Tag: Sieranevada

  • ”Monştri.”, regizat de Marius Olteanu, câştigă un premiu la Berlin

    ”Monştri.”, regizat de Marius Olteanu, câştigă un premiu la Berlin

    Filmul “Monştri.”, în regia lui Marius Olteanu, a câştigat la cea de-a 69-a ediţie a Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Berlin premiul oferit de cititorii Tagesspiegel (Tagesspiegel Readers Jury Award).

    “Monştri.”, lungmetrajul de debut al regizorului Marius Olteanu, selectat în cadrul secţiunii Forum, considerată cea mai îndrăzneaţă din cadrul Berlinalei, spune povestea Danei (Judith State) şi a lui Arthur (Cristian Popa), doi tineri căsătoriţi de opt ani. Filmul îi urmăreşte de-a lungul a 24 de ore, explorând felul în care o serie de probleme şi întâlniri cu alte persoane îi împinge pe cei doi către finalul relaţiei de cuplu, potrivit www.cineuropa.org.

    Olteanu semnează atât regia, cât şi scenariul peliculei, în a cărei distribuţie îi regăsim pe Judith State (“Sieranevada”), Cristian Popa, Alexandru Potocean şi Şerban Pavlu (“Inimi Cicatrizate”).

  • Timişoara invită la Festivalul de Film Central European

    Timişoara invită la Festivalul de Film Central European

    13 filme în competiţie

    Festivalul de Film Central European (CEFTM) aduce în perioada 3-9 septembrie, la Timișoara, prin intermediul secțiunii competiționale, 13 filme din țări central-europene (Austria, Polonia, Cehia, Slovacia, Ungaria și România) și sud-est europene (Croația, Bosnia și Herțegovina, Serbia, Muntenegru, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Grecia, Albania) ale unor regizori demni de urmărit.

    Poloneza Agnieszka Holland, recunoscută pentru unul dintre cele mai puternice filme despre supraviețuire — Europa, Europa, vine la Timișoara, alături de fiica sa, Kasia Adamik, cu Urma/Spoor (2017). Acestea ecranizează un roman polițist din 2009, încercând să-l situeze în societatea poloneză de azi, puternic divizată.

    Croatul Rajko Grlić, de care ne putem aminti din Secrete bine ascunse, o poveste contemporană imorală şi indiscretă plasată în Zagreb, intră în cursă cu o poveste de dragoste despre ură — Constituția/The Constitution (2016), o comedie despre 4 persoane care locuiesc în aceeași clădire, dar se evită reciproc din cauza diferențelor de avere, a obiceiurilor sexuale, a naționalității și religiei.

    Cristi Puiu, naşul noului val al cinema-ului românesc” și Sieranevada (2016) își continuă periplul prin festivaluri și ajunge la Timișoara, într-o altă postură, aceea de candidat la trofeul CEFFTM.

    Dincolo de competiţie

    Festivalul Filmului Central European Timișoara propune, timp de o săptămână, producții recente din 16 țări, premiate la nivel național și internațional, expoziții, dezbateri, concerte, ateliere de film, spații de proiecție diverse. Intrarea la eveniment este liberă.

  • Les prix Gopo 2017

    Les prix Gopo 2017

    Le long-métrage « Sieranevada », du réalisateur Cristi Puiu, a été le grand gagnant de la 11e édition du Gala des prix Gopo, événement accueilli par le Théâtre national « I.L. Caragiale » de Bucarest. « Sieranevada » s’est adjugé 6 trophées Gopo , récompensant le meilleur film, le meilleur réalisateur, le meilleur scénario, la meilleure actrice dans un rôle principal, la meilleure actrice dans un rôle secondaire et le meilleur montage. Sélectionné dans la compétition officielle de l’édition 2016 du Festival de Cannes, ce quatrième long-métrage de Cristi Puiu a reçu d’excellentes chroniques dans la presse internationale. Pour les journalistes du quotidien britannique « The Guardian », le film « Sieranevada » c’est « de la nourriture pour le cerveau » et son réalisateur peut être considéré comme une des plus fortes voix du cinéma de ce siècle. L’action se passe trois jours après l’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo et quarante jours après la mort du père de Lary, 40 ans, docteur en médecine. Lary devait passer son samedi au sein de la famille réunie à l’occasion de la commémoration du défunt. Pourtant, l’évènement ne se déroule pas comme prévu.

    Voici ce que déclarait lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix Ana Ciontea, celle qui avait remporté le prix de la meilleure actrice dans un rôle secondaire : « Je me rappelle mon premier jour de casting. J’étais terriblement émue. D’ailleurs j’ai été saisie d’émotion tout au long du tournage du film. Je remercie Cristi Puiu, car je me suis retrouvée dans film. Mes remerciements vont aussi à tous mes collègues et aux membres de l’équipe, à ceux qui ont voté pour moi et qui m’ont donné la chance de faire partie de la famille du cinéma roumain. »

    Le réalisateur du film « Sieranevada », Cristi Puiu, distingué des prix du meilleur scénario et de la meilleure mise en scène, a adressé ses remerciements à ses proches et au réalisateur Lucian Pintilie : « Tout d’abord je remercie ma femme, Anca, et mes filles. Quand on est scénariste, on a besoin de silence, de tranquillité, ce dont j’ai bénéficié grâce à ma famille. Et puis je tiens à remercier Lucian Pintilie, pour m’avoir encouragé après avoir lu le scénario que j’avais écrit avec l’écrivain Răzvan Rădulescu et avec lequel j’ai collaboré pour mon film Le Matos et la Thune ».

    Le réalisateur Cristi Puiu a dédié le trophée récompensant sa mise ne scène à l’acteur Sorin Medeleni, décédé avant le lancement du film « Sieranevada ». Toujours à l’occasion de la 11e édition du Gala des prix Gopo, le prix pour l’ensemble de sa carrière artistique est revenu à l’acteur Valentin Uritescu. Durant les 50 années d’activité théâtrale et cinématographique, Valentin Uritescu a interprété nombre de rôles secondaires, dont le sergent de police Şaptefraţi, de la série télévisée « Ombres et lumières », du réalisateur Andrei Blaier, personnage qui réapparaît dans le film « En première ligne », réalisé par Sergiu Nicolaescu, ou encore Vasile, du long-métrage « Concours », portant la signature de Dan Piţa.

    Diplômé de l’Institut d’art théâtral et cinématographique « I.L. Caragiale », en 1963, Valentin Uritescu est monté sur les planches du Théâtre « Maria Filotti » de Brăila. 5 ans plus tard, il jouait au Théâtre de la jeunesse de Piatra Neamţ. Les 13 ans qu’il y a passés, il les considère comme la période la plus importante de sa vie. Le célèbre metteur en scène Liviu Ciulei ayant remarqué son talent, Valentin Uritescu est demandé par le Théâtre Bulandra de Bucarest. En 2011, il fait son début dans la littérature, avec son volume autobiographique intitulé « L’idiot, c’est moi! ». Deux ans plus tard, il publie aux éditions Humanitas un livre de souvenirs dédié à son père, sous le titre « Prends soin du meilleur de toi-même ». Enfin, en 2016, il lançait le volume de mémoires « Hanté par les vies des autres ».

    Voici un extrait du discours prononcé par Valentin Uritescu lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix Gopo : « J’étais étudiant en première année quand j’ai fait mon début dans la cinématographie, plus précisément, dans le film de Ion Popescu Gopo On a volé une bombe. Je n’y avais qu’une réplique: Allons-y. 50 ans se sont écoulés depuis lors, pendant lesquels j’ai joué plusieurs dizaines de rôles dans des films et des pièces de théâtre. Dans mon troisième livre, Hanté par les vies des autres, je parle justement de tous les personnages que j’ai incarnés et qui m’ont hanté. Je vous remercie pour ce prix et pour les félicitations. »

    Enfin, le long-métrage de début de Bogdan Mirică a gagné 5 trophées au Gala des Prix Gopo, y compris dans les catégories « meilleur acteur dans un rôle secondaire » (Vlad Ivanov) et « meilleur acteur dans un rôle principal ». Ces deux derniers prix sont allés à Vlad Ivanov et Gheorghe Visu. 21 films ont été lancés en 2016. Deux d’entre eux ont eu plus de 100.000 spectateurs et plus de 2 millions de lei de recettes, ce qui leur a valu le prix du public. Il s’agit de « #Selfie69 » et de « Deux lots ». (Trad. Mariana Tudose)

  • 2017 Gopo Awards Gala

    2017 Gopo Awards Gala

    The feature film Sieranevada directed by Cristi Puiu
    was the big winner at the 11th edition of the Gopo Awards Gala, an
    event venued by the I.L.Caragiale National Theatre of Bucharest. Sieranevada won 6 Gopo awards for best
    film, best director, best script, best actress in a lead role, best actress in
    a supporting role and best editing. Selected in the official competition of the
    2016 Cannes Film Festival, Cristi Puiu’s forth feature film has been well
    received by the international media.

    The British newspaper The Guardian
    described Sieranevada as food for thought, while its author was deemed as
    one of the most influential cinematic voices of the century. The film’s
    action is theatrically set mainly in one modest Romanian apartment where a
    large family has gathered for something between a memorial service and a wake
    for Emil, who has just died. The film focuses on his eldest son Lary (Mimu
    Branescu), a harassed, bearded, overweight doctor who turns up for the party
    having just had a huge row with his wife about getting his daughter the wrong
    Disney costume for her school play.

    The family
    gathering does not unfold as expected. Ana Ciontea, who got the award for best
    actress in a supporting role, said upon receiving the award:

    I remember the day when I auditioned for
    this role. I was extremely nervous. I continued to feel that way throughout the
    entire film. I want to thank Cristi Puiu, as I found myself in his film.
    Sieranevada is family to me. I also want to thank each of my colleagues and
    crew members, all those who voted me and gave me the opportunity to be part of
    the large family of Romanian cinema.

    In his turn, director Cristi Puiu, who also won the awards
    for best director and best script, thanked his family and director Lucian

    First of all, I want to thank my wife Anca
    and my girls. It’s difficult to be a scriptwriter because this requires peace
    of mind and I have this at home. I also thank Lucian Pintilie, because back in
    1999 he read the script that I wrote with writer Razvan Radulescu, the script
    that I later turned into film, and he encouraged me. I felt encouraged and kept
    on writing. I want to thank you as well.

    Director Cristi Puiu dedicated the award for best
    director to actor Sorin Medeleni, who was part of the cast but who died before
    the film was released.

    Valentin Uritescu, aged 75, received a lifetime achievement award. Boasting an
    over 50-year long career in theatre and film, Valentin Uritescu has played a
    wide range of supporting roles such as Sergeant Saptefrati in the TV series
    Lights and Shadows directed by Andrei Blaier, the same character in Sergiu
    Nicolaescu’s feature We, on the Front Lines, or Vasile in the film The
    Contest directed by Dan Pita. A graduate of the Ion Luca Caragiale Institute
    of Theatre and Cinema in Bucharest in 1963, he was hired by the Maria Filotti
    Theatre in Braila, Eastern Romania, and five years later, he moved to the Youth
    Theatre in Piatra Neamt, Eastern Romania. He was an actor at that theatre for
    13 years, which he deems as the most important period of his life.

    After he
    had been singled out by stage director Liviu Ciulei, Valentin Uritescu
    performed in the productions of the Bulandra Theatre in Bucharest. His maiden
    autobiographical volume That’s What I Am, a Fool was launched by Humanitas
    Publishers in 2011. Two years later, his book of memoirs devoted to his father
    and entitled Take Care of Your Good Nature was brought out by the same
    publishing-house. In 2016, the artist’s book of memoirs Haunted by Other
    People’s Lives was launched by Ars Docendi Publishers.

    Here is what Valentin
    Uritescu said at the 11th Gopo Awards Gala:

    I was a first-year student when I made my
    debut in the film A Bomb Has Been Stolen by Ion Popescu Gopo. I uttered just
    one line: Let’s go!. It’s been over 50 years ever since and I have played
    dozens of film and theatre roles. My third book titled Haunted by Other People’s
    Lives features all the characters that I played and haunted me. As I’ve just
    said, it’s been over 50 years since I made my debut in Gopo’s film and now,
    with this award, Gopo has returned to me. Let me thank those who sent him to me
    and let me thank you, who reward me with your applause and congratulate me 50 years after my debut.

    Bogdan Mirica’s debut feature was awarded five Gopo
    trophies, including the best supporting actor award, which went to Vlad Ivanov,
    and the best actor award won by Gheorghe Visu. 21 films were launched in 2016;
    two of them, the blockbusters Selfie69 and Two Lottery Tickets were seen by
    over 100,000 spectators and had over 2 million lei worth of returns, receiving
    the audience award at the Gopo Awards Gala.

  • Rumänische Filmpreisgala „Gopo“: Regisseur Cristi Puiu sechsfach ausgezeichnet

    Rumänische Filmpreisgala „Gopo“: Regisseur Cristi Puiu sechsfach ausgezeichnet

    Die Gewinner der 11. Gala der Gopo-Filmpreise stehen fest: der gro‎ße Gewinner hei‎ßt Sieranevada“ in der Regie von Cristi Puiu. Bei der Gala, die im Bukarester Nationaltheater stattfand, wurde Sieranevada“ sechsmal ausgezeichnet. Der Streifen ging in den Kategorien Bester Film“, Bester Regisseur“, Bestes Drehbuch“, Beste Hauptdarstellerin“, Beste Nebendarstellerin“ und Beste Bildmontage“ als klarer Sieger hervor. Der vierte Spielfilm von Cristi Puiu tritt auch im Hauptwettbewerb der Filmfestspiele in Cannes an und erhielt gute Bewertungen in der internationalen Fachpresse. Als Nahrung für Geist und Gemüt“ bezeichnete die britische Tageszeitung The Guardian“ die rumänische Produktion, während Cristi Puiu als eine der stärksten Stimmen der Filmkunst dieses Jahrhunderts gilt.

    Die Handlung spielt nur drei Tage nach dem Terroranschlag auf Charlie Hebdo und vierzig Tage nach dem Tod des Vaters der Hauptfigur Lary. Somit entscheidet sich der vierzigjährige Arzt, zusammen mit seiner jungen Frau einen Tag inmitten seiner Familie zu verbringen, die für die Gedenkfeier an den verstorbenen Vater zusammenkommt. Die Ereignisse verlaufen aber anders als erwartet. Ana Ciontea wurde für ihre Leistung im Spielfilm von Cristi Puiu mit dem Preis für die beste Nebendarstellerin ausgezeichnet. Über ihre Erfahrung mit den Dreharbeiten sagte die Schauspielerin:

    Am ersten Tag war ich bei der Rollenverteilung sehr aufgeregt. Die Aufregung konnte ich in den nächsten Tagen und bei den Dreharbeiten auch nicht loswerden. Ich danke dem Regisseur Cristi Puiu, weil ich mich in diesem Film wiedergefunden habe, »Sieranevada« ist für mich meine Familie. Ich danke jedem Kollegen und Teammitglied, weil sie mir die gro‎ßartige Chance gegeben haben, Teil der Familie des rumänischen Kinos zu werden.“

    Der Regisseur Cristi Puiu, der auf der Gala der Gopo-Preise für Regie und Drehbuch ausgezeichnet wurde, dankte dabei seiner Familie und dem Regisseur Lucian Pintilie:

    Ich möchte in erster Linie meiner Ehefrau Anca und meinen Töchtern für ihre Unterstützung danken. Drehbuchautor zu sein, ist schwer, man braucht Ruhe und ich genie‎ße diese Chance, in Ruhe arbeiten zu können. Ich danke herzlich auch dem Regisseur Lucian Pintilie, weil er im Jahr 1999 das Drehbuch gelesen hat, das ich damals zusammen mit dem Schriftsteller Răzvan Rădulescu geschrieben hatte, auf dem der Film »Marfa şi banii« (»Koks und Kohle«) beruht. Das hat mir den Mut gegeben, als Drehbuchautor weiter zu machen. Also: Ich danke euch allen ganz herzlich.“

    Der Filmemacher Cristi Puiu hat die Gopo-Trophäe für Regie dem Schauspieler Sorin Medeleni gewidmet, der verstorben ist, bevor der Film seine Premiere feierte.

    Mit dem Preis für hervorragende Leistungen in der gesamten Karriere wurde auf der Gopo-Gala der Darsteller Valentin Uritescu geehrt. Mit einer 50-jährigen Erfahrung in der Welt des Theaters und des Films verkörperte Uritescu zahlreiche und vielfältige Figuren — darunter den Feldwebel Şaptefraţi in der TV-Serie Lumini şi umbre“ (Lichter und Schatten“) in der Regie von Andrei Blaier, dieselbe Gestalt verkörperte der Darsteller in der Folgeserie Noi, cei din linia întâi“ (Wir in der ersten Frontlinie“) des Regisseurs Sergiu Nicolaescu sowie Vasile im Spielfilm Concurs“ (Wettbewerb“) in der Regie von Dan Piţa.

    Valentin Uritescu absolvierte das Theater-und Filmkunstinstitut I.L. Caragiale“ im Jahr 1963, im Anschluss trat er auf die Bühne des Theaters Maria Filotti“ im südostrumänischen Brăila, fünf Jahre später wurde er am Jugendtheater in Piatra Neamţ angestellt. Die dreizehn Jahre, die er auf der Bühne des Jugendtheaters verbrachte, seien die wichtisgte Zeit seines Lebens“, sagt der Darsteller. Der Regisseur Liviu Ciulei bemerkte schnell seine Begabung und bot ihm infolgedessen die Möglichkeit, sich dem berühmten Bukarester Theater Bulandra anzuschlie‎ßen.

    2011 gab Valentin Uritescu sein Debüt in der Literaturwelt mit der Autobiographie Aşa sunt eu, prost!“ (So bin ich nun mal: dumm“), zwei Jahre später erschien im Verlag Humanitas sein zweites Buch, Să ai grijă de cel bun din tine“ (Pass auf das Gute in dir auf“), ein Erinnerungsbuch, das der Darsteller seinem Vater widmete. Voriges Jahr erschienen seine Memoiren unter dem Titel Bântuit de vieţilor altora“ (Vom Leben der Anderen heimgesucht) im Verlag Ars Docendi. Bei der 11. Gala der Gopo-Preise sagte Valentin Uritescu:

    Mein Filmdebüt gab ich im ersten Studiumsjahr mit dem Streifen von Ion Popescu Gopo »S-a furat o bombă« (»Eine Bombe wurde gestohlen«). Meine ganze Leistung im Film bestand aus einem einzigen Satz: ‚Los gehen wir!‘. Was ich tun sollte, war mit der ganzen Gruppe, die ich so vor der Kamera anregte, von der linken zur rechten Seite zu gehen. 50 Jahre sind seitdem vergangen und in dieser Zeit habe ich zahlreiche Film- und Theaterrollen verkörpert. Mein drittes Buch hei‎ßt »Vom Leben der Anderen heimgesucht« und es dreht sich um alle Figuren, die ich geschaffen oder verkörpert habe und die mich heimgesucht haben. Ich danke allen, die mir diese Trophäe gegeben haben, und ich danke Ihnen, dass Sie mich 50 Jahre nach meinem Filmdebüt mit einem Gopo-Preis ehren.“

    Der Debüt-Spielfilm Câini“ (Hunde“) von Bogdan Mirică wurde mit fünf Gopo-Preisen ausgezeichnet. Vlad Ivanov erhielt den Preis für den besten Nebendarsteller und Gheorghe Visu wurde als bester Hauptdarsteller geehrt. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden 21 rumänische Filme produziert, zwei davon gelten mit gro‎ßen Besucherzahlen (100.000 Zuschauer) als Box-office-Erfolge: #Selfie69“ und Două lozuri“ (Zwei Lose“).

  • Premiile Gopo 2017

    Premiile Gopo 2017

    Lungmetrajul “Sieranevada”, de Cristi Puiu, a fost marele câştigător al celei de-a 11-a ediţii a Galei Premiilor Gopo, eveniment care a avut loc la Teatrul Naţional “I.L. Caragiale” din Bucureşti. “Sieranevada” a obţinut 6 trofee Gopo, pentru “cel mai bun film”, “cel mai bun regizor”, “cel mai bun scenariu”, “cea mai bună actriţă în rol principal”, “cea mai bună actriţă în rol secundar” şi “cel mai bun montaj”. Selectat în competiţia oficială a ediţiei din 2016 a Festivalului de la Cannes, cel de-al patrulea lungmetraj al lui Cristi Puiu a fost primit cu cronici laudative în presa internaţională. “Sieranevada” a fost numită în The Guardian “hrană pentru creier”, iar autorul lui considerat una din cele mai puternice voci cinematografice ale secolului .

    Acţiunea din “Sieranevada” are loc la trei zile de la atentatul din redacţia publicaţiei pariziene Charlie Hebdo şi la patruzeci de zile de la moartea tatălui lui Lary, un medic trecut de 40 de ani. Este şi ziua când Lary, urmează să îşi petreacă ziua de sâmbătă însoţit de tânăra lui soţie, în mijlocul familiei reunite cu ocazia comemorării celui dispărut. Evenimentul, însă, nu se derulează conform aşteptărilor. Ana Ciontea, considerată cea mai bună actriţă într-un rol secundar pentru “Sieranevada”, a declarat pe scena Teatrului Naţional. Track:”Mi-aduc aminte prima zi de casting , când am avut nişte emoţii groaznice, emoţii care nu m-au părăsit pe toată durata filmărilor. Îi mulţumesc lui Cristi Puiu pentru că m-am regăsit în filmul pe care el l-a făcut, Sieranevada e petnru mine familie. Şi le mulţumesc fiecăruia în parte, colegilor mei şi membrilor echipei, de asemenea, le mulţumesc celor care m-au votat şi mi-au dat şansa să fac parte din familia filmului românesc.”

    Regizorul Cristi Puiu, premiat pentru scenariul şi regia filmului “Sieranevada”, a mulţumit familiei sale şi regizorului Lucian Pintilie. “În primul rând soţiei mele, Anca, şi fetelor mele le mulţumesc. Este greu să fii scenarist, ai nevoie de linişte, şi eu am această şansă, de a fi lăsat în pace. Îi mulţumesc şi lui Lucian Pintilie, pentru că în 1999 a citit scenariul pe care-l scrisesem atunci cu scriitorul Răzvan Rădulescu, scenariul care a stat la baza filmului Marfa şi banii,şi mi-a dat curaj. Atunci s-a întâmplat să prind curaj şi să continui să scriu. Deci, mulţumesc. Şi vă mulţumesc şi dvs.”

    Regizorul Cristi Puiu a dedicat trofeul primit pentru regie actorului Sorin Medeleni, care a murit înainte ca pelicula “Sieranevada” să fie lansată.

    La cea de-a XI-a ediţie a Galei Premiilor Gopo, care a avut loc la Teatrul Naţional, premiul pentru întreaga activitate i-a fost înmânat actorului Valentin Uritescu. Cu o experienţă de peste 50 de ani în teatru şi film, Valentin Uritescu, a dat viaţă unor nenumărate roluri secundare, pe cât de diversificate, pe atât de ofertante precum Sergentul Şaptefraţi din serialul TV “Lumini şi umbre” semnat de Andrei Blaier, personaj continuat ulterior în “Noi, cei din linia întâi” în regia lui Sergiu Nicolaescu, Vasile din “Concurs” (regia Dan Piţa). Absolvent al promoţiei 1963 a Institutului de Artă Teatrală şi Cinematografică “I.L. Caragiale”, a ales scena Teatrului “Maria Filotti” din Brăila, pentru ca, după cinci ani, să se angajeze la Teatrul Tineretului din Piatra Neamţ.

    Cei 13 ani petrecuţi pe scena acestui teatru sunt “cea mai importantă perioadă a vieţii sale”. După ce a fost remarcat de Liviu Ciulei, Valentin Uritescu a avut o intensă activitate teatrală în spectacolele de pe scena Teatrului Bulandra. În 2011, Valentin Uritescu debutează în lumea literară cu volumul autobiografic “Aşa sunt eu, prost!”, iar doi ani mai târziu continuă cu “Să ai grijă de cel bun din tine”, cartea de amintiri dedicată tatălui său, ambele apărute la Editura Humanitas. Anul trecut, artistul a lansat şi volumul “Bântuit de vieţilor altora”, memorii apărute la Editura Ars Docendi.

    Valentin Uritescu la cea de-a 11-a ediţie a Galei Premiilor Gopo: “Eram în anul întâi de facultate, când am debutat în cinematografie în filmul S-a furat o bombă“, film făcut de Ion Popescu Gogo. Aveam o singură replică, o singură propoziţie, “Să mergem!”. Şi treceam cu grupul respectiv căruia îi adresam acest îndemn de la stânga la dreapta cadrului. Au trecut de atunci peste 50 de ani, am făcut zeci de roluri în cinema şi în teatru. A treia carte pe care am scris-o se intitulează Bântuit de vieţile altora“, este vorba de toate personajele pe care le-am creat şi care m-au bântuit. Cum spuneam, au trecut peste 50 de ani de la debutul meu în cinematografie şi acum, uite, Gopo a revenit la mine. Le mulţumesc celor care mi l-au trimis şi vă mulţumesc şi dvs. care mă răsplătiţi cu aplauze şi mă felicitaţi după 50 de ani de la debut.”

    Lungmetrajul de debut al lui Bogdan Mirică a primit cinci trofee la Gala Premiilor Gopo, inclusiv la categoriile “cel mai bun actor într-un rol secundar” (Vlad Ivanov) şi “cel mai bun actor într-un rol principal” (Gheorghe Visu). Un număr de 21 de filme au fost lansate în 2016, iar două dintre ele au avut peste 100.000 de spectatori şi încasări de peste 2 milioane de lei, primind astfel premiul publicului la gala Gopo – “#Selfie69” şi “Două lozuri”.

  • „Sieranevada” și „Câini”, marii câștigători la PREMIILE GOPO 2017

    „Sieranevada” și „Câini”, marii câștigători la PREMIILE GOPO 2017

    Peste 900 de invitați au participat aseară, în Sala Mare a
    Teatrului Național București Ion Luca Caragiale, la cea de-a XI-a ediție a
    Galei Premiilor Gopo.

    Evenimentul a fost transmis în direct pe TVR 2, TVR 3, TVR HD
    dar și la Radio România Cultural.

    Dana Dogaru, Medeea Marinescu, Rodica Lazăr, Alina Grigore
    (nominalizate la categoria Cea mai bună actriță în rol principal), Vlad
    Ivanov, Petru Ciubotaru (nominalizați la categoria Cel mai bun actor în rol
    secundar), Florin Piersic Jr, Diana Cavallioti, Dorian Boguță, Margareta
    Pâslaru, Adelin Petrișor, Ana Ularu, Alec Secăreanu, Ada Galeș, Claudiu Bleonț,
    Magda Catone, Constantin Cotimanis, Rona Hartner, Smiley, Bromania sunt doar
    câțiva dintre invitații care au pășit pe covorul roșu din centrul capitalei.

    Sieranevada, filmul cu cele mai multe nominalizări, și-a
    adjudecat șase statuete, printre care cele mai importante trofee ale serii:
    Cel mai bun film, Cel mai bun regizor (Cristi Puiu), premiu oferit de Banca
    Transilvania, Cel mai bun scenariu (Cristi Puiu), Cea mai bună actriță în
    rol principal, premiu
    oferit de Aqua Carpatica (Dana Dogaru), Cea mai bună actriță în rol secundar (Ana
    Ciontea) și Cel mai bun montaj (Letiția Ștefănescu, Ciprian Cimpoi).

    Șase trofee Gopo a câștigat și Câini, filmul regizat de Bogdan
    Mirică: Premiul pentru cel mai bun film de debut, Premiul pentru cel mai bun
    actor în rol principal, premiu
    oferit de Audi România, (Gheorghe Visu), Premiul pentru cel mai bun actor în rol
    secundar (Vlad Ivanov), Premiul pentru cea mai bună imagine (Andrei Butică),
    Premiul pentru cea mai bună muzică originală (Codrin Lazăr, Sorin Romanescu),
    Premiul pentru cel mai bun sunet (Sam Cohen, Sebastian Zsemlye, Herve

    Un trofeu Gopo pentru Cea mai bună imagine, acordat lui Marius
    Panduru, a fost adjudecat și de pelicula Inimi cicatrizate. Filmul lui Radu
    Jude a mai câștigat alte trei statuete la categoriile: Cele mai bune decoruri
    (Cristian Niculescu), Cele mai bune costume (Dana Păpăruz) și Cel mai bun
    machiaj și cea mai bună coafură, premiu oferit
    de MAC Cosmetics România (Bianca Boeroiu și Domnica Bodogan).

    Doar o răsuflare,
    filmul regizat de Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan, a câștigat trofeul pentru Cel mai
    bun documentar iar premiul pentru Cel mai bun scurtmetraj a fost câșțigat de
    4:15 P.M. Sfârșitul lumii (regia Cătălin Rotaru, Carmen Virginia Șarga).

    Trofeul Tânără Speranță
    a fost câștigat de producătoarea filmului Ilegitim, Anamaria Antoci.

    La categoria Cel
    mai bun film european, voturile profesioniștilor din cinematografie și
    ale criticilor de film au mers către
    Fiul lui Saul/ Saul Fia, distribuit în România de Transilvania

    Momente memorabile, atât
    pe covorul roşu, cât şi în cadrul Galei, au fost prilejuite de câştigătorii
    Premiilor Gopo pentru Întreaga Activitate (Valentin Uritescu) dar și Întreaga Carieră oferit de Primăria Municipiului București prin Creart (Ion Dichiseanu). Un premiu special i-a
    fost oferit și pirotehnistului Constantin Petre.

    Premiul publicului
    oferit de Carrefour România, pentru filmul românesc cu cel mai mare succes de
    box office în 2016, a fost împărțit de lungmetrajele: #Selfie69 (regia
    Cristina Iacob) și Două lozuri (regia Paul Negoescu).

    Gala Premiilor Gopo 2017 – ediția
    a 11-a a
    fost organizată de Asociaţia pentru Promovarea Filmului Românesc, cu
    sprijinul Centrului Naţional al Cinematografiei și Babel Communications.

  • Rumänisches Kino zeigt starke Präsenz bei internationalen Filmfestivals

    Rumänisches Kino zeigt starke Präsenz bei internationalen Filmfestivals

    Der rumänische Regisseur Cristi Puiu wurde auf dem 28. Internationalen Filmfestival in Triest für seine Produktion Sieranevada” mit dem Filmpreis Zentraleuropäischer Initiative ausgezeichnet. Der Preis ging dieses Jahr, laut Organisatoren, an einen Filmemacher, der die aktuelle Realität Europas und den interkulturellen Dialog interpretiert. Cristi Puiu schildert in allen seinen Filmen die aktuelle Realität Rumäniens voller Ironie, betonen anschlie‎ßend die Organisatoren. Der rumänische Regisseur war zusammen mit dem russischen Filmemacher Vitaly Mansky Ehrengast der Festspiele in Triest.

    Einen Preis ging auf dem 28. Internationalen Filmfestival auch an den rumänischen Filmemacher Adrian Silişteanu, dessen Kurzfilm Scris/nescris” (Geschrieben/Ungeschrieben”) beim Filmfestival in Triest lief. Sieranevada” wurde 42 Tage lang gefilmt und verfügte über ein Budget von 1,4 Millionen Euro. Der vierte Spielfilm von Cristi Puiu erzählt von einem Familientreffen zu Ehren des verstorbenen Vaters, 40 Tage nach seinem Tod. Dabei wird es trotzdem zu wenig über den Verstorbeben gesprochen. Wie der Regisseur erzählte, Ausgangspunkt der Produktion sei eine persönliche Erfahrung, das Familientreffen zum Gedenken seines verstorbenen Vaters. “Es ging nicht um die erste Gedenkfeier, an der ich teilnahm, vorher waren auch meine Gro‎ßeltern und andere Menschen in meinem Leben gestorben, es war aber zum ersten Mal, als ich mich von der Situation überwältigt fühlte. Wenn es dem anderen passiert, kann man es verstehen, als es mir passierte, verstand ich hingegen wiklich nicht”, sagte Cristi Puiu.

    Für manche Filmkritiker gilt die Produktion von Cristi Puiu als einer der besten rumänischen Filme. Der Streifen, der mit der Ausnahme zweier Szenen, in einer Bukarester Wohnung gefilmt wurde, beeindruckt nicht durch seine Handlung, sondern durch Bild und Dialog. Während Sieranevada” einen gro‎ßen Erfolg in Europa genie‎ßt, tritt eine rumänische Filmproduzentin im Kampf um einen Oscar in der Kategorie Bester fremdsprachiger Film” an. Es handelt sich um Ada Solomon — Koproduzentin des Spielfilms Toni Erdmann”. In der Tragikomödie der deutschen Regisseurin Maren Ade, die in Rumänien gedreht wurde, geht es um eine Vater-Tochter Beziehung. Der Film erzählt die Geschichte eines exzentrischen Vaters, der ihre Karrieretochter, die in Bukarest arbeitet, bei einem Überraschungsbesuch mit schlechten Witzen ständig nervt.

  • Romanian Filmmakers in Competitions

    Romanian Filmmakers in Competitions

    Romanian director
    Cristi Puiu has recently received the 2017 Central European Initiative Award
    for his film Sieranevada, at the 28th edition of the
    Trieste International Film Festival. The trophy has been awarded to a
    cinematographer capable of interpreting
    contemporary European reality and cross-culture dialogue, for the irony with
    which he presents the realities of present-day Romania, in his entire work, the
    organisers say. Cristi Puiu was the honorary guest of the festival, alongside
    the Russian director Vitaly Mansky.

    Another prize in Trieste
    went to the Romanian director Adrian Silişteanu, who ran in the competition
    with the short film Written/Unwritten.

    in a digital format, in 42 days, and having a budget of over 1.4 million Euros,
    is Cristian Puiu’s forth feature film. It describes the reunion of a family,
    meeting in a small apartment to celebrate the 40-day memorial of their deceased
    father, who is however hardly ever mentioned by the family members. The director actually confessed
    that the whole idea of the film emerged from his personal experience, after he
    attended his father’s memorial meal. It was not the first such memorial meal
    that I attended, because my grandparents and other significant people in my
    life had passed away, but it was for the first time that I was overwhelmed by
    the situation. When this happens to others, you
    look at the situation considerately. When it happens to you, you don’t
    understand anything, Cristi Puiu said.

    of the best films in Romanian cinematography by far, boasting impressive
    photography and outstanding lifelike and sharp dialogues, Sieranevada was filmed
    exclusively in an apartment, except for two outdoor scenes. To render the film
    authentic, Cristi Puiu chose an apartment in a block of flats in Bucharest,
    which in reality had been inhabited by an old man who had passed away shortly
    before the shooting, a film aficionado, as his descendents later told

    If Sieranevada enjoys
    great success in Europe, across the ocean, in the US, another Romanian
    film-maker has entered the race for the Oscars, to be awarded in February. Ada
    Solomon is the co-producer of a feature film titled Toni Erdmann, directed by the German Maren Ade,
    running in the best foreign film category. Filmed in Romania for the most
    part, Toni Erdmann tells the story of an eccentric father, a
    retired teacher of music, always making jokes, who decides to pay a surprise
    visit to his daughter, an extremely determined, career-oriented woman, who is
    involved in an important project developed by a Bucharest-based company.

  • November 13, 2016 UPDATE

    November 13, 2016 UPDATE

    FOREIGN POLICY – Romanian foreign minister, Lazar Comanescu, on Monday will attend the Foreign Affairs
    Council meeting, alongside his EU counterparts. The agenda of the meeting,
    hosted by Brussels, covers such issues as the situation in Turkey, the Eastern
    Partnership, the developments in the Southern Neighbourhood, with special
    emphasis being laid on the Syrian file. The stage of implementing the EU Global
    Strategy for Common Foreign and Security Policy will be approached during a
    common session of the EU foreign and defence ministers, on the same day. On the
    sidelines of the Council, the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and
    Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, on Sunday initiated an informal talk
    between the foreign ministers, including Lazar Comanescu, on the trans-Atlantic

    NATO – NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, has launched a warning to
    the US President elect, Donald Trump, saying going alone is not an
    advantageous option, either for Europe or for the US. In an article carried by
    the British paper The Observer, NATO Secretary General, Jens
    Stoltenberg, said the West is facing one of the biggest security challenges in
    the past decades. During his electoral campaign, Donald Trump argued NATO is
    anachronistic and suggested that Washington will think twice whether it helps
    or not a NATO ally which comes under attack, if the respective ally hasn’t paid
    its contribution. News agencies recall that some 70% of NATO’s current spending
    is covered by the US, but the American leaders have always admitted to taking a
    high interest in maintaining a stable and safe Europe.

    COMMEMORATION– French President Francois Hollande
    on Sunday unveiled several commemorative plates in memory of the 130 people
    killed in the terror attacks carried out by Islamist militants in Paris, a year
    ago. President Hollande and
    the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, unveiled a commemorative plate while the name
    of the victims were read out. On November 13, 2015 Paris was in shock after gunmen opened fire
    randomly in the streets and blew themselves up. The largest number of victims,
    90, were registered at Bataclan Concert Hall, and the rest of victims died in cafes,
    on sidewalks and restaurant terraces in Paris.

    ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN – The electoral campaign for the parliamentary elections
    scheduled for December 11, started in Romania on Friday. Some 6,500 people are
    running, on behalf of parties or as independent candidates, for the 466 seats
    in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. This
    election, the list system has been reinstated; the last time it was used was in
    the 2004 elections. The parties credited with chances of going past the
    required threshold to be represented in parliament are: PSD, PNL, USR, ALDE, UDMR and PMP.

    FILMRomanian films Sieranevada by Cristi Puiu and Baccalaureate by Cristian Mungiu have reaped a lot of awards at the Listapad, International Film Festival hosted by the Belarusian capital, Minsk, between November 4 and 11. They included: the film press award (Sieranevada), the Yury Marukhin memorial award for best cinematography (Barbu Balasoiu/ Sieranevada), the special jury award (Baccalaureate), the award for best actress in a supporting role (Lia Bugnar/ Baccalaureate) and the award for best actor in a leading role (Adrian Titieni/ Baccalaureate).

    RUGBYRomania’s national rugby team on Saturday defeated the US, 23-10, in a test match played in Bucharest. The winner grabbed the Pershing Cup. This is a trophy initiated in 2014 and offered ever since by the Romanian Rugby Federation to the winner of the confrontations between Romania and the US, in remembrance of the match played during the Military Olympics of 1919, the Inter-Allied Games, organised by the commander in chief of the US Expeditionary Force in Europe, General John Joseph Pershing, to mark the end of WWI. The next preparatory game of the Romanian national rugby team is scheduled for Saturday, when Romania meets Canada in Bucharest.

    A wave of cold has taken most Romanian regions in its grip. In the following
    period of time, the weather will continue to be particularly cold for this time
    of the year. The sky will be overcast and precipitations are likely to fall across
    the entire territory. Snowfalls and gusty wind are further forecast in the
    mountains and in the north. Meteorologists have issued a code yellow alert
    against gale-force wind valid for Eastern Romania until Monday noon.
    Temperatures will drop below zero, down to minus 10 degrees Celsius in places.
    Gale force wind and snow produced havoc on Sunday, in several regions,
    particularly in the mountains and in the northeast. Bad weather conditions
    disrupted electricity in several counties, with a considerable impact on air
    traffic and the sea and river ports’ activity. (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • November 13, 2016

    November 13, 2016

    REP. OF MOLDOVA — Pro-Russian Socialist Igor Dodon and pro-European reformer Maia Sandu face off in the presidential run-off in the Republic of Moldova, a former Soviet state, with a predominantly Romanian speaking population. About three million voters are called to the polls to elect their president through direct voting, for the first time in 16 years, time in which the head of state was appointed by Parliament. According to the media in Chishinau, although the president’s prerogatives are limited in the former Soviet republic to foreign policy and national security, Moldovans hope their future president will also be able to solve the social and economic problems the country is facing. Pundits say the ballot has a political stake, as well as geopolitical implications. Dodon wants Moldova to relinquish accession and free trade agreements with Brussels and join the Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan Union, whereas Sandu pleads for reforming the state and European integration. In the first round, Igor Dodon got 48% of the cast votes, whereas Maia Sandu got 39%. The turnout in the first round stood at some 49%, a record low in the history of the Republic of Moldova, since elections were held in that country.

    FOREIGN POLICY — The EU foreign ministers are today meeting in Brussels for talks on the impact the results of the US presidential election might have on trans-Atlantic relations. The European leaders are concerned about the future of the relations with the US, after the US President elect, Donald Trump, has repeatedly said he places America on the first place. “It’s good for Europe to be pro-active and do not wait for President Trump’s reaction”, said Dutch foreign minister, Bert Koenders. The meeting in Brussels is held at the initiative of Germany and the Netherlands.

    COMMEMORATION — French President Francois Hollande has today opened the ceremonies marking one year since the Paris terror attacks of November 13, 2015, unveiling a commemorative sign at Stade de France, in northern Paris, where the first of the 130 victims was killed by Jihadists, FP reports. The Bataclan Concert Hall in Paris reopened on Saturday, one year after the attacks claimed by the Islamic State organisation. On November 13, 2015 Paris was in shock after gunmen opened fire randomly in the streets and blew themselves up. The largest number of victims, 90, were registered at Bataclan, and the rest of victims died in cafes, on sidewalks and restaurant terraces in Paris.

    PROTESTS — Protests which started in thousands of towns and cities across the US, at the news of Republican Donald Trump’s winning the presidential election, continued on Saturday, for the fourth consecutive day. Representatives of the protesters say they are aware of the fact that what they say and their taking to the streets do not reverse the result of the presidential ballot, but they want to draw attention on their discontent about the future White House leader. They want to raise public awareness of the main issues raised during Trump’s electoral campaign which included defamatory remarks on women, up to threats of building a wall between the US and Mexico to keep migrants away.

    ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN — The electoral campaign for the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 11, started in Romania on Friday. Some 6,500 people are running, on behalf of parties or as independent candidates, for the 466 seats in the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. This election, the list system has been reinstated; the last time it was used was in the 2004 elections. The parties credited with chances of going past the required threshold to be represented in parliament are: PSD, PNL, USR, ALDE, UDMR and PMP.

    BULGARIA — Bulgarian voters are called to the polls today to elect their president, in the presidential run-off. The vote might also entail the removal of Conservative PM, Boiko Borisov, in case of a victory by the Socialist candidate, Rumen Radev, considered to have close relations with Moscow, FP reports. Some 6.8 million voters will choose between Tsetska Tsacheva, the candidate of the conservative Gerb Party, in power, and pro-Russian general Rumen Radev, who had been the commander of the Bulgarian Air Forces until summer, when he accepted to become the Socialists’ presidential candidate. According to the latest polls, Radev is the frontrunner, especially after the big surprise of November 6, when he got 3 percentage points more than the candidate of the majority, criticised for a lack of charisma.

    WEATHER — A wave of cold has taken most Romanian regions in its grip, except for the southeast where temperatures are close to normal for this time of the year. The sky is overcast and precipitations are reported across the whole territory. Rainwater exceeds 20-25 l/square meter in the west, south-west, centre, north and north-east, and even 50- 60 l/square meter in places. Snowfalls are reported in the mountains and in the north, where gusty wind is also reported. A code yellow alert against precipitations and gale-force wind is valid for almost the whole of Romania, as well as a code orange alert against blizzard valid for 14 counties in the centre and the north. Both codes are valid until Sunday evening. The highs of the day range between 0 and plus 10 degrees Celsius.

    RUGBY — Romania’s national rugby team on Saturday defeated the US, 23-10, in a test match played in Bucharest. The winner grabbed the “Pershing Cup”. This is a trophy initiated in 2014 and offered ever since by the Romanian Rugby Federation to the winner of the confrontations between Romania and the US, in remembrance of the match played during the Military “Olympics” of 1919, the “Inter-Allied Games”, organised by the commander in chief of the US Expeditionary Force in Europe, General John Joseph Pershing, to mark the end of WWI. The next preparatory game of the Romanian national rugby team is scheduled for Saturday, when Romania meets Canada in Bucharest.

    FILM — Romanian films “Sieranevada” by Cristi Puiu and “Baccalaureate” by Cristian Mungiu have reaped a lot of awards at the “Listapad”, International Film Festival hosted by the Belarusian capital, Minsk, between November 4 and 11. They included: the film press award (Sieranevada), the “Yury Marukhin” memorial award for best cinematography (Barbu Balasoiu/ Sieranevada), the special jury award (Baccalaureate), the award for best actress in a supporting role (Lia Bugnar/ Baccalaureate) and the award for best actor in a leading role (Adrian Titieni/ Baccalaureate). (Translated by Diana Vijeu)

  • Muestra de cine rumano en Madrid. Entrevista al crítico Roberto Cueto

    Muestra de cine rumano en Madrid. Entrevista al crítico Roberto Cueto

    Desde el pasado jueves, tres de noviembre, hasta el próximo domingo, 13 de noviembre, el Instituto Cultural Rumano y la Filmoteca Española organizan la séptima edición de la Muestra de Cine Rumano.

    Entre las nueve películas presentadas destaca Sieranevada de Cristi Puiu que es propuesta de Rumanía al Oscar a la Mejor Película de Habla No Inglesa donde podría competir con “Julieta de Almodóvar.

    Conviene mencionar también el thriller rumano “ Câini “ /Dogs del joven director Bogdan Mirica que obtuvo el Premio FIPRESCI en la sección Una cierta Mirada del prestigioso festival de Cannes.

    La muestra cuenta con ocho películas de ficción además de un documental. Cinco de estos filmes se estrenan por primera vez en España y todas las películas están en versión original subtitulada en español.

    La inauguración fue el pasado día 3 de noviembre con la proyección de Orizont seguida de un coloquio con el director Marian Crisan, el compositor Cristian Lolea y el crítico Roberto Cueto. La corresponsal de Radio Rumania en España, Annamaria Damian, ha estado allí y ha hablado con el crítico Roberto Cueto

  • Two Lottery Tickets

    Two Lottery Tickets

    The Romanian film “Two Lottery Tickets” directed by Paul Negoescu and starring Dragos Bucur, Dorian Boguta and Alexandru Papadopol is presented at the 8th edition of the European Film Weeks in Bosnia-Hertegovina with the support of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna. The feature film “Two Lottery Tickets” was premiered at the Film Festival in Zurich held over September 22nd-October 2nd, winning the special mention of the jury.

    The Romanian comedy also entered the competition of the International Festival of French-Speaking Films in Namur, Belgium. It was screened in cinemas in Romania eventually. With a budget of only 30,000 Euros shot in just 15 days as an independent film, Paul Negoescu’s second feature after “A Month in Thailand” has scored an unexpected box office success.

    Director Paul Negoescu: “It’s funny that Romanian audiences reject Romanian films for various reasons: because the film frames are long and boring, the film deals with social topics, the main characters are often poor people, people belonging to disadvantaged categories or people who have legal problems, whores, brawlers, etc. In addition to the communist regime, we have all those ingredients and still ours is a box office number one film. After all, that is the most interesting thing because in recent years, the Romanian films, which have scored a box office success have been either Cannes or Berlin award winners or films in whose promotion a lot was invested. We don’t fall in either category.”

    The film tells the comic story of three men in a small provincial town who win the lottery jackpot but after a short while, the winning ticket can no longer be found, so the three men have to set off on a journey to get it back. Director Paul Negoescu tells us how he ended up screening the story of the three men.

    Paul Negoescu: “Dragos Bucur gave me a ring to suggest I make a film with students from actoriede film.ro. an acting school founded by Dragos Bucur, Dorian Boguta and Alexandru Papadopol, who play the lead roles in the film. In the beginning, I turned down his offer, but as he insisted on it, I accepted to make this film. I took it as a challenge; I knew I was going to work with amateur actors too, I knew what budget I would have and I knew the lead roles would be played by Dragos Bucur, Dorian Boguta and Alexandru Papadopol. I still needed an idea enabling me to make best use of all those ingredients. So, I came across Ion Luca Caragiale’s short story “Two Lottery Tickets”, which I didn’t want to screen or adapt. But I used its story about a person who gets a lottery envelope, wins the jackpot and then loses the winning ticket and starts looking for it. I used that story because it gave me the possibility of shifting the main characters to several locations and of having many secondary characters played by acting students.”

    Dinel is the name of the character played by actor Dorian Boguta in the film “Two Lottery Tickets”, about which he says: “He is the kind of man best fit to repair my car. He is a decent, honest, slightly naïve guy, who is sometimes feeble-minded. We can surely find such characters in real life and even quite often. Somehow he is the type of the poor but good-hearted provincial boy who drowns his troubles.” Actor Dorian Boguta tells us about his experience at the Film Festival in Zurich.

    Dorian Boguta: “It was exciting to have this film, a truly Romanian film, participate in the Film Festival in Zurich. I wondered if people with a mentality different from the Romanian one would understand something from the film, because I find German people different from us, Romanians. For me it was a great surprise to see people respond with so much warmth, empathy and humour. And I’m not referring to the jury that gave us an award. I’m referring primarily to the ordinary spectators who understood and appreciated the film although it presented a kind of society that is different from the one they lived in. I’ve also been pleased to get a lot of messages from people who want to see the film for the second time.”

    The Romanian comedy “Two Lottery Tickets” has been selected to participate in the Balkan Survey section of the 57th International Film Festival in Thessaloniki, alongside three other Romanian feature films: “Sieranevada” by Cristi Puiu, “Dogs” by Bogdan Mirica and “Scarred Hearts” by Radu Jude. The film will be screened with director Paul Negoescu, actor Alexandru Papadopol and director of photography Ana Draghici attending.

  • Nachrichten 23.10.2016

    Nachrichten 23.10.2016

    Das Innenministerium will die Zwischenfälle beim Marsch für die Vereinigung mit der Moldau vom Samstag untersuchen. Innenminister Dragos Tudorache forderte am Sonntag einen einschlägigen Bericht von der Rumänischen Gendarmerie. Fünf Marschteilnehmer waren gestern in der Bukarester Innenstadt von den Gendarmen festgenommen worden. Zahlreiche Teilnehmer waren aus der benachbarten Moldau für den Marsch der Vereinigung eingereist. Sie vertreten die Ansicht, dass die Vereinigung Rumäniens mit der Moldau im aktuellen geopolitischen Kontext die einzige Lösung ist. Die rumänischstämmigen Bürger in der ex-sowjetischen Republik liefen sonst Gefahr, einer russischen Aggression wie der in der Ukraine zum Opfer zu fallen. Die zum ersten Mal 2012 in Bukarest organisierten Märsche für Bessarabien sind bereits zur Tradition geworden. Der 200. Jahrestag der ersten Annexion der Provinz durch das russische Zarenreich hatte als Anlass gedient. Auf einem Teil des historischen Bessarabien, das nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg Rumänien einverleibt und 1940 von der UdSSR erneut annektiert wurde, ist die aktuelle Moldaurepublik gegründet worden.

    Der Spielfilm ‘Sieranevada’ des rumänischen Regisseurs Cristi Puiu ist beim Filmfestival in Chicago mit zwei der Hauptpreise ausgezeichnet worden, meldet die Internetseite des Wettbewerbs. Puius Werk gewann den Goldenen Hugo für den besten abendfüllenden Film sowie den Silbernen Hugo für den besten Regisseur. Auch Cristian Mungiu bekam die Silberne Plakette für das Drehbuch zu seinem Spielfilm “Bacaulaurat sowie den Silbernen Hugo für den besten Schauspieler in einer Hauptrolle, Adrian Titieni. Das Filmfestival in Chicago findet in diesem Jahr zum 52. Mal statt.

    SPORT: Die Damen des rumänischen Handballmeisters CSM Bukarest sind am Samstagabend in der Champions League beim dänischen Verein FC Midtjylland mit 21:24 unterlegen. Mit dem selben Ergebnis hatte der CSM die Auftaktpartie der Gruppenphase zu Hause gegen Rostow am Don aus Russland gewonnen. Der Gruppe gehören ferner die Ungarinnen aus Györ an, auf die Bukarest am kommenden Samstag in der eigenen Halle treffen wird. Die beiden Mannschaften standen sich auch im letzten Endspiel der Champions League gegenüber, das die Rumäninnen in Budapest nach Penalty-Würfen für sich entschieden.

    Und noch eine Meldung vom Tennis: Die Weltranglistenfünfte Simona Halep ist mit einem Erfolg in die Gruppenphase der WTA-Finals in Singapur gestartet. Die dritte Favoritin des Turniers bezwang die US-Amerikanerin Madison Keys mit 6:2 und 6:4. Halep spielt in der roten Gruppe ferner gegen die aktuelle Weltranglistenerste Angelique Kerber aus Deutschland und die Slowakin Dominika Cibulkova (nr. 8 der WTA-Liste). In der weißen Gruppe spielen die Polin Agnieszka Radwanska, die Tschechin Karolina Pliskova und die Spanierin Garbine Muguruza. Halep ist zum dritten Mal nacheinander beim abschließenden Saisonhöhepunkt in Singapur dabei. Sie hatte 2014 das Endspiel erreicht und war 2015 in der Gruppenphase ausgeschieden.

  • October 23, 2016

    October 23, 2016

    RALLY The Interior Minister in Bucharest, Dragos Tudorache has asked for a report from the Romanian Gendarme Corps over the events on Saturday in downtown Bucharest during the rally for the union of Romania with the Republic of Moldova. Five people have been detained by the gendarmes after clashes with protesters. Numerous participants in the rally came from the neighboring former soviet republic with a Romanian-speaking majority. They believe that under the present geo-political context, the union of the two states is the only solution for the ethnic Romanians in the Republic so that they may not fall victims of a possible Russian aggression, like that against Ukraine. Already traditional in Bucharest, support rallies for Bessarabia were inaugurated in 2012, which marked 200 years since the annexation of this province by Czarist Russia. The present Republic of Moldova was created on a part of the historical province of Bessarabia, which joined Romania after the First World War and was re-annexed by the USSR back in 1940.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis player Simona Halep will today be playing American Madison Keys in her first match of the WTA Finals held in Singapore with seven million dollars in prize money. Halep, the competitions third favourite is playing in the Red Group, which also includes the worlds number one Angelique Kerber of Germany and Dominica Cibulkova of Slovakia. The competitions White Group includes Polish Agnieszka Radwanska, Karolina Pliskova of the Czech Republic, Spanish Garbine Muguruza and Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova. The present WTA Finals edition represents Haleps third participation after that in 2014, when she took on Serena Williams in the finals and that last year when she was knocked out in the groups stage. Another Romanian tennis player Monica Niculescu (WTA 51) on Saturday won the tournament in Luxembourg with total prizes of 250 thousand dollars after a two-set win 6-4, 6-0 against the tournaments odds on favourite Petra Kvitova of the Czech Republic. This is the third WTA tournament Niculescu has won in her career after that in Florianopolis, Brazil in 2013 and Guangzhou, China in 2014.

    AWARDS Romanian director Cristi Puius film Sieranevada has reaped two major awards at the Chicago International Film Festival, according to the festivals webpage. Sieranevada got the Gold Hugo award for best film and Silver Hugo for best director. Another Romanian production, Graduation by Cristi Mungiu has been awarded Silver Plaque for best screenplay while Adrian Titieni got Silver Hugo for best actor. The Chicago International Festival has reached its 52nd edition this year.

    INVESTIGATION Over 80 thousand people are being investigated in Turkey, of which 35 thousand have already been arrested after the abortive coup on July 15th, the Justice Ministry in Ankara has announced. The Turkish authorities are blaming the failed coup on the reclusive cleric Fethullah Gulen, who is currently living in the USA, and his supporters. Efforts to stifle the coup have caused the death of 270 people leaving thousands others wounded. Upon the events in July the Turkish authorities have commenced an unprecedented campaign in order to purge Gulens supporters from administration, a campaign that attracted a lot of heat from the West.