Tag: Sebastian Stan

  • Sebastian Stan wins Golden Globe

    Sebastian Stan wins Golden Globe

    An excellent start to the year for the American actor of Romanian origin Sebastian Stan: on Sunday evening, he won the award for the best actor in a comedy or musical film at the 82nd edition of the Golden Globes. The information appeared on the X social network account dedicated to these awards, which are awarded by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association.

    Sebastian Stan won the Golden Globe for his role in the film “A Different Man”, directed by Aaron Schimberg. Other nominees in this category included Jesse Eisenberg, Hugh Grant, Gabriel LaBelle, Jesse Plemons and Glen Powell. It is the first Golden Globe won by Sebastian Stan after also being nominated in 2023 for his role in the TV miniseries ‘Pam & Tommy’. His performance in the feature film “A Different Man” also won him the Silver Bear Award for Best Actor at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2024.

    In the film, the American-Romanian star plays the role of an aspiring actor suffering from facial tumors, who undergoes a radical cosmetic procedure to drastically change his appearance, but his new dream face quickly turns into a nightmare. After undergoing experimental treatment to change his appearance and faking his death to start a new life, Edward, his character, is once again forced to face the demons of his past when a friend directs a play based on his story: not being recognised in his new appearance, he manages to get the part to play his own story. Things get even more complicated after he meets Oswald, who also suffers from the same disease, but is happy with himself as he is and determined to live his life without seeing the disease as an obstacle.

    In his awards gala speech, Stan spoke about acceptance and called for an end to ignorance and discomfort around disability. Sebastian Stan also mentioned his mother and his country of origin, Romania, which the two left in the 1980s, during the harshest years of the Ceausescu dictatorship, in search of a better life. Sebastian Stan also had a nomination for the film “The Apprentice”, in which he played Donald Trump, but that award went to Adrien Brody, for his part in “The Brutalist”.

    In 2024, the prize in this category was won by the actor Paul Giamatti, for his role in the film ‘The Holdovers’. Awarded for the first time in 1944, the Golden Globes for the best roles and productions in the film and television industry, are grouped into 27 categories.

  • Jurnal românesc – 15.12.2022

    Jurnal românesc – 15.12.2022

    Ministerului Afacerilor Externe pentru anul 2023 a fost adoptat de plenul
    reunit al Parlamentului de la Bucureşti.
    Bugetul a trecut de forul legislativ
    cu trei amendamente propuse de grupul parlamentar al Alianţei pentru Unirea
    Românilor, care vizează suplimentarea sumelor alocate pentru înfiinţarea şi
    finanţarea unor consulate. Amendamentele adoptate prevăd suplimentarea sumei de
    1,3 miliarde de lei, alocată MAE, cu câte 3.5 milioane de lei pentru înfiinţarea
    şi finanţarea consulatelor generale la
    Calgari, în Italia, la Hanovra, în Landul german Saxonia Inferioară, şi la
    Birmingham, în Marea Britanie. Per ansamblu, Ministerul de Externe va avea anul
    viitor un buget de 1,43 miliarde de lei, mai mic cu aproximativ 15 procente
    faţă de cel din 2022.

    pentru Românii de Pretutindeni a publicat rezultatele procesului de selecție a
    asociațiilor, fundațiilor și organizațiilor etnicilor români din Ucraina care
    vor derula Programul de sprijin pentru cadrele didactice din Ucraina care
    predau limba română sau în limba română, în anul școlar 2022-2023
    . Şapte astfel
    de organizaţii au fost admise, iar una a fost declarată neeligibilă. DRP
    precizează că entităţile selectate au ca obiect de activitate păstrarea, afirmarea
    sau promovarea identității culturale, lingvistice, religioase a românilor şi au
    demonstrat că au capacitatea de a desfășura în bune condiții procesul de
    selecție a beneficiarilor. Conform proiectului, cuantumul sprijinului financiar
    ce urmează să le fie acordat cadrelor didactice este de 2.000 lei de persoană.
    Lista candidaţilor selectaţi se găseşte pe site-ul Departamentului,

    Actorul de
    origine română Sebastian Stan se află pe lista nominalizaţilor la Globurile de
    Aur 2023, pentru prestaţia din miniseria Pam & Tommy, în care
    interpretează rolulul toboşarului Tommy Lee.
    Cunoscut la Hollywood pentru rolul
    Războinicului Iernii din seria de filme cu super-eroi Marvel, Sebastian Stan a
    fost nominalizat la categoria cel mai bun actor într-o miniserie pentru
    televiziune. Pam & Tommy este produsă de platforma Hulu
    şi urmăreşte povestea relației tumultoase din anii ’90 dintre actriţa Pamela
    Anderson şi Tommy Lee Bass, toboşarul trupei heavy metal Mötley Crüe. Născut în
    1982 la Constanţa, Sebastian Stan a părăsit România, alături de mama sa, pe
    când avea doar 8 ani. Aceştia s-au stabilit iniţial la Viena, iar ulterior s-au
    mutat în Statele Unite ale Americii. Actorul a mai jucat în numeroase
    lungmetraje şi proiecte de televiziune, între care serialele Gossip Girl,
    Kings, Once upon a time, Political Animals
    şi filme precum Marţianul, Fresh, I, Tonya
    sau Destroyer. În categoria cel mai bun actor într-o
    miniserie pentru televiziune au mai fost nominalizaţi actorii Taron
    Egerton, Colin Firth, Andrew Garfield şi Evan Peters. Candidaţii au fost votaţi
    de 96 de membri ai Asociaţiei Presei Străine la Hollywood şi de un grup format
    din 103 alegători internaţionali, care au fost recrutaţi din organizaţii
    internaţionale din industria filmului sau jurnalism. A 80-a ediţie a Globurilor
    de Aur va avea loc pe 10 ianuarie 2023, la Beverly Hills în California.

    Paul Neagu. O retrospectivă va fi deschisă, pe 16 decembrie, la
    Muzeul de Artă Timișoara.
    Manifestarea, organizată în colaborare cu Muzeul de
    Artă din Liechtenstein, Galeria Bruseum din Graz și Domeniul Paul Neagu din
    Marea Britanie, este prima expoziție de o asemenea cuprindere dedicată lui Paul
    Neagu, artist de origine română care a trăit și lucrat la Londra începând din
    1971. Evenimentul punctează toate etapele de lucru ale activității lui Paul
    Neagu şi prezintă o selecție vastă de desene, obiecte, sculpturi, documentații
    ale unor spectacole și alte materiale adiacente, precum cărți de artist, caiete
    de schițe şi fotografii. Opera lui Paul Neagu a devenit o sursă de inspirație
    grație caracterului ei multidisciplinar. Proiectul face parte din
    Programul Cultural Timișoara 2023 – Capitală Europeană a Culturii
    și este finanţat de Consiliul Județean Timiș. Expoziţia va rămâne deschisă până la 15 aprilie

  • Sebastian Stan

    Sebastian Stan

    Invité d’honneur de l’édition de cette année du Festival du film indépendant américain qui a eu lieu à Bucarest, l’acteur américain d’origine roumaine Sebastian Stan a eu plusieurs rencontres avec le public et il a parlé de sa carrière hollywoodienne, de ses rencontres et collaborations avec des acteurs et réalisateurs célèbres tels Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon ou Michael Haneke. Sebastian Stan a joué son premier rôle à l’âge de 10 ans. Pourtant, le rôle qui lui a valu la reconnaissance internationale a été celui de la série américaine Gossip Girl. Dans le plus récent film de la trilogie Captain America, il joue le rôle principal aux côtés de Robert Downey Junior, Scarlet Johansson, Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Samuel L. Jackson et Tommy Lee Jones. Bien que la superproduction Captain America – dans laquelle il a même eu quelques répliques en roumain – lui ait apporté la notoriété, Sebastian Stan préfère les films moins commerciaux et choisit plutôt les films d’auteur, même si leur budget est plus modeste.

    L’acteur a relevé le défi lancé par l’ambassadrice du Festival, la journaliste Andreea Esca, qui lui avait proposé de parler en roumain, une langue à laquelle il est très attaché : « De nos jours, il est difficile de produire des films de ce genre, moins commerciaux. Même aux Etats-Unis ils sont plus difficiles à réaliser, car ces films ne rapportent pas beaucoup, alors les producteurs optent pour les superproductions. Parmi les superproductions il y a, certes, aussi de très bons films, mais ceux avec lesquels j’ai grandi sont du genre « Le Parrain », « Les Affranchis » – films de référence des années ’70. Pour moi, le film « Moi, Tonya », a donc constitué une opportunité dont on ne bénéficie pas trop souvent aux Etats-Unis. Ce film aborde des thèmes sérieux, même graves, je dirais. J’ai été très heureux de faire partie de l’équipe. »

    Sebastian Stan est né le 13 août 1982, à Constanța, sur le littoral roumain de la mer Noire. Il s’est établi à Vienne avec sa mère, alors qu’il avait 8 ans. A 10 ans déjà, il jouait son premier rôle dans « 71 Fragments d’une chronologie du hasard » du célèbre réalisateur autrichien Michael Haneke. Deux ans plus tard, sa famille quitte le Vieux continent pour s’établir dans le comté de Rockland, un des 62 comtés de l’Etat de New York. Sebastian Stan a fait ses études à l’Université Rutgers – qui est l’université d’Etat du New Jersey – et il a étudié pendant un an au Globe Theater de Londres. Avant la projection du film « Moi, Tonya » à Bucarest, dans le cadre du Festival du film indépendant américain, Sebastian Stan a parlé de sa vie, de sa carrière en pleine ascension, de la langue roumaine, qui lui est si proche. Puisqu’il avait passé les premières années de sa vie en Roumanie, un pays communiste à l’époque, plus tard, ses amis du monde du film le taquinaient en l’appelant « le communiste ».

    Sebastian Stan : « Vous devez m’accepter à nouveau parmi vous. Je suis Roumain, mais je suis aussi Américain. J’ai toujours cru à la relation de cause à effet et le fait que je suis Roumain contribue à ma présence, ici, devant vous. Je me rappelle que, dans mon enfance, ayant émigré de Roumanie, je ne voulais pas être différent des autres enfants, je ne disais même pas à mes collègues que j’étais Roumain. Je souhaitais m’intégrer, je voulais être comme les autres. Les choses ont commencé à changer vers l’âge de 15 ou 16 ans, lorsque j’ai commencé à découvrir mes racines et à réfléchir à ce qui me rendait différent. Il suffit d’être content de ce que l’on est. Nous mettons beaucoup d’années de notre existence pour le comprendre, mais plus on l’apprend vite, plus tout devient facile. »

    Sebastian Stan a raconté à ses fans de Roumanie comment il a pris la décision de devenir acteur. C’est arrivé pendant son adolescence, toujours à l’âge de 15 ou 16 ans, lorsqu’il fréquentait un lycée situé à l’extérieur de New York et où l’on recherchait des jeunes pour des pièces de théâtre. « Pour réussir dans ce domaine, il faut en être obsédé. Je n’avais pas de plan B. Devenir acteur était la seule chose que je souhaitais et pour laquelle je pensais être fait. Chaque séance de casting était pour moi une question de vie et de mort – et à présent, il en va presque de même. La chose que j’apprécie le plus, c’est la persévérance. J’aime les gens qui n’acceptent pas qu’on leur dise « non ». On doit se battre pour obtenir ce que l’on souhaite. Et pourquoi renoncer, puisque nous finirons tous par disparaître, un jour ? » Quant aux conseils qu’il donnerait aux jeunes acteurs, l’important – affirme Sebastian Stan – est de se concentrer sur le processus et non pas sur la reconnaissance. Les réalisateurs roumains qu’il admire le plus sont Corneliu Porumboiu et Cristian Mungiu, mais pour jouer dans un film roumain, il devrait passer au moins un mois au pays, pour regagner son accent roumain. (Trad. : Dominique)

  • Sebastian Stan

    Sebastian Stan

    The guest of honor of this year’s edition of the
    American International Film Festival, actor Sebastian Stan, had a number of
    meetings with the Romanian audience, and talked about his Hollywood career, his
    collaborations and meetings with famous actors and directors, such as Nicole
    Kidman, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon or Michael Haneke. He was first cast in a
    film at the age of 10, but the role that got him international fame was the one
    in the American TV series Gossip Girl.
    In the most recent film of the trilogy Captain
    America, he plays the lead role, alongside Robert Downey Junior, Scarlet
    Johanson, Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones.

    In spite of the fact that Captain America, in
    which he even has several lines in Romanian, is the film that brought him
    international fame, Sebastian Stan counts on the less commercial films and
    favors art films, even if they are low-budget. Sebastian Stan agreed to give an
    interview in Romanian to the ambassador of the American International Film
    Festival, journalist Andreea Esca:

    At present, this type of films, the less
    commercial ones, are difficult to make. This is hard even in the US, because
    it’s the blockbusters that bring money, so most producers opt for them. Of
    course, among these super-productions, there are very good films as well. But
    the ones I grew up with are the type of The
    Godfather, Goodfellas, landmark
    films of the 1970s. So for me the film I,
    Tonya, was an opportunity which you don’t come across very often in
    America. This film tackles some very important themes. So I was very happy to
    be a part of the team.

    Sebastian Stan was born on August 13, 1982, in Constanta. He moved to
    Vienna, together with his mother, when he was eight years old. When he was 10,
    he played his first role in a film, 71 fragments of a Chronology of Chance, directed
    by the world-famous Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke. Two years later, his
    family crossed the Ocean and settled in Rockland County, New York. Sebastian graduated
    from the Rutgers University in New Jersey and studied at Globe Theatre in
    London for a year.

    While in Bucharest, ahead of the
    screening of the film I, Tonya, Sebastian Stan talked about his life and career.
    He referred, among other things, to his special bond with the Romanian
    language, as he spent the first four years of his life in Romania, a communist
    country at the time. Years later, his friends in the film industry used to tease his, calling him the

    When asked to
    give some pieces of advice to budding actors, Sebastian Stan said it is
    important to focus on the process and not on rewards or recognition. Two of the
    Romanian directors whom he admires a lot are Corneliu Porumboiu and Cristian
    Mungiu, but in order to play in a Romanian film he should spend at least a
    month in Romania, to regain his Romanian accent.

    (Translated by E. Enache & D. Vijeu)

  • Sebastian Stan

    Sebastian Stan

    The guest of honor of this year’s edition of the
    American International Film Festival, actor Sebastian Stan, had a number of
    meetings with the Romanian audience, and talked about his Hollywood career, his
    collaborations and meetings with famous actors and directors, such as Nicole
    Kidman, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon or Michael Haneke. He was first cast in a
    film at the age of 10, but the role that got him international fame was the one
    in the American TV series Gossip Girl.
    In the most recent film of the trilogy Captain
    America, he plays the lead role, alongside Robert Downey Junior, Scarlet
    Johanson, Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones.

    In spite of the fact that Captain America, in
    which he even has several lines in Romanian, is the film that brought him
    international fame, Sebastian Stan counts on the less commercial films and
    favors art films, even if they are low-budget. Sebastian Stan agreed to give an
    interview in Romanian to the ambassador of the American International Film
    Festival, journalist Andreea Esca:

    At present, this type of films, the less
    commercial ones, are difficult to make. This is hard even in the US, because
    it’s the blockbusters that bring money, so most producers opt for them. Of
    course, among these super-productions, there are very good films as well. But
    the ones I grew up with are the type of The
    Godfather, Goodfellas, landmark
    films of the 1970s. So for me the film I,
    Tonya, was an opportunity which you don’t come across very often in
    America. This film tackles some very important themes. So I was very happy to
    be a part of the team.

    Sebastian Stan was born on August 13, 1982, in Constanta. He moved to
    Vienna, together with his mother, when he was eight years old. When he was 10,
    he played his first role in a film, 71 fragments of a Chronology of Chance, directed
    by the world-famous Austrian filmmaker Michael Haneke. Two years later, his
    family crossed the Ocean and settled in Rockland County, New York. Sebastian graduated
    from the Rutgers University in New Jersey and studied at Globe Theatre in
    London for a year.

    While in Bucharest, ahead of the
    screening of the film I, Tonya, Sebastian Stan talked about his life and career.
    He referred, among other things, to his special bond with the Romanian
    language, as he spent the first four years of his life in Romania, a communist
    country at the time. Years later, his friends in the film industry used to tease his, calling him the

    When asked to
    give some pieces of advice to budding actors, Sebastian Stan said it is
    important to focus on the process and not on rewards or recognition. Two of the
    Romanian directors whom he admires a lot are Corneliu Porumboiu and Cristian
    Mungiu, but in order to play in a Romanian film he should spend at least a
    month in Romania, to regain his Romanian accent.

    (Translated by E. Enache & D. Vijeu)

  • Hollywood-Star Sebastian Stan: „Bei jedem Casting geht’s mir um Leben und Tod“

    Hollywood-Star Sebastian Stan: „Bei jedem Casting geht’s mir um Leben und Tod“

    Der in Rumänien geborene US-amerikanische Darsteller Sebastian Stan war dieses Jahr Ehrengast des American International Film Festivals in Rumänien. Bei Gesprächen mit dem rumänischen Publikum sprach der Darsteller über seine Hollywood-Auftritte, seine Karriere, die amerikanische Filmindustrie und den Treffen mit Hollywood-Stars wie Nicole Kidman, Natalie Portman, Matt Damon und Michael Haneke. Seine erste Rolle erhielt der Darsteller mit 10 Jahren in der Produktion des österreichischen Regisseurs Michael Haneke 71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls“, die internationale Anerkennung kam später dank dem Auftritt in der Fernsehserie Gossip Girl“. Im jüngsten Film, der Comicverfilmung Captain America: The First Avenger“, übernahm er die Hauptrolle und trat neben Robert Downey Junior, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Hugo Weaving, Samuel L. Jackson und Tommy Lee Jones auf. Die gleiche Rolle spielte er auch in den Fortsetzungen The Return of the First Avenger“ (2014) und The First Avenger: Civil War“ (2016).

    Selbst wenn der Kassenschlager ihm Weltruhm und viele Fans brachte, sagt der Darsteller, dass er lieber in Low-Budget- und nichtkommerziellen Filmen auftritt. In Bukarest nahm er die Herausforderung der rumänischen Journalisten an und beantwortete ihre Fragen in Rumänisch, einer Sprache, die ihm am Herzen liege, sagte der Hollywood-Star:

    Weniger kommerzielle Filme sind heutzutage schwer zu produzieren. Auch in den USA, denn sie sind nicht besonders gewinnbringend. Die meisten Produzenten setzen alle Mittel ein, um Kassenschlager zu produzieren. Natürlich zählen unter diesen Produktionen auch hochqualitative Filme, ich bin trotzdem mit Filmen wie »The Godfather« und »Goodfellas«, also Referenzfilmen der siebziger Jahre aufgewachsen. Auch eine Produktion wie »I, Tonya« war für mich eine Gelegenheit, die in den USA nicht zu oft vorkommt. Der Film befasst sich mit ernsthaften, sogar schwerwiegenden Themen. Ich war sehr froh, als ich mich dem Team anschlie‎ßen durfte.“

    Sebastian Stan wurde am 13. August 1982 im südostrumänischen Constanţa geboren. Im Alter von acht Jahren zog er mit seiner Mutter nach Wien. Mit zwölf siedelte er in die Vereinigten Staaten über. Nach einem Studium an der Rutgers University begann er in unabhängigen Filmen aufzutreten und studierte ein Jahr auch am Globe Theater in London. In Bukarest hat sich der Hollywood-Star mit dem rumänischen Publikum über sein Leben und seinen rasanten Karriereaufstieg sowie über seine Verbindung zum Heimatland unterhalten. Die ersten Lebensjahre verbrachte Sebastian Stan im kommunistischen Rumänien, seine Freunde von später haben ihm aus diesem Grund den Spitznamen Der Kommunist“ gegeben:

    Bitte nehmt mich zurück! Ich bin Rumäne, aber auch Amerikaner. Ich habe immer an Kausalität geglaubt, die Beziehung zwischen Ursache und Wirkung kommt überall vor. Weil ich Rumäne bin, stehe ich jetzt vor dem rumänischen Publikum. Als ich ein Kind war und in einem anderen Land lebte, sagte ich meinen Kollegen nicht, dass ich Rumäne bin, weil ich nicht andersartig sein wollte. Ich wollte mich integrieren und genau wie die anderen sein. Mit 15–16 Jahren haben sich die Sachen geändert, denn ich habe meine Wurzeln entdeckt und bin mir meines kulturellen Hintergrunds bewusst geworden. Im Leben sollte man sich selber akzeptieren, je schneller man das versteht, desto besser ist es.“

    Sebastian Stan hat im Anschluss seinen Fans in Rumänien erzählt, wie er sich entschlossen hat, Darsteller zu werden. Mit 15–16 Jahren, als er Gymnasialschüler in New York war, nahm er an einem Casting für Theaterschauspieler teil:

    Um in diesem Bereich erfolgreich zu sein, muss man eine Art Obsession für diesen Beruf haben. Das war das einzige, was ich mir wünschte und worüber ich dachte, ich sei dafür geeignet — ich hatte keinen Reserveplan. Bei jedem Casting ging es für mich um Leben und Tod, jetzt ist es auch so. Ich mag die Menschen, die Ablehnungen nicht akzeptieren wollen. Man muss um seinen Traum kämpfen. Warum aufgeben? Eines Tages werden wir sowieso sterben.“

    Als Ratschlag für Nachwuchsdarsteller sagt der Hollywood-Star, man soll sich auf die Arbeit, und nicht auf die Anerkennung konzentrieren.