Tag: showbiz

  • Romania’s Labour Market during the pandemic

    Romania’s Labour Market during the pandemic

    to the aforementioned survey, 19% of the respondents have lost their jobs, 16%
    have been laid off as part of the technical unemployment schemes, 14% didn’t
    have a job before the pandemic and aren’t working at present while 27% believe
    that nothing has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    jobs are being done from home now and most of those who have been doing home
    working are from Bucharest and are people with higher education. This segment
    is preponderantly made up of women, young people with ages between 18 and 34
    and people with higher education. 22% of the interviewees have continued to go
    to their offices. The most stable domains proved to be the IT, HR and marketing.

    is Dragos Gheban managing partner of the hipo.ro recruiting platform with more
    on the present-day Romanian labour market. Employees from the
    bookkeeping-financial domains, transports, tourism, call-centers are looking
    for new jobs even outside their training field.

    Gheban: Following a survey on the career portal hipo.ro, the
    sectors with the most jobs right now are the IT software, IT hardware, then
    comes the financial sector, which includes banks and insurance companies and
    third comes the PR, which includes assistance services, sales departments,
    which have lately seen an upward trend, engineering, production, procurement,
    logistics and human resources. Our prediction for the coming period is that the
    opening of restaurants and hotels, the so-called HORECA sector will be offering
    fresh job opportunities as many people have lost their jobs and the companies
    operating in this field are going to need personnel in order to cope with the
    new summer season, which we expect to be a very busy one. Sales are also likely
    to see growth because companies are recovering and increasing their output.
    These fields I mentioned last are the ones we expect to see growth.

    Gheban announces the junior candidates that the hipo.ro platform is launching a
    virtual job fair

    Gheban: There is good news for junior applicants as we are
    going to launch a virtual job fair in which we have been trying to centralize a
    large part of market opportunities targeting juniors and we have managed to
    gather so far several hundred opportunities. A suggestion that we may have for
    the junior applicants is that they invest more time in the recruitment process.
    And we recommend that they apply for several programmes in order to be sure
    they don’t miss this summer opportunity making the most of their career
    training time.

    The emotional aspect of this Covid crisis didn’t
    have a constant evolution either. After the initial panic, people, particularly
    women, started feeling worried. 40% of the respondents have declared themselves
    optimistic while 38% have reported tension and stress. Men proved to be more
    resilient, informed and pragmatic whereas women showed concern and reluctance
    when it comes to drawing up a back-up plan. People working in output facilities
    are more pragmatic and optimistic, whereas those from services are more anxious
    and concerned although they had the feeling of being part of a more privileged
    category of employees.

    48% of
    those who worked from home have expressed their strong desires to get back to
    their offices while 18% say they don’t want to return to their working places
    very soon. The most reluctant to return to their offices are people between 25
    and 45 years old, the hard core of the active labour force, those with higher
    education and Bucharest residents. 49%
    of the home workers say they feel uncomfortable or very uncomfortable with
    getting back to their offices or work places. 39% of the respondents say the
    salary level is very important while 38% of them have described professional
    training courses as of utmost importance.

    labour market has been boosted through a series of measures taken by the
    government through its Labour Ministry. The country’s Labour Minister Violeta
    Alexandru has announced that assistance measures for the most affected
    categories of employees have been maintained; the most affected by the
    Coronavirus crisis are employees in the HORECA sector, in tourism and the

    Violeta Alexandru: First, upon an initiative from the
    Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the government has agreed to maintain
    assistance measures for various categories of personnel, such as those from the
    companies whose activity has been restricted like restaurants, companies in the
    showbiz involved in staging events with a large participation, over 500 people,
    like theatres for instance, or those providing indoor playground facilities.
    For all these categories as well as for those in maternity and childcare
    leaves, those taking care of disabled children, assistance measures have been
    prolonged and they will continue to benefit from compensations and other forms
    of support.