Tag: social media

  • RRI 2017-2018 Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    RRI 2017-2018 Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

    WESTERN EUROPE 06.30 – 07.00 7,345 9,770 (DRM)
    12.00 – 13.00 15,460; 17, 650
    18.00 – 19.00 5,935 7,350 (DRM)
    21.30 – 22.00 6,030(DRM),375
    23.00 – 00.00 5,980; 7,220
    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 12.00 – 13.00 17,765; 21, 490
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 21.30 – 22.00 6,170; 7,310
    01.00 – 02.00 6,130; 7,325
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 04.00 – 05.00 6,020; 7,410
    JAPAN 23.00 – 00.00 7,325; 9,620
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 06.30 – 07.00 15,450; 17,780
    INDIA 04.00 – 05.00 9,800 (DRM); 11,790

    You can also listen to RRIs English language programming live over the internet using the same SW broadcast schedule given above. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “1 for English and then select your desired audio format (WMA, MP3 or ACC).

    Listen to English language programming on demand via the RRI website

    RRI broadcasts in English are also available for listening on demand via our website. The “On Demand feature is located immediately below the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of the RRI homepage. To listen again to a programme all you need to do is select the date of broadcast from the drop-down list and then click the desired programme. Our programmes become available for listening on demand two hours after the original broadcast.

    RRI and social media

    RRI can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, SoundCloud and Instagram.

    RRI via mobile phone in the US and on TuneIn

    Did you know that if you’re in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available both live and on demand via the following AudioNow call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.

    Our programs are also available on TuneIn (Radio Romania International 1)

  • RRI 2017-2018 Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    RRI 2017-2018 Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

    WESTERN EUROPE 06.30 – 07.00 7,345 9,770 (DRM)
    12.00 – 13.00 15,460; 17, 650
    18.00 – 19.00 5,935 7,350 (DRM)
    21.30 – 22.00 6,030(DRM),375
    23.00 – 00.00 5,980; 7,220
    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 12.00 – 13.00 17,765; 21, 490
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 21.30 – 22.00 6,170; 7,310
    01.00 – 02.00 6,130; 7,325
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 04.00 – 05.00 6,020; 7,410
    JAPAN 23.00 – 00.00 7,325; 9,620
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 06.30 – 07.00 15,450; 17,780
    INDIA 04.00 – 05.00 9,800 (DRM); 11,790

    You can also listen to RRIs English language programming live over the internet using the same SW broadcast schedule given above. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “2 for English and then select your desired audio format (WMA, MP3 or ACC).

    Listen to English language programming on demand via the RRI website

    RRI broadcasts in English are also available for listening on demand via our website. The “On Demand feature is located immediately below the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of the RRI homepage. To listen again to a programme all you need to do is select the date of broadcast from the drop-down list and then click the desired programme. Our programmes become available for listening on demand two hours after the original broadcast.

    RRI and social media

    RRI can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, SoundCloud and Instagram.

    RRI via mobile phone in the US and on TuneIn

    Did you know that if you’re in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available both live and on demand via the following AudioNow call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.

    Our programs are also available on TuneIn (Radio Romania International 1)

  • Alertă CERT-RO: Viruşi prin Facebook Messenger

    Alertă CERT-RO: Viruşi prin Facebook Messenger

    Alertă CERT-RO

    Centrul Naţional de Răspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetică CERT-RO a transmis o alertă în privinţa unui virus care se răspândeşte prin reţeaua de chat instant Facebook Messenger.

    Utilizatorii sunt sfătuiți să ignore astfel de mesaje și să evite accesarea link-urilor sau documentelor primite din surse necunoscute, prin intermediul canalelor de comunicare.

    Campania utilizează mai multe forme de malware, iar utilizatorii sunt expuşi la o serie de riscuri precum: divulgarea istoricului de navigare (browsing history) către atacatori, interceptarea de credențiale pentru diferite platforme web, instalarea altor forme de malware fără cunoștinţa acestora sau includerea în lanțul de distribuire a mesajelor malițioase către prieteni.

    Modul de acţiune

    Campanie de răspândire a virusului rulează prin intermediul unor mesaje care îi îndeamnă pe aceștia să acceseze un link (URL) către un așa zis video al unui prieten. Accesarea link-ului respectiv duce către o pagină, care pare a fi un film ce poate fi rulat de către utilizator, găzduită într-una din platformele Google Drive sau Google Docs şi folosind un URL prescurtat prin platforma BIT.LY.

    Pentru a spori curiozitatea şi încrederea utilizatorilor, mesajul este personalizat fiecărui prieten în parte, iar pagina filmului afișează o imagine de tip preview preluată de pe pagina de Facebook a prietenului care a trimis mesajul.

    Odată apasăt butonul Play” pentru a rula filmul, utilizatorul este direcționat către o platformă web care citește datele relevante despre sistemul acestuia (sistem de operare, browser etc.) și utilizează aceste informații pentru a-l direcționa în final către o pagină care servește o formă de malware dedicată sistemului pe care îl foloseşte.

    Spre exemplu, dacă utilizatorul folosește browser-ul Google Chrome, va fi direcționat către o extensie de browser malițioasă, sub pretextul că trebuie să instaleze acea extensie pentru a putea viziona clipul.

    Reacţie şi remediere

    CERT-RO sfătuieşte utilizatorii să ignore astfel de mesaje și să evite accesarea link-urilor sau documentelor primite din surse necunoscute, prin intermediul canalelor de comunicare precum: email, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp și altele asemenea.

    De asemenea, se recomandă o foarte mare atenție la instalarea extensiilor pentru browser, în condițiile în care în ultima perioadă a fost înregistrată o plajă foarte mare de extensii malițioase.

    În cazul în care știți sau bănuiți că sunteți victima acestei campanii malware, CERT-RO vă recomandă:

    – verificați extensiile de browser și dezinstalați-le pe cele care nu le folosiți (sau nu știți ce sunt sau par suspecte);

    – utilizați o soluțe antivirus/antimalware pentru a scana sistemul și pentru a elimina eventualele aplicații malițioase/suspecte identificate;

    – verificați dacă ați trimis astfel de mesaje prietenilor. În cazul în care ați făcut-o, avertizați-i să nu acceseseze respectivele mesaje.

  • RRI Summer 2017 broadcast schedule

    RRI Summer 2017 broadcast schedule

    Listen to English language programming on SW

    You can listen to RRIs English language programming using the SW broadcast schedule given below:

    WESTERN EUROPE 05.30 – 06.00 7,330 (DRM); 9,620
    11.00 – 12.00 13,770 ; 15,130
    17.00 – 18.00 11,810 ; 13,660
    20.30 – 21.00 6,170 ; 9,535 (DRM)
    22.00 – 23.00 7,430 ; 9,760
    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 11.00 – 12.00 17,670 ; 21,570
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 20.30 – 21.00 9,610 ; 11,850
    00.00 – 01.00 7,375 ; 9,730
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 03.00 – 04.00 7,375 ; 9,730
    JAPAN 22.00 – 23.00 7,325 ; 9,790
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 05.30 – 06.00 17,760 ; 21,500
    INDIA 03.00 – 04.00 11,825 ; 15,220 (DRM)

    Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

    You can listen to our programmes live over the internet at www.rri.ro. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “2 for English and then select your desired audio format (WMA, MP3 or ACC).

    Listen to English language programming on demand via the RRI website

    RRI broadcasts in English are also available for listening on demand via our website. The “On Demand feature is located immediately below the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of the RRI homepage. To listen again to a programme all you need to do is select the date of broadcast from the drop-down list and then click the desired programme. Our programmes become available for listening on demand two hours after the original broadcast.

    RRI and social media

    RRI can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, SoundCloud and Instagram.

    RRI via mobile phone in the US

    Did you know that if youre in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available both live and on demand via the following AudioNow “call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.

  • Schedule valid as of March 26, 2017

    Schedule valid as of March 26, 2017

    Dear friends,

    As of March 26 2017 RRI will broadcast on new SW frequencies. Please check them out:

    WESTERN EUROPE 05.30 – 06.00 7,330 (DRM); 9,620
    11.00 – 12.00 13,770 ; 15,130
    17.00 – 18.00 11,810 ; 13,660
    20.30 – 21.00 6,170 ; 9,535 (DRM)
    22.00 – 23.00 7,430 ; 9,760
    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 11.00 – 12.00 17,670 ; 21,570
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 20.30 – 21.00 9,610 ; 11,850
    00.00 – 01.00 7,375 ; 9,730
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 03.00 – 04.00 7,375 ; 9,730
    JAPAN 22.00 – 23.00 7,325 ; 9,790
    AUSTRALIA + INDIA 05.30 – 06.00 17,760 ; 21,500
    INDIA 03.00 – 04.00 11,825 ; 15,220 (DRM)

    English language programs live on RRIs website

    Dear listeners, on our website, www.rri.ro, you can listen live to Radio Romania Internationals broadcasts in English at the hours above in the SW table. All you need to do is select the channel 1 in the RRI Live! area and choose in which format to listen to: WMA, MP3 or AAC+.

    English language programs on demand on RRIs website

    Dear listeners, on our website, www.rri.ro, you can listen to Radio Romania Internationals broadcasts in English from the last 7 days. All you need to do is select the day from the list of programmes and then click on the desired programme. The programmes become available as audio files 2 hours after broadcasting. We are looking forward to your feedback.

    RRI and social media

    RRI has profiles on the following social networks and content sharing sites: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, SoundCloud, Instagram, Vimeo, Dailymotion and Tumblr. You can access them directly from our website, www.rri.ro!

    RRI on the mobile phone in the US

    Dear friends, you can listen to us on your mobile phone, in the US, through AudioNow. Our programs in English are available live or on demand, at the following call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. This incurs no extra charge and is the equivalent of making a standard mobile call in the US.

  • RRI Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    RRI Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

    WESTERN EUROPE 06.30 – 07.00 7,345 9,770 (DRM)
    12.00 – 13.00 13,580; 15,460
    18.00 – 19.00 5,935 7,350 (DRM)
    21.30 – 22.00 6,030(DRM),375
    23.00 – 00.00 6,015(DRM)

    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 12.00 – 13.00 15,150; 17,765
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 21.30 – 22.00 6,170; 7,310
    01.00 – 02.00 5,960; 7,325
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 04.00 – 05.00 6,020; 7,340
    JAPAN 23.00 – 00.00 7,325; 9,620
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 06.30 – 07.00 15,450; 17,780
    INDIA 04.00 – 05.00 11,790; 13,730 (DRM)

    You can also listen to RRIs English language programming live over the internet using the same SW broadcast schedule given above. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “2 for English and then select your desired audio format (WMA, MP3 or ACC).

    Listen to English language programming on demand via the RRI website

    RRI broadcasts in English are also available for listening on demand via our website. The “On Demand feature is located immediately below the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of the RRI homepage. To listen again to a programme all you need to do is select the date of broadcast from the drop-down list and then click the desired programme. Our programmes become available for listening on demand two hours after the original broadcast.

    RRI and social media

    RRI can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, SoundCloud and Instagram.

    RRI via mobile phone in the US

    Did you know that if youre in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available both live and on demand via the following AudioNow “call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.

  • RRI Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    RRI Winter Broadcast Frequencies

    Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

    WESTERN EUROPE 06.30 – 07.00 7,345 9,770 (DRM)
    12.00 – 13.00 13,580; 15,460
    18.00 – 19.00 5,935 7,350 (DRM)
    21.30 – 22.00 6,030(DRM),375
    23.00 – 00.00 6,015(DRM)

    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 12.00 – 13.00 15,150; 17,765
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 21.30 – 22.00 6,170; 7,310
    01.00 – 02.00 5,960; 7,325
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 04.00 – 05.00 6,020; 7,340
    JAPAN 23.00 – 00.00 7,325; 9,620
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 06.30 – 07.00 15,450; 17,780
    INDIA 04.00 – 05.00 11,790; 13,730 (DRM)

    You can also listen to RRIs English language programming live over the internet using the same SW broadcast schedule given above. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “2 for English and then select your desired audio format (WMA, MP3 or ACC).

    Listen to English language programming on demand via the RRI website

    RRI broadcasts in English are also available for listening on demand via our website. The “On Demand feature is located immediately below the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of the RRI homepage. To listen again to a programme all you need to do is select the date of broadcast from the drop-down list and then click the desired programme. Our programmes become available for listening on demand two hours after the original broadcast.

    RRI and social media

    RRI can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, SoundCloud and Instagram.

    RRI via mobile phone in the US

    Did you know that if youre in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available both live and on demand via the following AudioNow “call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.

  • Digitale Kompetenz: Sind Rumänen eher Computer-Muffel?

    Digitale Kompetenz: Sind Rumänen eher Computer-Muffel?

    Wenn wir über die digitalen Kompetenzen der Rumänen sprechen, mischen sich authentische und kontrollierbare Info mit weniger plausiblen und schwer überprüfbaren Daten: von der Internet-Geschwindigkeit und den Leistungen der rumänischen Schüler bei den internationalen Wettbewerben bis zum Mythos, dass im Silicon Valley Rumänisch die am zweithäufigsten gesprochene Sprache sei.

    Eine erste Feststellung sei, dass Rumänien, wenn wir über Digitalisierung sprechen, ein Land der Paradoxe ist, so Veronica Ştefan, Vertreterin der Nichtregierungsorganisation Social-Doers“. Hierzulande leben beispielsweise ein paar der besten IT-Spezialisten aus der ganzen Welt beisammen mit den 43% der Rumänen, die überhaupt keine digitalen Kompetenzen haben. Veronica Ştefan dazu:

    Rumänien nutzt die digitale Technologie sehr oft, besonders in den Social Media, wo das Land in puncto Nutzungshäufigkeit den dritten Platz in der EU belegt. Wenn es aber um den digitalen Zugang zu den öffentlichen Dienstleistungen geht, nehmen wir den letzten Platz ein. Genauso wenig gebrauchen wir die elektronischen Dienste für Internet Banking oder für Online-Käufe. Die Jugendarbeitslosigkeitsquote liegt bei rund 21%, doch bei den Jugendlichen, die im IT-Bereich spezialisiert sind, sprechen wir von 0% Arbeitslosigkeit. Die digitale Technologie ist in vielen Bereichen zu finden: in der erneuerbaren Energie, in der Bildung, im Alltagsleben, in der Gesundheit. Leben wir alle zusammen in dieser digitalen Gesellschaft, oder ist jeder ein Eigenbrötler, der in seiner Blase lebt? Es gibt zahlreiche Initiativen und viel zu wenig Koordinierung. Die Technologie kann uns das Leben erleichtern.

    Vor diesem Hintergrund der rumänischen Paradoxe und der neuen technologischen Revolution in der ganzen Welt muss man sich fragen, inwieweit die Rumänen mit der digitalen Technologie im privaten wie im beruflichen Leben vertraut sind, ob die Initiativen der Zivilgesellschaft die breite Öffentlichkeit auf die digitale Zukunft vorbereitet und ob sie digitale Unternehmungen ermutigen. 2015 trug der IT-Bereich mit 5,6% zum BIP Rumäniens bei. Im Jahr 2010 waren es nur 3,4%. Die Organisation SocialDoers hat vor kurzem ein erstes rumänisches Think-Tank organisiert, gebildet aus Befürwortern der digitalen Entwicklung, Experten, Vertretern des Geschäftsumfeldes, Fachleuten in öffentlicher Politik. Die Initiative Digital Citizens“ nimmt sich vor, die Rumänen auf eine Zukunft vorzubereiten, in der die digitale Technologien in der Wirtschaft und im sozialen Leben eine ausschlaggebende Rolle spielen. Digitalisierung bedeutet nicht nur der persönliche Rechner, das Handy oder das Tablet. Digitaltechnik ist in Fabriken zu finden, wo Roboter die Menschen ersetzen, in der Medizin, wo Organe im 3D-Drucker erschaffen werden. Ob die rumänischen Fachleute bereit sind, diese neuen Realitäten zu akzeptieren, erfahren wir von Elisabeta Moraru, Industry Manager bei Google, die bei der ersten öffentlichen Konferenz des Think-Tanks Digital Citizens“ anwesend war. Elisabeta Moraru kam mit einer Gruppe von Assistenzärzten zusammen:

    Es war ein Saal voller Assistenzärzte. Ich habe über Innovation erzählt und nicht über technische Aspekte oder IT-Technologien. Ich habe ihnen Medizinprodukte vorgestellt, die von 3D-Druckern hergestellt wurden. Die Zukunft besteht darin, Fabriken für 3D-Drucker zu gründen, nicht selber 3D-Produkte herzustellen. Ich habe über anatomische Organe, die gedruckt wurden, und über andere Produkte gesprochen. Wissen Sie, was sie mir geantwortet haben? Ich werde nie das Gespräch mit einer jungen Ärztin vergessen, die mich gefragt hat: ‚Und was hat das alles mit uns zu tun?‘ Ich war völlig enttäuscht und frustriert, dass mich eine junge Ärztin so etwas fragen konnte. Wir haben es mit einem Paradigmenwechsel zu tun. Die Zukunft gehört jenen, die sich heute ausbilden lassen und 2030 arbeiten werden. Die Fähigkeiten, die wir im Leben gebrauchen, werden bis im Alter von 13-14 Jahren erworben, danach wird nur noch daran geschliffen. Wenn wir — wie in anderen Ländern — den Kindern nicht schon im Erstklässler-Alter beibringen, wie sie Häuser oder Bausteine auf dem Rechner hin und her bewegen — dabei geht es eigentlich um die graphische Darstellung der Programmierung –, dann bieten wir denjenigen, die 2030 arbeiten werden, keine Chance.“

    Irinuca Văduva, Projektleiterin im Rahmen des ECDL-Büros Rumänien (European Computer Driving Licence), meint, nicht nur die Kinder, sondern auch die Erwachsenen müssten ihre Computer-Kompetenzen weiterentwickeln.

    EDCL kämpft seit Jahren gegen eine bestimmte Vorstellung an, die behauptet, wir seien alle sogenannte Digital Natives. Ich verstehe, dass wir von der Technologie überwältigt sind, dass Sachen passieren, die wir uns in der Vergangenheit nicht einmal vorstellen konnten. Rumänien hat aber ein Problem, hier herrscht ein Missverständnis über den Begriff der Digital Natives. Unsere Kinder sind keine Menschen, die in der digitalen Welt unbedingt zurechtkommen, trotz der Technologie, die sie umgibt. Die europäischen Statistiken zeigen, dass es um den rumänischen Arbeitsmarkt gar nicht so gut bestellt ist, wenn es um digitale Kompetenzen geht — und sei es nur im elementaren Umgang mit dem eigenen PC. Man braucht einen integrierten Ansatz. Wir sollten nicht auf den Hype der Lobby hereinfallen, die für Programmierkurse für Kinder schon im Alter von fünf Jahren wirbt. Die Menschen müssen zuerst lernen, wie sie all diese digitalen Geräte einfach nur gebrauchen, bevor sie mit Programmieren anfangen. In dem Zusammenhang könnte man sich fragen, ob wir nicht etwa eher digital naive Menschen statt tatsächlich Digital Natives sind.“

    Şerban Ţîr, technischer Direktor der Unternehmergruppe Gemini Solutions, ist der Meinung, die digitale Kompetenz müsse unabhängig vom Beruf entwickelt werden. Şerban Ţîr erzählt uns, wie er seine IT-Fachleute auswählt:

    Es ist schrecklich kompliziert, wenn man hochqualifizierte Fachleute einstellen will. Die Unternehmen organisieren Interviews, jeder Kandidat muss vier Interviews hinter sich bringen. Die Löhne sind riesig, sogar höher als im Ausland. Ich bin der Meinung, dass man in digitale Kompetenzen investieren muss, weil wir uns dadurch eine einfachere und finanziell rentablere Zukunft sichern.“

    Die Digitalisierung ist folglich kein Phänomen, das in einer fernen und abstrakten Zukunft abhängt, sondern ist schon ein wesentlicher Teil in vielen Bereichen der heutigen Wirtschaft.

  • RRI Summer Broadcast Frequencies

    RRI Summer Broadcast Frequencies

    Listen to English language programming live via the RRI website

    WESTERN EUROPE 05.30 – 06.00 7,330 (DRM) 9,620
    11.00 – 12.00 13,790; 15,130
    17.00 – 18.00 9,540 11,810 (DRM)
    20.30 – 21.00 6,17011,870 (DRM)
    22.00 – 23.00 7,430; 9,760
    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 11.00 – 12.00 15,150; 17,670
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 20.30 – 21.00 11,870; 13,650
    00.00 – 01.00 9,730; 11,800
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 03.00 – 04.00 9,730; 11,800
    JAPAN 22.00 – 23.00 7,325; 9,790
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 05.30 – 06.00 17,760; 21,500
    INDIA 03.00 – 04.00 11,825; 15,220 (DRM)

    You can also listen to RRIs English language programming live over the internet using the same SW broadcast schedule given above. All you need to do is go to the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of our website, choose channel “2 for English and then select your desired audio format (WMA, MP3 or ACC).

    Listen to English language programming on demand via the RRI website

    RRI broadcasts in English are also available for listening on demand via our website. The “On Demand feature is located immediately below the “RRI Live! section in the top-right of the RRI homepage. To listen again to a programme all you need to do is select the date of broadcast from the drop-down list and then click the desired programme. Our programmes become available for listening on demand two hours after the original broadcast.

    RRI and social media

    RRI can also be
    found on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube,
    Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, SoundCloud
    and Instagram.

    RRI via mobile phone in the US

    Did you know that if youre in the US you can also listen to RRI broadcasts on your mobile phone? Our English language programmes are available both live and on demand via the following AudioNow “call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. Calling this number incurs no extra charge above the equivalent of a standard US mobile phone call.

  • Radio România Internaţional, tora şi pi Tumblr

    Radio România Internaţional, tora şi pi Tumblr

    Radio România Internaţional (RRI) anchisi di puţan chiro şi cu un profil pi Tumblr, platformă di microblogging şi site di socializari pi cari utilizatorl’ii pot s-higa un conţinut multimedia tru arada a unui blog public ica privat şi pot s-mutreasca tru blogurli a alantor persoani.

    Profilu RRI poati s-hiba accesat la https://www.tumblr.com/blog/radioromaniainternational

    Radio România Internaţional ari profiluri şi pi aesti di ma nghios singiruri suţiali şi platformi di partajari di conţinuturi: Facebook (tru tuti limbili di emisie şi tru dialectul armânescu), Twitter (postări tru limbili română şi engleză), Google+ (postări tru română şi engleză), Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn (postări tru română şi engleză), YouTube, Instagram şi SoundCloud (postări tru română şi engleză).

  • Radio Romania International now available on Tumblr

    Radio Romania International now available on Tumblr

    Radio Romania International is now available on Tumblr, a microblogging and social networking platform, where users can upload multimedia content on their public or private blogs and can follow other people’s blogs.

    RRI’s Tumblr profile can be accessed at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/radioromaniainternational

    Radio Romania International is also available on the following social networks and file-sharing platforms: Facebook (in all broadcast languages and the Aromanian dialect), Twitter (Romanian and English), Google+ (Romanian and English), Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn (Romanian and English), YouTube, Instagram and SoundCloud (Romanian and English).

  • Radio România Internaţional, acum şi pe Tumblr

    Radio România Internaţional, acum şi pe Tumblr

    Radio România Internaţional (RRI) are de curând şi un profil pe Tumblr, platformă de microblogging şi site de socializare pe care utilizatorii pot posta conţinut multimedia în cadrul unui blog public sau privat şi pot să urmărească blogurile altor persoane.

    Profilul RRI poate fi accesat la https://www.tumblr.com/blog/radioromaniainternational

    Radio România Internaţional are profiluri şi pe următoarele reţele sociale şi platforme de partajare de conţinuturi: Facebook (în toate limbile de emisie şi în dialect aromân), Twitter (postări în limbile română şi engleză), Google+ (postări în română şi engleză), Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn (postări în română şi engleză), YouTube, Instagram şi SoundCloud (postări în română şi engleză).

  • Schedule valid from March 29th, 2015

    Schedule valid from March 29th, 2015

    Dear friends,

    As of March 29th 2015 RRI will broadcast on new SW frequencies. Please check them out:

    WESTERN EUROPE 05.30 – 06.00 9,700 ; 11,800 (DRM)
    11.00 – 12.00 15,130 ; 17,680
    17.00 – 18.00 9,540 ; 11,810 (DRM)
    20.30 – 21.00 6,170 ; 9,800 (DRM)
    22.00 – 23.00 5,939 ; 7,430
    SOUTH-EAST AFRICA 11.00 – 12.00 15,150 ; 17,670
    NORTH AMERICA (East Coast) 20.30 – 21.00 13,650 ; 15,170
    00.00 – 01.00 9,730 ; 11,800
    NORTH AMERICA (West Coast) 03.00 – 04.00 9,730 ; 11,800
    JAPAN 22.00 – 23.00 9,790 ; 11,700
    INDIA + AUSTRALIA 05.30 – 06.00 17,760 ; 21,500
    INDIA 03.00 – 04.00 11,825 ; 15,220 (DRM)

    English language programs live on RRIs website

    Dear listeners, on our website, www.rri.ro, you can listen live to Radio Romania Internationals broadcasts in English at the hours above in the SW table. All you need to do is select the channel 1 in the RRI Live! area and choose in which format to listen to: WMA, MP3 or ACC.

    English language programs on demand on RRIs website

    Dear listeners, on our website, www.rri.ro, you can listen to Radio Romania Internationals broadcasts in English from the last 7 days. All you need to do is select the day from the list of programmes and then click on the desired programme. The programmes become available as audio files 2 hours after broadcasting. We are looking forward to your feedback.

    RRI and social media

    RRI has profiles on the following social networks and content sharing sites: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, LinkedIn, SoundCloud and Instagram. You can access them directly from our website, www.rri.ro!

    RRI on the mobile phone in the US

    Dear friends, you can listen to us on your mobile phone, in the US, through AudioNow. Our programs in English are available live or on demand, at the following call-to-listen phone number: 716.274.2526. This incurs no extra charge and is the equivalent of making a standard mobile call in the US.