Tag: startup nation

  • Start-up Nation, une nouvelle édition

    Start-up Nation, une nouvelle édition

    L’application pour les inscriptions au programme Startup Nation 2018 a été officiellement lancée, ce jeudi, en Roumanie. Les sociétés créées après le 30 janvier 2017 et actives dans les domaines de la production, des industries créatives, des services ou du commerce, ont 30 jours à leur disposition pour déposer des projets. Le programme offre des financements non remboursables à hauteur de 43.000 d’euros, une somme qui peut couvrir entièrement les dépenses éligibles d’un projet. Plus de 1400 candidatures ont déjà été déposées.

    Startup Nation se donne pour objectifs principaux de stimuler la création et le développement des PME et d’améliorer les performances économiques de celles-ci, notamment dans les régions géographiques moins développées économiquement et où ces sociétés sont moins présentes par rapport à la moyenne européenne. On envisage aussi de stimuler la création d’emplois et l’insertion sur le marché du travail des personnes défavorisées, des chômeurs et des jeunes diplômés en quête d’emploi. Plusieurs conditions sont à remplir pour être éligible : la société doit proposer au moins un emploi à plein temps en CDI et le garder pendant au moins 2 ans après la finalisation du projet.

    Le ministre chargé du Milieu des affaires, du commerce et de l’entrepreneuriat, Ştefan Radu Oprea, recommande aux entrepreneurs d’être réalistes en ce qui concerne leur plan d’affaires : « Ils doivent bien réfléchir à leur plan d’affaires, au nombre d’emplois soutenables qu’ils sont capables de créer. Et ce, parce que nous avons constaté qu’il existe des conseillers moins honnêtes, qui insistent sur un très grand nombre d’emplois. J’aimerais que l’entrepreneur soit conscient des possibilités offertes par son entreprise, afin de créer un nombre d’emplois réaliste et soutenable. »

    Les chances de recevoir un financement augmentent aussi en fonction des acquisitions prévues dans le projet de candidature. D’autres critères s’y ajoutent. Le ministre Ştefan Radu Oprea explique : « Côté emplois, il existe 4 critères à prendre en considération. Premièrement il faut qu’ils soient stables et durables. Le deuxième critère concerne le public cible, c’est-à-dire les jeunes diplômés qui viennent d’achever leurs études ou qui sont au chômage ou encore les personnes handicapées. Le 3e critère vise les investissements dans les équipements. Enfin, le 4e critère se réfère à la date et l’heure du dépôt de la candidature. »

    Notons pour terminer que le programme Startup Nation a été simplifié et amélioré après l’expérience de la première édition. Là, sur les 10.000 projets sélectionnés, 8.444 contrats ont été conclus, dont 7.200 sont déjà en déroulement, a encore précisé le ministre. (Trad. Valentina Beleavski)

  • Jurnal românesc – 20.11.2018

    Jurnal românesc – 20.11.2018

    Vicepremierul Ana Birchall s-a întâlnit, luni, cu comisarul britanic pentru comerţ cu Europa, Andrew Mitchell, cu care a discutat despre comunitatea de români din Regatul Unit, dar şi despre faptul că România va susţine ca Marea Britanie să fie apropiată de UE chiar şi după Brexit. Ana Birchall a afirmat că România are o comunitate importantă şi bine integrată în societatea britanică, un adevărat liant între cele două state. Tocmai de aceea, în cadrul discuţiilor, am accentuat necesitatea respectării drepturilor românilor care locuiesc în Marea Britanie şi ale familiilor lor, a evidenţiat vicepremierul de la Bucureşti. În cadrul discuţiilor, a fost subliniată importanţa Parteneriatului strategic cu Marea Britanie, care, potrivit vicepremierului român, are o fundaţie solidă în domeniul securităţii, economic, cultural şi educaţional.

    În perioada 28 noiembrie 2018 – 14 aprilie 2019 va avea loc Sezonul cultural România – Franţa. Potrivit unui comunicat al Ministerului de Externe, România propune publicului francez peste 200 de proiecte într-un demers unic de diplomaţie publică, economică şi culturală. Proiectul îşi doreşte să reînnoiască imaginea şi percepţia pe care cele două ţări o au una faţă de cealaltă şi să întărească legăturile economice, ştiinţifice şi culturale dintre cele două state. Printre momentele-cheie se numără Sezonul României la Centrul Pompidou, Forumul economic franco-român la Bercy şi Festivalul filmului românesc la Paris. Cei doi comisari ai Sezonului România – Franţa, Andrei Ţărnea şi Jean Jacques Garnier, şi-au exprimat speranţa că evenimentele ce vor avea loc vor da ocazia publicului român şi francez să îşi formeze o perspectivă nouă asupra celor două societăţi şi a relaţiilor acestora în Europa.

    Încurajarea reîntoarcerii și reinserției socio-profesionale a românilor din străinătate este una dintre prioritățile Ministerului pentru Românii de Pretutindeni, context în care ministrul Natalia-Elena Intotero a participat, recent, la sesiunea de informare privind noutățile ghidului solicitantului aferente Programului Start-Up Nation. Evenimentul s-a derulat la Deva, sub patronajul ministrului pentru Mediul de Afaceri, Comerţ şi Antreprenoriat, Ştefan Radu Oprea, care a anunțat în premieră că apelul de proiecte pentru Start-up Nation 2018 ar putea fi lansat de Ziua Naţională a României, 1 Decembrie. Programul Start-up Nation are ca scop stimularea înfiinţării de noi întreprinderi mici şi mijlocii la nivel naţional prin acordarea de finanţări nerambursabile de către statul român, crearea de locuri de muncă şi dezvoltarea mediului de afaceri. Bugetul programului este de 2 milioane de lei.

    Episcopul Macarie al Europei de Nord a anunţat, la Copenhaga, lansarea proiectului Să ne bucurăm de Nașterea Domnului — Darul din cutia de pantofi, 2018″. Proiectul reprezintă rezultatul colaborării dintre Centrul pentru tineret Sfântul Voievod Ștefan cel Mare” al Episcopiei Europei de Nord și Misiunea Socială Diaconia” a Mitropoliei Basarabiei, informează Eparhia, preluat de Romanian Global News. Programul filantropic este construit în jurul ideii ca fiecare destinatar al proiectului, în acest caz copiii basarabeni cu posibilități financiare reduse, să primească o cutie de pantofi în care să se regăsească diferite surprize: jucării, dulciuri, rechizite, produse de îngrijire corporală sau mici articole de îmbrăcăminte.

  • Muncind în Europa

    Muncind în Europa

    Programul Start-up Nation – model de bună practică. Interviu
    cu Anuţa Herzberg, managerul
    unei afaceri infiinţată în România cu fonduri nerambursabile guvernamentale Start-up Nation 2017

  • The Week in Review: 13-19 August

    The Week in Review: 13-19 August

    Terror attacks in Spain

    Spain has become the latest target of the ISIS terrorists. On Thursday
    in Las Ramblas, Barcelona, a jihadist rammed a van into a crowd killing and
    wounding several people. Another terror attack took place in the resort of
    Cambrils, on the Mediterranean. Among the victims of the attack in Barcelona
    are people of various nationalities, including Romanians. In the past 18
    months, big cities in Europe, such as Nice, Berlin, London and Stockholm have
    seen attacks with the same pattern: terrorists drive big vehicles into crowded
    areas. Political leaders in Bucharest have sent messages of condolences to the
    Spanish people and the families of the victims of the attacks in Spain. They
    recalled that Romania had pledged to join the international efforts aimed at
    eliminating the terror threats.

    Romania sees
    record economic growth

    In the second quarter of this year Romania
    reported the biggest economic growth from the European Union as compared to the
    same period last year, the European Office for Statistics Eurostat announced.
    Also in the second quarter, Romania reported a 1.6% growth as compared to the
    first quarter, which places it on the second position in Europe after Sweden,
    the Eurostat also reports. Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has underlined that
    these results confirm that Romania is on a positive trend. However, Ludovic
    Orban, head of the main opposition party, the National Liberal Party, said that
    the government compromises Romania’s medium and long-time chances of
    development. Orban believes the executive shows amateurism and improvisation,
    proposing laws that destroy investments, the economic initiative and the
    movement of money. Experts say the economic growth seen recently is largely
    based on consumption, and that economic development without investment is

    celebrates Navy Day

    Romania hosted over 200 cultural, military and
    religious ceremonies and services devoted to Navy Day, celebrated every year on
    August 15th, on the same day with the Assumption of Mary, mother of
    God and protector of sailors. In 2017 as well Navy Day was celebrated through a
    serious of events on the Black Sea coast and in Romania’s Danube ports. The
    peak of all these events was a navy drill held in Constanta, which saw the
    participation of 30 vessels, helicopters and planes as well as three thousand

    Also attending the events, Romania’s president
    Klaus Iohannis said that Romania is more actively involved as a strong state
    and relevant regional player. Iohannis also said that Romania needs a
    well-equipped army ready to live up to the present challenges. In turn, Defence
    Minister Adrian Tutuianu said the latest developments in the Black Sea aren’t
    limited to the region but have implications as far as the Euro-Atlantic
    security is concerned. He added that Romania proposed itself and continues to
    be a pillar of stability, democracy and security.


    The Romanian Ministry for the Business
    Environment has made public the first 20 companies that won state funding
    through the Startup Nation, a government programme aimed at creating fresh
    jobs. These companies are to receive a total of 900 thousand euros and are
    supposed to create 155 thousand new jobs. In another development, by August 29th,
    small and medium-sized companies can join a programme entitled Trade and
    Services through which they can access state funds up to 250 thousand lei (55.5
    thousand euros). The programme is addressing companies that are already on the
    market and plan to expand their business.

    Romania – double anniversary

    Radio Romania has this week had two
    anniversaries, two special moments in its history: the 100th edition
    of the Gaudeamus Book Fair and 50 years since the first Radio Holiday
    broadcasts. During its four days, the Gaudeamus Fair hosted numerous editorial
    and musical events, as well as numerous contests. Also these days Radio Romania
    celebrated 50 years since the Radio Holiday started to broadcast its summer
    programmes in all seaside resorts. Since its first broadcasts until 1994, the
    programmes of the public radio’s summer station were made by RRI editors.

    The Romanian
    football sides in the European cups

    Romania’s football champions FC Viitorul
    conceded a 3-1 defeat on their own turf in the first game in the play-offs for
    Europa League groups against the Austrians from Red Bull Salzburg. The return
    match will be taking place in Austria next Thursday. Romania’s vice-champions
    FCSB, formerly known as Steaua Bucharest, have their presence assured in the competition’s
    groups but FCSB also hopes to get access to the Champions League’s groups. On
    Tuesday, FCSB ended in a draw nil-all their game against Sporting Lisbon in the
    first game of the qualification play-off for the main European football
    tournament. The return game is to take place on August 23rd in