Tag: society today

  • Education through culture and education for culture in the Romanian educati

    Education through culture and education for culture in the Romanian educati

    There have been frequent and heated debates in recent years over the role of education through and for culture and about the need to introduce dedicated courses in the school curricula. Overall, the education system in Romania has always included cultural elements. The new curricula for primary and secondary education, coordinated by the Institute for Educational Sciences (IES) over the past few years has been aimed at making children aware of cultural elements and cultural differences between various European or international cultural identities, says IES deputy director, PhD Magdalena Balica. Pupils are learning cultural elements during traditional classes of language and communication, elements of fine arts and choreography, musical education, history, geography and social education.

    However, a study published in 2016 by IES, entitled “Arts in school-concepts and practices”, highlights the fact that art is not given proper coverage by the media and is poorly promoted in almost all environments. A strategy of promoting experiences created by artistic education lacks both in schools and public institutions. Both teachers and decision makers in the field feel the lack of a development plan meant to coherently monitor this dimension of artistic education.

    Magdalena Balica: “It is true that beyond the elements included in the school curriculum, the educational practice carried out at school level can bring fundamental advantages. Teachers have a school curriculum and a textbook, but schools live in a social and cultural reality. We encourage initiatives that we have discovered here at the Institute for Educational Sciences. There are schools which for years have promoted various categories of cultural projects at community level, with support from artists and local cultural personalities. I believe that such initiatives can be promoted and expanded, so that they could become common practice and not an exception to the rule, as is the case right now. We are glad to see that as of late an increasing number of NGOs have expressed readiness to start cooperating with schools at cultural level. This is a very good sign, the more so as schools can’t and shouldn’t do everything and need experts and opportunities provided by communities. I think that right now we are far from reaching the idea of generalising this type of cooperation, but it’s a good starting point, which might be promoted at systemic level.”

    An example is set by Adriana and Virgil Scripcariu. She is an art historian and he is a sculptor. Together, they have set up a private school in Piscu village, Ilfov County, to compensate for the closure of a public school in the village.

    Adriana Scripcariu has also authored several optional textbooks on cultural heritage: “At present we are at the end of a project under which we created an educational notebook about the UNESCO heritage in Romania. This notebook will be introduced in schools as of this year and will be proposed as an optional subject matter in secondary schools next year in a number of institutions. We hope it will be well received, because this is what middle school teachers are now required, to propose an inter-disciplinary subject to study with the pupils. Our projects continue in terms of creating books about cultural heritage for the general public and of staging workshops and popularising in schools the subject of cultural heritage.”

    Teachers need to be supported in the initiation, organization and unfolding of artistic activities, thus putting extra pressure on the cultural operators who present their educational offer.

    Adriana Scripariu: “One should know what to choose for being presented to children. This is a weak point because teachers themselves do not have this type of education for cultural heritage and cultural sensitivity. That makes it difficult for them to properly present the information and teach this openness to pupils. However, we hope that through our work and that of our colleagues in museums and other NGOs, things will become more accessible. We very much want our work to matter for the future generations.”

    This collaboration between schools, NGOs and other public culture institutions is vital. Nevertheless, there are obstacles to be overcome. Magdalena Balica: “What we don’t have is the context in which this collaboration can be capitalized upon. And the biggest problem signaled by schools, teachers and cultural operators is the scarce resources. We probably need to work out policies that should support more this collaboration between cultural actors and schools, so that we can talk about coherent intervention. What is clear is that schools cannot do everything and cannot do by themselves things that are related to the involvement of pupils in the community, in the social life, also from a cultural perspective.”

    According to the Institute for Education Sciences, “education for artistic and cultural values cannot be done if, at all the levels of public institutions’ intervention, there is not a clear will and capacity to promote these values”.

  • The Work At Home Moms Club

    The Work At Home Moms Club

    Many women have a change of career after becoming mothers. After maternity leave, some choose to work from home. For all the mothers in this situation, the Work At Home Moms Association offers counseling and support. It was set up two and a half years ago, when founder Elena Gorun gave birth to her boy.

    Spokeswoman Andra Todirita told us how they work and grow: We organize various events, workshops to let mothers know about their opportunities, how to register their work at home, and how to find solutions to problems they face. We also help them organize and network through Mama Connect, meetings where mothers meet and talk about what they do, and possibly work together. We also organize fairs on holidays. On that occasion, the members of the association present their products and services, and people outside the association can meet them and know about them. Sometimes we attract investors to support the projects the mothers design.

    Many of the mothers working from home turn their passion into a business, be it designing jewelry, tailoring, cooking and painting. Others offer legal and financial advice, others are involved in various marketing or promotion projects. They stay at home mostly for the sake of the children, like Cristina Antonica, a member of the association.

    She believes that most members choose to work from home because they can no longer relate to their previous existence, giving herself as an example: “My decision to work from home started with the birth of my second child, and I now have three kids. When I gave birth to my daughter I wanted to be close to her, and at the same time make myself useful. There is a preconceived idea that a stay-at-home-mother only takes care of the home and the child. In reality, in our times, a stay-at-home-mom wants professional satisfaction as well. I run a publishing house, and I do that from home. It is a small business which publishes childrens books and parenting books.

    As a manager of editors and an editor herself, in addition to being a full time mother, Cristina has a challenge on her hands. The freedom to manage her own time constitutes a difficulty. Which is why Cristina shares her work with the children: “My kids are my partners. I offer them practical experience. I did not know how fascinating this world is for them before I got involved in this work. They love going to the printing workshop, they love touching the paper, looking how things move around. They go with me anywhere I need to go. We play together too. I mostly work at night. In fact, most mothers who work from home do that.

    Andra Todirita, spokeswoman for the association, is herself a work-at-home mom. She told us it was not hard for her to give up her previous job, because working at home allows her to explore various facets of her personality: “I felt I needed something else. Since university I have felt an attraction to alternative medicine. When I got pregnant, as I noticed with other moms to be, a different world opened up to me, a more creative world. And since I had attended a training course during the years spent in the institute, I started using the knowledge gained there when the kid was born and once I had gone on maternity leave. Once I became a member of the Work At Home Moms Association, I had the opportunity to get involved and help other mothers tackle challenges better, by using their own resources. This is the niche I picked. It is a dialog I have with my clients, giving them the opportunity to discover their own solutions and see more clearly what they want for themselves. This is how they get to know what they have to do in the future.

    Just like Cristina Antonica, Andra Todirita designs her schedule around her daughter, and when she can, she takes her to the meetings of the association. Andra holds courses there to help mothers in need of psychological counseling and moral support, and she told us about it: “They share their situation with other mothers, they have access to counseling, experts or therapists, to get over difficult situations, such as family trouble. Our association works with mothers in difficult situations, like single mothers or moms with insufficient incomes. We have a responsibility towards ourselves and our children to be more emotionally mature in order to cope with the challenges facing us, and prove to others that we can deal with whatever comes our way. The power of example is great, and if we can prove to our family that we can make things work, then we can change minds.

    In spite of the fear that comes with giving up financial and professional safety, more and more mothers choose to work from home. They get to spend more time with the children, and they can also reinvent their lives.