Tag: Szeged

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Romanian pugilist Lăcrămioara Perijoc will be fighting for the gold medal in the 54 kilogram category of the European Boxing Championships in Belgrade.

    In the semifinals on Thursday she outperformed Fay Niamh of Ireland and in the finals due on Sunday, Perijoc will be fighting the representative of the host country and the odds-on favourite Sara Cirkovici. In the 57 kg category, Claudia Nichita of Romania was left only with the silver medal after the defeat conceded to Bulgarian Svetlana Kamenova Staneva.

    After the races on Thursday, Romania has qualified with six teams at the European Rowing Championship underway in Szeged, Hungary. Among those qualified are the Romanian women’s double scull, the lightweight pair as well as the women’s eight. The Romanian women’s four, men’s four and eight ended on the second position in their races but are also directly qualified for the finals.

    Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea on Thursday qualified for the third round of the WTA 1.000 tournament in Madrid, a competition with more than 7 hundred thousand Euros in prize money. In the second round, she secured a 6-3, 6-7, 6-4 win against Alexandra Eala of the Philippines. In the competition’s third round, the Romanian will be playing the winner of the match pitching this weekend the world’s leader Iga Swiatek of Poland and Xiyu Wang of China.

    This weekend will be seeing the matches counting towards Romania’s Football Super-league. On Friday Dinamo Bucureşti plays FC Voluntari. FCU Craiova will taking on Universitatea Cluj on Saturday. On Sunday, Hermannstadt goes to Galati in eastern Romania to play local side Oţelul, while UTA will be up against Poli Iasi. On Monday, Petrolul, on their own turf, will be playing FC Botoşani. Dinamo and FC U Craiova are on the last positions in the ranking and struggling to avoid demotion.

    On Saturday, FCSB will be playing Farul Constanţa in Bucharest and if they manage to get a draw, FCSB will mathematically become Romania’s champions three legs before the end of the season. On Sunday, CFR will be playing Sepsi in Cluj, western Romania, while on Monday Rapid Bucharest, on their own ground will be up against Universitatea Craiova.


  • Sportivii săptămânii – Canoiştii Victor Mihalachi şi Cătălin Chirilă

    Sportivii săptămânii – Canoiştii Victor Mihalachi şi Cătălin Chirilă

    La Szeged, în Ungaria, au avut loc Campionatele Mondiale de
    kaiac-canoe. România a fost rerpezentată de un lot de 16 sportivi, dintre care
    şase fete şi zece băieţi, care au luat startul în 16 probe. În cinci zile de
    concurs, delegaţia tricoloră nu a reuşit să urce însă nici măcar o dată pe
    podium. Cea mai bună clasare a fost reuşită de Victor Mihalachi şi Cătălin
    Chirilă, care au ocupat locul 5 în finala probei de canoe dublu pe distanţa de 1.000
    de metri. Mihalache şi Chirilă au reşit, prin acest rezultat, să se califice la
    Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokio, de anul viitor, motiv pentru care Radio România
    Internaţional i-a desemnat Sportivii Săptămânii.

    Victor Mihalachi este, la această oră, cel mai experimentat
    sportiv din lotul de kaiac-canoe al României. El vine de dincolo de Prut. S-a
    născut, pe 24 februarie 1989, în comuna Floriţoaia Veche şi a obţinut primele
    performanţe internaţionale, ca junior, pentru Republica Moldova. În 2007, la
    Brno, a devenit campion mondial de juniori alături de Hariton Ivanov, la 500 de
    metri. În 2009 a primit cetăţenia română. De atunci, a câştigat patru titluri
    de campion mondial şi tot patru de campion european, alături de multe alte
    medalii la întrecerile de vârf, la canoe dublu, pe distanţele de 500 şi 1000 de
    metri. Este legitimat la Dinamo Bucureşti.

    Cătălin Chirilă este membru al clubului Steaua Bucureşti.
    S-a născut la 11 mai 1998, la Tulcea. A obţinut prima sa mare performanţă din
    cariera de senior la Jocurile Europene de la Minsk, unde, pe distanţa de 1000
    de metri, a obţinut aurul la canoe dublu tot alături de Victor Mihalachi.

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Two Romanian crews got qualified on Thursday to the finals of the 2019 Canoe World Championship held in Szeged, Hungary. Ştefănica Ursu won the second semifinal in the simple canoe event on 500 m. On the same distance, the men’s 4 canoe crew made up of Leonid-Valentin Carp, Constantin Dîba, Gheorghe-Alexandru Stoian and Ştefan-Andrei Strat came 3rd in Heat 1, securing automatic passage to the final.

    Romania’s football vice-champions, FCSB, on Thursday took on, in Giurgiu, in the first leg of the Europa League playoffs, the Portuguese side Vitória Guimarães. The match ended in a goalless draw. The Romanian side had a few occasions to score, especially in the first part of the game. The Portuguese controlled the second part of the game but were no threat to goalkeeper Cristian Bălgrădean. The return match is scheduled for August 29 in Portugal.

    Football matches counting for the 7th leg of Romania’s Premier League championship will be played at the weekend. On Friday Poli Iasi will play against Chindia Târgovişte and Universitatea Craiova will take on Astra Giurgiu. On Saturday Giurgiu will see the match pitting Academica Clinceni against Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe while in Cluj CFR will play against FC Botosani. On Sunday in Ovidiu Viitorul Constanţa takes on FC Voluntari while in Medias, Gaz Metan will play against FCSB. The last match of the leg is scheduled for Monday pitting Dinamo Bucharest against FC Hermannstadt. Before this leg, CFR and Poli Iasi are top of the classification with 14 points each.

    The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world’s no. 4, will play in the first round of the US Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament, against a player coming from the qualifiers, according to the drawing of lots held Thursday in New York. If Simona Halep goes to the 3rd round, she might meet Sorana Cârstea who is on the same table segment. Sorana, 106th in the WTA ranking will take on, in the first round, the Czech Katerina Siniakova (38 WTA) whom she has defeated so far in two matches. In 2017 Sorana Cârstea defeated Siniakova in the first round in Eastbourne 6-3, 6-2 and in 2018 she won in Madrid in the first round 6-4, 2-6, 6-4. (translation by L. Simion)

  • Sports Weekend

    Sports Weekend

    Two Romanian crews got qualified on Thursday to the finals of the 2019 Canoe World Championship held in Szeged, Hungary. Ştefănica Ursu won the second semifinal in the simple canoe event on 500 m. On the same distance, the men’s 4 canoe crew made up of Leonid-Valentin Carp, Constantin Dîba, Gheorghe-Alexandru Stoian and Ştefan-Andrei Strat came 3rd in Heat 1, securing automatic passage to the final.

    Romania’s football vice-champions, FCSB, on Thursday took on, in Giurgiu, in the first leg of the Europa League playoffs, the Portuguese side Vitória Guimarães. The match ended in a goalless draw. The Romanian side had a few occasions to score, especially in the first part of the game. The Portuguese controlled the second part of the game but were no threat to goalkeeper Cristian Bălgrădean. The return match is scheduled for August 29 in Portugal.

    Football matches counting for the 7th leg of Romania’s Premier League championship will be played at the weekend. On Friday Poli Iasi will play against Chindia Târgovişte and Universitatea Craiova will take on Astra Giurgiu. On Saturday Giurgiu will see the match pitting Academica Clinceni against Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe while in Cluj CFR will play against FC Botosani. On Sunday in Ovidiu Viitorul Constanţa takes on FC Voluntari while in Medias, Gaz Metan will play against FCSB. The last match of the leg is scheduled for Monday pitting Dinamo Bucharest against FC Hermannstadt. Before this leg, CFR and Poli Iasi are top of the classification with 14 points each.

    The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, world’s no. 4, will play in the first round of the US Open, the year’s last Grand Slam tournament, against a player coming from the qualifiers, according to the drawing of lots held Thursday in New York. If Simona Halep goes to the 3rd round, she might meet Sorana Cârstea who is on the same table segment. Sorana, 106th in the WTA ranking will take on, in the first round, the Czech Katerina Siniakova (38 WTA) whom she has defeated so far in two matches. In 2017 Sorana Cârstea defeated Siniakova in the first round in Eastbourne 6-3, 6-2 and in 2018 she won in Madrid in the first round 6-4, 2-6, 6-4. (translation by L. Simion)

  • “J’ai rencontré un être humain, un comédien qui nous a montré pourquoi il est si grand !”

    “J’ai rencontré un être humain, un comédien qui nous a montré pourquoi il est si grand !”

    Début août, la ville hongroise de Szeged a accueilli une nouvelle édition de son Festival de théâtre en plein air, avec une attraction absolue à laffiche – le Français Gérard Depardieu. Il incarnait lempereur Napoléon I dans lopéra comique “Háry János”, composée en 1925-1926 par un des plus importants compositeurs hongrois et européens de lépoque, Zoltán Kodály. C’est lhistoire dun hussard de larmée austro-hongroise, un homme à limagination débordante, qui ne lésine pas sur lembellissement de ses faits darmes et de ses conquêtes amoureuses, dont limpératrice Marie-Louise, épouse de Napoléon. Un univers attachant qui ne fait plus la distinction entre mensonge et vérité, fantaisie et réalité, transformé en une super production par le metteur en scène Attila Béres. Porté aux nues par public et critique pour ce spectacle, lartiste roumano-hongrois devient ainsi un des rares metteurs en scène de lEurope Centrale et de lEst à avoir travaillé avec une star de la scène occidentale. Attila Béres raconte cette expérience.