Tag: sanitas

  • Nachrichten 7.05.2018

    Nachrichten 7.05.2018

    Bukarest: In den rumänischen Krankenhäusern hat am Montag ein Warnstreik stattgefunden – Krankenschwestern, Verwaltungs-Personal und Labormitarbeiter haben ihre Arbeit für zwei Stunden niedergelegt. Nur Notfälle wurden behandelt. Die Protestierenden sind mit der 30% -Begrenzung der Lohn-Zulagen unzufrieden und sagen, dass bei Anwendung der neuen Lohnvorschriften bei einigen Personen Einbu‎ßen von bis zu 1000 Lei oder ca. 215 Euro verzeichnet wurden. Darüber hinaus klagen sie über Diskriminierungen: die Löhne von Ärzten und Krankenschwestern seien gestiegen, aber nicht die der Pfleger, Biologen, Apotheker, Radiologen oder Hebammen. Die SANITAS-Gewerkschaft teilte mit, dass sie mehr als 50.000 Unterschriften gesammelt habe und die Bedingungen für die Auslösung eines Generalstreiks am 11. Mai erfülle. An den letzten Tagen haben Gewerkschaftsvertreter Gespräche mit den Ministern für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Finanzen geführt, ohne eine Einigung zu erzielen. Eine neue Verhandlungsrunde wird mit Ministerpräsidentin Viorica Dăncilă stattfinden. Am Montag wude im Parlament auch eine Rüge der Opposition gegen Gesundheitsministerin Sorina Pintea verlesen, über die am Mittwoch abgestimmt wird.

    Bukarest: In Cluj ist am Montag die antikommunistische Dissidentin und Literatin Doina Cornea bestattet worden, die am Freitag mit 89 Jahren verstorben war. In einer Kondolenzbotschaft sagte Präsident Klaus Iohannis, dass Cornea ein Symbol des Mutes und des Widerstands im Kommunisum verkörpert habe. Das Regime hatte sie seit 1969 drangsaliert, in den 1980er Jahren wurde sie zu einer Hauptfigur unter den Dissidenten, die gegen das nationalkommunistische Gewaltregime von Nicolae Ceausescu protestierten. Sie wurde von der Universität Cluj entlassen, mehrmals brutal verhört und unter Hausarrest gestellt. Sie gehörte auch zu den Persönlichkeiten, die nach der Wende gegen die Reformkommunisten protestierten.

    Bukarest: Auf Rumänien kommt im ersten Semester des Jahres 2019 keine leichte EU-Ratspräsidentschaft zu: der Brexit wird vollzogen und der Haushalt der Union für den Finanzrahmen 2020 — 2024 beschlossen. Das sagte am Montag in Bukarest der Chef des rumänischen Bankenverbandes Sergiu Oprescu auf einer Fachveranstaltung. Bei der Ratspräsidentschaft gehe es in erster Linie darum, Verantwortungsbewusstsein zu zeigen. Sie sei eine Herausforderung, aber auch eine Gelegenheit, Ma‎ß und Klarheit zu beweisen. Staatschef Klaus Iohannis hat letzte Woche in Ruse, in Bulgarien, mit seinen Amtskollegen aus Österreich und Bulgarien über die Kontinuiät der Ratspräsidentschaften der drei Länder diskutiert.

    Moskau: Vladimir Putin ist am Montag zum vierten Mal als Präsident Russlands vereidigt worden. Nach seiner Vereidigung kündigte er in einer kurzen Ansprache an, sein “Möglichstes für Russland zu geben”. Der 65-Jährige hatte die Präsidentschaftswahl im März mit mehr als 75% Prozent der Stimmen klar gewonnen. Er ist bereits seit dem Jahr 2000 als Staats- oder als Regierungschef an der Macht. Putin steht damit für sechs weitere Jahre an der Staatsspitze. Nach seiner Vereidigung schlug Putin erneut Dmitri Medvedev für das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten vor. Medvedev war bereits von 2012 bis 2018 Ministerpräsident, von 2008 bis 2012 hatte er das Präsidentenamt inne. Laut dem Korrespondent von Radio Rumänien in Moskau, soll Putin in den kommenden Tagen eine neue Regierung bilden und die Mitglieder des Präsidialamtes ernennen. Nach Angaben der russischen Medien, sollen in der neuen Regierung der Au‎ßenminister Serghei Lavrov sowie Verteidigungsminister Serghei Şoigu ihre Ämter behalten.

    Bukarest: Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und der NATO im Bereich der Truppen-Mobilität wird sich in der nächsten Zeit intensivieren — das ist die Schlussfolgerung des informellen Treffens der EU-Verteidigungsminister in der bulgarischen Hauptstadt Sofia. EU-Au‎ßenministerin Federica Mogherini, kündigte an, dass sie bis Mitte Juni ihre Vorschläge für das neue Instrument für Stabilität und Frieden — kurz PESCO- vorstellen werde. Dieses soll zur Krisenprävention beitragen und die gemeinsame Verteidigungsarbeit finanzieren. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden 17 Projekte abgeschlossen. Grö‎ßere Investitionen in militärischer Infrastruktur sind geplant. Die Europäische Union wird mit den Vereinten Nationen und der NATO zusammenarbeiten, um Konflikte in Afrika, im östlichen Mittelmeerraum und auf dem westlichen Balkan zu verhindern. Laut einer Pressemitteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums in Bukarest unterstütze Rumänien weiterhin die Operationalisierung von PESCO. Rumäniens Einstellung sei pragmatisch und verfolge konkrete Ergebnisse, hie‎ß es.

  • May 7, 2018

    May 7, 2018

    STRIKE — A two-hour token strike was staged in hospitals across Romania in the morning. Nurses, the supporting staff and the personnel working in labs ceased to work, taking care only of emergencies. The protesters are discontent about the 30% cap on bonuses and say some healthcare employees saw some 215 Euros slashed off their salaries after the new pay scheme was enforced. They also point to the fact that some categories of personnel are discriminated against: for instance doctors and nurses benefited from pay rises, which is not the case for nurses, stretcher bearers, biologists, pharmacists, radiologists and midwives. The SANITAS Federation has announced it has collected over 50,000 signatures, thus meeting the conditions to call an all out strike on May 11. Over the past few days, representatives of trade unions have held talks with labour, health and finance ministers, without however reaching an agreement. The current state of the healthcare system is making the object of a simple motion, which is being debated today by the Chamber of Deputies and which has been tabled by the right-of –centre National Liberal Party, in opposition, against the health minister, Social Democrat, Sorina Pintea. The motion will be voted upon in a plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday.

    RUSSIA — Vladimir Putin has today been sworn in as Russia’s president, for the fourth time, after winning with over 75% of the votes the presidential elections held in March. His presidency was interrupted, after the first two mandates, by a four-year term in office as prime minister, when the country’s president was the incumbent prime minister, Dmitri Medvedev. According to Radio Romania’s correspondent in Moscow, in the following days Putin will make public the membership of the new government and of the Presidential Administration, which is a more influential structure than the government. The Russian media estimate the foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and the defence minister Sergei Shoigu will keep their portfolios, which would be a sign that Russia’s current foreign policy will be continued. Also, overcoming the country’s isolation by the West would be necessary to Vladimir Putin in order to reach his daring internal objectives, which are the priorities of his new mandate. At a political level, the main task of the Kremlin leader will be to ensure an uninterrupted transition of power in 2024, when, under the Constitution, Putin will no longer be allowed to run for a new presidential mandate. The swearing in ceremony was preceded on Saturday by protests and the taking into custody of some 1,600 people, among whom the opposition leader, Alexei Navalny.

    PRESIDENCY OF THE EU COUNCIL — Romania’s mandate at the helm of the EU Council will not be an easy one, being marked by two key moments, namely Great Britain’s officially leaving the community bloc and establishing the EU budget for the 2020 — 2024 financial exercise. The statement has been made in Bucharest earlier today by the president of the Romanian Banks’ Association, Sergiu Oprescu, who attended the second edition of the Financial Market Forum. He has also added that holding the EU Council presidency is first of all an exercise of responsibility, a challenge and equally an opportunity to show a balanced discourse and a clear vision. Romania will hold the rotating presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2019. We recall that the Romanian president, Klaus Iohannis, held talks last week in Ruse with his Bulgarian and Austrian counterparts on assuring the continuity of the Bulgarian, Austrian and Romanian presidencies of the EU Council and on regional cooperation opportunities.

    ARREST — A man of Serbian nationality, who was on an international APB was taken into custody by the border police officers at the Galati-Port Border Crossing in south-eastern Romania. An Interpol warrant had been issued on the man’s name, as he was being investigated for genocide, during September-December 1991.

    THEATRE — The Alba Carolina Citadel in Alba Iulia, a fortress built in the early 18th century in south-western Transylvania will host the feast of Romanian theatre in the evening: the Award Winning Gala of the Union of Theatres in Romania, UNITER, which has reached its 26th edition. The gala is held this year under the motto “The UNITER Gala Unites Theatre!”. Some 300 actors and actresses as well as people close to theatre and UNITER are expected to attend the ceremony, in a transparent pavilion, mounted on the esplanade near the Orthodox Cathedral and the Roman-Catholic Church. 11 prizes will be awarded for best productions and best people on the theatrical scene in Romania in 2017.

    VOLLEYBALL — The Romanian volleyball team CSM Volei Alba Blaj in the centre on Sunday was defeated in Bucharest by the Turkish team VakifBank Istanbul, 3-0, in the final round of the Final Four women’s volleyball tournament. Although it lost to the Turkish team, CSM Volei Alba Blaj managed to put up a special performance, being the first Romanian team to qualify for the final act of the competition. In the bronze final, the Italians of Imoco Conegliano outperformed Galatasaray Istanbul, 3-0.

    TENNIS — Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no.1 WTA is today pairing up with another Romanian, Irina Begu, against the pair Nicole Melichar (the US)/Kveta Peschke (the Czech Republic) in the first round of the Madrid tennis tournament with some 6.7 million Euros in prize money up for grabs. Mihaela Buzărnescu is pairing up with France’s Alize Cornet and are playing against Andreja Klepac (Slovenia)/María Jose Martinez Sanchez (Spain), whereas Sorana Cîrstea alongside Spain’s Sara Sorribes Tormo will be facing Julia Goerges (Germany)/ Karolina Pliskova (the Czech Republic). In the singles, at the weekend, Simona Halep, Sorana Cîrstea and Irina Begu qualified for the second round.

  • Gewerkschaften setzen Protest im Gesundheitdwesen fort

    Gewerkschaften setzen Protest im Gesundheitdwesen fort

    Tausende Mitglieder des Gewerkschaftsbundes Sanitas haben am Donnerstag auf dem Siegesplatz vor dem Sitz der rumänischen Exekutive protestiert. Sie sind mit dem Gesetz, das die Entohnung im Gesundheitssystem regelt, unzufrieden. Die Arbeitsnehmer aus dem besagten Bereich hatten Flaggen, Plakate, Pfeifen und Vuvuzelas mit, damit ihre Unzufriedenheit von der Regierung besser gehört wird. In der letzten Zeitspanne gab es zahlreiche spontane Proteste. Die Vertreter der rumänischen Behörden haben Gespräche mit den Vertretern der Gerwerkschaften und den Krankenhausmanagern geführt, kamen aber zu keiner Lösung. Die Vertreter des Gewerkschaftsbundes sind mit der Inflexibilität der Regierung unzufrieden. Sie waren mit Argumenten gekommen, doch leider wurde keine Lösung gefunden, um die Verminerung der Löhne zu vermeiden.

    Die Gewerkschaftsmitglieder kritisieren weiterhin die Tatsache, dass die Vertreter der Behörden in dem Beweis andauern, dass die neuen Regelungen gut seien, und dass diese versuchen, die Schuld des Chaos im System auf die Gewerkschaften zu schieben. Die Gewerkschaftsmitglieder machen darauf aufmerksam, dass die Regierung das Gesetz und die wesentlichen Regelungen des sozialen Dialogs verletze. Sie behaupten, die Nettoeinkommen seien nach der Umsetzung des neuen Entlohnungsgesetzes gesunken. Der Vorsitzende des Gewerkschaftsbundes Sanitas Leonard Bărăscu erklärte, der Vizepremier Viorel Ştefan habe versprochen, dass ab Mai kein Angestellter aus dem Gesundheitswesen niedrigere Einkommen haben werde. Leonard Bărăscu dazu:

    “Wir werden alles bekommen, was die Manager in der Kommission, die die Premierministerin Viorica Dancila gebildet hat, zusammen mit denjenigen, die hier anwesend waren in dieser Zeit gemacht haben, und am 2. Mai werden wir eine Analyse durchführen, um Lösungen für die Abänderung des Gesetzes 153 durchzuführen.

    Obwohl die Behörden versprochen haben, dass eine Lösung gefunden werde, so dass kein Angestellter aus dem Gesundheitswesen niedrigere Einkommen habe, haben die Gewerkschaftsmitglieder bekanntgemacht, dass sie die Protestaktionen nicht aufgeben werden. Ihrer Meinung nach, werde sich das Problem ohne die Abänderung des Entlohnungsgesetzes nicht lösen können.

    Gesundheitsministerin Sorina Pintea erklärte, die Proteste seien keine Lösung und erinnerte daran, dass die Krankenhausmanager diese Probleme dank eines qualitätsvollen Managements lösen können. Arbeitsministerin Lia Olguţa Vasilescu sagte einem privaten Fernsehsender, das Entlohnungsgesetz werde nicht geändert, weil das nicht nötig sei. Das Problem liege bei den Lohnzuschlägen. Sie fügte hinzu, zur Zeit arbeite man zusammen mit den Krankenhausmanagern bei den Regelungen der Lohnzuschläge.

  • April 26, 2018

    April 26, 2018

    Tel Aviv — The Romanian PM Viorica Dăncilă on Thursday met with the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on the last day of her official visit to Israel. She will also meet with the Greek-Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, Teophilus III, and will visit Jerusalem’s Old City. Viorica Dăncilă and her Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted the excellent level of bilateral relations. The Romanian official appreciated the interest of the Israeli authorities in concluding a partnership in the field of the new technologies, which will allow for running common projects. The two also discussed issues related to cooperation in the military, strategic and cyber security fields. In another move, the two officials also talked about moving the Romanian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Benjamin Netanyahu hailing the decision of the Romanian government to start assessing this move. Another issue on the agenda of talks was the appointment of a Romanian ambassador to Israel given that for almost one year and a half Bucharest has not sent a diplomat mission to that country.

    Diplomacy — The speaker of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea is today meeting with the Israeli president Reuven Rivlin and with the PM Benjamin Netanyahu as part of his official visit to Israel. The visit takes place at the invitation of the Israeli PM in the context of the anniversary of 70 years of diplomatic relations between Romania and Israel and of 70 years since Israel proclaimed its independence.

    Protests — Thousands of Romanian healthcare employees are today participating in Bucharest in a protest rally organized by the Sanitas trade union federation. Trade unionists are discontented with the drop in the salaries of some of the healthcare staff following the implementation of the new salary scheme, which provides for a maximum cap on benefits of 30%. According to the rally organizers, there are two categories of employees, physicians and nurses, whose salaries have increased, but there are at least 7 other categories whose salaries dropped by 350 Euros per month. The protest rally held in Bucharest will be followed by a token strike scheduled for May 7 and on May 11 trade unionists intend to start an all-out strike in the healthcare and social services system.

    Veterans Day – The Romanian Defense Ministry is organizing, as of Thursday until Sunday, in all garrisons across Romania, manifestations devoted to the War Veterans Day. Manifestations include military and religious ceremonies, wreath laying ceremonies, solemn meetings of the associations of war veterans, shows and exhibitions. Similar manifestations devoted to the memory of the Romanian soldiers will be held at commemorative monuments in the Czech Republic, the Republic of Moldova, Russia, Slovakia and Hungary. The Veterans Day is celebrated every year on April 29 and marks the merits of war veterans in defending Romania’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. e in the healthcare and social services system.

    Venice Commission — The Monitoring Commission of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly approved the request of the Romanian right wing opposition party, the National Liberal Party, to ask the Venice Commission for an opinion regarding the modifications to the justice laws proposed by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats. The Liberals explained that they resorted to this gesture after the repeated refusals of the coalition to ask for the opinion of international experts regarding these modifications. Some of these modifications to the justice laws adopted by parliament in winter resulted in large-scale street protests.

    Tennis — The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world’s no.1, has qualified to the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament in Stuttgart, which awards total prizes worth 816,000 dollars. Halep defeated Slovak Magdalen Rybarikova (18 WTA) 4-6, 6-2, 6-3. Next Simona Halep will take on the winner of the match pitting the German Laura Siegemund against CoCo Vandeweghe of the US. Halep was defeated, in the past 2 years, in Stuttgart by the German Laura Siegemund, in 2016 in the eight finals and in 2017 in the semifinals.

    Handball — 4 handball players with CSM Bucharest, Paula Ungureanu, Cristina Neagu, Marfit Frafjord and Camille Ayglon Saurina were nominated for the ideal team of the women’s handball Champions League as part of a survey conducted by the European Handball Federation. On May 12 CSM Bucharest, Romania’s champions, will take on the Hungarian team Gyori Audi ETO KC, a trophy holder, in the semifinals of the Champions League, at the Final4 tournament in Budapest. In the other semifinal, Rostov on Don (Russia) will be up against Vardar Skopje (Macedonia). CSM Bucharest won the Champions League in 2016 and in 2017 it got the 3rd position. (news translated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • Proteste în spitale

    Proteste în spitale

    De multă vreme, toate bolile sistemului sanitar românesc sunt puse
    pe seama subfinanţării. Spitale vechi,
    cu dotări precare şi pline de bacterii, penurie de medicamente, adesea
    esenţiale pentru tratamente, personal medical insuficient, demotivat,
    dezinteresat, când nu de-a dreptul ostil faţă de pacienţi – toate sunt
    considerate consecinţele bugetelor insuficiente. Una dintre promisiunile actualei
    guvernări PSD-ALDE a fost schimbarea radicală a acestei stări de lucruri.
    Puterea a promis că majorările salariale din sistem vor fi atât de generoase,
    încât vor reuşi să-i atragă înapoi în ţară pe medicii români care lucrează acum
    în clinici din străinătate. Potrivit unui studiu
    realizat de Asociaţia Română pentru Promovarea Sănătăţii, numărul acestora e de
    aproape 15.700.

    Şi, într-adevăr, de la începutul anului, salariile medicilor au
    crescut, spectaculos, în medie, de la echivalentul câtorva sute la câteva mii
    de euro. Dar, în loc să dispară, tensiunile din spitale s-au amplificat.
    Sindicatele din sistem şi-au scos membrii în stradă, ca să ceară majorări pe măsură
    pentru tot personalul din sănătate şi asistenţă socială, precum şi renunţarea
    la decizia ministerului de a limita sporurile la 30%
    din suma salariilor de bază la nivelul ordonatorilor principali de credite. Vineri,
    cel mai influent dintre sindicate, Sanitas, a anunţat că va întrerupe
    protestele o săptămână, pentru a vedea efectele soluţiei propuse de ministrul
    Sănătăţii, Sorina Pintea. Potrivit acesteia, spitalele îşi vor putea utiliza
    fondurile proprii pentru a acorda suplimente şi stimulente financiare angajaţilor
    care vor avea veniturile diminuate.

    În numeroase spitale din Bucureşti şi din
    provincie, au izbucnit, însă, proteste spontane. Sumele acordate de spitale
    sunt insuficiente, afirmă protestatarii, astfel că veniturile infirmierelor, brancardierilor,
    biologilor sau farmaciştilor scad. La Spitalul de Boli Infecţioase din Galaţi, de pildă, aceştia spun că au primit salarii cu până la 20% mai mici
    decât luna trecută: Infirmierii au luat 300-400 de lei mai
    puţin. -: Ne-au scăzut sporurile şi implicit şi salariile. La noi la asistente
    au scăzut cu 20%. -: Sporul de infecţioase de la 25% la noi asistentele, acum
    este 15%. Având în vedere că şi OMS a declarat că infecţioasele constituie un
    mediu destul de contagios, ne punem în pericol şi pe noi şi familia.

    Managerul spitalului, doctorul Mihaela
    Debita, precizează că reducerea sporurilor s-a făcut în conformitate cu
    prevederile legii: Nu am putut asigura 85% pentru cei care
    lucrează la HIV, nu am putut asigura 25% pentru tot spitalul, că nu am avut de
    unde. Eu am încercat să mă încadrez legal între valorile minime şi maxime la
    sporuri. Mai mult de atât ce pot să fac?

    În presă, mulţi
    comentatori spun că soluţia propusă de minister nu e, de fapt, viabilă şi
    prevăd continuarea protestelor, însoţite de avertismente privind declanşarea
    unei greve generale.

  • April 12, 2018 UPDATE

    April 12, 2018 UPDATE

    MEETING – Romanian President Klaus Iohannis received on Thursday in Bucharest the French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. On this occasion, President Iohannis said Romania’s joining the Schengen area continues to be an important goal for the country and voiced hope that France would support a decision in this respect. The French official said in turn that France does not hinder in any way Romania’s prospects for joining Schengen. The two officials also tackled the bilateral Strategic Partnership and the EU Council Presidency that Romania is to take over. Previously, the French Foreign Minister said during a meeting with the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu there is an uncrossable red line for Paris in the case of Syria, and that is the use of chemical weapons. In turn, Teodor Melescanu said Romania supports an enquiry in the case of the latest attack in Syria, carried out by a special body that should also decide the course of action. The United States said all options are on the table in response to the alleged chemical attack perpetrated in Syria. The White House blames Syria and Russia for this incident. Activists, members of rescue teams and doctors said dozens were killed in Saturday’s attack in the rebel-held city of Douma. The Syrian Government, currently receiving military support from Russia, has denied any involvement.

    DECREE — The Bucharest Government on Thursday passed an emergency decree under which the National Commission for Prognosis becomes the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis. According to the Government, the Commission will draw up social and economic development programmes and studies on macroeconomic balances and will assess the economic and social impact of state aid schemes and of public investment projects conducted through public-private partnerships. Moreover, the Commission will coordinate activities related to the country’s switch to the Euro.

    INFLATION — The annual rate of inflation went up to 5% in March 2018, from 4.7% the previous month, against the backdrop of a rise in the prices for food and non-food products and services, the National Institute for Statistics announced on Thursday. The inflation rate was higher only in June 2013, when consumer prices went up by 5.37%. This February the National Bank of Romania revised its inflation forecast for the end of the year, from 3.2 to 3.5%. The Bank estimates an annual inflation rate of 3.1% for 2019.

    HEALTHCARE — Members of the SANITAS trade union federation in the healthcare sector have announced a new series of protests, unhappy with the level of their net income after the recent salary increase and the introduction of the new bonus scheme. The leader of the federation’s branch in Iasi, Iulian Cozianu, said unionists will be protesting in front of the Iasi County prefecture starting Friday. Unionists demand the increase of the cap on bonuses above 30% for public healthcare units and the payment of the same bonuses in all healthcare units. The 30% cap means hundreds of employees will see their incomes slashes by as much as 280 euros. Last month, SANITAS announced stage an all-out strike.

    FORUM — Romania’s Interior Minister Carmen Dan is taking part as of Thursday in the two-day Salzburg Forum Vienna Process inter-ministerial conference. High on the agenda are topics important for member states, particularly for countries that will take over the rotating presidency of the European Council. Talks also focus on EU security, migration, asylum-granting procedures at EU level, police cooperation and combating terrorism. Romania is currently holding the presidency of the Salzburg Forum for a six-month term. The Forum is a security cooperation organization comprising states from Central and Eastern Europe, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

    SPOTLIGHT — The fourth edition of the Spotlight Festival kicked off on Thursday in Bucharest. The festival consists in projecting large images on the city’s iconic buildings. For four days, the city center becomes an open-air exhibition. This year’s edition of the festival is entitledUnited We Shine and brings to Bucharest 27 installations, projects and video mapping sessions from France, Australia, Israel, Germany, China, Russia, Italy, Spain and Romania. For the first time, the organizers will project famous works of art on the facades of several buildings, including the Romanian Athenaeum. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Proteste anunţate în sistemul medical

    Proteste anunţate în sistemul medical

    În cei
    aproape 30 de ani scurşi de la Revoluţia anti-comunistă din România, Sănătatea a rămas o Cenuşăreasă căreia
    niciunul din miniştrii de resort nu a
    reuşit să îi găsească Prinţul salvator, adică acel pachet de reforme care să confere
    un plus de valoare calităţii actului medical şi care să motiveze angajaţii din
    sistem să rămână să muncească în ţară. Aceasta face ca, pe fondul unei subfinanţări
    cronice a sectorului, România să se fi confruntat cu un exod masiv al medicilor
    sau asistenţilor medicali, care au luat calea străinătăţii în căutarea unor
    locuri de muncă mult mai bine plătite. Până de curând, creşterile salariale
    minore nu i-au făcut pe
    doritori să se răsgândească. Însă, treptat, cel puţin începând de anul trecut,
    situaţia pare să se schimbe de la o lună la alta, veniturile nete ale
    angajaţilor din Sănătate crescând simţitor, poate mai mult decât în cazul
    oricăror altor categorii salariale din România. Chiar şi aşa, sindicaliştii
    sunt foarte nemulţumiţi de salarii şi sporuri şi, luni, au ameninţat cu
    proteste care ar putea culmina cu o grevă generală.

    Actualul ministru, Sorina
    Pintea, spune că nu au motive şi dă exemplul unui medic primar, al cărui venit
    a crescut de la echivalentul a 1700 de euro la peste 2.700 de euro, concurând
    cu cel al unui coleg din orice altă ţară europeană occidentală. Sorina Pintea: Medic primar într-o unitate clinică pe medicină internă, care
    beneficiază de un spor de 15% – în decembrie 2017 avea 7.650 de lei, în martie
    2018 – 12.481 de lei. Precum aţi văzut, aceste salarii nu sunt mici. Atâta
    vreme cât nu există scăderi de venituri, nu cred că sunt motive pentru grevă
    generală. Ar fi, cred, o ipocrizie să declanşeze greva. Eu cred că putem
    discuta şi putem găsi soluţii pentru toate problemele, dar să nu uităm că se
    pot acorda sporuri şi din veniturile proprii, servicii medicale la cerere, de

    Sporurile reprezintă, într-adevăr, una din sursele nemulţumirilor sindicale – acestea au fost plafonate la
    maximum 30% din salariu, prag pe care sindicaliştii îl califică drept groaznic. Preşedintele
    Federaţiei sindicale Sanitas, Leonard Bărăscu, trece în revistă toate
    doleanţele: Creşterea salarială să fie pentru toţi
    colegii din sistemul de sănătate şi asistenţă socială; eliminarea pragului
    aceluia de 30%, care ne face cele mai mari probleme în a putea acorda colegilor
    ceea ce scrie în regulamentul de sporuri, pe care acum încercăm să îl negociem;
    apoi, o reîntregire a salariilor colegilor care, totuşi, au pierdut, odată cu
    trecerea de la angajator la angajat a plăţii contribuţiilor şi nu a făcut
    pentru unii dintre ei să le aducădecât pierderi, nu câştiguri.

    Dincolo de aceste discuţii, reforma în
    domeniu continuă, România urmând să primească granturi din fonduri
    europene de 650.000 de euro pentru schimbarea legii Sănătăţii, demers susţinut
    şi de Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii.

  • Trade unions stage protests in Bucharest

    Trade unions stage protests in Bucharest

    Fall has traditionally been a hot season in post-communist Romania. Ever since the early 1990s, October and November have been the months with most rallies, staged to demand wage increases. In spite of the fact that in time things have changed for the better in economic and social terms, and that the force of trade union actions has decreased significantly, a number of protest actions are being staged this autumn in Romania as well.

    On Thursday the trade union federation Sanitas, representing healthcare workers, protested in central Bucharest against the changes brought to the salary law, to be enforced as of January 1st 2018, which they believe will diminish their salaries. The unionists demand the elimination of the 30% cap on specific bonuses and the full application of these bonuses for all healthcare, social assistance and also technical and administrative staff.

    Also, they are opposed to the transfer from employers to employees of the obligation of paying social security contributions, which, in their opinion, would cancel the 25% salary increases granted under the new salary law. “For months on end, deputies and senators are doing nothing but simulate their interest in sectors that they themselves declared ‘of national importance’. Under the pretext of respecting the governing programme they pass measures that in reality prove to be to the detriment of the healthcare employees,” President of the Sanitas federation, Leonard Barascu has said.

    After Thursday’s protests, Sanitas trade union federation announced they would decide on whether to call an all-out strike in the healthcare and social assistance field. With trade unions already in the streets, the government coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats is now risking to antagonize employers’ associations as well, after having announced that all employers in Romania will have to pay a 2% social solidarity tax from the salary fund, as of next year.

    This new tax will apply at the same time with the transfer of the obligation to pay social and healthcare security contributions from the employer to the employee. The Finance Ministry has said in a communiqué that the level of this contribution has been set so as to ensure the amounts needed for the payment of social security benefits such as unemployment benefits and medical leave and also to cover the cost of labour accidents and professional diseases.

    The President of the National Council for SMEs, Florin Jianu, says that the solidarity tax does not have a clear destination, unlike the contributions currently paid by employers. Introducing this new tax will impact the business environment while employers will have to pay more money to purchase the new accounting software, Florin Jianu has also warned.

  • Mişcări sindicale în actualitate

    Mişcări sindicale în actualitate

    În România post-comunistă, toamna este, prin tradiţie, un anotimp fierbinte. Încă din primii ani 90, octombrie şi noiembrie sunt lunile predilecte pentru marile mitinguri şi marşuri sindicale, animate de revendicări salariale. Chiar dacă, în plan economic şi social, multe s-au schimbat de atunci, iar forţa mişcării sindicale s-a diminuat semnificativ, nici toamna acesta România nu duce lipsă de manifestaţii. Joi, câteva mii de sindicalişti din Federaţia Sanitas, a angajaţilor din sistemul medical, s-au adunat în centrul Bucureştiului, ca să protesteze faţă de modificările legislative de ordin salarial, ce ar urma să intre în vigoare de la 1 ianuarie şi despre care spun că le vor diminua veniturile.

    Principala revendicare a sindicaliştilor se referă la eliminarea plafonului de 30% pentru acordarea sporurilor specifice în domeniu. În plus, ei vor ca de acestea să beneficieze întregul personal din sănătate şi asistenţă socială, inclusiv cel tehnic şi administrativ. Şi, defel în ultimul rând, cer renunţarea la transferul contribuţiilor sociale de la angajator la angajat, deoarece aceasta va anula creşterea salarială de 25 % prevăzută de noua lege a salarizării în sistem. De luni de zile, guvernanţii nu fac decât să mimeze interesul faţă de domeniile pe care ei înşişi le-au decretat de importanţă naţională”. Sub pretextul respectării Programului de guvernare, adoptă măsuri care se dovedesc a fi, în realitate, în defavoarea angajaţilor din Sănătate” – acuză preşedintele Federaţiei Sanitas, Leonard Bărăscu.

    După mitingul de joi, conducerea Sanitas a anunţat că va decide asupra oportunităţii unei grevei generale în sistemul sanitar şi de asistenţă socială. Cu sindicatele deja în stradă, Guvernul PSD-ALDE riscă, acum, să-şi antagonizeze şi patronatele, după ce a anunţat că toţi angajatorii din România vor avea de plătit de anul viitor o taxă de 2% din fondul brut de salarii, numită contribuţie pentru solidaritate socială şi virată la bugetul de stat. Aceasta se va aplica odată cu trecerea contribuţiilor la pensii şi asigurări de sănătate din sarcina angajatorului în cea a angajatului.

    Ministerul Finanţelor a precizat, într-un comunicat, că nivelul contribuţiei este stabilit astfel încât să asigure necesarul pentru plata prestaţiilor sociale de care beneficiază salariaţii, cum ar fi indemnizaţiile pentru şomaj şi concedii medicale sau cheltuielile pentru accidente de muncă şi boli profesionale. Preşedintele Consiliului Naţional pentru Întreprinderile Mici şi Mijlocii din România, Florin Jianu, susţine că această taxă de solidaritate nu are o destinaţie limpede, spre deosebire de contribuţiile plătite în prezent de angajatori, când destinaţia sumelor este clar cunoscută. Introducerea contribuţiei va bulversa mediul de afaceri, iar angajatorii vor trebui să plătească bani în plus pentru achiziţionarea noilor softuri contabile, mai avertizează Jianu, fost ministru pentru Mediul de Afaceri.

  • Proteste sindicale

    Proteste sindicale

    Guvernul şi sindicatele din România se întâlnesc,
    vineri, din nou, pentru a dezbate propunerea guvernului social-democrat de a
    transfera contribuţiile sociale de la angajator la angajat.

    În opinia
    sindicaliştilor, dar şi a unor experţi, măsura ar putea reduce veniturile nete
    ale angajaţilor cu aproximativ 20%, ceea ce ar anula integral sau parţial
    creşterile salariale generoase pe care guvernul le-a acordat, deja, unor
    categorii de personal din sistemul public. Pe lista
    nemulţumirilor se mai află Legea salarizării în sistemul public şi Legea
    dialogului social.
    Negocierile survin după ce mii de persoane au
    participat, miercuri, în faţa sediului Guvernului, la un protest organizat de
    una dintre cele mai importante confederaţii sindicale din România, Cartel Alfa.

    O delegaţie a
    protestatarilor-angajaţi din Poliţie,
    sănătate, transporturi, educaţie, administratie publică – a mers pentru
    discutii la sediul Guvernului. La finalul întâlnirii, liderul Cartel Alfa,
    Bogdan Hossu, a declarat că autoriţăţile vor analiza varianta netransferării
    taxelor sociale de la angajator la angajat şi că se caută soluţii pentru
    înlocuirea acestei măsuri. Premierul Mihai Tudose îl contrazice şi susţine că nu s-a renunţat la idee, dar că
    Executivul va căuta să compenseze integral transferul contribuţiilor prin
    creşterea salariilor brute.

    Mihai Tudose: Nu ne gândim, nu s-a
    luat decizia renunţării la acest transfer, găsim o soluţie de compensare sau de
    implementare a Legii salarizării, dacă se poate să nu mai facem acest transfer să
    vedem cum compensăm, acolo va fi soluţia aleasă. Dar, de vineri avem un grup de
    lucru, trebuie să vorbim cu toate confederaţiile sindicale să fie toată lumea
    de acord.

    Preşedintele Federaţiei Sanitas, Leonard Bărăscu, a declarat că
    aşteaptă în continuare soluţii la revendicări. Leonard Bărăscu: În ţară,
    lucrurile nu stau deloc bine, colegii s-au săturat de promisiuni.. Şi ei sunt
    convinşi că numai încetarea lucrului sau plecarea din sistem prin demisii, care
    să fie în număr de mii, zeci de mii, va convinge acest guvern, care a venit cu
    această lege, că este foarte important să o gândească, cum au făcut-o până

    Sindicalişii din sănătate au anunţat
    că protestele vor continua şi că vor începe procedurile premergătoare
    grevei generale. Ei mai cer eliminarea plafonului de 30% pentru acordarea
    sporurilor specifice, aplicarea integrală a creşterilor salariale pentru toţi
    angajaţii din sănătate şi asistenţă socială, începând cu 1 martie 2018. Si profesorii
    denunţă lipsa de finanţare a învăţământului, dar şi veniturile reduse pe care
    le au. Pe lista nemulţumirilor figurează anularea majorărilor salariale cu 25%,
    neplata restanţelor salariale câştigate în urma unor hotărâri judecătoreşti,
    calculul incorect al unor sporuri şi cuantumul mic al pensiei pentru cei care
    au lucrat în învăţământ.

  • Generalstreik im Gesundheitssystem ausgesetzt

    Nach mehreren Verhandlungsrunden zwischen dem Gesundheitsminsterium und den Gewerkschaften wurde der für den 28. November geplante Generalstreik aufgehoben. Der Beschluss wurde getroffen, nachdem am Mittwoch der neue Tarifvertrag unterzeichnet wurde. Das war allerdings auch die Hauptforderung der Gewerkschaftler. Die Exekutive traff au‎ßerdem eine Reihe von Ma‎ßnahmen, um einen Teil der Forderungen der Angestellten des Gesundheitssystems zu lösen.

    Der Verbandsvorsitzende von Sanitas, Leonard Bărăscu, erklärte: In Anbetracht des Geschehens und der Tatsache, dass unser wichtigstes Ziel, der Tarifvertrag, unterzeichnet wurde, hebt der Verband Sanitas den Arbeitskampf mit dem Gesundheitsministerium auf.“

    Seinerseits hob Ressortminister Eugen Nicolăescu die Bedeutung der Unterzeichnung des besagten Vertrages hervor: Aus Meiner Sicht ist das die wichtigste Urkunde, die die Verhältnisse innerhalb des Gesundheitswesens regelt.“

    Au‎ßerdem billigte die Regierung eine Aufstockung der Gelder für das Gesundheitswesen um 200 Millionen Lei. Der Betrag stammt aus dem Reservefonds der Regierung und soll der Nationalen Gesundheitsversicherungskasse für die Tilgung der im System existierenden Schulden und für den Betrieb der Krankenhäuser bis Jahresende zugewiesen werden. Au‎ßerdem beschloss man die Freigabe ab dem 1. Januar 2014 von über 1.000 Stellen im Gesundheitssystem, hauptsächlich für Ärzte, Krankenpflegern und Hebammen vor dem Hintergrund einer präkeren Personallage.

    Die Exekutive genehmigte auch ein Dokument zur Übermittlung eines Änderungsantrags des Gesundheitsgesetzes an das Parlament im Dringlichkeitsverfahren. Dadurch soll das Ärztepersonal für die an freien Tagen — samstags, sonntags und an den gesetzlichen Feiertagen — geleisteten Überstunden doppelt vergütet werden. Was die Steigerung der Einkommen für Mediziner im nächsten Jahr anbelangt, sagte Eugen Nicolaescu, dass diese möglich sei aber nur gestaffelt und abhängig von den Einnahmen des Systems nach der Einführung des Basispakets für medizinische Dienstleistungen.

    Die Gewerkschaften kündigten eine Fortsetzung der Verhandlungen an, um auch die restlichen Forderungen zu lösen. Es handelt sich um die Zuweisung von 6% des BIP für die Gesundheit, eine Gesetzgebung, die die berufliche Unabhängigkeit der Ärzte gewährleisten soll, die sowohl im privaten als auch im öffentlichen System arbeiten, und ein spezifisches Entlohnungsgesetz für das Gesundheitswesen. Die Forderungen handeln auch von der Wahrung der Würde der Ärzte. Au‎ßerdem sollen die Fachleute nicht mehr von den Behörden gedemütigt werden, es sollen öffentliche Krankenanstalten organisiert werden, die den Patienten qualitative und schnelle Dienstleistungen bieten sollen. Darüber hinaus sollen Beratungen mit der Koalition der Fachleute im Gesundheitswesen über jegliche Ma‎ßnahmen mit Einfluss auf die Funktion des Systems geführt werden.

  • Grève évitée dans le système sanitaire

    A la suite de plusieurs rondes de négociations entre le Ministère de la Santé et les syndicats, la grève générale du système sanitaire roumain programmée pour le 28 novembre a été suspendue. Cette décision a été prise après la signature, mercredi, d’une nouvelle convention collective — principale revendication des syndicalistes — et après une série de mesures prises par l’Exécutif pour résoudre une partie des demandes du personnel de ce domaine. Le président de la Fédération SANITAS , Leonard Bàràscu, a déclaré : “ Compte tenu de ce qui est arrivé et du fait que notre objectif primordial est la convention collective de notre secteur, la Fédération SANITAS a signé la suspension du conflit avec le Ministère de la Santé. »

    A son tour, le ministre de la Santé, Eugen Noicolàescu a souligné l’importance de la signature de cette convention collective : « De mon point de vue, c’est le document le plus important qui institutionnalise les relations dans le cadre du secteur sanitaire. »

    Plus que cela, le Gouvernement a avalisé un supplément de fonds de la Santé de 200 millions de lei. Ce montant vient du Fond de réserve du gouvernement et sera transféré à la Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Santé pour payer les arriérés du système et pour les dépenses de fonctionnement des unités médicales jusqu’à la fin de l’année. On a aussi décidé de débloquer à partir du 1-er janvier 2014 plus de 1000 postes du système de Santé, principalement pour les médecins, les infirmières et les sages femmes, compte tenu du fait que le personnel en est déficitaire. L’Exécutif a aussi approuvé une note visant l’introduction au Parlement en régime d’urgence d’un amendement visant la législation actuelle de la Santé de sorte que les heures supplémentaires effectuées par le personnel médical pendant les journées non-ouvrables — samedis, dimanches et jours fériés légalement — soient doublement payés. Quant à la hausse, l’année prochaine, des revenus du personnel médical, Eugen Nicolàescu a précisé qu’elle est bien possible mais en deux étapes et compte tenu des revenus apportés au système par l’introduction du paquet de services médicaux de base.

    Les syndicats ont annoncé la poursuite des discussions afin de résoudre leurs autres revendications. Il s’agit d’allouer 6% du PIB à la Santé, d’une législation garantissant l’indépendance professionnelle de ceux qui travaillent dans les systèmes publique et privé et d’une loi des salaires spécifique au système de santé. Les revendications visent encore la défense de la dignité et renoncer à dénigrer les professionnels par les autorités, l’organisation des unités médicales avec des lits en système publique pour assurer des services rapides et de bonne qualité aux patients ainsi que la consultation réelle de la Coalition des Professionnels de la Santé à l’égard de toute mesure pouvant affecter le fonctionnement du système…(trad. : Costin Grigore)

  • 27.11.2013 (mise à jour)

    27.11.2013 (mise à jour)

    Visite – Le chef de l’Etat roumain, Traian Basescu, a reçu ce mercredi, à Bucarest, le premier ministre chinois Li Keqiang, en visite officielle en Roumanie jusqu’à jeudi. Le sommet qui a réuni dans la capitale roumaine les chefs de gouvernement de Chine et de 16 pays d’Europe Centrale et de l’Est représente un pas en avant” a déclaré Basescu, tout en se disant confiant que les relations bilatérales roumano-chinoises se développent dans un cadre législatif européen. La Roumanie et la Chine ont parachevé 13 accords de collaboration, notamment dans le domaine énergétique. Le premier ministre Li a participé également à la réunion des premier ministres d’Europe centrale et orientale et à un forum économique.

    Négociations – A Bucarest, une nouvelle série de négociations entre les syndicats de la Santé et le ministre de tutelle, Eugen Nicolăescu, ont eu lieu aujourd’hui. La fédération syndicale Sanitas a fait savoir qu’elle pourrait annuler la grève générale annoncée pour demain, si ses revendications étaient acceptées. Les personnels de la Santé réclament 6% du PIB pour ce domaine d’activité, des augmentations salariales, le déblocage des embauches, la signature d’une convention collective au niveau du secteur. A son tour, le ministre a précisé avoir envoyé un mémorandum au Ministère des Finances pour solliciter le déblocage de 1200 à 1400 postes. Et Nicolaescu d’ajouter que les majorations salariales se feraient en deux reprises à partir de l’année prochaine, sans dévoiler le pourcentage d’augmentation salariale.

    Fonds – La Roumanie occupe la 12ème place dans le top des plus gros bénéficiaires de fonds structurels en 2012, avec un montant de 4 milliards d’euros absorbés, tandis que sa contribution au budget européen s’est élevée à 1,32 milliards d’euros, selon le Rapport financier 2012 publié par la Commission Européenne. C’est la Pologne qui a touché le plus de fonds de la part de l’Europe, suivie par l’Espagne et la France. L’année dernière, le budget communautaire a été révisé à la hausse pour permettre une majoration des financements dans des domaines favorisant la croissance économique, l’emploi et les investissements dans la recherche et l’éducation. Selon le rapport, 94% du budget européen 2012 a été alloué aux chercheurs, étudiants, PME, villes, régions et ONG de toute l’Union européenne.

    Immigration – Immigration -En matière d’immigration, le premier ministre conservateur britannique, David Cameron, a une réaction excessive et regrettable, a déclaré le commissaire européen à l’Emploi, Laszlo Andor. Dans un entretien à la BBC, l’officiel européen a encore ajouté que le premier ministre Cameron distordait la réalité. La réaction de Laszlo Andor survient après l’annonce du premier ministre britannique du durcissement des conditions d’octroi des bénéfices pour les immigrants, une référence directe aux Roumains et aux Bulgares. Les normes d’éligibilité pour les allocations chômage seront plus dures, et l’accès au logement social sera limité, a précisé Cameron. Depuis 2007, année de l’adhésion de la Roumanie et de la Bulgarie, les travailleurs des deux pays ont été soumis à des restrictions sur le marché britannique de l’emploi, mesures qui seront levées le 1er janvier. L’élimination de ces restrictions est la source d’amples débats au Royaume Uni.

    Foot – La championne de Roumanie au football, Steaua Bucarest, a terminé à égalité nul avec les Allemands de Schalke 04 à Bucarest, dans un match de la poule E de la Ligue des champions. Les Roumains ont ainsi raté leur qualification au printemps européen de la Ligue des Champions. Avec 3 points seulement, Steaua est dernière au classement, après Chelsea Londres, Schalke 04 et FC Bâle et disputera son dernier match de poule contre les Anglais de Chelsea, déjà qualifiés au printemps de la Ligue des Champions. Dans l’autre compétition continentale, la Ligue Europa, la seule représentante de la Roumanie, la vice-championne Pandurii Tg-Jiu, jouera jeudi, en déplacement, contre l’équipe ukrainienne Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk.