Tag: Sorin Elisei

  • Romania, a regional hub for energy security?

    Romania, a regional hub for energy security?

    The National Energy System is sound and viable, and Romania has what it takes to be an energy exporter, says the Romanian line minister Anton Anton, adding that, at a time when energy policies are being reviewed in Europe and around the world, Romania is a participant in the establishment and development of the Energy Union together with the other EU member countries.

    Bucharest aims to become a regional hub of energy security, and not just a sale market, to be an interchange of the transport routes that cross the European Union, as well as an efficient and competitive producer of natural gas and energy in Europe.

    What are these goals based on? As Minister Anton puts it, on an energy mix that is a major competitive advantage for Romania in Europe: “We have a country full of resources. Romania is one of the few countries in the EU that can take pride in the diversity of their resources. With these resources, and with the low production capabilities that we have at present, we manage to cover the entire national demand for electricity, and, furthermore, we can also export energy in the region. Romania is an energy security hub.”

    Moreover, once extraction begins on the Black Sea continental shelf, Romania may strengthen its position, and from an almost independent player in the European natural gas market it may reach a situation where it no longer needs Russian gas imports at all, says a Deloitte study made public recently.

    Romanias domestic output already covers most of the countrys natural gas demand. Out of the 28 EU member countries, Romania ranks 3rd, after Estonia and Denmark, as far as resource imports are concerned. Razvan Nicolescu, a former energy minister and currently working for the Deloitte agency, explained that offshore deposits might yield a total of 170 billion cubic metres of natural gas, that is 5 billion cubic metres per year on average.

    Investments in the Black Sea hydrocarbon sector will bring 26 billion US dollars into the state budget, and will increase Romanias GDP by 40 billion US dollars until 2040. This estimate, which is more cautious than the one made by the Romanian authorities, is based on technical data concerning the offshore extraction works in the Gulf of Mexico, similar to the ones in the Black Sea.

    Razvan Nicolescu. “As far as the reserves go, the authorities said they amount to 200 billion cubic metres. We estimate there are 170 billion, according to our calculations. The European Commission, in its impact studies, speaks about a significant increase in natural gas prices. We expect the additional output to generate a positive impact in terms of competition, and to slow down the upward trend of gas prices in Romania.”

    Each dollar invested there will triple, through either direct or indirect effects or in related sectors. Because, as Deloitte experts emphasise, this is not only about selling the actual gas, but about the entire industry involved. Here is project coordinator Sorin Elisei.

    Sorin Elisei. “The investment will amount to 22.2 billion US dollars. The implementation of these projects, in all their 4 stages, will support an annual average of over 30,000 jobs. The combined revenues to the state budget will reach 26 billion US dollars, and were also talking about over 70 billion US dollars in additional output generated thanks to these investments.”

    Deloitte estimates that 65% of the natural gas will stay in Romania and the balance will be exported, thus consolidating Romanias position on the European natural gas market.

    Romanias Energy Strategy, which is currently being finalised, targets an improvement of sustainability in the energy sector, and in turn the development of the energy sector requires the building of new capacities and the upgrade of the existing energy production, transport and distribution units, Romanian authorities say.

    Romania has a geographical position in Europe that makes it suitable for natural gas transport routes, which is why the BRUA project has been created. The route of this pipeline is an advantage for us, but we should make efforts to make sure that it not only crosses Romania, but also generates profits for Romania, says the Energy Minister.

    BRUA is a new European gas transport corridor planned to better connect the countries it crosses, namely Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, along a total 1,318 km, and to support the energy market by allowing new connections with major infrastructure projects, such as the natural gas hubs in Central Europe and the future offshore production units in the Black Sea. The project is also designed to ensure a deeper integration of the European gas markets and to enhance the safety of gas supply.

  • La Roumanie et l’indépendance énergétique

    La Roumanie et l’indépendance énergétique

    La bonne nouvelle c’est qu’à la différence de bien d’autres Etats européens, la Roumanie couvre déjà, de sa propre production, la majeure partie de la consommation interne de gaz. La nouvelle encore meilleure c’est qu’elle pourra se dispenser totalement des importations de gaz russe quand elle aura commencé à exploiter les gisements du plateau continental de la mer Noire. C’est la conclusion de l’étude présentée par Răzvan Nicolescu, ex – ministre roumain de l’Energie et actuel expert du célèbre cabinet d’audit et de conseil Deloitte.

    Le volume total de l’extraction totale de pétrole offshore pourrait s’élever à 170 milliards de mètres cubes, soit une moyenne annuelle de 5 milliards de mètres cubes. Les investissements dans le secteur des hydrocarbures du plateau continental de la mer Noire généreront 26 milliards de dollars de recettes au budget de l’Etat et rajouteront 40 milliards de dollars au PIB de la Roumanie, à l’horizon 2040. Cette estimation, plus prudente que celle des autorités roumaines, repose aussi sur les données techniques de certaines exploitations pétrolières offshore dans le Golfe du Mexique, similaires à celles de la mer Noire. Răzvan Nicolescu: Dans le cas des réserves, les officiels comptent sur 200 milliards de mètres cubes, alors que, selon nos calculs, il s’agirait de 170 milliards. Les études d’impact réalisées par la Commission européenne font état d’une croissance significative des prix du gaz. Nous pensons qu’il y aura un surcroît de production, qui engendrera un impact positif du point de vue de la concurrence et qui atténuera la tendance à la hausse des prix en Roumanie.

    Une fois démarrée l’exploitation du gaz en mer Noire, chaque dollar investi sera triplé, grâce aux effets directs et indirects ou encore dans les secteurs économiques adjacents. Et là, soulignent les experts de l’agence Deloitte, il n’est pas question que de la vente de gaz, mais de toute la chaîne économique qu’entraîne cette ressource. Sorin Elisei, coordinateur du projet, explique: Il s’agit d’investissements d’un montant total de 22,2 milliards de dollars. Le déroulement de ces projets tout au long des quatre phases supposera un nombre moyen annuel de plus de 30 mille employés. Les recettes cumulées du budget de l’Etat devraient augmenter de 26 milliards de dollars. Autrement dit, grâce à ces investissements, la production générera quelque 70 milliards de dollars supplémentaires.

    Deloitte estime également que 65% du gaz iront à la consommation interne, le reste étant destiné à l’exportation, ce qui sera de nature à consolider la position de la Roumanie sur le marché européen du gaz. Sorin Elisei: Sur les 28 pays membres de l’UE, seuls l’Estonie et le Danemark devancent la Roumanie quand il s’agit du taux de dépendance envers les importations de ressources. Je pense que nous pourrions même améliorer notre position dans le classement, laquelle est plus qu’honorable, d’ailleurs.

    Les analystes économiques et de politique étrangère se réjouissent des prévisions des experts de l’agence Deloitte. Ces derniers rappellent que Moscou a maintes fois utilisé à des fins politiques et géopolitiques la dépendance de l’Europe vis-à-vis des hydrocarbures russes et trouvent qu’il est impératif d’identifier et de mettre à profit des ressources alternatives au pétrole et au gaz.

  • România – independenţă energetică?

    România – independenţă energetică?

    Vestea bună e că, spre deosebire de multe alte state europene, România îşi asigură, deja, cea mai mare parte a consumului de gaze naturale din producţia proprie. Vestea şi mai bună e că nu va mai avea defel nevoie de importurile de gaze din Rusia, după ce va începe extracţia zăcămintelor din platoul continental al Mării Negre. Aceasta e concluzia unui studiu prezentat de fostul ministru al Energiei Răzvan Nicolescu, astăzi expert al celebrei agenţii Deloitte. El a explicat că din perimetrele offshore s-ar putea extrage în total 170 de miliarde de metri cubi, adică, în medie, cinci miliarde de metri cubi anual. Investiţiile în sectorul hidrocarburilor din Marea Neagră vor genera venituri la bugetul de stat în valoare de 26 de miliarde de dolari şi un plus de 40 de miliarde de dolari la PIB-ul României până în anul 2040. Estimarea, mai prudentă decât cea a autorităţilor române, se bazează şi pe date tehnice ale unor exploatări offshore din Golful Mexic, similare cu cele din Marea Neagră.

    Răzvan Nicolescu “În cazul rezervelor, oficialii au spus că sunt 200 de miliarde de metri cubi. Noi spunem 170 de miliarde, din calculul nostru. Comisia Europeană, în studiile de impact pe care le realizează, arată o creştere mare a preţurilor la gaze naturale. Noi estimăm că vom avea un surplus de producţie, că acest surplus de producţie va genera un impact pozitiv din punct de vedere concurenţial şi va tempera tendinţa de creştere de preţ în România.” Odată demarată exploatarea gazelor din Marea Neagră, fiecare dolar investit se va multiplica de trei ori, prin efecte directe, indirecte sau în sectoarele economice adiacente. Aici, subliniază experţii Deloitte, nu vorbim doar de vânzarea gazului în sine, ci de tot lanţul economic antrenat de această resursă.

    Sorin Elisei, coordonatorul proiectului “Investiţii de 22,2 miliarde de dolari. Derularea acestor proiecte în toate cele patru faze duce la susţinerea unui număr mediu anual de angajaţi pe toată această perioadă de peste 30 de mii. Veniturile la bugetul de stat cumulate vor fi suplimentate practic cu 26 de miliarde de dolari, şi vorbim de peste 70 de miliarde de dolari generare adiţională de producţie, ca urmare a acestor investiţii. Deloitte estimează că 65% din gaz va fi consumat în România, iar restul va pleca la export, consolidând, astfel, poziţia României pe piaţa europeană a gazelor. Din nou, Sorin Elisei “Din 28 de state membre, la indicatorul dependenţă de importuri de resurse, cred că în faţa noastră se află doar Estonia şi Danemarca. Cred că am putea chiar să ne îmbunătăţim acest loc 3, care este mai mult decât onorabil.” Predicţiile experţilor Deloitte nu-i bucură doar pe analiştii economici, ci şi pe cei de politică externă. Aceştia amintesc că, nu de puţine ori, Moscova a utilizat în scopuri politice şi geopolitice dependenţa Europei de hidrocarburile sale şi apreciază drept vitală identificarea şi valorificarea unor surse alternative de petrol şi gaze.