Tag: SCM Craiova

  • Sportevents: EM-Titel für Tischtennisdamen, Handball-Europapokal, Fußball

    Sportevents: EM-Titel für Tischtennisdamen, Handball-Europapokal, Fußball

    Rumäniens Tischtennis-Damen sind Europameister! Bei der Mannschafts-Europameisterschaft im französischen Nantes gewannen sie das Endspiel gegen Portugal am Sonntag mit 3:0. Für Rumänien punkteten Bernadette Szőcs, Daniela Dodean Monteiro und Elizabeta Samara. Szőcs, die derzeit am besten platzierte Rumänin, bezwang im ersten Spiel Jieni Shao mit 3 :2, nach einem 1 :2 Rückstand. Es folgte der Sieg von Daniela Dodean gegen die beste Portugiesin, Yu Fu, mit 3 :2. Yu Fu hatte bei den Europäischen Spielen in Minsk Gold und bei der Europameisterschaft 2016 Silber im Einzel geholt. Schließlich gewann Eliza Samara, die Europameisterin von 2015, die letzte Begegnung mit Leila Oliveira mit 3 :0 nach Sätzen. Der rumänischen Mannschaft gehörten noch Adina Diaconu und Irina Ciobanu an. Für Rumänien ist es der fünfte Europameister-Titel im Mannschaftswettbewerb nach den Erfolgen von 1992, 2002, 2005 und 2017.

    Und nun zum Handball. Das Frauenteam des SCM Craiova hat sich ohne Mühe für die zweite Qualifikationsrunde des EHF-Cups qualifiziert. Die Ostrumäninnnen erreichten zwei deutliche Siege gegen die Italienerinnen von Jomi Salerno : Am Samstag hieß es 30 :21 für den SCM, am Sonntag folgte ein 29 :17. Beide Partien fanden in Craiova statt.

    Die Herrenmannschaft von Dobrogea Sud Constanţa ist in der Qualifikation für den EHF-Cup ebenfalls eine Runde weiter, nach dem Rückspiel-Sieg gegen Antalyaspor aus der Türkei, 29 :16 lautete das Endergebnis am Sonntag in der Stadt am Schwarzen Meer. Das Hinspiel in Antalya war 2 4 :24 ausgegangen.

    Und schließlich Fußball. Die rumänische Nationalmannschaft hat sich in der Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaft 2020 mit 1 :0 gegen Malta durchgesetzt. Den Siegtreffer erzielte am Sonntag in Ploieşti George Puşcaş in der 47. Spielminute. Rumänien bot dabei eine bescheidene Leistung, die drei Punkte lassen jedoch nach wie vor die Chance auf die EM-Qualifikation bestehen. Das Hinspiel in Malta hatte Rumänien mit 4:0 für sich entschieden. In derselben Qualifikationsgruppe F trennten sich Schweden und Norwegen in Stockholm 1:1 unentschieden. In Gijon bezwang Spanien die Färöer Inseln mit 4:0. Tabellenführer ist Spanien mit 18 aus 18 möglichen Punkten. Es folgen Schweden mit 11, Rumänien mit 10, Norwegen mit 9, Malta mit 3 Punkten und die noch punktlosen Färöer Inseln. Die nächsten Spiele für die rumänische Mannschaft sind die Auswärts-Begegnung mit den Färöer Inseln am 12. Oktober und das Heimspiel gegen Norwegen am 15 Oktober in Bukarest.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    feminină de tenis de masă a României a cucerit medaliile de aur la Campionatele
    Europene pe echipe de la Nantes, din Franţa. Duminică, în finală, România a
    învins Portugalia cu scorul de 3-0. Punctele au fost aduse de Bernadette Szőcs, de Daniela Dodean Monteiro şi de
    Elizabeta Samara. Szőcs,
    cea mai bună jucătoare română a momentului, a învins-o în primul meci pe Jieni
    Shao cu scorul de 3-2, revenind de la 1-2 la seturi. Al doilea punct a fost adus
    de Daniela Dodean, care a dispus de cea mai valoroasă jucătoare a echipei
    portugheze, Yu Fu, medaliată cu aur la Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, anul
    acesta, şi vicecampioană europeană în 2016, cu scorul de 3-2. În ultimul meci,
    Eliza Samara, campioană europeană la individual în 2015, a trecut de Leila
    Oliveira cu scorul de 3-0. Din lotul tricolor prezent la Nantes au mai făcut
    parte Adina Diaconu şi Irina Ciobanu. România şi-a trecut în palmares al
    cincilea său titlu continental, după cele din 1992, 2002, 2005 şi 2017.

    Trecem la
    handbal. Echipa feminină SCM Craiova s-a calificat fără emoţii în turul al
    doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF. Gruparea din Bănie a obţinut două victorii
    clare, sâmbătă cu 30 la 21, apoi cu 29-17 duminică, în faţa echipei italiene Jomi
    Salerno. Ambele partide au avut loc la Craiova.

    Dobrogea Sud
    Constanţa s-a calificat în turul al doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF la handbal
    masculin, după ce a dispus de formaţia turcă Antalyaspor, cu scorul de 29-16,
    duminică, pe teren propriu, în manşa a doua a primului tur preliminar. În prima
    manşă, la Antalya, scorul fusese egal, 24 la 24.

    Mai departe,
    fotbal. Echipa României a învins, duminică, la Ploieşti, reprezentativa Maltei
    cu 1-0, în Grupa F a preliminariilor EURO 2020. Unicul gol al partidei a fost
    marcat de George Puşcaş, în minutul 47. România a făcut un joc modest, dar a
    reuşit să-şi asigure trei puncte care o menţin în cursa pentru calificare. În
    deplasare, în iunie, România învinsese Malta cu 4-0. În aceeaşi grupă, la
    Stockholm, Suedia şi Norvegia au terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1, iar la Gijon,
    Spania a trecut de Insulele Feroe cu 4-0. În grupa F conduce reprezentativa
    iberică, având 18 puncte din tot atâtea posibile. Urmează Suedia, cu 11,
    România, cu 10, Norvegia, cu 9, Malta, cu 3 puncte, şi Insulele Feroe, fără
    niciun punct. Următoarele jocuri ale tricolorilor vor avea loc luna viitoare, cu Insulele Feroe
    pe 12 octombrie, în deplasare, iar pe 15 octombrie cu Norvegia la Bucureşti.

  • Săptămâna sportivă

    Săptămâna sportivă

    feminină de tenis de masă a României a cucerit medaliile de aur la Campionatele
    Europene pe echipe de la Nantes, din Franţa. Duminică, în finală, România a
    învins Portugalia cu scorul de 3-0. Punctele au fost aduse de Bernadette Szőcs, de Daniela Dodean Monteiro şi de
    Elizabeta Samara. Szőcs,
    cea mai bună jucătoare română a momentului, a învins-o în primul meci pe Jieni
    Shao cu scorul de 3-2, revenind de la 1-2 la seturi. Al doilea punct a fost adus
    de Daniela Dodean, care a dispus de cea mai valoroasă jucătoare a echipei
    portugheze, Yu Fu, medaliată cu aur la Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, anul
    acesta, şi vicecampioană europeană în 2016, cu scorul de 3-2. În ultimul meci,
    Eliza Samara, campioană europeană la individual în 2015, a trecut de Leila
    Oliveira cu scorul de 3-0. Din lotul tricolor prezent la Nantes au mai făcut
    parte Adina Diaconu şi Irina Ciobanu. România şi-a trecut în palmares al
    cincilea său titlu continental, după cele din 1992, 2002, 2005 şi 2017.

    Trecem la
    handbal. Echipa feminină SCM Craiova s-a calificat fără emoţii în turul al
    doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF. Gruparea din Bănie a obţinut două victorii
    clare, sâmbătă cu 30 la 21, apoi cu 29-17 duminică, în faţa echipei italiene Jomi
    Salerno. Ambele partide au avut loc la Craiova.

    Dobrogea Sud
    Constanţa s-a calificat în turul al doilea preliminar al Cupei EHF la handbal
    masculin, după ce a dispus de formaţia turcă Antalyaspor, cu scorul de 29-16,
    duminică, pe teren propriu, în manşa a doua a primului tur preliminar. În prima
    manşă, la Antalya, scorul fusese egal, 24 la 24.

    Mai departe,
    fotbal. Echipa României a învins, duminică, la Ploieşti, reprezentativa Maltei
    cu 1-0, în Grupa F a preliminariilor EURO 2020. Unicul gol al partidei a fost
    marcat de George Puşcaş, în minutul 47. România a făcut un joc modest, dar a
    reuşit să-şi asigure trei puncte care o menţin în cursa pentru calificare. În
    deplasare, în iunie, România învinsese Malta cu 4-0. În aceeaşi grupă, la
    Stockholm, Suedia şi Norvegia au terminat la egalitate, scor 1-1, iar la Gijon,
    Spania a trecut de Insulele Feroe cu 4-0. În grupa F conduce reprezentativa
    iberică, având 18 puncte din tot atâtea posibile. Urmează Suedia, cu 11,
    România, cu 10, Norvegia, cu 9, Malta, cu 3 puncte, şi Insulele Feroe, fără
    niciun punct. Următoarele jocuri ale tricolorilor vor avea loc luna viitoare, cu Insulele Feroe
    pe 12 octombrie, în deplasare, iar pe 15 octombrie cu Norvegia la Bucureşti.

  • 19.01.2019


    Brexit — Le ministre roumain aux Affaires étrangères, George Ciamba, s’est entretenu vendredi par téléphone avec le ministre d’Etat britannique pour l’Europe et l’Amérique, Sir Alan Duncan, à la demande de ce dernier. L’officiel britannique a déclaré que, quel que soit le dénouement du Brexit, les droits des ressortissants roumains vivant au Royaume-Uni seraient respectés. Les plus de 400 mille Roumains forment la communauté étrangère la plus importante de ce pays. Le ministre d’Etat britannique, Sir Alan Duncan, a également affirmé que la première ministre Theresa May souhaitait une approche permettant de trouver une solution durable pour ce qui est de la relation entre Londres et l’UE. A son tour, le ministre George Ciamba a déclaré que la Roumanie, qui exerce la présidence tournante du Conseil de l’UE, discute avec les autres Etats membres et avec les institutions européennes et qu’elle est prête à assurer les conditions nécessaires au dialogue, dès que le gouvernement britannique aura précisé sa position. Rappelons que cette semaine la Chambre des députés de Londres a rejeté l’accord sur le Brexit négocié avec Bruxelles, la première ministre Theresa May devant présenter un nouveau plan.

    OTAN – Le secrétaire général de l’OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, a confirmé sa participation à la réunion informelle des ministres de la Défense des Etats membres de l’UE, qui se tiendra les 30 et 31 janvier à Bucarest. L’annonce a été faite par le ministre roumain de tutelle, Gabriel Leş, qui a précisé que la réunion se déroulerait en présence du Haut représentant de l’UE pour les Affaires étrangères et la politique de sécurité, Federica Mogherini. Cette réunion ministérielle informelle, qui sera le premier événement organisé par la Roumanie depuis le début de son mandat à la tête du Conseil de l’UE, se propose de favoriser la réflexion commune et l’échange de vues sur de la consolidation du projet européen, avec un accent particulier sur le volet défense et sécurité.

    Grippe — Le moment approche où la Roumanie va déclarer l’épidémie de grippe, a mis en garde la ministre de la Santé, Sorina Pintea. Elle a déclaré que le nombre des cas enregistrés la semaine dernière avait dépassé les estimations. Si cette tendance se maintient trois semaines d’affilée, on parlera d’épidémie, a-t-elle précisé. 19 personnes sont décédées en cette saison froide à cause de la grippe, dont 7 vendredi. Afin de prévenir la propagation du virus, les médecins de plusieurs départements du pays ont demandé des doses supplémentaires de vaccin antigrippal et l’on a mis en place des restrictions concernant l’accès des tiers à hôpital. En plus, on recommande à la population d’éviter les lieux très fréquentés et de respecter les règles d’hygiène.

    Finances La Banque centrale de Roumanie a annoncé qu’il n’y avait pas de raisons de s’inquiéter de la dépréciation enregistrée dernièrement par la monnaie nationale, le leu. Au bout de plusieurs jours de déclin, le leu a atteint, en fin de semaine, un nouveau plus bas, le taux de change approchant le seuil des 4, 7 lei pour un euro. Selon la même source, la dévaluation du leu depuis le début de l’année s’élève à seulement 0, 6%, la Banque centrale ne devant intervenir que si elle dépassait les 4 à 5% .

    Tennis — A l’Open d’Australie, la Roumaine Simona Halep, n° 1 mondiale, a vaincu ce samedi l’Américaine Venus Williams, au troisième tour du premier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année, sur le score de 6-2, 6-3. Au prochain tour, Simona Halep rencontrera Serena, la cadette des sœurs Williams. Toujours samedi, en double dames, les Roumaines Irina Begu et Mihaela Buzărnescu ont raté la qualification pour le 3e tour de l’Open d’Australie, s’étant inclinées, sur le score de 2-6, 6-3, 6-1, devant la paire Alize Cornet (France)/Petra Martic (Croatie).

    Handball — Le SCM Craiova, vice — champion de Roumanie de handball féminin, a été vaincu vendredi soir, à domicile, par les Croates du Podravka Vegeta Koprivnica, sur le score de 26 à 23, lors du match comptant pour le Groupe D de la Coupe EHF. Les Roumaines occupent la 3e place dans le classement. La prochaine rencontre des deux équipes est prévue pour le 26 janvier à Koprivnica. Selon les spécialistes, après deux défaites consécutives dans les Groupes, les chances sont de plus en plus faibles pour les handballeuses roumaines de défendre le titre européen remporté la saison dernière.

    Météo — Ciel couvert, de faibles chutes de neige dans les Carpates orientales et méridionales et des précipitations mixtes dans les régions du Sud et de l’Est. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de -2° à 5°. Il faisait 2° à midi, dans la capitale.

  • SCM Craiova gewinnt EHF-Pokal

    SCM Craiova gewinnt EHF-Pokal

    In Rumänien ist Handball eine Tradition. Natürlich wetteifert es nicht mit dem Fußball, dem Königsspiel. Die Tradition wird nicht nur von der rumänischen Nationalmannschaft der Frauen, die immer bei den großen internationalen Wettkämpfen anwesend ist, sondern auch von den Vereinmannschaften bestätigt. Diese haben in den letzten Jahren besondere Ergebnisse bei den Spielen für die europäischen Pokale erzielt.

    SCM Craiova hat am Freitag in dem Finale-Rückspiel für das EHF-Pokal das norvegische Damen-Team Vipers Kristiansand mit 30 zu 25 besiegt. Das Hinspiel wurde von Norvegen mit 26–22 gewonnen. SCM Craiova belegte den zweiten Platz der Gruppe, in der auch Brest (Frankreich), Kuban Krasnodar (Russland) und Randers (Dänemark) spielten. Im Viertelfinale besiegte es Lada Togliatti (Russland), die Favoritin des Wettkampfes und im Halbfinale die Türkinnen von Kastamonu. Craiova spielte mit einem Damenteam, das fast nur aus rumänischen Spielerinnen gebildet war. Es ist das erste europäische Pokal, das von SCM Craiova gewonnen wurde, sowie das erste EHF-Pokal des rumänischen Damen-Handballs. Der Wettkampf wurde aber unter dem alten Namen IHF-Pokal von Chimistul Râmnicu Vâlcea (1984, 1989) und von Rapid Bucureşti (1993) gewonnen.

    Ebenfalls für das EHF-Pokal spielte ein anderes rumänisches Team HC Zalău. Die zwei rumänischen Mannschaften könnten im Halbfinale gegeneinander auftreten, wenn die Damen von HC Zalău die Türkinnen von Kastamonu besiegt hätten. Die Anwesendheit der Damen-Mannschaft CSM Bucureşti zum dritten Mal konsekutiv in dem sogenannten Final Four der Champions League in Budapest beweist, dass Rumänien eine Kraft im Handball ist. Obwohl die Erwartungen höher waren, musste sich CSM mit den Bronzemedaillen begnügen. Die Damen von CSM haben im Halbfinale das Spiel gegen das ungarische Team Gyor mit 20 -26 verloren. CSM gewann das Spiel für den dritten Platz gegen die Russinnen von Rostov mit 31 – 30. Die diesjährige Auflage wurde von Gyor gewonnen, die ihren Titel vor Vardar Skopje (Macedonia) verteidigte. Das Spiel endete 27 – 26.

    Die Enttäuschung war für CSM, die 2016 die Trophae erzielte, riesig. Cristina Neagu wurde zum zweiten Mal mit 110 Toren zur Torjägerin der Tournee ernannt.

  • Romanian handball teams in European inter-club competitions

    Romanian handball teams in European inter-club competitions

    Although not as popular as football, Romanian handball has a long history. In recent years, not just the Romanian national women’s team grabbed notable results, but also individual clubs, which have won important European inter-club competitions. CSM Craiova on Friday won the EHF Cup after defeating 30-25 Vipers Kirstiansand of Norway on home turf in the second leg of the final. In the first leg the Norwegian team had won 26-22. CSM finished second in the group, which also included Brest of France, Kuban Krasnodar of Russia and Denmark’s Randers. In the quarterfinals, Craiova eased past Lada Togliatti of Russia, seeded first in the competition, and knocked out Kastamonu of Turkey in the semi-finals.

    SCM’s feat is all the more praiseworthy as the team has this season undergone major changes, most of the players being homegrown. This was the first European title for SCM and the first EHF Cup won by a Romanian team in the competition’s latest format. Previously, Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea won the IHF Cup in 1984 and 1989, while Rapid Bucharest won the competition in 1993. Also in this year’s edition of the EHF Cup, another Romanian team, HC Zalau, had a very good run. The two teams could have played each other in the semis, but Zalau was edged out by Turkey’s Kastamonu.

    Further evidence of the power of Romanian handball is CSM Bucharest’s qualification, for the third consecutive year, to the Champions League Final Four tournament, this year hosted by Budapest. Although the expectations were high, CSM had to settle for the bronze medal. In the semi-finals, the team from Bucharest lost 20-26 to Hungary’s Gyor, which went on to defend their title in the final against Macedonia’s Vardar Skopje, 27-26. CSM won however the bronze final match against Russia’s Rostov Don, 31-30. Despite the disappointment, CSM’s Cristina Neagu was designated the competition’s top scorer with a total of 110 goals this season. This is the second time the award goes to Neagu, who so far has been designated the world’s best handballer three times.

    (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Handbalul feminin românesc în elita europeană

    Handbalul feminin românesc în elita europeană

    În România, deşi
    nu are acoperirea mediatică a fotbalului, care rămâne sportul-rege, handbalul este
    considerat un sport de tradiţie.
    O tradiţie confirmată nu doar de Naţionala feminină, omniprezentă la marile
    competiţii internaţionale, ci şi de echipele de club, care au reuşit, în anii
    din urmă, performanţe notabile în cupele europene. SCM Craiova a cucerit,
    vineri, Cupa EHF la handbal
    feminin, după ce a învins, pe teren propriu, cu 30 – 25, formaţia norvegiană
    Vipers Kristiansand, în manşa a doua a finalei. În tur, norvegiencele se
    impuseseră cu 26 – 22. Ca parcurs, SCM a terminat pe locul al doilea în grupa
    din care au mai facut parte Brest (Franţa), Kuban Krasnodar (Rusia) şi Randers
    (Danemarca), pentru ca, mai apoi, să treacă, în sferturi, de rusoaicele de la
    Lada Togliatti, considerate favoritele competiţiei, si, in semifinale, de
    turcoaicele de la Kastamonu.

    Performanţa Craiovei este cu atât mai meritorie cu
    cât a fost obţinută cu un lot format, în mare parte, din jucătoare băştinaşe. Acesta
    a fost primul trofeu european cucerit de SCM Craiova şi prima Cupă EHF a
    handbalului feminin românesc, dar competiţia a fost câştigată sub vechea
    denumire, Cupa IHF, de Chimistul Râmnicu Vâlcea (1984, 1989) şi de Rapid
    Bucureşti (1993). Tot în această ediţie a Cupei EHF, o altă echipă românească,
    HC Zalău, a făcut o figură frumoasă. Cele două formaţii româneşti se puteau
    întâlni în semifinale, în cazul în care HC Zalău ar fi trecut de turcoaicele de
    la Kastamonu. Că România este o forţă în handbalul feminin o demonstrează şi
    prezenţa echipei CSM Bucureşti, pentru al treilea an consecutiv, în aşa-numitul
    Final Four al Ligii Campionilor, competiţie organizată la Budapesta. Deşi
    aşteptările erau mari, CSM a trebuit să se mulţumească cu medaiile de bronz. În
    semifinale, fetele de la CSM au pierdut, scor 20 – 26, în faţa echipei ungare Gyor,
    pentru ca, în meciul pentru locurile 3-4, să se impună în faţa rusoaicelor de la
    Rostov, cu 31 – 30.

    Ediţia din acest an a fost câştigată de Gyor, trupă care a
    reuşit să-şi păstreze titlul în faţa lui Vardar Skopje (Macedonia), după un
    meci încheiat cu 27 – 26. Pentru CSM, care a pus mâna pe trofeu în 2016, dezamăgirea
    a fost mare. Totuşi, ca o palidă consolare, titlul de golgheteră a competiţiei
    i-a revenit româncei Cristina Neagu, care a adunat 110 reuşite. Este pentru a
    doua oară când Neagu, de trei ori aleasă cea mai bună jucătoare din lume, îşi
    apropie acest trofeu individual.

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    May 12, 2018 UPDATE

    PROTEST – People have taken to the streets in Bucharest and other cities across Romania to take part in a protest titled “We want Europe, we dont want dictatorship”. They are accusing the ruling coalition, made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats of failing to keep the promises they made during the election campaign, of alienating Romania from the European democratic standards and throwing it into a regime ruled by politicians interests. According to the organizers of the protest, some of the anti-democratic measures taken by the governing coalition include the modifications brought to the criminal codes and the changes to the justice laws, operated without public consultations. Romanians in the Diaspora have announced they are supporting the protesters.

    1848 REVOLUTION – On Saturday, Romanias President Klaus Iohannis attended in Blaj, central Romania, events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. He stated that Romania must maintain its European path and remain strong and anchored in the European values and the rule of law. The Romanian Revolution of 1848 was part of the European Revolution and an expression of the Romanian nations affirmation process and national consciousness.

    DIPLOMACY – The Romanian Foreign Ministry has issued a communiqué in which it justifies the decision to reject the EU proposal by means of which the members states were asked to refuse to relocate their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry explains that it took into consideration the very complicated regional context and conducted a thorough analysis of the text proposed by the European External Action Service. President Klaus Iohannis has announced he will invite the Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu to explain the stand taken by the Romanian representatives at the European External Action Service regarding the relocation of embassies from Tel Aviv. He has also stated that the Romanian Embassy cannot be moved without his approval. On April 20th, the Romanian Presidential Administration had stated that the head of state Klaus Iohannis believed that the relocation of the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem would be, at this stage, a violation of relevant international law. A day before, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea had announced that the Government had adopted a memorandum stipulating the start of the procedures to move the Romanian Embassy to Jerusalem.

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, currently on a visit to Rome, has met with Romanian students of pontifical universities. On the occasion, Ms Dancila has promised the Romanian Government will help equip the library of the Pio Romeno Pontifical College. She stressed the importance of the College for the Romanian students at the Vatican and for strengthening the ties between Romania and the Holy See. On Friday, Viorica Dancila was received by Pope Francis, whom she thanked for his interest in the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through several cultural and academic events.

    DIASPORA – The Ministry for Romanians Abroad will award this year 100 successful Romanians, under a project aimed at highlighting the top 10 Romanian personalities in 10 countries across the world inhabited by large Romanian communities. The Minister for Romanians Abroad Natalia Intotero made the announcement in Deva, western Romania, on Saturday. The first event will take place in Brussels on Wednesday and will promote the Romanian traditional costume, given that this year Romanians celebrate one hundred years since the creation of the Romanian unitary state.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival is underway in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the festival will be playing host to some 60 performances, for all ages and tastes. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest has failed to qualify for the Champions Leagues final in Budapest. The Romanian squad was defeated 26-20 by the Hungarian Gyori Audi ETO KC, in the first semifinal of the Final Four. CSM won the Final Four in 2016. On Friday, SCM Craiova won the EHF Cup in womens handball, by defeating on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before, but under the previous name, IHF Cup ( Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993). (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • May 12, 2018

    May 12, 2018

    VISIT – The Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila continues her visit to the Vatican, where on Friday she was received by Pope Francis. The Prime Minister thanked his Sanctity for the attention he had always paid to the relations with Romania and voiced hope that the Pope would pay a visit to Romania. The two officials also talked about human rights and religious freedom. Viorica Dancila stressed the need for a deeper cooperation between Romania and the Vatican, especially against the background of Romanias taking over the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2019. This will provide the opportunity to send a message to the whole of Europe, given Romanias ecumenical vocation, Viorica Dancila also said. The Romanian Prime Ministers visit to the Vatican is taking place at a time of very good bilateral ties, and in the year when Romania is celebrating 100 years since the Great Union, which will be marked by the Holy See through a string of high-class cultural and academic events.

    1848 REVOLUTION – Romanias President Klaus Iohannis is today travelling to Blaj in central Romania to attend events devoted to the commemoration of 170 years since the National Assembly of the 1848 Revolution. The head of state will lay a wreath at the Gloria monument on Liberty Field and will participate in the debate titled Blaj 1848-2018: National Consciousness and European Destiny, organized by the Inochentie Micu Clain National College. At the meeting, the president will talk with representatives of the local administration and associative environment, with business people, athletes, cultural personalities, students and teachers. Also, the Romanian president will take part in the inauguration of the Culture Palace in Blaj, one of the most important cultural edifices in Transylvania, built in 1936, but destroyed by fire in 1995. The palace has been rehabilitated and has been awarded the European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage.

    THEATRE – The “Matei Visniec” Theatre Festival starts today in Suceava, north-eastern Romania. Until May 20th, the event will host some 60 performances, targeting all categories of audience. 300 guests are expected to attend the festival, actors, directors and theater critics from across the country, from the Republic of Moldova and from France. The special guest of the festival, just like every year, is the Romanian writer and playwright Matei Visniec, who has settled in France. His plays have been staged all across the world, including Japan, the US, Brazil and Turkey. In Romania, his works were banned before the anti-Communist Revolution of 1989.

    ART SAFARI – Works worth some 10 million Euro, from important private collections, from the Pompidu Museum in Paris and from the collection of the former Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen until May 20th at Art Safari, the largest artistic event in Romania, organized in central Bucharest. The most valuable exhibit is a work by Constantin Brancusi, which is part of a private collection and was evaluated at a seven figure sum as the director of Art Safari Bucharest Ioana Ciocan has told us. The Art Safari Exhibition has reached its fifth edition.

    EUROPEAN LITERATURE NIGHT – The Romanian writer Magda Carneci will attend the European Literature Night organized by the Czech Center in New York, under the aegis of the European Union of National Institutes of Culture. This second edition will present authors and books from Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Hungary. Each author will be presented along with a book translated into English, and young American students will read from them. Magda Carneci will participate with the volume “A Deafening Silence”.

    RESOLUTE CASTLE 2018 – The Cincu shooting ground, in central Romania, is hosting the multinational exercise Resolute Castle 2018. Its a six-month exercise that involves the participation of military of the Romanian Land Forces and of the South Carolina National Guard. Romanian and American soldiers will carry out infrastructure and refurbishing works in Cincu. Resolute Castle 2018 focuses on building and consolidating training centers in Poland and Romania. This allows the US military units to rapidly mobilize its forces, to carry out rotating drills together with allies and multi-national partners and to demonstrate their deterrence capacity in a security environment.

    HANDBALL – SCM Craiova has won the EHF Cup in womens handball, after they defeated on home turf on Friday night the Norwegian squad Vipers Kristiansand 30 to 25. In the first match, Vipers had won 26-22 and were standing good chance of winning, had they maintained the pace in the return game. Fortunately, the goal keeper Yuliya Dumanska managed to defend two shots just seconds before the end of the game. This is the first European trophy won by SCM Craiova, and also the first EHF Cup for the Romanian womens handball. The competition had been won by Romanian teams before under the previous name, IHF Cup, by Chimistul Ramnicu Valcea in 1984 and 1989 and Rapid Bucharest in 1993. In another development, Romanias champions CSM Bucharest are today playing against the Hungarians from Gyor ETO, in the semifinals of the Champions League hosted by Budapest. If they manage to win, on Sunday the Romanian squad will take on the winner of the match between HC Vardar of Macedonia and Rostov-Don of Russia. CSM Bucharest won the Final Four in 2016. (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • April 15, 2018 UPDATE

    April 15, 2018 UPDATE

    DNA – Early next week, Romanias president Klaus Iohannis will announce his decision regarding the request for the removal from office of the Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption Directorate Laura Codruta Kovesi. Recently, the head of state, who had previously voiced his trust in the chief prosecutor, has stated that his decision will take into consideration all the documents provided by both parties. In February, the Justice Minister Tudorel Toader asked for the dismissal of the anti-corruption chief prosecutor, accusing her of having exceeded her powers. The Higher Council of Magistracy has issued a negative opinion on the request.

    FAC – On Monday, the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu will attend the Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg. Dominated by the situation in Syria, the agenda of talks also includes topics such as the relations with Iran, the developments in the Western Balkans, the relationship between Brussels and Moscow and the EU financial instruments to be used within the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2020. The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini will inform the foreign ministers about the developments in Gaza and Venezuela.

    ATTACK – The US Ambassador to the UN Nikky Haley has stated that the United States will not pull out its troops from Syria until Washingtons goals are reached. In this way, she said, the US wants to make sure that no chemical weapons will be used in Syria, that the Islamic State will be defeated and the neighboring Iran will be closely monitored. In another move, Great Britain has stated it has no immediate plan to repeat Saturdays attack against installations and chemical weapons stores in Syria. The Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has warned, though, that the British will consider further action if the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad uses again chemical weapons against his own people. The statements were made after the US, Great Britain and France launched, in the early hours of Saturday morning, the largest attack against Syrian targets since the start of the civil war, in retaliation for the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Damascus regime.

    SYRIA – In a message on Twitter, president Klaus Iohannis says that Romania condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria and stands by the actions carried out by its strategic partners. The Romanian Foreign Ministry too has reasserted its firm support for any effort made by the international community to stop the conflict in Syria. Also, a message posted on the Governments Facebook page reads that Romania supports the firm response of its strategic partners to the attack in Syria, which claimed victims among the civilian population.

    DIASPORA – The Minister for Romanians Around the World Natalia Intotero continues her visit to Spain. On Sunday she had meetings with Mrs. Amparo Marco Gual, the mayor of Castellon de la Plana, and with representatives of the Romanian associations in the Valencian community. According to a communiqué issued by the ministry, the high level of integration of the local Romanian community, which is not only the largest foreign community, but also the best articulated in Castellon, has been a major topic on the agenda of talks. There are some 20,000 Romanians living in Castellon de la Plana, out of some 52,000 living in the Castellon region. Also on Sunday, Natalia Intotero met with representatives of Romanian associations in the region, for talks on ways in which the Romanian Government could better support the Romanian communities in the Iberian peninsula, including non-reimbursable funding for projects aimed at preserving Romanian identity.

    VISIT – The Secretary of State Dan Neculaescu has met in Cernauti with representatives of the Romanian community in the region for talks on the situation concerning the rights of the Romanian community in Ukraine. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the Romanian official has also held talks with the leadership of the regional and local administration, and stressed the need for a sustainable solution for the Romanian communitys legitimate interest in benefiting from education in their mother tongue, at all levels. Other topics were also approached during the meeting, such as cross-border cooperation, for the benefit of both parties.

    HUNGARY – The central electoral committee of Hungary confirmed on Sunday the final results of the parliamentary elections held on April 8th. FIDESZ, headed by the nationalist prime-minister Viktor Orban, won 133 of the 199 seats. Second came the far right Jobbik party with 26, followed by the Socialists with 20. This is Orbans fourth term in office as prime-minister. Holding two thirds of the seats in parliament will allow him to change the constitution.

    SPOTLIGHT – Sunday was the last day of the Spotlight Festival in Bucharest, during which giant images were projected on emblematic buildings in Bucharest. This years edition, the fourth, was titled United We Shine and brought to Bucharest 27 installations, projections and video mapping sessions from France, Australia, Israel, Germany, China, Russia, Italy, Spain and Romania. For the first time at the Spotlight Festival, works of art were also projected on the facades of several buildings, including the Romanian Atheneum.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball champion CSM Bucharest on Sunday qualified for the Champions League Final Four, although it was defeated by the French team Metz 20-27, away from home, in the return game of the quarter finals. In the fist game, on home turf, the Romanians had won 34 to 21. The other teams that have qualified for the Final Four are the current European champion Gyor ETP of Hungary, HC Vardar of Macedonia and Rostov-Don of Russia. The semi-finals and the final will be held on May 12 and 13 in Budapest, where the Romanian team won the championship in 2016. On Saturday, SCM Craiova qualified for the final of the EHF cup, after a draw, 18-18, at home, with the Turkish team Kastamonu, in the decisive leg of the semi-finals. In the first game, the Romanians had won 23 to 22. This is Craiovas second participation in the European cups. In the final they will play against the Norwegians from Vipers Kristiansand.

  • April 15, 2018

    April 15, 2018

    ATTACK – Representatives of Great Britain, France, Germany and the US are today meeting in London to coordinate their stands, following the western attacks in Syria, the German Foreign Minister Heiko Mass has announced. Even if Germany did not take part in the coordinated attacks, he has given assurances that the communication channels with Russia will be used for a constructive stand on the matter. On Friday night, the US, Great Britain and France launched the biggest attack on Syrian targets since the start of the civil war, in response to an alleged use of chemical weapons by the Damascus regime against its own citizens. The Syrian regime, however, has denied any responsibility. Russia, a supporter of Bashar Al-Assads regime, has denounced the attack on a sovereign state, but has stated that its military facilities in Syria have not been affected. On Saturday, the Syrian army announced they took control over Eastern Ghouta, near Damascus, and that all the forces opposing Bashar Al-Assad left the region.

    SYRIA – In a message on Twitter, president Klaus Iohannis says that Romania condemns the use of chemical weapons in Syria and stands by the actions carried out by its strategic partners. The Romanian Foreign Ministry too has reasserted its firm support for any effort made by the international community to stop the conflict in Syria. Also, a message posted on the Governments Facebook page reads that Romania supports the firm response of its strategic partners to the attack in Syria, which claimed victims among the civilian population.

    DIASPORA – The Minister for Romanians Around the World Natalia Intotero continues her visit to Spain. Today, shes had meetings with Mrs. Amparo Marco Gual, the mayor of Castellon de la Plana, and with representatives of the Romanian associations in the Valencian community. According to a communiqué issued by the ministry, the high level of integration of the local Romanian community, which is not only the largest foreign community, but also the best articulated in Castellon, has been a major topic on the agenda of talks. There are some 20,000 Romanians living in Castellon de la Plana, out of some 52,000 living in the Castellon region. Also today, Natalia Intotero has met with representatives of Romanian associations in the region, for talks on ways in which the Romanian Government could better support the Romanian communities in the Iberian peninsula, including non-reimbursable funding for projects aimed at preserving Romanian identity.

    CERNAUTI – The Secretary of State Dan Neculaescu has met in Cernauti with representatives of the Romanian community in the region for talks on the situation concerning the rights of the Romanian community in Ukraine. According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry, the Romanian official has also held talks with the leadership of the regional and local administration, and stressed the need for a sustainable solution for the Romanian communitys legitimate interest in benefiting from education in their mother tongue, at all levels. Other topics were also approached during the meeting, such as cross-border cooperation, for the benefit of both parties.

    SPOTLIGHT – Sunday is the last day of the Spotlight Festival in Bucharest, during which giant images have been projected on emblematic buildings in Bucharest. This years edition, the fourth, was titled United We Shine” and has brought to Bucharest 27 installations, projections and video mapping sessions from France, Australia, Israel, Germany, China, Russia, Italy, Spain and Romania. For the first time at the Spotlight Festival, works of art were also projected on the facades of several buildings, including the Romanian Atheneum.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian womens handball champions CSM Bucharest are today playing against the French squad Metz, in the return game of the quarter finals of the Champions League. In the fist game, on home turf, the Romanians won 34 to 21. On Saturday, SCM Craiova qualified for the final of the EHF cup, after a draw, 18-18, at home, with the Turkish team Kastamonu, in the decisive leg of the semi-finals. This is the teams second participation in the European cups. In the final they will play against the Norwegians of Vipers Kristiansand.

  • April 13, 2018 UPDATE

    April 13, 2018 UPDATE

    PROSECUTION — Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Friday sent the Justice Minister a formal request to allow the prosecution of the former president Ion Iliescu, the former prime minister Petre Roman and the former deputy prime minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu. The prosecutors office with the High Court of Cassation and Justice has also been notified about this request. The prosecution is connected to the Revolution case, which investigates the events that led to the collapse of the communist regime in December 1989. The three officials are accused of crimes against humanity. According to prosecutors, the armed incidents that took place in the aftermath of December 22 across Romania point to a pre-established plan aimed at taking over power and legitimizing the new leaders. Those targeted by the investigation say they are innocent. We recall that because of the delays in the Revolution case, Romania has received a conviction from the European Court of Human Rights. According to the Court, the importance of this case for Romanian society should motivate the authorities to prosecute swiftly.

    DNA — Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis next week will announce his decision over the request to dismiss the chief-prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi. The President recently said his decision will take into account all the documents that he has been provided with by both parties. In February Justice Minister Tudorel Toader called for Kovesi’s dismissal, whom he accused of seriously overstepping the bounds of her authority. The Superior Council of Magistracy issued a negative opinion related to his request.

    LE DRIAN — French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has cancelled his work visits scheduled for Friday and Saturday in Albania and Slovenia due to the crisis in Syria, authorities in Tirana in Ljubljana have announced. After his visit to Romania Le Drian visited Serbia, where he admitted his tour coincides with very delicate international developments.

    UDREA — The High Court of Cassation and Justice on Friday ruled against the request filed by former minister Elena Udrea who asked to be deposed in court by video-conference or letters rogatory, in the Bute Gala case, as there is no evidence she was granted political refugee status in Costa Rica, as her lawyers claim. The Court was supposed to discuss on Friday the final hearing in the case in which the former regional development and tourism minister Elena Udrea was sentenced to 6 years in prison for bribe taking and abuse of office. She also had to pay almost 3 million euros in damages. In the same case, the former president of the Romanian Boxing Federation Rudel Obreja was sentenced to 5 years in prison, while the former economy minister Ion Ariton was acquitted. According to the National Anticorruption Directorate, Udrea coordinated a system through which persons in her entourage received, with her knowledge, sums of money from representatives of business companies to guarantee on-time payment of works financed by the ministry she was running. Udrea is also accused of causing ministry employees to overstep their duties during the acquisition of advertising services for the Bute Gala, causing losses to the ministrys budget. Elena Udrea is under investigation in a number of other cases prosecuted by the National Anticorruption Directorate.

    HEALTHCARE — Trade unions in the healthcare sector will announce within a week whether protests will continue, waiting to see the effects of the promised made on Friday by Health Minister Sorina Pintea. According to the Romanian official, hospitals can use their own funds to give financial bonuses and stimulants to employees with slashed revenues. Last month healthcare unionists staged large protests in Bucharest, while this week they protested spontaneously in Bucharest and other cities, unhappy with the 30% cap on bonuses.

    HANDBALL — The Romanian womens handball side SCM Craiova on Saturday face the Turkish side Kastamonu in a return match at home as part of the EHF Cup semifinals. Craiova won the first leg 23-22. If they make it to the final, it would be a first for the Romanian side, who are now at their second participation in the European cups. In more news from womens handball, the Romanian champions CSM Bucharest are playing the French side Metz away on Sunday as part of the Champions League quarterfinals. CSM won the first leg in Bucharest 34-21. We recall they won the Champions League title in 2016.

    (Translated by C. Mateescu & V. Palcu)