Tag: severin

  • Radio Romania 91

    Radio Romania 91

    This Friday Radio Romania celebrates
    91 years of existence. ‘Hello, hello, this is Radio Bucharest’ were the first
    words aired by this radio station on November 1st 1928, part of the
    first broadcast by the Radiotelephony Broadcasting Corporation in Romania.

    The words were uttered by the then
    president of the aforementioned institution Dragomir Hurmuzescu, who was also the
    founding father of the Romanian radiophony. Along the years Radio Romania broadcast
    messages from leading figures who had their impact upon the country’s history.

    Designed to be a means of
    information, education and entertainment, the Romanian public radio has been
    broadcasting for 91 years now adjusting its editorial policies and surviving
    the radical regime changes that took place during its existence, from the
    democratic system between the two world wars, to the right-wing dictatorship
    around WWll, or the communist dictatorship that followed.

    Radio Romania celebrates 91st
    years of uninterrupted public service and broadcasts, 91 years of hard work and
    sacrifices but also of satisfactions in the sustained process of building the trust
    and confidence the station enjoys today, the institution’s president and
    director general Georgica Severin said on this occasion.

    ‘Either we speak about the accurate
    news on various daily events, the cultural broadcasts, the programmes devoted
    to theatre plays from national and world dramaturgy, or concerts and
    performances given by radio orchestras and choirs, this uninterrupted, relentless
    work has been always based on professionalism and respect for listeners’, Georgica
    Severin went on to say.

    Besides its well-known channels, News
    and Current Affairs, Culture, Music and the Village Antenna, Radio Romania also
    boasts several regional and local stations, as well as the online channels
    devoted to children and young people.

    The Romanian Public radio started
    to broadcast for listeners abroad as early as the 1930s and is currently
    broadcasting in 11 foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Hebrew, French,
    German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian as well as in the
    Aromanian dialect.

    On its 91th anniversary, Radio
    Romania scheduled a concert given by the National Radio Orchestra as well as an
    exhibition on its premises, which can be visited until November 5th under
    the suggestive title ‘Afghanistan, Faces of War’. The exhibition has on display
    photos taken by Radio Romania’s correspondent in that country Ilie Pintea.

    The exhibition was inaugurated in
    Los Angeles under the high patronage of the country’s General Consulate in Los
    Angeles and the Cultural Institute in Bucharest in 2018 when Romania celebrated
    its 100th anniversary.

    (translated by bill)

  • Radio Romania 91

    Radio Romania 91

    This Friday Radio Romania celebrates
    91 years of existence. ‘Hello, hello, this is Radio Bucharest’ were the first
    words aired by this radio station on November 1st 1928, part of the
    first broadcast by the Radiotelephony Broadcasting Corporation in Romania.

    The words were uttered by the then
    president of the aforementioned institution Dragomir Hurmuzescu, who was also the
    founding father of the Romanian radiophony. Along the years Radio Romania broadcast
    messages from leading figures who had their impact upon the country’s history.

    Designed to be a means of
    information, education and entertainment, the Romanian public radio has been
    broadcasting for 91 years now adjusting its editorial policies and surviving
    the radical regime changes that took place during its existence, from the
    democratic system between the two world wars, to the right-wing dictatorship
    around WWll, or the communist dictatorship that followed.

    Radio Romania celebrates 91st
    years of uninterrupted public service and broadcasts, 91 years of hard work and
    sacrifices but also of satisfactions in the sustained process of building the trust
    and confidence the station enjoys today, the institution’s president and
    director general Georgica Severin said on this occasion.

    ‘Either we speak about the accurate
    news on various daily events, the cultural broadcasts, the programmes devoted
    to theatre plays from national and world dramaturgy, or concerts and
    performances given by radio orchestras and choirs, this uninterrupted, relentless
    work has been always based on professionalism and respect for listeners’, Georgica
    Severin went on to say.

    Besides its well-known channels, News
    and Current Affairs, Culture, Music and the Village Antenna, Radio Romania also
    boasts several regional and local stations, as well as the online channels
    devoted to children and young people.

    The Romanian Public radio started
    to broadcast for listeners abroad as early as the 1930s and is currently
    broadcasting in 11 foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, Hebrew, French,
    German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian as well as in the
    Aromanian dialect.

    On its 91th anniversary, Radio
    Romania scheduled a concert given by the National Radio Orchestra as well as an
    exhibition on its premises, which can be visited until November 5th under
    the suggestive title ‘Afghanistan, Faces of War’. The exhibition has on display
    photos taken by Radio Romania’s correspondent in that country Ilie Pintea.

    The exhibition was inaugurated in
    Los Angeles under the high patronage of the country’s General Consulate in Los
    Angeles and the Cultural Institute in Bucharest in 2018 when Romania celebrated
    its 100th anniversary.

    (translated by bill)

  • Bucharest played venue for Media 2020 Conference

    Bucharest played venue for Media 2020 Conference

    Radio Romania and the BBC are two
    organizations based on strong values with permanent and important missions to
    inform, educate and offer entertainment programmes to their listeners. Starting
    from this, these two media institutions on Thursday concluded an agreement to
    offer each other support in order to develop together.

    The document was signed in
    Bucharest on the sidelines of the 5th edition of the Media 2020
    conference staged by Radio Romania jointly with the Asia Pacific Broadcasting
    Union. According to the Deputy Director of BBC Radio, Graham Ellis, Radio
    Romania is an active member of the European Broadcasting Union and that cooperation
    between the two institutions is very important.

    In turn, Georgica Severin, President
    and Director General of Radio Romania said the partnership was the natural
    consequence of the cooperation and excellent connections between Radio Romania
    and the BBC.

    Georgica Severin: The fight against misinformation, the presentation
    of information about the life and culture of public, how to adjust to new
    technologies or how to transform our media organizations are some of the most
    important themes of our partnership.

    The agreement Radio Romania
    concluded with the BBC isn’t the only one. It follows the ones signed with
    Radio France and RAI and is part of Radio Romania’s strategy of cooperation with
    Europe’s most prestigious media institutions.

    Apart from the bilateral
    cooperation, Radio Romania has very good relations with numerous public press
    institutions from all over the world. And this is illustrated by the presence
    in Bucharest at the end of this week, of over 40 representatives of some of the
    most important media organizations in Europe and Asia Pacific.

    High on the agenda were talks over
    the media future in the digital world, copyright protection strategies as well
    as fighting fake news. The Media 2020 conference, which has become a tradition in
    the dialogue between Europe and Asia-Pacific area, has compelled recognition as
    one of the most open and constructive dialogue platforms between the two
    continents in the media field.

    The conference is being held
    alternatively in Romania and a country from Asia-Pacific area. Since its very
    first edition, the event’s main aim has been to familiarize public broadcasters
    with concrete strategies meant to meet the challenges of the new digital era.

    The year 2020 was set as a
    reference point and the theme of this fifth edition was ‘Crossing Borders in
    the Digital World’. Also attending the conference in Bucharest, Javad Mottaghi,
    Secretary General of ABU highlighted the fact that people need independent,
    impartial and trustworthy information. It depends on the public radios to say
    the truth and gain the listeners’ trust in this manner.

    (translated by bill)

  • March 7, 2019 UPDATE

    March 7, 2019 UPDATE

    VISIT On the last day of her visit to
    Brussels, Romania’s Prime Minister Viorica Dancila met the EU chief negotiator
    for Brexit, Michel Barnier as Britain has to leave the bloc on March 29th.
    Talks focused on protecting the rights of the European citizens. On Wednesday,
    the first day of her visit, the Romanian Prime Minister had a meeting with the
    First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans. The two
    officials tackled the latest amendments to justice laws in Romania and
    Timmermans voiced his increasing concern about the latest developments in
    issues related to the Mechanism of Cooperation and Verification for Romania.
    The two officials have agreed that experts from Romania and the European
    Commission get together next week for talks on the aforementioned amendments.

    DNA Laura
    Codruta Kovesi, former head of Romania’s main anti-corruption agency DNA, on
    Thursday was being heard by prosecutors of the Section for Investigating the
    Magistrates. Kovesi said that she had been summoned for hearings in a file and she
    was announced that she was suspect in a second penal file. According to her,
    she was announced that she would have allegedly coordinated an organised group made
    up of DNA prosecutors. Kovesi also said that during the notification procedure,
    she had all her rights violated by the prosecutor in charge of the case. She
    mentioned among the infringements the fact that she had been handed over
    unsigned documents. Kovesi was summoned at the aforementioned section on
    Thursday for being heard in a file where she was accused of abuse of office,
    bribery and false testimony. Kovesi has rejected all allegations. We recall
    that Laura Codruta Kovesi is running for the position of Europe’s Chief Prosecutor.
    In late February she was interviewed by the CONT and LIBE commissions in the
    European Parliament for this position and mustered the largest number of votes in
    both commissions. The European Chief Prosecutor, who is to head the European
    Public Prosecutor’s Office, is to be appointed by the European Parliament and
    the Council.

    AGREEMENT A cooperation agreement between Radio RAI and Radio Romania was
    signed in Rome on Thursday by the RAI chief Fabrizio Salini and by Georgica
    Severin, president and director general of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting
    Corporation (SRR). The agreement with RAI comes after the one in December with
    Radio France and according to the SRR chief, Radio Romania’s negotiations with
    the BBC are in an advanced stage. Severing also went on to say that Radio RAI
    is interested in developing programmes for the Romanian community in Italy. With
    more than one million people, the Romanians are Italy’s largest ethnic minority.

    (translated by bill)

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017 (update)

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017 (update)

    Today, Hotel Palas in Sinaia hosted the Media 2020 Conference, entitled How can Asia-Europe cooperation help meet new media challenges, organized by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific — Europe Broadcasting Union), attended by Minister of Culture and National Identity Lucian Romașcanu.

    Present in Sinaia, Minister of Culture and National Identity Lucian Romașcanu spoke upon the opening of the conference about the mission of public media outlets and their role in informing and educating:

    “What you do here is important, because bringing together entities from Asia and Europe is more than a technical discussion on what we are doing or will be doing as media outlets.”

    Javad Mottaghi, General Secretary ABU, PhD, said that broadcasters in the Asia-Pacific region face similar challenges with European broadcasters. He said that the importance of such an international platform is to establish ways to deal with challenges and opportunities in any part of the world, providing an opportunity for partners to learn from one another.

    Experts from across the world spoke about the way in which broadcasters from all continents deal with changes in the media industry. Debates in the first half of the day focused on the major trends in developing media in Europe, Asia, and America. Media experts debated the way in which the progress of technology influences content without affecting the accuracy of information, also discussing the way the refugee issue has been treated in the media.

    Proceedings continued with presentations of youth oriented media projects, with discussions on the positive or negative role of social media platforms.

    At the end of the 3rd edition of the Media 2020 conference, the second held in Romania, Interim Director General of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation Georgică Severin concluded:

    “As director general of public radio, I was pleased to hear about so many best practices implemented by broadcasters all over the world. It is equally pleasing to see how an information Silk Road links once again Asia to Europe.”

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, also in Sinaia, the conference continues, bringing together heads of public radio and television outlets from several member countries (Public Broadcasters International members), as part of the PBI 2017 Conference.

    For more details, go to www.media2020.srr.ro, as well as www.pbi2017.srr.ro.

  • MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    MEDIA 2020 – Sinaia 2017

    The central Romanian resort of Sinaia is host to the 3rd Asia-Pacific — Europe Media Dialogue conference. The event is organized jointly by Radio Romania and ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union), and brings together experts from all over the world in an effort to respond to current challenges in a rapidly changing media landscape.

    According to the organizers, Media2020 is a meeting place for radio, TV and other media broadcasters on the 21st Century information highway between Europe and the Asia-Pacific. It will be a place to learn and share, to network and benefit from each other’s experience. The 2017 edition of the conference will be held in conjunction with Public Broadcasting International in Bucharest.

    The first day of the event began with the keynote speech, delivered by the interim director general of the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation, Georgică Severin. He underlined the fact that the general topic of the conference is the growing power of the media in a fast changing world, and that accuracy of information is paramount. In his opening speech, Minister of Culture Lucian Romașcanu spoke about the role of public broadcasters in providing information and education, pointing out that such events build bridges between Asian and European cultures.

  • QSL mai 2017 – La citadelle de Severin

    QSL mai 2017 – La citadelle de Severin

    Bien que l’on ignore la date exacte de sa construction, les documents historiques indiquent que c’est en 1233 que furent érigés les murs d’une nouvelle citadelle qui allait s’appeler Severinopolis ; ce nom rendait hommage à l’empereur romain Septime Sévère, pendant le règne duquel la ville antique de Drobeta était devenue une colonie romaine. La prise de la citadelle de Severinopolis, bâtie stratégiquement au bord du Danube, aurait été une grande victoire pour tout combattant et un pas en avant vers la conquête de nouveaux territoires.

    Par conséquent, au 13e siècle, la citadelle de Severin a dû faire face aux canons bulgares, tatars, turcs et hongrois. C’est à peine lors de fouilles archéologiques démarrées en 1936 que l’on a découvert sa structure initiale: de forme rectangulaire, elle avait deux murs bâtis en pierre de rivière et trois tours. Elle était protégée par un fossé profond. Au centre de la citadelle, il y avait une chapelle construite avec des matériaux pris sur le site de l’ancien castre romain de Drobeta se trouvant dans le voisinage. La chapelle était entourée de tombes. Et c’est toujours à l’intérieur de la citadelle que fut découvert un four destiné à la fabrication d’armes.

    La citadelle médiévale de Severin a récemment bénéficié d’un projet de restauration financé de fonds communautaires, suite auquel elle a été ramenée aux normes architecturales européennes et réintroduite dans le circuit touristique. Pendant les travaux de restauration, les archéologues ont mis au jour un important trésor formé de fragments d’armes et d’armures, d’ossements et de céramique. Ils ont également découvert deux murs d’enceinte inconnus auparavant. Somme toute, le trésor découvert à Severin réunit 160 monnaies, des fragments de flèches d’arcs et d’arbalètes, des morceaux de cannons ainsi qu’une fontaine remplie de fragments de céramique. Voilà pour cette citadelle de Severin que vous allez sous peu voir sur notre carte QSL du mois de mai. En attendant, entrez sur notre site, rri.ro, rubrique QSL. (Trad. Valentina Beleavski)

  • February 24, 2016 UPDATE

    February 24, 2016 UPDATE

    A first group of 15 refugees from Greece and Italy are to arrive in Romania in early March, under the EU relocation quota system. They will be accommodated in Galati, eastern Romania. Romania will have to receive at least 4,180 refugees in 2016 and 2017. Six centers have been set in Romania for refugees and asylum-seekers, but more suchlike centers are needed so that the country may cope with the total 6,200 refugees it will have to accommodate in the following years. According to data released by migration officials, the capacity of these centers is of only 15 hundred people.

    The miners in the Jiu Valley (in central-western Romania) continued protests, on Wednesday, against the plan to restructure the Hunedoara Energy Compound. The miners claim the compound’s management has not presented them with concrete solutions to avoid the accelerated closing down of the mines, and that their jobs are not guaranteed. The Hunedoara Energy Compound has more than 6 thousand employees in the Lonea, Lupeni, Livezeni and Vulcan mines and at the thermal power plants of Mintia and Paroşeni. After accumulating debts worth almost 1.7 billion lei that is about 380 million euros, the energy compound was declared insolvent.

    The former Romanian euro MEP, Social-Democrat Adrian Severin was sentenced to three years in prison on Tuesday for bribe taking and influence peddling. The sentence is not yet definitive. Severin said he would appeal the decision and fight to prove his innocence. According to prosecutors, Adrian Severin accepted a promise from two Sunday Times journalists who offered him 100,000 euros per year in order to lobby for amendments in the specialised committees of the European Parliament. Another two MEPs from Slovenia and Austria who also accepted bribes, stepped down from their positions, but Severin refused to do so.

    The Romanian Senate approved the request for the prosecution of the former deputy prime minister and interior minister, Gabriel Oprea, at present a senator of the National Union for the Progress of Romania. He is being investigated by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate for abuse of office in a second case in which former officials of the Interior Ministry are also being investigated. In a different case, the Chamber of Deputies approved the National Anti-Corruption Directorate’s request for temporarily remanding in custody Nicolae Păun, a representative of the Rroma community in Romania’s Parliament. Păun together with MP Mădălin Voicu allegedly masterminded a plan through which they embezzled more than 6 million euros destined to the Rroma community.

    The Romanian tennis player, Monica Niculescu, 37th in the WTA classification, on Wednesday lost the match against the Polish Agnieszka Radwanska, world’s number 3 and the tournament’s 3rd seed, in the eighth finals of the Doha tournament. In the same stage of the competition, world’s no. 4 and the tournament’s 2nd seed, Romanian Simona Halep was defeated by the Russian Elena Vesnina (WTA 118th ranked) in the second round. Halep lost the first match at the 3rd consecutive tournament, after she exited the first round of the Australian Open, then the eighth finals of the Dubai tournament and now the second round of the Doha tournament. Since the beginning of the year, the Romanian player has scored three victories and has been defeated 5 times, and will most likely lose the 4th place in the world ranking.

    The Romanian state collected, in January, more than 16.5 million euros following the trading, on the EU common auction platform, of certificates for the emission of greenhouse gases, the Public Finance Ministry informs. Romania started participating in the EU scheme of trading certificates upon its EU accession on January 1, 2007. According to data provided by the Finance Ministry, the certificates’ trading scheme within the EU was applied in a first stage for the period 2005-2007, the second stage covering the period 2008-2012. The third stage of lasts for 8 years and will cover the period January 1, 2013 — December 31, 2020.

    The leftist pro-Russian parties enjoy the greatest percentage of confidence among the population of the Republic of Moldova, while the governing parties will not exceed the electoral threshold to enter Parliament if elections were held next Sunday, an opinion survey shows. Our Party, of the controversial businessman Renato Usatîi, is credited with 19.8% of the votes being followed by the Party of Socialists of Igor Dodon. Besides the two parties militating for a rapprochement with Russia, exceeding the 6% threshold will be two parties — the Dignity and Truth Platform Party, the organizer of the anti-government protests in Chisinau, with 8.3% of the votes and the Initiative Group led by the former education minister Maia Sandu, with 6.2% of the votes. (translation by Lacramioara Simion)