Tag: Sydney

  • April 13, 2024 UPDATE

    April 13, 2024 UPDATE

    Salary – In Romania, the average net salary rose to 4,876 lei (about 980 Euros) in February, up 17 lei compared to the previous month, according to data published by the National Institute of Statistics. The lowest values ​​are still in the field of clothing manufacturing, and the highest in information technology. As to the evolution of consumer prices, the average wage was actually slightly lower than in January, but, compared to February 2023, it increased by 14%. The minimum wage in Romania will increase, from July 1, from 3,300 lei to 3,700 lei (740 Euros).


    Aid – The European Commission sent the member states the proposal to extend the measures regarding state aid, in the context of the crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine. Until June 30, the EU countries can grant a series of facilities to limit the negative effects of the conflict in such domains as agriculture and energy. The Commission made this decision following the difficulties faced by European farmers in particular and as a result of their consultation through the online survey completed on March 27. According to the survey, the markets of the member states are still unbalanced by the effects of the war, and also by the measures taken by the EU to support the Ukrainian export of agricultural products. According to the commission’s proposal, member states can grant state aid of up to 280,000 Euros to agricultural companies, up to 335,000 Euros to those in the field of fishing and aquaculture and up to 2.25 million Euros to those in the rest of the affected sectors. A second type of aid is aimed at compensating energy costs, and primarily targets the large industrial consumers.


    Tennis – The Argentinean tennis player Francisco Cerundolo, world number 22, will be the top seed of the Ţiriac Open (ATP 250) tournament, which will take place at the Năstase / Marica Sports Base in Bucharest, between April 15-21. Cerundolo will enter directly into the round of 16, when he will face the winner of the match between the French Richard Gasquet and the Argentinean Federico Coria, according to Saturday’s drawing of lots. The main singles draw will feature, among others, the Swiss “veteran” Stan Wawrinka, whose opponent in the first round will be the Portuguese Nuno Borges, and the Canadian Denis Shapovalov who will face the French Corentin Moutet. The Dutchman Tallon Griekspoor, the second seed, and the American Sebastian Korda, seed no. 3, will enter directly into the round of 16. The winner of the Bucharest tournament will get 250 ATP points. The total prizes offered are worth 580,000 Euros.


    Congress – Representatives from almost 70 countries are debating within the World Congress of Ukrainians, which is taking place at the Parliament Palace in Bucharest, ways to encourage the strengthening of Ukrainian culture, identity, traditions and language in communities around the world. Nicolae Miroslav Petreţchi, a deputy from the Ukrainian minority in the Romanian Parliament, said that the choice of the venue is not accidental. He says that Romania is a reliable partner for Ukraine, the bilateral relations being very close and at a strategic level. The Ukrainian diaspora is one of the largest in the world, with over 26 million members, plus about 6 million refugees following the Russian invasion of 2022.


    Kyiv – The situation on the Eastern Front has deteriorated considerably in the last few days, the Ukrainian Chief of Staff, Oleksandr Sîrski, said on Saturday. He said that this was mainly due to a significant intensification of the Russian offensive after the presidential election in Moscow. Kyiv has been asking its Western allies for months for more ammunition and anti-aircraft defense systems. However, the aid is running out due to political blockages in Washington, which forces the Ukrainian military to save ammunition, the press agencies write. On Saturday, Germany announced that it would supply Kyiv with an additional Patriot air defense system to defend against increased attacks. “Russian terror against Ukrainian cities and the country’s infrastructure is causing immeasurable suffering,” said the German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.


    Canberra – Six people were killed in a mass stabbing in a Sydney mall on Saturday afternoon, while others are in hospital, including a child, police and emergency services said, as quoted by news agencies.  The police, who shot dead the attacker, say that he acted alone. Also, the police claim that nothing at the scene of the attack indicates the motivation of the knife attack, but they state that they do not exclude a terrorist track. The Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praised the police officer who shot the criminal, saying that, through her courage, she has saved lives. (LS)

  • Ora Pământului

    Ora Pământului

    Instituţii şi companii din peste 8.000 de oraşe din 190 de ţări vor stinge luminile sâmbătă, 26 martie, pentru o oră (între 20.30 – 21.30), în cadrul evenimentului anual Ora Pământului (Earth Hour), a anunţat WWF România,

    Ora Pământului este un eveniment global, organizat şi susţinut de către WWF International, în ultima sâmbătă a lunii martie a fiecărui an. Scopul este acela de a-i face pe oameni să înțeleagă că Natura este Acasă şi este urgent pentru fiecare dintre noi să începem să îi acordăm mai multă atenţie. Acum, mai mult ca niciodată, când asistăm la o criză climatică dublată de pierderea biodiversităţii, este momentul să ne unim eforturile pentru a opri degradarea naturii şi pentru a accelera refacerea ei până în 2030. De Ora Pământului, stingem lumina şi transmitem un mesaj simplu: suntem împreună în această misiune şi fiecare dintre noi are un rol important în crearea un viitor sustenabil pentru oameni şi pentru planetă, a declarat Orieta Hulea, directorul general WWF România.

    La Bucuresti, Administrația Prezidențiala și Palatul Parlamentului va întrerupe, temporar iluminatul interior și exterior între 20:30-21:30, pentru a marca Ora Pământului. Primăria capitalei va stinge luminile la sediul municipalităţii, precum şi în sediile instituţiilor şi administraţiilor din subordine, alăturându-se, astfel, evenimentului.

    Earth Hour a fost organizat, pentru prima dată, pe 31 martie 2007, la Sydney. Două milioane de oameni şi peste 2.100 companii din oraşul australian au stins, atunci, lumina timp de o oră.

  • January 11, 2022

    January 11, 2022

    COVID-19 Over 8,800 new SARS-CoV-2 infection cases were reported for the last 24 hours in Romania, double the previous days rate. The Strategic Communication Group also reported 43 related fatalities. 415 patients are in intensive care. The case frequency in the capital city Bucharest is also on the rise, nearing 3 per thousand. Since the start of the vaccine roll-out in late December 2020, nearly 8 million people have got the COVID-19 vaccine. Almost 7.9 million are now fully vaccinated, and more than 2.1 million have also got the booster dose. Facilities are being identified around the country to host the outpatient evaluation centres scheduled to become operational this week. Experts argue that it is important for people to respond to the first signs of infection and to take immediate measures at home.

    SASSOLI President Klaus Iohannis Tuesday sent a condolence message for the death of the president of the European Parliament David Sassoli, stating that he was a good friend of Romania and a leader who fought for European values and principles. The Italian Social-Democrat David Sassoli passed away last night in the Italian town of Aviano, where he was hospitalised on December 26 following severe complications related to his immune system. Sassoli, a former journalist, was appointed president of the European Parliament in July 2019. He was at the end of his term, and next Tuesday the EP is due to vote for his successor. It is for the first time in the history of the EP that a president died while in office. First Vice-President Roberta Metsola, a conservative from Malta who was already set to be elected as Sassolis successor next week, will be acting as interim.

    TALKS The United States and Russia have agreed to continue the dialogue, which, European media argue, is the only gain of the 8-hour long talks held in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday. The head of the US delegation, deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman, pushed back on Russias request for guarantees that NATO would not expand further east. “We will not allow anyone to slam closed NATOs “Open Door” policy, which has always been central to the NATO Alliance. And we will not make decisions about Ukraine without Ukraine, about Europe without Europe, or about NATO without NATO,” Sherman said. The US diplomat reiterated at the meeting with her Russian counterpart that invading Ukraine would entail huge costs for Moscow. In turn, Russias deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov once again promised that Russia had no intention to invade Ukraine, but emphasised that the risk of a conflict cannot be understated. The talks in Geneva will be followed this week by Russia-NATO talks in Brussels, and by an OSCE meeting also focusing on Ukraine, in Vienna.

    PANDEMIC Italy introduced new restrictions for unvaccinated citizens. Under the new rules, negative COVID tests no longer allow access to public transportation, bars and restaurants. Italy is facing a significant spread of the Omicron variant, and reported over 100,000 new infection cases in 24 hours. According to Radio Romanias correspondent in Rome, PM Mario Draghi said most problems were owing to the unvaccinated. In Israel, new instructions were issued regarding the access to shops and food stores in shopping centres, where all staff and clients must wear face masks. The number of new COVID cases goes up every day, Radio Romanias correspondent in that country reports. The US also announced on Monday 1.35 million new coronavirus infections, Reuters said. India on the other hand had a drop in the number of cases on Tuesday compared to the previous day.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Gabriela Ruse Tuesday qualified in the round of 16 of the WTA 500 tournament in Sydney, with over 700,000 USD in prize money, after defeating Polands Magdalena Frech in 3 sets. Ruse will play against 4th seed Anett Kontaveit (Estonia) in the 8th-finals. Another Romanian player, Jaqueline Cristian, is also playing in the same round. Cristian will take on 3rd seed Barbora Krejcikova (Czech Republic), the defending Roland Garros champion. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • România la Jocurile olimpice – Canotoarea Georgeta Damian Andrunache

    România la Jocurile olimpice – Canotoarea Georgeta Damian Andrunache

    Canotoarea Georgeta Damian Andrunache este una dintre cele mai titrate sportive ale României. A strâns, în cariera sa, cinci titluri olimpice, la fel ca fosta sa colegă de barcă Elisabeta Lipă şi ca marea gimnastă Nadia Comăneci. Zilele trecute, Georgeta Damian Andrunache a fost sărbătorită de două ori. Pe 14 aprilie este ziua sa de naștere, iar pe 23, de Sfântul Gheorghe, onomastica.

    A debutat în întrecerile de vârf în localitatea belgiană Hazewinkel unde, în 1996, s-a aflat în echipajul de doi rame fără cârmaci care a cucerit medaliile de aur la Mondialele de tineret. Un an mai târziu, la Aiguebellette, în Franţa, cucerea argintul în aceeaşi probă, la seniori, şi intra în echipajul de 8+1, cu care câştiga titlul mondial. Printre performanţele obţinute de Georgeta cu acest echipaj s-au mai aflat două titluri mondiale: în 98, la Köln, în Germania, şi în 99, la Saint – Catharines, în Canada.

    Succesul de la doi rame fără cârmaci, obţinut la Olimpiada din 2000, de la Sydney, alături de Doina Ignat, a reprezentat, la acea vreme, o surpriză. După retragerea Doinei din probele de doi rame, Georgeta şi-a confirmat valoarea alături de Viorica Susanu, cu care a cucerit titlul olimpic la Atena. Tot la Olimpiada elenă a făcut parte şi din echipajul de 8+1, campion olimpic.

    În 2008, la Olimpiada de la Beijing, Geta şi Viorica au cucerit din nou aurul la doi rame. Au făcut parte şi din echipajul de 8+1 care a câştigat medaliile de bronz, însă acest rezultat le-a produs fetelor mai degrabă amăraciune, în condiţiile în care erau favorite la aur. După alte două medalii de aur obţinute la Europenele de la Skinias, din septembrie, Geta şi Viorica au fost desemnate Sportivele anului 2008.

  • Jurnal românesc – 22.02.2019

    Jurnal românesc – 22.02.2019

    Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis a
    declarat că nu promulgă Legea Bugetului de Stat pentru anul 2019 şi o atacă la
    Curtea Constituţională a României. Este bugetul rușinii naționale (…)
    nerealist, supraevaluat și întârziat, a spus Klaus Iohannis, care a
    criticat Partidul Social Democrat pe care l-a acuzat că este incapabil să
    guverneze. Există aspecte de neconstituționalitate în acest buget, nu se
    respectă obligații asumate față de UE si se încalcă drepturi fundamentale, a
    mai spus preşedintele. Klaus Iohannis a susţinut că sunt probleme mari în
    spitale, că Educația este subfinanțată şi a apreciat că România este bulversată
    după Ordonanţa de Urgenţă 114 din 2018, care instituie unele măsuri
    fiscal-bugetare, printre care aşa numita taxă pe lăcomie. Iohannis
    a acuzat PSD că, deşi nu are bani de investiții, a majorat sumele destinate
    partidelor politice şi că a făcut din administrația locală o victimă
    sigură prin reducerea cu 1 miliard de lei a bugetelor acestora. În
    replică, şeful Senatului şi liderul ALDE România, Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, a
    declarat că gestul preşedintelui de a ataca bugetul de stat la Curtea
    Constituțională este total inoportun și nejustificat, şi se
    constituie într-un nou mod prin care șicanează guvernul și încearcă să-i
    blocheze activitatea.

    Ministrul pentru Românii de
    Pretutindeni, Natalia-Elena Intotero, a participat la Sydney, în Australia, la
    evenimentul 130 de ani de nemurire cu ocazia căruia a fost
    sărbătorită opera și personalitatea poetului Mihai Eminescu. La manifestare,
    care a adus laolaltă români și australieni, artiști, scriitori, iubitori ai
    poeziei românești și ai limbii române, au participat şi ambasadorul României în
    Australia și Noua Zeelandă, Nineta Bărbulescu, şi Consulul General al României
    la Sydney, Iulian Nițu. Ministrul român a salutat inițiativa, a subliniat
    utilitatea a cât mai multor parteneriate menite să promoveze România și
    valorile sale peste hotare şi i-a încurajat pe românii din Sydney să depună
    proiecte destinate susținerii identității culturale, lingvistice și spirituale
    românești. În continuarea inițiativelor ministerului de a acorda recunoaștere
    românilor care fac cinste ţării peste hotare, Elena Intotero i-a oferit o
    distincție simbolică scriitorului George Roca, a cărui activitate literară și
    publicistică se bucură de recunoaștere atât în România, cât și în Australia și
    Statele Unite ale Americii. Totodată, ministrul le-a oferit distincții pentru
    promovarea culturii românești scriitorului și cântărețului australian Daniel
    Reynaud și actorului Tug Dumbly, care au interpretat poezii de Mihai Eminescu.
    Vizita oficialului român va continua în Noua Zeelandă la Auckland și

    Sinodul Bisericii Ortodoxe
    Române s-a reunit, la Bucureşti sub conducerea Patriarhului Daniel, pentru a
    discuta despre situaţia bisericească din Ucraina după recunoaşterea
    autocefaliei Bisericii Ucrainene de către Patriarhia Ecumenică de la Constantinopol.
    BOR cere ca membrii celor 127 de parohii ortodoxe româneşti din Ucraina,
    concentrate în regiunea Bucovinei de Nord, să fie consultaţi şi să aibă
    libertatea de a se organiza într-un vicariat ortodox român după modelul
    vicariatului ortodox ucrainean din România. Ierarhii ortodocşi români cer şi garanţii
    scrise din partea autorităţilor bisericeşti şi statale ucrainene că identitatea
    etnică a românilor din Ucraina va fi respectată.

  • Sportivul săptămânii – Jucătoarea de tenis Monica Niculescu

    Sportivul săptămânii – Jucătoarea de tenis Monica Niculescu

    Principalul eveniment sportiv al debutului de an este Openul Australiei la tenis, primul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului. Această competiţie majoră a fost precedată de o serie de turnee organizate în regiune, în oraşe precum Brisbane, Sydney sau Auckland. În competiţiile de simplu, sportivii români nu au trecut de faza sferturilor de finală la nici măcar unul dintre aceste turnee. La dublu, cel mai departe a ajuns Monica Niculescu. La Hobart, perechea formată din Monica şi chinezoaica Zhaoxuan Yang s-a oprit, vinerea trecută, în semifinale. Cum acesta a fost cel mai bun rezultat sportiv românesc al ultimelor zile, Radio România Internaţional a desemnat-o pe Monica Niculescu Sportivul Săptămânii.

    La Hobart, unde premiile s-au ridicat la 250 de mii de dolari, cuplul format din Monica Niculescu şi Zhaoxuan Yang a fost al treilea pe lista favoritelor. În primul tur, a trecut de perechea chineză formată din Xinyu Jiang şi Shuai Yhang cu 6-4, 6-2. În sferturile de finală, a venit rândul cuplului format din Raluca Olaru şi Galina Voskoboeba, din Kazahstan, de care Niculescu şi Yang au trecut cu 6-1, 6-4. În semifinale însă, favopritele nr. 3 au dat piept cu perechea cap de serie numărul unu, formată din Hao-Ching Chan şi Latisha Chan din Taiwan, care s-a impus cu 6-3, 6-4. Niculescu şi Yang au primit un cec de 1.718 dolari şi 110 puncte WTA la dublu. Să mai notăm că, la Hobart, Monica Niculescu a fost campioană la dublu în 2012 şi 2014.

    Să mai notăm că debutul său, anul acesta, la Openul Australiei, nu a fost tocmai bun. La simplu, ea a fost eliminată încă din primul tur de jucătoarea americană Amanda Anisimova, care s-a impus în două seturi, cu 7-6, 6-4.

    Monica Niculescu s-a născut la Slatina, în data de 25 septembrie 1987. Trăieşte în Bucureşti de la vârsta de patru ani. A început tenisul la cinci ani şi este profesionistă din anul 2002. Cel mai sus în clasamentul mondial de simplu a urcat în februarie 2012, şi anume pe locul 28. La dublu a urcat până pe 11, în aprilie 2018. Acum se situează pe locul 99 la simplu şi pe 41 la dublu.

  • Sportivul săptămânii – Jucătoarea de tenis Monica Niculescu

    Sportivul săptămânii – Jucătoarea de tenis Monica Niculescu

    Principalul eveniment sportiv al debutului de an este Openul Australiei la tenis, primul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului. Această competiţie majoră a fost precedată de o serie de turnee organizate în regiune, în oraşe precum Brisbane, Sydney sau Auckland. În competiţiile de simplu, sportivii români nu au trecut de faza sferturilor de finală la nici măcar unul dintre aceste turnee. La dublu, cel mai departe a ajuns Monica Niculescu. La Hobart, perechea formată din Monica şi chinezoaica Zhaoxuan Yang s-a oprit, vinerea trecută, în semifinale. Cum acesta a fost cel mai bun rezultat sportiv românesc al ultimelor zile, Radio România Internaţional a desemnat-o pe Monica Niculescu Sportivul Săptămânii.

    La Hobart, unde premiile s-au ridicat la 250 de mii de dolari, cuplul format din Monica Niculescu şi Zhaoxuan Yang a fost al treilea pe lista favoritelor. În primul tur, a trecut de perechea chineză formată din Xinyu Jiang şi Shuai Yhang cu 6-4, 6-2. În sferturile de finală, a venit rândul cuplului format din Raluca Olaru şi Galina Voskoboeba, din Kazahstan, de care Niculescu şi Yang au trecut cu 6-1, 6-4. În semifinale însă, favopritele nr. 3 au dat piept cu perechea cap de serie numărul unu, formată din Hao-Ching Chan şi Latisha Chan din Taiwan, care s-a impus cu 6-3, 6-4. Niculescu şi Yang au primit un cec de 1.718 dolari şi 110 puncte WTA la dublu. Să mai notăm că, la Hobart, Monica Niculescu a fost campioană la dublu în 2012 şi 2014.

    Să mai notăm că debutul său, anul acesta, la Openul Australiei, nu a fost tocmai bun. La simplu, ea a fost eliminată încă din primul tur de jucătoarea americană Amanda Anisimova, care s-a impus în două seturi, cu 7-6, 6-4.

    Monica Niculescu s-a născut la Slatina, în data de 25 septembrie 1987. Trăieşte în Bucureşti de la vârsta de patru ani. A început tenisul la cinci ani şi este profesionistă din anul 2002. Cel mai sus în clasamentul mondial de simplu a urcat în februarie 2012, şi anume pe locul 28. La dublu a urcat până pe 11, în aprilie 2018. Acum se situează pe locul 99 la simplu şi pe 41 la dublu.

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    Were just a couple of days away from the main draw fixtures at the years first great tournament, the Australian Open. Top-flight tennis players prove their mettle competing in other tournaments in the area, preparing for the Melbourne competition, in Sydney, in New Zealands Auckland, and in Hobart, Tasmania. A number of Romanian tennis players have this week taken part in the aforementioned events, with mixed results.

    In the mens singles at Auckland, a tournament with 527,880 dollars in prize money, Marius Copil sustained an early, first-round defeat by his American opponent Taylor Fritz, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. In the mens doubles and also in the first round, the Romanian – Dutch pair made of Horia Tecau and Jean Julien Rojer was outclassed by the all-American pair, Bob and Mike Bryan, 3-6, 7-6 and 11-9, in super tie break.

    In Sydney, where the prize money amounts to 832,000 dollars, WTA number 1 Simona Halep sustained a first-round defeat by Australias Ashleigh Barty, 6-4, 6-4, in a debut game for Simona in 2019.

    In the womens version of the Hobart tournament, an event with 250,000 dollars up for grabs, Romanian participants fared a little bit better. In the womens singles, Irina Begu got through to the quarter finals, after on Wednesday she outperformed Russias Ana Blinkova, 4-6, 7-6, 6-2. The other two Romanians playing in the main draw, Ana Bogdan and Mihaela Buzarnescu, were eliminated from the very first round.

    In the womens doubles, the Romanian-Chinese pair made up of Monica Niculescu and Zhaxiuan Yang made it to the semifinals, defeating the Romanian – Kazakh pair made up of Raluca Olaru and Galina Voskoboeva, 6-1, 6-4, also on Wednesday.

    (translated by: Eugen Nasta)

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    Were just a couple of days away from the main draw fixtures at the years first great tournament, the Australian Open. Top-flight tennis players prove their mettle competing in other tournaments in the area, preparing for the Melbourne competition, in Sydney, in New Zealands Auckland, and in Hobart, Tasmania. A number of Romanian tennis players have this week taken part in the aforementioned events, with mixed results.

    In the mens singles at Auckland, a tournament with 527,880 dollars in prize money, Marius Copil sustained an early, first-round defeat by his American opponent Taylor Fritz, 4-6, 6-3, 6-4. In the mens doubles and also in the first round, the Romanian – Dutch pair made of Horia Tecau and Jean Julien Rojer was outclassed by the all-American pair, Bob and Mike Bryan, 3-6, 7-6 and 11-9, in super tie break.

    In Sydney, where the prize money amounts to 832,000 dollars, WTA number 1 Simona Halep sustained a first-round defeat by Australias Ashleigh Barty, 6-4, 6-4, in a debut game for Simona in 2019.

    In the womens version of the Hobart tournament, an event with 250,000 dollars up for grabs, Romanian participants fared a little bit better. In the womens singles, Irina Begu got through to the quarter finals, after on Wednesday she outperformed Russias Ana Blinkova, 4-6, 7-6, 6-2. The other two Romanians playing in the main draw, Ana Bogdan and Mihaela Buzarnescu, were eliminated from the very first round.

    In the womens doubles, the Romanian-Chinese pair made up of Monica Niculescu and Zhaxiuan Yang made it to the semifinals, defeating the Romanian – Kazakh pair made up of Raluca Olaru and Galina Voskoboeva, 6-1, 6-4, also on Wednesday.

    (translated by: Eugen Nasta)

  • January 8, 2019

    January 8, 2019

    EU COUNCIL The Romanian minister delegate for European Affairs is taking part in Brussels in the meeting of the General Affairs Council presided for the first time by Romania. Bucharest will present on this occasion its priorities as holder of the rotating presidency of the EU Council. The agenda of the meeting also includes the 2021-2027 financial framework, as well as measures to fight online manipulation, in the context of the elections for the European Parliament due in May. The visit of the College of European Commissioners to Bucharest on January 10th and 11th, marks the official launch of the Romanian Presidency in Bucharest, minister Ciamba added. The 4 pillars of the Romanian presidency are “Europe of convergence, “A safer Europe, “Europa – a stronger regional actor, and “Europe of shared values. Bucharest has earmarked a budget of 60-80 million euros for its EU Council presidency.

    CHILD ALLOWANCES The Romanians working in Austria whose child allowances for the children left in their home country were cut down further to legislative changes in the host country may request support from SOLVIT Romania, which is subordinated to the Foreign Ministry. SOLVIT is a network set up and coordinated by the European Commission in the field of the internal market, which relies on the cooperation of the 31 Centres that are part of the public administration of the countries affiliated to the European Economic Area. Specifically, where a violation is identified, SOLVIT Romania will contact SOLVIT Austria, which is in charge with contacting the relevant national authority in order to identify a solution to the problem. Moreover, Romanian authorities are also currently working with the European Commission with respect to the Austrian legislative measures that lower the child allowances paid to Romanian workers in Austria to the level of the child allowances paid in Romania.

    COHESION Romania will be earmarked 31 billion euro under the Cohesion Policy, in 2021 – 2027, which is 8% more than in the 2014 – 2020 period, the European Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu announced. The cohesion policy has the largest budget for the post-2020 period, namely 373 billion euro, and Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Italy and Finland will receive higher amounts than in the current period, the European official said. According to Corina Cretu, the European Commission wants 3-party negotiations with the European Parliament and Council to be initiated as soon as possible and the procedures for accessing EU funds simplified. This will prevent delays in implementing projects in all EU member states. Corina Creţu added that she will talk about this during the visit that the EC president Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Council, Donald Tusk, president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and the College of Commissioners will make to Bucharest on January 10th and 11th.

    PROTESTS The French PM Édouard Philippe announced plans to ban participation in unauthorised protests, after 8 consecutive weekends of “yellow vest rallies. He said the government would draft a bill punishing those who fail to declare the organisation of a protest, those who take part in one and those who wear masks to cover their faces. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Paris and other cities last weekend, but the number of protesters was lower than in previous weekends, and so was the extent of violent clashes. Anti-government protesters are disgruntled with the fuel taxes and the low living standards. They also want to make sure that citizens initiative referendums will be introduced as a guarantee of democracy.

    VISIT North-Korean president Kim Jong-un is on a visit to Beijing, where he will have talks with Xi Jinping, the president of China, which is North Koreas main diplomatic and trade ally. Kim visited the country 3 times in 2018, 2 of the trips taking place ahead of the historic meeting with the US president Donald Trump, which many commentators saw as an opportunity to coordinate strategies. The current 3-day visit fuels speculations regarding a second USA – North Korea summit to be held soon. Trump has recently said the place of the meeting will be announced in the near future.

    INTERNET While waiting for the results of the recent presidential elections, the authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have cut internet access and text messaging services and have blocked the French radio station RFI, news agencies announce. The government said this was a measure meant to preserve public order and to stop the dissemination of fictitious election results. Meanwhile, the EU and the African Union Monday denounced the coup attempt in Gabon, a former French colony in Africa. Here too, the internet was shut down and power was cut in several areas. Internet shutdowns were also reported in Sudan and Cameroon over the past few months. In Uganda, in 2016, internet access was blocked around election time, with the authorities claiming that this was the only way to prevent the dissemination of fake news inciting violence.

    TENNIS The Romanian player Simona Halep, number 1 in the world, is playing her first match this year against the Australian Ashleigh Barty (15 WTA), in the 8th-finals of the WTA tournament in Sydney. Barty Tuesday defeated the Latvian Jelena Ostapenko (22 WTA) 6-3, 6-3. Last year, Halep won both her matches against Barty without losing a set, in the Montreal semi-finals and in the 8th-finals of the Cincinnati tournament. Simona, who had to cut her 2018 season short because of a herniated disc, last won a match in August, against Arina Sabalenka of Belarus, in the Cincinnati semi-finals, lost the following 3 matches and withdrew in the fourth.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • January 7, 2019 UPDATE

    January 7, 2019 UPDATE

    Council of the EU – Romania’s vision as president of the Council of the EU is that of a Europe of cohesion, this being one of Romania’s top priorities during its 6-month mandate, said the Minister Delegate for European Affairs, George Ciamba on Monday. According to him another key objective is to negotiate the future financial framework for the period 2021-2027. He reminded the 4 pillars of Romania’s presidency of the Council of the EU: a Europe of convergence, a Europe of safety, Europe as a regional actor and a Europe of common values.

    Appointments — The Romanian President Klaus Iohannis on Monday signed the decrees for appointing the incumbent finance minister Eugen Teodorovici as interim deputy prime minister and minister for regional development and public administration and the incumbent minister for European funds, Rovana Plumb, as interim transport minister. The PM Viorica Dancila made the proposals forwarded to the president to ensure the continuity of the activity of the two ministries, shows a government communiqué. The government officials said they were still expecting the president’s motivation for having rejected the previous proposals for the transport and development ministries. On Friday president Iohannis had announced he would reject the proposals made for the respective ministries namely Lia Olguta Vasilescu and Mihai Draghici and that he would motivate his decision this very week. On Thursday Klaus Iohannis signed the decrees ascertaining the vacancies of the two ministerial positions.

    Council of Magistracy — On Monday the Prosecutors’ Section of the Superior Council of Magistracy acknowledged the withdrawal of Anca Jurma’s agreement with being delegated to the position of interim chief prosecutor of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate- DNA. The justice minister, Tudorel Toader, explained that Anca Jurma no longer wanted to occupy that position, her decision being a strictly personal matter. Her decision was conveyed to the Prosecutors’ Section, whose agenda for Monday’s meeting also included extending Anca Jurma’s mandate at the helm of the DNA for another 6 months. Anca Jurma was appointed for this position by the general prosecutor Augustin Lazar in July 2018 after the dismissal of the chief prosecutor of the DNA, Laura Codruta Kovesi. Previously Anca Jurma had held two mandates as chief of the international cooperation service. Her withdrawal takes place in the context in which the justice minister forwarded again to president Iohannis the proposals for the appointment of 5 prosecutors as chiefs of the prosecutors’ offices. President Iohannis pointed out that the proposals were being analyzed by the line department within the Presidential Administration.

    Tennis — The Romanian tennis player Irina Begu (67 WTA) on Monday qualified to the eighth finals of the WTA tournament in Hobart, Australia after defeating Heather Watson (44 WTA) of Great Britain 2-0. Also on Monday, in the same competition, another Romanian Ana Bogdan (76 WTA) was eliminated in the first round by Tunisian Ons Jabeur (60 WTA). The world’s no. 1 player Simona Halep is participating in the WTA tournament in Sydney that started on Monday. A Premier category competition the Sydney tournament has total prizes worth 823,000 dollars. Simona Halep will play directly in the second round against the winner of the match pitting Latvian Jelena Ostapenko (22 WTA) against Australian Ashleigh Barty (15 WTA). (translated by L. Simion)

  • 21.10.2018


    Salaires — Le gouvernement de Bucarest envisage de geler les salaires dans le secteur public en 2019, au niveau du mois de décembre 2018 et d’ajourner les majorations prévues dans la loi. Ces aspects se retrouvent dans un document transmis par le ministre des Finances, Eugen Teodorovici, aux commissaires européens en charge du dialogue social et des affaires économiques. L’Exécutif envisage aussi de geler le recrutement dans le secteur public. Ce sont là quelques – unes des mesures qui concernent l’exercice financier 2019 et qui devraient permettre de maintenir la cible du déficit de 2, 58% du PIB. Le ministère des Finances se propose aussi de maintenir inchangé le montant des chèques-vacances, lequel s’élève cette année à 1450 de lei, soit plus de 300 euros par salarié.

    Marche — Plusieurs centaines de personnes ont participé samedi, dans la capitale roumaine, à une marche pour la prévention et la lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes. Les ambassadeurs à Bucarest de plusieurs pays, dont celui des Etats-Unis, se sont joints aux participants à cette marche. Selon les statistiques, en 2017, 26% des crimes ont été perpétrés dans le cadre familial. Par ailleurs, sur les quelque 40.000 faits de violence en famille dénoncés, seulement 4 % ont été portés devant le tribunal.

    Festivals — Bucarest accueille, du 19 au 29 octobre la 28e édition du Festival national de théâtre. Au programme, plus de 100 évènements artistiques (spectacles, expositions, lancements de livres, rencontres avec des invités spéciaux). Mme Marina Constantinescu, la directrice du festival, a précisé que l’argent amassé irait à l’Association « Fais don de la vie » et serait utilisé pour la construction du premier hôpital d’oncologie et de radiothérapie pédiatrique de Roumanie. Un autre évènement culturel accueilli par la capitale roumaine c’est le festival intitulé Les films de Cannes à Bucarest”. Jusqu’au 28 octobre, les cinéphiles pourront visionner les films primés à Cannes, ainsi que des productions cinématographiques roumaines.

    Procession — Des milliers de fidèles et de prêtres romano-catholiques et gréco — catholiques de Bucarest et des alentours participent ce dimanche à la procession des reliques et de l’icône du pape Jean Paul II. C’est le cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, ex – secrétaire personnel de Jean Paul II et actuel archevêque émérite de Cracovie (Pologne) qui a offert cette relique, il y a 7 ans, à la Cathédrale Saint Joseph de Bucarest. Né le 18 mai 1920, à Wadowice, en Pologne, Karol Wojtyla a été élu pape en octobre 1978. Il est mort le 2 avril 2005, au Vatican. Canonisé en avril 2014, par le pape François, il figure dans le calendrier de l’Eglise catholique. La date de la mémoire liturgique du bienheureux Jean-Paul II est fixée au 22 octobre de chaque année. En 1999, le pape Jean-Paul II a entrepris un voyage en Roumanie. C’était la première visite d’un pape dans un pays à population majoritairement orthodoxe.

    Invictus Games — 15 militaires roumains blessés sur le front participent aux Jeux paralympiques militaires Invictus Games, qui se tiennent à Sydney, en Australie, du 20 au 27 octobre et qui réunissent 500 soldats du monde entier. La délégation roumaine, qui en est à sa deuxième participation à ces compétitions sportives, figure au tableau de plusieurs épreuves, dont tir à l’arc, athlétisme, ergomètre d’aviron, powerlifting, cyclisme, natation, volley-ball assis. Créés sur une idée du prince Harry de Galles, les Jeux Invictus sont une compétition multisports internationale destinée aux soldats et vétérans de guerre blessés ou handicapés, à l’image des Jeux Paralympiques ou des Warrior Games organisés aux Etats-Unis.

    Handball — Le CSM Bucarest, l’équipe championne de Roumanie de handball féminin, a vaincu samedi, en déplacement, les Norvégiennes de Vipers Kristiansand, score 29 à 27, dans un match comptant pour le groupe D de la Ligue des Champions. Les deux équipes devraient se rencontrer à nouveau le 4 novembre. Lors des deux premiers matchs du même groupe, les Roumaines ont battu les Hongroises de Ferencvaros, mais se sont inclinées devant les Allemandes de Bietigheim. Rappelons que depuis jeudi le Serbe Dragan Djukic est le nouvel entraîneur principal du CSM Bucarest. Djukic, qui remplace le Suédois Magnus Johansson, en est à sa deuxième expérience en Roumanie après celle de 2017- 2018, à la tête de l’équipe masculine HC Odorhei.

    Foot – Ilie Balaci, un des footballeurs roumains les plus connus, est décédé ce dimanche à l’âge de 62 ans, des suites d’un accident vasculaire cérébral. Balaci a fait ses débuts de footballeur en 1973 au club Universitatea Craiova. Sacré meilleur footballeur roumain des années 1981 et 1982, il a décroché trois titres de champion national et quatre coupes avec l’équipe Universitatea Craiova, où il a fait la plupart de sa carrière sportive, achevée en 1988. Reconverti en entraîneur, Balaci a remporté ses plus grands succès dans les pays arabes.

    Météo — Les températures sont en légère baisse et le ciel est plutôt nuageux. Il pleut surtout dans l’ouest du pays, tandis qu’en haute montagne, on attend des précipitations mixtes, sous forme de giboulées et de neige. Les maxima de l’air iront de 11° à 20°. Il faisait 14° à midi dans la capitale, Bucarest.

  • 08.01.2018


    Protestations – Des centaines de personnes ont manifesté dimanche dans la soirée au centre-ville de Cluj (nord-ouest) demandant au gouvernement et au parlement de Bucarest de respecter l’indépendance de la justice. Dimanche encore, 19 associations civiques ont accusé, dans une lettre commune, le pouvoir de tenter de miner la lutte anticorruption, de mettre en danger l’indépendance des procureurs et de vouloir se subordonner le pouvoir judiciaire. Les 19 ONGs ont demandé au président Klaus Iohannis de médier le conflit existant actuellement entre l’Etat et la société.

    Gouvernement – La restructuration du 2e cabinet de la coalition formée du Part Social – Démocrate (PSD) et de l’Alliance de libéraux et des démocrates (ALDE) ainsi que l’organisation d’un Congrès – ce sont les principaux sujets à l’agenda, ce lundi, du Comité Exécutif National du PSD (la principale formation au pouvoir). Il s’agit notamment de désigner une nouveau ministre des Eaux et des Forêts, après la récente démission de la ministre Doina Pana, pour des raisons de santé. Notons que le cabinet dirigé par le premier ministre social-démocrate Mihai Tudose compte 27 ministres, dont trois sont aussi vice-premiers ministres et deux ministres délégués.

    Cinéma – Le long métrage « Baccalauréat », du réalisateur roumain Cristian Mungiu, a été désigné le meilleur film étranger de l’édition de cette année des prix de la National Society of Film Critics (NSFC), une des associations de critiques de cinéma les plus prestigieuses des Etats-Unis. En 2017, le même trophée avait été remporté par le film « Toni Erdmann », une coproduction allemande avec participation roumaine, réalisée par Maren Ade. Créée en 1966 à New York, la National Society of Film Critics (Société nationale des critiques de film) est une association qui réunit 59 membres, notamment des journalistes spécialisés des plus importantes publications américaines. Rappelons-le, «Baccalauréat » c’est l’histoire d’un médecin d’une petite ville roumaine qui n’épargne aucun effort pour que sa fille, élève de terminale, soit acceptée par une université britannique, dans les conditions où la jeune fille est victime d’une attaque sexuelle la veille des examens du Baccalauréat. Le film de Cristian Mungiu a reçu de nombreux prix internationaux, dont celui de la réalisation, à Cannes, en 2016.

    Handball – Deux équipes roumaines de handball féminin ont été vaincues dimanche dans leurs premiers matchs de la Coupe EHF. Dans le Groupe A, l’équipe SCM Craiova s’est inclinée devant les Françaises de Brest Bretagne Handball, sur le score de 22 à 25, alors que dans le Groupe D, les Roumaines de HC Zalau ont été vaincues par la championne de Norvège, Lavrik, score 23 à 28. Dans la deuxième étape de la compétition, SCM Craiova affrontera, le 13 janvier, à domicile, les Danoises de Randers. Pour sa part, HC Zalau, jouera le 14 janvier, à domicile, contre les Suédoises H65 Hoors.

    Tennis – En Australie, au tournoi ATP de Sydney, le duo formé du Roumain Horia Tecau et du Néerlandais Jean-Julien Rojer a gagné le premier match de l’épreuve de double face au duo Paolo Renzi (Italie) – Micha Zverev (Allemagne). Les prochains adversaires de la paire roumano-néerlandaise seront les Colombiens Juan Sebastian Cabal / Robert Farah ou bien les Argentins Leonardo Mayer / Diego Schwartzman. Par ailleurs, la Roumaine Simona Halep est favorite de l’Australian Open, le premier tournoi du Grand Chelem de l’année qui se déroule à Melbourne du 15 au 28 janvier. Rappelons-le, à la fin de la semaine dernière, Simona a remporté le tournoi WTA de Schenzhen, en Chine, après avoir vaincu la Tchèque Katerina Siniakova, la détentrice du trophée. Et c’est toujours dans la compétition chinoise, que Simona Halep a gagné le titre de l’épreuve de double aux côtés de sa compatriote Irina Begu.

    Météo – Les températures sont à la baisse en Roumanie à l’extérieur des Carpates, elles restent toutefois assez élevées pour cette période de l’année sur le reste du territoire. Le ciel est plutôt couvert sur le nord, le nord-est et il pleut sur le nord. Les températures maximales iront de 4 à 15 degrés. 8 degrés et du soleil à midi à Bucarest.

  • Le joueur de tennis Florin Mergea

    Le joueur de tennis Florin Mergea

    Du 19 janvier au 1er février 2016, l’élite du tennis mondial se réunit à Melbourne, à l’Open d’Australie, premier tournoi de Grand Chelem de l’année. Plusieurs autres compétitions de haut niveau de tennis avaient été accueillies juste avant par des villes australiennes, notamment par Brisbane, Sydney, Hobart, mais aussi par Auckland, la plus grande ville de la Nouvelle Zélande.

    A Sydney, dans la compétition de double messieurs, le duo formé par le Roumain Florin Mergea et l’Indien Rohan Bopanna s’est qualifié en finale. Ils ont fini par s’incliner devant le double Jamie Murray (Grande Bretagne) et Bruno Soares (Brésil).

    C’est pour cette qualification dans la finale de Sydney que nous avons décidé de vous dire davantage sur Florin Mergea.

    Il est né le 26 janvier 1985, à Craiova, dans le sud de la Roumanie, dans une famille de médecins. En tant que junior, il était le coéquipier de Horia Tecau, un autre important joueur de tennis roumain du moment. Ensemble, ils ont remporté plusieurs tournois, y compris le double messieurs, dans la compétition des juniors de Wimbledon. Florin Mergea passe professionnel en 2003.

    Ces 3 dernières années il a connu une formidable ascension de carrière. En septembre 2012 il est entré sur la liste des 100 premiers joueurs de tennis du monde, dans les compétitions de double. En juillet 2015, il est devenu numéro 7 mondial grâce à la victoire au tournoi de Madrid, aux côtés de l’Indien Rohan Bopanna. Actuellement leur duo est numéro 11 mondial.

    A l’Open d’Australie Florin Mergea et Rohan Bopanna ont été tête de série numéro 4. Leur premier match a été une victoire contre les Australiens Omar Jasika et Nick Kyrgios. Ils ont quitté la compétition après s’être inclinés devant le duo Treat Huey (Philippines)/Max Mirnyi (Bélarus) dans les 8e de finale. (Trad. Valentina Beleavski)

  • Sportivul sǎptǎmânii – Tenismanul Florin Mergea

    Sportivul sǎptǎmânii – Tenismanul Florin Mergea

    In aceste zile, crema tenisului mondial se aflǎ în Australia. La Melbourne are loc primul turneu de Mare Şlem al anului, Australian Open. Inaintea acestei competiţii, în regiune au avut loc mai multe concursuri de înalt nivel, gǎzduite de oraşee australiene Brisbane sau Sydney, de Hobart, capitala Tasmaniei, sau de Auckland, cel mai mare oraş din Noua Zeelandǎ.

    Ultimele turnee din aceastǎ listǎ au avut loc la Sydney. In competiţia femininǎ, unde suma totalǎ a premiilor s-a ridicat la 687.900 de dolari, românca Simona Halep a ajuns pânǎ în semifinalele probei de simplu, unde a pierdut în faţa Svetlanei Kuzneţova. In concursul masculin, dotat cu premii de 404.780 de dolari, românul Florin Mergea şi indianul Rohan Bopanna s-au calificat în finala probei de dublu. Au fost însǎ învinşi de cuplul format din britanicul Jamie Murray şi brazilianul Bruno Soares, cu 6-3, 7-6.

    Pentru calificarea în finala de la Sydney, Radio România Internaţional l-a desemnat pe Florin Mergea Sportivul Sǎptǎmânii.

    Florin Mergea s-a născut la 26 ianuarie 1985, la Craiova, într-o familie de medici. Ca junior, a făcut pereche cu Horia Tecău, cei doi câştigând împreună mai multe turnee de top, inclusiv proba de dublu în concursul juniorilor de la Wimbledon. A trecut la profesionism în 2003. În ultimii trei ani, Florin Mergea a înregistrat o ascensiune surprinzǎtoare pentru un sportiv care nu este tocmai la prima tinereţe. În septembrie 2012 a intrat în primii 100 de jucǎtori ai lumii la dublu, iar în iulie 2015, dupǎ victoria obţinutǎ la Madrid alǎturi de Rohan Bopanna, a ajuns pe locul 7. În acest moment se aflǎ pe locul 11. La Australian Open, perechea Mergea / Bopanna ocupǎ locul 4 pe lista capilor de serie şi va întâlni, în primul tur, cuplul australian Omar Jasika / Nich Kyrgios.