to the United States to continue providing aid to Ukraine. (LS)

  • February 17, 2024

    February 17, 2024

    Navalny – On Friday evening, hundreds of people gathered in Europe and the USA, in front of the Russian embassies, to pay tribute to Alexei Navalny, the number one opponent of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Moscow announced, on the same day, the death of Navalny, at the age of 47, in a penitentiary colony in the Arctic, where he was serving a 19-year prison sentence. In Russia, a human rights organization said that more than 100 people were detained at rallies in memory of the Russian dissident. Most of those arrested are from St. Petersburg, Putin’s hometown. At political level, dignitaries from all over the world, including Romania, expressed their sadness and concern over the death of Alexei Navalny. The international community has lost a brave fighter for freedom and rights, said the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, who asked Russia for a transparent and comprehensive investigation. The Romanian Foreign Ministry condemned the repeated violations of international law by the Russian regime and reiterated the importance of observing fundamental human rights and freedoms without delay.


    Munich – The G7 countries’ foreign ministers are discussing today, under the Italian presidency, the international crises: the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the situation in the Red Sea and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the continuation of the support given by the G7 countries to Kyiv. The meeting is organized as part of the Munich Security Conference (February 16-18). The Romanian Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, is also attending the conference in southern Germany. Romania and Estonia share common values ​​and similar concerns regarding regional security, said Minister Tîlvăr, who met, on the sidelines of the Conference, with his Estonian counterpart, Hanno Pevkur. He also had a meeting with James Mattis, former American Secretary of Defense, an opportunity for the two to reiterate the need to continue bilateral efforts in order to strengthen Euro-Atlantic security and deepen the Romania-US Strategic Partnership. In Munich, on Friday, the Romanian Foreign Minister, Ms. Luminiţa Odobescu, pleaded, in turn, for maintaining the multidimensional international support granted to Ukraine.


    Paris – The Ukrainian and French presidents Volodymyr Zelensky and Emmanuel Macron signed, on Friday evening, a security agreement between their countries, which also provides for the supply of ammunition. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Paris, France will support Ukraine not only to defend itself, but also in the fight against external interference, in the protection of civil infrastructures, in counterintelligence and espionage, in cyber security and in the fight against organized crime. In the press conference held after the signing of the agreement, President Macron stated that the future accession of Ukraine to the European Union and NATO will mean a useful contribution to the peace and security of the continent. For his part, President Zelensky expressed hope that the security agreements signed with France and, earlier on the same day, with Germany, after the one with Great Britain last month, will also give an impetus to the United States to continue providing aid to Ukraine.


    Rugby – Romania’s national rugby team meets, today, in Bucharest, the team of Portugal, in Group B of the Rugby Europe Championship 2024. In its first games, Romania defeated Poland 20-8 (away from home) and Belgium 33-18 (at home). With two victories from as many matches played, the Romanians are on first place in the group, having the chance, depending on the results of the last round, to play the semi-final on home ground. After the group matches, the semi-finals are scheduled for the weekend of March 2-3, and the finals will take place on March 17, in Paris.


    Customs – Special lanes dedicated to trucks registered in the European Union were opened at the Nădlac II and Borş II customs offices, in western Romania, after a similar lane had become functional in the Calafat customs office, in the south. Thus, Romanian trucks will have priority over those from Ukraine or Turkey, said the Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, on Friday, at the Government meeting. He pointed out that the lane for trucks from the EU will also exist in the Giurgiu customs office (south). The Prime Minister mentioned that this is one of the measures by which the Government responds to the requests of transporters, who have recently protested throughout the country.(LS)

  • Weekend sportiv

    Weekend sportiv

    Echipa de rugby a României întâlnește, sâmbătă, la București,
    reprezentativa Belgiei. Este al doilea joc pe care Stejarii îl susțin în ediția
    2024 a competiției continentale Rugby Europe Championship, al doilea eșalon
    valoric al sportului cu balonul oval, după Turneul celor Șase Națiuni. În
    primele partide, România a trecut, la Gdynia, de Polonia cu 20 la 8, iar Belgia
    a învins Portugalia, la Mons, cu 10 la 6.z

    Trecem la handbal feminin. În Liga Campionilor, la sfârşitul acestei
    săptămâni are loc etapa a XIII-a a fazei grupelor, penultima. Sâmbătă, în Grupa
    B, Rapid București joacă în Polonia cu Zaglebie Lubin, într-un derby al
    ultimelor clasate. Gruparea feroviară mai are doar șanse teoretice de a trece
    de faza grupelor. În Grupa A, duminică, CSM București joacă pe teren propriu cu
    echipa germană Bietigheim. Campioanele României ocupă locul trei în clasament,
    la două puncte în urma formației de pe locul secund, Odense, din Danemarca.
    Primele două clasate din fiecare grupă merg direct în sferturile de finală, iar
    echipele de pe locurile 3, 4, 5 și 6 vor disputa meciuri de baraj pentru
    accesul în sferturi.

    În EHF European League are loc etapa a cincea a fazei grupelor. Dunărea
    Brăila va juca sâmbătă, la Buzău, în Grupa B, cu formația germană Thüringer.
    Gruparea din Germania este deja calificată în sferturile de finală, iar Dunărea
    poate face pasul către primele opt echipe ale competiției dacă obține cel puțin
    un rezultat de egalitate. În Grupa C, Gloria Bistrița joacă la Lublin, în
    Polonia. Echipa antrenată de Florentin Pera este deja calificata în sferturi.
    În fine, duminică, CSM Târgu Jiu va evolua in Spania, la Malaga. Oltencele au
    pierdut toate jocurile disputate până acum în European League, Grupa D.

    În weekend au loc jocuri contând pentru etapa cu numărul 25 a Superligii
    române de fotbal. Vineri, două partide: Oţelul Galaţi cu FC U Craiova şi
    Universitatea Craiova cu Universitatea Cluj. Sâmbătă, FC Voluntari merge la
    Iaşi, iar la Cluj are loc derby-ul etapei, între CFR şi Rapid Bucureşti.
    Duminică, Hermannstadt joacă, la Sibiu, cu Petrolul Ploieşti, iar FCSB
    primeşte, la Bucureşti, vizita echipei Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. Luni, ultimele
    două meciuri ale etapei: UTA Arad cu FC Botoşani şi Farul Constanţa cu Dinamo
    Bucureşti. FCSB conduce în clasament, la 9 puncte distanţă de CFR şi Rapid.

  • Radio Romania International Sports club

    Radio Romania International Sports club

    Romania’s national rugby team has had an auspicious start early into the
    international rugby season in 2024. In the first round as part of Rugby Europe Championship, Europe’s
    second-tier competition, Romania’s national rugby squad grabbed a 20-8 away win
    against Poland, in a fixture hosted by the Polish city of Gdynia. Romania’s Damian Strătilă, Alexandru Savin and
    Tevita Manumua scored three tries in the first half. Tudor Boldor converted a
    try in the second half of the game, through a penalty kick. One of Group B’s
    modest teams, Poland put on a performance that was more balanced than expected.
    We recall that in 2023, Romania trounced Poland, 67 to 27. In the most recent
    match, sadly, Romania was unable to score the fourth try, which could have
    brought the team the offensive bonus point.

    It was Romania’s
    first official match with the new management at the helm. The head-coach is the
    French David Gérard, a former second row player, who was selected in the French
    national team’s lineup. As a head-coach, in 2023 David Gerard trained the Portuguese
    national squad, with very good results.

    In Group B’s
    other match, surprisingly enough, Belgium grabbed a 10-6 home win against
    Portugal, the team that until this past Sunday ranked as favorite to winning the
    group. We recall Portugal’s run in the World Cup hosted by France in autumn was
    more than satisfactory, since Portugal defeated Fiji and succeeded a draw
    against Georgia. It now appears all teams stand real chances to win the group.

    In Group
    A, Spain grabbed a 20-18 away win against the Low Countries, while Georgia defeated
    Germany, 28-17, also away from home. The next rounds are schedule in the two coming
    weekends. The semi-finals follow, scheduled over March 2nd and 3rd,
    while the finals are to be played on March 17 in Paris. We recall in 2023, in
    the Rugby Europe Championship, Romania came in 3rd, having defeated
    Spain in the third-place final, 31-25, in Badajoz.

    national rugby team’s next scheduled matches will be played in Bucharest. On February
    10, Romanian goes against Belgium, while on February the 17, Romania faces
    Portugal. For this coming Saturday’s fixture, the national team’s technical
    management has operated five changes in the line-up, as compared to the line-up
    that went against Poland.

  • January 28, 2024 UPDATE

    January 28, 2024 UPDATE

    IMF An International Monetary Fund mission
    headed by Jan Kees Martijn will be in Bucharest
    between January 29 and February 1, to review the latest economic and financial
    developments. The previous IMF visit to Romania was last autumn, when IMF
    experts conducted their annual analysis of the Romanian economy. At that time, Jan
    Kees Martijn said estimates were pointing to a budget deficit of 6% of GDP for
    the end of 2023, and of 5% in 2024, as well as to an economic growth rate of 2.3%.
    Romania has no ongoing agreements with the IMF at present, but the Fund
    conducts regular visits to review financial and economic indicators. The PM Marcel Ciolacu voiced optimism with
    respect to the IMF’s assessment. He explained that Romania still has problems
    meeting a benchmark in the National Recovery and Resilience Programme, as the
    EC believes Romania has too low SME taxation levels.

    DRUGS The Romanian justice minister Alina Gorghiu requested the
    emergency endorsement of the bills against drug trafficking and drug use. A
    first bill concerns the set-up of the Drug Trafficking Register and of regional
    rehab centres for drug addicts. A second bill eliminates suspended sentences
    for drug trafficking. On Friday, after the Justice and Home Affairs Council,
    the interior minister Catalin Predoiu announced that Romania set up a task
    force integrating several institutions involved in the fight against drug
    trafficking. He said Romania is on the front line of the crackdown on
    international drug trafficking networks, and welcomed the Council’s decision to
    include Romania’s and Bulgaria’s air and maritime borders in the Schengen area.
    According to the Romanian official, EU member countries should focus on curbing
    drug trafficking in ports, through an integrated international platform.

    PRICES In Romania, the mark-up for basic foodstuff prices may be capped
    for another 3 months. The announcement was made by Marcel Ciolacu recently, as
    the capping scheme is due to come to an end soon. According to the PM, a
    decision will be made following talks with all stakeholders. The agriculture
    minister told Radio Romania that a discussion in this respect will be held on
    Monday. He explained that according to data made public by the National
    Statistics Institute and the Competition Council, the measure has been
    effective. The agriculture minister added that the introduction of further
    products in the list is being considered. The emergency order passed by the
    government last summer in order to contain the effects of inflation saw the
    temporary capping of mark-ups for several basic foodstuffs, including bread,
    milk, yogurt, flour, eggs, chicken and pork. The measure was subsequently
    extended and further products were included.

    UN The UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, Sunday called on the
    countries that have suspended funding for the UN agency for Palestinian
    refugees (UNRWA) to ‘at least guarantee’ the continuity of UNRWA operations,
    which are vital for 2 million people, AFP reports. The UN body, which is the
    main provider of humanitarian aid in Gaza, Friday announced firing a number of
    employees accused of involvement in the Hamas attack in Israel on October 7,
    2023. In turn, the director of the UN body, Philippe Lazzarini, warned that the
    vital assistance granted by UNRWA is about to end because of funding issues. Israel
    demands the resignation of Philippe Lazzarini and the termination of the
    agency’s work in Gaza after the war. A number of countries, including the US, Canada,
    UK, Italy and Germany, have suspended all future funding to the UNRWA.

    GAC The state secretary for European affairs with the
    Romanian foreign ministry, Daniela Gîtman, takes part in the General Affairs
    Council (GAC) meeting in Brussels on Monday. The agenda includes a policy
    debate on the legislation devoted to safeguarding European democracy, and the
    presentation of the priorities of the Belgian presidency of the EU Council,
    followed by an exchange of opinions between the participating ministers and
    state secretaries for European affairs. The GAC meeting will also include a new
    round of talks on country reports, under the annual rule of law dialogue.

    UKRAINE Six months after the start of the Russian invasion, Ukrainian
    defence officials and corporate executives tried to embezzle USD 40 mln
    intended for arms procurement, according to SBU, Ukraine’s main security and
    intelligence agency, quoted by international
    news agencies. The attempted embezzlement took place in August 2022, with the
    money originally earmarked for the procurement of 100,000 mortar rounds, which
    were never delivered. One of the suspects was apprehended while trying to leave
    the country, SBU announced. Ukraine has seen several corruption scandals since
    the start of the war in February 2022. In August 2023, president Volodymyr
    Zelenskyy dismissed all the regional officials in charge with army enrollments, on
    grounds that they were providing recruitment exemptions for money. Curbing
    corruption is one of the main conditions that Ukraine must meet in order to
    join the European Union.

    RUGBY The new manager of Romania’s rugby team, David Gerard
    (FR), announced the 32 players selected for the national team’s debut match in
    the 2024 Rugby Europe Championship. According to the website of the Romanian
    Rugby Federation, only 26 of them will travel to Poland. In Rugby Europe
    Championship, Romania plays in Group B, alongside Portugal, Belgium and Poland.
    The first match, in Poland on February 4, will be followed by 2 home games,
    against Belgium (February 10) and Portugal (February 17). (AMP)

  • January 27, 2024 UPDATE

    January 27, 2024 UPDATE

    FINES The equivalent of 3.8 million Euros in fines was applied
    last year to major supermarket chains in Romania, by the National Authority for
    Consumer Protection (ANPC). According to the ANPC president, Horia
    Constantinescu, the biggest fines went to Lidl, Profi, Penny and Kaufland,
    while Selgros and Metro got the lowest. The Auchan supermarket chain ranks
    first in terms of the products banned. In another development, in 2023, the
    aforementioned institution registered over 200 thousand complaints. Most of
    them were solved but almost 16 thousand proved to be ungrounded.

    POLICE The Romanian police on Saturday announced that last year
    they staged 187 operative actions, which led to the dismantling of 35 networks
    involved in human trafficking and brought to court 465 people facing sexual
    exploitation charges. According to the sources, human trafficking is a complex
    crime with a significant cross-border impact but half of the investigations
    carried out last year were focused on domestic human trafficking. The same
    methods of recruiting the victims and forcing them into sex slavery were
    noticed, such as promises of well-paid jobs, the well-known lover boy technique
    to win the victim’s trust and force them into prostitution, sharing the profit,
    abuse and emotional blackmail, seizing documents, threatening with reprisals
    against the victims and family members and others. The trafficker’s profile has
    also remained unchanged from the previous years. These are mostly Romanian
    citizens of both sexes with various ages, and some of them have criminal

    RUGBY The new headcoach of the Romanian national fifteen, French
    David Gerard, has announced a lineup of 32 players for the team’s debut game in
    Rugby Europe Championship 2024. According to the Romanian Rugby Federation,
    only 26 players will be going to Poland. Romania has been included in Group B
    together with Portugal, Belgium and Poland. The Romanians will be up against
    Poland in an away game on February 4; then they will have two game on their own
    turf against Belgium on February 10 and Portugal on February 17.

    HOLOCAUST January 27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day or
    the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. On this day in
    1945, the largest Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by
    the Soviet Army. The day was decided through a UN resolution in 2005 in order
    to commemorate the 6 million European Jews as well as the other millions of
    victims of other nationalities killed by the Nazi regime. In a message conveyed
    on Saturday, Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said the Holocaust wound
    in the Romanian collective mentality can be healed only through the honest
    assuming and promotion of the historic truth, needed remedies in a democratic
    and European country. The Prime Minister underlined the importance of combating
    any form of holocaust denial adding that education is an essential way of
    progress and cultivation of tolerance.

    SILVER Romanian athlete Dmitrii Shamaev on Saturday won the silver
    medal in the 12.5 km men’s pursuit competition of the European Biathlon
    Championship in Brezno Osrbile, Slovakia, the Romanian Biathlon-Ski Federation
    has announced. The Romanian has ended the race after Isak Frey of Norway with
    French Antonin Guigonnat in the third position. Romania still has nine athletes
    in the aforementioned competition, five in the men’s and four in the women’s contest.


  • January 27, 2024

    January 27, 2024

    FINES The equivalent of 3.8 million Euros in fines was applied
    last year to major supermarket chains in Romania, by the National Authority for
    Consumer Protection (ANPC). According to the ANPC president, Horia
    Constantinescu, the biggest fines went to Lidl, Profi, Penny and Kaufland, while
    Selgros and Metro got the lowest. The Auchan supermarket chain ranks first in
    terms of the products banned. In another development, in 2023, the
    aforementioned institution registered over 200 thousand complaints. Most of
    them were solved but almost 16 thousand proved to be ungrounded.

    POLICE The Romanian police have today announced that last year they
    staged 187 operative actions, which led to the dismantling of 35 networks
    involved in human trafficking and brought to court 465 people facing sexual exploitation
    charges. According to the sources, human trafficking is a complex crime with a
    significant cross-border impact but half of the investigations carried out last
    year were focused on domestic human trafficking. The same methods of recruiting
    the victims and forcing them into sex slavery were noticed, such as promises of
    well-paid jobs, the well-known lover boy technique to win the victim’s trust
    and force them into prostitution, sharing the profit, abuse and emotional
    blackmail, seizing documents, threatening with reprisals against the victims
    and family members and others. The trafficker’s profile has also remained
    unchanged from the previous years. These are mostly Romanian citizens of both
    sexes with various ages, and some of them have criminal records.

    RUGBY The new headcoach of the Romanian national fifteen, French
    David Gerard, has announced a lineup of 32 players for the team’s debut game in
    Rugby Europe Championship 2024. According to the Romanian Rugby Federation,
    only 26 players will be going to Poland. Romania has been included in Group B
    together with Portugal, Belgium and Poland. The Romanians will be up against Poland
    in an away game on February 4; then they will have two game on their own turf
    against Belgium on February 10 and Portugal on February 17.

    HOLOCAUST January 27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day or
    the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust. On this day in
    1945, the largest Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by
    the Soviet Army. The day was decided through a UN resolution in 2005 in order
    to commemorate the 6 million European Jews as well as the other millions of
    victims of other nationalities killed by the Nazi regime. In a message conveyed
    today, Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu says the Holocaust wound in the
    Romanian collective mentality can be healed only through the honest assuming
    and promotion of the historic truth, needed remedies in a democratic and
    European country. The Prime Minister has underlined the importance of combating
    any form of holocaust denial adding that education is an essential way of
    progress and cultivation of tolerance.


  • Sports Roundup

    Romania ended the European Short Course Swimming Championship with two bronze medals. In Otopeni, near Bucharest, Andrei Ungur ranked 3rd in the final of the 100m backstroke on Friday, then, on Sunday, David Popovici also finished 3rd in the 100m freestyle race. In 2021, at the previous edition of the European short course swimming championship, in Kazan, Russia, Popovici won the gold medal in the 200m freestyle, and Robert Glinţă won silver in the 100m backstroke and bronze in the 50m backstroke.

    Now news from handball. Romania’s women’s handball team will not go to next year’s Olympic Games in Paris. At the World Championships taking place these days in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, coach Florentin Pera’s trainees missed the qualification in the quarterfinals, a performance that would have opened their way to the pre-Olympic tournaments. From the main Group III, Denmark and Germany, the two teams that defeated Romania, managed to obtain qualification. On Saturday, the Romanian handballers defeated Japan 32 to 28. Romania’s last match takes place on Monday, against Poland.

    We pass on to rugby. Dinamo Bucharest is Romania’s rugby champion again, after a 15-year break. On Saturday, at the Arcul de Triumf (Arch of Triumph) arena in Bucharest, in the final of the National League, the Dinamo players defeated the champion of the last four editions, Ştiinţa Baia Mare, score 17 to 13. It is the 17th national championship title won by Dinamo. SCM Timişoara won bronze, after defeating Steaua Bucharest in the third place match with the score 26-8.

    Now football. Over the weekend, matches were played in the Romanian Football Superleague, counting for stage number 19. On Friday, Poli Iași defeated UTA Arad 1-0 at home. On Saturday, FC Voluntari won, away from home, against Rapid Bucharest, 2-1. With the same score, Hermannstadt defeated, on Sunday, in Sibiu, Universitatea Craiova. Also on Sunday, Farul Constanţa won the match in Ovidiu with Petrolul Ploieşti 3-1, and the match in Cluj, between CFR and FCSB, ended in a draw 1-1. Monday will see two more matches: FC U Craiova 1948 with FC Botoşani and Dinamo Bucharest with Universitatea Cluj. The stage ends on Tuesday, when Oţelul will take on Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe in Galati. FCSB leads the ranking, with 38 points. Next is CFR with 33. (LS)

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    România a încheiat Campionatele Europene de înot în bazin scurt cu două
    medalii, ambele de bronz.
    La Otopeni, în apropiere de Bucureşti, vineri, Andrei
    Ungur s-a clasat al treilea în finala probei de 100 de metri spate apoi,
    duminică, David Popovici a încheiat tot pe locul 3 cursa de 100 de metri liber.
    În 2021, la precedenta ediţie a Europenelor în bazin scurt, la Kazan, în Rusia,
    Popovici a cucerit medalia de aur la 200 de metri liber, iar Robert Glinţă a
    obţinut un argint la 100 de metri spate şi un bronz la 50 de metri spate.

    Echipa de handbal feminin a României nu va merge la Jocurile Olimpice de
    anul viitor, de la Paris.
    La Campionatele Mondiale care au loc în aceste zile
    în Danemarca, Norvegia şi Suedia, elevele antrenorului Florentin Pera au ratat
    calificarea în sferturile de finală, performanţă care le-ar fi deschis drumul
    către turneele preolimpice. Din Grupa a III-a principală s-au calificat
    Danemarca şi Germania, cele două echipe care au învins România. Sâmbătă,
    jucătoarele tricolore au trecut de Japonia cu 32 la 28. Ultimul joc al României
    – luni, cu Polonia.

    Dinamo Bucureşti este din nou campioană a României la rugby, după o pauză
    de 15 ani.
    Sâmbătă, pe stadionul Arcul de Triumf din Bucureşti, în finala Ligii
    Naţionale, dinamoviştii au învins campioana ultimelor patru ediţii, Ştiinţa
    Baia Mare, cu 17 la 13. Este al 17-lea titlu de campioană naţională pe care îl
    câştigă formaţia Dinamo. SCM Timişoara a obţinut medaliile de bronz, după ce a
    trecut în finala mică de Steaua Bucureşti cu scorul de 26-8.

    În weekend au avut loc jocuri în Superliga română de fotbal, contând pentru
    etapa cu numărul 19.
    Vineri, Poli Iaşi a trecut, acasă, de UTA Arad cu 1-0.
    Sâmbătă, FC Voluntari s-a impus în deplasare, la Rapid Bucureşti, cu 2-1. Cu
    acelaşi scor, Hermannstadt a dispus, duminică, la Sibiu, de Universitatea
    Craiova. Tot duminică, Farul Constanţa a câştigat cu 3-1 jocul de la Ovidiu cu
    Petrolul Ploieşti, iar partida de la Cluj, dintre CFR şi FCSB, s-a încheiat
    egal, 1-1. Luni, alte două meciuri: FC U Craiova 1948 cu FC Botoşani şi Dinamo
    Bucureşti cu Universitatea Cluj. Etapa se încheie marţi, când Oţelul se va
    confrunta, la Galaţi, cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. În clasament conduce FCSB, cu
    38 de puncte. Urmează CFR, cu 33.

  • Radio Romania International Sports club

    Radio Romania International Sports club

    The Romanian
    Wolves rugby team as part of the Rugby Europe Super Cup Competition’s Group B
    in its debut fixture trounced Czech Republic’s Bohemia Rugby Warriors, 76-7. The Romanian Wolves succeeded 11 tries, of which eight
    were successfully converted. In Group B’s other match, Brussels Devils defeated The Netherlands’ Delta, 41-12.
    The Romanian Wolves’ upcoming fixtures are the away ties against Delta and the Brussels
    Devils, on November 11 and 12, and on November 18 and 19, respectively.

    The first two teams qualify to the
    semifinals, to be played on December 2nd and 3rd, while
    the finals are scheduled on December 16 and 17. Head-coached by Romania national team’s
    selector, Eugen Apjok, The Romanian Wolves have had a 24-strong pool of regulars,
    made of rugby players from Romania, Georgia and Tonga. The lineup included the
    following rugby players: 1. James Scott, 2. Levan Papidze, 3. Revazi Dugladze,
    4. Mate Dardzulidze, 5. Ştefan Iancu, 6. Alexandru Alexe, 7. Nicolas Immelman (captain),
    8. Beka Biţadze, 9. Vlăduţ Bocăneţas who made
    the forwards pack, 10. Nikau
    McGrecor Murray, 23. Kefentse Mahlo, 12. Jason Tomane, 13. Abele Atunaisa, 14.
    Mihai Lămboiu, 15. Paul Popoaia who were the quarterbacks, while substitute
    players were 16. Robert Irimescu, 17. Mihai Dico, 18. Sandro Zubaşvili, 19.
    Florian Roşu, 20. Andrei Schutz, 21. Alexandru Ţiglă, 22. Alexandru Harasim,
    24. Taliauli Sikuea.

    In the competition’s
    Group A there are Georgia’s champions Black Lion, vice-champions Tel Aviv Heat of
    Israel, Lusitanos of Portugal and Castilla y Leon Iberians of Spain. In Group A’s
    first two fixtures, Black Lion defeated Castilla y Leon Iberians, 39-19, while Lusitanos
    sustained a 23-31 home defeat by Tel Aviv Heat.

  • Radio Romania International Sports club

    Radio Romania International Sports club

    The World Rugby Cup has now reached its final stage. In Paris on Saturday, the grand finale will see New Zealand facing South Africa. Both teams have had an unassuming start in the competition, with defeats in the group stage. New Zealand was defeated by France, while South Africa was defeated by Ireland. However, progress was increasingly visible for both teams, since in the quarterfinals, South Africa defeated host team France, while New Zealand defeated defending world champions Ireland.

    In the group stage, we had the chance to watch South Africa play, that including a match against Romania. The “Springboks” trounced Romania, 76-nil, causing the second defeat for our national team at the 2023 edition of the World Cup. We recall Romania was given a most serious hiding in their debut game, being defeated by Ireland, 8-82. The defeat was even more serious in the game against Scotland, nil-84. The only match where Romania mattered a little bit was the fixture against Tonga, a game they lost anyway, 24-45. However, we could see a lot of determination among the Romanian players, given that, quite unlike the previous confrontations, the game against Tonga was not entirely hopeless. Eugen Apjoks trainees succeeded three fine tries, through Cristi Boboc, Florin Surugiu and Marius Simionescu.

    In the wake of Romanias dismal run in France, rugby fans could see for themselves how far Romania was from earning a place in the first echelon at world level. We even wonder if we can claim a position among the worlds second-tier teams, where such line-ups as those of Portugal, Georgia or Fiji have had a good run at the World Cup 2023. For these countries, on Wednesday, World Rugby broke the news.

    Beginning with the 2027 edition of the World Cup in Australia, the final tournament will include 27 teams. In theory, Romania still stands a chance to yet again prove its mettle at the World Cup, as our national squad is 20th placed according to the as-it-stands table at world level. World Rugby has also ruled the setting up of Nations League, a competition due to kick off beginning 2026. The Nations League will have two divisions with twelve teams each. The first division will be made of the worlds top ten national teams and two guest national teams. Fixtures are scheduled in July and November, replacing the previous tournament or the test matches that were usually held in July and November. According to World Rugby, changes have been made in a bid to enable weaker teams to play top-flight squads more often.

  • 09.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    09.10.2023 (mise à jour)

    – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Klaus Iohannis, recevra mardi, à Bucarest, son
    homologue ukrainien, Volodimir Zelenski, en visite officielle en Roumanie.
    Selon l’Administration présidentielle à Bucarest, la visite réitère la
    poursuite de l’aide inconditionnelle que la Roumanie offre à son voisin
    ukrainien dans le contexte de l’agression militaire russe et le caractère
    spécial des rapports bilatéraux entre les deux pays. « Les consultations
    politiques de Bucarest porteront sur les mesures de soutien à Kiev, mises en
    place par la Roumanie, tout comme sur les projets et les thèmes d’intérêt
    commun ». La situation de sécurité dans la région de la mer Noire dominera
    également les discussions. Klaus Iohannis insistera sur une approche
    constructive et pragmatique de la coopération bilatérale, notamment en ce qui
    concerne les connexions transfrontalières, le développement des relations
    économiques, l’intégration européenne et euro-atlantique de l’Ukraine et les
    droits des minorités nationales ».

    – Le président roumain a fini lundi sa visite de quatre jours au Portugal, par
    une entrevue avec le premier ministre, Antonio Costa. Les deux responsables ont
    assisté à la signature de deux mémorandums, un dans le domaine de l’Energie et
    l’autre dans celui des Investissements et du Commerce. Lundi encore, lors d’une
    cérémonie au Palais de la Municipalité, Klaus Iohannis s’est vu remettre la clé
    de la ville de Lisbonne. Et lui de déclarer que les « relations
    exemplaires » roumano-portugaises sont consolidées par les échanges
    dynamiques au niveau local et par la coopération avec la Municipalité de

    – Le premier ministre roumain, Marcel Ciolacu, a déclaré, lundi, à Varna, que
    dans le cadre des pourparlers organisés durant la réunion trilatérale Roumanie
    – Bulgarie – Grèce, les trois Etats ont agréé l’implémentation d’un plan
    d’action commun pour obtenir des évolutions significatives dans la coopération
    trilatérale dans des domaines tels les transports, l’énergie, le commerce et la
    sécurité. « En présence des représentants de la Commission européenne, du
    premier ministre grec, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, et bulgare, Nikolai Denkov, j’ai
    réitéré l’ambition de la Roumanie de devenir rapidement un Etat membre de
    l’espace Schengen et de devenir un acteur économique influent dans la
    région », a également dit Marcel Ciolacu. Le premier ministre a ajouté que
    la Roumanie en partenariat avec la Bulgarie et de la Grèce, pouvait avoir une
    influence accrue au sein de l’UE, en encourageant la reconstruction de
    l’Ukraine et les efforts de la République de Moldova et des Etats des Balkans
    de l’Ouest d’intégrer le bloc communautaire.

    – Un Roumain de 22 ans est mort en Israël. Il avait la double citoyenneté et
    faisait partie des Forces israéliennes de Défense, a annoncé le Ministère
    roumain des Affaires Etrangères de Bucarest, tout en condamnant les attaques
    contre la population israélienne. Par ailleurs, 780 citoyens roumains affirment
    vouloir quitter Israël. Ceux-ci seront rapatriés à bord des avions de la
    compagnie roumaine, Tarom. Par conséquent, le nombre de Roumains rapatriés
    depuis le début de la guerre se montera à 1600. Le ministère des Affaires
    Etrangères recommande aux ressortissants roumains qui envisagent de voyager en
    Israël de reporter leur voyage et de suivre la page « alertes de voyage » sur le site internet de
    l’institution. Une équipe de l’Unité de réaction rapide de la cellule de crise
    du ministère a été envoyée en Israël, pour contribuer aux efforts de rapatriement.

    – La Roumanie a marqué lundi la Journée nationale de commémoration des victimes
    de l’Holocauste. Ce fut le 9 octobre 1941 que commençait la déportation des
    Juifs de Bessarabie et de Bucovine vers la Transnistrie. L’Holocauste a été
    reconnu par les autorités roumaines en 2004, en vertu des conclusions formulées
    par la commission dirigée par le lauréat du prix Nobel, Elie Wiesel. Les Juifs
    et les Roms décédés durant l’Holocauste ont été commémorés au mémorial de

    – Le syndicat des salariés de la Poste roumaine organise cette semaine des protestations
    devant le siège du ministère de la Recherche, de l’Innovation et de la Numérisation.
    Dans un communiqué, le syndicat dénonce l’absence d’un système de rémunération
    transparent, motivant et équitable ce qui fait qu’à l’heure actuelle 80% du
    personnel de la poste, soit 17 mille salariés touchent le salaire minimum. Le
    syndicat souligne aussi le risque immense qu’une fois le salaire minimum majoré
    à compter du 1er janvier 2024, la Poste roumaine entre en procédure
    d’insolvabilité et soit obligée à licencier des milliers de travailleurs. Les
    syndicalistes réclament également l’absence de politiques cohérentes de développement
    et de soutenabilité, le manque de transparence et de prédictibilité dans l’acte
    de management, ainsi que l’absence d’un dialogue social au sein de la Poste

    – Suite à l’offensive du mouvement islamiste Hamas en Israël, l’UEFA a décidé
    de reporter le match entre les sélections nationales d’Israël et de la Suisse,
    prévu pour jeudi dans le Groupe I des préliminaires de l’Euro 2024 de foot,
    dont fait partie la Roumanie. Par ailleurs, la Roumanie se prépare à affronter
    le Belarus jeudi et l’Andorre dimanche à domicile, dans les préliminaires de la
    compétition, dans le cadre de deux matchs joués sans spectateurs. Avec trois
    victoires et trois égalités, la Roumanie est 2e dans son groupe, derrière
    la Suisse.

    – Le nageur roumain David Popovici, double champion du monde a remporté les
    quatre épreuves du concours de Nyon en Suisse en bassin court (25 mètres).
    Cette compétition prépare les championnats d’Europe qui auront lieu à Otopeni,
    près de Bucarest, en décembre.

    – La Roumanie s’est inclinée dimanche contre les Tonga lors de son dernier match
    de poule au tableau de la Coupe du Monde de rugby qui a eu lieu en France. La Roumanie
    a enchaîné les défaites, en perdant les matchs contre l’Irlande, l’Afrique du
    sud et l’Ecosse.

    – En Roumanie, les météorologues prévoient une chute des températures dans le
    nord, l’est et le centre. Dans le reste des régions, les températures
    continueront à dépasser la moyenne saisonnière. Mardi, nous aurons entre 12 et
    24 degrés en Roumanie et 21 degrés à midi, dans la capitale.

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    The World Gymnastics Championship have recently
    drawn to a close in Belgium’s Antwerp. In the last day of the competition on Sunday, Sabrina Maneca Voinea came in 4th in
    the floor final. Also, at the recently-held edition of the World Cup, gymnast Andrei Muntean and Romania’s national women
    team secured their ticket for the 2024 edition of the Olympic Games in Paris.

    This past Sunday, Romania’s national rugby team played their last
    fixture as part of the World Cup in France. In Lille, the Romanians sustained a
    24-45 defeat by Tonga. It was the Romanian team’s best performance at the
    recently-held edition of the World Cup. However, it was not enough to
    outperform Tonga. Romania managed to score three tries, through Cristi Boboc, Florin Surugiu and Marius
    Simionescu, all three converted by Alin Conache, who also scored from a penalty
    kick. Also, it was the farewell game for two leading Romania rugby players in
    the last decade, Florin Surugiu and Andrei Gorcioaia. In France, Romania was the bottom-of-the-table
    team in Group B, with no points on their record sheet. In the first three
    fixtures, head coach Eugen Apjok’s trainees were trounced by Ireland, South Africa
    and Scotland.

    At the international swimming competition in Switzerland’s Nyon, the Romanian
    swimmer David Popovici won all short-course events he competed in. On Saturday,
    Popovici won the 400m and 200m freestyle events, while on Sunday, the Romanian
    yet again won the 100m and 50m freestyle events, David’s participation in the Switzerland
    contest was part of the preparation stage ahead of the European Short Course
    Swimming Championships, to held in Romania’s Otopeni in December.

    Matches counting for the Romanian Football Super League’s 12th
    round were held at the weekend. On the former team’s turf on Friday, FC U
    Craiova 1948 and Hermannstadt drew, 1-all, then in Bucharest, Rapid defeated Politehnica
    Iaşi, 3-2. Three games were played on Saturday. In Ploiesti, guest team UTA Arad held the local side Petrolul to a blank draw. FC Voluntari’s home game against Universitatea
    Craiova also ended in a blank draw. Also on Saturday, FCSB won their away game
    against FC Botosani, 1-nil. On Sunday in Galati, the local team Otelul sustained
    a nil-1 defeat by Farul Constanta, while in Bucharest, Dinamo and CFR Cluj drew,
    1-all. FCSB are at the top of the table, with 29 points. CFR Cluj are the
    runner-up team, with 26. Rapid and Universitatea Craiova are 3rd and 4th-placed,
    respectively, with 22 points each.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    La Anvers, în Belgia, s-au
    încheiat Campionatele Mondiale de gimnastică. Duminică, în ultima zi de
    concurs, Sabrina Maneca Voinea a ocupat locul 4 în finala de la sol. A fost cel
    mai bun rezultat al delegaţiei române care a făcut deplasarea în Belgia. Să mai
    notăm că, la Mondiale, gimnastul Andrei Muntean şi echipa feminină a României
    au obţinut calificarea la Jocurile Olimpice de anul viitor, de la Paris.

    Echipa de rugby a României a
    disputat, duminică, ultimul joc la Cupa Mondială din Franţa. La Lille,
    Stejarii au fost învinşi de Tonga cu 45 la 24. A fost cel mai bun joc al
    formaţiei române la această ediţie a Cupei Mondiale, dar nu a fost suficient
    pentru a depăşi echipa din Pacific. România a reuşit trei eseuri, prin Cristi
    Boboc, Florin Surugiu şi Marius
    Simionescu, transformate de Alin Conache, care a fructificat şi o lovitură de
    pedeapsă. A fost, totodată, ultimul meci sub tricolor pentru Florin Surugiu şi
    Andrei Gorcioaia, doi jucători de marcă ai rugby-ului românesc în ultimul
    deceniu. În Franţa, România a ocupat ultimul loc în Grupa B, fără a obţine
    vreun punct. În primele trei jocuri, elevii antrenorului Eugen Apjok au fost
    învinşi categoric de Irlanda, Africa de Sud şi Scoţia.

    La concursul internaţional de
    înot desfăşurat în Elveţia, la Nyon, înotătorul român David Popovici a
    câştigat, în bazin scurt, toate cele patru probe la care a participat. Sâmbătă,
    el s-a impus la 400 şi 200 de metri liber, iar duminică a câştigat la 100 şi 50
    de metri liber. Participarea la competiţia din Elveţia a fost parte a
    pregătirii pentru Campionatele Europene de înot în bazin scurt care vor avea
    loc în decembrie la Otopeni.

    În weekend au avut loc partide
    contând pentru etapa a 12-a a Superligii române de fotbal. Vineri, FC U Craiova
    1948 a încheiat la egalitate, 1 la 1, jocul disputat acasă cu Hermannstadt,
    apoi Rapid a trecut, la Bucureşti, cu 3-2 de Politehnica Iaşi. Sâmbătă au avut
    loc trei jocuri. La Ploieşti, Petrolul şi UTA Arad au terminat la egalitate, 0
    la 0. Tot fără gol s-a încheiat şi jocul dintre FC Voluntari şi Universitatea
    Craiova, găzduit de ilfoveni. În ultima partidă a zilei, FCSB s-a impus cu 1-0,
    în deplasare, la Botoşani. Duminică, la Galaţi, Farul Constanţa a învins Oţelul
    cu 1-0, iar la Bucureşti, Dinamo şi CFR Cluj au terminat egal, 1-1. Luni,
    ultimul joc al etapei: Universitatea Cluj cu Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe. În
    clasament, pe primul loc se află FCSB, cu 29 de puncte. Urmează CFR Cluj, cu
    26. Locurile 3 şi 4 sunt ocupate de Rapid şi Universitatea Craiova, cu câte 22
    de puncte.