Tag: tsunami

  • Nachrichten 26.12.2019

    Nachrichten 26.12.2019

    In den letzten Tagen haben sich in Rumänien insgesamt 44 Verkehrsunfälle ereignet, bei denen 19 Menschen getötet und weitere 33 Menschen schwer verletzt wurden, berichtet die rumänische Polizei. Verkehrspolizisten haben 500 Führerscheine und rund 90 Zulassungsbescheinigungen entzogen. Obwohl die Zahl der bei Verkehrsunfällen getöteten Personen in den letzten drei Jahren rückläufig war, liegt Rumänien auf EU-Ebene weiterhin an erster Stelle mit der höchsten Zahl von Opfern im Stra‎ßenverkehr.

    Die Zahl der an Grippe erkrankten Personen ist derzeit in Rumänien gering. Dem Nationalen Zentrum für die Überwachung und Kontrolle übertragbarer Krankheiten sind nur Einz elfälle gemeldet worden. Insgesamt 33 Fälle von Grippevirusinfektionen wurden in dieser Wintersaison gemeldet, wobei 1 Person an dem Virus starb. Ärzte machen darauf aufmerksam, dass die Impfung die einzige wirksame Waffe gegen das Grippevirus bleibt. Die Zahl der Rumänen, die in diesem Jahr die Grippeimpfung erhalten haben, ist leicht höher als 2018, als rund 150 Menschen an den Folgen der Grippe starben.

    Ganze Gemeinden in Asien haben am Donnerstag der 230.000 Opfer des Erdbebens und des darauf folgenden Tsunamis im Indischen Ozean im Jahr 2004 gedacht. Die nun 15 Jahre zurückliegende Naturkatastrophe ist eine der grö‎ßten, berichtet Reuters. Am Morgen des 2. Weihnachtstags im Jahr 2004 löste ein vor der indonesischen Küste ereignetes Erdbeben der Stärke 9,1 eine Tsunami-Welle von 17,4 Metern aus, die Küstengebiete in Indonesien, Sri Lanka, Indien, Thailand und neun weiteren Ländern der Region überflutete. Alleine in der indonesischen Provinz Aceh wurden ganze Dörfer von der Landkarte gestrichen und 125.000 Menschen getötet. Mittlerweile befinden sich mehr als 25.600 Wohn-, Geschäfts-, Regierungs- und Schulgebäude in dem Risikogebiet, das 2004 fast vollständig ausgelöscht wurde.

    Der Streik gegen die Reform des Rentensystems in Frankreich dauert nun schon die vierten Woche in Folge an. Zu Weihnachten wurden Busse- und U-Bahnen in Paris gestrichen oder verkehrten mit hohen Verspätungen. Am zweiten Weihnachtstag, am Donnerstag, wurde der Verkehr unterbrochen, wobei einer von zwei Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen ausfiel und fünf U-Bahnlinien stillgelegt wurden. Die von der Europäischen Kommission unterstützte Regierung in Paris erklärt, die Reform des Rentensystems sei notwendig, um die 42 Rentensysteme des Landes in einem einzigen System zusammenzuführen und so die Sonderpensionsregelungen zu beseitigen, insbesondere für Arbeitnehmer im öffentlichen Verkehr, die frühzeitig in Rente gehen dürfen. Die Gewerkschaften werden am Samstag weitreichende Protestaktionen durchführen. Gewerkschaftsvertreter werden am 7. Januar zum ersten Mal in einer Reihe von Treffen mit Regierungsbeamten zusammentreffen, bevor der Gesetzesentwurf am 22. Januar dem Ministerrat vorgelegt wird.

    Die Zahl der Migranten, die 2019 nach Italien kamen, war nur noch halb so hoch wie 2018, berichtet das italienische Innenministerium. Gegenüber 2017 ist die Zahl der Zuwanderer um rund 90% gesunken. Seit Anfang 2019 kamen rund 11.500 Einwanderer nach Italien, hauptsächlich aus Tunesien, Pakistan und der Elfenbeinküste. Italien bietet Geld und Ausrüstung an, um die Wirksamkeit der libyschen Küstenwache wiederherzustellen, damit Migranten abgefangen werden können. Die Zahl der Ankünfte in Italien geht zwar zurück, doch Kritiker argumentieren, dies sei durch die Verletzung der Menschenrechte möglich geworden, da in libyschen Lagern eingesperrte Einwanderer schweren Misshandlungen und Folterungen ausgesetzt waren. Nach dem Regierungswechsel in Italien im Jahr 2018 führte der damalige Innenminister und Vorsitzende der rechtsextremen Partei Lega Nord, Matteo Salvini, eine strenge Einwanderungspolitik ein. Die neue Mitte-Links-Regierung, die im September ihr Amt angetreten hat, hat gegenüber Rettungsorganisationen eine mildere Haltung eingenommen, sodass Schiffe, die Migranten retten, anlegen dürfen.

  • December 25, 2018 UPDATE

    December 25, 2018 UPDATE

    CHRISTMAS – On Tuesday, Christians around the world celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ. In a message conveyed on the occasion, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, says that this celebration is one of gift-offering, to children, elders, orphans, sick and lonely, and to all the loved ones. “This celebration is our response to the gift of Gods love, shown in Jesus Christ”, Patriarch Daniels message also reads. At the Vatican, Pope Francis firmly criticized what he termed as mankinds consumerist voracity and called on people to reflect on the spiritual meaning of their lives and to share with the poor . “The little body of the Child of Bethlehem is a new model of life: not to devour or to grasp, but to share and to give”, the Pope said, recalling that the name Bethlehem means the house of bread. The Sovereign Pontiff gave the traditional blessing of Urbi et orbi (to the city and the world), before the Christians gathered in St. Peters Square.

    MESSAGES – Romanias president Klaus Iohannis has conveyed a Christmas message to all Romanians, saying that the birth of Jesus Christ is a celebration of the miracle of life and of kindness, compassion and generosity. “We need to reconnect to those values that bring us closer to each other and unite us. In the spirit of these holy celebrations, we should take care of each other and of our country”, the presidents message also reads. Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has wished all Romanians good health and well being. The custodian of the Romanian Crown, Margareta, has too sent a Christmas message, saying she promised to carry on the work started by her father, King Michael, towards ensuring Romanias prosperity and stability an strengthening its international position.

    JUSTICE – The former Romanian minister Elena Udrea and the former head of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, Alina Bica, who were in custody in Costa Rica since October 3rd, were released after the Bucharest Tribunal revoked the extradition requests issued on their names. The Public Ministry of Costa Rica decided to release them after receiving from the Romanian Justice Ministry the documentation stating that the two requests had been withdrawn. In Romania, Udrea and Bica have received definitive sentences for corruption. Just like them, other high-ranking officials in Romania have benefited from the suspension of the prison sentences they have received for corruption, after the Constitutional Court of Romania ruled that the setting up of the 5-judge panels at the High Court of Cassation and Justice was illegal.

    DEFENSE – A new meeting of Romanias Supreme Council of National Defense will be held on December 28th, focusing on the request made by the Defense Minister Gabriel Les with regard to posts in the armys leadership. On Wednesday, Gabriel Les announced he would not extend the term of the current Chef of Staff Nicolae Ciuca, which expires on December 31st. The previous meeting of the Council was held on December 19th, when the army equipment programme for 2019-2028 was approved, as well as the capabilities to be deployed by Romania next year for missions and operations abroad. 1902 Romanian soldiers will be part of international theaters of operations, 127 more than in 2018. Also, another 759 army and police officers will take part in EU, OSCE, NATO and UN missions. Romania will keep participating in the NATO Resolute Support operation in Afghanistan and will maintain its contribution to the allied operations carried out in the Western Balkans. As a first, a detachment of transport and evacuation helicopters will participate in the UN mission in Mali.

    EMPLOYMENT – Romanias National Employment Agency has committed to integrating into the labour market some 110,000 unemployed registered in their data base, by means of a project co-funded by the Social European Fund, through the Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020, covering a period of four years. According to the Agency, the allocated budget stands at around 265 million Euros, of which 226 million non-reimbursable. The project will be implemented with support from the local employment agencies.

    TSUNAMI – The death toll from the tsunami that hit the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra on Saturday has exceeded 400. Also, 1500 people were injured and more than 150 are reported missing, according to a local official quoted by news agencies. The tsunami hit the southern coast of Sumatra and the western side of Java, triggered by an undersea landslide caused by the eruption of Krakatau volcano, some 50 km off the coast.

    ATTACK – At least three people, including a Libyan diplomat, died in a terrorist attack on the headquarters of Libyas Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. The Interior Minister Fathi Agha has admitted that the chaos that the country is facing in terms of security continues to turn it into a fertile ground for the Islamic State and other terrorist groups. Libya has been plunging into havoc since the fall of Muammal Gaddafis regime back in 2011. The country is divided into several rival entities, with a National Union Government in Tripoli, supported by the international community, and a parallel government formed in the east, supported by the National Libyan Army, self-proclaimed by Marshall Khalifa Haftar.

  • December 25, 2018

    December 25, 2018

    CHRISTMAS – Christians are today celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. In a message conveyed on the occasion, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, Daniel, says that this celebration is one of gift-offering, to children, elders, orphans, sick and lonely, and to all the loved ones. “This celebration is our response to the gift of Gods love, shown in Jesus Christ”, Patriarch Daniels message also reads. At the Vatican, Pope Francis has firmly criticized what he called mankinds consumerist voracity and called on people to reflect on the spiritual meaning of their lives and to share with the poor . “The little body of the Child of Bethlehem is a new model of life: not to devour or to grasp, but to share and to give”, the Pope said, recalling that the name Bethlehem means the house of bread. The Sovereign Pontiff has today given the traditional blessing of Urbi et orbi (to the city and the world), before the Christians gathered in St. Peters Square.

    MESSAGES – Romanias president Klaus Iohannis has conveyed a Christmas message to all Romanians, saying that the birth of Jesus Christ is a celebration of the miracle of life and of kindness, compassion and generosity. “We need to reconnect to those values that bring us closer to each other and unite us. In the spirit of these holy celebrations, we should take care of each other and of our country”, the presidents message also reads. Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has wished all Romanians good health and well being. The custodian of the Romanian Crown, Margareta, has too sent a Christmas message, saying she promised to carry on the work started by her father, King Michael, towards ensuring Romanias prosperity and stability an strengthening its international position.

    JUSTICE – The former Romanian minister Elena Udrea and the former head of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, Alina Bica, who were in custody in Costa Rica since October 3rd, were released after the Bucharest Tribunal revoked the extradition requests issued on their names. The Public Ministry of Costa Rica decided to release them after receiving from the Romanian Justice Ministry the documentation stating that the two requests had been withdrawn. In Romania, Udrea and Bica have received definitive sentences for corruption. Just like them, other high-ranking officials in Romania have benefited from the suspension of the prison sentences they have received for corruption, after the Constitutional Court of Romania ruled that the setting up of the 5-judge panels at the High Court of Cassation and Justice was illegal.

    EMPLOYMENT – The National Employment Agency has committed to integrating into the labour market some 110,000 unemployed registered in their data base, by means of a project co-funded by the Social European Fund, through the Operational Programme Human Capital 2014-2020, covering a period of four years. According to the Agency, the allocated budget stands at around 265 million Euros, of which 226 million non-reimbursable. The project will be implemented with support from the local employment agencies.

    TSUNAMI – The death toll from the tsunami that hit the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra on Saturday has exceeded 400. Also, 1500 people were injured and more than 150 are reported missing, according to a local official quoted by news agencies. The tsunami hit the southern coast of Sumatra and the western side of Java, triggered by an undersea landslide caused by the eruption of Krakatau volcano, some 50 km off the coast.

    ATTACK – At least three people died in the attack perpetrated on Tuesday against the headquarters of Libyas Foreign Ministry, FP and Reuters report. Gun shots and several explosions were heard inside the building. Libya has been plunging into chaos since the fall of Muammal Gaddafis regime back in 2011. The country is divided into several rival entities, with a National Union Government in Tripoli, supported by the international community, and a parallel government formed in the east, supported by the National Libyan Army, self-proclaimed by Marshall Khalifa Haftar. Political and security chaos has favoured the emergence of jihadist groups, which have committed lots of a attacks in the past years.

  • December 24, 2018

    December 24, 2018

    Christmas Eve — Orthodox, Greek-Catholic and Catholic Christians from all over the world on Monday mark Christmas Eve and make the last preparations for the Nativity of Jesus, one of the greatest celebrations of Christianity marked on December 25. A famous tradition in Romania on Christmas Eve is caroling, with carolers symbolizing the angels and shepherds who announced the Birth of Jesus. They make wishes of good health and wealth and receive fruit, bagels, sweets or money. The old rite Christians who form the majority in Russia, Ukraine, Serbia and Georgia will celebrate Christmas on January 7. These days many pilgrims visit the holy sites from Israel and the Nativity Church in Bethlehem.

    Justice — The Romanian justice minister Tudorel Toader announced he would finalize, on Thursday, December 27, the procedure for the dismissal of Romania’s prosecutor general Augustin Lazar, which was started in October. Toader accused Lazar of professional and managerial errors and Lazar took legal action against the justice ministry. The issue is to be judged by the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The opponents of the governing coalition claim that the dismissal of Augustin Lazar, which follows that of the former head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, Laura Codruta Kovesi, was a form of political vendetta and an attempt to stop the anti-corruption fight. In another development, minister Toader announced he signed the documents for the release from prison of a former Romanian minister Elena Udrea and a former chief of the Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism, Alina Bica, who are in prison in Costa Rica upon the request of the Romanian authorities. The two had received definitive sentences in Romania in cases of high-level corruption. The High Court of Cassation and Justice decided on the suspension of the imprisonment conviction in their case, after the Constitutional Court of Romania ruled as illegal the setting up of the panels of 5 judges at the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The ruling also led to the suspension of the imprisonment convictions in many other cases involving former ministers and incumbent politicians.

    Brexit — Romania supports the Brexit deal as well as the political declaration on the future framework of the post-Brexit relation between the EU and the UK, the Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu told the BBC on Sunday. He added that, from Romania’s point of view, it was important for the UK to stay as close as possible to the EU. Teodor Melescanu also said that Romania envisaged to start bilateral negotiations with the UK as part of the strategic partnership concluded by the two sides. Minister Melescanu also reminded that at the meeting held with the former British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson he received assurances that the more than 400 thousand Romanians who are in the UK would not be affected by Brexit and he gave the example of the Romanian physicians and nurses who went to the UK. Boris Johnson had stated that if these people left the UK the country’s healthcare system would be severely affected.

    Jakarta — The death toll in the aftermath of the tsunami that hit Indonesia following a volcanic eruption has reached 300 dead and more than 1,000 injured, the National Agency for Disaster Management announced on Monday. Scores of people are still reported missing. Hundreds of buildings were destroyed by the tsunami that, on Saturday, hit the southern coasts of Sumatra and the western side of the Java island.

    Border traffic — More than 250 thousand people, both Romanian and foreign citizens, have crossed Romania’s borders over the past 24 hours in more than 60 thousand cars, the border police announced. Of them as many as 170 thousand entered Romania while almost 83 thousand left the country. In the same period of time, the border police identified 30 cases of crimes and 37 cases of offences perpetrated by both Romanian and foreign citizens. Also, 29 foreign citizens were denied entry to Romania as they did not comply with the legal provisions, and 16 Romanian citizens were prevented from leaving the country from various legal reasons. (translation by L. Simion)

  • December 23, 2018 UPDATE

    December 23, 2018 UPDATE

    Tsunami – A tsunami killegd at least 222 people and injured hundreds on the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra following an underwater landslide believed to have been caused by the erupting Anak Krakatau volcano, Reuters quoted officials as saying on Sunday. Hundreds of homes and other buildings were “heavily damaged” when the tsunami struck, almost without warning, along the rim of the Sunda Strait late on Saturday, Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, spokesman for the disaster mitigation agency, said. Thousands of residents were forced to evacuate to higher ground. Coastal residents reported not seeing or feeling any warning signs on Saturday night, such as receding water or an earthquake, before waves of 2-3 meters (6-10 feet) washed ashore, according to media.

    Paris – French President Emmanuel Macron called for “order” on Sunday after a sixth weekend of “yellow vest” anti-government protests marked by dwindling participation and a violent attack on police in Paris. Speaking during a visit to the central African state of Chad where he was visiting French troops serving in a counter-terrorism force Macron said: “There must be order now, calm and harmony. Our country needs it.” Prime Minister Edouard Philippe denounced the “incredible violence towards the police”. A man died in southern France, bringing the protests overall death toll to 10. The yellow vest protests began in mid-November against fuel tax increases, for higher wages, lower taxes, better pensions and easier university entry requirements. On Friday evening, the French Senate approved the measures which should come into force early next year.

    1989 Revolution – Events commemorating the heroes of the December 1989 anti-communist Revolution continued in Romania. In the capital, commemoration events started at the monument in the Revolution Square and continued at the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation, the Romanian Television and the Telephone Palace. The participants included revolutionaries, relatives of those who died, people who were in the army in 1989 and were called to defend the public institutions from what officials back then termed as terrorists. All orthodox churches in the country and abroad held a commemoration mass to honour the heroes who sacrificed themselves in December 1989. More than 1000 people died and some 3,400 were wounded in the shootings in Romania, the only country in the Eastern Bloc where the regime was toppled violently and the communist rulers were executed.

    Eurobarometer – 52% of the Romanians have a positive image about the EU, as compared to 43% which is the European average. According to a Eurobarometer survey, the number of Romanians who have a positive image about the EU is on the rise and above the European average. Half of the Romanians trust the EU and belive that their voice counts in the EU, 56% of the Romanians have a positive view of the situation of the European economy, and 48% of Romanians are optimistic about the labour market situation. The survey also shows that most Europeans believe, for the first time, that their voice matters in the EU. Moreover, 20 years since the introduction of the single currency, support for the economic and monetary union and the Euro remains at a record high, with three quarters of the respondents in the Eurozone in favour of the single currency. On the other hand, immigration remains the main concern at EU level. It is mentioned twice more often than terrorism.

    Ice hotel — The only ice hotel in Romania was opened on Sunday at Balea Lac in the Southern Carpathians. The official inauguration of the entire compound, to also include an ice church and several igloos will take place next February. The ice hotel, built entirely of ice blocks, is located at an altitude of 2034 meters. This year, the theme that has inspired the hotel’s decoration is Frozen Love, promoting love and passion for nature, fresh air and trekking in the winter season. A perfume inspired from this theme will also be launched. Bookings for tourists who want to experiment sleeping at minus 2 degrees Celsius were made months in advance, especially by Britons. The Ice Hotel has been built every year, starting 2005.

    Security – During the holiday season, more than 8,500 policemen will ensure security all over Romania. Given the big number of Romanians aboard who come to spend their winter holidays at home and the number of Romanians who go outside the country borders at this time of the year, the Romanian Border Police has reminded that there is an application that those interested can use to see how traffic is at border checkpoints. The number of trains to and from the big Romanian cities and the mountain resorts has also been supplemented.

    Employment — In Romania, the National Employment Agency (ANOFM) plans to integrate over 110 thousand unemployed people on the labour market, under a project co-financed by the European Social Fund, though the Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020. The budget allocated for this purpose exceeds 265 million euros, of which around 226 millions are non-repayable funds. The project will be implemented with the support of local employment agencies.

    (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • Regatul Maroc – Condiții meteorologice nefavorabile 16-18 noiembrie 2018

    Regatul Maroc – Condiții meteorologice nefavorabile 16-18 noiembrie 2018

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetățenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Regatul Maroc că Direcția Meteorologică locala a emis o avertizare vizând un posibil tsunami de dimensiuni reduse, care ar putea afecta coasta atlantică a țării în perioada 16 – 18 noiembrie 2018.

    Avertizarea survine pe fondul înrăutățirii condițiilor meteorologice, fiind anticipate valuri de până la 8 metri înălțime.

    Pe fondul avertizării meteo, sunt probabile întârzieri faţă de orarul normal de zbor sau chiar anularea unor curse aeriene de pe aeroporturile internaționale aflate în zonele afectate. De asemenea, circulația rutieră se va desfășura cu dificultate în provinciile și orașele afectate de acest cod meteo.

    Cetăţenii români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României în Regatul Maroc +212537721493; +212537207401; +212537264085, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență.

    De asemenea, cetăţenii români care se confruntă cu o situaţie dificilă, specială, cu caracter de urgenţă, au la dispoziţie şi telefonul de permanență al Ambasadei României la Rabat: +212679977751.

    MAE recomandă consultarea paginilor de Internet http://rabat.mae.ro/contact, www.mae.ro și reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătorește în siguranță (http://www.mae.ro/app_cs), care oferă informații și sfaturi de călătorie, precum şi serviciul de alertă prin SMS, aferent campaniei de informare Un SMS îți poate salva viața!

  • MEXIC – succesiune de seisme și alertă de tsunami

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetăţenii români care se află, tranzitează sau doresc să călătorească în Statele Unite Mexicane că, în conformitate cu ultimele date prezentate de Serviciul Seismologic National mexican, intensitatea cutremurului produs în seara zilei de 7 septembrie, în zona centrală a țării, a fost de 8,4 grade pe scara Richter si a avut epicentrul la 111 km Sud-Vest de Tonala, statul Chiapas.

    De asemenea, autoritățile au emis o alertă de tsunami pentru coasta pacifică a statelor Chiapas şi Oaxaca din sud-vestul Mexicului şi Guatemala. În capitala Ciudad de Mexico nu au fost înregistrate daune importante.

    Cetăţenii români sunt sfătuiţi să acorde maximă atenţie anunţurilor autorităţilor locale. De asemenea, persoanele care au cunoştinţă despre cetăţeni români aflaţi în stare de dificultate ca urmare a acestei succesiuni de seisme, fie din Mexic, fie din Guatemala, sunt rugate să contacteze Ambasada României la Mexico City pentru acordarea asistenţei necesare, în coordonare cu autorităţile locale. În cazul declanşării alarmei locale (prin posturi locale de radio sau telefoane mobile), este obligatorie adăpostirea de urgenţă în locuri rezistente la seism sau tsunami.

    Cetățenii români afectaţi de situaţia din atenţionare pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României în Statele Unite Mexicane +525552800447 și +525552801869, apelurile fiind redirecționate către Centrul de Contact și Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center în regim de permanență.

    De asemenea, cetăţenii români care se confruntă cu o situaţie dificilă, specială, cu caracter de urgenţă au la dispoziţie şi telefonul de urgență al misiunii diplomatice la Ciudad de Mexico: +­525538833072.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă consultarea paginilor de internet http://mexico.mae.ro,www.mae.roși reamintește faptul că cetățenii români care călătoresc în străinătate au la dispoziție aplicația Călătorește în siguranță (disponibilă gratuit în App Store și Google Play), care oferă informații și sfaturi de călătorie, precum și serviciul de alertă prin SMS, aferent campaniei de informare Un SMS îți poate salva viața!.

  • 26.12.2014


    Visite — Le nouveau président de la Roumanie effectuera sa première visite officielle à l’étranger en République de Moldova. Klaus Iohannis se rendra à Chişinău, les 22-23 janvier 2015, à l’invitation de son homologue Nicolae Timofti. La porte-parole de la présidence de la République, Tatiana Niculescu-Bran, a fait savoir que le chef de l’Etat aurait des entretiens avec des responsables moldaves et donnerait une conférence à une université de Chişinău. Klaus Iohannis a déjà visité la capitale de la République de Moldova en tant que président élu, avant le début de son mandat. Il avait promis à cette occasion que Bucarest continuerait à soutenir le parcours européen de la république ; il avait également déclaré son souhait que l’adhésion se produise pendant son mandat.

    Météo — Dans les prochaines 24h, la neige couvrira presque entièrement le territoire de la Roumanie. Une vigilance jaune aux chutes de neige abondantes, pluies, giboulée, verglas et vent fort est en vigueur jusqu’à samedi soir dans le sud, le sud-est, le centre (plutôt localement), ainsi que dans les Carpates méridionales et orientales. Une journée plus tard, une autre vigilance jaune pour les mêmes phénomènes météo entrera en vigueur jusqu’à lundi soir et concernera la majorité des départements de la Roumanie, à l’exception du nord-ouest. Samedi après-midi, le thermomètre indiquera des températures entre 0 et 9°.

    Doctrine — Le président russe, Vladimir Poutine a signé la nouvelle doctrine militaire de son pays, où l’OTAN est désignée comme une menace fondamentale contre la sécurité de la Fédération russe, a annoncé le Kremlin, ce vendredi. Le document indique les principaux risques extérieurs, à savoir l’élargissement des capacités militaires de l’Alliance Nord-Atlantique et la déstabilisation de plusieurs régions du monde. La Russie se déclare inquiétée par « le renforcement des capacités offensives de l’OTAN à ses frontières » et par les mesures de déploiement d’un système global de défense anti-missile en Europe de l’Est.

    Virus — L’Europe sera vulnérable si elle ne considère pas les épidémies comme des questions de sécurité nationale, à l’exemple des USA, a averti, dans une interview aux quotidien britannique The Independent, le Professeur Peter Piot, le microbiologiste belge qui a découvert le virus Ebola en 1976. Selon lui, le temps est venu pour que l’Europe ait un groupe de gens bien préparés et facile à mobiliser. De l’avis du professeur Peter Piot, responsable, à l’OMS, de la coordination des chercheurs travaillant sur le virus Ebola, les centres américains de prévention et de contrôle des maladies ont une force impressionnante. L’épidémie de fièvre hémorragique a fait plus de 7500 morts sur un total d’environ 19 mille malades, les pays les plus touchés étant la Sierra Leone, le Libéria et la Guinée.

    Inondations — Plus de 100.000 personnes ont été évacuées dans le nord de la Malaisie, à cause des inondations qui frappent cette région et provoquées par les précipitations apportées par la saison des moussons, les plus abondantes depuis 40 ans. Parmi les personnes évacuées, il y a de nombreux touristes dont 4 Roumains qui sont arrivés sains et saufs dans la capitale Kuala Lampur.

    Accord — L’Irak et la Turquie ont convenu d’intensifier leur coopération militaire pour combattre les groupements islamistes radicaux. La Turquie pourrait livrer de l’armement à l’Irak et former la Garde nationale irakienne, a fait savoir le premier ministre de Bagdad, Haider Al-Abadi, à l’issue de son entretien, à Ankara, avec son homologue turc Ahmet Davutoglu. Par ailleurs, en Irak et en Syrie, les peshmergas des deux pays ont continué leur offensive contre les djihadistes du groupement Etat Islamique. Dans la ville syrienne d’Alep, les groupements des rebelles syriens modérés, qui s’opposent aux forces du président Bashar al-Assad et aux islamistes, ont décidé de former une alliance. Selon l’agence Reuters, l’absence d’une telle coopération a permis aux groupements radicaux tels Etat Islamique et le Front Al-Nusra, affilié à Al-Quaeda, d’augmenter leur influence.

    Commémoration — Les pays asiatiques frappés par un tsunami dévastateur il y a 10 ans jour pour jour commémorent les quelque 230.000 victimes d’une des plus graves catastrophes naturelles de l’histoire du monde moderne. Le tsunami, qui a frappé le 26 décembre 2004, a décimé des communautés entières sur les côtes de l’Indonésie, du Sri Lanka, de l’Inde et de la Thaïlande. Déclenchée par un tremblement de terre d’une magnitude de 9,1 dans l’Océan indien, la vague gigantesque a tué plus de 130.000 personnes dans la seule Indonésie.