Tag: Sibiu International Theater Festival

  • Theater in the foreground

    Theater in the foreground

    The International Theater Festival (SITF) has closed its doors in Sibiu, central Romania. The theme this year was Beauty. For 10 days, the audience enjoyed about 800 theater, music, dance, circus and street performances, exhibitions, conferences and other events, given by over 3,500 artists from 75 countries. According to the organizers, it is estimated that the daily average of participants was 85,000 people.

    Shows, hundreds of minutes of applause and standing ovations, emotions and tears of joy were part of the magic of the event this year as well, in various spaces, from theaters to squares, streets, synagogues and lots of other unconventional places. There were also special events, conferences and book launches hosted by some of the most important professionals in their fields: architects, artists, managers, creators, cultural facilitators, ambassadors, writers, journalists and theater critics.

    This has been the largest edition so far, but also the one that brings us – me and the whole team – the greatest joy and satisfaction so far, said Constantin Chiriac, the festival’s president. The event also recorded impressive figures in terms of online attendance. For the first time, based on the partnership with the TikTok social network, the SITF broadcast the first live theater show for users of this platform, along with four other events. In total, during the ten days of the Festival, the hashtag #magiaFITS (the SITF magic) enjoyed over one million views on TikTok, with 150,000 users watching the broadcasts live.

    Also in this field, the town of Bistriţa (center) hosted the 30th edition of the Gala of the Romanian Theater Union – UNITER. The best works of the Romanian theater in 2021 were awarded at this gala, attended by some of the most appreciated Romanian artists, professionals from the cultural world and other people close to theatre.

    The prize for the best show was won by Death and the Ploughman by Johannes von Tepl, adapted and directed by Silviu Purcărete, staged at the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater in Iasi. Horia Suru was awarded the best director prize, for the complete Trilogy of Mines by Csaba Székely, from the Theater of Romanian Playwrights in Bucharest, and the best stage design award went to Cosmin Florea, for the show Three sad plays, written and directed by Radu Afrim, staged by the Vasile Alecsandri National Theater in Iasi.

    The best radio drama award went to A Century of Romanian Theater in Chisinau – Revenge of Forbidden Memory, screenplay by Mariana Onceanu, radio adaptation by Magda Duţu, artistic direction by Petru Hadârcă, a production of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation. The Excellence Award was granted in memory of Ion Caramitru, former manager of the Bucharest National Theater and founder of UNITER. The event was also promoted online, being broadcast live on UNITER’s Facebook and Instagram page. (MI)

  • June 27, 2022

    June 27, 2022

    Motion. The Romanian Chamber
    of Deputies is debating, today, the simple motion of no confidence filed by the opposition Save
    Romanian Union against the Liberal Minister of Energy, Virgil Popescu. The
    signatories to the document say that under his mandates the price of energy for
    the population and companies has increased constantly, and the minister is
    guilty of incompetence and ill-will. The Social Democrats too expressed their dissatisfaction with the
    minister, saying that Popescu should have managed the energy price situation
    better. They also condemn the draft ordinance, initiated by the minister, under
    which coal-based production facilities would be closed. The vote on the motion
    will take place on Wednesday, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies. On
    Tuesday, the deputies will vote on the request of the National Anticorruption Directorate to lift the parliamentary
    immunity of the former Minister of Agriculture, the Social Democrat Adrian
    Chesnoiu. He is accused by anti-corruption prosecutors of abuse of office.

    Reactors. President Klaus
    Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca welcomed the announcement made on
    Sunday by US President Joe Biden at the G7 summit in Germany, according to
    which the United States will finance with 14 million dollars the preliminary
    stage of engineering and design studies for the development of small modular
    reactors in Romania. Ensuring energy security is a common goal of the
    Romanian-American Strategic Partnership, Klaus Iohannis wrote on social media,
    while Nicolae Ciuca said in a statement, among other things, that the development
    of the nuclear program will boost economic growth.

    Baccalaureate. The Romanian
    Minister of Education, Sorin Câmpeanu, has said today that this year’s
    Baccalaureate examinations produced the best results in last 10 years were registered, and this fact
    would be due to the simplification of the subjects. The exam pass rate was over 73%. 162 students got
    a final 10 , 32 of whom are from Bucharest. The highest promotion rate was
    registered in Cluj county (northwest), Campeanu also said. The results can be
    seen on the bacalaureat.edu.ro platform and on the schools’ notice boards. The
    identity of the students will not be disclosed, their names being replaced by
    the individual codes received at the first test. More than 126,000 high school
    graduates sat the Baccalaureate exam this year, the lowest number since the
    1989 anti-communist revolution.

    Partnership. Romania’s two-chamber parliament will convene on Tuesday in a joint meeting dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the Strategic Partnership between Romania and the United States of America. The Bucharest authorities have stressed that this collaboration has been, over the years, an essential landmark for the country’s foreign policy, as well as a tool to support domestic efforts for Romania’s economic, military and administrative reform. In a post on Facebook, Romania’s Ambassador to Washington, Andrei Muraru, says that he was received at the White House by president Joe Biden, to whom he conveyed president Iohannis’s message and the Romanian state’s will to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries. The Romanian diplomat stated that without President Biden’s courage and determination, NATO may not have been as strong and united as it is today. The White House leader thanked Romania for the invaluable help it has provided to Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian invasion

    Festival. The city of Sibiu, in central Romania, is until July 3, the International Theater Festival. The theme chosen for this edition, the 29th, is ‘beauty’. The event brings together theater, dance, circus, film and music productions. Street theater performances, concerts, book launches and exhibitions are organized every day. For ten days, great artists of the world stage are giving the public the opportunity to enjoy some of the most appreciated shows in the world, internationally recognized and rewarded with prestigious awards. The festival takes place in both physical and hybrid formats, so that some of the performances that take place in performance halls, in unconventional spaces, in churches and in the central squares of Sibiu can be watched on the official SITF website, on the digital streaming platform, www.scena-digitala.ro, as well as on the Festival’s Facebook page and YouTube channel.

    Swimming. The double world
    champion in swimming, the Romanian David Popovici, will receive an award from
    the Government today, and President Klaus Iohannis will decorate him with the
    Order of Star of Romania in the rank of Knight. David Popovici returned to
    the country last night, after, during the week, he had won two gold medals in
    the finals of the 100 and 200 meters freestyle finals of the FINA World
    Championships in Budapest. His colleague Robert Glinta came in fifth in the
    50-meter backstroke final and eighth in the 100-meter backstroke. (MI)

  • Preparation for the FITS Anniversary Edition

    Preparation for the FITS Anniversary Edition

    The best known performing arts festival in Romania, the Sibiu
    International Theater Festival (FITS), prepares for its 25th
    edition, taking place between June 8 and 17, and has the theme ‘Passion’. FITS,
    is an event that has gained in popularity with an amazing speed, and has become
    a veritable competitor for the Edinburgh and Avignon festivals.

    Chiriac, director of the Radu Stanca National Theater and president of the
    festival, spoke about this edition:

    We will be hosting Tokyo
    Metropolitan Theater artistic director Hideki Noda, with ‘One Green Bottle’, a
    joint production they stage with the London National Theater. It is an exceptional
    comedy, a play in English in which Mr. Hideki Noda plays a woman. Also
    performing are two great actors, one Noh actor and the other a Kabuki
    performer. We will also be hosting what is, from my point of view, one of the
    most important theater companies not only in Israel, but also the world. It is
    the Gesher Theater, with their play ‘Yakish and Poopche’, by Hanoch Levin, who
    may very well be the most important Israeli playwright. Wajdi Mouawad returns
    to Sibiu with one of his most thought- provoking shows, which he directs and
    acts in. It is ‘Inflammation Du Verbe Vivre’, a Theatre de la Colline
    production. Both Wajdi Mouawad and Hideki Noda will get a star on the Walk of
    Fame. We will also have in Sibiu Isabelle Hupert, in a show by Jan Fabre, ‘Je
    Suis Un Boeuf’. We will bring back Thomas Ostermeier, with ‘Returning to Reims’,
    a Schulbuhne Berlin production. Also, director Luk Perceval is back with us,
    with the entire trilogy based on Emile Zola, which we ventured to produce
    together with the Hamburg Thalia Theater. We will also have there Det Norske
    Teatret of Oslo, one of the two most important theater companies in Norway,
    with ‘Mourning Becomes Electra’. Also, after many years, we will have Les
    Ballets Jazz of Montreal, with two different shows. We are very proud of the
    fact that we can bring in one of the most important dance troupes in the world.
    As a first, we will have the Aleksandrinsky Theatre of Sankt Petersburg. It is
    a great victory to be able to bring here Valeryi Fokin, one of the best directors
    of all times in Russia, head of the Meyergold Center in Moscow. Aleksandrinsky
    Theatre will stage the play ‘Yours, Gogol’, winner of the Golden Mask Award.

    As usual, dance has a special place at FITS. One of the shows this
    year will be FLEXN, directed by Peter Sellars and choreographed by Reggie ‘Regg
    Roc’ Gray. Also there will be Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, with the show
    Mother’s Milk, choreographed by Marie Chouinard and Michele Noiret. The Radu
    Stanca National Theater will participate with one of this season’s premieres,
    and with an eagerly awaited project still in the works, a kabuki project. It is
    called ‘The Scarlet Princess of Edo’, for which composer Siviu Purcarete works
    with stage designer Dragos Buhagiar and composer Vasile Sirli. The show will be
    staged exclusively with actors from the Sibiu National Theater, as well as
    undergraduate and graduate students from the Sibiu Theater School.

    Here is
    Constantin Chiriac once again:

    This premiere will
    inaugurate the Kabuki Hall, built by the book by Dragos Buhagiar. It is the
    space parallel to Faust Hall, in the Culture Factory. We will even have small
    balconies, the way they have at the National Kabuki Theater in Japan. The
    second round of rehearsals will start on April 14. In December we had a general
    meeting, attended by Mr. Nobuaki Tomita, who took this trip especially for
    this, and created a miraculous moment for us: he showed us how an actor can
    change ten costumes in ten seconds. Also, he showed us a fabric that only he
    makes, which changes colors depending on the intensity of light. We are very
    proud that we have in this project the greatest kimono creators in Japan, Mr.
    Nobuaki Tomita, one of the greatest artists in Hollywood.

    According to director Constantin Chiriac, ‘The Scarlet Princess of
    Edo’ will be the first show to open the 2020 Cultural and Olympic Games in

    The Sibiu Show Auction Market, organized by the Radu Stanca National
    Theater, will be open for registration until March 23. Right from its first
    edition, in 1997, the Show Auction Market has developed as a major cultural
    network, acting as a go-between for festivals, artists, independent companies
    and state institutions in performing arts. Annually, over 300 participants from
    across the world meet in Sibiu to network in order to arrange future
    partnerships. This year’s edition takes place over June 11-16, 2018.

  • The Sibiu International Theater Festival has drawn to a close

    The Sibiu International Theater Festival has drawn to a close

    Trust is the element without which the festival would not have acquired the scope it has today, translating into 472 events and the presence of leading names in the world of Romanian and foreign theater. The plays, performed in theater halls, in the street and other unconventional areas, the concerts, film screenings, conferences and book launches and also the chance to talk to theatre personalities, the friendships made in the ten days of festival make it a unique event.

    The Radu Stanca National Theater in Sibiu was the organizer as well as the host of the event. In this recent edition, it was present in the festival with three productions, included in the Heritage section. All three productions had the same director, Silviu Purcarete. We’re speaking about “Faustus”, “Lulu” and “Metamorphoses”. The Radu Stanca Theater has already presented the premieres of the ongoing theater season, a topic we have already dealt with. It has also come up with a new premiere, which is the second part of the trilogy titled “How Far Are We from the Caves We Got Out Of?” a co-production of Radu Stanca National Theater and the Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu. Just like the first part of the trilogy, entitled “Antisocial”, the performance titled “#minor”, stage-directed by Bogdan Georgescu tackles education-related issues.

    With details on that, here is director Bogdan Georgescu himself: ”I believe the most important thing is that performances should trigger debates and raise questions we should ask ourselves, also exploring what education means, how we actually run education and where some things stop and others begin…If in Antisocial there are conversations between parents, teachers and pupils, in “#minor” the talk gets a little bit more personal and is held between parent and child. The story revolves around those deeply engrained Romanian mentalities, of the type “I’m the one who gave birth to you, I’m the one who’s going to kill you”, “beating is a gift from heaven” or “spare the rod, spoil the child”. There is also the fact that in Romania even in 2016, physical abuse against children is tolerated and deemed a minor issue, it is even viewed as an education and correction method, which is quite revolting.”

    Just as it happened with “Antisocial”, when the shows were followed by discussions with the audience, “#minor” is followed by talks with those attending. And, just like Antisocial, it will be taken on a nationwide tour.

    Speaking about that, here is stage director Bogdan Georgescu once again: ”This time around, we have invited a psychologist, as some of the topics approached are sensitive. I sort of sensed tension looming, while we were having our discussion with the public in the wake of the premiere we had at the festival. We could sense that the vast majority was directly affected, and either abused someone or were abused at a certain point in their lives. And then, I believe we need to go a lot more gently about that when we moderate the discussion, as we may run the risk of unleashing something that needs to be managed with professionalism.”

    In 2013, as part of the Sibiu International Theater Festival a new project was initiated, Celebrities Alley. Inspired from Walk of Fame, Celebrities Alley has been imagined as an area where personalities are permanently celebrated and acknowledged as having a special contribution to Sibiu’s cultural progress. The likes of Klaus Maria Brandauer, Neil LaBute, Tim Robbins, who is the recipient of the star this year, are friends of the festival and of the theater in Sibiu. Following George Banu, Siviu Purcarete, Gigi Caciuleanu, it was Victor Rebengiuc’s turn to have a star on the Citadel Park Alley in Sibiu. The actor was deeply touched by the apparently never-ending standing ovations.

    Speaking about that, here is Victor Rebengiuc himself: ”I don’t think I am a celebrity, I think of myself as being an actor who compelled recognition as a result of his track record. I know that because, as I walk down the street, people say to me, “My Respects, Victor Rebengiuc! And that, for me, is deeply touching. I am very happy that my work does not go unnoticed. There are other Romanians on Celebrity Alley, such as Silviu Purcărete, George Banu and Gigi Căciuleanu, whom I know, as with Silviu Purcarete I worked for a great many stage performances, George Banu is my friend, we’ve known each other for quite a long time. All of them are theatre legends. I respect them all. Two of them are outstanding stage directors and I’ve seen their work: Christoph Marthaler şi Thomas Ostermeier. I was thinking, when Evgeny Mironov did his talk, how blessed he was to have worked with the world’s greatest stage directors. I also had the chance to work with Romania’s greatest directors, such as of Liviu Ciulei, Lucian Pintilie, Radu Penciulescu, Silviu Purcărete, Yuri Kordonsky, Andrei Şerban, whose name Tim Robbins also mentioned…They were also my mentors.”

    For quite a long time now, George Banu has been a friend of the Sibiu International Theater Festival. Banu teaches Drama at the Sorbonne in Paris and is a three-time winner of the Best Theater Book Award in France. It is also thanks to him that the most important names of European theater are now coming to Sibiu. As for the book launched at the festival this year, Conversations on Theater. The Sibiu International Theater Festival, brought out by Nemira Publishers, it provides a glimpse of the festival as a privileged area for significant encounters and exchange of ideas, also offering an inkling of the stage vision in the case of artists such as Peter Stein, Wajdi Mouawad, Silviu Purcărete and Dragoş Buhagiar.

    George Banu:”This book was thought out following a discussion I had with Constantin Chiriac who said that recordings in Sibiu provide a sizeable capital of theatrical thought. And then I said to myself that it was interesting to see what Peter Stein or Krystian Lupa had to say here in Sibiu. I only spoke to creators whose work is deemed essential for the European stage. And my condition was the condition of the one who knew all of them beforehand. Such a prerequisite was important, to the extent that some sort of mutual trust did exist. You know who you’re talking to. I am extremely interested in what people say, and people sense the interest I share in what they say. That is why I believe the people involved got richer thanks to the talks we had. This book was also born out of the idea that theater people speak better than they write.”

    In the end, here is George Banu once again, this time sharing his impressions about the recently-held edition of the festival: ”We might as well praise the organizers of the festival for the performances in the Great Square which are totally unexpected performances, something that you do not see in the West. And here, Constantin Chiriac’s far-reaching and strategy comes in, about which stage director Eugenio Barba said it laid out the theater’s ecological territory, which means that we get to see stage performances with no great artistic quality, but which are very animated, also creating pure and perfect forms, just like in the Noh Japanese theater, so it is that very contradictory conglomerate that renders the specificity of Constantin Chiriac’s standpoint, which also enables him to address audiences in Sibiu.”