Tag: Sinai

  • November 24, 2017 UPDATE

    November 24, 2017 UPDATE

    SUMMIT – Romanias president Klaus Iohannis said in Brussels on Friday that the EU must continue to support in a consistent manner the modernisation and reform efforts of the 6 Eastern Partnership countries. He encouraged a solid EU policy for its eastern neighbours, a region that must become predictable, stable and prosperous, committed to the European principles and values. At the 5th Eastern Partnership summit, 20 goals were agreed on and included in a roadmap for 2020. Launched in 2009, the Eastern Partnership is designed to promote political association and economic integration between the EU and 6 partners in Eastern Europe – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.

    PRESIDENCY – The president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, had a meeting in Brussels on Friday with his Ukrainian counterpart Petro Porosenko, on the sidelines of the Eastern Partnership summit. The main topic approached was Romanian-language education in Ukraine, in the context of president Porosenko promulgating a controversial education law in September. President Iohannis said his counterpart promised that all the recommendations of the Venice Commission with respect to this law will be taken into account, and that before being endorsed the prospective changes of the act will be discussed with Romanian officials and representatives of the Romanian community in Ukraine. Also on the sidelines of the summit, president Iohannis had talks with the prime minister of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Filip. On this occasion, Iohannis reiterated that Romania supports Moldovas pro-European aspirations.

    LABOUR – The Romanian Labour Minister, Lia Olguta Vasilescu, said on Friday that Romania is struggling with a severe deficit in the labour market, particularly in the IT sector, healthcare, constructions and agriculture. She added that the country needs to find solutions to this problem, and one of them would be to persuade the Romanians working abroad to come back home. These statements were made during a debate on the economic, social and cultural development of Romanian rural areas, organised in Bucharest and attended, among others, by the Agriculture Minister, Petre Daea.

    JUDICIARY – The Chamber of Deputies Speaker and leader of the leftist Social Democratic Party, Liviu Dragnea, Friday challenged at the High Court of Cassation and Justice a protective asset seizure by the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in the case known as “Tel Drum. Prosecutors sought to make sure that the over 25 million euros worth of damages in this case will be recovered. Dragnea is charged for offences that include the setting up of an organised crime group, abuse of office and fraud, which he allegedly perpetrated when he chaired the Teleorman County Council. According to the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, the case was based on a notification sent by the European Anti-Fraud Office, OLAF, with respect to several misdeeds, including the use of false documents to illegally obtain European funding for county road repair works.

    ATTACK – Egypt observes 3-day national mourning after more than 200 people were killed on Friday in an attack on a mosque in the north of Sinai Peninsula. According to international news agencies, the perpetrators detonated a bomb then started shooting the believers in the mosque located in a region where authorities are fighting an Egyptian group affiliated to the Islamic State. Since the Egyptian Army ousted the Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, in 2013, the jihadists have attacked security forces and civilians in northern Sinai on a regular basis, news agencies also report.

    RUGBY – Romanias national rugby team is playing a test match against Tonga on Saturday in Bucharest. If it wins, Romania, currently ranked no 14th in the world, will go one place up. A week ago, Romania won a test match against Samoa, 17-13, on home turf.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Nachrichten 24.11.2017

    Nachrichten 24.11.2017

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis hat in Brüssel für mehr Unterstützung seitens der EU für die Östliche Partnerschaft plädiert. Die Staatengemeinschaft müsse die Modernisierungs- und Reformanstrengungen der sechs Mitgliedsstaaten der Östlichen Partnerschaft konsequent unterstützen, so Iohannis. Der Staatschef ermutigte die Fortsetzung einer soliden Politik der EU in ihrer östlichen Nachbarschaft. Die Region müsse durch unumkehrbare Fortschritte zum berechenbaren, stabilen und wohlhabenden Lebensraum werden, der sich europäischen Werten und Prinzipien verschreibt. Beim fünften Gipfel der Östlichen Partnerschaft waren 20 Ziele vereinbart worden, gemäß einem Fahrplan bis 2020. Die 2009 ins Leben gerufene Partnerschaft soll die politische Assoziierung und wirtschaftliche Integration zwischen der EU und sechs Partnerstaaten in Osteuropa fördern. Die Mitgliedsstaaten sind Armenien, Aserbaidschan, Weißrussland, Georgien, die Moldau und die Ukraine.

    Präsident Klaus Iohannis ist am Freitag in Brüssel mit seinem ukrainischen Gegenüber Petro Poroschenko zusammengekommen. Das Treffen fand zum Auftakt des Gipfels der Östlichen Partnerschaft statt. Schwerpunkt der Gespräche bildete das umstrittene Bildungsgesetz, das vor zwei Monaten vom ukrainischen Parlament verabschiedet worden war. Wie Präsident Iohannis mitteilte, würde Poroschenko auf die Vorschläge der Venedig- Kommission in Bezug auf das ukrainische Bildungsgesetz eingehen. Die Änderungen hinsichtlich des Unterrichts in der Sprache der rumänischen Minderheit sollen demnach mit den Vertretern der rumänischen Minderheit und den zuständigen Amsträgern besprochen werden, bevor sie ins Gesetz aufgenommen werden, fügte Iohannis hinzu. Zum Auftakt des Gipfels diskutierte Präsident Iohannis zudem mit dem moldauischen Premier Pavel Filip. Dabei bekräftigte der rumänische Staatschef, dass Bukarest nach wie vor die Annäherung Chisinaus an die Europäische Union befürworte.

    Rumäniens Außenministerium hat den blutigen Anschlag im Norden der Halbinsel Sinai vom Freitag auf das Schärfste verurteilt. In einer Mitteilung bekundete das Amt die Solidarität mit dem ägyptischen Volk und den Behörden in Kairo. Auch zeigte sich Bukarest bereit, den Kampf gegen jegliche Form von Terorrismus zu unterstützen. Bei einem der schwersten Anschläge der vergangenen Jahre in Ägypten sind mindestens 235 Menschen getötet worden. Etwa 109 weitere Menschen seien bei dem Angriff auf eine Moschee im Norden der Sinai-Halbinsel verletzt worden. Wie es aus Sicherheitskreisen hieß, legten Angreifer zunächst mehrere Sprengsätze rund um die Al-Rawdah-Moschee rund 40 Kilometer westlich der Provinzhauptstadt Al-Arisch und zündeten sie, als die Gläubigen nach dem Freitagsgebet herauskamen. Anschließend hätten sie auf Flüchtende geschossen, hieß es weiter.

    Über 150 Veranstaltungen haben am Freitag auf der Internationalen Buchmesse Gaudeamus in Bukarest stattgefunden. Auf der von Radio Rumänien organisierten Buchmesse gilt die Europäische Union, durch ihre Bukarester Vertretung, als Ehrengast. Ehrenpräsident ist Matei Vişniec. Der Dramatiker und Journalist beteiligte sich am Freitag an der Debatte Ein Europa des Theaters und der Schriftssteller – Austausch von europäischen Kulturwerten als Grundlage Europas. Am Freitag waren die Messebesucher zum Stand des Verlags des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks Radio Rumänien eingeladen, um die neuesten beim Verlag Casa Radio erschienenen Titel zu entdecken. Die Messe bleibt bis am Sonntag geöffnet.

  • November 2, 2015

    November 2, 2015

    This is the third day of national mourning in Romania, commemorating the victims of the fire that occurred Friday night at a club in Bucharest. According to the latest reports 30 people died and 150 were injured. Ninety patients admitted in 12 hospitals in the capital city are in a critical or severe condition and the number of deaths may further increase. Prosecutors and the police have opened an investigation and are hearing the witnesses. The tragedy prompted an impressive mobilisation of the Romanian doctors, helped by fellow physicians from Israel and France, and the number of blood donors has tripled. Many countries have sent their condolences to the victims families.

    The former Romanian minister for regional development and tourism Elena Udrea has been heard today at the National Anti-Corruption Directorate in a corruption investigation involving a 3 million euro loan taken out from the private bank BRD. She is facing charges of accessory to abuse of office. Thirty people are prosecuted in this case for the fraudulent contracting of 17 loans. This is the fourth case against Elena Udrea opened by the anti-corruption prosecutors, after the ones known as Microsoft, Gala Bute and Hidroelectrica, in which the former minister was prosecuted on Friday. A close aide of former president Traian Basescu and very influential during his ten years in office, Udrea is one of the highest-profile Romanian politicians probed into for corruption.

    The number of foreign tourists arriving in Romania grew by nearly 20% in the first 9 months of the year, according to the National Statistics Institute. Arrivals in September 2015 were 18.5% higher than in the same months of the previous year. However, in 2014 for example, the money spent by foreign tourists across Romania, around 1.1 billion euros, accounts for less than the total incomes of Disneyland Paris – 1.3 billion euros, the INS explains. According to the World Tourism Organisation, Romania has a share of 0.3% in world tourism in terms of the number of tourists and 0.4% in terms of revenues from tourism. In other news, as of today Romania is taking part in World Travel Market 2015 (WTM). This is the second-largest travel fair in the world, bringing together over 180 countries and more than 50,000 experts. Romania has a 308 sq.m. stand at this fair.

    The European Union Monday promised to work with the new government in Ankara, after the early legislative elections held Sunday in Turkey. According to the EU, the elections, won by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) have confirmed the Turkish peoples strong commitment to the democratic process. The EU promised to join efforts with the new government to improve its partnership with Turkey and carry on bilateral cooperation, to the benefit of all citizens. PM Ahmet Davutoglu and President Recep Tayyip Erdogans Justice and Development Party won 49.4% of the votes and is to hold 316 of the 550 seats in Parliament. The Republican Peoples Party (CHP) came out second, with 24.5% of the votes, followed by the Nationalist Action Party with around 12%. The pro-Kurdish HDP carried little over 10% of the votes.

    The Liberal-Democrats in the Republic of Moldova are yet to decide whether they will take part in the negotiations with the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party to form a new ruling coalition. Sworn in less than 3 months ago, the Cabinet headed by the Liberal Democratic Party leader Valeriu Streleţ was brought down on Thursday through a no-confidence motion tabled by the Socialists and the pro-Russian Communists, but also backed by the Democrats. On Friday, President Nicolae Timofti appointed the Liberal deputy-PM Gheorghe Brega as interim prime minister. He said the priority for the Republic of Moldova is to form a new pro-European government as soon as possible.

    Some of the victims of the Egypt plane crash have been repatriated to Russia today. The Airbus A 321 operated by the Russian airline Metrojet, with 224 people on board, crashed on Saturday shortly after taking off, in the Sinai region in Egypt. It was carrying Russian tourists who had spent their holidays in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh back to Sankt Petersburg. All the passengers and crew died. The investigation, in which Russian experts are also taking part, is difficult, because the remains of the aircraft are scattered on a 20-km area. The two black boxes have been recovered and will be analysed in Moscow. This is the worst crash in the history of Russian aviation. A similar accident took place in 1985, when an Aeroflot plane went down in Uzbekistan, killing 200 people.

  • Egipt: lupte în Sinaiul de Nord

    dintre insurgenţi şi forţele armate egiptene s-au intensificat în ultimele zile, în
    Sinaiul de Nord, anunţă ministerul român de Externe. Astfel, miercuri, 1 iulie,
    au decedat peste 100 de isnurgenţi, 17 poliţişti şi un număr de civili au căzut
    victime în confuntările din din zona localităţilor Rafah şi Sheikh al Zuweyd. Alţi
    23 de insurgenţi au murit joi, 2 iulie, în urma atacurilor aviatice ale
    forţelor egiptene.

    Având în
    vedere situaţia tensionată din Sinaiul de Nord, diplomaţia de la Bucureşti recomandă
    cetăţenilor români să evite cu desăvârşire călătoriile în Sinaiul de Nord, iar
    celor aflaţi în Sinai să părăsească imediat zona şi, în cazul redeschiderii
    punctului de trecere al frontierei din localitatea Rafah, să nu încerce să
    tranziteze Sinaiul de Nord, în drum spre/dinspre Fâşia Gaza. Totodată, MAE
    reaminteşte avertismentul de a nu încerca folosirea tunelurilor clandestine de
    la frontiera palestiniano-egipteană, tentativă pasibilă de pedeapsa cu
    închisoare pe viaţă.

    Localităţile tursitice
    Sharm El Sheikh şi Hurghada, pot fi vizitate cu respectarea recomandării de
    evitare a excursiilor opţionale şi deplasărilor în afara staţiunilor.