Tag: Tottenham Hotspur

  • Sports Weekend

    The goalkeeper of Romanias national football side, Horaţiu Moldovan, on Thursday became a substitute player for his new side, Atletico Madrid, in the quarterfinals match against FC Seville, in the Football Cup of Spain. Atletico won the game 1-0. We recall that Moldovan was transferred from Romanian side, Rapid Bucharest, after the Spanish club had paid the 800 thousand Euros for the termination of his contract. Moldovans transfer comes after that of the center back, Radu Dragusin, who left the Italian side Genoa to join Tottenham Hotspur.

    According to the local press, Dragusins transfer stood at 25 million sterling. The headcoach of Farul Constanta, Romanian football legend, Gheorghe Hagi, was quoted by Agerpres news agency as saying that major football clubs in Europe have been monitoring Romanian footballers since our national sides qualification for the European Championship this year. According to Hagi, the foreign clubs interests in the Romanian footballers will begin to grow.

    This weekend will be seeing the football matches counting towards the 23rd leg of the Romanian Superleague. On Friday, Farul Constanta takes on FCU Craiova while on Saturday, in Arad, western Romania, local side UTA will be playing Sepsi Sfantu Gheorghe. In Galati, eastern Romania, local side Otelul will be playing Petrolul Ploiesti, in keeping with the 60-year old tradition of matches pitching various teams of workers in Romania. Saturdays last match is the famous derby between Dinamo and Rapid on the National Arena in Bucharest.

    The difference between the two sides is huge. Rapid is currently ranking third whereas Dinamo is at the bottom of the table, ranking 15th. Three matches are due on Sunday: Hermannstadt on its own ground takes on FC Botosani, while Universitatea Cluj plays Poli Iasi. The day ends with another very interesting game: Universitatea Craiova versus FCSB. Monday will see only one game, the one pitching CFR Cluj against FC Voluntari. FCSB tops the ranking with 47 points, followed by CFR with 36.


  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Julia Sauter, Romanias representative at the European Figure Skating Championship hosted by the Lithuanian city of Kaunas came 9th in the womens contest, obtaining the best Romanian performance ever in such a continental championship. The contest was won by Lorena Hendrickx of Belgium.

    On Tuesday, Romanias male side will be taking on Serbia in a fight for the 7th position at the European Water polo Championship underway in Croatia. On Sunday in the first match for the fifth and eighth positions, our athletes conceded an 18-11 defeat to Montenegro. Qualification for the quarter finals has ensured the Romanian side the tickets for the World Championships in Qatar.

    At the European Handball Championships underway in Germany, Romania on Sunday registered their second failure, being defeated by Spain 36- 24 in a Group B match. They also lost to Austria 24- 31 on Friday. The mens handball side of Romania has been attending the aforementioned championship after a break of 28 years.

    Both womens teams representing Romania in the Champions League conceded defeats on Sunday. In Bucharest, local side Rapid lost to French side Metz 31-34, and after 10 games is ranking 7th in group B. Romanias champions, CSM Bucharest, were defeated by another French side, Brest Bretagne in an away game 24-21 and is currently ranking 4th in group A.

    In the EHF European League, on Saturday in group C, Gloria Bistriţa secured a 35 – 27 win against German side Bensheim / Auerbach and is ranking second in the groups standings. Gloria boasts four points out of two games, just like the French side, Nantes, which ranks first thanks to a better goal average.

    Also in Germany, in group B, Dunarea Braila lost to Thüringer 32 – 28. With two points, Dunarea comes second in the group after the German side.

    Another Romanian side CSM Târgu Jiu lost their home game to Spanish side Malaga, 35-25 and stays at the bottom of the group Ds table with no point.

    Romanian footballer Radu Drăguşin made his debut in Premier League at his new side Tottenham Hotspur. The Romanian back played in the last eleven minutes of the game his side played against Manchester United on Old Trafford, which ended in a draw, two-all. Drăguşin last week signed up with Tottenham for six years and his transfer sum from the Italian side Genoa stood at 30 million Euros, the highest for a Romanian footballer.


  • Innenverteidiger Radu Drăguşin wird zum teuersten rumänischen Fußballer aller Zeiten

    Innenverteidiger Radu Drăguşin wird zum teuersten rumänischen Fußballer aller Zeiten

    Aus Rumänien stammten im Laufe der Jahre einige der gro‎ßen Fu‎ßball-Stars der Welt. Einer von ihnen ist heute Radu Drăgușin, der im Januar der teuerste rumänische Fu‎ßballer aller Zeiten wurde. Er wechselte von Genua (Italien) zu Tottenham (Gro‎ßbritannien) und erhielt einen 6-Jahres-Vertrag. Die Ablösesumme beträgt 30 Mio. EUR, die höchste Ablösesumme, die für einen rumänischen Fu‎ßballspieler je bezahlt wurde. Der Nationalspieler verlässt Genua nach 62 Spielen in der Serie A, Serie B und im Pokal Serie A und Coppa Italia. Der 21-Jährige hat kein Geheimnis daraus gemacht, dass er die englische Meisterschaft Premier League zu einer der stärksten und wertvollsten der Welt hält.

    Die Verhandlungen mit dem Rumänen, auf den mehrere namhafte Klubs in Europa aufmerksam geworden sind, darunter Newcastle (Gro‎ßbritannien) und (Gro‎ßbritannien), Napoli und AC Mailand (beide Italien) und Bayern München (Deutschland) wurden also schnell abgeschlossen. Der in Bukarest geborene Innenverteidiger verbrachte die ersten Jahre seiner Karriere bei den lokalen Vereinen Sportul Studențesc und Regal Sport Bukarest, bevor er 2018 im Alter von nur 16 Jahren zu Juventus Turin nach Italien wechselte. Radu Drăguşin durchlief schnell die Jugendmannschaften in Turin und spielte bereits mit 17 Jahren für die U23-Mannschaft in der Serie C. Sein Profidebüt in Europa gab er im Dezember 2020 im Alter von 18 Jahren, als er beim 3:0-Sieg in der Gruppenphase der UEFA Champions League gegen Dinamo Kiew eingewechselt wurde.

    Sein Debüt in der Serie A folgte kurz darauf. Anschlie‎ßend wechselte er auf Leihbasis zum Serie-A-Verein Sampdoria vor der Saison 2021/22, wo er 15 Spiele absolvierte, bevor er Anfang 2022 einen Vertrag mit US Salernitana 1919 unterschrieb, wo er dem Verein half, den Abstieg aus der Serie A zu vermeiden. In der Saison 2022-2023 spielte Drăgușin sehr erfolgreich auf Leihbasis bei Genua, das damals in der Serie B spielte und in die Serie A zurückkehrte. In der Mitte der Saison nahm Genua Radu Drăguşin unter Vertrag, und er wurde zum Stammspieler des Vereins. Nachdem er die rumänische Jugendmannschaft durchlaufen hatte, wurde der 21-Jährige im März 2022 erstmals in die A-Nationalmannschaft berufen und debütierte noch im selben Monat in einem Freundschaftsspiel gegen Griechenland. Bislang hat er bereits 13 Länderspiele absolviert. Der Wechsel von Radu Drăgușin zu Tottenham erfolgt 20 Jahre nach dem Rekordtransfer von zwei anderen gro‎ßen rumänischen Spielern. Im Jahr 2004 wechselte der Stürmer Adrian Mutu für 19 Mio. EUR von Parma (Italien) zu Chelsea (Gro‎ßbritannien), während sein Teamkollege Cristi Chivu, Verteidiger, für 18 Mio. EUR von Ajax (Niederlande) zu AS Roma (Italien) ging. Ein weiterer wichtiger Transfer war der des rumänischen Stürmers Dennis Man vom FCSB nach Parma (Italien) im Jahr 2021 für 13 Millionen Euro. Dennis Man bleibt somit der teuerste direkt aus der rumänischen Ersten Liga ins Ausland verkaufte Fu‎ßballer.

  • The most expensive Romanian footballer

    The most expensive Romanian footballer

    Romanian football has along the years
    produced many valuable footballers for whom international football sides have
    paid significant sums of money. In January Radu Dragusin has become the most
    expensive Romanian footballer so far.

    Dragusin has left Italian side Genoa to
    sign up for six years with English side Tottenham Hotspur. The sum paid accounts
    for 30 million Euros, the highest for a Romanian footballer up to now.

    This international defender has left Genoa after 62 matches in Serie A, Serie B as well as
    in Italy’s Football Cup but he has never concealed his admiration for British
    Premiership, one of the world’s most powerful and valuable football tournaments.

    The aforementioned sign-up
    ends the negotiations which involved several famous clubs in Europe, including Newcastle
    of Britain, Napoli and AC Milan of Italy as well as Bayern Munich of Germany.
    Born in Bucharest, the centre-back spent his first football years at the local
    sides Sportul Studentesc and Regal Sports Bucharest before his transfer to
    Italian side Juventus in 2018 at the age of only 16. At Juventus Radu quickly
    advanced to become at the age of 17 part of the Under-23 lineup playing in the Serie
    C. The Romanian made his professional and European debut in December 2020 as a
    substitute player in the match Juventus won 3-0 against Dynamo Kyiv in the UEFA
    Champions League.

    He made his debut in
    Serie A shortly after that match. He was later lent to Sampdoria before the
    2021-2022 football season, where he played 15 matches before signing up with US
    Salernitana 1919 at the beginning of 2022, which he helped to avoid demotion

    During the 2022-2023 season, Drăgușin was lent to Genoa, which was playing in the
    second league at that time, and eventually hired him

    Radu Dragusin was
    first summoned to Romania’s national eleven in March 2022 when he played in a
    friendly against Greece. He has already played for the Romanian national
    football side in 13 games. Dragusin’s transfer to Tottenham is another record,
    after those scored by Adrian Mutu, who was hired by British side Chelsea for 19
    million Euros and Cristi Chivu who played for Ajax Amsterdam and was hired by
    AS Rome for 18 million Euros.

    Another major transfer was that of
    Romanian striker Dennis Man from FCSB to Italian side Parma in 2021 for 13
    million Euros who thus became the most expensive Romanian footballer to join a
    foreign club directly from Romania’s first football league.


  • Cel mai scump fotbalist român

    Cel mai scump fotbalist român

    Fotbalul românesc a dat, de-a lungul
    timpului, fotbaliști de mare valoare pe plan internațional, pentru care s-au
    plătit sume considerabile. Radu Drăgușin a devenit, în ianuarie, cel mai scump
    fotbalist român din toate timpurile. El a plecat de la Genoa (Italia) la
    Tottenham (Marea Britanie) pentru un contract pe 6 ani. Suma plătită este de 30
    de milioane de euro, cea mai mare pentru care s-a transferat un fotbalist român
    în istorie.

    Internaționalul părăseşte Genoa după 62 de meciuri în Serie A, Serie B şi
    Cupa Italiei și ajunge la gruparea din nordul Londrei.
    Tânărul de 21 de ani nu şi-a ascuns
    niciodată admiraţia pentru
    campionatul englez, unul din cele mai
    puternice și mai valoroase din lume.
    Se încheie, astfel, o negociere rapidă pentru românul care se afla în
    atenţia mai multor cluburi celebre din Europa, printre care Newcastle (Marea
    Britanie), Napoli şi AC Milan (ambele din Italia) şi Bayern Munchen (Germania).

    Născut în Bucureşti, fundaşul central şi-a
    petrecut primii ani de viaţă la echipele locale Sportul Studenţesc şi Regal
    Sport Bucureşti, înainte de a face transferul în Italia în 2018, pentru a
    ajunge la Juventus la doar 16 ani. Aici, Radu a avansat rapid prin echipele de
    tineret din Torino, apărând pentru echipa Under-23 – care concurează în Serie C
    – la vârsta de 17 ani. Şi-a făcut debutul profesional
    şi european la 18 ani, în decembrie 2020, cu o apariţie de rezervă în victoria
    lui Juve în faza grupelor UEFA Champions League cu 3-0 împotriva lui Dinamo
    Kiev. Debutul său în Serie A a urmat la scurt timp după aceea.
    s-a alăturat, apoi, echipei Sampdoria din Serie A sub formă de împrumut înainte
    de sezonul 2021/22, unde a jucat 15 meciuri, înainte de a semna cu US
    Salernitana 1919 la începutul anului 2022, pe care a ajutat-o să
    supravieţuiască retrogradării din Serie A.

    În timpul sezonului 2022-2023, Drăgușin s-a bucurat de un împrumut de
    mare succes la Genoa, pe atunci în Serie B, echipă care a revenit în Serie A. La
    jumătatea sezonului, Genoa a semnat un contract permanent cu Radu, el devenind
    un titular de bază al formației.

    Pe plan
    internaţional, după ce a progresat în rândurile tineretului României, jucătorul
    de 21 de ani a primit prima sa convocare la echipa de seniori în martie 2022
    şi a debutat în
    aceeaşi lună într-o confruntare amicală cu Grecia. Până în prezent, el a strâns,
    deja, 13 selecţii.

    acum, a lui Radu Drăgușin la Tottenham are loc la 20 de ani după recordul
    stabilit odată cu transferurile altor doi mari jucători români. În 2004, atacantul
    Adrian Mutu pleca pentru 19 milioane de euro de la Parma (Italia) la Chelsea
    (Marea Britanie), iar colegul său de generație, fundașul Cristi Chivu, ajungea
    de la Ajax (Olanda) la Roma (Italia) pentru 18 milioane de euro. Un alt
    transfer important a fost cel al atacantului român Dennis Man de la FCSB la
    Parma (Italia), în 2021, pentru 13 milioane de euro. El rămâne cel mai scump
    fotbalist vândut direct din prima ligă românească în străinătate.