Tag: TEN-T

  • Medgidia – proiect cu fonduri europene pentru educarea viitorilor şoferi

    Medgidia – proiect cu fonduri europene pentru educarea viitorilor şoferi

    Starea drumurilor lasă de multe ori de
    dorit în România. O spun oamenii dar o admit şi autorităţile. Însă nici cu
    educaţia rutieră nu stăm mai bine.

    Un proiect, care se derulează timp de 3
    ani, la Medgidia, îşi propune să abordeze problema drumurilor din ambele
    perspective. Din cea a condiţiilor de trafic dar şi din cea a comportamentului
    în trafic.

    Proiectul este derulat în parteneriat cu
    autorităţile din Dobroch, Bulgaria şi beneficiază de finanţare europeană.

    Acesta presupune reabilitarea a şase
    kilometri de drum din Medgidia, astfel încât cele două oraşe să fie conectate
    la o reţea modernă şi funcţională.

    O altă componentă a proiectului este
    educaţia rutieră iar publicul ţintă este format din cei mai mici participanţi
    la trafic.

    Pentru peste 1.500 de elevi din clasele
    IV-VIII de la 6 şcoli din Medgidia, au fost organizate cursuri de educaţie
    rutieră, luna aceasta.

    S-au ocupat de acest lucru, Asociaţia de
    Psihologie şi Siguranţă Rutieră PsihoTrafiQ şi Primăria Medgidia.

    Mihaela Rus, de la Asociaţia PsihoTrafiQ: Este vorba de un
    proiect Interact pe care Medgidia îl desfăşoară împreună cu Dobrich. Este un
    proiect România – Bulgaria, Medgidia – Dobrich. Pe lângă componenta de
    infrastructură, gândită în acest prioiecţ există şi această componentă de
    educaţie rutieră. De când se scria prima strategie de siguranţă 2016 – 2020, am
    atenţinat asupra faptului că educaţia rutieră joacă un rol deosebit de
    important în ceea ce priveşte formarea convingerilor, atitudinilor şi
    comportamentelor funcţionale a viitorilor şoferi. Primăria Medgidia ne-a oferit
    această şansă de a lucra ca şi parteneri, alături de ei, în acest proiect şi de
    a prinde peste 1.500 de copii din cele şase şcoli din Medgidia, în proiectul
    nostru de educaţie rutieră.

    Cursurile de educaţie rutieră fac parte
    din proiectul Îmbunătăţirea conectivităţii la reţeaua TEN-T în zona
    transfrontalieră Medgidia-Dobrich, care beneficiază de o finanţare
    europeană de aproximativ 7 milioane de euro.

    Pe lângă reabilitarea unor drumuri,
    achiziţionarea unor echipamente pentru întreţinerea lor şi realizarea unui
    ghidaj rutier bilingv către principalele atracţii turistice din cele două
    oraşe, proiectul alocă fonduri şi pentru educaţia rutieră, în special în cazul

    La nivelul Uniunii Europene, numărul pietonilor care şi-au pierdut viaţa
    în accidente rutiere a scăzut cu 36%, în ultimii 9 ani iar un raport al Comisiei
    Europene, arată că cei cu vârste de până la 14 ani sunt cei mai predispuşi la

    Din acest motiv, specialiştii consideră
    că este nevoie de o strategie naţională privind introducerea cursurilor de
    educaţie rutieră în şcoli.

    La finalul cursurilor organizate la
    Medgidia, copiii au răspuns la un chestionar pentru a evalua gradul de
    cunoştinţe privind siguranţa rutieră, iar răspunsurile vor fi incluse într-un
    studiu care va fi publicat în reviste internaţionale de specialitate.

    Chestionarul va fi pus şi la dispoziţia
    Ministerului Educaţiei pentru a lua în calcul introducerea unei discipline de
    educaţie rutieră în şcoli.

  • March 24, 2019 UPDATE

    March 24, 2019 UPDATE

    VISIT The PM of Romania Viorica Dăncilă reiterated on Sunday in Washington her Cabinets intention to relocate the Romanian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. She said a decision would be made “after thorough analysis by all constitutional decision-makers and if full consensus is reached. The PM made these statements during the conference of the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which invited her to the US. In October 2018, the Foreign Ministry presented the Government with a report on the effects of relocating the Romanian Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The report included both the pros and cons to this decision, Foreign Minister Teodor Meleşcanu said, but he would not disclose the ministrys recommendation on the topic. The idea of moving the embassy was first mentioned by the head of the ruling coalition in Romania, the Social Democrat Liviu Dragnea, in a private TV show in late 2017. The plan prompted strong criticism from the right-wing Opposition and President Klaus Iohannis, who, under the Constitution, coordinates the countrys foreign policy. The Palestinian Authority also temporarily recalled its ambassador to Bucharest.

    MEETING EU transport ministers and state secretaries are taking part on March 26th and 27th in the informal meeting of EU transport ministers held in Bucharest under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. They will discuss, among other things, the future of mobility in the Union and means to strengthen connectivity and cohesion by means of the TEN-T network. According to the organisers, an enlarged and consolidated trans-European transport network will help improve territorial cohesion, the accessibility and connectivity of all regions in the EU, thus stimulating investments and narrowing development gaps.

    TRANSPORT The Romanian Transport Operator Federation (FORT) announces in a news release that on Wednesday, March 27th they will protest in Strasbourg against the EU Mobility Package 1, alongside other employer associations from Romania and Eastern European countries. The Federation is against the obligation for drivers to return home at least every 4 weeks or, if a driver chooses the reduced weekly rest option, every 3 weeks on the road. FORT also demands a review of regular weekly rest rules and is also against applying the rules of posting to road transport.

    PROTESTS The weekly “yellow vest protest in France took place on Saturday under strict police control, following the incidents of March 16th in Paris, which had prompted President Emmanuel Macrons criticism of the police force. According to Radio Romanias correspondent in Paris, protesters access to certain parts of the city was prohibited, and the police checked thousands of people to identify individuals intent on resorting to violence. Across the country, many individuals were detained while trying to reach Paris equipped with baseball bats, projectiles, gas masks. Significant clashes between the protesters and the police were also reported in Lyon, Lille and Montpellier, but order has been restored. The so-called “yellow vest movement emerged in November as a protest against a rise in fuel prices.

    FOOTBALL Romanias Under-21 football team are scheduled to play a friendly against Denmark on Monday, after on Thursday they lost a match against Spain, during a training session in that country. In the 2019 European Youth Championship hosted by Italy and San Marino, Romania plays in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia. Meanwhile, Romanias national football team was defeated on Saturday night, 2-1, in Sweden, in a EURO 2020 qualifier match held at the Friends Arena in Solna. On Tuesday, Romania is playing at home against Faroe Islands. The group also includes Spain, Norway and Malta, and the top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament games, 3 in the group stage and an 8th-final.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • March 24, 2019

    March 24, 2019

    VISIT The PM of Romania, Viorica Dăncilă, is in the USA until Tuesday, to take part in the conference of the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), at the invitation of the AIPAC president Morton Fridman, and executive director Howard Kohr. On Saturday, the PM met in Washington with representatives of American companies having invested in Romania. According to a government press release, Dancila presented the measures taken by her Cabinet to enhance the attractiveness of the Romanian business environment. The American investors appreciated the opportunities offered by Bucharest for the development of the strategic defence industry and for investments in healthcare, energy, research and innovation, IT and communications. The participants also discussed the recent changes in the public private partnership legislation, emphasising that it includes broader contractual terms and allows for more flexible financing, enabling parties to share the risks and benefits.

    MEETING EU transport ministers and state secretaries are taking part on March 26th and 27th in the informal meeting of EU transport ministers held in Bucharest under the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. They will discuss, among other things, the future of mobility in the Union and means to strengthen connectivity and cohesion by means of the TEN-T network. According to the organisers, an enlarged and consolidated trans-European transport network will help improve territorial cohesion, the accessibility and connectivity of all regions in the EU, thus stimulating investments and narrowing development gaps.

    TRANSPORT The Romanian Transport Operator Federation (FORT) announces in a news release that on Wednesday, March 27th they will protest in Strasbourg against the EU Mobility Package 1, alongside other employer associations from Romania and Eastern European countries. The Federation is against the obligation for drivers to return home at least every 4 weeks or, if a driver chooses the reduced weekly rest option, every 3 weeks on the road. FORT also demands a review of regular weekly rest rules and is also against applying the rules of posting to road transport.

    PROTESTS The weekly “yellow vest protest in France took place on Saturday under strict police control, following the incidents of March 16th in Paris, which had prompted President Emmanuel Macrons criticism of the police force. According to Radio Romanias correspondent in Paris, protesters access to certain parts of the city was prohibited, and the police checked thousands of people to identify individuals intent on resorting to violence. Across the country, many individuals were detained while trying to reach Paris equipped with baseball bats, projectiles, gas masks. Significant clashes between the protesters and the police were also reported in Lyon, Lille and Montpellier, but order has been restored. The so-called “yellow vest movement emerged in November as a protest against a rise in fuel prices.

    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, no 3 in the world, is playing today against Slovenian Polona Hercog, in the 3rd round of the Miami tournament, which has over 9 million US dollars in total prize money. In the doubles, Simona Halep and Julia Goerges (Germany) qualified on Saturday in the 8th-finals. Another Romanian, Raluca Olaru, playing together with Croatian Darija Jurak, is also playing in the 8th-finals of the doubles tournament, against Lara Arruabarrena of Spain / Heather Watson (UK). Also today, Monica Niculescu of Romania and Abigail Spears of the USA, defeated Anna-Lena Groenefeld (Germany) / Lucie Hradecka (the Czeck Republic), 2-0, 6-3, 7-5. On Saturday, Monica Niculescu (138 WTA) lost to Caroline Wozniacki of Denmark (13 WTA) 6-4, 7-6 (4), in the 3rd round of the Miami tournament.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national football team was defeated on Saturday night, 2-1, in Sweden, in a EURO 2020 qualifier match held at the Friends Arena in Solna. On Tuesday, Romania is playing at home against Faroe. The top 2 teams in each group qualify into the final tournament. The drawing for the Euro 2020 takes place in Bucharest on November 30. The Romanian capital city will also host 4 final tournament games, 3 in the group stage and an 8th-final. Meanwhile, Romanias Under-21 team Thursday lost a friendly against Spain, and are scheduled to play on Monday against Denmark. In the 2019 European Youth Championship hosted by Italy and San Marino, Romania plays in Group C, alongside England, France and Croatia.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Rumänien erhält EU-Fonds für Verkehrsprojekte

    Bis 2020 wird die EU-Kommission mit 6,8 Milliarden Euro zu den Infrastruktur-projekten im Verkehrsmasterplan Rumäniens beitragen. Dies gab am Dienstag in Bukarest die EU-Kommissarin für Regionalpolitik, Corina Cretu, bekannt, nach Beratungen mit dem rumänischen Verkehrsminister Ioan Rus. Laut Corina Cretu sei die Europäische Kommission sehr interessiert an den Verkehrsmasterplan Rumäniens, weil dies ein strategisches Dokument und eine Vorbedingung für das Abrufen von EU-Fonds für gro‎ßangelegte Projekte im Verkehrsbereich in der Zeitspanne 2014-2020 sei. Corina Cretu:

    Laut der Europäischen Kommission sei die erste Priorität des Verkehrsmasterplans Rumäniens das rechtzeitige Durchführen von Projekten im Rahmen des Transeuropäischen Verkehrsnetzes TEN-T.”

    Ferner sagte Corina Cretu, die EU-Kommission erwarte, dass der Verkehrsmasterplan die wichtigsten Projekte für den TEN-T Netz identifiziert, weil diese Projekte auch mit EU-Fonds finanziert werden können. Dafür sollte der Verkehrsmasterplan die wirtschaftlich wichtigsten Projekte beinhalten, und versichern, dass diese Projekte sowohl für die Bauphase als auch für die anschlie‎ßende Instandhaltungsphase EU-Finanzierung erhalten werden, so Corina Cretu. Der Verkehrsmasterplan für Rumänien beziehe sich nicht nur auf die jetzige Finanzierungsetappe, das hei‎ßt auf die nächsten 7 Jahre, sondern auch auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Rumäniens in den nächsten 15-20 Jahren. Die Verantwortlichen in Brüssel erwarten, dass Rumänien bis Ende April die endgültige Fassung des Verkehrsmasterplans einreicht, so dass in Mai das Operationelle Programm Gro‎ße Infrastruktur unterzeichnet wird, sagte noch die EU-Kommissarin für Regionalpolitik.

    Seinerseits sagte der rumänische Verkehrsminister Ioan Rus, die Liste mit Projekten für alle im Masterplan eingetragenen Verkehrsbereiche (nämlich Stra‎ßen- Schiffs-, Schienen- und Luftverkehr) sei bereits erarbeitet worden. Die Projekte werden zu 25% mit EU-Fonds finanziert, 15% kommen vom rumänischen Staatshaushalt und die Differenz bis 100% wird mit Krediten von der Europäischen Investitionsbank und von der Europäischen Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung bezahlt. Die Bukarester Regierung hat au‎ßerdem einen zusätzlichen Beitrag von 7 Milliarden Euro genehmigt, damit Rumänien schon ab 2015 mehrere Projekte starten kann, so Ioan Rus. Am Mittwoch und Donnerstag führen Vertreter des rumänischen Verkehrsministeriums Fachgespräche mit EU-Verantwortlichen in Brüssel über die endgültige Fassung des Verkehrsmasterplans Rumäniens und über die Strategie zur Projektimplementierung, das Schlüsseldokument für die Finanzierung und Durchführung der im Masterplan enthaltenen Projekte.