Tag: tier

  • Sports flash

    Sports flash

    Fixtures counting towards European basketball competitions were played on Wednesday. In the European first-tier womens competition, the Euroleague, Sepsi Sfântu Gheorghe have sustained yet another defeat. Romanian holders were thrashed by Turkish opponents Fenerbahce Istanbul, 110 to 63. A first-timer in the Euroleague, Sepsi are bottom-of-the-table in Group A. In the wake of the six matches they have played so far, Sepsi have a winless record sheet. Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe will next week travel to France, for a fixture against ASVEL Lyon.

    In the second-tier womens European basketball competition, FIBA EuroCup, in Group C, CSM Constanţa sustained a 87-78 away defeat by Lithuanian squad Kibirkstis. Romanian vice-champion team sustained their fifth defeat in the group, in a similar number of fixtures. Next week, CSM Constanta ply French team Angers, away.

    In the mens version of FIBA EuroCup, U-BT Cluj-Napoca on home turf were thrashed by the winners of the FIBA EuroCup 2023, Dreamland Gran Canaria of Spain, 92 to 70. Romanian title holders are second placed in Group B, with 6 wins and 2 draws. Top of the table are Dreamland Gran Canaria, with 8 wins. U-BT Cluj-Napocas next fixture is the home match against Lithuanian opponents Lietkabelis Panevezys, on November 29.

    In Europes mens third-tier competition, FIBA Europe Cup, CSM CSU Oradea have earned their place among the competitions top 16 teams. In Group J, CSM CSU Oradea came in second, having grabbed a 93-74 home win against Legia Warsaw this past Wednesday. In Group B, Baschet Club Sibiu sustained a 71-84 away defeat by Polish opponents Anwil Wloclawek. For Sibiu, it was the sixth defeat in six games played.

    In news from mens volleyball, in the Champions Leagues Group E, Arcada Galaţi sustained a nil-3 defeat by Italys Cucine Lube Civitanova. Arcada Galati as an absolute first have qualified to the Champions Leagues Group stage, yet they sustained the defeat after one hour and sixteen minutes of play. In Group Es other fixture, Czech team Lvi Prague grabbed a 3-nil away win against Belgian team Greenyard Maaseik. Arcadas next fixture is this coming Wednesdays home confrontation Greenyard Maaseik of Belgium.

  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romanias national rugby team in Bucharest on Saturday goes against Georgia. The fixture counts towards Rugby Europe Championship, Europes second-tier rugby competition. For our national squad, the game is extremely important since The Oak Leaf Knights are in dire need of a win if they want to keep their hopes alive for a direct qualification to the 2023 edition of the World Cup in France. In recent years, Georgias trail in Rugby Europe Championship has been a win-all one. Head-to-heads has revealed that 2017 was the year when Romania last won a match against Georgia; the score was 8 to 7. Advancing to the 2023 edition of the World Cup will be the first two teams that have qualified for the Rugby Europe Championships 2021 and 2022 editions combined. With 22 points in 8 games played, Romania is 3rd-placed according to the as-it-stands table. With 31 points in 7 games, Georgia is at the top of the table, followed by Spain, with 25 de points in 8 confrontations. Romanias game against Georgia will be followed by a match against the Low Countries team next Saturday, a fixture Romania stands a great chance to win. Having rather unexpectedly outclassed Romania two weeks ago, Spain is a favorite to becoming the runner-up team in the group, yet two difficult fixtures lay ahead for Spain, this coming Sundays match against Portugal, to be played in Madrid, and the match against Georgia on March 20 in Tbilisi. Since it entitles the teams involved to playing the repechage for the World Cup, the 3rd position in the group is also at stake in the match pitting Spain against Portugal, but also for Romania.

    This coming weekend will see matches being played, counting towards the first round of League Ones domestic football championship, Group 1 / Group 2 stages. At stake in Group 1 is the title and the access to Europe Conference League. On Friday, Universitatea Craiova take on FC Argeș. On Saturday, defending champions CFR Cluj play a home game against FC Voluntari. On the National Arena in Bucharest, on Sunday FCSB face Farul Constanta. Ahead of Group 2, CFR have 38 points, while second-placed team FCSB have 31. Following in descending order is Universitatea Craiova, with 27. FC Argeș, Farul Constanța and FC Voluntari have 24 points each.

    In Group 2 on Friday, UTA Arad face Academica Clinceni. On Saturday in Ploiesti, Chindia Târgoviște are pitted against FC U Craiova. On Sunday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe play a home fixture against CS Mioveni. The Bucharest derby pitting Rapid against Dinamo will also be played on Sunday. Scheduled in Mioveni, in the south, the match will be played in empty stadium because of clashes involving both teams fans, during the previous match pitting Rapid against Dinamo. In the rounds last fixture on Monday, FC Botosani play Gaz Metan Mediaș. In Group 1, teams go at all lengths to avoid second league positions so, at the end of the competition, the first two teams in Group 1 prove their mettle in a play-off fixture. The winner takes on the 3rd team in Group 2. At stake in the confrontation is a place in Europe Conference League.


  • Sports weekend

    Sports weekend

    Romanias national rugby team in Bucharest on Saturday goes against Georgia. The fixture counts towards Rugby Europe Championship, Europes second-tier rugby competition. For our national squad, the game is extremely important since The Oak Leaf Knights are in dire need of a win if they want to keep their hopes alive for a direct qualification to the 2023 edition of the World Cup in France. In recent years, Georgias trail in Rugby Europe Championship has been a win-all one. Head-to-heads has revealed that 2017 was the year when Romania last won a match against Georgia; the score was 8 to 7. Advancing to the 2023 edition of the World Cup will be the first two teams that have qualified for the Rugby Europe Championships 2021 and 2022 editions combined. With 22 points in 8 games played, Romania is 3rd-placed according to the as-it-stands table. With 31 points in 7 games, Georgia is at the top of the table, followed by Spain, with 25 de points in 8 confrontations. Romanias game against Georgia will be followed by a match against the Low Countries team next Saturday, a fixture Romania stands a great chance to win. Having rather unexpectedly outclassed Romania two weeks ago, Spain is a favorite to becoming the runner-up team in the group, yet two difficult fixtures lay ahead for Spain, this coming Sundays match against Portugal, to be played in Madrid, and the match against Georgia on March 20 in Tbilisi. Since it entitles the teams involved to playing the repechage for the World Cup, the 3rd position in the group is also at stake in the match pitting Spain against Portugal, but also for Romania.

    This coming weekend will see matches being played, counting towards the first round of League Ones domestic football championship, Group 1 / Group 2 stages. At stake in Group 1 is the title and the access to Europe Conference League. On Friday, Universitatea Craiova take on FC Argeș. On Saturday, defending champions CFR Cluj play a home game against FC Voluntari. On the National Arena in Bucharest, on Sunday FCSB face Farul Constanta. Ahead of Group 2, CFR have 38 points, while second-placed team FCSB have 31. Following in descending order is Universitatea Craiova, with 27. FC Argeș, Farul Constanța and FC Voluntari have 24 points each.

    In Group 2 on Friday, UTA Arad face Academica Clinceni. On Saturday in Ploiesti, Chindia Târgoviște are pitted against FC U Craiova. On Sunday, Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe play a home fixture against CS Mioveni. The Bucharest derby pitting Rapid against Dinamo will also be played on Sunday. Scheduled in Mioveni, in the south, the match will be played in empty stadium because of clashes involving both teams fans, during the previous match pitting Rapid against Dinamo. In the rounds last fixture on Monday, FC Botosani play Gaz Metan Mediaș. In Group 1, teams go at all lengths to avoid second league positions so, at the end of the competition, the first two teams in Group 1 prove their mettle in a play-off fixture. The winner takes on the 3rd team in Group 2. At stake in the confrontation is a place in Europe Conference League.


  • Streuner-Gesetz verabschiedet: Einschläferung nur bedingt möglich

    Streuner-Gesetz verabschiedet: Einschläferung nur bedingt möglich

    Ein vierjähriges Kind mu‎ßte mit seinem Leben bezahlen, damit das alte, aber leider nie ernstgenommene Problem der herrenlosen Hunde zur Priorität auf der Agenda der rumänischen Behörden wurde. Schon seit der kommunistischen Zeit, als immer mehr streunende Hunde auf den Stra‎ßen auftauchten, waren die Behörden entweder nicht gewillt oder nicht fähig, das Problem der herrenlosen Vierbeiner zu lösen. Manche bezeichnen diese Passivität als Nachlässigkeit oder Trägheit; andere wiederum verwenden härtere Worte und sprechen von Gleichgültigkeit und Stumpfsinnigkeit. In einem solchen Kontext, wenn der Druck der öffentlichen Meinung immer schwerer auf die Schulter der Entscheidungsträger wird, hat das Bukarester Parlament beschlossen, ein Gesetz anzunehmen, das die Einschläferung der herrenlosen Hunde erlaubt. Diese Lösung wird auch von der Mehrheit der rumänischen Bevölkerung befürwortet.

    Das sogenannte Streuner-Gesetz” sieht vor, da‎ß ein herrenloser Hund, der in ein Tierheim gebracht wurde, binnen 14 Werktagen kostenlos adoptiert werden kann. Nach Ablauf dieser Frist dürfen dann die Kommunalbehörden entscheiden, ob die noch nicht adoptierten Tiere eingeschläfert werden oder weiterhin im Tierheim bleiben können, wenn genügend finanzielle Ressourcen dafür vorhanden sind. Das Einschläfern ist also nicht eine obligatorische Lösung, wie es viele Bürger falsch verstanden haben. Nur die nachweislich aggresiven und die als unheilbar krank erwiesenen Hunde werden sofort eingeschläfert. Die Tierliebhaber, die Hunde aus Tierheimen adoptieren, müssen eine schriftliche Erklärung unterzeichnen, wodurch sie sich verpflichten, die adoptierten Hunde korrekt zu pflegen und zu ernähren und sie nicht wieder auszusetzen, falls sie die Tiere nicht mehr behalten wollen; im letzen Fall müssen sie die Tiere erneut den Behörden übergeben. Das Streuner-Gesetz”, das schon seit 6 Jahren in den staubigen Schubladen des Parlaments steckte und nun angenommen wurde, löste heftige Reaktionen und Proteste bei den Nichtregierungsorganisationen aus, die sich für die Tierrechte und den Tierschutz einsetzen.

    Andererseits erwiesen sich die zig Millionen Euro von den europäischen Fonds und von den Budgets der Kommunalbehörden, die auf die Konten dieser NGOs eingezahlt wurden, als vollkommen nutzlos. Die Errichtung von Tierheimen, die Adoptionen, die Sterilisierung der herrenlosen Hunde als Lösungen zur Eingrenzung der unkontrollierten Vermehrung der streunenden Tiere haben sich als nicht produktiv erwiesen. Von einer endgültigen Lösung des Streuner-Problems” kann keine Rede sein — Beweis dafür ist die Situation der rumänischen Hauptstadt Bukarest, wo etwa 65.000 herrenlose Hunde auf den Stra‎ßen leben. Das ist eine riesige Zahl, und zwar nicht nur für eine europäische Hauptstadt, sondern auch für jede Gro‎ßstadt der zivilisierten Welt. Unter diesen Umständen darf man sich nicht wundern, da‎ß die ausländischen Touristen, die die rumänische Hauptstadt besuchen wollen, vor dem Risiko der herrenlosen Hunde in Bukarest gewarnt werden.