Tag: Sighet

  • Sovietization of the Romanian Academy

    Sovietization of the Romanian Academy

    At the end of WWII, the Soviet Union instated in all the countries where the Red Army was present a political regime that copied the one in the USSR. The process was called sovietization or communization, being a tool by which the political domination of the communist party was ensured by a physical repression apparatus and by the planned economy. Romania too had the historical misfortune of experiencing this type of regime between 1945 and 1989.

    Sovietization hit Romania’s institutions hard, one of them being the Romanian Academy, established in 1866. For more than 80 years, the best Romanian and foreign scientists had been welcomed into the Romanian Academy. But the regime installed on March 6, 1945 abolished the old academy on June 9, 1948, by Decree no. 76. A new institution was established, the Academy of the Romanian People’s Republic, that later became the Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania, where access was conditioned on the ideology of the communist regime. The consequences were extremely harsh, with 100 members being expelled and marginalized. Out of the 100 members, 33 academicians who had held the rank of minister were arrested, 20 of them imprisoned in Sighetu Marmației prison, known as the ministers’ prison, where 6 of them lost their lives.

    Andrea Dobeș is a researcher with the Memorial to the Victims of Communism and Resistance in the former Sighet prison. She presented several cases of academicians who died there, and one such case was that of the historian Alexandru Lapedatu.

    Due to the pain caused by gastric ailments and the lack of medical assistance in prison, on August 30, 1950 Lapedatu committed suicide by hanging, at the age of 73: Alexandru Lapedatu was arrested on the night of May 5 to 6, 1950 during the house search. They took three pocket phone books, a book on US history, a sum of money, a watch, two pairs of eyeglasses, a wallet with personal documents and suspenders. Among the objects taken, there was no material that could have interested the People’s Political Police or the Securitate. In the table drawn up in the spring of 1950 regarding the former ministers from 1918 to 1945 who were to be arrested, under the name of Alexandru Lapedatu it was mentioned that although he was not actively involved, he was a fierce enemy of the communist regime.

    Gheorghe Tașcă, an economist and teacher, a minister of industry and trade in 1932 had a similar fate. Andrea Dobeș is back with details: Gheorghe Tașcă was arrested at the age of 75, on the night of May 5 to 6, 1950. He arrived in Sighet the next day and, unable to resist the conditions of detention, died on March 12, 1951. Historian Constantin Giurescu, imprisoned in Sighet for 5 years and 2 months, mentions pneumonia, in his memoirs, as a possible cause of Tașcăs death, in the context of a terrible general suffering. The former lawyer and undersecretary of state Alexandru Popescu-Necșești also mentions that he could hear him whining alone in his cell at night.

    One of the most important Romanian historians of the 20th century was the scholar Gheorghe Brătianu, an expert in the Byzantine Empire. Imprisoned in Sighet, he died under unclear circumstances at the age of 55, in 1953.

    Historians do not know even today whether he died from blows to the head, tuberculosis or suicide by neck artery cutting: As far as Gheorghe Brătianu is concerned, he was violently attacked in the pro-communist press since the fall of 1944. On August 15, 1947, invoking the existence of circumstances that required ensuring his security, he was forced into home detention in Bucharest, being under surveillance. He was arrested on the morning of May 6, 1950, and on May 7 he was imprisoned in the Sighet penitentiary. Constantin Giurescu also recollected in his volume of memoirs an incident that would have happened before Brătianu’s death. Giurescu had recognized Gheorghe Brătianu’s voice in the big courtyard. He couldn’t see what was happening outside, but he heard the sound of a thump. While Bratianu was being taken to the cell, Giurescu heard another blow, it sounded like a slap, accompanied by a series of curses. Bishop Ioan Ploscaru reports that the militiamen forced Brătianu, the day before he died, to collect pig manure from the yard with his hands.

    The only academic who was brought before the court for a mock trial, was Iuliu Maniu. He did not lose his faith in God during the detention period, the future cardinal Alexandru Todea being the one who listened to his confession for the last time.

    Andrea Dobes has details: On November 11, 1947, he was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of high treason. From the War School in Bucharest, where the trial took place, he was transferred to the penitentiary in Galați, and on August 16, 1951 he arrived in Sighet. The great Iuliu Maniu was already very weak, almost paralyzed, and the journalist Nicolae Carandino was the one who took care of him until the last moments of his life.

    The academics who survived imprisonment continued to live a life of misery and social degradation. Under surveillance, they were periodically re-arrested and interrogated. But posterity did not forget them, and in 1990, the re-established Romanian Academy welcomed them back to its ranks. (LS)

  • La soviétisation de l’Académie roumaine

    La soviétisation de l’Académie roumaine

    L’instauration du régime communiste en Roumanie

    A la fin de la
    Seconde guerre mondiale, l’URSS n’a eu de cesse avant d’installer au pouvoir
    des partis frères dans tous les pays occupés ou, selon la propagande soviétique,
    libérés par l’Armée rouge. Ce processus de soviétisation du système politique,
    judiciaire et administratif d’abord, économique ensuite, ne s’était pas fait
    sans heurts et sans l’action répressive de la police politique et des organes du
    parti communiste.

    des premières institutions culturelles roumaines visées par la soviétisation a
    été la prestigieuse institution de l’Académie roumaine, fondée en 1866.

    ses plus de 80 années d’existence, l’Académie avait compté dans ses rangs les
    plus prestigieux scientifiques roumains et étrangers. Mais le régime installé
    le 6 mars 1945 n’hésitera pas à mettre brutalement un terme à cette belle histoire,
    l’Académie roumaine étant supprimée le 9 juin 1948 par décret du Conseil des
    ministres, laissant la place à une nouvelle institution asservie au pouvoir :
    l’Académie de la République populaire de Roumaine, devenue plus tard l’Académie
    de la République socialiste de Roumanie. Les anciens académiciens déchus souffriront
    les affres des persécutions politiques. De la vieille garde, 33 membres, qui
    avaient occupé la dignité de ministre avant 1945, seront jetés en prison. La
    plupart, une vingtaine, se verront embastillés dans le pénitentiaire de Sighetu
    Marmației, dans le nord de la Transylvanie, surnommé la « prison des
    ministres ». Six y laisseront leur vie.

    L’académicien Alexandru Lapedatu se donne la mort

    Dobeș, chercheur au Mémorial des victimes du communisme et de la résistance,
    érigé après 1989 dans le pénitentiaire de Sighet s’est penchée sur le sort de l’académicien
    Alexandru Lapedatu qui, rongé par sa maladie gastrique et en l’absence des
    soins, se donne la mort le 30 août 1950, à l’âge de 73 ans.

    Andrea Dobes : « Alexandru
    Lapedatu avait été retenu dans la nuit de 5 à 6 mai 1950,
    lors d’une perquisition domiciliaire. Les enquêteurs lui avaient confisqué 3 calepins,
    un traité sur l’histoire des Etats-Unis, un certain montant en espèces, une
    montre, deux paires de lunettes, d’autres affaires personnelles. Parmi les
    objets confisqués par les enquêteurs, aucun ne pourrait présenter un quelconque
    intérêt réel pour la Securitate ou les enquêteurs du régime. Mais le régime
    avait dressé la liste des personnes qu’il comptait arrêter, dont tous les
    anciens dignitaires, les anciens ministres qui avaient exercé leurs fonctions
    entre 1918 et 1945. A l’endroit du nom de l’historien il y avait cette mention :
    bien qu’il n’ait constitué pas une menace et qu’il n’ait déployé aucune activité
    d’opposition, il était connu pour être un adversaire résolu du régime
    communiste. Voilà une tête d’accusation pas si inédite que cela dans l’époque. »

    Le sort tragique de l’économiste Gheorghe Tașcă

    Gheorghe Tașcă, économiste
    et professeur des universités, ministre du Commerce en 1932 et membre de l’Académie
    roumaine, avait subi le même sort.

    Andrea Dobes : « Lorsqu’il
    a été arrêté, dans la même nuit du 5/6 mai 1950, Gheorghe Tașcă était âgé de 75
    ans. Il est déposé à Sighet le lendemain. Il meurt dix mois plus tard, le 12
    mars 1951, à cause de terribles conditions de détention subies. L’historien Constantin
    Giurescu, incarcéré à Sighet pendant un peu plus de 5 années et qui est parvenu
    à rédiger ses mémoires, pense qu’il est achevé par une pneumonie, au bout d’une
    souffrance interminable. L’ancien juriste Alexandru Popescu-Necșești, lui aussi
    emprisonné à Sighet pendant cette période, parle lui aussi des râles qui lui
    parvenaient la nuit depuis la cellule de Gheorghe Tasca ».

    La mort mystérieuse de Gheorghe Brătianu

    Brătianu, célèbre byzantiniste et ancien ministre, membre de l’Académie
    roumaine, meurt lui aussi dans des conditions non élucidées jusqu’à ce jour, à
    55 ans, en 1953, dans la même prison politique de Sighet.

    Andrea Dobeș nous
    rappelle la mémoire du célèbre historien : « Gheorghe
    Brătianu avait été violemment attaqué par la presse communiste dès 1944. Aussi,
    le 15 août 1947, prétextant de la nécessité d’assurer sa sécurité, le régime
    lui impose un régime d’arrêt à domicile dans sa résidence bucarestoise, où il
    est surveillé nuit et jour. Il sera finalement arrêté le 6 mai 1950, et convoyé
    au pénitentiaire de Sighet le lendemain. Le même Constantin Giurescu rappelle
    dans ses mémoires les derniers jours de la vie de Bratianu, ainsi qu’un
    événement qui aurait pu constituer la cause de sa mort. En effet, pendant que
    Gheorghe Bratianu était dans la cour de promenade, Giurescu entend le bruit
    sourd d’un coup de poing. Un bruit qui se répète, suivi d’une suite de jurons, alors
    que Gheorghe Bratianu était accompagné dans sa cellule. L’évêque Ioan Ploscaru raconte
    pour sa part la manière dont les bourreaux avaient forcé le byzantiniste de ramasser
    le fumier des cochons, les mains nues, la veille de sa mort. »

    Le leader politique Iuliu Maniu, condamné à mort

    le seul membre de l’Académie roumaine qui fut formellement condamné, fut-ce à l’issue
    d’un simulacre de procès, a été le leader national-paysan, Iuliu Maniu. Le
    futur cardinal Alexandru Todea lui donna dans la prison, sur son lit de mort, l’extrême-onction.

    Andrea Dobeș : « Iuliu
    Maniu fut condamné à la prison à vie le 11 novembre 1947 prétendument pour haute
    trahison. Son procès eut lieu devant un jury populaire à Bucarest, à l’Ecole de
    guerre. Une fois condamné, il fut transféré à Galati puis, le 16 août 1951, à
    Sighet. A 80 ans, affaibli, le grand homme d’Etat n’était plus que l’ombre de
    lui-même. L’homme de presse et secrétaire général du parti national-paysan, Nicolae
    Carandino, avec lequel Iuliu Maniu partagea sa cellule, pris soin de lui
    pendant les derniers moments de sa vie. »

    parmi ceux qui ne finirent pas leur vie en prison des membres déchus de l’Académie
    roumaine, la plupart ont mené une vie de misère et de déchéance. Surveillés par
    la police politique, harcelés par le régime communiste, arrêtés et enquêtés,
    interdits des bibliothèques et éloignés de l’enseignement, ils bénéficièrent d’une
    réhabilitation tardive, après la chute du régime communiste, lorsqu’ils réintégreront,
    à titre posthume, l’Académie roumaine. (Trad.
    Ionut Jugureanu)

  • Il Memoriale di Sighet su Google Arts and Culture

    Il Memoriale di Sighet su Google Arts and Culture

    Radio Romania Internazionale vi consiglia una visita su Google Arts and Culture, per non dimenticare le vittime del comunismo e tenere sempre viva la loro memoria. Il Memoriale delle Vittime del comunismo e della Resistenza di Sighet (nord della Romania) evoca l’inferno vissuto per quasi mezzo secolo, dopo la seconda Guerra mondiale, dai cittadini dei Paesi dell’Europa centro-orientale in cui l’Unione Sovietica ha imposto il comunismo. Dopo il crollo del regime, avvenuto nel 1989, l’orrendo carcere, dismesso verso la fine degli anni ’70, è diventato museo grazie all’impegno della poetessa romena Ana Blandiana e del marito, il compianto scrittore Romulus Rusan, insieme alla Fondazione Accademia Civica, che nel 1994 hanno ottenuto il sostegno del Consiglio d’Europa per questa iniziativa.

    Il carcere di Sighet fu uno dei posti in cui i comunisti sterminarono l’élite romena, tra cui l’ex leader del Partito Nazionale Contadino, Iuliu Maniu, e quello liberale, Constantin I.C. Bratianu. I sette vescovi greco-cattolici martiri beatificati nel 2019 da Papa Francesco in occasione del suo viaggio apostolico in Romania furono tutti imprigionati lì, e tre di loro si sono anche spenti in seguito alle orrende torture e al duro regime carcerario. Nello stesso odio alla fede è stato ucciso nel 1951, sempre a Sighet, anche il vescovo cattolico Anton Durcovici, beatificato nel 2014.

    A partire dal 1 marzo 2018, il Memoriale delle Vittime del comunismo di Sighet ha ricevuto il Marchio del Patrimonio Europeo (European Heritage Label), accanto ad altri siti che celebrano o simboleggiano gli ideali, i valori, la storia e l’integrazione dell’Europa: i siti del patrimonio musicale di Lipsia (Germania), il complesso della sinagoga di via Dohány (Ungheria), il forte di Cadine (Italia), la chiesa di Javorca (Slovenia), l’ex campo di concentramento di Natzweiler e i suoi campi satellite (Francia e Germania), il sito di Bois du Cazier (Belgio), Schengen (Lussemburgo) e il sito del trattato di Maastricht (Paesi Bassi).

    Memoria come forma di giustizia è il motto all’insegna del quale viene presentato il Memoriale di Sighet su Google Arts and Culture che propone un viaggio attraverso immagini: volti di donne che, al momento in cui erano state scattate le foto, non sembravano capaci di sopportare l’insopportabile. L’unica colpa era quella di non essere gradite dal regime, o di provenire da una famiglia di preti o della borghesia. In tante pagarono anche con la vita. Un’altra immagine fa vedere un tugurio della pianura di Baragan, una regione arida del sud della Romania, dove, al solito, alcuni dei sopravvissuti ai carceri venivano mandati in domicilio coatto, una volta rimessi in libertà.

    Uno degli emblemi del Memoriale è il gruppo statuario Il cortile dei sacrificati, creato da Aurel Vlad: corpi nudi torturati, ma ancora vivi. All’interno, il lungo corridoio dell’ex carcere presenta le fotografie dei detenuti e deportati politici. Accanto alle sale dedicate alla memoria dei grandi leader politici Iuliu Maniu e Constantin I.C. Bratianu, una mostra ricorda la personalità dell’emblematico discepolo di Maniu – Corneliu Coposu, sopravvissuto a oltre 17 anni di carcere, che, subito dopo la Rivoluzione del 1989, rifondò il Partito Nazionale Contadino. Una stanza rispecchia attraverso immagini la repressione contro la Chiesa, mentre un’altra rende omaggio alle famiglie straziate: le foto presentano le vittime ai tempi in cui le felicità le era consentita.

    Altre immagini del Memoriale ripercorrono la repressione della Rivoluzione nella confinante Ungheria nel 1956, ma anche una cronologia della Guerra Fredda. Un’altra sala del Memoriale parla di Libertà per via delle onde, accanto ai giornalisti e conduttori di Radio Free Europe/ Radio Liberty che, per decine di anni, hanno tenuto sveglia la speranza nell’est europeo. Ricordate anche la Primavera di Praga del 1968, l’iniziativa della Charta 77, la Rivoluzione di velluto della Cecoslovacchia o il movimento Solidarnosc.

    Il profilo del Museo è completato da alcune opere d’arte donate dagli autori. Ricordiamo le due sculture Omaggio al detenuto politico (una con il sottotitolo Resurrezione) del grande artista Camilian Demetrescu. Il famoso pittore, scultore, scrittore e studioso di storia dell’arte, membro fondatore dell’Unione degli Artisti di Romania, visse in Italia dal 1969 fino alla scomparsa avvenuta nel 2012.

    La visita su Google Arts and Culture si conclude con la straziante immagine della piccola Libertatea Preduţ, la figlia di Iulia Preduţ, nata nel carcere di Văcăreşti il 18 settembre 1958.

  • Premio internazionale Fondazione Terzo Pilastro alla poetessa romena Ana Blandiana

    Premio internazionale Fondazione Terzo Pilastro alla poetessa romena Ana Blandiana

    LItalia è per me un amore perpetuo. Così la poetessa romena Ana Blandiana, insignita del Premio Internazionale Fondazione Terzo Pilastro, in occasione della XIV edizione della rassegna internazionale “Ritratti di Poesia”, ospitata il 21 febbraio dallAuditorium Conciliazione di Roma. Il Premio Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Ritratti di Poesia è andato allo scrittore Paolo Valesio, Professor Emeritus della Columbia University di New York. La rassegna, ideata nel 2006 dal prof. Emmanuele Francesco Maria Emanuele, presidente della Fondazione Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale, ha invitato il pubblico a una maratona di oltre dieci ore consecutive di incontri con poeti, letture e idee a confronto.

    Nata il 25 marzo 1942 a Timisoara, la poetessa Ana Blandiana, pseudonimo letterario di Otilia Valeria Coman-Rusan, fu perseguitata dal comunismo sin da giovane. Suo padre – prete ortodosso – fu detenuto politico durante il regime. Dopo la caduta del comunismo, Ana Blandiana – Premio speciale per la poesia Giuseppe Acerbi nel 2005 per il volume “Un tempo gli alberi avevano occhi”, uscito in Italia presso la Donzelli nel 2004, a cura di Biancamaria Frabotta e Bruno Mazzoni – fece accompagnare la fama letteraria, accanto al compianto marito Romulus Rusan, anche lui scrittore, ad un forte impegno civile. A loro si deve la trasformazione del carcere di Sighet, nel nord della Romania, dove fu sterminata buona parte dellélite, nel Memoriale delle Vittime del Comunismo e della Resistenza.

    Il Premio Internazionale Fondazione Terzo Pilastro riconosce anche limpegno della poetessa nellaffermazione dei diritti civili in Romania. Un impegno che era un obbligo dopo il 1989, ha spiegato Ana Blandiana, ospite a Radio Romania Internazionale insieme al noto professore e romenista Bruno Mazzoni, già preside della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dellUniversità di Pisa, che ha tradotto in italiano buona parte delle sue poesie.

    “Una fusione di due personalità che erano anche due anime elette”: così definisce il prof. Bruno Mazzoni il fortissimo legame tra Ana Blandiana e Romulus Rusan. Bruno Mazzoni ha spiegato a Radio Romania Internazionale le novità della XIV edizione della rassegna internazionale “Ritratti di Poesia”, mettendo in risalto il fatto che la lettura dei versi di Ana Blandiana è stata accompagnata dai lunghi e sentiti applausi del pubblico. “Un trionfo di Ana Blandiana e della grande poesia romena”, ha detto Bruno Mazzoni. (foto Soundcloud: la poetessa Ana Blandiana e il prof. Bruno Mazzoni – facebook.com/ Ana Blandiana)

  • February 8, 2020 UPDATE

    February 8, 2020 UPDATE

    Government – The PM designate of Romania, Ludovic Orban, announced he would submit, on Monday, in Parliament the list of ministers and an updated governing program with a view to starting procedures for the investment of a new government. The announcement came after President Klaus Iohannis designated the Liberal leader to from a new cabinet. The decision was made after the first Orban government was dismissed on Wednesday through a no confidence motion initiated by the main opposition party, the Social Democratic Party, following the government’s decision to assume responsibility for a bill on returning to the election of mayors in two rounds of voting, only a few months ahead of the elections. The Romanian president also reiterated his opinion that holding early elections was the best option for Romania at the moment. The interim vice prime minister Raluca Turcan said that all Liberal MPs would attend the meeting for the investiture of the new cabinet but they would abstain from voting, with a view to triggering off early elections. To call early elections the Parliament should reject two consecutive proposals of PM designate. However, before getting a vote in Parliament for the second Orban government, the Social Democrats announced they intended to notify the Constitutional Court over the re-designation of the outgoing PM Ludovic Orban as the new PM.

    USR — The leaderships of the Save Romania Union party (USR), the 3rd most important party in the Romanian Parliament and of the extra-parliamentary party PLUS, led by the former PM and European Commissioner Dacian Ciolos, met Saturday in separate meetings to decide on a merger. Following internal elections called at the initiative of the USR president Dan Barna, 91% of the USR members voted for their party to be positioned on the center-right side of the political spectrum. Elected on common lists, the USR and PLUS MEPs are affiliated to the Renew Europe centrist group.

    Commemoration – Commemorations of the great Romanian politicians Iuliu Maniu took place on Saturday at the Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance in Romania from Sighet (northwestern Romania) to mark 67 years since the death of the great politician. The political personality of the leader of the National Peasant Party, a prime minister of Romania in the interwar period and a member of the Romanian Academy was evoked in various speeches. A militant for national unity, a promoter of democratic principles and an adversary of Nazism and Communism, Maniu was arrested in 1947 by the puppet regime instated by the Soviet invaders and died at the age of 80 in 1953 in the Sighet prison where most of the former Democratic dignitaries had been imprisoned.

    Repatriation — The repatriation procedures from Syria, through Turkey, of a family of 3 Romanian citizens have been finalized — the Romanian Foreign Ministry announced. According to a press release, the Romanian diplomats in Ankara and Istanbul undertook the necessary steps to facilitate the Romanian citizens’ entry and accommodation in Turkey. The repatriation measure is part of the constant actions of consular assistance and protection granted to Romanian citizens who are facing special situations. Since the onset of evacuation operations from Syria in 2011, 790 Romanian citizens have been repatriated.

    Rugby — Romania’s national rugby team was defeated by Portugal, 11-22 on Satruday evening, away from home, in the 2nd round of the Rugby Europe Championship, after having been defeated in the first round by Georgia, 13- 41, one week ago, also away from home. In the 3rd round of the Rugby Europe Championship, Romania will take on Spain on February 22 in Botosani, northeastern Romania. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Iuliu Hossu: Kirchenmann und Verfechter der Demokratie

    Iuliu Hossu: Kirchenmann und Verfechter der Demokratie

    Am 1. Dezember 1918 fand die Vereinigung Siebenbürgens mit Rumänien statt; damit wurde der Grundstein für Gro‎ßrumänien gelegt. In der Nationalversammlung in Alba Iulia stimmten Tausende Rumänen der Vereinigung mit dem Königreich Rumänien zu, eine Vereinigung, die die gemeinsamen Bestrebungen der Eliten und der unteren Schichten in Wirklichkeit umsetzte. Einer der Vertreter dieser Eliten war der griechisch-katholische Bischof Iuliu Hossu, ein Märtyrer für den Glauben.

    Iuliu Hossu wurde am 30. Januar 1885 in Milaşul Mare, damals Österreich-Ungarn, heute Kreis Cluj (Klausenburg), Rumänien, als Sohn eines griechisch-katholischen Priesters geboren. Er studierte Theologie am römisch-katholischen Gymnasium in Târgu Mureş (Neumarkt), heute in Zentralrumänien, und in Blaj (Blasendorf), im Westen des Landes. Im Jahr 1904 begann er sein theologisches Universitätsstudium am Pontificio Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide in Rom. 1906 wurde Iuliu Hossu Doktor der Philosophie und 1910 Doktor der Theologie. Im selben Jahr, 1910, wurde er zum Priester geweiht. Zwischen 1910 und 1918, bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs, arbeitete Iuliu Hossu im Bistum Lugoj als Archivar, Bibliothekar, Vikar und Sekretär seines Onkels, Bischof Vasile Hossu. Iuliu Hossu meldete sich freiwillig als Militärpriester für den geistlichen Beistand im Rang eines Leutnants der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee. Im Jahr 1918 wurde er nach dem Tod seines Onkels zum griechisch-katholischen Bischof von Gherla ernannt.

    Das Jahr 1918 war für die Siebenbürger Rumänen ein besonderes Jahr. Am Ende des Krieges beschlossen die Rumänen aus Siebenbürgen, sich mit Rumänien zu vereinigen, und Iuliu Hossu war derjenige, der am 1. Dezember 1918 vom Gro‎ßen Rumänischen Nationalrat den Auftrag bekam, an die in Alba Iulia versammelten Massen die Erklärung der Vereinigung Siebenbürgens mit dem Königreich Rumänien zu verlesen. Der griechisch-katholische Bischof Iuliu Hossu, der orthodoxe Bischof Miron Cristea und die siebenbürgischen Politiker Alexandru Vaida-Voevod und Vasile Goldiş brachten die Vereinigungserklärung von Alba Iulia nach Bukarest, um sie König Ferdinand I. von Rumänien zu übergeben. Im Archiv des Zentrums für mündliche Geschichte des Rumänischen Rundfunks befindet sich ein Audiodokument von gro‎ßem Wert, das von dem Enthusiasmus des Neubeginns nach dem gro‎ßen Krieg von 1914–1918 bezeugt. Es ist die Stimme des griechisch-katholischen Bischofs Iuliu Hossu. Die Aufnahme ist äu‎ßerst wichtig, erstens weil sie die Stimme von Iuliu Hossu bewahrt; zweitens fasst das Audiodokument die politischen, wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und bürgerlichen Bestrebungen der Rumänen jener Zeit zusammen. Die Aufnahme entstand heimlich im Jahr 1969, ein Jahr vor dem Tod Iuliu Hossus, des gro‎ßen Mannes der rumänischen Nation und der griechisch-katholischen Kirche. Die religiöse Dimension war für Bischof Iuliu Hossu der wichtigste Beitrag zur Gro‎ßen Vereinigung von 1918. Aber Iuliu Hossus Worte hatten auch eine realistische Dimension, in Bezug auf die Wünsche all jener, die an die Schaffung Gro‎ßrumäniens glaubten. Iuliu Hossu:

    Brüder! Dies ist die Stunde der Fülle der Zeit. Die Stunde, wenn der allmächtige Gott durch Sein treues Volk Seine Gerechtigkeit spricht, nach der uns seit Jahrhunderten dürstet. Durch unseren Willen wird heute das einheitliche, nicht getrennte Gro‎ßrumänien geschaffen, und alle Rumänen in diesem Land sprechen glücklich diese Worte aus: Wir sind für immer mit dem Vaterland Rumänien vereint! Die Nationalversammlung aller Rumänen aus Siebenbürgen, dem Banat und dem ungarischen Land, die am 1. Dezember 1918 durch ihre bevollmächtigten Vertretern in Alba Iulia zusammengekommen ist, beschlie‎ßt die Vereinigung all dieser Rumänen und aller von ihnen bewohnten Gebiete mit Rumänien. Insbesondere verkündet die Nationalversammlung das unveräu‎ßerliche Recht der rumänischen Nation auf das gesamte Banat zwischen den Flüssen Mureş (Marosch), Thei‎ß und Donau. Die Nationalversammlung verleiht den obengenannten Territorien zeitweilige Autonomie, bis zum Einberufen der Verfassunggebenden Versammlung durch Allgemeinwahl. Diesbezüglich verkündet die Nationalversammlung folgende Grundsätze für die Zusammensetzung des neuen rumänischen Staates: Volle nationale Freiheit für alle zusammenlebenden Völker; jedes Volk bekommt Unterricht, Verwaltung und Rechtsprechung in seiner eigenen Sprache, durch seine eigenen Vertreter. Jedes Volk erhält das Recht auf Vertretung in den gesetzgebenden Körperschaften und in der Regierung des Landes im Verhältnis zur Anzahl der Personen, aus denen es sich zusammensetzt. Gleiche Rechtfertigung und volle autonome Freiheit für alle Konfessionen. Die perfekte Umsetzung eines sauberen demokratischen Regimes auf allen Gebieten des öffentlichen Lebens, die freie Wahl, direkt, gleich, geheim, auf Gemeinden, verhältnismä‎ßig für beide Geschlechter im Alter von mindestens 21 Jahren, für die Vertretung in Gemeinden, Kreisen oder im Parlament. Die vollständige Presse-, Vereinigungs- und Versammlungsfreiheit, die freie Propagierung aller menschlichen Gedanken. Die radikale Agrarreform wird mit der Eintragung aller Güter, insbesondere der gro‎ßen Güter durchgeführt. Es wird den Bauern möglich sein, ein Eigentum zu schaffen, das mindestens so gro‎ß ist, wie der Bauer und seine Familie arbeiten können. Das Leitprinzip dieser Agrarpolitik wird einerseits durch den sozialen Ausgleich und andererseits durch die Produktionssteigerung entstehen. Den Industriearbeitern werden die gleichen Rechte und Leistungen gewährt, die in den fortschrittlichsten Industriestaaten des Westens geregelt sind.“

    Als Senator in Gro‎ßrumänien sprach sich Bischof Iuliu Hossu oft gegen den Revisionismus. Als Ungarn im August 1940 Nord-Siebenbürgen annektierte, blieb der Bischof Iuliu Hossu in Cluj (Klausenburg), einer Stadt unter ungarischer Kontrolle, um bei seinen Gläubigen zu sein. Mit der Installierung des kommunistischen Regimes am 6. März 1945 begann die Zerstörung der rumänischen Demokratie. Da Iuliu Hossu sich entschieden gegen Pläne der rumänischen Regierung wehrte, die auf die Auflösung der Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche in Rumänien abzielten, wurde er am 28. Oktober 1948 verhaftet und in der Ortschaft Dragoslavele eingesperrt. Nach der Auflösung der Griechisch-Katholischen Kirche blieb Iuliu Hossu unter Hausarrest im orthodoxen Kloster Căldăruşani im Nordosten von Bukarest.

    Nachdem er sich geweigert hatte, zur Orthodoxie überzutreten, wurde Iuliu Hossu 1950 nach Sighet gebracht. Vom 25. Mai 1950 bis zum 4. Januar 1955 war er im berüchtigten Gefängnis Sighet inhaftiert. Danach hatte er wieder Hausarrest im Kloster Căldăruşani, wo er 1970 starb. 1969, ein Jahr vor seinem Tod, ernannte ihn Papst Paul VI. im Konsistorium vom 28. April 1969 in pectore zum Kardinal. Die Verkündigung fand drei Jahre nach Iuliu Hossus Tod im Konsistorium vom 5. März 1973 statt. 2019 wurde Iuliu Hossu zusammen mit sechs anderen griechisch-katholischen Priestern von Papst Franziskus selig gesprochen.

  • Proiecte cu sprijin UE pentru Sighet

    Proiecte cu sprijin UE pentru Sighet

    Toată lumea ştie că fondurile europene nu sunt foarte greu accesibile, dacă întruneşti trei condiţii: pricepere, bunăvoinţă şi foarte multă răbdare. Partea cu răbdarea ar putea fi îmbunătăţită, dar asta nu mai depinde de aplicanţi, ci de autorităţi.

    Oricum, banii UE ajung peste tot în România, inclusiv în oraşul unde se agaţă harta în cui, cum i se spune Sighetului. Iată realizările Primăriei, prezentate de edilul-şef, Horia Scubli:

    In acest moment ne luptăm cu un program de incluziune a persoanelor cu handicap şi a celor de etnie rromă. Este un proiect de 4,5 milioane de Euro, care are mai multe direcţii:

    -600 de copii cu dizabilităţi, sau cu probleme sociale, care provind din medii mai puţin prietenoase, beneficiază gratuit de programul after school; la terminarea cursurilor şcolare, timp de 4 ore, profesori plătiţi de noi îi ajută la lecţii şi tot acolo primesc o masă caldă;

    – suntem în plină renovare a peste 100 de locuinţe ale persoanelor defavorizate,

    -iar 25 de membri ai acestei categorii de cetăţeni, pe baza unui plan de afaceri, vor primi câte 20.000 Euro în cadrul unui program tip start up; acest proiect ne solicită cel mai mult, fiindcă publicul ţintă numără cca 800 de persoane, iar proceurile sunt mai complicate.

    Un alt proiect este cel prin care am obţinut finanţare pentru 7 autobuze electrice, care, pentru un oraş de mărimea Sighetului, asigură necesităţile de transport local.

    Cele mai interesante mi se par proiectele din domeniul sanitar. Unele sunt transfrontaliere, cu două localităţi din Ucraina, Ujgorod şi Ivano-Frankivsk, în vederea achiziţionării de aparataj medical de peste un milion de Euro la fiecare.

    Până acum am accesat peste 18 milioane de Euro, iar proiectele depuse şi aflate în evaluare se ridică la 54 de milioane.

    Din păcate, sistemul de evaluare e deficitar, merge greoi, iar noi aşteptăm să se întâmple cât de repede. Procedurile de licitaţie sunt şi ele greoaie, durează mult, la fel şi obţinerea tuturor avizelor. Administraţia este o luptă permanentă cu diversele legi, convenţii şi directive care, permanent, te încetinesc în ceea ce doreşti să faci.

  • 2019 – Jahr der Dankbarkeit gegenüber den Opponenten des Kommunismus

    2019 – Jahr der Dankbarkeit gegenüber den Opponenten des Kommunismus

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat per Dekret, das Denkmal für die Opfer des Kommunismus und des Widerstands in Sighet“ und den Verband “Denkmal für die Revolution vom 16. bis 22. Dezember 1989 in Timișoara“ ausgezeichnet. Die Entscheidung soll in diesem Jahr den 30. Jahrestag der rumänischen Revolution markieren, als Anerkennung und Wertschätzung für ihre wichtige Forschung zum Phänomen des Totalitarismus und zur Förderung nationaler und europäischer Werte“, sagte Iohannis. Sighet und Timișoara, Städte im Nordwesten und Westen des Landes, sind wesentliche Meilensteine auf der Karte des kommunistischen Terrors. Die Gedenkstätte in Sighet wurde unter der Schirmherrschaft des Europarates von der Dichterin und Dissidentin Ana Blandiana gegründet und befindet sich in einem ehemaligen Gefängnis, in dem Dutzende Menschen aus der Zwischenkriegszeit gefangen gehalten und getötet wurden, darunter demokratische Politiker, Generäle und Kirchenvertreter. Der Verband aus Timișoara ist, seinerseits, zum grö‎ßten Teil aus denen gebildet, die im Dezember 1989 das Feuer der Revolution entfacht haben, die zur Flucht des Diktators Nicolae Ceausescu führte.

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat auch angekündigt, am 20. Mai, das Jahr 2019 zum Jahr der Dankbarkeit zu erklären. An dem Tag, an dem die ersten freien Wahlen im postkommunistischen Rumänien 1990 abgehalten wurden. Klaus Iohannis: Es ist das Jahr, in dem ich möchte, dass wir unsere Dankbarkeit gegenüber jenen zum Ausdruck bringen, die den gro‎ßen Wandel im Dezember 1989 ermöglicht haben. Kritischere Stimmen haben mich gefragt, warum ich dann im Mai anfange? Es ist ganz einfach: Ich möchte 2019 zum Jahr der Dankbarkeit erklären, das im Dezember mit einer gro‎ßen Feier zu Ehren der Revolution von 1989 zu Ende geht und das dann beginnt, wann die ersten freien Wahlen in Rumänien stattgefunden haben. Das war am 20. Mai 1990.

    Die Ankündigung des Präsidenten wurde von vielen Stimmen aus Politik, Zivilgesellschaft und Medien begrü‎ßt, von wenigen auch heftig kritisiert. Da er bereits Pläne für eine zweite Amtszeit angekündigt hat, wird Präsident Iohannis vorgeworfen, die Hommage an den antikommunistischen Widerstand zu einem Wahlkampfthema zu machen. Als möglicher Rivale im Präsidentschaftswahlkampf sagt Senatsvorsitzende Calin Popescu-Tariceanu, dass die Initiative versucht, eine Reihe von emotionalen Elementen für Wahlzwecke zu nutzen, die Beseitigung des Kommunismus, das Opfer der Märtyrer und die wiedergefundene Freiheit“. Leontin Iuhas, der Sohn von Ceausescus berühmtestem Gegnerin, Doina Cornea, der selbst von der Geheimpolizei (der Securitate) verhaftet wurde, sagt, er werde nicht an den Veranstaltungen unter der Schirmherrschaft des Präsidenten teilnehmen. Viele Kommentatoren sind enttäuscht, dass kleinliche Wahlerwägungen ein tragisches Thema überschatten könnten.

    Die kommunistische Diktatur, die Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs von den sowjetischen Besatzungstruppen eingesetzt wurde, hat in Rumänien Lager und Gefängnisse eröffnet, in denen laut Historikern innerhalb von fünfzig Jahren mindestens 600.000 Menschen interniert wurden. Im Jahr 2006 gab der frühere rumänische Präsident Traian Basescu eine offizielle Erklärung heraus, in der er das kommunistische Regime als kriminell und illegitim verurteilte.

  • Année de l’hommage aux victimes du communisme

    Année de l’hommage aux victimes du communisme

    Le président Klaus Iohannis a signé les décrets pour décorer le Mémorial des Victimes du communisme et de la Résistance de Sighet (nord-ouest), respectivement l’Association « Memorialul Revoluţiei 16-22 Decembrie 1989 Timişoara » (ouest). La décision a été adoptée « en vue de marquer les 30 ans depuis la Révolution roumaine, en signe d’estime et de reconnaissance pour l’importante activité de recherche sur le phénomène totalitaire et de promotion des valeurs nationales et européennes ». Sighet et Timişoara sont des repères essentiels sur la carte de la Roumanie martyrisée par le communisme. Fondé sous l’égide du Conseil de l’Europe par la poète et dissidente Ana Blandiana, le Mémorial est aménagé dans l’ancien pénitencier dans lequel les communistes ont emprisonné et tué des dizaines d’hommes politiques démocrates, de généraux et de hauts prélats dans l’entre-deux-guerres. Quant à l’association de Timisoara, elle réunit beaucoup de ceux qui, en décembre 1989, ont allumé la flamme de la Révolution qui allait culminer, à Bucarest, par la fuite du dictateur Nicolae Ceauşescu. Le chef de l’Etat a également annoncé qu’il déclarerait 2019 Année de la Reconnaissance le 20 mai, date à laquelle ont eu lieu, en 1990, les premières élections libres de la Roumanie postcommuniste. Klaus Iohannis :

    « C’est l’année pendant laquelle je souhaite que nous prouvions notre reconnaissance envers ceux qui ont rendu possible le grand changement de décembre ’89, et certains, plus râleurs, m’ont dit : bon, et alors pourquoi commencez-vous en mai ? C’est très simple : je souhaite déclarer 2019 Année de la Reconnaissance, qui s’achève en décembre par une grande fête en l’honneur de la Révolution de ’89, et je commence lorsque le vote démocratique en Roumanie a commencé. Les premières élections libres ont eu lieu le 20 mai 1990 en Roumanie, si vous vous en souvenez. »

    Des voix de la politique, de la société civile et de la presse ont déjà salué l’annonce de Klaus Iohannis. Elle a également suscité des critiques virulentes. Candidat à sa propre succession, le chef de l’Etat est accusé faire un thème de campagne de l’hommage aux victimes de la résistance anticommuniste. Contre-candidat potentiel, le président du Sénat, Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, accuse le fait que cette initiative vise « l’utilisation à des fins électorales » d’éléments émotionnels — « la chute du communisme, le sacrifice des martyrs et la liberté retrouvée ». Le fils de la plus célèbre opposante de Ceauşescu, la professeure Doina Cornea, Leontin Iuhas, qui a séjourné lui-même dans le dépôt de la Securitate, a annoncé son refus de participer aux cérémonies patronnées par le président. Certains commentateurs ne cachent pas leur amertume que le dérisoire électoral menace de couvrir un thème tragique. Installée, à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, par les troupes soviétiques d’occupation, la dictature communiste a rempli la Roumanie de bagnes et de geôles dans lesquels les historiens estiment qu’au moins 600.000 personnes ont été emprisonnées pendant un demi-siècle. D’ailleurs, en 2006, l’ancien chef de l’Etat, Traian Băsescu, avait condamné, par une déclaration officielle, le régime communiste comme criminel et illégitime.

    (Trad.: Ligia)

  • The Sighet Memorial

    The Sighet Memorial

    Opened in the
    former prison in Sighetu Marmatiei, the museum tells the story of the communist
    reign of terror between 1950 and 1960, when some 100,000 Romanians were killed.

    The Academia
    Civia NGO run by writers Ana Blandiana and Romulus Rusan has managed to create
    the first museum devoted to these victims in the mid-1990s, which has since
    been a landmark of civic awareness.

    Ana Blandiana
    spoke about the Memorial this year, when Romania marks 30 years free of
    communism. This is the opinion of a writer, not a researcher, whose
    heart-rending words echo the unimaginable abhorrence whose tragic effects
    linger to this day.

    Ana Blandiana: The Sighet Memorial is a book in itself. To
    me, it is an unwritten one. It very much resembles a medieval liturgical book
    that teaches by means of memory. It’s a book teaching you how to retrieve memory.
    The biggest achievement of communism, which became apparent in a dramatic way
    only after 1989, was that it created a man without memory, the new man, the
    brainwashed man, who didn’t need to remember who he was, what he had or what he
    did before communism. Memory is a form of truth and it needs to be destroyed in
    order to destroy or manipulate truth. Destroying memory, a crime against both
    reason and history, is the primordial work of communism.

    The two writers
    felt the need to turn Sighet into a place for memory, considering it is here
    that the Romanian elite of the 1950s perished. Their effort is but a small part
    in the wider project of retrieving the past, deformed by Marxist ideology.

    Ana Blandiana: To us, creating the Sighet Memorial was not
    an end, but a means. We didn’t set out to create the perfect museum, where the
    crimes of recent history should be artistically and scientifically laid out on
    shelves, gathering the dust of contemporary ignorance. What we wanted and
    desperately sought was a means to recuperate the definition of a generation
    that was brainwashed and lost all its bearings, a generation incapable of leaving
    anything to the coming generations. The Sighet Memorial Museum is the place
    where young people can learn things that neither school nor their families were
    able to teach them. Here they read documents, see pictures, listen to analyses
    and testimonies on the horrors of the second half of the 20th
    century perpetrated in the name of class hatred and the repression of the most
    basic of human rights, a hatred that fuels history itself.

    Hatred: this
    word was the cornerstone of Marxism, a regime that repressed the innocent. Everyone
    who’s experienced this regime has felt its force to the full. It is a feeling
    that continues to affect society today, which we would better be able to
    understand if we looked closer at our communist roots, Ana Blandiana argues.

    Ana Blandiana: In fact, hatred and fanaticism continue to
    exist beyond the disappearance of the institutions that proliferated them.
    Indeed, communism as a system is gone, but its methods and mindset have
    endured. Analyzing communism is as useful to the past as it is for the present.
    Suffice it to recall the members of terrorist cells in the 60s, 70s and the 80s
    trained in military encampments and shooting ranges in Eastern Europe. Then
    they put their training to the test in attacks carried out in Western Europe.
    They used Soviet and Czech weapons to understand that the study of communism
    and its methods can be used also as an intelligent means to understand and
    solve some of the world’s current issues.

    Is communism
    instrumental in understanding the post-communist reality? Ana Blandiana
    believes it is.

    Ana Blandiana: The main issue is to see to what extent
    communism can be relevant in post-communism, to the last 30 years. I’ve taken
    part in a wide survey conducted by the ‘Observatorul Cultural’ magazine, and
    there was a question whether the communist and anti-communist rhetoric will
    still be able to impact the next four rounds of elections in Romania. Most
    people answered no, and the topic of the rising prices will be infinitely more
    important to them. At the same time, I believe we need to answer this question,
    because, from the point of view of freedom and justice, of human rights, of
    economy, things have changed, we’re no longer under communist rule, of course.
    But if we look at how the diabolical methods of manipulation and obscuring the
    truth were used in communism, we cannot hide the fact that there are times in
    present-day Romania when things are disturbingly similar to what we’ve
    experienced before.

    The Sighet
    Memorial remains a meaningful place for understanding and relating to the past,
    which continues to live in the present.

  • May 18, 2018 UPDATE

    May 18, 2018 UPDATE

    SIGHET MEMORIAL — The Memorial to the Victims of Communism in the town of Sighet (in the north) received the European Heritage Label, thus becoming the first institution in Romania with this status. 20 years ago the Council of Europe put the Memorial in Sighet on the list of main sites for preserving Europe’s memory, alongside the Auschwitz Memorial in Poland and the Normandy Peace Memorial in France. The prison in Sighet that had turned into ruin was transformed by means of civil society projects into a museum to honour the memory of the victims of Communism.

    DECISION – The European Commission on Friday started the process of renewing a sanctions-blocking measure to protect European businesses in Iran, after the United States pulled out of the Iran nuclear accord and reimposed sanctions on Tehran. The EUs blocking statute bans any EU company from complying with U.S. sanctions and does not recognize any court rulings that enforce American penalties. This EU regulation was adopted in 1996 but has never been formally implemented.

    VISIT –Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Friday received in Bucharest the prime minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic. President Iohannis highlighted the important role played by the Romanian community in Croatia and the Croatian minority in Romania in the consolidation of the relationship between the two countries. The Romanian head of state also highlighted the importance of protecting the rights of linguistic minorities and communities in the two countries. In his turn, the Croatian official hailed the way in which the Croatian minority in Romania is being treated, offering as example the fact that it is represented in the Bucharest Parliament. Andrej Plenkovic also met with his Romanian counterpart Viorica Dancila with whom he signed a statement of intent on the consolidation of bilateral cooperation in the defense and security fields.

    EUROPOL – With the support of Europol’s European Migrant Smuggling Centre three individuals suspected of facilitating large-scale irregular migrant smuggling to Germany have been arrested in Romania, Serbia and the United Kingdom on European arrest warrants in a covert strike on 8 May, Europol has announced. Law enforcement has noted an increasing number of such incidents involving attempts to hide migrants in lorries through border crossing points. This year alone, EU Member States have already reported to Europol 23 such incidents involving over 400 smuggled migrants.

    MUSEUM NIGHT— In Romania, Museum Night is taking place on May 19. Participating in the event are more than 180 museums and partner organizations from Bucharest and other cities of Romania. This year’s event also includes projects meant to offer a ‘more friendly’ interaction between museums and visitors, that provide digital museum routes which can be explored for free. The European Museum Night has reached its 14th edition. It was initiated by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

    CHISINAU – The European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Cretu said in Chisinau that the EU wanted to remain a strong partner committed to supporting the development of the Republic of Moldova. She made this statement fresh from a meeting with the Moldovan PM Pavel Filip. Commissioner Cretu pointed out that it was important for the Republic of Moldova to focus on the implementation of reforms in key sectors such as economic development, the business environment, energy and justice. In turn, PM Filip reiterated that the Moldovan government’s objective was the country’s European integration. On Saturday, Corina Cretu is paying a visit to Ungheni that was chosen as one of the European Villages of 2018 where citizens can find information about the EU support granted to the Republic of Moldova, especially through projects with European funding aimed at developing their regions.

    EUROSTAT — In Romania in the first 3 months of 2018 exports have grown up to 16.9 billion Euros while imports went up to 19.7 billion — show preliminary estimates of Eurostat. Thus, Romania’s trade balance deficit stood at 2.8 billion Euros as compared to 2.3 billion Euros in the same period of last year. In another move, Romania is among the EU states with the lowest percentage of the GDP allotted to defense in 2016. According to Eurostat, in 2016 the 28 EU members allotted almost 1.3% of the GDP to defense. As of 2017 Romania has started to allot 2% of the GDP to defense, under its NATO membership obligations.

    ROYAL WEDDING — Prince Harry of Britain, the nephew of Queen Elisabeth II and his fiancée, American actress Meghan Markle, are getting married on Saturday. The couple’s May 19 wedding at St. Georges Chapel will be a public affair, with TV cameras allowed inside the wedding ceremony and more than 2,000 members of the public invited to watch the carriage procession outside, after the wedding. St Georges Chapel, completed in 1528, is set in the lower ward of Windsor Castle – one of the most famous and iconic landmarks of the British royal family. Following the ceremony, a reception will take place in St Georges Hall within Windsor Castle. In the evening there will also be a private reception for the couple and close friends and family. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • February 3, 2018 UPDATE

    February 3, 2018 UPDATE

    Chevron — The American oil company Chevron will pay to the National Agency for Mineral Resources in Romania around 74 million dollars following the annulment of three oil concession agreements without observing the financial obligations stipulated by the oil law, the Romanian government announced Saturday in a press release. The decision was made by the International Court of Arbitration, a branch of the International Chamber of Commerce based in Paris, which was asked to solve the conflict between Chevron and Romania’s National Agency for Mineral Resources. In 2011, the two sides concluded three concession agreements for exploitation, development and exploration in certain areas in southeastern Romania, which three years later Chevron decided to terminate.

    Microsoft — The head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi, said she had no reason to resign, after charges were dropped in a resounding corruption case investigated by her assistants because the statute of limitations had expired. Charges were dropped against six former ministers prosecuted for abuse of office allegedly perpetrated in 2003-2004 while in the case of the 7th minister the case was closed. The ministers in question were investigated by the National Anticorruption Directorate for initiating or supporting government orders awarding a public procurement contract to a private company. Anti-corruption prosecutors say this company was considered, with no justification in reality, as the sole provider of Microsoft licenses in Romania, so no public tender was therefore held. Total damages stand at around 70 million dollars.

    USR — The leader of the opposition Save Romania Union Dan Barna has called for the resignation of the Foreign Minister, Liberal Democrat Teodor Melescanu following a declaration, which he labels as anti-European. Minister Melescanu had labeled as gross violation of the EU principles the information from Brussels according to which the observance of the rule of law could become a condition for granting European funds. The European Commission decided, for the first time in the history of the community bloc, to start the procedure for the activation of Article 7 against Poland, which provides for the suspension of the right to vote in the European Council. According to Brussels officials, there is evident risk of serious infringement of the rule of law in Poland, where Parliament passed laws that increase the control of the executive power on the judiciary.

    Commemoration — Commemoration events were held Saturday at the Memorial to the Victims of Communism and to Resistance in Sighet (northwestern Romania) to mark 65 years since the death of a great Romanian politician, Iuliu Maniu. The political personality of the leader of the National Peasant Party, who was Romania’s prime minister in the interwar period and also a member of the Romanian Academy, was evoked in a number of speeches and papers presented during the events. An activist for union, a promoter of democratic principles and an adversary of Communism and Nazism, Iuliu Maniu was arrested in 1947 by the regime instated by the Soviet occupation and died in 1953 at the age of 80 in the Sighet prison, where most of the former Democratic dignitaries were detained.

    Tennis — Romania’s and Luxembourg’s Davis Cup teams have obtained equal scores, 1-1, after the first two singles held Saturday in Piatra Neamt (northeastern Romania) in the first round of Europe/ Africa Zone Group II. In the first singles match on Saturday Ugo Nastasi of Luxembourg defeated the Romanian tennis player Nicolae Frunza 7-6, 1-6, 6-3. In the second match, Marius Copil defeated Christhope Tholl 6-3, 6-2. On Sunday, in the doubles, the pair Florin Mergea/Horia Tecău will play against Ugo Nastasi/Christophe Tholl and in the last two matches Copil will play against Nastasi and Frunza against Tholl. The Davis Cup matches will take place according to the new format announced by the International Tennis Federation with matches consisting of maximum 3 sets being played for two days not three, as has happened so far. Romania was demoted last year to Group I for the first time after 1993, after it lost the match against Israel 0-5. (news translated and updated by Lacramioara Simion)

  • Intellektuelle Bürgerallianz: ein Argument gegen Polit-Zynismus

    Intellektuelle Bürgerallianz: ein Argument gegen Polit-Zynismus

    Nach der Wende war in der rumänischen Gesellschaft besonders ein Bedürfnis nach Dialog und Diskussion zu spüren — und vor diesem Hintergrund entstand die Bürgerallianz — eine Plattform für politische Ideen und Initiativen, ein Debattenforum, ein loser Zusammenschluss vieler Akteure. Und sie war auch ein Gegenpart zur Front der Nationalen Rettung, einem Mammut-Gebilde, das nach der Wende das Machtvakuum nach dem Zusammenbruch des kommunistischen Regimes gefüllt hatte. Die Bürgerallianz war zugleich Kaderschmiede für die künftigen Oppositionspolitiker. Sie wurde am 7. November 1990 von Intellektuellen und Bürgervereinen gegründet. Eine der zentralen Figuren war die Dichterin und Regimekritikerin Ana Blandiana. Sie erinnert sich an den gesellschaftlichen Hintergrund, vor dem vor 27 Jahre die Bürgerallianz entstand:

    Nach dem als Mineriade bezeichneten Bergarbeitereinfall vom Juni 1990 in Bukarest, als Studenten verhaftet wurden, sagten wir uns, dass wir etwas tun müssen. Selbst wenn wir keinen Erfolg haben, müssen die Menschen sehen, dass wir es dennoch versuchen. Und so schalteten wir eine Anzeige in der Zeitung »România liberă«. Dass heute über diese Zeitung und ihren Chef Petre Mihai Băcanu so wenig erzählt wird, ist ungerecht. Ohne diese Zeitung, die damals auf eine Auflage von mehreren Hunderttausend Stück kam, hätte es in Rumänien keine Opposition gegeben“, erzählt die ehemalige antikommunistische Dissidentin.

    In einer Zeit ohne Facebook schaltete die frisch gegründete Bürgerallianz Inserate von 10 Quadratzentimetern auf der Titelseite der România liberă“ — Wir treffen uns am Donnerstag um 16.00 Uhr an der Universität“. Und es kamen so viele Leute, dass bei einem Marsch der Universitätsplatz noch voll war, während die ersten Demonstranten den Siegesplatz in fast 2,5 km Entfernung erreichten, wo das Regierungshauptquartier steht. In einem anderen Aufruf hie‎ß es, dass die Menschen wei‎ße Kleidung und eine Blume tragen sollten — ein Zeichen der Gewaltlosigkeit, sagt Ana Blandiana. Eines der wichtigsten Anliegen der neuen Plattform war die Etablierung einer Kultur der Erinnerung an die jüngere Geschichte der kommunistischen Diktatur in Rumänien.

    Ana Blandiana spielte eine gro‎ße Rolle bei der Einrichtung der Gedenkstätte der Opfer des Kommunismus im ehemaligen Gefängnis von Sighet. Im Namen der Bürgerallianz habe ich in Stra‎ßburg das weltweit erste Memorial des Kommunismus vorgeschlagen. Das war 1993, wir waren in Krakau auf einer Konferenz gewesen und auf Besuch auch in Auschwitz, das ganz in der Nähe liegt. In Stra‎ßburg sollte ich dann eine Rede vor dem Parlament des Europarates halten. Beim Abendessen sa‎ß ich neben der Generalsekretärin des Europarates, Catherine Lalumière — ein Zufall, dachte ich, doch jemand hatte ein gutes Wort eingelegt: Professor Enver vom Ausschuss der Menschenrechte. Die Diskussion mit Catherine Lalumière war der Grundstein des Memorials“, erinnert sich Ana Blandiana.

    In Europa blies ein Wind der Einheit und es ging nicht nur den osteuropäischen Ländern darum, sich mit der Vergangenheit auseinanderzusetzen: Nicht einmal mit meinem Mann hatte ich über ein Memorial gesprochen. Die Idee kam uns bei diesem Gespräch. Wir kamen aus Auschwitz, wo der Europarat ein internationales Zentrum für Nazi-Studien einrichten wollte, und ich fragte dann nach, ob es nicht mindestens genauso wichtig wäre, ein Zentrum für Kommunismus-Studien zu gründen, denn über den Kommunismus wusste man so gut wie nichts. Dann sprachen wir über Europa, über die Vereinigung, die zwischen Ost und West stattfinden sollte, und ich sagte, dass wir nicht nur Politik und Wirtschaft vereinigen müssen, sondern auch unsere Obsessionen. Aber dafür müssen wir sie erst einmal kennen.“

    Sehr lebhaft sind die Erinnerungen der Schriftstellerin an die naiv-linkischen Momente von damals — bestes Beispiel ist immer noch das Memorial von Sighet. Heute kann ich nachvollziehen, wie komisch sich das anhört, aber damals dachten wir keinen Augenblick nach, wie das Memorial per se entstehen wird. Wir dachten, der Europarat kümmert sich darum und baut es. Ich muss ehrlich zugeben, dass ich keinen Moment dachte, wir würden etwas tun. Und dann stand in der Projektbroschüre neben unseren Vorstellungen auch etwas über die Finanzierung — und das klang für uns surreal. Denn es stand da, wieviel die Kommunalverwaltung beisteuert, wieviel der Zentralstaat, wieviel die Privatwirtschaft. Dabei waren wir Staatsfeind Nr. 1, keine Behörde würde uns Geld geben, weder lokale, noch zentrale. Eine Bedingung des Europarates war, dass wir eine Stiftung gründen — die Bürgerakademie. Das war einfach, das haben wir gemacht — und die Idee, die uns gerettet hat, lag auf der Hand: Wir haben Filialen der Stiftung in Städten eröffnet, wo viele Exilrumänen lebten, also München, Paris, New York, Los Angeles. Die ersten Summen kamen aus Spenden dieser Exilrumänen zusammen.“

    Ana Blandianas Erinnerungen sind relevant für diese romantisch-naiven Momente der Politik nach der Wende. Doch die Alianţa Civică ist fester Bestandteile der jüngeren Geschichte geworden und auch ein Argument gegen den Zynismus der Politik neuerer Machart.

  • Orașe în oglindă – Sighet (România) și Slatina (Ucraina)

    Orașe în oglindă – Sighet (România) și Slatina (Ucraina)

    Dacă treci granița de nord a Romîniei venind din Maramureș, ai surpriza să descoperi două orașe în oglindă: Sighet și Slatina. Ambele, vechi asezări istorice de o parte și de alta a râului Tisa, la cinci kilometri una de alta, ambele, populate majoritar cu etnici români. O vizită la Slatina (Solotvino în limba ucraineană) ne-a întărit convingerea că, mai presus de destinul lor politic, cele două orașe continuă să se privească în oglinda timpului cu acel firesc dat de conștiința de neam.

    Fotografii: Valentin Ţigău

  • February 4, 2017 UPDATE

    February 4, 2017 UPDATE

    ANTI-GOVERNMENT PROTEST Protests continued in Bucharest on
    Saturday, for the fifth day in a row,
    against the decree issued by the Romanian Government to amend the
    criminal codes. The night before, hundreds
    of thousands of people took to the streets, in Bucharest as well as in
    many other towns and cities across the country and abroad, to demonstrate
    against the provisions of the emergency ordinance which, they say, helps
    high-ranking politicians and local and central government figures to no longer be
    held accountable for corruption. The
    leader of the Social Democratic Party Liviu Dragnea has spoken about the possibility
    of abrogating the controversial decree, as a means to ease the tension in
    Romania, also given that supporters of the party have announced their intention
    to take to the streets themselves, unhappy with the fact that the Executive is
    not allowed to implement its governing program. In turn, the co-president of
    the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats Calin Popescu Tariceanu has stated that abrogating
    the decree would allow the start of serious talks with large segments of
    society. He has proposed to all stakeholders, parties, civil society and the
    business environment, to sit at the negotiation table. The Romanian Foreign
    Minister Teodor Melescanu has announced he will travel to Brussels early next
    week to talk with EC representatives about the situation in Romania. In
    Bucharest, President Klaus Iohannis has notified the Constitutional Court,
    signaling the conflict between the Government on the one hand, and the
    Judiciary and Parliament on the other. The Supreme Council of Magistracy, the
    Ombudsman and the General Prosecutor are also against the provisions of the
    ordinance. The embassies in Romania of the US, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, the
    Netherlands, Great Britain and Sweden have voiced their concern over the
    situation in Romania. They have warned that Government’s actions might affect
    these countries’ partnerships with Romania, which are based on common values,
    shared by the EU and NATO. In a statement on Radio Romania, the spokesman for
    the US Department of State Mark Toner has said that the US calls on the
    Romanian Government to give up the recent measures that undermine the rule of

    2017 DRAFT BUDGET The joint budget-finances committees of the
    Romanian Parliament are discussing the 2017 draft state budget. A report must
    be concluded by Sunday evening, for the document to be debated in plenary
    parliament session on Monday. Speaking on behalf of the Government made up of
    representatives of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and
    Democrats in Romania, the Finance Minister Viorel Stefan gave assurances that
    the draft observes the main directions established under the governing program,
    among which slashing the VAT from 20 to 19% and eliminating the income tax on
    pensions of up to 2000 lei, the equivalent of some 400 Euros. The budget was
    built taking into account a growth rate of 5.2% and a deficit of maximum 3%.
    Also, Romania will stay committed to allocating 2% of the GDP to defense. The
    right wing opposition, however, believes that the revenues on the basis of
    which the budget was built are overestimated.

    COMMEMORATION Commemorative events were held on Saturday at the Memorial of the Victims of Communism and of the Resistance in Sighet,
    north-western Romania, to mark 64 years since the death of the great politician
    Iuliu Maniu. The political personality of the leader of the National Peasant
    Party, who was a Prime Minister between the wars and a member of the Romanian Academy,
    was evoked through various presentations and speeches. A militant for national
    union, a promoter of the democratic values, an opponent of Nazism and
    Communism, Maniu was arrested in 1947 by the dummy Government imposed by the
    Soviets and died in 1953 at the age of 80 in the Sighet prison, where most of
    the former Democratic dignitaries had been imprisoned.

    AWARD Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis has been
    awarded the Saint George Medal at an event organized by the Semper Opera House
    in Dresden, eastern Germany, for his political commitment to promoting the
    European project and its values. According to a communiqué issued on Saturday
    by the Presidential Administration in Bucharest, the president has stated he
    received the medal in the name of all Romanian and devoted it to the Romanian -
    German friendship. Other personalities who have received the medal are the former
    German President Christian Wulff, the former European Commissioner Gunther
    Oettinger, the former president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso
    and the current European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

    TENNIS Romanian tennis players Horia Tecau and
    Marius Copil were defeated in Minsk on
    Saturday by the pair Max Mirnyi – Yaraslav Shyla of Belarus, in the doubles of the first round of Davis Cup’s
    Europe/Africa Zone Group I. Leading the competition is now Belarus 2-1. On
    Friday, the Romanian Adrian Ungur defeated Ilya Ivashka, and Marius Copil lost
    to Egor Gherasimov. The last two singles are scheduled for Sunday: Marius Copil -
    Ilya Ivashka and then Adrian Ungur – Egor