Tag: social security bill

  • The 2018 budget under Parliament debate

    The 2018 budget under Parliament debate

    Debates on the 2018 state budget and social security bill have reached the final stage, and Romanian MPs are supposed to endorse it on December 21st at the latest. The bill reached parliament last week, and since then parliamentarians have had the opportunity to propose amendments, which have been centralized by chief authorizing officers and are to be discussed in the specialized committees.

    Thousands of amendments have been proposed since the bill reached parliament, including the allocation of resources to continue the works on the Bucharest ring-road, consolidating the buildings at risk of being destroyed by earthquakes, carrying on works on the metro, programs and actions for the Diaspora and the building of schools and kindergartens. Based on an estimated 5.5% economic growth rate, the 2018 budget includes more funds for the fields that need support. According to Prime Minister Mihai Tudose, health, education and infrastructure are next years priorities:

    The new budget provides for a 17% increase in funds for healthcare, 16% for education and 42% more money for investments, as compared to 2017.

    According to the bill approved last week by the Government, agriculture is another field that will benefit from more money. According to the main party in the ruling coalition, the Social Democratic Party, next years budget is fairer and more balanced. The Social Democrats say that the situation might be even better than estimated, because hopes are that economic growth in 2018 will exceed expectations. The opposition, however, sees things differently. Deputy Eugen Tomac, member of the Peoples Movement Party has stated that implementing this budget will be a very big challenge for the governing coalition:

    Their calculations are wrong. And they are wrong because there are already hundreds of municipalities across the country that do not have money for salaries.

    According to the opposition, the focus should be on channeling resources towards development. According to the bill approved by the government, personnel expenses will go up by 11.6 billion lei (some €2.5 billion) as compared to this year, following the implementation of the new salary law. Also, investment expenses will increase by 13 billion lei (some €2.8 billion). The final form of the budget will be decided in a plenary session of parliament, and debates are to start on December 18th. (Translated by M. Ignatescu)