Tag: Rushdie

  • August 20, 2022

    August 20, 2022

    Inflation — In Romania, the annual inflation rate will have minor fluctuations until the end of September and then it will take a downward path for 3 quarters, according to the National Bank of Romania – BNR. It expects the inflation rate to reach 13.9% in December. On the other hand, the BNR warns that the forecasts regarding the economic activity for next year are significantly revised downwards. According to the Central Bank, next year Romania will experience a significant drop in private consumption, under the influence of the gradual increase in interest rates on the population’s loans and deposits. The government has recently adopted the first budget rectification of 2022, a positive one, which takes into account an economic growth of 3.5%, the budget revenues for the first six months and the budget execution during this period. The Finance Minister, Adrian Caciu, claims that the budget deficit can be kept under control and that the target of 5.84% for the end of the year is achievable. The Fiscal Council, an independent body that analyzes the sustainability of fiscal and budgetary policies, warned that the rectification could lead to a figure exceeding the target deficit of 7% of GDP, because the government allegedly overestimated the receipts and underestimated part of the expenses.

    Fires – This years fires affected 150,000 hectares in Romania, i.e. ten times more than the average for the period 2006 – 2021, the former head of the Environmental Guard Octavian Berceanu has warned. He drew attention, in a Facebook post, to the fact that the ash resulting from the fires risks affecting the inhabitants of the cities, given the lack of protective curtains and green belts of the localities. There have been 715 fires in Romania this year, in the context of a previous multi-year average of 49. The biggest number of fires this year (266 in one week) occurred at the end of March, when more than 61,000 hectares were affected. Romania, with 0.63% of the countrys area affected by fires, ranks second in Europe, after Portugal (0.95%), and Spain and Croatia (0.56%).

    Marathon – 250 runners from ten countries have registered for the most difficult ultra-marathon in Romania, 2X2 Race, which will take place today, at Bâlea Lac, in the Făgăraş Mountains, at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters. The race is one of the most difficult mountain ultra-marathons in the world. The 2X2 Race takes place entirely at over 2,000 m, which makes it unique in Europe and one of the few in the world. This year, runners from Romania, Moldova, Hungary, Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Israel and Russia have entered the competition. The competitors will run on some of the most technical routes in the Carpathians, reaching the second highest peak in Romania, Negoiu (2,535 m). Such competitions take place on rugged terrain, from dirt paths through forests and alpine plains, to ridges and cliffs.

    Customs — At least 346 thousand people, Romanian and foreign citizens, with over 86 thousand means of transport, crossed Romania’s border points on Friday, the Border Police informed. Almost 142 thousand people, of whom 12,500 Ukrainian citizens (down by 0.6% as compared to the previous day) entered Romania. Thus, as of February 10 (the pre-conflict period), until July 15, at national level, more than 2 million Ukrainians entered Romania. Control at the border crossing points upon entering Romania is being carried out promptly, in accordance with the provisions of the national and community legislation, with the Border Police working at the maximum capacity, as allowed by the infrastructure of the border-crossing points.

    Rushdie — Hundreds of people gathered in New York on Friday to express their solidarity with the writer Salman Rushdie, who survived an assassination attempt a week ago. Fellow writers read excerpts from his works on the front steps of the Manhattan Public Library. Passages from his controversial novel “The Satanic Verses”, considered by some Muslims as a blasphemy, were also read. The novel was banned in India, was burned at some demonstrations in the United Kingdom, and caused violent riots in Pakistan. On August 12, Salman Rushdie was going to speak at a conference in New York when a young man went on stage and stabbed him several times, in the neck and abdomen. Arrested immediately after the incident, the attacker, a 24-year-old American of Lebanese origin, pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder and assault charges in a first court appearance. Born in India in 1947, Salman Rushdie lived in New York for twenty years, becoming an American citizen in 2016. In 1989, Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, issued a fatwa, a decree requiring all good Muslims to kill Rushdie or help with his and his publishers’ assassination.

    Ukraine — The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that the restoration of full security at the Zaporozhe nuclear power plant – under the control of Russian forces – may begin with the international mission, warning that if the Russian blackmail with radiation continues, this summer could go down in the history of various European countries as one of the most tragic. The Russian President Vladimir Putin has agreed with inspectors from the International Energy Agency visiting the plant, still operated by Ukrainian personnel. It remains close to the front line and has been hit by shells several times in recent weeks, raising fears of a nuclear disaster. Ukraine and Russia have blamed each other for the bombings in and around the nuclear reactor complex in the south. On the ground, Kyiv reports that, on Friday, the Ukrainian air forces struck several times the positions of the Russian occupiers in the south of the country. At the same time, the city of Nikopol (south) was bombed by the Russians this morning. Explosions were also heard in Yevpatoria, a city in Crimea, and also in Dnipro (center). Meanwhile, Cyprus and Greece are rallying behind Germany to oppose blocking visas for the Russian tourists who want to visit the EU, rejecting Ukraines call for such a ban. At the same time, the mayors of Marseille, Lyon, Athens, Florence, Helsinki, Oslo, Riga and Tirana signed, on Friday, in Kyiv, an agreement protocol for the sustainable reconstruction of Ukrainian cities. (LS)

  • August 13, 2022 UPDATE

    August 13, 2022 UPDATE

    Celebration. More than 200 thousand tourists are expected, these days, on the Romanian Black Sea coast, to spend the mini-vacation occasioned by the Assumption of Mary, on August 15, when the Day of the Romanian Navy will also be celebrated. The military ports of Constanta and Mangalia have opened their doors for locals and tourists to visit military ships, technical and armament exhibitions or stands presenting the educational offers of military educational institutions. On Monday, everyones attention will focus on the events organized to celebrate the navy. Thousands of people are expected to attend the parade of ships on the sea, in Constanţa, and a naval exercise in Mangalia, but also the seamanship competitions and games in the tourist ports of the two towns. In the evening, there will be music concerts and the spectacular torchlight retreat of the sailors, as well as fireworks. Until then, this weekend, the Romanians who chose to spend their mini-vacation at the seaside can benefit from a wide range of entertaining events, from theater and music evenings, opera and ballet performances to a pop-rock festival and a jazz festival organized outdoors. Throughout this period, 25,000 employees of the Ministry of the Interior – policemen, gendarmes or firefighters – are mobilized at national level to secure order and public safety.

    Firefighters. 36 Romanian firefighters, with nine piece of equipment, continued, on Saturday, the mission of extinguishing wildfires in the south-west of France, the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations has stated. According to the quoted source, the firefighters must intervene in extreme conditions: high temperature, low humidity (below 10%) and strong wind. The support mission that Romania offers to the French authorities in the fight against wildfires has been carried out by deploying a specialized intervention module made up of 77 rescue firefighters, with specific means of intervention. The aid is granted based on the request for international assistance requested by the French government through the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

    Rushdie. In an interview just weeks before he was stabbed and seriously injured by an assailant in New York state, writer Salman Rushdie said he was leading a “relatively normal” life after being forced to hide for years due to death threats, Reuters informs. Rushdie, who has been an American citizen since 2016, said in an interview with the German magazine Stern that he was concerned about threats to democracy in the United States. They are driven by racism and hatred of the achievements of liberalism and constitute “a preliminary stage of fascism”, Rushdie said. New York police have arrested Rushdies attacker, a 24-year-old man from New Jersey, but have not yet determined a motive for the attack. Salman Rushdie has written about 15 novels, stories for young people, short stories and essays. However, he became famous thanks to his novel The Satanic Verses, from 1988. The book, considered blasphemy by many Muslims, generated widespread protests, and the former supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, called for the assassination of the writer and his editors. For decades, Salman Rushdie was forced to live in hiding.

    Championships. At the European Championships in Rome, 17-year-old David Popovici grabbed the gold medal in the 100 m freestyle on Saturday, with a world record of 46.86. The young Romanian swimmer shattered the old record fom 2009, when the Brazilian Cesar Cielo Filho stopped the clock at 46.91. Also on Saturday, Romanian athletes won 6 medals in Saturdays events of the European Rowing Championships in Munich, Germany. Romania will take part in the race for medals on Sunday as well, in the finals of the lightweight womens single sculls and womens 8+1. At last years European Rowing Championships, in Varese (Italy), Romanian rowers won six medals, two gold and four silver.

    Tennis. The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep has qualified for the semifinals of the WTA 1,000 tournament in Toronto, with over 2.5 million dollars in prize money. Halep (30 years old, 15 WTA) defeated the American player Cori Gauff 6-4, 7-6. In the next round of the competition she will play against another American, Jessica Pegula. The two will face each other for the first time in the professional circuit. Simona Halep won the Canadian Open twice, which is played alternately in Montreal and Toronto, each time winning when the competition took place in Montreal (2016, 2018). She lost the 2015 final in Toronto. (MI)

  • 13.08.2022


    Tourisme – Plus de 200 mille touristes sont attendus sur la côte roumaine de la mer Noire durant ce weekend prolongé dû à la fête de la dormition, lorsque la fête de la Marine roumaine sera également célébrée. Aujourd’hui les ports militaires de Constanta et Mangalia ouvrent leurs portes aux visiteurs. Les passionnés de la marine et les touristes peuvent visiter des bâtiments de guerre, des expositions d’équipement et d’armement et des stands avec les offres éducationnelles des institutions d’enseignement militaire. Lundi, des milliers de personnes sont attendus au grand défilé naval de Constanta et à un exercice naval à Mangalia, mais aussi aux concours et aux autres activités spécifiques déroulés dans les ports touristiques des deux villes. En soirée, des concerts de musique et un spectaculaire retrait aux torches sont prévus, suivis par des feux d’artifices. Par ailleurs, ce weekend de nombreux roumains se sont rendus sur la côte. 25 mille cadres du ministère de l’Intérieur – policiers, gendarmes et pompiers – sont mobilisés au niveau national pour assurer l’ordre et la sécurité publique.

    Pompiers – Les pompiers roumains déployés en France ont participé hier à leur première mission dans ce pays, pour limiter la propagation d’un incendie vers plusieurs immeubles. Ils ont également agi pour éteindre les feux cachés sur une superficie de plus de deux kilomètres carrés. Les opérations ont impliqué 19 pompiers militaires sur 77 déployés dans le sud-ouest de l’Hexagone. Rappelons-le, la mission d’appui que la Roumanie offre aux autorités françaises dans la lutte contre les incendies de végétation se déroule en vertu d’une demande d’assistance internationale formulée par le gouvernement français par le Mécanisme européen de protection civile.

    Salman Rushdie – Salman Rushdie, auteur des Versets sataniques et cible depuis plus de 30 ans d’une fatwa de l’Iran, a été placé sous respirateur après avoir été poignardé vendredi au cou et a l’abdomen dans l’Etat de New York par un homme qui a été arrêté. Immédiatement après son agression, sur l’estrade d’un amphithéâtre d’un centre culturel a Chautauqua, dans le nord-ouest de l’Etat de New York, Salman Rushdie a été transporté en hélicoptère vers l’hôpital le plus proche ou il a été opéré en urgence, selon l’AFP. « Les nouvelles ne sont pas bonnes », a déclaré vendredi soir au New York Times l’agent de l’écrivain britannique, Andrew Wylie. « Salman va probablement perdre un œil; les nerfs de son bras ont été sectionnés et il a été poignardé au niveau du foie ». M. Rushdie, né le 19 juin 1947 a Bombay, deux mois avant l’indépendance de l’Inde – élevé par une famille d’intellectuels musulmans non pratiquants, riche, progressiste et cultivée – avait embrasé une partie du monde musulman avec la publication des Versets sataniques, conduisant l’ayatollah iranien Rouhollah Khomeiny a émettre en 1989 une fatwa demandant son assassinat. L’auteur avait été contraint des lors de vivre dans la clandestinité et sous protection policière, allant de cache en cache.

    Tennis – La joueuse roumaine de tennis Simona Halep s’est qualifiée hier dans les demi-finales du tournoi WTA 1000 de Toronto. Halep (30 ans, 15e WTA) a battu l’américaine Cori Gauff 6-4, 7-6. Dans l’avant dernière étape de la compétition, elle rencontrera une autre américaine Jessica Pegula. Les deux s’affronteront pour la première fois dans le circuit professionnel. Simona Halep a remporté à deux reprises l’Open du Canada, qui se dispute alternativement à Montréal et Toronto.

    Aviron et natation – La Roumanie a décroché l’or aujourd’hui dans l’épreuve de deux de pointe dames et messieurs à Munich aux Championnats d’Europe. Aux épreuves de quatre de pointe messieurs les sportifs roumains ont décroché le bronze. – Le nageur roumain David Popovici, champion mondial en titre aux épreuves de 100 et 200 m, évoluent aujourd’hui dans la finale de l’épreuve de 100 m nage livre aux Championnats d’Europe de natation de Rome. Vendredi soir, il s’est qualifié avec un résultat de 46 secondes et 98 centièmes – un nouveau record européen. Rappelons-le, la Roumanie est représentée aux championnats d’Europe de Rome par une délégation d’onze sportifs qui participent aux épreuves de nage, plongeon et haut plongeon.

    Météo – Le temps est généralement instable en Roumanie, alors que les températures demeurent assez élevées sur l’ouest et le sud. Sur le sud-ouest du pays, le ciel est couvert et des pluies à verse et des orages sont attendus sur le relief et sur le nord-est. Les maxima iront de 25 à 33 degrés. 30 degrés en ce moment à Bucarest.