Tag: sedm

  • November 7, 2024

    November 7, 2024

    MINIMUM WAGE – The national minimum wage will go up to the equivalent of 810 EUR starting January 1, 2025, according to a government decree expected to be adopted in today’s meeting. The government’s decision practically complies with the European directive that requires that the minimum wage in member states should not be less than 50% of the average gross wage.


    EPC – The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is attending the two-day Summit of the European Political Community (EPC) and the informal meeting of the European Council, organized in Budapest, the Presidency reports. President Iohannis will call for a united and firm position of European leaders regarding the security developments in the region, as well as the continuation of support for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, in the context of Russia’s war of aggression. Also, the president of Romania will take part in a discussion panel addressing issues related to migration, on which occasion he will plead for the identification of solutions at European level in the field of managing illegal migration, in the short term, as well as through a more comprehensive approach in the long term, which would allow for greater cohesion and efficiency at European level in addressing this phenomenon. The European Political Community is an intergovernmental format of political dialogue between European states, seeking to boost cooperation on issues of common interest, in order to strengthen security and stability on the European continent.


    AGRICULTURE – The Common Agricultural Policy needs a separate budget, and farmers need to be sure they will receive the funds without limitations linked to the rule of law or other unrelated conditions, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, said in Bucharest. On the sidelines of his official visit to Romania, the EU Commissioner attended the National Conference of the Romanian Farmers’ Club jointly with the Minister of Agriculture, Florin Barbu. The European official said that, at EU level, the agricultural trade balance with third countries reached a record surplus of 70 billion EUR in 2023. The Conference was attended by farmers, high-ranking Romanian and European officials with responsibilities in the development of agriculture policies and strategies, leaders in the field of agricultural technologies, as well as representatives of farmers’ associations at European and national levels.


    SEDM – The Republic of Moldova is a full member of the South-East Europe Defense Ministerial Process (SEDM), hosted by Tirana, Albania, Romania’s Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, said during a meeting with his Moldovan counterpart, Anatolie Nosatîi. Talks focused on recent security developments in the Black Sea region and Moldova’s European integration efforts. Minister Tîlvăr emphasized the importance of firm support for the Republic of Moldova in the face of security challenges and destabilization attempts, part of the hybrid actions of the Russian Federation. Angel Tîlvăr emphasized that the Republic of Moldova was the first state to sign a Partnership in the field of security and defense with the European Union, on May 21, a partnership that plays a key role in the modernization and strengthening of the armed forces of the Republic of Moldova.


    US ELECTION – Leaders from all over the world continue to react after Donald Trump announced his victory in the US presidential election. The current US President, Joe Biden, invited him to the White House and expressed his commitment to ensure a smooth transition. In turn, the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, emphasized the “enduring alliance” and the “historic link” between the EU and the USA. NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte said that Donald Trump’s leadership will once again be essential to keeping the Alliance strong.


    GERMANY – Germany’s liberal party has announced that all its ministers will leave Olaf Scholtz’s governing coalition, after the Chancellor fired Finance Minister Christian Lindner. Social Democrat Scholtz thus remains without a majority in the Chamber of Deputies. Scholtz has announced a confidence vote for January 15, which is expected to pave the way for snap elections in March. The bone of contention between Scholtz and his Finance Minister was covering the 2025 budget deficit, at a time when Germany is going through its second year of recession. Several economic sectors are struggling and announcing layoffs, such as the car industry.


    FOOTBALL – Romanian football champions, FCSB, are tonight playing the Danish side FC Midtjylland at home, in a match counting towards the 4th round of Europa League. In the first three fixtures, FCSB grabbed two wins, 4-1, at home, against Rigas FS of Latvia, and 1-0, away from home, against the Greek club PAOK Thessaloniki, coached by Romanian Răzvan Lucescu, and sustained one defeat, in Scotland, 0-4 to Glasgow Rangers. (VP)

  • Cooperari militară România – Ripublica Moldova

    Cooperari militară România – Ripublica Moldova

    România easti etimă s’da asistenţă di spicialitate şi agiutoru ti Askerea ali Republică Moldova tru multiple domenii – spusi, luni, ministrul ali Apărari, Angel Tîlvăr, cu ucazea a vizităllei ţi u feaţi năsu Chişinău. El lo parti la recepţionarea a aţiloru ditu soni dări ţi li feaţi Ministerlu pi cari îlu cumănduseaşti tră Armata moldoveană neise pritu echipamente individuale di protecţie balistică, respectiv căşti di protecţie di turlia Kevlar şi vesti antigăgoşu, ama şi autoturisme di teren.

    Aestă donaţie easti un exemplu concret a cilăstăserloru a Bucureștiului ta s’agiută ti asigurarea resurselor anănghisiti tră armătusearea a militarilor Armatei statului românofon viţinu – spusi ministrul Tîlvăr.

    Donațiile — adusi aminti năsu – fac parte, dimi, ditu ună gaereti niacumtinată ali României di andrupari a Republicii Moldova tru domeniul di armătuseari ali Armatei cu echipamente moderne.

    Oficialu român eara dusu Chişinău la călisearea a omologlui Anatolie Nosatîi. Discuţiile anamisa di aţelli doi avură tu aradă coopeararea bilaterală tru domeniul Apărarillei, catacum și cooperarea tru context regional, NATO şi al Uniunii Europeane. Nu armasi nanăparti, dealihea, evoluţia a mediului di securitate di itia a polimlui di agresiune purtat di Rusia contra ali Ucrainei, cu accent pi situaţiile provocate di bombardamentele ruseşti tru porturilor ucrainene di pi Dunăre, tru viţinata a sinurloru cu România şi Republica Moldova.

    Tutunăoară fu adusă aminti diznău andruparea pănu di mardzina ali României tră avansarea-a Chișinăului tru imnaticlu pro-european, catacum şi importanţa ti participarea a llei la proiectele subsumate a iniţiativăllei regionale Procesul Reuniunilor Miniştrilor ditu Europa di Sud-Est (SEDM), format tră cari România exercită prezidenţillea rotativă, ditu meslu alunaru a aluştui an până tru alunaru 2025. Ligat di aest ditu soni subiect, miniștrilli Angel Tîlvăr și Anatolie Nosatîi feaţiră isapi ti jgllioatili ţi lipseaşti s’li facă Republica Moldova tră pregătirea a procesului di aderare la aestu format regional di consultări politico-militare.

    “Puteţi s’băgaţ besa pi tut agiutorlu a nostru, aţea turlie că dezideratul aderarillei la SEDM s’hibă agiumtu tru kirolu ana easti pi lucru mandatlu ali Românie la prezidenţillea aluştui forum. Yinearea ali Republica Moldova cu tuti ndrepturli la aestă iniţiativă va-lu anvărtuşeadză statutlu a llei tru plan regional şi internaţional şi va s’aducă noi oportunităţ di cooperare tru plan militar cu văsiliili ditu regiune” – spusi Angel Tîlvăr. Aducănda aminti ti rezultatele pozitive ale aţillei ditu soni andamasi a Comisiei militare mixte româno-moldovene di la Târgu Mureş, ditu meslu cirişaru, la nivel di secretari di stat, ministrul Tîlvăr cundille:

    “Cooperarea bilaterală tru domeniul ali Apărari aagiumsi pi un nivelu multu bunu, iara aestu lucru nă hărseaşti şi nă da sila s’nidzemu ninti tru aestu ritmo iruşi”.

    Autoru: Roxana Vasile

    Armânipsearea: Taşcu Lala

  • Cooperare militară România – Republica Moldova

    Cooperare militară România – Republica Moldova

    este pregătită să acorde asistență de specialitate şi sprijin Armatei Republicii
    Moldova în multiple domenii
    – a afirmat, luni, ministrul Apărării, Angel
    Tîlvăr, cu ocazia vizitei sale oficiale la Chişinău. El a participat la
    recepţionarea celor mai recente donaţii ale Ministerului pe care îl conduce
    către Armata moldoveană constând în echipamente individuale de protecţie
    balistică, respectiv căşti de protecţie tip Kevlar şi veste antiglonţ, dar şi
    autoturisme de teren.

    Această donaţie reprezintă un exemplu concret al
    preocupărilor Bucureștiului de a contribui la asigurarea resurselor necesare
    dotării militarilor Armatei statului românofon vecin
    – a spus ministrul Tîlvăr.

    Donațiile – a reamintit el – fac parte, de altfel, dintr-un efort continuu al
    României de sprijinire a Republicii Moldova în domeniul înzestrării Armatei cu
    echipamente moderne.

    Oficialul român s-a aflat la Chişinău la invitaţia omologului
    Anatolie Nosatîi. Discuţiile dintre cei doi au vizat cooperarea bilaterală în
    domeniul Apărării, precum și cooperarea în context regional, NATO şi al Uniunii
    Europene. Nu a fost ocolită, desigur, evoluţia mediului de securitate ca urmare
    a războiului de agresiune purtat de Rusia împotriva Ucrainei, cu accent pe
    situaţiile provocate de bombardamentele ruseşti asupra porturilor ucrainene de
    pe Dunăre, în imediata vecinătate a graniţelor cu România şi Republica Moldova.

    Totodată, a fost reiterată susţinerea deplină a României pentru avansarea Chișinăului
    pe parcursul pro-european, precum şi importanţa participării sale la proiectele
    subsumate iniţiativei regionale Procesul Reuniunilor Miniştrilor din Europa de
    Sud-Est (SEDM), format pentru care România exercită preşedinţia rotativă, din
    luna iulie a acestui an până în iulie 2025. Legat de acest ultim subiect, miniștrii
    Angel Tîlvăr și Anatolie Nosatîi au evaluat paşii concreţi pe care Republica
    Moldova trebuie să îi facă pentru pregătirea procesului de aderare la acest
    format regional de consultări politico-militare.

    Puteţi conta pe întregul
    nostru sprijin, astfel încât dezideratul aderării la SEDM să fie atins în
    timpul exercitării mandatului României la preşedinţia acestui forum. Alăturarea
    Republicii Moldova cu drepturi depline la această iniţiativă va întări statutul
    său în plan regional şi internaţional şi va oferi noi oportunităţi de cooperare
    în plan militar cu ţările din regiune
    – a arătat Angel Tîlvăr. Amintind de rezultatele pozitive ale recentei
    reuniuni a Comisiei militare mixte româno-moldovene de la Târgu Mureş, din luna iunie, la nivel de secretari de stat, ministrul Tîlvăr a

    Cooperarea bilaterală în domeniul Apărării a atins un nivel
    foarte bun, iar acest lucru nu face decât să ne bucure şi să ne impulsioneze să
    continuăm în acest ritm accelerat.

  • Nachrichten 15.10.2019

    Nachrichten 15.10.2019

    Vertreter der südosteuropäischen Verteidigungsministerien (SEDM) treffen
    sich am Mittwoch in Bukarest. Rumänien wird durch den Staatssekretär beim
    Verteidigungsministerium Doru Claudian Frunzulică vertreten. Laut einer
    Pressemitteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums ist das Treffen eine Gelegenheit
    für Bukarest, sein Engagement für die im Rahmen dieser Initiative
    durchgeführten Projekte zu bekräftigen und Vorschläge für die Konsolidierung
    der SEDM als wichtigste Kooperationsplattform in Südosteuropa zu unterstützen.
    SEDM ist eine regionale Initiative, die dazu beitragen soll, den Frieden zu
    erhalten und die Nachbarschaft und eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen den
    osteuropäischen Ländern zu stärken, indem sie den politisch-militärischen
    Dialog und die Beteiligung an konkreten Projekten im Bereich der regionalen Sicherheit
    und Stabilität fördert.

    Der rechtsgerichtete rumänische Präsident
    Klaus Iohannis hat am Dienstag den Vorsitzenden der Nationalliberalen Partei
    Ludovic Orban zum Ministerpräsidenten ernannt. Dieser soll ein neues
    Regierungsteam bilden, das dem Parlament
    zur Billigung vorgelegt werden soll. Laut Iohannis ist PNL die größte
    Oppositionspartei und der Befürworter des Misstrauensantrags, mit dem in der
    vergangenen Woche die von Viorica Dăncilă geleitete sozialdemokratische
    Exekutive entlassen wurde. Der rumänische Staatschef behauptet, die neue
    Regierung solle sich unter anderem mit der guten Organisierung der
    Präsidentschaftswahlen befassen, den Haushalt für 2019 schließen und den für
    2020 aufbauen. Ludovic Orban erklärte seinerseits, dass sein Team sich durch
    Ehrlichkeit, Kompetenz und Integrität auszeichnet und Lösungen für die großen
    Probleme Rumäniens finden werde. Die Priorität der neuen Regierung sind die
    Wiederherstellung des makroökonomischen Gleichgewichts des Landes, die Umstrukturierung
    des Staatsapparats, die Investitionen in die Verkehrsinfrastruktur, die
    Gesundheitsversorgung und die Bildung, die tatsächliche Unabhängigkeit der
    Justiz sowie die Festigung der europäischen Richtung Rumäniens.

    In Rumänien ist am Dienstag der Lebensmittelpreis-Monitor eingeführt worden.
    Es handelt sich um eine Plattform, die den Bürgern helfen soll, die
    Lebensmittelpreise in den Geschäften im ganzen Land zu vergleichen. Die Nutzer
    können zwischen rund 30.000 Produktarten wählen, was der Hälfte der gesamten
    Lebensmittel auf dem Markt entspricht. Das Projekt ähnelt dem im Juni
    gestarteten Projekt zum Vergleich der Kraftstoffpreise. Die neue Plattform ist
    als Handy-App und im Internet unter monitorulpreţurilor.info verfügbar. Wir
    haben nach den Nachrichten mehr dazu.

    Die rumänische Fußballmannschaft spielt heute in Bukarest gegen Norwegen,
    in der Gruppe F der Qualifikation für die Europameisterschaft 2020. Spanien
    führt die Gruppenwertung mit 19 Punkten an, gefolgt von Schweden mit 14,
    Rumänien – 13, Norwegen – 10, Malta – 3 und den Färöern mit 0 Punkten. Die
    beiden besten Teams jeder Gruppe qualifizieren sich für das Finalturnier. Am
    Montagabend besiegte das rumänische U21-Team Nordirland in der Gruppe 8 der
    Junioren-Europameisterschaft 2021 mit 3-0 auf heimischem Boden. Am Donnerstag,
    auch auf dem heimischen Rasen, schlug Rumänien die Ukraine mit 3-0, nachdem es
    im vergangenen Monat gegen Dänemark mit 1-2 Punkten verloren hatte. Im Juni
    qualifizierte sich Rumänien U21 erstmals im Halbfinale des kontinentalen
    Turniers in Italien und San Marino und sicherte sich damit sein Ticket für die
    Olympischen Spiele in Tokio.

    Eine Einigung zwischen London und der EU über Brexit ist in dieser Woche
    noch möglich, wenn auch immer schwieriger, sagte der EU-Verhandlungsführer für
    Brexit Michel Barnier am Dienstag in Luxemburg. Im Vorfeld der Sitzung des
    EU-Rates für Allgemeine Angelegenheiten in Luxemburg sagte Barnier, es sei höchste
    Zeit für London, gute Absichten in einen Rechtstext zu verwandeln.
    Der Vertreter der finnischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, der Minister für
    europäische Angelegenheiten Tytti Tuppurainen, wiederum sagte, dass ein
    Brexit-Deal noch möglich sei, betonte aber, dass die EU sich auch auf ein
    No-Deal-Szenario und auf eine erneute Verschiebung vorbereiten sollte. Ohne ein
    Abkommen zwischen London und der EU bis zum 19. Oktober zwingt ein im September
    verabschiedetes Gesetz den britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson, eine
    dreimonatige Verschiebung des britischen Ausstiegs zu beantragen. London und
    Brüssel versuchen, eine gemeinsame Basis zu finden, um zu verhindern, dass eine
    Rückkehr nach dem Brexit an eine physische Grenze zwischen Nordirland, einem
    Teil des Vereinigten Königreichs, und der Republik Irland, die weiterhin
    Mitglied der EU sein wird, erfolgt.

  • October 15, 2019

    October 15, 2019

    GOVERNMENT The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, carries on today his consultations with parliamentary parties on the appointment of a new prime minister and the formation of a new Cabinet. The talks began on Friday, one day after Viorica Dancilas government was dismissed through a no-confidence vote in Parliament, and continued on Monday in a narrow format. Today the head of state is discussing with the leaders of Save Romania Union, the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians and the National Liberal Party. So far the talks point to a government formed by or around the National Liberal Party, which pleads for a Cabinet of 16 ministries at most. The Liberals announced they are ready to take over power, and the party leader Ludovic Orban is their nomination for prime minister. Save Romania Union spoke in favour of early elections and has several requests in exchange for supporting a new government, including a two-round local election system and a law abolishing compensatory appeals. The Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians on the other hand wants mayors to continue to be elected in one round, while the ex-PM Victor Pontas Pro Romania party says it would support the good projects initiated by a new cabinet. The Peoples Movement Party is willing to be part of the new government alonside the Liberals, but will not work with ALDE and Pro Romania. The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats says they will not be part of a new government, and supports a Liberal Cabinet. The Social Democratic Party turned down the invitation to consultations, and its leader Viorica Dăncilă announced the partys parliamentary group would not vote for the new government.

    DEFENCE Representatives of the South-East European defence ministries (SEDM) convene in Bucharest on Wednesday. Romania is represented by the state secretary with the Defence Ministry Doru Claudian Frunzulică. According to a Defence Ministry news release, the meeting is an opportunity for Bucharest to reconfirm its commitment to the projects implemented as part of this initiative, as well as to support proposals for the consolidation of the SEDM as the main cooperation platform in South-East Europe. SEDM is a regional initiative designed to help maintain peace and strengthen neighbourhood and close cooperation among East-European countries, by fostering political-military dialogue and involvement in practical projects in the field of regional security and stability.

    PRICES In Romania, the Foodstuff Price Monitor has been launched today. It is a platform designed to help citizens to contrast food prices charged by stores across the country. The users will be able to choose between around 30,000 types of products, accounting for half of the total foodstuffs in the market. The project is similar to the one that compares fuel prices, launched in June. The new platform is available as a mobile phone app and on the internet at monitorulpreţurilor.info.

    BREXIT Londons most recent proposals regarding Brexit are not good enough, the EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier said on Tuesday, at the General Affairs Council meeting in Luxembourg, according to diplomatic sources quoted by Reuters. Barnier also said that he needed a legal text by the end of the day, in order to be able to recommend that EU leaders approve an agreement at the European Council due on October 17 and 18. Otherwise, Michel Barnier is likely to suggest additional negotiations with London after the EU summit concluding on Friday. Without an agreement between London and the EU by October 19, a law passed in September forces the British PM Boris Johnson to request a 3-month postponement of UKs exit. London and Brussels are trying to reach common ground on means to prevent a post-Brexit return to a physical border between Northern Ireland, a part of the UK, and the Republic of Ireland, which will still be an EU member.

    FOOTBALL Romanias football team plays against Norway in Bucharest today, in Group F of the 2020 European Championship qualifiers. Spain tops the group ranking with 19 points, followed by Sweden with 14, Romania – 13, Norway – 10, Malta – 3 and Faroe Islands with 0 points. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. On Monday night, Romanias Under 21 team defeated Northern Ireland on home turf, 3-0, in Group 8 of the 2021 European Youth Championship. On Thursday, also on home turf, Romania beat Ukraine, 3-0, after last month it had lost to Denmark, 1-2, away from home. In June Romania Under 21 qualified for the first time in the semi-finals of the continental tournament in Italy and San Marino, thus securing their ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 14 October 2019, UPDATE

    14 October 2019, UPDATE

    Government talks. The Romanian President Klaus
    Iohannis is having talks with parliamentary parties with a view to forming a
    new government. On Friday, after the first round of talks, he spoke about the
    urgent need for a political transition government made up of the National
    Liberal Party or formed around this party, which was the initiator of the no-confidence
    motion that led to the collapse of the Social Democratic government last Thursday.
    According to Klaus Iohannis, the new government needs to draft the budget for
    2020 and to ensure the organisation in good conditions of the November
    presidential elections.

    European prosecutor. The
    Council of the EU on Monday confirmed the appointment of the Romanian Laura
    Codruta Kovesi to the post of European chief prosecutor and the appointment is
    next to be confirmed by the European Parliament, according to a statement from
    the Council of the EU. Laura Codruta Kovesi is currently a prosecutor with the
    General Prosecutor’s Office of the High Court of Cassation and Justice of
    Romania. She has previously held various positions of prosecutor during her
    career in Romania, among which chief prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption

    Meeting. The South-Eastern Europe Defence (SEDM) ministers
    are meeting in Bucharest on Wednesday. According to a statement from the
    Romanian defence ministry, the meeting will be a good opportunity to reiterate
    Bucharest’s commitment to the projects carried out as part of this initiative
    and its support for proposals to consolidate it as a main form of cooperation
    in south-eastern Europe given the developments of the security environment in
    the region. The South-East Europe Defence
    Ministerial (SEDM) Process is a regional initiative aimed at maintaining peace
    and consolidating good neighbourly relations and close cooperation among the
    states in south-eastern Europe by providing a platform for political and
    military dialogue and becoming involved in practical projects in the area of
    security and regional stability.

    EU-Turkey. The European Union condemned on Monday the military operation
    undertaken by Turkey in north-eastern Syria which gravely undermines the
    stability and security of the entire region. Attending a meeting of the EU’s
    Foreign Affairs Council in Luxembourg, EU foreign ministers agreed to limit
    arms exports to Turkey. Romania was represented at the meeting by Dan Neculăescu, under-secretary in the foreign ministry.

    EU-Japan. Romania’s Senate on Monday adopted the bill
    for the ratification of the strategic partnership agreement between the European
    Union and Japan, the first ever to be concluded between the two sides. Signed
    in July last year in Tokyo, the agreement will provide a legal basis for
    improving bilateral cooperation and within international and regional
    organisations and bodies, resting on two pillars: political dialogue and
    cooperation in the area of foreign policy and security on the one hand, and
    technical cooperation for development on the other. The bill has also been
    adopted by Romania’s Chamber of Deputies.

  • 14.10.2019 (mise à jour)

    14.10.2019 (mise à jour)

    Consultations — Le président roumain, Klaus Iohannis, poursuit la série de consultations des partis parlementaires en vue de la désignation d’un nouveau premier ministre et de la formation du futur Exécutif. Vendredi, à l’issue d’un premier round de consultations, le chef de l’Etat roumain a précisé qu’il était urgent d’installer un gouvernement politique de transition, issu des rangs ou créé autour du Parti national libéral, l’initiateur de la motion de censure qui a renversé jeudi le gouvernement de la sociale-démocrate Viorica Dancila. Le futur cabinet devra préparer le budget pour lannée prochaine et assurer lorganisation dans de bonnes conditions des élections présidentielle de novembre, a insisté le président. Le leader libéral, Ludovic Orban, pourrait être le nouveau premier ministre roumain. L’Alliance des libéraux et des démocrates, ancien partenaire du Parti social – démocrate au sein de la coalition au pouvoir, soutient un éventuel gouvernement libéral, sous certaines conditions. L’Union « Sauvez la Roumanie » se déclare favorable à l’organisation d’élections anticipées au début de l’année prochaine, option rejetée par le Parti du mouvement populaire et par l’Union démocrate magyare de Roumanie. Le parti de la minorité hongroise proposera au président le nom d’un premier ministre, tandis que le Parti du mouvement populaire souhaite que le prochain cabinet adopte un décret d’urgence introduisant un second tour de scrutin aux élections municipales. Pro Romania n’a pas exclu son éventuelle participation à une alliance gouvernementale. L’unique parti à ne pas participer aux consultations avec le chef de l’Etat a été le Parti social-démocrate. Selon Viorica Dancila, les sociaux-démocrates appuieront un gouvernement libéral uniquement si ce parti signe un Pacte pour le bien-être des Roumains.

    Nomination — Le Conseil de l’UE a confirmé lundi la nomination de la procureure roumaine Laura Codruţa Kovesi au poste de chef du Parquet européen. Cette nomination devra être validée par le Parlement européen aussi, est-il dit dans un communiqué de presse du Conseil de l’UE. Laura Codruţa Kovesi occupe actuellement les fonctions de procureur au Parquet général près la haute Cour de cassation et de justice de Roumanie. Parmi les postes détenus antérieurement, figure celui de cheffe de la Direction nationale anticorruption.

    Réunion — Bucarest va accueillir mercredi la réunion des Ministres de la Défense des Etats d’Europe du sud-est (SEDM). Selon le communiqué du ministère roumain de la Défense, ce sera une bonne occasion pour Bucarest de réaffirmer son engagement à l’égard des projets menés au sein de cette initiative et de soutenir certaines propositions visant à renforcer le SEDM en tant que principal format de coopération en Europe du sud-est, dans le contexte des évolutions de l’environnement sécuritaire dans la région. Le SEDM est une initiative régionale qui contribue au maintien de la paix et à la consolidation des relations de bon voisinage et d’étroite coopération entre les Etats d’Europe du sud-est, par le biais de d’une plateforme de dialogue politique et militaire et par la mise en place de projets viables en matière de sécurité et de stabilité régionales.

    Accord – Le Sénat de Bucarest a adopté lundi, en sa qualité d’assemblée décisionnelle, le projet législatif portant ratification de l’accord de partenariat stratégique entre l’UE et le Japon, le premier jamais conclu entre les deux parties. Signé en juillet 2018, à Tokyo, cet accord offrira la base juridique permettant d’améliorer la coopération bilatérale et la collaboration au sein des différentes organisations et forums internationaux et régionaux. L’accord comporte deux volets: le dialogue politique, la coopération en matière de politique étrangère et de sécurité et respectivement la coopération technique pour le développement. Le projet législatif mentionné a déjà été adopté par la Chambre des députés de Bucarest.

    CAE — L’UE a condamné, lundi, l’opération militaire que la Turquie a lancée le 9 octobre dans le nord-est de la Syrie et qui compromet gravement la stabilité et la sécurité de l’ensemble de la région. Réunis à Luxembourg, au Conseil “Affaires étrangères” de lUnion européenne, les ministres de tutelle ont convenu de limiter les exportations d’armement vers la Turquie. La Roumanie a été représentée à cette réunion par Dan Neculăescu, secrétaire d’Etat au ministère des Affaires étrangères.

    Météo — Il fera beau et beaucoup plus chaud pour cette période de l’année, les températures maximales devant se situer entre 17° et 28°.