Tag: toll

  • Bulgaria-  Au intrat în vigoare noi prevederi referitoare la taxele de drum (TOLL)

    Bulgaria- Au intrat în vigoare noi prevederi referitoare la taxele de drum (TOLL)

    În Bulgaria, începând cu luna iulie, au intrat în vigoare noi prevederi referitoare la taxele de drum (TOLL) pentru circulaţia autovehiculelor de transport marfă şi pasageri, informează Ministerul Afacerilor Externe.

    Astfel, începând cu data de 1 iulie 2022, drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a vor fi incluse în sistemul de taxare tip TOLL pentru autovehiculele de marfă și pasageri, iar cuantumul acestor taxe de drum pentru autostrăzi și drumurile naționale de categoria I va fi majorat în două etape. Astfel, majorarea cuantumului taxelor pentru mijloacele de transport marfă și pasageri cu greutate mai mare 3,5 tone se va realiza începând cu data de 1 iulie 2022 și, respectiv, data de 1 ianuarie 2023.

    Taxele pentru vinietele electronice în Bulgaria, pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate de până la 3,5 tone, vor fi reduse cu 10% începând cu data de 1 ianuarie 2023; până la data de 31 decembrie 2022, cuantumul lor rămâne neschimbat.

    A. Pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate cuprinsă între 3,5 și 12 tone, în funcție de categoria acestora ecologică, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum până la data de 31 decembrie 2022:

    • între 6 și 9 stotinci (100 stotinci = 1 leva) pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe autostradă;

    • între 5 și 8 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria I;

    • între 2 și 3 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a.

    Pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate cuprinsă între 3,5 și 12 tone, în funcție de categoria acestora ecologică, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum, începând cu data de 1 ianuarie 2023:

    • între 10 și 13 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe autostradă;

    • între 6 și 9 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria I;

    • între 4 și 7 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a.

    B. Pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate mai mare de 12 tone, care prezintă 2 sau 3 osii, în funcție de categoria acestora ecologică, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum până la data de 31 decembrie 2022:

    • între 16 și 20 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe autostradă;

    • între 13și 17 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria I;

    • între 9 și 11 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a.

    Pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate mai mare de 12 tone, care prezintă 2 sau 3 osii, în funcție de categoria acestora ecologică, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum, începând cu data de 1 ianuarie 2023:

    • între 26 și 30 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe autostradă;

    • între 22 și 25 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria I;

    • între 19 și 23 stotinci pe kilometru parcurs pe drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a.

    C. Pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate mai mare de 12 tone, care prezintă 4 sau mai multe osii, în funcție de categoria acestora ecologică, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum până la data de 31 decembrie 2022:

    • În limita a/de la 15 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe pe drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a pentru mijloacele de transport din categoria EURO VI, EEV și 32 de stotinci pentru mijloacele de transport din categoria EURO 0, I, II, pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe autostradă.

    Pentru mijloacele de transport cu greutate mai mare de 12 tone, care prezintă 4 sau mai multe osii, în funcție de categoria acestora ecologică, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum începând cu data de 1 ianuarie 2023:

    • În limita a/de la 29 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe pe drumurile naționale de categoria a II-a pentru mijloacele de transport din categoria EURO VI, EEV și 43 de stotinci pentru mijloacele de transport din categoria EURO 0, I, II, pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs pe autostradă.

    D. Pentru autocarele cu greutate între 3,5 și 12 tone, în funcție de categoria și clasa acestora, se vor achita următoarele taxe de drum, până la data de 31 decembrie 2022: între 1 și 5 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs, iar de la data de 1 ianuarie 2023, între 2 și 8 stotinci.

    E. Pentru autocarele cu greutate de peste 12 tone, în funcție de categoria și clasa acestora, se vor achita drept taxe de drum, până la data de 31 decembrie 2022, între 2 și 6 stotinci pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs, iar de la data de 1 ianuarie 2023, între 3 și 9 stotinci.

    În acest context, este subliniată importanța informării corecte a șoferilor români, a achiziționării din timp a vinietelor electronice și achitării conforme a taxelor de drum tip TOLL pentru folosirea infrastructurii rutiere publice din Bulgaria, în conformitate cu legislația în vigoare.

    Toți cei interesați pot obține informații relevante, după cum urmează:

    • privind vinieta electronică și taxele de drum tip TOLL – www.bgtoll.bg/ro/

    • privind situația traficului prin punctele de trecere a frontierei bulgare – www.mvr.bg/gdgp/информационен-център/пресцентър/ежедневен-трафик-по-гкпп

    • privind starea actuală a drumurilor – pe aplicația gratuită LIMA www.lima.api.bg, pe pagina de Internet a Agenției Infrastructura Rutieră – www.api.bg și la numărul de telefon 070013020, accesibil în regim non-stop;

    • privind regimul vamal la intrarea în R. Bulgaria dinspre Turcia pe site-ul www.mae.ro/travel-conditions/3677 (Condiții de călătorie în Bulgaria, titlul Reglementări vamale) și pe site-ul Agenției Vămi din Bulgaria – www.customs.bg/wps/portal/agency-en/home/info-citizens

    • privind starea vremii – www.weather.bg.

    Cetățenii români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numărul de telefon al Ambasadei României la Sofia: +35929733510, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență. De asemenea, cetăţenii români care se confruntă cu o situaţie dificilă, specială, cu caracter de urgenţă, au la dispoziţie telefonul de permanență al misiunii diplomatice a României în Republica Bulgaria: +359879440758.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet:




    www.meteoalarm.org, www.mae.ro și reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătorește în siguranță (http://www.mae.ro/app_cs), care oferă informații și sfaturi de călătorie.

    Sursa Ministerul Afacerilor Externe (MAE)

  • October 1, 2020

    October 1, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania yesterday reported an all-time high of Covid
    infections, which according to authorities stood at 2,158 out of 26 thousand
    tests conducted. The total number of infections exceeds 127 thousand since the
    beginning of the pandemic in late February. The death toll stands at 4,825,
    while 550 patients are in intensive care. The country’s Prime Minister Ludovic
    Orban has voiced concern over the high number of infections calling for
    seriousness in applying the prevention measures. According to him, outbreaks were
    located at various events attended by a large number of people and in public
    transportation and he has called on schools and universities to comply with the
    prevention measures, like disinfection, mask-wearing and social distancing.

    Last Sunday’s local election has caused a scandal in Romania. The outgoing
    mayor of Bucharest’s district 1, Social-Democrat Dan Tudorache, who lost a
    second mandate in the election, has today announced he will call on the Central
    Election Office to stage another round of voting as the first was rigged. Last
    night a TV channel broadcast footage of people opening ballot bags at the
    District 1 Election Office. Tudorache’s opponent, Clotilde Armand, who
    represents the USR-PLUS alliance and won the election, has denied all fraud
    allegations but the police are conducting an investigation into the incident.
    We recall that Social Democrats have lost their total control over Bucharest
    after Sunday’s election. The seat of Bucharest mayor has been won by an
    independent backed by the ruling Liberals and the USR-PLUS alliance. A district
    mayor seat out of 6 has been won by the Liberals and two by the USR-PLUS.

    INS Romania’s unemployment rate dropped
    to 5.3% in August, being 0.1% lower than in July, the National Institute for
    Statistics (INS) shows. The unemployment rate among men is one percent higher
    than among women. With the gradual resumption of activities, initially ceased to
    contain the Covid pandemic, the number of unemployed in August dropped to 479
    thousand people as compared to 484 thousand in the month before. Another INS
    survey reveals that the number of people over 65 stands at 3,664,411 early this
    year, accounting for 19% of the country’s resident population.

    MEETING Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis is attending the
    European Council proceedings in Brussels today and tomorrow. High on the agenda
    are topical issues like the EU single market, industrial and digital policy.
    The European leaders are going to also tackle international issues such as the
    EU’s relations with China and Turkey. Iohannis is expected to stand for a
    strong and consolidated single market to be able to support the development of
    the EU member states. According to the Romanian president, the development of
    the transport, energy, environment and digital infrastructure is essential for
    countries like Romania, located at the EU’s geographic limits. President
    Iohannis is expected to hail the importance attached to the EU’s digital
    transformation and will refer to the sums of money granted to the development
    of advanced technologies in the field. Iohannis will also refer to the social
    challenges the single market entails besides the incontestable opportunities
    and stand for the protection of the vulnerable categories, including the
    temporary workers, whose situation must improve through the concerted action of
    the European institutions and member states.


  • July 28, 2020

    July 28, 2020

    PARLIAMENT The speakers of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, Robert Cazanciuc and Marcel Ciolacu, respectively, have sent a letter to PM Ludovic Orban asking him to present Parliament with a report on the measures considered by the Government in order to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus until the local elections due on September 27 and the start of the new school year on September 14. Government officials said it is still too early to discuss the postponement of the local elections. As for the new school year, the authorities are looking at several scenarios, including the rotation of students between face-to-face and online classes.

    COVID-19 In Romania, the number of new COVID-19 cases has been steadily over 1,000 per day for a week. The total number of cases is over 47,000, with 1,151 new cases reported in the last 24 hours, some 26,000 patients recovered and a total death toll of 2,239. Out of around 5,500 Romanian nationals who have tested positive abroad, 123 died. Local lockdown has been introduced in the past few days in several localities in Romania, and authorities are considering additional measures to contain the disease. Meanwhile, a growing number of countries are introducing restrictions for Romanian citizens. The Republic of Moldova, Cyprus, Finland and Lithuania have closed their borders to Romanian tourists. Travellers arriving in Greece from Romania are required to produce a negative Covid-19 test conducted no more than 72 hours prior. The measure is in place until August 4. Other countries, including Italy, the UK, Ireland, Norway, Estonia and Latvia have introduced 14-day isolation requirements for travellers from Romania, the Netherlands recommends self-isolation, while Hungary, Belgium and France recommend testing.

    PANDEMIC In spite of national and global efforts, the novel coronavirus continues to spread at unprecedented rates around the world. Many states are closing their borders to citizens from high-risk areas, or are introducing quarantine and testing requirements, but a coordinated strategy is yet to be implemented. While recognising the difficulty of a global strategy, the World Health Organisation says nonetheless that travel restrictions will not be enough to contain the spread of the virus. The WHO director general says the coronavirus pandemic is by far the most severe global health emergency ever experienced. According to worldometers.info, over 16.5 million cases have been confirmed worldwide, and the death toll exceeds 650,000. The worst hit is the USA, which has reported so far over 4.4 million cases and some 150,000 deaths. Europe remains the most affected continent by number of deaths (over 200,000, of which 45,000 in the UK, 35,000 in Italy, 30,000 in France and 28,000 in Spain). Meanwhile, European tourism continues to suffer, with the absence of tourists triggering chain reactions that impact restaurants, cultural sites, retail and the leisure industry.

    UNIONS Romanias PM Ludovic Orban and health minister Nelu Tătaru have today met with representatives of Sanitas and Solidaritatea Sanitară trade union federations, to discuss the problems facing healthcare staff during the pandemic. Unionists want better working conditions, shorter working hours and longer paid leaves, especially in intensive care wards, which experience staff shortages. The PM explained that some of the problems can be solved by posting healthcare staff from other hospitals, and said one of the issues discussed with the unions was that of bonuses to be paid to certain categories of healthcare personnel.

    CHILDREN The finance minister Florin Cîțu announced an increase of child benefits by around 15%, with a further increase scheduled as of January 1. Florin Cîțu emphasised that the increases will be operated without financial assistance from institutions like the IMF. In other news, budget execution figures 6 months into the year may be released today. One month ago the finance minister said Romanias budget deficit this year would reach 6.7% of GDP, with a negative 2.2% economic growth rate at year end.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • July 23, 2020

    July 23, 2020

    COVID-19 The large number of new coronavirus infections over the past few days in Romania prompted authorities to raise the alarm about the healthcare situation. The National Public Health Institute urges citizens to observe basic protection rules, including proper face covering and physical distancing, along with strict hand hygiene. On Thursday the Strategic Communication Group reported a record-high rate of COVID-19 infection in 24 hours, 1.112 new cases out of over 20,000 tests. The total number of cases in 5 months has exceeded 40,000. Over 5,500 patients are hospitalised, with nearly 300 in intensive care. Authorities also reported 25 new deaths, bringing the total death toll to over 2,126.

    NATO The Cincu Training Centre in central Romania is today hosting a ceremony devoted to the establishment of NATOs Headquarters Multinational Division South-East. Attending the event are president Klaus Iohannis, defence minister Nicolae Ciucă, and chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Daniel Petrescu. A drill involving nearly 1,000 troops and 200 vehicles will follow the ceremony. The exercise is designed to improve the integration and performance of complex military actions. The NATO Headquarters Multinational Division South-East has been set up in order to coordinate the structures deployed in this region, security strategy expert Alexandru Grumaz explained for Radio Romania. Over 400 high-ranking officers from various NATO member countries will work in Sibiu starting this autumn. With the establishment of the headquarters, NATOs entire south-east European flank will be coordinated from Sibiu, retired general Alexandru Grumaz said.

    ECONOMY Accessing European funds was the key topic of Wednesday nights Government meeting in Bucharest, which focused on legislation facilitating the countrys economic recovery. The Cabinet also discussed options to grant non-reimbursable loans to SMEs and entrepreneurs, both for investments and working capital. Funds will also be granted to limited liability companies without employees, to self-employed professionals, cultural NGOs and to family physicians who treated COVID-19 patients. Another bill concerns the provision of funds for SMEs to lease equipment and tools. The 80 billion euros earmarked by the EU for Romania will be spent for national reconstruction, president Klaus Iohannis said prior to the Cabinet meeting, after a discussion with PM Ludovic Orban. The money will come from 2 sources, the EU 2021-2027 multiannual budget and the post-COVID-19 recovery fund. The first source will cover ongoing projects, and the money will be accessed under a national plan which is virtually ready, the head of state explained. The EU economic recovery plan provides access to 34 billion euros for Romania, especially in non-reimbursable funds and also in low-interest loans.

    EU The European Parliament convenes today in a special session devoted to the multiannual budget and the economic recovery plan, endorsed on Tuesday by the EU leaders. Attending the session will be the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the Council president Charles Michel. Political groups in the EP have agreed on a resolution to be adopted by Parliament. MEPs will ask for clarifications regarding the connection between accessing EU funds and the rule of law, after this issue was left unanswered by the EU leaders at this weeks summit, the EP president David Sassoli said on Wednesday, quoted by Reuters. He added that the multiannual budget must be able to cover the main challenges facing Europe in the medium run, such as the green deal, digitisation, economic vulnerabilities and fighting inequities. Previously, EU leaders agreed on setting up a European recovery fund worth 750 billion euros and on the Unions budget for 2021-2027, amounting to 1,074 billion euro, but their official statement includes no reference to making access to funds conditional on observing the rule of law.

    FOOTBALL The Bucharest-based club FCSB last night won the Romanian Football Cup, after defeating Sepsi OSK Sfântu Gheorghe 1-0 on neutral ground in Ploieşti. FCSB thus booked its place in the Europa League qualifiers, alongside another Romanian team, FC Botosani. The national football championship is also drawing to an end, after being suspended in March over the coronavirus pandemic and resumed last months. Topping the charts is CSU Craiova, followed by defending champions CFR Cluj. All football matches in Romania are played without public access. (translated by: Ana Maria Popescu)

  • May 9, 2020 UPDATE

    May 9, 2020 UPDATE

    EUROPE DAY Europe is experiencing the most difficult period since WW2, the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis says in a message released on Europe Day, May 9. He says that this is a time that tests our resilience, unity and humanity, and that, faced with the unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic, Romania has once again proved to be a trustworthy partner. The president mentioned that teams of Romanian doctors and nurses went to Italy and the Republic of Moldova to support the efforts to fight the epidemic. Romania is also the first EU member state to manage a strategic stock of medical equipment for the entire Union, and under this mechanism vital equipment has already been delivered to the worst hit areas. May 9 marks the 1945 victory of the Allies against Nazi Germany in WW2, as well as the historic 1950 declaration of the French foreign minister Robert Schuman, proposing an economic cooperation plan between France and Germany, to do away with deep-rooted rivalries. On the same day, Romania celebrated its independence from the Ottoman Empire, proclaimed during the Russo-Turkish war in 1877.

    COVID-19 The National Public Health Institute Saturday presented a draft list of measures to be implemented as of May 15, when the state of emergency introduced 2 months ago to contain the coronavirus outbreak ends. The list includes field specific measures and refers to the resumption of the activities suspended in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Among other things, appointments to dentist practices and beauty salons will be mandatory, and a distance of at least one and a half metres between clients will be secured. End-of-cycle students will only attend classes of 10 children at most, and will not spend more than 3 hours a day together. In open-plan offices and public transport, face masks will be compulsory. This set of measures is currently subject to public debate. The interior minister Marcel Vela urged companies with more than 50 employees to organise shifts so as to reduce pressure on public transportation. He added that the committee drafting the rules for lifting restrictions are still discussing whether the sworn statement required at present for those who leave their home should be maintained after May 15. According to the authorities, the total number of deaths in Romania is 929. The total number of cases so far is over 15,100. Of these, over 6,400 have recovered. Among the Romanians living abroad, 2,756 have tested positive for the virus, most of them in Italy and Spain, and 99 have died since the start of the pandemic.

    NATO The Romanian Chief of Defence Staff, lieutenant general Daniel Petrescu, Friday discussed in a conference call with the chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Sir Stuart Peach. According to a news release issued on Saturday, talks focused on the management of the COVID-19 crisis at Allied level, NATOs operations, missions and commitments and the impact of the current context on the security environment. The NATO official emphasised the important role of the Allied solidarity in fighting the pandemic, the concentration of efforts for the mutual support of member states and the medium and long term repercussions of the current health crisis on the Alliance and its partners. In turn lieutenant general Petrescu highlighted the national commitment in theatres of operations and the efforts to consolidate a coherent deterrence and defence posture for NATO. The Romanian Armys experience in supporting local and central public authorities to fight the coronavirus outbreak was also presented and discussed.

    TRANSPORT Airlines are bound to refund the price of tickets for cancelled flights, according to the EU legislation, the European Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean announced. She said citizens must contact the relevant member states, because many countries have provided state aid to airlines precisely in order to help them cover their cash shortages. Adina Vălean also announced that next week she will make public a list of safety rules for various transport means, as cross-border traffic is being gradually resumed and the EU seeks to help the tourism industry recover. She also said the so-called green corridors for commodities will be preserved in the foreseeable future.

    PANDEMIC The European Commission has called on all Schengen member and associate states to extend the temporary ban on non-essential travel in the EU until June 15. Although some member countries are already lifting the restrictions aimed at fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the situation is still fragile both in Europe and in the rest of the world, the Commission argues. This is why external border restrictions are still needed, in order to reduce the risk of the disease spreading through travel into EU countries. The number of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases worldwide is around 3.9 million, and the death toll stands at over 274,000. In the US, over 1.2 million people have tested positive, and in Spain, Italy and the UK the number of cases is over 200,000.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • April 13, 2020

    April 13, 2020

    COVID 333 new infections with the new cornoavirus have been registered in
    Romania since the latest estimate bringing the toll to 6633. 914 of those
    infected have been cured and released from hospitals. 213 patients are in the
    intensive care units while other 318 people died. 47 Romanian nationals have
    been killed by the virus abroad. Authorities are expected the pandemic to reach
    its peak in the following period. In another development the country’s health
    minister Nelu Tataru decided jointly with Defence Minister Nicolae Ciuca that army
    medical personnel take over the management of the county hospital in Focsani
    southern Romania, after 15 medical workers in this unit had been infected with
    the new coronavirus.

    DRILL Romanian servicemen and their US counterparts are participating in a
    joint drill at the training center in Babadag, south-eastern Romania, sources
    with the National Defence Ministry in Bucharest have announced. The exercise
    will simulate an air attack against a ground objective as well as an operation
    of recovering a downed aircraft. According to the Defence Ministry, all the
    measures imposed in order to limit the coronavirus outbreak have been strictly
    observed during the exercise.

    PAY CUTS The Romanian government is expected to decide this week,
    which categories of state employees will be affected by technical unemployment
    measures the government intends to impose during the state of emergency.
    According to a scenario mentioned by Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, some state
    employees will be paid only 75% of their salaries. The government is also
    expected to be reassessing the first budget adjustment this year. The
    Ministries of Health and Labour will be the first to benefit from more funds due
    to the Coronavirus pandemic. More money will be channeled towards medical
    leaves and the purchase of the necessary medical equipment.

    EASTER Orthodox Christians, who are a majority in Romania, and
    Greek-Catholics are in the Holy Week during which they mark the last days in
    the life of their Lord Jesus Christ. Due to quarantine measures, believers will
    be watching religious services broadcast live while staying at home. Catholics
    and protestants yesterday spent Easter with empty churches and religious
    services broadcast by various TV or online channels. Visits to relatives and
    friends were banned. In his traditional Easter message from the Vatican, Pope
    Francis said there is no time now for indiference, divisions and negligence.

    PANDEMIC According to the latest toll,
    over 1.85 million people have been infected with the new coronavirus worldwide.
    Nearly 115 thousand of them died while 430 thousand have been cured. The USA
    ranks first with 550 thousand people infected and 22 thousand deaths. The most
    affected is the state of New York, which registered 37 hundred new cases on
    Sunday night reaching a total of 188 thousand. In Europe, some of the countries
    most affected by the pandemic, like Spain and Italy are renouncing some
    quarantine measures after the number of infections started to decrease. The
    governments in Rome and Madrid are taking measures to gradually revitalize
    their economies. Spain decided to resume activities in some manufacturing
    industries and in construction while the Italian authorities will allow the
    resumption of some businesses. Several strict measures will still be in place
    with some companies to limit the number of infections, while the authorities
    are going to provide millions of masks to the workers

    (translated by

  • March 31, 2020

    March 31, 2020

    COVID-19 Romania — In Romania, the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection has reached 2,245, of which around 600 cases are from Suceava (northwest). 285 medical staff are among the confirmed cases. 220 infected people have meanwhile recovered. According to the Strategic Communication Group, more than 11.500 people are in quarantine and almost 125 thousand in isolation. 69 people have died from COVID-19 infection.

    Decree — The Romanian interior minister Marcel Vela issued on Monday evening the military decree no.5 which extends the measure of suspending flights between Spain and Romania for 14 days starting on March 31 and also between Italy and Romania, also for 14 days, starting on April 6. The authorities also issued military decree no. 6 which places the entire city of Suceava in quarantine as well as 8 surrounding communes. All access ways to the city are guarded by the army and the police. The decision was made in the context in which more than a quarter of the confirmed cases of coronavirus in Romania were reported in Suceava.

    Unemployment — The Romanian government ordinance regarding technical unemployment is on the agenda of today’s meeting of the Seante which might vote this document in a plenary session which will unfold by means of videoconference. Under the ordinance, 75% of the employees of a company can benefit from the payment of technical unemployment. Funds for the companies that reduce their activity due to the coronavirus pandemic will be granted based on a self declaration. The state will cover for 75% of the gross average salary, but not more than around 475 Euros. The money will be granted for the duration of the state of emergency. Athletes will also benefit from the payment of technical unemployment.

    COVID- 19 world – The latest coronavirus death toll stands at almost 38 thousand while as many as 790 thousand people worldwide have been infected. The US is the most affected country with almost 165 thousand people infected. In Europe, Italy has reported the biggest number of deaths so far, but the number of new infections registered a significant drop on Monday as compared to the previous days. Spain is the 3rd country after the US and Italy that exceeded China in terms of cases of infected people. A big number of cases has also been reported in Germany where the death rate is smaller though than in other countries. France registered on Monday the biggest number of deaths reported in one single day since the start of the outbreak.

    EU budget — The Spanish foreign minister Arancha Gonzalez on Tuesday suggested an increase in the EU budget to help reduce the effects of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Spanish foreign minister said the European Central Bank and the EC announced that they were making efforts in this sense but underlined that they expected more solidarity among the EU member states. In another move the finance ministers of the euro zone will present the financial instruments meant to support the region’s economy at the talks scheduled for April 7, the president of the Euro group Mario Centeno announced. (translation by L. Simion)

  • July 31, 2018 UPDATE

    July 31, 2018 UPDATE

    ADMINISTRATIVE CODE – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, on Tuesday notified the Constitutional Court with respect to the Administrative Code. The president claims, among other things, that the law has not been adopted transparently and that deficiencies in the parliamentary procedure have been reported. The president also says that the law, in its entirety, runs counter to the Constitution and he mentions, in that respect, tens of articles included in the new Administrative Code. The document was endorsed by Parliament on July 9.In its
    turn, the Constitutional Court announced on Tuesday the president’s notification
    regarding the Administrative Code will be debated upon on September 20.

    SWINE FEVER – The situation of African
    swine fever hotbeds in Romania was the focal point on the agenda of a
    government session on Tuesday. Attending the informal meeting were several members
    of the cabinet, the head of the Department for Emergency Situations, Raed
    Arafat, as well as representatives of the National Sanitary-Veterinary
    Authority. Romanian pig farmers having lost animals because of the African
    swine fever outbreak have so far received compensations of nearly 28,000 Euros.
    The compensations are granted both for the animals slaughtered in view of
    containing the swine fever hotbeds, and for collateral damages. In order to
    prevent the disease from spreading, restrictions have been introduced in
    certain areas regarding the transport of pork products, and citizens have been
    informed of relevant prevention measures. Since the beginning of the year, 440
    African swine fever hotbeds have been identified in Romania, both in large
    farms and individual households.

    CAR POLLUTING FEE – The Romanian environment minister, Graţiela Gavrilescu, announced on Tuesday that she will come up with a new version of the car polluting fee by the end of the year. The car polluting fee was introduced in Romania in January 2007, shortly after the country joined the EU. At that time, the first car registration fee was calculated in accordance with three elements: the age of the car, the type of catalyst and the engine capacity. After the fee had been repeatedly changed, in 2013, a tax was introduced in 2013, depending exclusively on the level of exhausted fumes. Four years later, in 2017, the authorities scrapped that fee.

    WORKERS – Over the past few years Romanian companies in hospitality, catering, light industry, agriculture and constructions have hired workers from outside the EU. Most of them come from countries with living standards below those in Romania, like the Philippines, Nepal, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and Thailand. Romanian employers have resorted to this strategy for various reasons, including the migration of domestic workers to more developed countries in western Europe, a drop in birth rates, labour mobility requirements and the inability of the national education system to adjust to the needs of the local labour market.

    SHEEP FARMING – Romania, the 4th largest sheep and goat breeding country in the EU, last year imported mutton and lamb worth 3.5 million Euros, from countries as far away as New Zealand. According to data made public by the National Statistics Institute, last year 11.5 million sheep and goats were bred in Romania, of which some 10 million sheep. Romania exported live stock worth over 180 million Euros and sheep and goat meat amounting to more than 35 million Euros. Sheep farming relies extensively on exports, because Romanians are not regular consumers of lamb and mutton.

    ASYLUM – 900 people applied for protection from the Romanian state in the first half of the year, 55% fewer than in the corresponding period of last year. According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration, the largest number of asylum seekers come from countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran, and the largest number of applications have been submitted to the centres in Bucharest and in Timişoara (in the west). Close to 950 other people have been included in an integration programme.

    GREECE – The Greek authorities made public the latest toll of the wildfires that ravaged several towns and villages near the capital city Athens last week: 92 dead, 25 missing and 28 unidentified burnt bodies. According to Radio Romanias correspondent, 4 foreign citizens are among the victims. On Monday the PM of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, visited the villages of Mati and Rafina. An investigation is under way, looking into the causes of the tragedy. (Translated by AM Popescu and D. Vijeu)

  • July 31, 2018

    July 31, 2018

    MOTORWAY – Traffic on the 3rd and 4th segments of A10 Motorway, connecting the towns of Sebeș and Turda, in central Romania, was opened on Monday night, 4 years after the works began. The 2 segments total 27 km. The entire motorway will be around 70 km long. The costs of the project amount to roughly 40 million euros, with 75% of the amount coming from the EU under the European Regional Development Fund, and 25% from the state budget.

    SWINE FEVER – Romanian pig farmers having lost animals because of the African swine fever outbreak have so far received compensations of nearly 28,000 euros, the relevant authorities have announced. The compensations are granted both for the animals slaughtered in view of containing the swine fever hotbeds, and for collateral damages. In order to prevent the disease from spreading, restrictions have been introduced in certain areas regarding the transport of pork products, and citizens have been informed of relevant prevention measures. Since the beginning of the year, 440 African swine fever hotbeds have been identified in Romania, both in large farms and individual households.

    WORKERS – Over the past few years Romanian companies in hospitality, catering, light industry, agriculture and constructions have hired workers from outside the EU. Most of them come from countries with living standards below those in Romania, like the Philippines, Nepal, Vietnam, India, Indonesia and Thailand. Romanian employers have resorted to this strategy for various reasons, including the migration of domestic workers to more developed countries in western Europe, a drop in birth rates, labour mobility requirements and the inability of the national education system to adjust to the needs of the local labour market.

    SHEEP FARMING – Romania, the 4th largest sheep and goat breeding country in the EU, last year imported mutton and lamb worth 3.5 million euros, from countries as far away as New Zealand. According to data made public by the National Statistics Institute, last year 11.5 million sheep and goats were bred in Romania, of which some 10 million sheep. Romania exported live stock worth over 180 million euros and sheep and goat meat amounting to more than 35 million euros. Sheep farming relies extensively on exports, because Romanians are not regular consumers of lamb and mutton.

    GREECE – The Greek authorities made public the latest toll of the wildfires that ravaged several towns and villages near the capital city Athens last week: 92 dead, 25 missing and 28 unidentified burnt bodies. According to Radio Romanias correspondent, 4 foreign citizens are among the victims. On Monday the PM of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, visited the villages of Mati and Rafina. An investigation is under way, looking into the causes of the tragedy.

    ASYLUM – 900 people applied for protection from the Romanian state in the first half of the year, 55% fewer than in the corresponding period of last year. According to the General Inspectorate for Immigration, the largest number of asylum seekers come from countries like Iraq, Syria and Iran, and the largest number of applications have been submitted to the centres in Bucharest and in Timişoara (in the west). Close to 950 other people have been included in an integration programme.

    MIGRATION – The US president Donald Trump praised the Italian PM Giuseppe Contes firm stance on migration, during a meeting with the Italian official at the White House on Monday. Trump added that many other countries in Europe and the world should do the same. Giuseppe Conte is heading a right-wing government whose Interior Minister has taken a tough position regarding immigrants. According to the Italian government, the people rescued from the Mediterranean should no longer be brought into Italian ports.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)