Tag: Staffan de Mistura

  • UE sprijina viitorul Siriei si al regiunii ​

    UE sprijina viitorul Siriei si al regiunii ​

    Șefa diplomației europene, Federica Mogherini, spune că deblocarea tratativelor de la Geneva este obligatorie pentru a se putea pune capăt războiului civil izbucnit în această ţară în 2011.

    Nu se poate ajunge la pace în Siria decât prin serioase negocieri politice, a susţinut Federica Mogherini, Înaltul Reprezentant al Uniunii Europene pentru Afaceri Externe şi Politică de Securitate, în cadrul unei conferinţe pe tema conflictului din Siria ce a avut loc săptămâna trecută la Bruxelles. Ea a precizat că ajutarea sirienilor, atât a celor rămaşi în ţară, cât şi a celor care s-au refugiat în străinătate, este necesară şi va continua, dar nu contribuie la încetarea ostilităţilor şi la obţinerea unei păci durabile în regiune.

    Federica Mogherini: Mi se pare că ne-am împotmolit într-un ciclu de violenţă, care se tot repetă, la nesfârşit. Scopul nostru comun este sau ar trebui să fie să rupem acest cerc al violenţei şi al escaladărilor. Şi ştim cu toţii că există o singură cale de a face asta. Şi permiteţi-mi să spun că ţările din regiune, ţările din vecinătatea Siriei ştiu asta mai bine decât oricine. Soluţia la acest război poate veni doar din negocieri politice reale şi semnificative între părţile implicate, sub auspiciile ONU. Nu poate exista decât o soluţie negociată politic. Trebuie să deblocăm tratativele de la Geneva. Propunerea de a înfiinţa, la Geneva, un Comitet Constituţional, condus de sirieni, sub supravegherea ONU, ar trebui transformată acum în realitate, ca o chestiune de maximă urgenţă.

    Procesul politic, drumul spre pace şi reconciliere nu va fi uşor – nu suntem naivi, ştim asta bine. Dar a crede în ceea ce e corect nu înseamnă să fii naiv, înseamnă să contribui la soluţie. Şi noi credem că aceasta este singura cale reală de a obţine o pace durabilă, o Sirie unită, liberă, democratică şi inclusivă, care să aparţină tuturor sirienilor şi de care să aparţină toţi sirienii.

    Alături de Federica Mogherini, la conferinţa de la Bruxelles, s-a aflat reprezentantul ONU pentru Siria, Staffan de Mistura, care a declarat că situaţia din această ţară s-a deteriorat în ultimele săptămâni, având în vedere atacul chimic şi raidurile aeriene ale Franţei, Marii Britanii şi Statelor Unite.

    Şefa diplomaţiei europene a subliniat, în context, că este necesară oprirea de urgenţă a ostilităţilor pentru a permite acordarea de ajutor umanitar. Ea a precizat că donatorii internaţionali care au participat la conferinţa de două zile din Bruxelles şi-au luat angajamentul de a dona peste şase miliarde de dolari către Siria.

    Rusia şi Iranul, doi aliaţi apropiaţi ai preşedintelui sirian Bashar al-Assad, nu au participat la conferinţă, dar reprezentantul ONU pentru Siria a făcut apel către cele două ţări să ajute la discuţiile pentru pace.

    Siria se confruntă, începând din martie 2011, cu un război civil în care şi-au pierdut viaţa până acum 350.000 de oameni.

  • February 16, 2016

    February 16, 2016

    Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos is today holding talks in Brussels with the President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz and with other European officials on topics such as Romania’s joining the Schengen area, migration and the European energy union. On Monday, the first day of his visit to Brussels, PM Ciolos discussed his priorities with the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, among which reforms of the administration as means of fighting corruption.

    The President of the Republic of Moldova, Nicolae Timofti, is paying a two-day official visit to Bucharest starting on Tuesday. Timofti will hold talks with his Romanian counterpart Klaus Iohannis, with PM Dacian Ciolos, the Senate Speaker Calin Popescu Tariceanu and other Romanian officials on bilateral ties and Moldova’s European agenda. Timofti’s visit to Bucharest follows the announcement on Friday of Moldova’s PM Pavel Filip that Romania will grant Moldova humanitarian aid, to help it cope with the economic and social crisis. The aid will consist in food for vulnerable people and heavy fuel oil to supplement Moldovas reserves in case its natural gas supply is disconnected.

    The Romanian Health Minister, Patriciu Achimaş-Cadariu, has said that Romanian authorities are doing their best to find out what made a number of newborn children in Arges county get sick. Several newborn babies and toddlers of up to 2 years have been treated for serious digestive infection but its source is still unknown. According to the latest Health Ministry report, three of the children were infected with the E. coli bacteria and with several viruses. Two children have died since the beginning of the month and one is in a very serious condition. 16 children from Arges county are being treated in a hospital in Bucharest. Of them, 10 are in the intensive care unit.

    The United Nations envoy for Syria, Staffan de Mistura, is today paying an unscheduled visit to Damascus to follow up on commitments made in Munich by the world powers, who agreed on Friday to a cessation of hostilities that would let humanitarian aid be delivered in Syria, Reuters reports. Mistura suspended last week’s talks peace negotiations in Geneva after only three days, but he hopes negotiations will be resumed on February 25th. Over 260,000 people died since the beginning of the Syrian conflict.

    The Romanian women’s handball champions, CSM Bucharest can qualify to the Champions’ League quarterfinals if they defeat Macedonia’s Vardar Skopje today. On Sunday, HCM Baia Mare has grabbed a win in the Champions League’s main Group One. In the French city of Orleans HCM Baia Mare snatched an 18-17 win against French side Fleury Loiret. It was the Romanian team’s fourth win running in the competition’s main group stage, which brought the Romanians one step closer to making headway into the Champions League’s quarterfinals.

    (Translated by E. Enache)

  • January 25, 2016 UPDATE

    January 25, 2016 UPDATE

    European Union countries have asked the blocs executive to prepare for the extension of temporary border controls in the Schengen area for up to two years, Dutch Migration Minister Klaas Dijkhoff said on Monday. “Currently, the temporary border measures can be aken only for a limited period of six months. But the unprecedented influx of asylum seekers, which compelled member states to take these measures nationally, have not decreased yet,” Dijkhoff, who chaired the EU ministerial meeting in Amsterdam, told a news conference. Romania was represented at the meeting by its Home Affairs Minister Petre Toba.

    The European Counter Terrorism Centre (ECTC) has been opened in Amsterdam within the current organisational structure of Europol – the European Union law enforcement agency. The centre will improve information sharing among national police forces whose performance is under scrutiny after the jihadist attacks in Paris in November. “Our ambition is for the European Counter Terrorism Centre to become a central information hub in the fight against terrorism in the EU, providing analysis for ongoing investigations and contributing to a coordinated reaction in the event of major terrorist attacks,” said Europol’s Director Rob Wainwright. According to Wainwright, alongside counter-terrorism coordination, the centre will also monitor the way in which Islamic State (IS) and other extremist groups are abusing the Internet and social media, in particular for their propaganda and recruitment purposes.

    Staffan de Mistura, the United Nations envoy for Syria has announced that peace talks are scheduled to start on January 29 and might take around 6 months. UN talks on Syria will begin later this week, despite the continuing failure to agree who will represent the rebels fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and a lack of agreement on other key issues, the organisation has announced. Staffan de Mistura also said on Monday that the names of the people invited at the peace talks will be made public on Tuesday.

    The Romanian Foreign Ministry has announced that Ukrainian authorities signalled a swine flu outbreak in the country, a respiratory disease, caused by a strain of the influenza type A virus known as H1N1. Ukrainian officials have introduced a number of urgent measures to prevent the spreading of the virus, such as temporarily closing schools and banning some public gatherings. The Romanian Foreign Ministry strongly recommends Romanian citizens to avoid travelling to Ukraine in the upcoming period. H1N1 is the same strain that causes seasonal outbreaks of flu in humans on a regular basis. Symptoms of swine flu in humans appear to be similar to those produced by standard, seasonal flu – fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and chills.

    The Romanian Anti-Corruption Directorate has requested approval from the Senate for the prosecution of former Minister of the Interior, Gabriel Oprea, for abuse of office. He is suspected of illegally using the resources of the ministry when travelling on ministry business. He is also accused of illegally signing a protocol by which the same illegal benefits were granted to the general prosecutor with the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The Anti-Corruption Directorate started the investigation after a motorcycle police escort to the minister lost his life on duty in his official column. The lack of reaction after the incident and the lack of justification for that assignment sparked public outrage.

    The new PM of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Filip, is paying a visit to Romania on Tuesday, invited by Romanian PM Dacian Ciolos. The two will be discussing joint projects and the reform agenda that Chisinau has committed to under the Association Agreement with the EU. This is the first official visit of the new Moldovan Prime Minister, while the situation in Chisinau is volatile. Over 20,000 protesters, pro-Russian political forces and representatives of civil society took to the streets on Sunday in Chisinau, condemning endemic corruption.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)