Tag: The Sixties

  • “The Sixties” scoops BBC Best European Drama award

    “The Sixties” scoops BBC Best European Drama award

    “The Sixties”, a radio drama produced by the Radio Drama Department of the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation and directed by Mihnea Chelaru has scooped the BBC Best European Drama award. Established in 2012, the BBC Audio Drama Awards reward the originality and remarkable value of British audio drama, on air and online. The awards pay a tribute to the actors, writers, producers, sound designers and others who work in the genre. Created in 2019, Best European Drama celebrate the role of public broadcasters in the promotion and development of audio drama and pools together efforts of radio drama producers from all over the world. Selected as part of other international radio drama festivals such as Grand Prix Nova or Prix Europa, “The Sixties” is a story about the failure of a generation, the first generation of young people cut off from the free world in the early days of communism in Romania. Ema Stere, whose novel “Marcels Children” scooped the award of the Union of Writers in Romania and the “Sofia Nădejde Award for Literature written by Women, is also a talent writer of short stories. We spoke to her about the relevance of the BBC award and the story that inspired the radio drama.

    “Its a major award considering the reputation of the BBC. Its also the only prize in the competition awarded to a production created by broadcasters other than the BBC. Created shortly after Brexit, Best European Drama is awarded to a single European production. The Awards Gala, which I attended, included all sorts of sections, rewarding productions in a number of genres: programmes, radio dramas or podcasts. The story of “The Sixties” was featured in the first issue of the Iocan short-story magazine, where it was discovered by Mihnea Chelaru, who wanted to adapt it to radio drama. This is a very personal text for me, into which I poured all my frustrations regarding the fate of my mothers generation. I wrote this text in just three hours. The drama, however, is far longer, also owing to director Mihnea Chelaru, who turned it into a radio gem. The most important thing about collaborations such as this is to enjoy working with people, find common ground with them. In the case of this story, it so happened that both Mihnea and I went through similar experiences, and that certainly made a difference”.

    This is not the first time Ema Stere and Mihnea Chelaru worked together. The two also collaborated on other radio dramas produced by the Radio Drama Department of Radio Romania that received international acclaim. For his part, Mihnea Chelaru is known for his groundbreaking use of sounds, his productions having reaped numerous awards in major international festivals devoted to radio drama. More about the experience of directing “The Sixties” from Mihnea Chelaru himself:

    “The moment I read the short story in Iocan, I realized I wanted to turn Ema Steres work into a radio drama. Yet I felt the topic was alien to me. Emas universe seemed surreal, echoing Fellinis films, which made it the perfect candidate for a radio drama. However, I had no idea how to approach it. A year and a half ago, I went through an experience that made me appreciate the short story even more. Only then did I realize its overtones, so I adapted it and the result was this small gem.

    Ema Stere is a writer I like very much, because she has this ability of noticing details, which could be unimportant for most people. We also cooperated on a project last year, it was a show on a short story by Ema entitled How we should treat our customers, which got a Grand Prix Nova Award at the Short Plays section. If I am captivated by the plot and I like the writers style I can imagine the story even with sound. If I am unable to do that, I cannot adjust the story. Speaking about the soundtrack of The Sixties show I would like to mention that although I am a sound engineer, I left that aside. It was my colleague Madalin Cristescu who has engineered the shows soundtrack and he came up with absolutely fantastic solutions.”

    The shows cast also includes Daniel Badale, Constantin Cojocaru, GAVRIL Patru, Ioan Grosu, Coca Bloss, Rodica Mandache, Virginia Rogin, Petru Lupu, Gheorghe Arcudean, Violeta Berbiuc, Julieana Draghici. Andrei Miricescu is the musical director and Oana Cristea Grigorescu, editor. The show, whose premiere took place in 2022 has been posted on the eTeatru.ro website, which also comprises an ample selection of radio plays produced by Radio Romania.

  • The Sixties: Hörspiel von Ema Stere und Mihnea Chelaru erhält BBC-Preis

    The Sixties: Hörspiel von Ema Stere und Mihnea Chelaru erhält BBC-Preis

    Seit 2012 werden mit den BBC Audio Drama Awards jährlich die Originalität und die herausragende Qualität britischer Hörspiele, die im Radio und online ausgestrahlt werden, sowie die an der Produktion dieses Genres beteiligten Künstler ausgezeichnet. Die 2019 eingeführte Kategorie Best European Drama“ hebt die Rolle des europäischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks bei der Förderung und Entwicklung des Hörspiels hervor und bringt die internationale Gemeinschaft der Hörspielproduzenten zusammen. Die 60er Jahre“, ein Hörspiel, das auch bei anderen internationalen Festivals ausgewählt wurde (Grand Prix Nova, Prix Europa), erzählt vom Scheitern einer Generation, der ersten Generation junger Menschen, die von der freien Welt abgeschnitten war, während der Jahre der Konsolidierung des kommunistischen Regimes in Rumänien. Ema Stere ist seit ihrem Roman Marcels Kinder“ (ausgezeichnet mit dem Preis des Rumänischen Schriftstellerverbands und dem Sofia Nădejde“-Preis für Frauenliteratur) auch als eine sehr talentierte Autorin von Kurzprosa bekannt.

    Wir sprachen mit der Schriftstellerin und Journalistin Ema Stere über die Bedeutung des BBC-Preises und die Geschichte hinter dem Hörspiel Die 60er Jahre“, die für den Rundfunk adaptiert wurde und bei der Mihnea Chelaru Regie führte.

    Es ist eine Auszeichnung, dem die BBC ein entsprechendes Gewicht verleiht, und es ist auch die einzige Auszeichnung im Wettbewerb, die an eine Nicht-BBC-Produktion geht. Die nach dem Brexit ins Leben gerufene Kategorie wird an eine einzige europäische Sendung vergeben. Die Preisverleihung, an der ich teilnahm, umfasste alle möglichen Sparten, wobei mehrere Genres ausgezeichnet wurden: Sendungen, Hörspiele, Podcasts. Die Geschichte Anii 60 erschien in der ersten Ausgabe des Kurzgeschichtenmagazins Iocan, dort entdeckte Mihnea Chelaru sie und wollte sie in ein Hörspiel verwandeln. Es war ein sehr persönlicher Text für mich, ich schrieb ihn mit einer Art Frustration über das Schicksal der Generation meiner Mutter. Ich habe ihn sehr schnell geschrieben, in drei Stunden. Aber das Hörspiel in der jetzigen Form ist vor allem dem Regisseur Mihnea Chelaru zu verdanken, dem es gelungen ist, ein technisches Juwel zu schaffen. Das Wichtigste bei einer solchen Zusammenarbeit ist, dass man die Menschen, mit denen man zusammenarbeitet, mag, dass man mit ihnen in Resonanz geht. Im Fall dieser Geschichte haben wir beide ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht, und das hat sicherlich einen Unterschied gemacht.

    Ema Stere und Mihnea Chelaru arbeiten nicht zum ersten Mal zusammen, denn sie haben bereits andere Hörspiele mit internationalem Erfolg produziert, die in den Studios des Nationalen Hörspielzentrums von Radio Rumänien entstanden. Mihnea Chelaru gilt als Innovator auf dem Gebiet der Klangkunst, und seine Performances und Kreationen wurden auf den gro‎ßen internationalen Hörspiel-Festivals mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet. Mihnea Chelaru erzählt wie das Hörspiel Die 60er Jahre“ entstand.

    Seit ich die Erzählung in der Zeitschrift Iocan gelesen hatte, war mir klar, dass ich ein Hörspiel daraus machen wollte, das auf dieser Prosa von Ema Stere basiert, aber ich hatte das Gefühl, dass das Thema mir fremd war. Das von Ema beschriebene Universum erschien mir phantastisch, fellinisch, sehr geeignet, um es in ein Hörspiel zu verwandeln, aber ich konnte nicht herausfinden, wie ich es angehen sollte. Vor anderthalb Jahren hatte ich ein Erlebnis, das mich dieser Prosa noch näher brachte, und erst dann verstand ich alle Nuancen des Textes, adaptierte ihn und heraus kam dieses kleine Juwel.

    Ema Stere ist eine Autorin, die ich sehr mag, weil sie diese Eigenschaft hat, Details zu bemerken, die für die meisten Menschen unwichtig sein mögen. Letztes Jahr hatten wir eine weitere Zusammenarbeit, wir haben ein Hörspiel gemacht, das ebenfalls auf einer Kurzgeschichte von Ema basiert, Wie man sich zu den Kunden verhalten soll, das beim Grand Prix Nova in der Sektion Kurzhörspiel ausgezeichnet wurde. Wenn mich das Thema fesselt und mir der Stil des Autors gefällt, kann ich mir die Geschichte und den Ton vorstellen. Wenn ich es mir klanglich nicht vorstellen kann, habe ich kaum eine Chance, es zu adaptieren. Zum Soundtrack von Die 60er Jahre möchte ich sagen, dass ich zwar Tontechniker bin, aber nicht an der Vertonung beteiligt war. Der Tontechniker des Hörspiels ist mein Kollege Mădălin Cristescu, der einige absolut fantastische Lösungen gefunden hat.

    Zur Besetzung von Die 60er Jahre“ gehören Daniel Badale, Constantin Cojocaru, Gavril Pătru, Ioan Grosu, Coca Bloos, Rodica Mandache, Virginia Rogin, Petru Lupu, Gheorghe Arcudean, Violeta Berbiuc, Julieana Drăghici. Andrei Miricescu ist der musikalische Leiter und Oana Cristea Grigorescu ist die Redakteurin. Das Hörspiel, das 2022 uraufgeführt wurde, kann auf der Website eTeatru.ro gehört werden. Dort findet man eine gro‎ße Auswahl an Hörspielen von Radio Rumänien.

  • March 20, 2023

    March 20, 2023

    VISIT – On a visit to the United Arab
    Emirates, Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis this morning met in Abu Dhabi with
    his counterpart, Sheik Mohamed bin Zayed al Nahyan. On this occasion, the
    countries’ relevant ministers and officials signed bilateral documents in the
    fields of energy, cyber-security and education. Yesterday, president Iohannis
    visited Masdar City, a model of urban sustainable development focusing on
    energy efficiency and environment protection. President Iohannis attended a
    presentation of projects in the fields of transport, urban ventilation and
    cooling, building-generated energy and making optimal use of sunlight in
    research and education institutions. Successfully tested in Masdar City, these
    solutions can inspire projects in other cities, including Romania, which have a
    growing interest for sustainable energy. Romanian researchers affiliated with
    institutes in Masdar City have also contributed to their development, the
    Presidency reports.

    EXERCISE – Over March 20 – April 2, some 3,400
    Romanian and international servicemen are taking part in the Sea Shield 2023
    exercise held in the Black Sea, the Danube River, the Danube Delta and coastal
    areas. Sea Shield 2023 is the largest-scale training exercise planned and
    carried out by the Romanian Naval Forces this year. Attending will be military
    units from 12 allied and partner states, accompanied by military watercraft,
    aircraft and other combat equipment. The exercise will help increase the level
    of interoperability of participant forces and is part of NATO’s multinational
    training programs.

    MEETINGS – Romania’s Foreign Minister, Bogdan
    Aurescu, is today attending the Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels.
    According to a Foreign Ministry release, EU Foreign Ministers will discuss
    Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, with this country’s Foreign Minister, Dmytro
    Kuleba, expected to join talks in videoconference format. Minister Aurescu will
    discuss the need to maintain support for Ukraine at all levels, both from the
    EU and Member States individually, with a focus on providing military equipment
    and training for the Ukrainian army as quickly as possible as part of the EU
    Military Assistance Mission in support of Ukraine (EUMAM Ukraine). The Romanian
    official will also express support for consolidating the sanctions regime
    against Russia, while also streamlining the implementation of existing
    restrictions, with a focus on continuing diplomatic efforts to further isolate
    this aggressor state. Minister Aurescu will also address the security
    developments in the Republic of Moldova and destabilizing actions targeting the
    pro-European administration in this country. The Romanian Foreign Minister will
    encourage Member States to continue their support for Chișinău. Also today,
    Bogdan Aurescu is attending the joint meeting of EU Foreign and Defense
    Ministers and the International Conference of donors in support of the people
    of Turkey and Syria, affected by the February 6 earthquake.

    MOLDOVA – Romania’s Prime Minister, Nicolae
    Ciucă, will this week travel to the Republic of Moldova to meet his Moldovan
    counterpart, Dorin Recean. On this occasion, Prime Minister Ciucă will reassert
    Romania’s support for the reform process in this country, the consolidation of the
    economy, the resilience and security of Romania’s neighbor, as well as for
    advancing Moldova’s European track. On the other hand, Moldova’s Supreme
    Security Council is expected today to discuss what president Maia Sandu has
    called the exceptional situation of the country’s judiciary, after the
    General Assembly of Magistrates has delayed the appointment of members of the
    Superior Council of Magistracy. President Sandu argues Moldovan judges want to
    block efforts to reform the judiciary by setting their next meeting for the end
    of April. In last week’s address to Parliament, the Moldovan president called
    on the Government and Parliament to create a special court of law to
    investigate corruption cases in the justice system.

    AWARD – The Radio Drama show The Sixties
    written by Ema Stere and adapted and directed by Mihnea Chelaru scooped the
    Best European Drama award at the BBC Audio Drama Awards 2023 in a gala hosted
    by the BBC Broadcasting House in London. Starting 2012, the BBC Audio Drama
    Awards have been celebrating the range, originality and cut-through quality of
    audio drama on air and online and giving recognition to the creativity of
    actors, writers, producers, sound designers and others who work in this genre. The
    Best European Drama was introduced in 2019 to acknowledge the role of other
    European public service broadcasters in nurturing this distinctive genre.

    RUGBY – Romania’s national rugby team
    ranked 3rd in the 2023 edition of Rugby Europe Championship after
    securing a dramatic 31-25 win against Spain in the bronze final, held away from
    home. In the big final, Georgia defeated Portugal 38-11. Romania’s rugby team
    will next play friendlies against Georgia and Italy ahead of its participation
    at the World Cup in France this autumn. Romania has been drawn in Group B
    alongside Ireland, South Africa, Scotland and Tonga. (VP)

  • February 10, 2023 UPDATE

    February 10, 2023 UPDATE

    EUROPEAN COUNCIL – European Council president Charles
    Michel has expressed the EU’s firm support for Ukraine for as long as it is
    necessary. On the sidelines of the European Council summit in Brussels,
    Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has called on EU leaders to deliver
    additional support for his country, including fighter jets. Romania’s
    president, Klaus Iohannis, in turn met with president Zelensky as part of a
    broader meeting with EU leaders. The president highlighted the importance of
    maintaining EU support for Ukraine at all levels, underscoring the need to also
    maintain pressure on the Russian Federation. On the other hand, the Romanian
    president called for flexible rules and procedures for the swift implementation
    of the Recovery and Resilience Plans and REPowerEU, which will ensure the
    sustainable modernization and competitiveness of European economy. Klaus
    Iohannis said the USA remains the EU’s top partner.

    WAR IN UKRAINE – Russian forces on Friday targeted
    key infrastructure objectives in several regions of Ukraine by means of air
    raids. Missiles hit the city of Zaporizhzhia in the early morning hours on
    Friday. Air raids blared across the country, and local officials have urged the
    population to take shelter as the possibility of new attacks remains high. The
    air strike on Zaporizhzhia was the strongest reported since February last year,
    local officials claim. Key infrastructure buildings were also targeted in the
    city of Kharkiv, in northern Ukraine, as well as in Dnipropetrovsk in the

    MOLDOVA – Moldova’s president, Maia
    Sandu, has designated Dorin Recean, presidential security adviser, to form a
    new Cabinet after Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilița resigned on Friday. Maia
    Sandu said the top priorities include defense and security, energy supplies
    over the cold season as well as the fight against corruption. Recean currently
    serves as secretary of the Supreme Security Council of the Republic of Moldova.
    He served as Interior Minister over 2012-2016. Outgoing Prime Minister Natalia
    Gavrilița was sworn in a year and a half ago and had to cope
    with multiple crises generated by the Russian aggression against Ukraine, including
    energy security, rampant inflation, losing access to eastern markets and the
    Ukrainian refugee crisis. Prime Minister Gavrilița said that Moldova obtaining
    EU candidate status is the greatest achievement of her Cabinet. Also on Friday,
    the Russian ambassador to Chișinău, Oleg Vasnetsov, was summoned at the
    Moldovan Foreign Ministry after a Russian missile targeted against Ukraine
    transited Moldovan air space.

    Chances of finding survivors in Turkey and Syria have now diminished. 22,000
    dead is the provisional death toll of one of the most devastating quakes in the
    region in the last century. The toll already exceeds the devastating 1999
    earthquake in İzmit, northwestern Turkey and experts expect it to rise. Romania
    will send disaster relief products to Turkey from the EU reserve on national
    territory, including tents with electric heaters, beds, mattreses and bedheets.
    The decision was taken by the National Emergency Situations Committee summoned
    on Friday by Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă. At the same time, the Romanian
    Defense Ministry will send experts to Turkey to train the locals how to use the
    said materials.

    AWARDS -
    Radio Romania’s radio drama production The Sixties by Ema Stere and adapted
    and directed by Mihnea Chelaru is one of the three to be shortlisted for the
    BBC Radio Drama Awards in the Best European Drama category. The winners will be
    announced on Sunday in London. The Sixties explores the drama of the first
    generation of young people separated from the free world at a time when the communist
    regime was tightening its grip on power in Romania. The other two shortlisted
    productions for Best European Drama are Czech Radio’s Burning by Sudabeh
    Mohafez and Polskie Radio’s Let Me Tell You by Marta Rebzda. (CM & VP)