Tag: Taiwan

  • RRI Sports Club

    RRI Sports Club

    In the second half of last century Romania used to boast some of the world’s best table tennis players. Between 1957 and 1975, Maria Alexandru, for instance, reaped 12 medals in world championships, three gold, five silver and four bronze.

    Asia came back with a vengeance in recent years though and its players became better and better preventing their European counterparts from making it to the competitions’ final stages.

    In men’s world rankings, for instance, only three non-Asians are among the top ten players, a Frenchman, a Brazilian and a Swede. In women’s competition though, the top 13 players are from Asia. Next after these top 13 players comes an athlete from Romania, namely, Bernadette Szőcs, currently ranking 14th, followed by Austrian Sofia Polcanova, who was born in the Republic of Moldova.

    Several days ago, in the mixed contest of the World Cup held in Chengdu, China, the Romanian side exceeded all expectations and came fourth.

    The Romanians secured wins against the teams of Taiwan, and Singapore and lost to South Korea.

    In the second stage they clinched an 8-3 win against France, 8-0 against the USA and 8-2 with Japan. Then our athletes won 8-5 against Germany but lost to China 0-8. Thus Romania managed to make it to the semifinals for the first time. Last year we recall that Romania was stopped in its tracks in the competition’s first stage.

    The Romanians took on China for a place in the finals but lost 8-1. The only Romanian point was obtained by the mixed pair Ovidiu Ionescu / Bernadette Szőcs.

    The two won a set out of the three they played against the world’s best pair made up of Chuqin Wang şi Yingsha Sun. The Romanians also lost the battle for the third position to Hong Kong.


  • August 4, 2022 UPDATE

    August 4, 2022 UPDATE

    INTEREST The 3-month ROBOR index, based on which the cost of consumer loans in lei with variable interest is calculated in Romania, rose on Thursday from 8.05% to 8.11% per annum, the highest level in the last 12 years. In early 2022, the index was 3% per year. Rates on mortgage loans and “First house” loans have increased by 50% since the beginning of the year and almost doubled as compared to a few years ago. IRCC, the reference index for consumer loans, is 2.65% p.a., up from 1.86% three months ago. In the last three months, more than 10,000 beneficiaries of the “First house” programme have requested to switch from ROBOR to IRCC for calculating loan interests.

    AIR FORCES As of August 4, the Canadian Royal Air Force is conducting an air policing mission in Romania. According to the defence ministry, a unit of 180 troops and 6 CF-188 Hornet aircraft, will operate under NATO command in the next 4 months, jointly with Romanian Air Force units, while another 2 aircraft will take part in drills organised jointly with NATO allies. This is the 6th rotation of Canadian troops at Romanias Mihail Kogălniceanu air base since 2017. Canadian forces were also deployed in Câmpia Turzii in central Romania in 2014. The presence of the CF-188 Hornet aircraft in Romania is part of the action plan for ensuring NATO operational capability in the eastern flank, and proves the Alliances unity and determination in response to recent security challenges, the Romanian defence ministry said.

    COVID-19 Three military hospitals in Romania have reopened wards for treating COVID patients. In Sibiu (centre), patients have five beds available, with another five available in Cluj Napoca (north-west). The Emergency Military Clinical Hospital in Timisoara (west) also reopened the Modular Medical Isolation and Treatment System, where patients have already been admitted. More than 4,000 people infected with coronavirus are currently hospitalised in Romania, and the number of those in Intensive Care is around 300. On Thursday, more than 8,600 new infections with SARS-COV-2 were announced in 24 hours. The authorities also reported 27 deaths.

    TAIWAN The Chinese army Thursday fired missiles towards the Taiwan Strait, shortly after the start of military drills around the island, France Presse and Reuters reported. China initiated large-scale live-fire drills around Taiwan in response to the visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosis visit to Taipei. Pelosi is the highest-ranking US official to visit Taiwan in the last 25 years. She assured Taipei of the USs commitment to supporting the democracy of the self-governed island claimed by Beijing. Taiwan has condemned the Chinese drills.

    UNTOLD Cluj-Napoca, in north-western Romania, is hosting until August 7 the UNTOLD electronica festival, currently at its 7th edition. For the opening night on Thursday, the organisers have brought to Romania, for the first time ever, a unique show by the German DJ and producer duo Claptone and 100 dancers and animators. The crowd will be welcomed by fantastic characters, international acrobats, animators, cheerleaders, dancers from Romania, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Germany and Ukraine, with parades, fireworks and laser shows. UNTOLD takes place in several locations, with the main stage placed in the Cluj Arena. The line-up includes the worlds best DJs, and the organisers expect nearly 400,000 people to attend. UNTOLD is one of the largest music festivals in the world. (AMP)

  • Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Hăbări ditu bana românească şi internaţională

    Misiune — Adză, Forțele Aeriene Regale Canadiene ahurhescu ună misiune di poliție aeriană tru România. Ministerul Apărării dimăndă că un ditașament di 180 di militari, cu șase avioane CF-188 Hornet, va s’opereadză sum comanda NATO tru yinitorlli patru meşi, diadunu cu militari ai Forțelor Aeriene Române, și va s’llia parti alte două avioane CF-188 Hornet, tru idyea perioadă, tru exerciţii organizate cu aliaţii NATO. Easte a șasea rotație di canadieni la baza militară Mihail Kogălniceanu (sud-est), după ateali ditu 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 și 2021. Militarllii canadieni dizvărtiră ună misiune tru România, la Câmpia Turzii (centru), tru 2014. Dizvărtearea a aeronavelor CF-188 Hornet tru România ‚ngrăpseaşti tru Planul di acțiuni ti asigurarea capacitatillei operaționale a NATO pe Flancul estic emu tru ​​zonele di nord, emu și di sud și dimonstreadză unitatea și apufusearea a Alianței ca apandisi la provocările mediul di securitate — spuni Ministerul Român ali Apărari.

    Festival — Adză după-prăndzu, căsăbălu Cluj-Napoca, din nord-vestul României, da startul a VII-llei ediții a Festivalului di Muzică Electronică UNTOLD. Ceremonia oficială di dişcllidiari, un spectacol unic a germanului Claptone va s’hibă ună premieră ti România. Artistul va s’hibă diadunu cu 100 di giucători și animatori, tru un spectacol di bal mascat, iara ñilli di prusupidi va s’hibă durusiti a fanilor. Participanțălli la festivalul UNTOLD va s’hibă aştiptaţ di personaje fantastiţi, acrobați internaționali, animatori, majorete și giucători din România, Franța, Olanda, Marea Britanie, Germania și Ucraina, cum și di paradi și spectacole cu foc ică LED. Festivalu UNTOLD va s-ţănă până tru 7 di agustu și va s’dizvărtească tru ma multe locații, inclusiv tru atea principală – stadionlu Cluj Arena. Nai ma buni DJ ditu lume suntu aștiptaț s’ţănă concerte. Organizatorii estimează că aproximativ 400.000 di spectatori va s’llia parti la festivalu UNTOLD, cari easte unu di nai ma mări festivaluri ditu lume.

    Robor — Indicele ROBOR la ​​trei meşi, simfunu cu cari s’faţi isapea ti custusearea a creditelor di consum tru lei cu dobândă variabilă tru România, alină gioi la 8,11% pi an, di la 8,05% pi an tru sesiunea precedintă, cari easte nai ma mare nivelul ditu aeştă ditu soni 12 ani. Tu ahuhrita a anlui 2022, indicele eara di 3% pi an. Ratele la creditele ipotecare și la creditele Prima casă” criscură cu 50% andicra di ahurhita a anului și aproapea agiumsi diplo andicra di aoa şi ndoi añi. IRCC, indicele di referință tră creditele di consum, easte di 2,65% pi an, tru creaștere andicra di atelu publicat aoa şi trei meşi, di 1,86%. Tru treiilli meşi ditu soni, piste 10.000 di beneficiari a programului Prima casă” căftară alăxearea a turliillei di făţeari isapi a toclui, pritu treatirea di la ROBOR la ​​IRCC.

    China – Armata chineză amină proiectile nidintificate cătă strimtoarea Taiwan gioi, la şcurtu kiro după ţi ahuhriră cu exerciții militare majore anvărliga a nisiillei revendicate di Beijing, dimăndă AFP și Reuters. China ahurhi nai ma importante manevre militare ditu istoria a llei anvărliga a Taiwanului, ca apandisi la vizita Președintelui Camerei Reprezentanților SUA, Nancy Pelosi, la Taipei. Pelosi easte nai ma analtu oficial aleptu a SUA cari vizită Taipei tru 25 di ani ditu soni, iu diadi asiguripseri că America nu va lu abandoneadză Taiwanul, cari easte cumădnusitu di un regim dimocratic și băneadză sumu fuvirsearea constantă cu aputrusearea ali askeri kineză. Taiwan condamnă manevrele militare chineze.

    Autoru: Udălu a hăbărloru

    Armânipsearia: Taşcu Lala

  • August 4, 2022

    August 4, 2022

    Mission — Today, the Royal Canadian Air Forces begin an air policing mission in Romania. The Defense Ministry informed that a detachment of 180 soldiers, with six CF-188 Hornet aircraft, will operate under NATO command in the next four months, together with soldiers of the Romanian Air Force, and another two CF-188 Hornet aircraft will participate, in the same period, in exercises organized with NATO allies. It is the sixth rotation of Canadians at the Mihail Kogălniceanu military base (south-east), after those in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. The Canadian military also carried out another mission in Romania, at Câmpia Turzii (center), in 2014. The deployment of CF-188 Hornet aircraft in Romania is part of the Action Plan to ensure NATOs operational capacity on the Eastern Flank both in the northern and southern areas and demonstrates the unity and determination of the Alliance in response to the challenges of the security environment — the Romanian Defense Ministry shows.

    Festival — This afternoon, the city of Cluj-Napoca, in northwestern Romania, sees the start of the 7th edition of the UNTOLD Electronic Music Festival. The official opening ceremony, a unique show by the German Claptone will be a first for Romania. The artist will be accompanied by 100 dancers and entertainers, in a masked ball show, and thousands of masks will be offered to the fans. The participants in the UNTOLD festival will be welcomed by fantastic characters, international acrobats, entertainers, cheerleaders and dancers from Romania, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany and Ukraine, as well as by parades and fire or LED shows. The UNTOLD festival will last until August 7 and will take place in several locations, including the main one – the Cluj Arena stadium. The best DJs in the world are expected to give concerts. The organizers estimate that approximately 400,000 spectators will participate in the UNTOLD festival, which is one of the biggest festivals in the world.

    Football — FCSB defeated Slovakias FC DAC 1904 Dunajska Streda 1-0 away from home on Thursday evening, in the first leg of the third preliminary round of the Europa Conference League. The Romanians dominated the entire match. The second leg will be played in Bucharest, on the National Arena, on August 11. If they eliminate the Slovak team, FCSB will play in the play-offs against Viking Stavanger (Norway) or Sligo Rovers FC (Ireland).

    Robor — The three-month ROBOR index, according to which the cost of consumer loans in lei with variable interest is calculated in Romania, rose on Thursday to 8.11% per year, from 8.05% per year in the previous session, which is the highest level in the last 12 years. In early 2022, the index was 3% per year. Rates on mortgage loans and “First house” loans increased by 50% compared to the beginning of the year and almost doubled as compared to a few years ago. IRCC, the reference index for consumer loans, is 2.65% per year, up from the one published three months ago, of 1.86%. In the last three months, more than 10,000 beneficiaries of the “First house” program requested to change the method of interest calculation, by switching from ROBOR to IRCC.

    China – The Chinese army fired unidentified projectiles towards the Taiwan Strait on Thursday, shortly after the start of major military exercises around the island claimed by Beijing, AFP and Reuters report. China has begun the most important military maneuvers in its history around Taiwan, in response to the visit of the US House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, to Taipei. Pelosi is the highest elected US official to visit Taipei in 25 years, where she gave assurances that America would not abandon Taiwan, which is ruled by a democratic regime and lives under the constant threat of invasion by the Chinese military. Taiwan has condemned the Chinese military maneuvers.

    Covid – Three military hospitals in Romania have reopened sectors for treating COVID patients. In Sibiu (center), patients have five beds available and also five in Cluj Napoca (north-west). The Emergency Military Clinical Hospital in Timisoara (west) equally reopened the Modular Medical Isolation and Treatment System, where patients have already been admitted. More than 4,000 people infected with coronavirus are currently hospitalized in Romania, and the number of those in Intensive Care is around 300. On Thursday, more than 8,600 new infections with SARS-COV-2 were announced in 24 hours. The authorities also reported 27 deaths. (LS)

  • August 3, 2022 UPDATE

    August 3, 2022 UPDATE

    Aid – The Romanian government has increased by 50% on average the amount of emergency aid that will be granted, this year, to families or single people affected by natural disasters, the Labor and Social Solidarity Ministry announced. The measure adopted on Wednesday was taken as a result of the increase in the construction cost index by up to 80%, according to the latest statistical price bulletin of the National Institute of Statistics – INS. The aid varies between 1,500 (approx. 300 Euros) and 10,000 lei (approx. 2,000 Euros). Most of the money, 10,000 lei (about 2,000 Euros), will be given to families and single people whose homes were affected in a proportion of over 75%. If loss of human life was also recorded, the family of the deceased person will receive an additional 7,500 lei (about 1,500 Euros), regardless of the number of victims. Meanwhile, the Romanian Waters Administration says that the strategic reserve of water from the main 40 lakes, although decreasing compared to the beginning of July, may ensure the necessary amounts for all beneficiaries who are fed from surface sources. According to the data presented, almost 800 localities have restricted power supply across Romania, and the drought continues, especially in the area of ​​small towns and villages in Moldavia (east). In terms of crops, the affected area has reached over 205,000 hectares.

    Revolution – The prosecutor general of Romania, Gabriela Scutea, on Wednesday announced the “Revolution Case” was referred back to the supreme court. In this case, the ex-president Ion Iliescu, former deputy PM Gelu Voican Voiculescu and Iosif Rus, former Military Aviation chief, are charged with crimes against humanity. According to the investigation, a widespread “terrorism” psychosis was created, which led to chaotic gun fire, fratricide, conflicting military orders. According to military prosecutors, this psychosis was induced deliberately, through disinformation and diversion, and resulted in over 850 dead, 2,380 wounded, hundreds of people illegally arrested and psychological trauma. Initiated in Timișoara in December 1989, the Romanian anti-communist revolution led to the flight, capture, summary trial and execution of the communist dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife Elena.

    China – The EU called for the tensions related to the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosis visit to Taiwan to be settled through dialogue and for all communication channels with China to remain open, so as to avoid errors. China has its army on high alert in response to the visit, which it sees as a provocation. Chinas defense ministry announced “targeted military operations”, and the East Command of the Peoples Liberation Army said they involved live-fire drills near Taiwan-a self-ruled island that China views as part of its territory. In Washington, the Biden administration says there is no need for the Chinese authorities to turn this visit into a crisis. The White House spokesman for national security, John Kirby, said the House Speaker has the right to visit Taiwan, but highlighted that the trip was not a violation of Chinese sovereignty or of the One China Policy. The visit, which was not supported by US president Biden, is the first by a US official at this level in 25 years.

    Covid-19 – The next variants of the new coronavirus will most likely be not very aggressive, but easily transmitted, the head of the Matei Bals Institute for Infectious Disease, Adrian Marinescu believes. He says the pandemic has reached a stage where we cohabitate with the virus, and many of the infected people perceive the disease as similar to a common cold. The health minister Alexandru Rafila does not rule out a 7th pandemic wave in Romania this autumn, when schools and universities resume classes. The Defense Ministry announced that 3 military hospitals in Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara will re-open units for treating Covid patients. On Wednesday over 9,100 new COVID-19 cases were reported, most of them in Bucharest and in Cluj and Timiş counties. Nearly 4,000 COVID patients are hospitalized, of whom nearly 550 are children. 284 patients are in intensive care, and 41 COVID-related deaths have also been reported.

    Agriculture – Romanias grain yield is enough to cover the domestic demand and some exports, the agriculture minister Petre Daea said on Wednesday, as 96% of the crops have already been harvested. High temperatures and extensive drought have affected crops, particularly sunflower and maize, across the country. Romania is one of the largest grain exporters in the EU and an active exporter to the Middle East. Last year the country had record-large crops, including 11.3 million tons of wheat. The domestic grain yield is generally 2-3 times higher than the domestic demand. (AMP &LS)

  • August 3, 2022

    August 3, 2022

    AID In Romania, the people affected by recent natural disasters will receive state aid, after the government approves a draft resolution in this respect today. The largest sums, around EUR 2,000, will go to the families and individuals whose households have been affected to an extent of over 75%. In the case of fatalities, the families of the deceased will receive an additional EUR 1,500, irrespective of the number of victims. Meanwhile, the Romanian Waters Administration says the strategic water reserve in the countrys main 40 lakes, although decreasing since early July, is able to cover the needs of all relevant beneficiaries. According to current data, nearly 800 localities have introduced water supply restrictions, and the drought continues, especially in the east. As regards crops, a total of 205,000 hectares of farmland have been affected so far.

    AGRICULTURE Romanias grain yield is enough to cover the domestic demand and some exports, the agriculture minister Petre Daea said today, as 96% of the crops have already been harvested. High temperatures and extensive drought have affected crops, particularly sunflower and maize, across the country. Romania is one of the largest grain exporters in the EU and an active exporter to the Middle East. Last year the country had record-large crops, including 11.3 million tonnes of wheat. The domestic grain yield is generally 2-3 times higher than the domestic demand.

    COVID-19 The next variants of the new coronavirus will most likely be not very aggressive, but easily transmitted, the head of the Matei Bals Institute for Infectious Disease, Adrian Marinescu believes. He says the pandemic has reached a stage where we cohabitate with the virus, and many of the infected people perceive the disease as similar to a common cold. The health minister Alexandru Rafila does not rule out a 7th pandemic wave in Romania this autumn, when schools and universities resume classes. On Wednesday over 9,100 new COVID-19 cases were reported, most of them in Bucharest and in Cluj and Timiş counties. Nearly 4,000 COVID patients are hospitalized, of whom nearly 550 are children. 284 patients are in intensive care, and 41 COVID-related deaths have also been reported.

    TAIPEI The EU called for the tensions related to the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosis visit to Taiwan to be settled through dialogue and for all communication channels with China to remain open, so as to avoid errors. China has its army on high alert in response to the visit, which it sees as a provocation. Chinas defence ministry announced “targeted military operations”, and the East Command of the Peoples Liberation Army said they involved live-fire drills near Taiwan-a self-ruled island that China views as part of its territory. In Washington, the Biden administration says there is no need for the Chinese authorities to turn this visit into a crisis. The White House spokesman for national security, John Kirby, said the House Speaker has the right to visit Taiwan, but highlighted that the trip was not a violation of Chinese sovereignty or of the One China Policy. The visit, which was not supported by US president Biden, is the first by a US official at this level in 25 years.

    REVOLUTION The prosecutor general of Romania, Gabriela Scutea, today announced the “Revolution Case” was referred back to the supreme court. In this case, the ex-president Ion Iliescu, former deputy PM Gelu Voican Voiculescu and Iosif Rus, former Military Aviation chief, are charged with crimes against humanity. According to the investigation, a widespread “terrorism” psychosis was created, which led to chaotic gun fire, fratricide, conflicting military orders. According to military prosecutors, this psychosis was induced deliberately, through disinformation and diversion, and resulted in over 850 dead, 2,380 wounded, hundreds of people illegally arrested and psychological trauma. Initiated in Timișoara in December 1989, the Romanian anti-communist revolution led to the flight, capture, summary trial and execution of the communist dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife Elena. (AMP)

  • August 2, 2022 UPDATE

    August 2, 2022 UPDATE

    NATURAL GAS The Romanian state owned company
    Romgaz has announced it completed the acquisition of shares from the American
    company ExxonMobil as part of the Neptun Deep natural gas extraction project in
    the Black Sea. The energy minister Virgil Popescu said on a social network that
    the completion of the USD 1 billion transaction is an important step ahead for
    Romania in its effort to achieve energy independence, at a difficult time for
    the entire Europe. Romania, which is currently the European country the least
    dependent on Russian gas, owns large reserves in the Black Sea – around 200
    billion cubic meters. Most of it is in the Neptun Deep perimeter, which Romgaz
    will develop alongside OMV Petrom. Meanwhile, in the Midia perimeter, nearly
    120 km off Romania’s Black Sea coast, Black Sea Oil&Gas has already began

    ROMA Improving the quality of life of Romania’s
    Roma minority, based on active citizenship, social and economic inclusion and
    the Roma cultural heritage is a priority for the government of Romania. This
    message was conveyed by PM Nicolae Ciucă on the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day.
    The foreign ministry mentioned that the suffering inflicted on the Roma in concentration
    and extermination camps run by the Nazi and their allies during WW2 were
    unfortunately ignored for too long by the general public. This is why the
    foreign ministry supports national and international initiatives to promote
    research and commemoration of the Roma genocide. The institution also condemns
    hate speech against this community. The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis
    also pointed out in a message that stigmatizing and discriminating against minorities
    must be penalised harshly.On August
    2, 1944, nearly 3,000 Roma at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp were killed by the
    Nazi regime. Overall, some 500,000 Roma people were killed in Europe during the

    DROUGHT In Romania, the total area affected by drought has reached
    over 190,000 hectares in 24 counties, 30,000 hectares more than the previous
    day, the Agriculture Ministry announced. According to weather experts, temperatures
    will gradually rise until August 8, in most parts of the country. Moreover, the
    Danube river flow is half the multi-annual average for the month of August. The
    National Waters Administration announced that the strategic water reserve in
    the main 40 lakes in the country is 3.19 billion cubic metres, down from 3.45
    billion in early July.

    COVID-19 The health minister Alexandru Rafila does not rule out a 7th pandemic wave in
    Romania this autumn, when schools and universities resume classes. In
    his opinion, wearing face masks in public transportation means and closed areas
    is critical to keeping the pandemic under control. On Tuesday over 11,600 new
    COVID-19 cases were reported, most of them in Bucharest and in Cluj and Timiş
    counties. More than 4,000 COVID patients are hospitalized, of whom nearly 600
    are children. 277 patients are in intensive care, and 38 COVID-related deaths
    have also been reported, including a child.

    TAIWAN U.S. House of Representatives Speaker
    Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan on Tuesday with a clear message for China. She said the
    US commitment to supporting Taiwan’s democracy is more important than ever.
    Nancy Pelosi’s visit, which was immediately condemned by the Chinese
    authorities, is the first by a US House of Representatives speaker in 25 years.
    On Wednesday she will have meetings with Taiwan officials. Beijing responded immediately,
    denouncing what it called a very dangerous attitude on the part of the US.
    Taiwan has had its own government since the communist victory on continental
    China in 1949, but Beijing views it as one of its own provinces and threatens
    to resort to force should the island proclaim its independence.

    TENNIS -
    Romanian tennis player Simona Halep (WTA 16) qualified to the round of 16 of
    the Washington tournament after defeating the Moldovan Cristina Bucsa (WTA
    123), 6-3, 7-5. Halep will be up next against the winner of the match between
    American Madison Brengle and Russian Ana Kalinskaya. Also, the Romanian-Czech
    pair Monica Niculescu/Lucie Hradecka (WTA 250) qualified to the quarterfinals
    after a victory against Emma Răducanu (UK) /Clara Tauson (Denmark), 6-4, 6-1.
    Niculescu and Hradecka will be up next against Americans Makenna Jones/Sloane
    Stephens. (AMP)

  • 07.02.2016


    ONU — Une réunion d’urgence du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies est convoquée aujourd’hui ; elle consacrée au tir d’une fusée, par la Corée du nord, la nuit dernière, apparemment pour placer un satellite en orbite. La réunion a été demandée par les USA et le Japon, deux membres du Conseil de sécurité, et par la Corée du sud, les trois pays affirmant qu’il s’agirait en fait d’un nouvel essai balistique de Pyongyang. Le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki-moon, a demandé à la Corée du nord d’arrêter les actions provocatrices. La communauté internationale a condamné ce test balistique, qui a eu lieu un mois après le dernier essai nucléaire effectué par le régime communiste nord-coréen. Pyongyang fait déjà l’objet de lourdes sanctions internationales suites aux tirs balistiques et aux trois essais nucléaires effectués en octobre 2006, mai 2009 et février 2013.

    Réunion — La présidente de la Commission pour les affaires européennes de la Chambre des députés de Bucarest, Ana Birchall, se trouve à la Haye, aux Pays-Bas, où elle participe à la Conférence des Organes Parlementaires Spécialisés dans les Affaires de lUnion des Parlements de l’Union européenne (COSAC). Les principaux thèmes de débat portent sur les priorités de la présidence néerlandaise du Conseil de l’UE, dont la migration, la sécurité des frontières communautaires, les finances et la zone euro, la consolidation du marché intérieur européen ou encore la relation entre l’UE et la Grande Bretagne. Les Pays-Bas assurent la présidence tournante du Conseil de l’Union au cours du premier semestre 2016.

    Séisme — A Taiwan, les équipes de secouristes continuent les opérations de sauvetage des survivants, après le séisme de 6,4 sur l’échelle ouverte de Richter, qui a frappé, samedi, la ville de Tainan. Au moins 24 personnes ont perdu la vie, près de 500 autres sont blessées et 120 sont portées disparues.

    Tennis — A Cluj-Napoca (nord-ouest), la rencontre Roumanie — République tchèque, comptant pour le premier tour du Groupe mondial de la Fed Cup, de tennis féminin, continue aujourd’hui avec les matchs de simple qui opposent les Roumaines Simona Halep (numéro 3 mondiale) et Monica Niculescu aux joueuses tchèques Petra Kvitova (numéro 9 WTA) et Karolina Pliskova, respectivement. Après les matchs de simples disputés hier, les deux équipes sont à égalité, 1 partout. Simona Halep a perdu la première rencontre devant Karolina Pliskova, mais Monica Niculescu a terminé victorieuse son match contre Petra Kvitova. Si l’égalité se maintient, un dernier match de double opposera la paire roumaine Andreea Mitu-Raluca Olaru aux Tchèques Denisa Allertova-Barbora Strycova. L’équipe de la Tchéquie est la meilleure de la Fed Cup, depuis plusieurs années, avec 9 trophées gagnés, y compris en 2015.

    Rugby — La sélection de rugby de Roumanie a débuté par une victoire nette dans la nouvelle édition du Rugby Europe Championship, deuxième échelon continental derrière le Tournoi des six nations. Samedi, à Cluj-Napoca (nord-ouest), les Roumains ont eu raison de la sélection du Portugal, sur le score final de 39 à 14. La prochaine étape aura lieu dans une semaine ; les rugbymen tricolores affronteront les Espagnols, à Madrid. Les matchs suivants sont prévus au mois de mars, quand la Roumanie rencontrera la Russie, l’Allemagne et la Géorgie.

  • February 7, 2016

    February 7, 2016

    SECURITY – The UN Security Council convenes today in New York, in an emergency meeting, after North Korea overnight launched a long-range missile, apparently to place a satellite on orbit. The meeting has been requested by the US and Japan, which are members of the Council, alongside South Korea, which claim that it was actually a ballistic test carried out by Pyongyang. The UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, has called on North Korea to halt provocative actions. The international community has condemned Pyongyangs ballistic test, which comes just a month since the latest nuclear test carried out by North Korea. Heavy international sanctions have already been imposed on Pyongyang, following its ballistic firing and carrying out three nuclear tests in October 2006, May 2009 and February 2013, respectively.

    MIGRATION-French President, François Hollande, and German
    Chancellor, Angela Merkel, are to attend an informal dinner in Strasbourg, at
    the invitation of the European Parliament President, Martin Schulz. Prior to
    that, the French and German leaders will have a bilateral meeting to tackle
    such issues as the migrant crisis and its impact on the Schengen area, and the
    key demands made by Great Britain to remain in the EU, respectively. The
    meeting is held just days ahead of a European summit due in Brussels on
    February 18-19, when Hollande and Merkel exert new pressure regarding the
    redistribution of refugees in Europe. As regards the referendum in Great
    Britain, Paris and Berlin are not willing to make further concessions to Prime
    David Cameron, other than those offered by the head of the European Council,
    Donald Tusk.

    COSAC – The Chair of the European Affairs Committee with the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, Ana Birchall, is today attending in the Hague, the Netherlands, the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC). The focal points of the talks will be the priorities of the Dutch presidency of the EU Council, which include migration, tightening EU border security, EU and Euro zone finances, strengthening the European domestic market and the relationship between the EU and the United Kingdom. The Netherlands is currently holding the rotating presidency of the EU Council, in the first half of 2016.

    EARTHQUAKE – In Taiwan, rescue teams in the town of Tainan are going ahead with the operations of rescuing survivors after several buildings and blocks of flats collapsed in the wake of Saturdays powerful quake which measured 6.4 degrees on Richters scale. At least 24 people lost their lives, some 500 others sustained injuries and 120 are reported missing. So far, over 350 survivors have been taken out from the buildings reduced to rubble.

    TENNIS– In the north-western Romanian city of Cluj Napoca, Simona Halep, WTAs no.3, is today meeting Petra Kvitova, WTAs no.9, on the second day of matches being played by Romanias and the Czech Republics tennis teams, in the first round of the Fed Cup World Group. Also today, Monica Niculescu, WTAs no.40, is facing Karolina Pliskova, WTAs no.13. After the simple tennis matches played yesterday, Romania and the Czech Republic are at a 1:1 draw. In the first matches, Halep was defeated by Pliskova, whereas Niculescu defeated Kvitova. A possible double tennis match will oppose the pair Andreea Mitu/Raluca Olaru to Denisa Allertova/Barbora Strycova. The Czech Republic is the best performing Fed Cup team in recent years, being the holder of 9 titles, including that of 2015.

    RUGBY– Romanias national rugby team on Saturday scored a clear victory, 39-14, on home turf, in the city of Cluj Napoca, north-western Romania, against Portugal, in a new edition of Rugby Europe Championship, the second ranking continental competition, after the famous RBS 6 Nations Tournament. In the next leg, due next Saturday, Romania will meet Spain, in Madrid. In March, Romanian rugby players are pitched against Russia, Germany and Georgia. In autumn, under the guidance of Welsh coach Lynn Howells, Romania participated in the World Cup final tournament in England, where it defeated Canada, in the group stage, and lost to France, Ireland and Italy.

    (Translated and edited by Diana Vijeu)

  • Hörerpostsendung 28.09.2014

    Hörerpostsendung 28.09.2014

    Hallo, liebe Zuhörer, zu einer etwas kürzeren Fassung des Funkbriefkastens. Heute begrü‎ßt Sie Florin Lungu am Mikrofon.

    Wir haben natürlich Post und E-Mails erhalten, und da möchte ich eine wichtige Nachricht von Andreas Pawelczyk vorlesen:

    Sehr geehrte Vertretung im Hörerbriefkasten,

    hatte auch am Sonntag, den 22.09.14 nachmittags Ihren Hörerbriefkasten gehört. Ich dachte er würde ausfallen, wenn Sorin Georgescu in den Urlaub fährt. Gut, dass dies nicht so ist.

    Konnte so nebenbei hören, dass Sie ab Oktober Ihre Nachmittagssendungen von 13 Uhr UTC auf 15 Uhr UTC verlegen. Dem kann man nur zustimmen, da ich so wie andere Hörer Überschneidungsprobleme mit einem anderen Sender auf Kurzwelle hatte. Insofern geht diese Entscheidung voll in Ordnung.

    Lieber Herr Pawelczyk, so ist es, wir, d.h. meine Kolleginnen und Kollegen haben den Funkbriefkasten gestaltet, aber Sorin Georgescu kehrt nächste Woche zurück — ein Glück für uns und für Sie! Und was die Änderung der Sendezeit anbelangt, da haben wir die Durchsage, dass die deutsche Mittagssendung von RRI beginnend mit dem 26. Oktober von gegenwärtig 13 Uhr auf 15 Uhr UTC verschoben wird. D.h., Sie werden unsere Mittagssendung, die Sie jetzt noch um 14 Uhr Lokalzeit in Deutschland empfangen, beginnend mit dem 26. Oktober um 16 Uhr empfangen.

    Und in unserer Postsendung haben wir eine andere wichtige Nachricht, die wir von Bernd Seiser erhalten haben und durchgeben werden:

    Am 10.10.1986 (dem Nationalfeiertag der Republik China) begann die Ausstrahlung deutscher Sendungen der Stimme des Freien China, danach als Radio Taipeh International und heute mit der Bezeichnung Radio Taiwan International auf Sendung.

    Wie jedes Jahr zu diesem Anlass veranstaltet der RTI-Hörerklub Ottenau eine Diplomaktion für alle interessierten Kurzwellenhörer. Partnerstation ist diesmal Radio Tirana, das vor nunmehr 50 Jahren, genau am 22. November 1964, mit regelmä‎ßigen Sendungen in Deutsch begann.

    Einzusenden ist jeweils ein Empfangsbericht über Sendungen beider Stationen über Kurzwelle, Kontestzeitraum ist der 3. bis 18. Oktober 2014. Zu hören ist nach Möglichkeit ein “Hörerbriefkasten” von RTI, der jeweils am Freitag gesendet wird, sowie eine der Hörerpostsendungen von Radio Tirana, die immer am Mittwoch und Freitag auf dem Programm stehen. Aber auch die geplanten Direktsendungen im Kontestzeitraum aus Taiwan haben ihren besonderen Anreiz.

    Direkt aus Taiwan sendet RTI das Deutschprogram am 3, 4. und 5. Oktober sowie am 10, 11. und 12 Oktober von 16:00 bis 17:00 UTC auf der analogen Kurzwelle von 11665 KHz. Zur selben Zeit wird am 17. und 18. Oktober das deutsche Programm in DRM übertragen.

    Das gewohnte elektronische Email-Diplom gibt es kostenlos gegen die Einsendung der Kontestberichrichte an die Adresse bernhard.seiser@daimler.com oder auch bei Einsendung an die vielen bekannte private Emailadresse von Bernd Seiser.

    Wer ein gedrucktes Diplom per Post erhalten möchte, schickt bitte seine Empfangsberichte (nur Kopien, Originale bitte direkt an die beiden Stationen, die diese mit QSL-Karten bestätigen!) an:

    Werner Schubert, Poststr. 8/I, 85567 Grafing, Deutschland.

    Als Einsendeschluss ist der 27. Oktober vorgesehen. Für Mitglieder der beiden RTI-Hörerklubs sowie des Radio-Tirana-Hörerklubs sind Diplom und Versand kostenlos, andere Teilnehmer bitten wir um Beilage von 1,45 Euro in Briefmarken (Inland) bzw. zwei IRCs (Ausland). Hörerklubmitglieder aus Berlin legen bitte einen Nachweis der Hörerklubmitgliedschaft bei, da es uns bedauerlicherweise trotz mehrfacher Anfrage nicht gelungen ist, weder aus Taipeh noch aus Berlin eine Mitgliederliste zu erhalten. Die Diplome werden voraussichtlich Anfang November verschickt.

    Unter allen Teilnehmern werden zusätzlich kleine Souvenirs aus und über Albanien verlost. Der RTI-Hörerklub Ottenau und der Radio-Tirana-Hörerklub freuen sich auf eine gro‎ße Kontest-Teilnahme!“

    Und nun erfahren Sie des Weiteren das erwartete Rezept, dass Ihnen meine Kollegin Irina Adamescu versprochen hat:

    Ich war in diesem Sommer zum ersten Mal im Donaudelta. Aus dieser interessanten Gegend habe ich ihnen zwei Fischgerichte mitgebracht:

    Das erste hei‎ßt Saramură. Das Wort saramură hat im Rumänischen zwei Bedeutungen: Salzlake oder gegrillter Fisch in Gewürzsud.

    Für das Letztere wird Karpfen, Wels oder Donauhering (falls dieser erhältlich ist) verwendet. Sie können aber auch Meeräsche oder Stör kaufen. Au‎ßerdem brauchen sie einige Tomaten, Paprika und für den Geschmack Thymian, Lorbeerblätter, scharfen Paprika, Knoblauch und Essig. Weil es ein einfaches Fischer-Gericht ist, gibt es keine genauen Angaben für die Zutaten. Es gilt das Augenma‎ß.

    Für den Anfang müssen Sie den Fisch reinigen und in handtellergro‎ße Portionen teilen. Anschlie‎ßend reiben Sie die Fischstücke mit Salz ein und legen diese erst einmal für eine halbe Stunde beiseite. In der Zwischenzeit waschen Sie Tomaten und Paprika und bereiten sie den Grill vor. Grillen sie anschlie‎ßend auf beiden Seiten die Fischstücke, Paprika und Tomaten hinterher. Legen sie nun den fertig gegrillten Fisch in eine Schüssel und hinterher die in Stücken geschnittenen, gegrillten Tomaten und die gegrillten, geschälten und in Streifen geschnittenen Paprika dazu. Darüber wird nun die Saramură gegossen. Für diesen Sud müssen Sie zerdrückten Knoblauch, Essig, Pfeffer, 1-2 Lorbeerblätter, Thymian und entkernte scharfe Paprikaschote in Wasser kurz aufkochen. Das Ganze sollten Sie mindesten eine Viertelstunde ziehen lassen. Zum Schluss wird das Gericht mit gehackter Petersilie bestreut und mit einer hei‎ßen Polenta serviert.

    Das zweite Gericht hei‎ßt Plachie. Eine Plachie ist ein Fischgericht, das mit reichlich Zwiebeln und Öl zubereitet und im Ofen gegart wird.

    Für eine Fischplachia brauchen sie 5-6 Stück von einem gro‎ßen Sü‎ßwasserfisch (wie Karpfen, Wels, Hecht oder Giebel), 100 ml Öl, 3-4 Sü‎ßwasserfisch Zwiebeln (etwa 300-400 g), einige Knoblauchzehen, 200 ml Tomatensaft, 2 Paprika, 1 Lorbeerblatt, Pfeffer, Salz und etwas Mehl.

    Auch dieses Rezept empfiehlt, den Fisch zu erst zu salzen und dann ca. eine halbe Stunde ruhen zu lassen. Wenden Sie, wenn die Zeit um ist, den Fisch in Mehl und braten Sie ihn leicht in hei‎ßem Öl an, etwa 2-3 Minuten auf jeder Seite. Legen sie nun die Fischstücke in einen feuerfesten Topf.

    In einem anderen Topf dünsten Sie die Zwiebeln bei kleinem Feuer für ca. 10 — 15 Minuten. Geben Sie anschlie‎ßend die in Scheiben geschnittenen Paprika hinzu und dünsten Sie diese mit den Zwiebeln weiter, bis sie weich werden. Gie‎ßen sie den Tomatensaft ein, geben Sie das Lorbeerblatt und die anderen Gewürze hinzu. Wenn nötig, können Sie die So‎ße noch vorsichtig mit etwas Salz abschmecken. Geben Sie die So‎ße über die Fischstücke und stellen Sie das Gericht für ca. 20 Minuten in den Ofen, bis der Fisch gar und die So‎ße etwas dicker geworden ist. Auch dieses Gericht wird in Rumänien mit Polenta gegessen.

    Zu Fischgerichten ist es üblich, eine Knoblauchso‎ße zu servieren. Dafür werden 1-2 Knoblauchknollen geschält, die Zehen mit Salz zerdrückt und anschlie‎ßend, wie bei einer Mayonnaise, tröpfchenweise mit Öl verrührt. Ab und zu können Sie noch einige Tropfen Essig hinzugie‎ßen, um die Konsistenz und den Säuregehalt der So‎ße zu kontrollieren.

    Audiobeitrag hören:

  • 25.07.2014 (mise à jour)

    25.07.2014 (mise à jour)

    Crash – Le ministère roumain des Affaires étrangères na pas obtenu la confirmation de la présence dun Roumain à bord de lavion dAir Algérie qui sest écrasé jeudi au Mali, apprend-on dun communiqué de la diplomatie de Bucarest. Les informations visant le nombre de passagers et leurs nationalités respectives sont contradictoires, selon le ministère qui assure poursuivre les démarches visant à clarifier la situation à travers les missions diplomatiques roumaines dans les pays de départ et darrivée de lavion. L’appareil, qui volait entre Ouagadougou et Alger, avait 110 passagers à bord, dont 51 Français, et 6 membres de l’équipage — tous Espagnols. C’est la 3e catastrophe aérienne en 7 jours, après le crash de l’avion malaisien en Ukraine et l’écrasement d’un avion TransAsia Airways à Taiwan, avec un bilan total de 460 morts.

    Rapatriement — 15 touristes roumains, qui étaient bloqués en Cisjordanie, sont arrivés dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi à Bucarest, a annoncé le ministère roumain des Affaires étrangères. Le ministère conseille aux citoyens roumains d’éviter les voyages dans les zones à proximité de la bande de Gaza, scène d’un conflit israélo-palestinien. Rappelons que les deux dernières semaines, suite à l’aggravation de l’état d’insécurité dans la région, le ministère roumain des Affaires étrangères a rapatrié 103 autres ressortissants roumains et membres de leurs familles.

    Alerte – Le ministère des Affaires éttrangères de Bucarest met en garde les ressortissants roumains qui se trouvent ou ont lintention de voyager en Norvège contre les risques dune attaque terroriste. Les autorités dOslo avaient annoncé avoir reçu des informations crédibles visant un attentat terroriste qui pourrait se produire dans la prochaine période, dans ce pays. La diplomatie de Bucarest appelle les Roumains à la prudence et à la vigilence.

    Tourisme – Une campagne de promotion de la Roumanie en tant que destination touristique sûre dans lactuel contexte géopolitique a été démarrée par les autorités roumaines. Les ressortissants étrangers, notamment ceux non-européens, doivent comprendre par ce biais que la Roumanie nest pas affectée par le conflit en cours en Ukraine voisine, a précisé le ministre délégué au tourisme, Florin Jianu. Le nombre de touristes étrangers a augmenté de plus de 10% dans les six premiers mois de cette année, sest félicité le responsable ajoutant que lOrganisation mondiale ainsi que la Commission européenne du tourisme avaient choisi Bucarest pour leurs réunions, à la rentrée.

    Candidature – Les libéraux et les démocrates-libéraux roumains, en opposition, se réunissent samedi à loccasion dun congrès commun qui doit entériner leur alliance électorale, lAlliance chrétienne-libérale PNL-PDL. Celle-ci sera le support dappui dun candidat unique des deux formations aux élections présidentielles de novembre prochain. Celui-ci devrait être désigné suite à une enquête sociologique qui devrait soumettre aux électeurs potentiels les propositions, en ce sens, des directions de chacun de ces partis. Selon les analystes, le candidat le plus probable de la droite semble être le leader du Parti national libéral, Klaus Iohannis. Roumain de souche allemande, celui qui est le maire de Sibiu depuis 2000 a le plus de chances daffronter le premier ministre roumain, Victor Ponta, au deuxième tour de la présidentielle. Victor Ponta a dailleurs annoncé sa candidature jeudi de la part du Parti social-democrate, au pouvoir. Davantage juste après les infos.

    Corruption – Le tribunal de Constanta (principale ville-port roumaine à la mer Noire) a rejeté vendredi la demande de révocation de la détention préventive formulée par lhomme daffaires Mircea Basescu, frère cadet du président roumain. Il avait demandé dêtre placé en détention à domicile, après quil y a dix jours, il eut été mis en examen pour trafic dinfluence, après avoir touché 250 mille euros pour intervenir auprès de magistrats en faveur dune figure du crime organisé, Sandu Anghel, accusé de tentative de meurtre. L’arrestation le mois dernier de Mircea Basescu a provoqué un tollé sur la scène politique roumaine. Le Parlement a adopté une déclaration politique appelant à la démission d’honneur du président Traian Basescu. Lequel a refusé de démissionner, arguant que les services de renseignement ne l’avaient pas informé des connexions mafieuses de son frère.

    Enquête — Le vice président de la Chambre des députés du Parlement roumain, Viorel Hrebenciuc, a été auditionné vendredi au siège du Parquet national anticorruption de Bucarest, sur fond de scandale dans lequel est impliquée la direction du Conseil national de l’audiovisuel (CNA). Hrebenciuc a précisé qu’il avait été cité comme témoin dans le dossier dans lequel le PP-DD (parlementaire, populiste) a déposé une plainte pénale contre la présidente du CNA, Laura Georgescu. L’accusant de corruption, pour avoir protégé certaines chaînes de télévision, le PP-DD demande sa démission.

    Rencontre – Le premier ministre conservateur hongrois, Viktor Orban, se rend samedi à Tusnad les Bains, au centre de la Roumanie, pour participer aux travaux lUniversité dété de la jeunesse magyare. En marge de ce déplacement, il doit également rencontrer les représentants de la communauté de souche hongroise de Roumanie. Habitant notamment les régions centrales et occidentales de la Roumanie, les Magyars sont la première minorité ethnique du pays, comptant environ un million cinq cent mille personnes, soit 6% de la population du pays. Leur formation politique principale, lUnion démocratique des Magyars de Roumanie est membre de la coalition au pouvoir à Bucarest.

    Défense — L’adjoint au commandant suprême des Forces alliées en Europe, le général Sir Adrian Bradshaw, en visite de travail en Roumanie, a rencontré aujourd’hui le secrétaire d’Etat pour la politique de défense et de planification, Valeriu Nicuţ. Selon un communiqué du ministère de la Défense, les deux officiels ont passé en revue des aspects ayant trait à l’agenda du Sommet de l’OTAN prévu en septembre, au Pays de Galles, et ont examiné les évolutions de la situation en Afghanistan. Sir Adrian Bradshaw, qui a également discuté avec le chef de l’Etat major général, le général lieutenant Ştefan Dănilă, a mis en exergue l’excellente coopération entre l’armée roumaine et le Commandement suprême des Forces alliées d’Europe, ainsi que la contribution des militaires roumains aux missions de l’OTAN en Afghanistan et au Kosovo.

    Water-polo – Léquipe nationale de water-polo de la Roumanie a eu raison vendredi de la sélection française, 15 points à 8, au Championnat européen accueilli par Budapest, la capitale hongroise. Samedi, les joueurs roumains doivent rencontrer lEspagne, dans un match comptant pour les 7e et 8e places dans la hiérarchie continentale. Les Roumains avaient terminé sur la 4e place du groupe A, sétant inclinés devant lItalie, le Monténégro et la Grèce.