Tag: Scotland

  • September 30, 2023

    September 30, 2023

    ALERT Teams of the
    Emmergency Situations Inspectorate, police, gendarme, army and border police units
    have conducted a series of searching operations in a district on the outskirts
    of the city of Galati, south-eastern Romania, after on Friday night a citizen
    called the emergency number 112 to report the sound of a big explosion in the
    area. The residents last night received alert messages announcing the fall of
    dangerous objects from the sky advising them to take cover. The Defence
    Ministry on Friday night alerted the Air Policing Service after having detected
    a group of drones flying towards the Ukrainian territory close to the Romanian
    border and notified the General Inspectorate for Emmergency Situations to
    instate the alert measures for the population in the counties of Tulcea and
    Galati. According to the Defence Ministry on the night of September 29th the
    Russian forces launched a new series of strikes against targets in Ukraine. The
    same sources say that the army radars detected a possible breach of the national
    airspace. No objects fallen from the sky have been identified yet. The ministry
    has been informing the allied structures on situations like these, keeping a
    permanent contact with them.

    ART Almost 100
    works of art by Romania’s famous sculptor Constantin Brancusi are on display as
    of today in Timisoara, western Romania, in the most important exhibition
    dedicated to this major artist in the past half a century. The exhibition
    includes sculptures, photos, archive documents and film footages on display at
    the local National Art Museum until late January. The exhibits’ total insured
    value stays around half a billion euros. Under the suggestive title, Brancusi,
    Romanian sources and universal prospects the exhibition invites the public to
    explore the way in which Brancusi managed to cross all geographic, historical,
    formal and gender borders in order to ensure that special place unattached to
    any artistic current. The exhibition has on view a series of artefacts borrowed
    from the National Museum of Modern Art, Pompidou Center, in Paris, the Tate
    Gallery in London, the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Art Museum in
    Bucharest, the Art Museum in Craiova and some private collections. Among the famous
    artefacts visitors can admire in Timisoara, there is the Bird in Space, the
    Kiss, Mademoiselle Pogany or Sleeping Muse. The aforementioned exhibition is
    part of the programme Timisoara – European Capital of Culture.

    RUGBY Romania’s rugby
    selection will today meet Scotland in their third World Cup match in France.
    Romania has so far lost to world leader, Ireland, and the en-titre champion,
    South Africa. Scotland has also lost to South Africa but outperformed Toga and
    still stands chances to qualify for the competition’s quarter-finals. Scotland
    is presently ranking third in the competition with 5 points, while Romania is
    on the last position with no points. However, our players are hoping to outperform
    Tonga on October 8th and avoid ending the competition in the last position.


  • Brexit Officially On

    Brexit Officially On

    The UKs withdrawal from the European Union has been officially initiated, with the triggering of Art. 50 of the Treaty on the European Union. The head of the British Government, Theresa May, signed the letter notifying the process to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. According to community procedures, the letter is also forwarded to the European Commission and to the Conference of the leaders of political groups in the European Parliament.

    After the referendum last summer, when a majority of Britons voted for the UK to leave the EU, the European Union announced that, during negotiations, the unity and interests of the 27 remaining members will be a priority. Moreover, it warned that the single market and the four freedoms, namely free movement of goods, services, capitals and people, go hand in hand.

    Radio Romanias correspondent in Brussels says that the European Parliament is expecting the British PM to quickly clarify the legal status of the EU citizens living in the UK. The Unions chief negotiator, the French Michel Barnier, hopes that a partnership with London might be reached by October 2018. Until then however, Barnier says, a judicially complicated and politically sensitive process will follow, and its economic impact on both sides will be huge.

    Still disgruntled with the results of the vote, thousands of Londoners rallied once again on Saturday, to protest Britains decision to leave the Union. In turn, the Parliament of Scotland decided that a new referendum would be held regarding Scotlands independence from London. Most of the Scotts and Northern Irish people voted that the UK should stay in the EU. And while in a 2014 independence referendum 55% of Scotlands citizens had decided to remain a part of the United Kingdom, now First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says the two should go separate ways. She warns that Scotland, and the UK as a whole, are at a crossroads.

    And in fact, Europe as we know it is facing a turning point. Over the past six decades, the Union has expanded steadily, with 22 new countries joining the 6 founding member states. Britains leaving is the first step backwards so far, but it is also a warning that Brussels, often accused of excessive bureaucracy, inefficiency and indifference to the expectations of common people, has spent up the confidence that citizens had placed in it.

    On Saturday in Rome, where they celebrated 60 years since the EU founding treaty was signed, the leaders of the remaining member states pledged to make the EU stronger and more resilient. On behalf of Romania, President Klaus Iohannis said the informal summit in Rome was both a celebration, and an opportunity to look back and draw some conclusions. “Preserving the unity of the 27 member states is and must remain our goal in the future, the Romanian President concluded.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)