Tag: Sorin Munteanu

  • Buziaş


    Ne îndreptăm azi
    spre vestul României şi ajungem în judeţul Timiş. Buziaşul este singura
    staţiune de interes naţional din vestul ţării, care are ca profil terapeutic
    bolile cardiovasculare, folosind în procedurile de tratament factorii naturali
    de cură. În primul rând, apa minerală carbogazoasă folosită în cură externă sub
    formă de băi cu apă minerală încalzită şi în cură internă de la buvetele din
    parc. Apoi, foarte apreciate sunt şi mofetele, emanaţii de dioxid de carbon,
    benefice pentru circulaţia periferică. Nu în ultimul rând, aeroionozarea. În
    acest caz vorbim despre o concentraţie a aerului similară unei altitudini de
    1000 m, deşi staţiunea este situată la o altitudine de 128 m, bioclimatul fiind
    propice pentru tratament şi odihnă.

    Sorin Munteanu, primarul
    oraşului Buziaş, ne prezintă câteva dintre atuurile destinaţiei noastre de azi: Mă refer la apele minerale carbogazoase, la factorii
    naturali de cură, descoperiţi cu sute de ani în urmă. Pe lângă această cură
    miraculoasă pentru sănătate, pe care o oferă Buziaşul, venim cu câteva noutăţi.
    Aş menţiona în primul rând drumul vinului. Dealurile Silagiului, care aparţin
    oraşului Buziaş, au fost bine cunoscute până în 1989. Din păcate, ele au intrat
    într-un con de umbră, dar au început să reintre în centrul atenţiei de prin
    2012. Astfel, putem vorbi despre un drum al vinului, pe care, ca edil al
    oraşului, aş vrea să-l legăm de programele de profil din sudul ţării şi până în
    Serbia. Mai putem spune că, pe lângă partea de tratament, de relaxare, avem
    oferte şi în zona de agrement şi a sporturilor extreme. Există la Buziaş o
    şcoală unică în partea de vest a ţării: şcoală de paraşutism şi pilot de
    aviaţie pentru avioane utilitare, avioane mici şi, de ce nu, plimbări de

    Muzeul Balnear
    Buziaş, primul de acest fel din România, este deschis spre vizitare doar
    sâmbata şi duminica, între orele 14-17. Acesta prezintă istoricul staţiunii şi
    scoate în evidenţă efectul terapeutic al apelor minerale din Buziaş asupra afecţiunilor cardiovasculare, circulatorii şi
    asupra hipertensiunii arteriale. Iar un alt obiectiv turistic inedit este
    colonada, locul de promenadă preferat al împărătesei Sissi. Aceasta va fi refăcută
    respectând planurile iniţiale. Obiectivul a fost construit în anul 1875, la
    cererea împăratului Franz Josef. Sorin Munteanu, primarul oraşului Buziaş: Acele alei unice în Europa, colonade, cum sunt numite, în lungime de
    533 de metri, acoperite de lemn, în stil neogotic, sunt refăcute astfel încât,
    la sfârşitul lunii iunie să reintre în circuitul turistic. Avem, de asemenea,
    un proiect de reabilitare a parcului. Sunt 34 de hectare de parc şi pădure
    care, împreună cu colonada şi cu edificiile ridicate acolo, au apărut în timpul
    imperiului austro-ungar. Aici veneau împăratul Franz Josepf în campaniile
    militare, dar şi prinţesa Sissi. Vrem să reînviem tradiţia, dar în strânsă
    legătură cu Banatul istoric. Iar când facem referire la Banatul istoric,
    includem şi regiunile din Serbia şi Ungaria. Cazinoul intră în proiectul de
    reabilitare. Va fi transformat într-o sală de evenimente şi spectacole. El se
    pretează în special la concerte filarmonice.

    Tradiţia viticolă pe Dealul
    Silagiului, care are o altitudine maximă de 324 de metri, este veche. Aici
    se află podgoria Buziaş. Diverse însemnări consemnează activităţi viticole încă
    de la începutul mileniului trecut. Sunt 14 mii de hectare de teren agricol,
    acoperite în proporţie de nouă la sută de vii. De aici provin vinurile de masa
    superioare, roşii şi albe, recunoscute pe plan internaţional. Având în vedere
    potenţialul celor două forme de turism, viticol şi balnear, infrastuctura de
    cazare a staţiunii Buziaş a cunoscut o dezvoltare fără precedent.

  • Buzias, a resort of the heart

    Buzias, a resort of the heart

    The only Romanian resort of national interest in western Romania is Buzias, specializing in the treatment of heart conditions and using natural cure elements in its treatment procedures. First off, there is the sparkling mineral water used in external curing procedures under the form of bathing sessions with warmed mineral water.

    The sparkling mineral water can also be used internally thanks to the pump rooms placed in the park. Also highly appreciated are the chokedamps, carbon dioxide emanations recommended for the treatment of peripheral circulation problems.

    And, last but not the least it’s the ionized air here, which is also one of the resort’s fortes as it has an atmospheric concentration similar to a 1,000m altitude. Although it lies at an altitude of only 128 meters above the sea level, its bio-climate is perfect for treatment and rest. The mayor of the town of Buzias, Sorin Munteanu will be presenting some of the resort’s hotspots.

    Sorin Munteanu: ”I would like first to refer to the sparkling mineral waters, the natural healing factors, discovered a couple of hundred of years ago. Apart from that kind of cure, miraculous for one’s health, and which Buzias has on offer, we have a couple of novelties as well. The first to mention is the wine road. The Silagi Hills, which are part of the town of Buzias, had been very familiar until 1989. Unfortunately these hills were ignored for a while, but since 2012 their popularity has again started to grow. So we can speak about a wine road, which in my capacity as one of the town’s planners, I’d like to link to a specialized program ongoing in southern Romania and all the way down to Serbia. I might also add that besides the treatment and relaxation programmes on offer here, the spa boasts a series of leisure and extreme sports opportunities. Buzias has a school, unique in its kind in the western part of the country: a school of skydiving, which also provides training for utility and small airplane pilots. The centre here also offers recreation flights. “

    The wine-growing tradition in the Silagi Hill, which is 324 meters high, is an old one. Wine-growing activities here have been traced down to the beginning of the last millennium. There are 14,000 hectares of farmland, nine per cent of which are covered with vineyards. This is the source of the superior table wines, red and white, which have gained international recognition. Given the potential of the two kinds of tourism, winegrowing and spa, the accommodation infrastructure of Buzias has seen an unprecedented progress, according to mayor Sorin Munteanu.

    Sorin Munteanu: ”From 2006 to 2013, the hotel industry saw real progress, with hotels being upgraded from two to three and even four stars. The infrastructure saw more than 6 million Euros worth of investments being used to modernize the hotels. The potential is also great because of the location of Buzias, a city lying 30 kilometers from Timisoara and 35 kilometers from the airport. Tourism supported by the National House of Pensions has always worked really fine with us. We have been visited by people from all over Romania. Regarding foreign tourists, we have collaborations with Israel, an old-time source of tourists for Romania and especially for Buzias. Also, we have partnerships with similar resorts, Mako and Oroshaza, which can be found close by, in Hungary. In 2013, we also had a promotion partnership project in western and south-eastern Europe, as well as in western Romania.”

    The Buzias Spa Museum, the first such museum in Romania, is open to visitors only on Sundays and Saturdays, from 2 to 5 pm. The museum presents the history of the resort with an emphasis on the therapeutic effects that the mineral waters here have on cardiovascular, circulatory and high blood pressure conditions. Another unique tourist objective are the colonnades, the favorite place of Empress Sissy, who used to take long walks here. The colonnades, built in 1875 at the order of Emperor Franz Josef, will be restored to their former glory in keeping with the original blueprints.

    Sorin Munteanu: “Those alleys unique in Europe, colonnades as they are called, which are 533-m long and are covered in wood, being built in the neo-gothic style, will most probably reenter tourist circuit by end-June. Also, at the end of November 2016, we submitted a project aimed at financing Romanian balneal resorts. Under this project we want to upgrade the park. There are 34 hectares of park and forest, which alongside the colonnades and the edifices were built during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is here that Emperor Franz Joseph used to come during his military campaigns and also Empress Sissy. We want to bring tradition back to life again, but in close connection with the historical Banat. And when I say historical Banat I also refer to the regions that are now part of Serbia and Hungary. The Casino will also be refurbished and turned into an events hall. It is a very good venue for philharmonic orchestra concerts.”

    Lucia Parvu, a company manager, is an expert wine tester and represents an association made up of four wine producers. She says that Buzias is an area that has been forgotten for the last 30 years. Nevertheless, she says, a slight change has been felt since 2008 and the setting up of the wine producers’ association was a step in this direction.

    Lucia Parvu: “This association tries to connect people who love tourism, wine, gastronomy and traditions. In every vine-growing area of the country there are specific products. It’s a good thing they established this association because it promotes them as a whole, something that this area has not have for a very long time. At present, the quality of Romanian wines is appreciated abroad. They are presented in national and international competitions and are awarded medals. I think this says it all. We have wine cellars open for visitors. I don’t like to call it wine tourism, but rather tourism of beauty, nature, of natural products and of wine. It’s a wonderful experience to visit a producer’s cellar and it is very different from meeting them at a wine show. Each of them has a different story which people are eager to know. We wish we had wine tourism offers just like the ones that we see abroad. There, tourists spend their holiday visiting wine cellars. They travel, taste, eat and have fun, which is great.”

    Lucia Parvu says that spa and wine tourism are not easy to combine in a single holiday, as for the first around 18 therapy sessions are required while for the latter there are too many wine cellars to visit in just one holiday and too many experiences to live.