Tag: Sandu

  • October 9, 2019

    October 9, 2019

    Tomorrow is a decisive day for the cabinet led by Social-Democrat Viorica
    Dancila. As Romania will see presidential election next month, senators and
    deputies are to debate upon a censure motion tabled last week. The opposition
    is blaming the government for having lost European funds, the lack of
    infrastructure and the disastrous situations in the healthcare, justice and
    education systems. The National Liberal Party of president Klaus Iohannis says
    it is ready for both snap election and for ruling the country until the
    Parliamentary election next year. The People’s Movement Party (PMP) has voiced
    its readiness to assume a future government, while the Save Romania Union (USR)
    believes that staging snap election is the main solution to the political crisis
    currently facing Romania. PRO Romania, a splinter group from the ruling PSD
    will cast their vote in an open ballot and the group’s leader Victor Ponta
    announced that if the censure motion passed, he would propose the
    Social-Democrats a government formula with an independent Prime Minister backed
    by a majority made up of the PSD, ALDE and PRO Romania. ALDE, a former ruling
    political group believes the Romanian president will not accept a Prime
    Minister from a majority the PSD is part of. The Democratic Union of Ethnic
    Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) will vote the motion in a secret ballot and it is
    not willing to become part of a provisional government. Prime Minister Dancila
    has accused the opposition of lacking political responsibility and is convinced
    her cabinet will remain in power. The motion has been signed by 237 MPs and it
    needs 233 votes to pass.

    RANKING Romania comes 51st, a position higher than last
    year, in a ranking of the world’s most competitive economies, the latest report
    published by the World Economic Forum shows. Romania scored 64.4 points out of
    100 and is lagging behind countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia,
    Russia, Hungary and Bulgaria, but still ahead of countries like Greece, Turkey,
    Serbia and the Republic of Moldova. Singapore overtakes the United States as
    the world’s most competitive economy this year. The last countries in the
    ranking are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Yemen and Chad. The report
    measures economic competitiveness based on some indicators such as
    infrastructure, healthcare, labour market, the financial system, the quality of
    public institutions and economic openness.

    HOLOCAUST Every year on October 9th
    Romania pays homage to the Holocaust victims. On this day in 1941, Jews from
    Romania started to be deported to Transdniester, currently in the Republic of
    Moldova. On Tuesday, Romanian president Klaus Iohannis promulgated a law on the
    setting up of the National History Museum of Jews and the Holocaust in Romania
    in capital city Bucharest. The institution will be housing a permanent
    exhibition presenting the history of the Jewish community in Romania from the
    17th century up to the present day.

    PARTNERSHIP The ex-soviet Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova will have in
    Romania the most sincere and committed partner in the region and in the
    European Union, the statement belongs to Romania’s Foreign Minister Ramona
    Manescu currently paying a formal visit to Chisinau, the local radio station
    has announced. In a news conference with her Moldovan counterpart Nicu Popescu,
    the Romanian official has said that the gas pipeline linking the city of Iasi
    in eastern Romania to Ungheni in the Republic of Moldova will become
    operational in the spring of next year allowing the ex-soviet Republic to not
    depend upon a single source of supply. The two officials have signed a roadmap,
    which provides for cooperation in the transport infrastructure, finances,
    agriculture, justice, education or interior affairs. The Romanian official will
    also be having talks with Moldovan Prime Minister Maia Sandu.

    (translated by bill 51)

  • 01.09.2019


    Das Zweikammerparlament in Bukarest beginnt am Montag die zweite ordentliche Sitzung dieses Jahres. Der Senat steht kurz vor der Wahl eines neuen Präsidenten, nachdem der Vorsitzende der ALDE, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, nach dem Rückzug der Liberaldemokraten aus der von der PSD dominierten Allianz, angekündigt hat sein Amt niederzulegen. “Am Montag, dem ersten Tagungstag des Senats, werde ich offiziell meinen Rücktritt verkünden”, sagte er vor einer Woche, als die ALDE in die Opposition trat und sich mit Pro Romania zusammenschloss, der vom ehemaligen Premierministers Victor Ponta geführten sozialdemokratischen Partei. Drei liberaldemokratische Minister, Graţiela Gavrilescu vom Umweltministerium, Viorel Ilie verantwortlich für die Beziehungen zum Parlament und Anton Anton vom Energieministerium, legten ihre Rücktritte vor. Die kürzlich investierte Au‎ßenministerin Ramona Mănescu zog es vor, aus ALDE auszutreten, um ihr Portfolio zu behalten. Die sozialdemokratische Ministerpräsidentin Viorica Dăncilă erklärte, die PSD habe weiterhin die Macht, das Regierungsprogramm, mit dem sie die Parlamentswahlen 2016 gewann, anzuwenden. Präsident Klaus Iohannis forderte das Kabinett, das mittlerweile eine Minderheitsregierung darstellt auf, eine neue Bestätigung im Parlament einzuholen. Er teilte des weiteren mit, dass er die ihm vom der Ministerpräsidentin unterbreiteten Vorschläge zur Umbildung vollständig ablehne. Die rechte Opposition hat angekündigt, einen Misstrauensantrag einzureichen und sich bereit erklärt, die Regierungsverantwortung zu übernehmen. Dafür brachte es jedoch die Forderung nach vorgezogenen Wahlen ins Spiel. Die regulären Wahlen würden nächstes Jahr stattfinden.

    Die rumänische Premierministerin Viorica Dancila hat angekündigt, sie werde mit Präsident Klaus Iohannis telefonisch über die Interimsbesetzung der drei Ministerien, welche die ALDE innehatte. Dancila warnte, sie werde sich an das Verfassungsgericht wenden, wenn der Präsident die neuen sozialdemokratischen Vorschläge zur Leitung der Ministerien für Energie, Umwelt und Beziehung zu Parlament nicht akzeptiert. Dancila hat auch gesagt, dass eine Regierungsumbildung, die dem Parlament vorgelegt werden sollte, keine Dringlichkeit darstelle. Diese Entscheidungen wurden am Sonnabend auf einer Sitzung des Vorstands der Sozialdemokratischen Partei in Mamaia, an der Schwarzmeerküste, getroffen.

    Die Renten in Rumänien steigen beginnend mit dem 1. September um 15 %. Dies teilte Arbeitsminister Marius Budai mit. Rund 5 Millionen Rentner im öffentlichen System kommt die Erhöhung zugute. Das neue Rentengesetz sieht eine schrittweise Erhöhung des Rentenpunkts beginnend mit dem heutigen Tag und bis 2022 sowie die Neuberechnung von Millionen anderer Renten vor. Nach dem neuen Gesetz werden Doktor- und Masterarbeiten zum Rentenalter hinzugezählt. Es eröffnet die Möglichkeit bis zu 5 Rentenbeitragsjahre zu kaufen und schreibt vor, dass auf die Mindestrente nur diejenigen Anspruch haben, die mindestens 15 einen Rentenbeitrag gezahlt haben.

    Der Internationale Währungsfonds hat den rumänischen Behörden empfohlen, einen Prozess der nachhaltigen Haushaltskonsolidierung einzuleiten, das neue Rentengesetz, das am Sonntag in Kraft treten soll, zu überdenken und das Management in staatlichen Unternehmen zu verbessern. Laut einem IWF-Bericht würde das rumänische Wirtschaftswachstum 2019 bei rund 4 % bleiben und sich mittelfristig auf 3 % verlangsamen. Nach Ansicht des IWF müssen die rumänischen Behörden vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Instabilität die derzeitigen wirtschaftlichen Fortschritte nutzen, um einen nachhaltigen Prozess der Haushaltskonsolidierung einzuleiten. Schätzungen zufolge wird das rumänische Haushaltsdefizit im Jahr 2019 ca. 3,7 % des BIP ausmachen, wenn keine zusätzlichen Ma‎ßnahmen ergriffen werden.

    Die proeuropäische Premierministerin der Moldau, Maia Sandu setzt ihren Besuch in den Vereinigten Staaten fort. Laut dem Korrespondenten von Radio Rumänien in der moldauischen Hauptstadt, hat Sandu das Treffen mit US-Staatssekretär Mike Pompeo als das Wichtigste gewertet. Sie vermied es jedoch die Gesprächsagenda zu benennen. Sandu wird auch mit Beamten des Verteidigungsministeriums, der Central Intelligence Agency und der Millennium Challenge Corporation Gespräche führen. Dem Besuch Sandu‘s in Washington war der Besuch des nationalen Sicherheitsberaters John Bolton in Chisinau vorausgegangen. Bolton sagte, dass die USA die Souveränität und Unabhängigkeit der Republik Moldau unterstützen, die ihre Zukunft ohne Einflüsse aus dem Ausland entscheiden muss.

    Fünf Veranstaltungen sind für Sonntag, den zweiten Tag des Internationalen George Enescu Musik Festivals, geplant. Das erste Konzert der diesjährigen Ausgabe gaben am Sonnabendabend im Rumänischen Athenäum in Bukarest die Berliner Philharmoniker unter der Leitung von Kiril Petrenko. Das zentrale Thema der diesjährigen Ausgabe des Festivals ist Welt in Harmonie“. Vladimir Jurowski ist der Leiter des Festivals. Bis zum 22. September werden neben Bukarest in weiteren 10 Städte in Rumänien sowie in Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Kanada und Moldawien unter dem Namen des Festivals Konzerte gegeben.

  • August 31, 2019

    August 31, 2019

    IMF The International Monetary Fund
    recommends the Romanian authorities to kick off a process of sustainable fiscal
    consolidation to reassess the new pension law, which is to come into effect on
    Sunday and to improve management in state-owned companies. According to an IMF
    report, the Romanian economic growth would stay around 4% in 2019 and slow down
    to 3% on medium term. According to the IMF, against the backdrop of raising
    vulnerabilities the Romanian authorities need to capitalize on the present
    economic progress to kick off a sustainable process of fiscal consolidation. According
    to estimates, Romania’s budget deficit will account for 3.7% of the GDP in 2019
    unless additional measures are taken. Furthermore the IMF experts believe the
    fresh pension law passed in June 2019 needs to be reassessed as it may
    jeopardize the fiscal sustainability.

    FESTIVAL Between August 31st and
    September 22nd Bucharest will be playing venue for the 24th edition of the
    George Enescu International Festival, the biggest edition of this event so far.
    This edition’s central theme is ‘The world in Harmony’ and the festival’s
    artistic director is Vladimir Jurowski. Bucharest and 10 other cities in
    Romania and abroad in countries like Germany, France, Italy, Canada and the
    Republic of Moldova are also to be hosting events associated with this
    prestigious international festival of classical music in honor of Romania’s
    greatest composer. The festival is expected to bring together 25 hundred of the
    world’s best musicians who will be performing in 84 concerts and recitals. 24
    concerts will be hosted by Romania’s major cities, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara,
    Iasi, Sibiu, Targu Mures, Bacau, Barlad, Targoviste, Satu Mare and Piatra
    Neamt. The 2019 edition of this festival is expected to include 34 premieres
    and 25 first performances by artists like Marion Cotillard, Kiril Petrenko,
    Mitsuko Uchida as well as nine of the world’s best orchestras. Concerts and
    recitals have been grouped in six big sections: ‘Greatest World Orchestras’,
    ‘Midnight Concertos’, ‘Chamber Music Recitals and Concertos’, ’21st Century
    Music’, ‘Mozart Week in Residence’ and ‘The Composers International Forum’. The
    festival will also include conferences, book and album launches as well as
    other events.

    LANGUAGE Cultural events staged
    concurrently in Romania, the Republic of Moldova and the Romanian communities
    abroad are today marking the Romanian Language Day. The event, which was
    endorsed by the Romanian Parliament in 2013, is held concurrently with the
    national celebration in the neighboring Republic of Moldova to honour the
    national awakening movement in the ex-soviet Romanian-speaking country. We
    recall that on August 31st 1989 during the Soviet Union, under the
    pressure of 750 thousand protesters, Parliament in Chisinau declared Romanian
    as the country’s official language choosing the Latin alphabet instead of the
    Cyrillic one imposed by the Soviet invaders after the country’s annexation in

    VISIT Maia Sandu, the pro-Western
    Prime Minister of the neighboring Republic of Moldova (an ex-soviet
    Romanian-speaking country), is paying a four-day visit to the United States for
    talks on ways of deepening the strategic bilateral dialogue. According to Radio
    Romania correspondents in Chisinau, Sandu mentioned the visit’s most important
    moment is the meeting with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo but didn’t refer to the
    talks agenda. The Moldovan official is expected to also have talks with
    officials from the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency and
    the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Sandu’s visit to Washington had been
    preceded by the visit the National Security Advisor John Bolton paid to
    Chisinau. Bolton said the USA supports the sovereignty and independence of the
    Republic of Moldova, which has to decide its future without influences from
    abroad. Bolton also said that Washington supports the government’s efforts for
    settling the conflict in the breakaway pro-Russia region of Transdniester,
    which had broken out of Chisinau’s control in 1992.

    (translated by bill)

  • July 9, 2019

    July 9, 2019

    GRECO Romania has made little progress to put in place measures to
    prevent corruption among parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors and to
    address the concerns raised by its controversial judicial reform says the
    Council of Europe’s anti-corruption institution GRECO in two reports that it
    has published today. GRECO is deeply concerned
    by the fact that the authorities have disregarded the recommendation to abandon
    the setting-up of the section for the investigation of the offences in the
    judiciary. On the other hand GRECO hails the announcement made by Prime
    Minister Dancila regarding the intention to give up the controversial justice
    reforms. GRECO decides to continue to evaluate Romania’s complying with the
    recommendations included in the two reports and has called on the authorities
    to report back on the progress achieved by June 30th 2020.

    Leaders of the Social Democratic Party (PSD), the main component of the ruling
    coalition in Bucharest have today begun talks about government reshuffle. These
    talks might take several weeks, during which the activity of ministries is to
    be assessed – the party’s new leader, Viorica Dancila, has announced. After the
    assessment, the Social Democrats will decide which ministers should be
    replaced. According to the Prime Minister, the PSD candidate to the
    presidential election this autumn will be established based on a poll in the
    first half of August. We recall that Prime Minister Dancila went to the helm of
    the party after the coalition’s strongman Liviu Dragnea had been arrested on
    corruption charges. We recall that the PSD also lost the European Parliament
    election to the opposition National Liberal Party while its partner ALDE failed
    to clear the 5% threshold.

    TENNIS Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep, currently ranking 7th in the world standings, will
    be up against Chinese Zhang Shuai in the quarterfinals of the Wimbledon
    tournament, the third Grand Slam competition of the year. On Monday, Halep
    outperformed the tournamnet’s revelation, 15-year-old US challenger Cori Gauff.
    Halep’s best Wimbeldon performance was in 2014, when she made it to the
    semifinals. Also today, Romanians Irina Begu and Monica Niculescu are playing
    against Su-Wei Hsieh of Taiwan and Barbora Strycova of the Czech Republic. In
    the men’s double, Horia Tecau of Romania and his Dutch partner Jean-Julien
    Rojer will be taking on Juan Sebastian Cabal and Robert Farah of Columbia in
    the quarter finals. We recall that Tecau and Rojer won the tournament in 2015.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champions, CFR Cluj will today be playing FC
    Astana of Kazakhstan in an away game counting towards the first preliminary round
    of the Champions League. On Thursday in the first preliminary round of the
    Europa League, FCSB, formerly known as Steaua Bucharest, will be up against
    Milsami Orhei of the neighboring Republic of Moldova in a home match, while CSU
    Craiova will be playing in an away fixture FK Sabail of Azerbaijan. The return
    games are due next week. Romanian Cup holder, Viitorul Constanta, will be
    playing directly in the Europa League’s second preliminary round against
    Belgian side FC Anvers, coached by former Romanian international Ladislau

    PROSECUTOR The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, an ex-soviet,
    Romanian-speaking country might today launch procedures to revoke its chief
    prosecutor Eduard Harujen, accused of having carried out the political orders
    of the former government. Appointed in 2006, the former chief prosecutor
    prosecuted political files upon requests coming from the country’s former
    ruling Democratic Party headed by the controversial tycoon Vladimir Plahotniuc.
    The country’s new Prime Minister Maia Sandu has announced she would like a
    European Prosecutor to take over Harujen’s job adding that she has conveyed an
    invitation in this respect to the former head of Romania’s Anti-corruption
    Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi. However, the country’s pro-Russia president
    Socialist Igor Dodon is not comfortable with the idea of having a European
    prosecutor in Chisinau. We recall that Kovesi is presently running against
    French Jean-Francoise Bohnert for the position of chief of the future European
    Prosecutor’s Office, which might become operational next year.

    PROPOSAL Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has proposed the former
    MEP Social-Democrat Ioan Mircea Pascu for the position of interim commissioner
    for regional policies to replace Corina Cretu, who was elected MEP on May 26th.
    The move comes after the EU Council has rejected a proposal by the head of the EU
    Executive Jean Claude Juncker that other commissioners should take over positions
    left vacant after the elections for the next four months that remained from the
    mandate of the present commissioners. The main argument invoked by the European
    Commission was that referring to budget expenses. ‘We regret the Council’s
    decision not to accept the proposal, but the responsibility on this is now
    entirely with the Council’, a spokesperson for the Executive told our
    correspondent in Brussels. A veteran leftist politician who got involved in the
    country’s political life shortly after the anti-communist revolution of 1989,
    Pascu, 70, was Defence Minister in 2004 the year of Romania’s entry into NATO
    and an MEP when the country joined the European Union in 2007.

    (translated by bill)

  • July 5, 2019

    July 5, 2019

    BONDS The Romanian Finance Ministry has today issued government bonds for
    population part of a Treasury Programme with interest rates ranging between
    3.5% and 5% a year depending on their maturity date. According to the ministry,
    the interest is 3.50% for bonds due in one year, while those due in two years
    will have an interest rate of 4%. A maturity period of 5 years means an
    interest rate of 5% and subscriptions can be made until July 31st
    2019. Revenue earned by
    individuals in the subscription and holding of government securities is not
    taxed. The ministry has issued Treasury bonds for the population with interest
    rates between 3.5% and 5% per year on a monthly basis since February this year.

    NATO The ex-soviet Romanian-speaking Republic of Moldova wants to
    cooperate with NATO in order to improve its own defence system, the country’s
    new Prime Minister pro-European Maia Sandu told the Alliance’s Secretary
    General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels. According to polls, the Republic of
    Moldova’s entry into NATO is supported only by 20% of its population whereas 60%
    are against it. Sworn in last month, Maia Sandu on Tuesday paid her first visit
    to neighboring Romania at the invitation of Romanian president Klaus Iohannis
    upon which she went to Brussels for talks with NATO and EU officials.

    TENNIS The world’s number 7 tennis player, Simona Halep of Romania, will
    today be playing Victoria Azarenka of Belarus in the third round of the Grand
    Slam tournament in Wimbledon. A former world leader, Halep is the only Romanian
    left on the women’s main draw at Wimbledon. Monica Niculescu and Irina Begu
    have qualified for the next stage of the women’s doubles after a 3-6, 6-4, 6-2
    win against Daria Kasatkina of Russia and Anett Kontaveit of Estonia. In the
    second round the Romanians will be up against Xinyun Han of China and Oksana
    Kalashnikova of Georgia. A Romanian-Dutch pair made up of Horia Tecau and
    Jean-Julien Rojer have qualified for the competition’s round of 32 where they
    are going to take on Fabrice Martin of France and Hugo Nys of Monaco.

    FOOTBALL Romania’s football champions CFR Cluj and Viitorul Constanta,
    winner of the Romanian Cup, will be meeting in Ploiesti, southern Romania, for
    Romania’s Supercup on Saturday night. CFR have reaped their fifth championship
    title this year, which is also their second consecutive title while Viitorul
    have clinched their first Cup trophy. The two sides will this month be
    representing Romania in the preliminaries of European cups: in the Champions
    League, CFR will be taking on FC Astana of Kazakhstan while in Europa League
    Viitorul will be up against Belgian side Anvers, coached by the former Romanian
    international Ladislau Boloni. Also in the Europa League, FCSB, formerly known
    as Steaua Bucharest, will be playing Milsami Orhei from the neighboring Republic
    of Moldova, while CSU Craiova will meet FK Sabail of Azerbaijan.

    NEVERSEA The city of Constanta, on the Romanian
    Black Sea Coast, is hosting the Neversea Festival, the largest music festival
    in Europe held on a beach. 150 famous artists will be performing for four days
    on the Modern beach before an audience of some 200,000 people. The list of
    guests includes Afrojack, G-Eazy, Jessy J, DJ Snake, Sean Paul, Lost
    Frequencies, Kadebostany, Salvatore Ganacci and Dub FX. Special security
    measures have been put in place to ensure the smooth running of the event. The
    festival’s budget amounts to some 9 million Euros this year.

    (translated by bill)

  • June 11, 2019

    June 11, 2019

    FOOTBALL Romania’s national football side on Monday night clinched
    a 4-0 win against the selection of Malta in group F of the 2020 European
    Football Championship preliminaries. On Friday Romania ended their away game
    against Norway in a 2-all draw but in March they lost to Sweden in Stockholm
    2-1. Our footballers have also secured a 4-1 home win against the Faeroe Islands.
    Spain tops the table with 12 points followed by Sweden and Romania, each with 7
    points. The preliminaries are to resume in September when Romania will be up
    against Spain in Bucharest. The first two sides in the group will book tickets
    for the final tournament whose lots are to be drawn in Bucharest on November 30th.
    The Romanian capital is to host four matches of the final tournament, three in
    the group stage and one in the round of 16. We recall that also this month,
    Romania’s Under 21 football selection will be playing in the European
    Championship in Italy and San Marino. Romania is part of group C together with
    England, France and Croatia.

    EXPLANATIONS Romania’s Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu has today been
    invited to the Chamber of Deputies upon a request from the opposition National
    Liberal Party and the Save Romania Union to speak in the ‘Government’s Hour’.
    Also on Tuesday the Senate is debating upon a simple motion tabled against the
    Foreign Minister on the situation during the May 26th election when many
    Romanians abroad had difficulty in casting their ballot. The opposition MPs are
    calling for Melescanu’s resignation. On Monday the Foreign Minister again asked
    the Romanians abroad to forgive him but said that the Ministry had fulfilled its
    legal obligations. Melescanu has announced that talks are to be held at the
    embassies where voters faced difficulty during the elections in order to find
    the culprits and see to it that the situation will not repeat.

    FILE The Prosecutor General of the Republic of
    Moldova, an ex-Soviet Romanian-speaking country, has opened a file on the
    possible funding of the Socialist Party of president Igor Dodon by the Russian
    Federation. In another development, Dodon has announced that he cancelled the
    decree signed by Pavel Filip on dismantling Parliament and staging snap election
    on September 6th. On June 9th the Constitutional Court in
    the Republic of Moldova suspended Dodon from the position of president and
    appointed Prime Minister Pavel Filip as the country’s interim president. The
    Democratic Party of controversial businessman Vlad Plahotniuc believes the
    legal government is that led by Filip. The first meeting of the new cabinet led
    by pro-European Maia Sandu, which enjoys the Socialists’ support, in spite of
    the Constitutional Court’s invalidation took place on Monday. Sandu has given
    assurances the government will succeed in unblocking foreign funding,
    especially from the EU. The meeting was held on the Parliament premises as the
    new cabinet was denied access to the government building, which is controlled
    by the executive team of Filip. The Democratic Party has invited all the
    Parliament parties to identify solutions for overcoming the political deadlock.
    Andrei Nastase, one of the leaders of the ACUM bloc, has answered favorably,
    saying these talks must take place.

    CONFERENCE Romania’s Foreign Ministry is today staging
    an international conference on the strategic partnership relations between the
    EU and China. The event, which is held under the auspices of Romania’s
    presidency of the EU, is aimed at promoting an inclusive dialogue platform for
    the relations between the EU and China. High on the agenda are talks about the
    future strategic EU-China partnership, the Europe-Asia connectivity and the
    cooperation between the EU and China in a multilateral format. The event has
    brought together representatives of the foreign ministries and the academic
    world from the EU members and China, as well as representatives of the European

    (translated by bill)

  • Severe political crisis in the Republic of Moldova

    Severe political crisis in the Republic of Moldova

    The pro-Russian Socialist President of the Republic of Moldova Igor Dodon has requested international mediation for the political crisis in Chisinau, one of unprecedented magnitude in the nearly 3 decades since the country declared its independence. Essentially, the 2 sides in the dispute are the Constitutional Court and the incumbent Government formed by the Democratic Party, both of them controlled by the controversial and unpopular tycoon Vladimir Plahotniuc, on the one hand, and President Igor Dodon and the new parliamentary majority, on the other hand.

    This past weekend, the political conflict reached its peak. The Constitutional Court ruled to suspend Igor Dodon, replacing him with the Democratic PM Pavel Filip, and to dismantle the current Parliament. In response, the new parliamentary majority made up of the Socialists and the MPs of the Pro-European right-wing bloc ACUM, voted in a new government, headed by former presidential candidate Maia Sandu.

    The 2 teams exchange accusations of usurping power. Sandu says the Democratic Party blocks the functioning of public institutions, and after the chief of police refused to recognise the authority of the new Interior Minister she urged civil servants to peacefully hand over power. Meanwhile, Plahotniuc took his supporters to the streets and asked them to be prepared to defend public institutions.

    On behalf of neighbouring Romania, President Klaus Iohannis has called on all political forces in Chisinau to respect democracy and the rule of law. Stability is vital if Moldova is to follow through its European accession efforts, translating in a large-scale reform process, including in terms of the rule of law and good governance, reads a news release issued by the Romanian Presidency. The Government of Romania has also announced that it watches closely the political developments in Moldova, and urges all political players in that country to comply with the rules of democracy.

    Brussels, in turn, calls for calm. The European Union stands ready to work with a democratically legitimate government, on the basis of a mutual commitment to reforms and to the core principles enshrined in the Association Agreement, reads a joint statement issued by the EU diplomacy chief Federica Mogherini and the Commissioner for Neighbourhood Policy, Johannes Hahn. Moscow says it is vital for the forces in charge with Moldovas foreign policy to comply with the actual will of the people.

    All these come after 3-and-a-half months of failed attempts at forming a parliamentary majority. In the February 24 legislative elections, the Democratic Party and ACUM bloc each got around one-third of the seats in Parliament. This, analysts noted, reflects the dramatic fragmentation of the Moldovan society between the pro-Russians and pro-Europeans, between the supporters of the fight against corruption and those who favour an oligarchic regime.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 11 November, 2016

    11 November, 2016

    CAMPAIGN — Romania kicks off today its parliamentary election campaign, scheduled for December 11. Almost 6,500 people have registered as candidates for the 466 seats in the Senate and the lower chamber, on behalf of political parties or as independents. This election, the list system has been reinstated; the last time it was used was in the 2004 elections, with new norms of representation introduced for senators and deputies.

    CHISINAU — Pro-Russian Socialist candidate Igor Dodon and pro-European reformer Maia Sandu face off on Sunday in the second round of elections in the Republic of Moldova. About three million citizens are called to the polls to vote directly for the president for the first time in 16 years, time in which the head of state was appointed by Parliament. Analysts say that this election has geopolitical implications. Dodon wants to join the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Union, while Sandu pleads for reforming the state and joining the EU.

    TRUMP — Protests against Donald Trumps victory in the US presidential elections continued yesterday for a second day in several cities across the country, according to the Associated Press. Protesters fear that the future president will put a dent in civil rights and freedoms, given his campaign rhetoric regarding immigrants, Muslims and other groups. Trump tweeted in reaction to protests, saying that the protesters were hired by the media. In the meantime, the president elect had his first meeting with President Barack Obama to arrange a smooth transition of power. President Obama described the discussion as being encouraging. In turn, Trump thanked the president for his advice, and said that he would continue working with him in the future.

    FOOTBALL — Romanias national football team plays today in Bucharest against Poland, in a game counting towards the 2018 World Cup in Russia. In the first three games in Group E, Romanians scored a devastating victory against Armenia in Yerevan, 5-0. They tied at home 1-all against Montenegro, and tied away from home in Kazakhstan with no goals scored. Montenegro and Poland lead the group with 7 points, and Romania follows, with 5 points. We recall that the national team is trained for the first time in its history by a foreign coach, German Cristoph Daum.

    VETERANS DAY — Romania celebrates today Veterans Day, in military units and at heroes tombs across the country. In Bucharest, ceremonies and laying of wreaths were held at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and at the Monument of Heroes Fallen in Theaters of Operations and on Romanias Territory. Romanians have been celebrating Veterans Day on November 11, alongside the other European countries, the United States, Canada and Australia. This date marks the 1918 armistice between the Allies and the Central Powers which put an end to WWI.

    PIPELINE — The gas pipeline between Romania and Bulgaria was inaugurated today, according to the Ministry of Energy in Sofia. It runs over 25 km, the longest such installation in Europe so far. The Bulgarian portion runs over 15.4 km, the one in Romania is 7.5 km long, with 2.1 km running under the river Danube, separating the two countries. The pipeline provides a secure and permanent supply of natural gas for home and industry consumers in the two countries. Its inauguration meets the requirement of the European Energy Union requiring the creation of gas transportation systems between member states. The gas pipeline is part of a wider plan to link natural gas networks in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria by the end of 2019.

    HANDBALL — Romanian womens handball champions, CSM Bucharest, play today in an away game against the Russian team Rostov Don in the preliminaries of the Champions League. After three consecutive defeats, CSM is last in its group, with only two points, same as their Russian opponents, who are in third place. The group is led by Hungarian team Gyor, who hold eight points, followed by the Danish team FC Midtjylland, who are in second place with four points. CSM must secure a win in Russia in order to qualify. The first three teams in groups qualify for the main groups.

  • Präsidialwahlen Moldau: proeuropäische Kandidatin überraschend schwach

    Präsidialwahlen Moldau: proeuropäische Kandidatin überraschend schwach

    Wichtig wird also die zweite Runde am 13. November, wenn die Bürger zwischen Dodon und der prowestlichen Reformerin und Ex-Bildungsminister Maia Sandu wählen müssen.

    Nach allen Umfragen war mit einem Sieg von Igor Dodon zu rechnen – allerdings war der Vorsprung von zehn Prozentpunkten auf Maia Sandu eher überaschend. Kein Wunder, dass sich Dodon siegessicher nach der Schließung der Lokale über das Ergebnis freute: Diese Wahlen haben klar gezeigt, dass der Führer der sozialistischen Opposition das meiste Vertrauen der Bürger der Moldau hat.

    Doch auch seine wichtigste Gegnerin gab sich optimistisch – Ich denke, wir können heute stolz sein auf einen ersten Sieg, auf einen ersten Schritt zu einem Leben in Würde, das wir alle hier in der Republik Moldau verdienen, sagte Maia Sandu.

    Beobachter des Politikbetriebs sind sich nun einig, dass jetzt zwei intensive Wahlkampfwochen folgen werden – es geht nicht nur um die Sicherung der eigenen Kernwählerschaften, sondern auch um die Erschließung neuer Wähler. Sandu habe diesbezüglich mehr Chancen als Dodon, dessen europaskeptische Wählerschaft bereits als ausgereizt gilt. Von den sieben Kandidaten war außer Dodon nur Dmitri Tschubaschenko Russlandfreundlich, die anderen sind ehwr als Anhänger eines proeuropäischen Kurses zu betrachten. Es ist daher zu erwarten, dass die ausgeschiedenen Kandidaten ihren Wählern weitgehend raten werden, für Maia Sandu zu stimmen.

    Sie muss allerdings die jungen Wähler überzeugen, überhaupt am Urnengang teilzunehmen. Denn am Sonntag blieb mehr als einer von zwei Wählern fern, obwohl es zum ersten Mal war, dass die Moldauer ihren Präsidenten direkt wählen. Die Beteiligung von rund 49 Prozent war die niedrigste in der Wahlgeschichte der Moldau. Fast 30% der Wähler waren Menschen im Alter von über 55 Jahren, viele von ihnen Nostalgiker nach der Sowjetunion. Nicht einmal zehn Prozent waren junge, von europäischen Werten überzeugte Moldauer unter 25 Jahren.

    Die Menschen seien enttäuscht von der Lage im Land, zitieren Korrespondenten von Radio Rumänien Politikexperten vor Ort. Der zweite Wahlgang hat auch geopolitische Relevanz: Würde Dodon, ein von Moskau gesteuerter, virulent Europa-und Rumänienfeindlicher Politiker zum Präsidenten gewählt, bedeutet dies ein vorläufiges Ende für die europäische Gesinnung des Landes. Der Sozialist, der sich gerne mit der Russlandfahne abknipsen lässt, verspricht seinen Wählern eine Integration der Moldau in die Union Russland-Weißrussland-Kasachstan. Sieben Jahre, in denen die proeuropäischen Kräfte seit 2009 sich um die Annäherung an Europa und eine Emanzipierung von Moskau bemühten, wären somit vergeudet.