Tag: tourist

  • The cultural-tourist route of open-air museums in Romania

    The cultural-tourist route of open-air museums in Romania

    The cultural-tourist route of open-air museums in Romania, developed at the national level and recognized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, has been launched in Romania considering the large number of tourists who showed interest in these objectives. Developed at the initiative of the County Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art in Baia Mare, the tourist program offers tourists a foray into traditions, in 11 tourist and cultural sites in Romania’s ethnographic heritage.


    Monica Mare, the manager of the Maramureș County Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art from Baia Mare says that the idea was born out of the need to promote museums, being a good opportunity to capitalize on the heritage of traditional Romanian architecture:  “The idea of ​​the project initially started with eight museums. We have also created several leaflets on which one can find a map with these museums. If you are in Bucharest, you can start the route from there, from the Dimitrie Gusti Village Museum in Bucharest, which is probably the most visited among the ethnographic museums in Romania, and after that, you can head towards the center of Romania. Tourists can go through the Golești Museum, after that they can reach Brașov, then Sibiu, where they can go to the ASTRA Museum, then travel to Transylvania, to the museum in Cluj and get closer to Maramureș, where they will find two ethnographic museums included in the route, the Village Museum from Baia Mare and the Maramureș Village Museum from Sighetu Marmației, respectively. Also here, in our area, in Oraș Country, in the vicinity of Maramureș, we have the Negrești Oaş Museum, and if we cross the mountains, to Bukovina, we find the Bukovina Village Museum. It depends on how much time the tourist has to visit and we thought that this route can be fully covered or the visitor can choose, in a first phase, a few museums in the area of ​​interest and after that we can arouse their curiosity to reach other areas of the country.”


    All open-air museums develop projects throughout the year, but especially in the warm season, which is the high season for visiting. You will be able to see folk craftsmen at work and you will be able to buy items they have created. Moreover, you’ll even be able to participate in the crafting art of the artisans:  “The Baia Mare Village Museum also has such programs. Throughout the year, we organize fairs, and we also have a souvenir shop, where we try to capitalize on the work of the Maramureș craftsmen. The other museums in the country also have such stores. Craftsmen need to be promoted. For the traditions to be passed on to future generations, the craftsmen must understand, especially the younger craftsmen who take over the crafts, that one can live from one’s craft and it is our duty, as ethnographic museums, to support the craftsmen, to make them known. Together with the centers of traditional culture, which have records of these craftsmen, we try to promote them at the travel fairs we participate in, and in the activities carried out by the museum.”


    As soon as you enter the Maramureş-style gate of the Baia Mare Village Museum, you are transposed into a world of the authentic Maramureş village, says Monica Mare, manager of the Maramureș County Museum of Ethnography and Folk Art:  “If the Museum in Sighet only preserves objects of traditional architecture from Maramureș Voivodeship, the Village Museum in Baia Mare takes you to the Maramureş villages from all four ethnographic areas. We call them countries: Codru, Chioar, Lăpuș and Maramureș Voivodeship. You can visit a house in Lăpuș, with its thatched roof. You can go inside and see how people used to live, where the fire was made, you can see the oven, or how the baby was rocked in the cradle, or what the guest room looked like, where the most beautiful textiles and the dowry chest were kept and where people met at major life events. The oldest monument we have is our little church, a monument from 1630, which is placed on the hill, as are most of the churches in the Maramureş villages, and practically the museum was formed around it. It was the first monument brought here to the Village Museum. It makes our village alive. The village on the hill, as we call it, is alive, because services are still held in the church on the big holidays and on Sundays. There is a whole community that comes here to worship.”


    Another tourist asset promoted at Baia Mare’s Village Museum is the oldest house as part of the museum’s heritage, dated 1758.

    Monica Mare: “The team I coordinate for the time being can boast the fact that, although the years are complicated and the budget is tight, as usual, last year we succeeded to open, for the public, a new traditional architecture asset we transferred to our museum. A house from Chioar Country, a very beautiful one, typical for the Chioar Country style, which we placed in the vicinity of the church, is also from Chioar Country. The blue of the house is so very specific for Maramures, it can be visited by tourists. Also, from Maramures Country we boast the Petrova House, where the founder of the Romanian School of Stomatology, Gheorghe Bilașcu, was born, and these are but a few of the landmarks we offer so you can pay us a visit. I am just saying, “Come on, come to Maramures !” Visit the Village Museum in Baia Mare and all the museums included in the Romanian open-air museum’s ethnographic route! ”


    We found out from the manager of the Baia Mare-based Maramures County Ethnography and Traditional Art Museum, Monica Mare, that the available prospectuses are in Romanian and English. At the main assets as part of the visiting circuit there are plaques with a QR code for additional info, which direct you to the site of the institution, where translations are available in the most widely-spoken languages. In another move, children and youngsters can participate in a treasure hunt. They will be dared to cut themselves off from their own cell phones and visit the musem in a different manner. Also, the bigger museums lying along the cultural-tourist route of open-air museums in Romania have a wide range of promotion materials. The Museum in Sibiu, for instance, has Astra App, an application offering guidance, audio guidance included, in several of the most widely-spoken languages. (LS, EN)

  • Romania’s beautiful mountain scenery

    Romania’s beautiful mountain scenery

    Today we’re heading towards the Calimani Nature Park in northern
    Romania, an asset where tourists are welcomed with a very generous offer. In
    winter, the ski touring is practiced, while in the summer you can go hiking for
    fauna-watching purposes. Moreover, since 2013, the administration of the park has
    opened a modern visiting center where educational exhibitions are mounted,
    promoting the tourist assets of the region. It is also here that the products
    are presented, manufactured by local craftsmen. Then you can take up a theme
    pathway, especially arranged for a two-hour journey in the invisible world of
    the Saru Dornei Tinov. Liviu Hutanu is Calimani National Park’s tourism activities

    Liviu Hutanu:

    It is one of the Calimani Massif’s
    protected areas, encompassing the upper third part of the Calimani Mountains. It
    has been declared a protected area since 2000. Here we protect numerous species
    of plants and animals, their habitats. We have been trying, to the best of our
    abilities, and in addition to the preservation activities, to develop long-lasting
    tourism or ecotourism, to use a trendier term. It would be unfair for us to block
    access to so many natural assets. The purpose of a natural park is preservation,
    but also the promotion of tourism in a given area, yet that is being done without
    affecting the preservation part of our work.

    Ski touring through the snow can provide unforgettable
    experiences. In the company of a park ranger specializing in the observation and
    interpretation of nature, you’re highly likely to discover traces of wild
    animals, you will be initiated in the secrets of the life and habits of the beasts
    in the forest. The route will be selected taking into account the timeframe the
    tourists opted for and in keeping with the weather conditions, over
    December-May. It roughly takes a seven-hour hike to carry the program, which
    also includes a rest break and a traditional snack. The fee for that starts from
    120 Lei and varies, in keeping with the number of people participating.

    Liviu Hutanu:

    We have more than 120 kilometers of
    tourist routes. We also have two theme pathways: the theme pathway of the 12 Apostles
    and the one in the former Calimani Sulphur exploitation. We have a marathon
    route, Via Maria Terezia, of which one third stretches
    along the protected area. Camping sites have been arranged, in the strategic
    points, near springs, we also have three tourist shelters. Actually, the
    tourist infrastructure has been properly taken care of and appropriately marked,
    especially for backpacking hikers. Therefore, we promote the non-polluting and
    environment-friendly activities..

    But what are the most important tourist objectives in
    the Calimani Nature Park?


    The most-often visited
    such asset, which is also the most beautiful one, which is also included on our
    logo, is the 12 Apostles Nature Reserve. Here you can find a cluster of rocks,
    of various shapes which, in time, have been given all sorts of names, stirring
    visitors’ imagination. We have, among others, The Marshall, Nefertiti, the Lion.
    Of these rocks, the one standing out and which is the most photographed, is
    named The Old Man. It is a big rock, 30, 40 meters tall, which, if viewed from
    three different angles, has the face of an old man. Most of the times it has
    been compared to the Sphynx in the Bucegi Mountains. It is a natural asset, but
    we also have an anthropic tourist asset. It is the Sulphur pit. It was opened
    in 1976. Thanks to the excavations there, since the Calimani Mountains are
    volcanic mountains, a cross-cut section could be created, of a volcanic cone. We
    can thus have the chance to see how the inside of a volcano looks like. It is
    something almost unique in Europe.

    Every hiking activity should begin from an information
    point. Here is Calimani Nature Park’s tourism activities official, Liviu Hutanu,
    speaking about that.

    Available for tourists is the Calimani
    National Park Visiting Centre as well as the other information points, with our
    park rangers being always there. The visiting center is one of the main attractions
    of the Dorna Country eco-tourism destination. The ecotourism destination
    certification was granted four years ago by the Tourism Ministry. The center
    has been thought out in a bid to enhance the destination’s attractiveness, but
    also with a view to increasing the park’s capacity to secure an accessible communication
    with the visitors. The latter are being kept abreast of the hiking routes, tourist
    assets, or the restrictions that are in place in a national park. Here tourists
    can find an educational exhibition focusing on the assets of the park, there is
    also a corner of the items hand-crafted by the locals. In the courtyard, a
    theme hiking route has been arranged, along which the area’s craftsmanship
    activities are presented. The Saru Dornei Tinov Reserve can be found close by.

    For the near future, the Calimani National Park Administration
    has been carrying a couple of projects which are ongoing. Liviu Hutanu once again.

    We intend to set up a research center
    in the former Sulphur exploitation. We also want the center to be a Salvamont,
    Mountain Rescue Service basecamp. We also want several children’s playgrounds
    to be set up there, for the holiday camps we have in the region. On the
    territory f the park, as we speak, we have only one mountain biking trail and
    we intend to create two more such trails. We welcome all to come visit us, from
    the bottom of our hearts. Those who would like to visit us need to know the
    Calimani Mountains are not very steep, the trails are relatively easy to take
    and even accessible for families with children. The scenery is unaltered and we
    have hundreds of hectares of primary forests. We brag about the fact that you
    can walk around the park for three, maybe four days without meeting other human
    beings. So, for all those who want to live a wildlife experience, which is at
    once accessible, the Calimani Nature park is one of the best options for them.

    The invitation has been launched, In the hopes that we have
    talked you into visiting the Calimani Nature Park, next time we’re waiting for
    you with a new tourist destination.


  • Buzau County

    Buzau County

    Today we invite you to join us on a trip to the region of Buzau, in eastern Romania, famous, among other things, for the diversity of its relief. The region is home to large forests, the muddy volcanoes, old monasteries, caves, but also interesting museums. Buzau County is also a favorite destination for adventure tourists, as they can do mountain climbing, off-road trips, rafting, hang-gliding and canyoning.

    Usually, when we say Buzau we think of traditional produce too: bagels, the famous Plescoi sausages, babic, plum brandy and the Pietroasele wine. However, Buzau is more than that. Florina Florea, the coordinator of the Nehoiu Tourist Information and Promotion Center told us some of the stories that add to the attractiveness of the area:

    Florina Florea: “I would like to start with the Buzau rail station. Right at its entrance there stands a unique sculpture of ‘Ilie the eagle. The story goes that, between 1924-1942, an inn keeper named Adam had an eagle who liked to sit around the station area. In 1942 a German soldier shot him dead, and the local poet Bucur Chiriac wrote a poetry book in honour of the eagle. From the station, reaching the center is quite easy. The Communal Palace is, in the words of the famous historian Nicolae Iorga, one of the most beautiful town-hall buildings in the country and one of Buzaus gems. It is indeed a symbol of the town of Buzau. There are also several other things worth visiting in the center, such as the Dacia Plateau and a small but extremely beautiful church, which has been declared a historical monument.

    There are many events organized every year across Buzau County. The calendar of events can be downloaded from the website cniptnehoiu.ro. The most important such events are Dragaica, organized in late June, and Buzau Fest, which is held in early June, in the resort of Sarata Monteoru. Florina Florea told us more about this resort and other attractions in the area:

    Florina Florea: “The resort is famous for its salty water pools. Also, an adventure park was built in 2016, right in the middle of the forest. Also in 2016 the resort got the status of spa. But this is not the only place worth visiting. I would also recommend the ‘muddy volcanoes, 35 km off Buzau. These apparently boiling pools of mud have been included in the list of monuments of nature, ever since 1924. Then, from the muddy volcanoes, we can easily get to Ulmet and see the trovants, also known as ‘the living stones. These are geological formations of unusual and strange shapes.

    From here we move on to the Nucu – Buzioru area, home to a large number of rock-carved dwellings, used as religious sites. Florina Florea, coordinator of the Nehoiu Tourist Information and Promotion Centre, tells us more:

    Florina Florea: “We are working with a geography professor from the University of Bucharest, Cezar Buterez, who has been conducting extensive research in the area for over 10 years, and who is soon to publish a map of these dwellings. The area is lesser known to the public, and tourists will need a guide to accompany them. The best known of these sites is the Rock Church of Alunis. It was carved in rock by 2 shepherds around 1274. But apart from this one, there are many other such dwellings whose names indicate their religious usage.

    Tourist guide Florin Burgui presented us a less usual mountain route, one which covers some of these rock carved dwellings, with Poiana Cozanei as its starting point:

    Florin Burgui: “A first stop is at the Cell of Dionisie Torcatorul. They say that this monk, Dionysus, lived in this cell carved in stone for 30 years, only coming out once a week to go to church for confession. The rest of the time he would spin wool, which was brought to his cell. Just a few minutes walk from this there is a skete called Fundul Pesterii (roughly “The end of the cave). In my opinion this is the most important site of this type in the area, because in this cave, which is currently closed in order for the parietal drawings to be preserved, there are 137 carvings representing various weapons and dating back to around 4,000 BC. Then we reach Josephs Church. The route takes 8-10 hours to complete, going up and down through the woods. The route markings are not very clear, but with a little training it is no problem.

    Florina Florea, the coordinator of the Nehoiu Tourist Information and Promotion Centre, also invited us to an adrenaline-packed adventure in the region:

    Florina Florea: “I would end the tour of the region in Nehoiu, the mountainous part of the region, where rafting is practiced in Buzau River. From March until October or November, you can bring your friends to try whitewater rafting every day. This March we even hosted a rafting championship, with teams from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Britain taking part. Last year, on December 1, we released, together with Prof. Cezar Buterez, a Visitors Map. So now you can easily find the most interesting and unusual sites in the region, and you are all invited to discover them.

    In short, Buzau County, an ideal destination for all ages, which is worth exploring in any season, is waiting for you.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • Buzau County

    Buzau County

    Today we invite you to join us on a trip to the region of Buzau, in eastern Romania, famous, among other things, for the diversity of its relief. The region is home to large forests, the muddy volcanoes, old monasteries, caves, but also interesting museums. Buzau County is also a favorite destination for adventure tourists, as they can do mountain climbing, off-road trips, rafting, hang-gliding and canyoning.

    Usually, when we say Buzau we think of traditional produce too: bagels, the famous Plescoi sausages, babic, plum brandy and the Pietroasele wine. However, Buzau is more than that. Florina Florea, the coordinator of the Nehoiu Tourist Information and Promotion Center told us some of the stories that add to the attractiveness of the area:

    Florina Florea: “I would like to start with the Buzau rail station. Right at its entrance there stands a unique sculpture of ‘Ilie the eagle. The story goes that, between 1924-1942, an inn keeper named Adam had an eagle who liked to sit around the station area. In 1942 a German soldier shot him dead, and the local poet Bucur Chiriac wrote a poetry book in honour of the eagle. From the station, reaching the center is quite easy. The Communal Palace is, in the words of the famous historian Nicolae Iorga, one of the most beautiful town-hall buildings in the country and one of Buzaus gems. It is indeed a symbol of the town of Buzau. There are also several other things worth visiting in the center, such as the Dacia Plateau and a small but extremely beautiful church, which has been declared a historical monument.

    There are many events organized every year across Buzau County. The calendar of events can be downloaded from the website cniptnehoiu.ro. The most important such events are Dragaica, organized in late June, and Buzau Fest, which is held in early June, in the resort of Sarata Monteoru. Florina Florea told us more about this resort and other attractions in the area:

    Florina Florea: “The resort is famous for its salty water pools. Also, an adventure park was built in 2016, right in the middle of the forest. Also in 2016 the resort got the status of spa. But this is not the only place worth visiting. I would also recommend the ‘muddy volcanoes, 35 km off Buzau. These apparently boiling pools of mud have been included in the list of monuments of nature, ever since 1924. Then, from the muddy volcanoes, we can easily get to Ulmet and see the trovants, also known as ‘the living stones. These are geological formations of unusual and strange shapes.

    From here we move on to the Nucu – Buzioru area, home to a large number of rock-carved dwellings, used as religious sites. Florina Florea, coordinator of the Nehoiu Tourist Information and Promotion Centre, tells us more:

    Florina Florea: “We are working with a geography professor from the University of Bucharest, Cezar Buterez, who has been conducting extensive research in the area for over 10 years, and who is soon to publish a map of these dwellings. The area is lesser known to the public, and tourists will need a guide to accompany them. The best known of these sites is the Rock Church of Alunis. It was carved in rock by 2 shepherds around 1274. But apart from this one, there are many other such dwellings whose names indicate their religious usage.

    Tourist guide Florin Burgui presented us a less usual mountain route, one which covers some of these rock carved dwellings, with Poiana Cozanei as its starting point:

    Florin Burgui: “A first stop is at the Cell of Dionisie Torcatorul. They say that this monk, Dionysus, lived in this cell carved in stone for 30 years, only coming out once a week to go to church for confession. The rest of the time he would spin wool, which was brought to his cell. Just a few minutes walk from this there is a skete called Fundul Pesterii (roughly “The end of the cave). In my opinion this is the most important site of this type in the area, because in this cave, which is currently closed in order for the parietal drawings to be preserved, there are 137 carvings representing various weapons and dating back to around 4,000 BC. Then we reach Josephs Church. The route takes 8-10 hours to complete, going up and down through the woods. The route markings are not very clear, but with a little training it is no problem.

    Florina Florea, the coordinator of the Nehoiu Tourist Information and Promotion Centre, also invited us to an adrenaline-packed adventure in the region:

    Florina Florea: “I would end the tour of the region in Nehoiu, the mountainous part of the region, where rafting is practiced in Buzau River. From March until October or November, you can bring your friends to try whitewater rafting every day. This March we even hosted a rafting championship, with teams from Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria and Britain taking part. Last year, on December 1, we released, together with Prof. Cezar Buterez, a Visitors Map. So now you can easily find the most interesting and unusual sites in the region, and you are all invited to discover them.

    In short, Buzau County, an ideal destination for all ages, which is worth exploring in any season, is waiting for you.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)