Tag: Under 21

  • October 16, 2024

    October 16, 2024

    PNRR The European Commission has provisionally approved Romania’s third payment request for its National Resilience and Recovery Plan known as PNRR. The Commission is waiting to receive additional information from the government in Bucharest within a month in order to make the whole payment. According to the EC’s assessment, Romania had met 62 out of the 68 requirements related to reforms and investment, which led to the temporary suspension of payment until explanations were provided. If these explanations are considered enough, the Commission is expected to make the entire payment of 2 billion Euros.


    UKRAINE Romania can play the role of a logistic hub in Ukraine’s reconstruction – says the president of the Romania-Ukraine  Bilateral Chamber of Commerce, Nasty Vladoiu, who has recently attended the Forum on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in Bucharest. In turn, Ana Tinca, state secretary for strategic affairs with Romania’s Foreign Ministry, has reiterated Romania’s commitment to supporting Ukraine and the significant importance attached to Ukraine’s reconstruction. In this context she underlined the special attention paid to cross-border projects and connectivity in the fields of transport and energy, as well as the trilateral cooperation also involving the Republic of Moldova. The official has also mentioned the EU’s major support in the country’s reconstruction, urging the business community to use the instruments and programmes available at EU level.


    SUMMIT Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis is in Brussels to participate in the EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Summit and the European Council proceedings due on Thursday and Friday. Subjects high on the agenda are Ukraine, the war in the Middle East, the EU competitiveness, migration, foreign affairs and the Republic of Moldova. The European leaders are also expected to tackle the latest evolutions of the war in Ukraine, as well as ways of helping the Ukrainian people. They will also discuss the alarming situation in the Middle East and ‘the risks of escalating violence in the region’. Talks will also focus on the Republic of Moldova’s EU accession as well as migration-related policies.


    FOOTBALL Romania’s national football side clinched a 2-1 win against Lithuania in an away game counting towards the Nations League’s Group C on Tuesday night. This has been Romania’s fourth win after those against Lithuania at home, Cyprus and Kosovo. Romania tops the group with 12 points followed by Kosovo, which outperformed Cyprus 3-0 and has three points less than our side. Romania will be playing Kosovo on 15 November, and taking on Cyprus three days later. The Nations League will have a direct effect over the European preliminaries for World Cup 2026. In another development, Romania’s Under 21 squad has qualified for the European Championship 2025 after a 3-1 home win against Switzerland also on Tuesday. They have thus managed to secure their fourth consecutive presence in a final Under 21 tournament.


  • Sport Club RRI: Europenele de fotbal pentru tineret

    Sport Club RRI: Europenele de fotbal pentru tineret

    Selecţionata de tineret a României a ratat calificarea în
    sferturile de finală ale Campionatului European de fotbal pentru jucători sub
    21 de ani. În ultimul joc din grupa A, la Budapesta, România a terminat la
    egalitate, scor 0 la 0, cu Germania. În clasamentul final, tricolorii au ocupat
    locul 3, la egalitate de puncte, cinci, cu Olanda, care a câştigat grupa, şi cu
    Germania, care s-a clasat pe locul 2. Departajarea s-a făcut în funcţie de

    În jocul cu Germania, de marţi, echipa României a fost
    dominată, mai ales la capitolul fizic. Cu toate acestea, elevii antrenorului
    Adrian Mutu au avut câteva ocazii bune de gol, mai ales în debutul jocului,
    când au trimis şi balonul în bară prin Alexandru Măţan. În partea a doua a
    întâlnirii, Germania a avut şi un penalty, acordat în urma unui henţ comis de Răzvan
    Oaidă, dar Lukas Nmecha a ratat, şutând în bară. Formaţia germană a controlat
    şi finalul meciului, iar în minutul 90 a fost din nou foarte aproape de gol,
    trimiţând balonul în bară prin Amos Pieper. Să mai notăm că, în urmă cu doi
    ani, la Campionatul European de tineret din Italia şi San Marino, România a
    fost oprită tot de Germania, fiind învinsă cu 4-2 în semifinale.

    Una peste alta, bilanţul echipei de tineret a României la
    Europenele din Ungaria şi Slovenia este, totuşi, pozitiv. Rezultatele obţinute
    – egal cu Olanda, scor 1 la 1, şi cu Germania, scor 0 la 0, plus o victorie cu
    echipa gazdă, Ungaria, scor 2 la 1 -
    situează micii tricolori în topul fotbalului european. Să mai notăm că turneul
    final al Europenelor de tineret este programat între 31 mai şi 6 iunie, tot în
    Slovenia şi Ungaria.

  • Victorii pentru România în preliminariile Campionatului european de fotbal pentru tineret

    Victorii pentru România în preliminariile Campionatului european de fotbal pentru tineret

    Selecţionata de tineret a României a învins în
    deplasare formaţia similară a Maltei cu scorul de 3-0 (2-0), în Grupa a 8-a a
    preliminariilor Campionatului European de fotbal Under-21 din 2021.
    Vinerea trecută, naţionala de
    tineret a României a învins tot în deplasare, cu 3-1, în alt meci din
    preliminariile Campionatului European de
    fotbal Under-21 din 2021. Aceste rezultate reprezintă un debut de succes al
    noului antrenor al Naţionalei de tineret, Adrian Mutu. Noul antrenor al
    Naţionalei de tineret deţine, alături de Gheorghe Hagi, recordul celor mai multe
    goluri marcate pentru echipa naţională a României, 35.

    Adrian Mutu a jucat la
    cluburi mari din străinătate pentru Internazionale Milano, Chelsea Londra,
    Parma, Juventus Torino şi Fiorentina. Selecţionerul Adrian Mutu consideră că
    victoriile cu Finlanda şi cu Malta sunt 99% meritul jucătorilor: E un sentiment minunat, băieţii se simt foarte bine, se simt apreciaţi.
    Sunt nişte băieţi de caracter, fotbalişti extraordinari. În primul rând sunt
    profesionişti adevăraţi. Bineînţeles că m-aş bcuura pentru ei să fie la echipa
    mare. De fapt acesta este şi scopul. În plan personal, nu m-aş bucura pentru că
    aş vrea să îi am lângă mine pentru că sunt jucători de valoare. Sperăm să ne
    calificăm prin sacrificiu, perseverenţă, disciplină. Asta vrem să facem şi dacă
    facem toate acestea, probabil, şi fotbalul ne va răsplăti.

    Tehnicianul susţine că Dennis Man, autorul primului
    gol din partida cu Malta, poate fi urmaşul său la prima reprezentativă. Dennis
    Man care joacă în campioantul României, la FCSB, este considerat un adevărat
    număr 10 Asta
    trebuie să facă el în teren, să dea goluri, să muncească pentru echipă. I-am
    schimbat puţin poziţia în teren şi văd că îi prieşte. Sper
    să dea cât mai multe goluri la naţională.
    A subliniat Adrian

    În celelalte meciuri din grupa României, programate
    marţi, Danemarca a învins Irlanda de Nord cu 1-0, în deplasare, iar Ucraina a
    dispus cu 2-0 de Finlanda, tot în deplasare. În clasament, pe primul loc se
    află Danemarca, 19 puncte (7 jocuri), urmată de România, 16 p (7 j), Finlanda,
    7 p (7 j), Ucraina, 7 p (6 j), Irlanda de Nord, 6 p (7 j), Malta, 1 p (6 j). Următoarele
    meciuri vor avea loc pe 9 octombrie, Irlanda de Nord – Finlanda, Ucraina -
    România şi Malta – Danemarca.

    Cele nouă câştigătoare ale grupelor preliminare
    şi cele mai bune cinci echipe clasate pe locul al doilea se vor califica la
    turneul final unde vor mai juca şi selecţioantele ţărilor gazdă Ungaria şi
    Slovenia la turneul final. Meciurile din cele patru grupe se vor desfăşura
    între 24 şi 31 martie 2021. Primele două clasate din fiecare grupă se vor lupta
    pentru titlul european în meciuri eliminatorii programate în aceleaşi două
    ţări, Ungaria şi Slovenia, în perioada 31 mai – 6 iunie 2021.

    că Naţionala de Tineret a României sub 21 de ani, pregătită de actualul
    selecţioner al echipei României, Mirel Rădoi, a ajuns în 2019 în semifinalelel
    campionatului European şi s-a calificat astfel la Jocurile Olimpice de vară de
    la Tokyo, după 55 de ani de aşteptare. De fapt, chiar 56 dacă ţinem cont că
    Jocurile Olimpice au fost amânate din cauza pandemiei!

  • June 19, 2019

    June 19, 2019

    VISIT The Presidents of Romania and Egypt, Klaus Iohannis and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi respectively, had official talks today as part of the visit the head of the Egyptian state is making to Bucharest. The 2 leaders announced with satisfaction an increase in the volume of bilateral trade, and President Iohannis said closer cooperation is being discussed, both in bilateral terms and between the European Union and Egypt, in the field of social and economic development, research, the fight against terrorism, energy and migration. Informal negotiations are under way for an economic agreement between the EU and Egypt.

    JUSTICE The European Commissioner for migration, home affairs and citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos, said in Bucharest on Wednesday that Romania will very soon become a Schengen member, because it has fulfilled most of its commitments. The EU official made this statement ahead of the EU – USA ministerial meeting on justice and home affairs, an event organised under the Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU. Taking part are also the European Commissioner for Justice, Vera Jourová, and European Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King. For the first time, the US Attorney General William Barr is also attending the meeting. The US official had meetings yesterday with President Klaus Iohannis, with PM Viorica Dăncilă and with Justice Minister Ana Birchall. The agenda included topics of mutual interest in the field of justice. The US official also voiced his appreciation for the solid Strategic Partnership with Romania, which, he said, is the United States most reliable ally in the region.

    BUSINESS PM Viorica Dăncilă said on Wednesday that the French investments in Romania are proof that this is a favourable country for the business environment. Dăncilă is taking part in the French-Romanian Economic Forum, an event organised by the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Romania as part of the Romania-France Season. “We have all witnessed of late a true economic upswing in the bilateral relation, with many successful projects that have helped push the French-Romanian trade to over 9 million euro last year, the Romanian PM said. France is the 5th largest foreign investor in Romania. Over 3,000 French businesses operate in Romania, employing a combined 120,000 people, and France is the 3rd most important market for Romanian exports and the 6th largest source of Romanian imports.

    EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Dacian Cioloş, who was elected into the European Parliament on the lists of the 2020 USR-PLUS Alliance, was chosen to lead Renew Europe, a pro-European group formed around President Emmanuel Macron following the May 26th European elections, and the 3rd largest group in the EP. “The presidency of Renew Europe group is just a step in the political construction we have been working to design for 2 years, Ciolos said. A former PM of Romania and former European commissioner for agriculture, Dacian Ciolos is the leader of PLUS party in Romania. The alliance formed by PLUS and Save Romania Union won 8 seats in the European Parliament, coming in 3rd in Romania after the National Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party.

    MEDICINES Bucharest is hosting, between June 19th and 21st, the second meeting of the Heads of Medicines Agencies – HMA II. The agenda includes topics of strategic importance in the field of human and animal health products. Attending the meeting are the heads of medicines regulation and control agencies in the European Economic Area, representatives of the European Medicines Agency, of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and of the European Commission. The first HMA meeting organised under the Romanian presidency of the Council of the EU was held in Timisoara in February.

    WEATHER Romanian meteorologists Wednesday issued a code yellow warning for heavy rainfalls, thunderstorms and hailstorms, valid today in most parts of the country. Precipitation amounts will exceed 25 l/sq.m. The bad weather is expected to continue on Thursday. Experts also warn that thermal discomfort will remain high especially at noon time, with the temperature-humidity index sometimes exceeding the critical 80-unit ceiling.

    FOOTBALL Romanias youth football team Tuesday night won 4-1 against Croatia, in its first match in the European Under-21 football championship hosted by Italy and San Marino. In the same Group C, France defeated England 2-1. On Friday, Romania takes on England and France plays against Croatia. This is the 2nd participation for a Romanian youth football team in a final tournament, after the one in 1998, organised in Bucharest. The 4 top-ranking teams qualify into the 2020 Olympics.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • June 16, 2019

    June 16, 2019

    MOLDOVA The PM of Romania Viorica Dăncilă sent a support message to her counterpart from the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, and invited her to Bucharest on her first official visit in this capacity. According to a news release issued on Sunday by the Government, Romania is confident that the new Cabinet in Chisinau will carry on the EU accession efforts and successfully implement the required reforms, the Association Agreement and the Free Trade Agreement with the EU. PM Dăncilă also reiterated Bucharests willingness to carry on the Strategic Partnership for the European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, which is at the core of the two countries bilateral cooperation. Meanwhile, PM Maia Sandu has called for the resignation of the Constitutional Court judges, who Saturday cancelled their previous rulings that dismantled Parliament and invalidated the new government, thus favouring the Democratic Party headed by tycoon Vlad Plahotniuc. On Friday the Democratic Party relinquished power and its leader left the country.

    NO-CONFIDENCE A no-confidence motion tabled by the right-of-centre opposition in Romania against the Government made up by the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats will be discussed on Tuesday in Parliament. According to the document, Romania immediately needs a government with a pro-European stand and focusing on the countrys development priorities, namely education, healthcare, public investments and attracting European funds. The motion signatories, the National Liberal Party, Save Romania Union, Peoples Movement Party and the Democratic Union of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania, believe Viorica Dăncilăs Cabinet must be dismissed over the repeated attempts at issuing emergency orders in the field of the judiciary and the poor handling of the EP elections. For the motion to pass, it needs 233 votes. PM Dăncilă, who is also the interim president of the Social Democratic Party, has asked the Social Democrat MPs to attend the meeting, but to abstain from voting.

    WHITSUNDAY Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Christians around the world, including in Romania, celebrate today the Pentecost, the event which, 50 days after Easter, marks the establishment of the Christian Church. According to the New Testament, this is when the Holy Spirit descended upon the 12 Apostles. Following a sermon given by St. Peter, 3,000 people were baptised and formed the first ever Christian community. In Romania, 23,000 police, gendarme and other forces are mobilised to ensure public order and safety during the events organised on Whitsunday and Whit Monday.

    THEATRE The 26th edition of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS) continues. This years motto is “The Art of Giving. Scheduled for Sunday are a Japanese theatre performance and a concert by the French artist Adam Naas. A total of 540 events are held as part of the Festival until the 23rd of June, bringing to Sibiu more than 3,300 artists and guests from 73 countries. According to the organisers, FITS is a celebration of the performing arts, from theatre to dance and music, but book launches, exhibitions and conferences are also organised on the sidelines of the event. This is the largest and more complex theatre festival in Romania and in Europe, and Radio Romania is one of the co-producers.

    MEASLES 207 new cases of measles have been confirmed this week in 19 counties in Romania and in the capital Bucharest, according to data made public by the National Centre for Infectious Disease Monitoring and Control. The largest number of cases was reported in Suceava County – 67, Neamţ County – 42 and Sălaj County – 19, among unvaccinated children. Since the onset of this epidemic, the number of cases has reached 17,340, and 64 people died so far.

    FOOTBALL 12 teams, Romania included, are taking part as of today in the UEFA European Under-21 Championship hosted by Italy and San Marino. Romania plays in Group C alongside England, France and Croatia. The first matches in Group A are played on Sunday, with Poland taking on Belgium and Italy facing Spain. Romania will play its first match on Tuesday, against Croatia. This is the second participation in a final tournament for Romania, after the one in 1998. The top ranking team in each of the 3 groups, as well as the best of the second-placed teams in each group, will move forward to the semi-finals. The final is scheduled for June 30.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)

  • 15.11.2018


    Présidence européenne – « La Roumanie est préparée pour reprendre et exercer avec succès la présidence tournante du Conseil de l’UE en début de l’année prochaine », a assuré à nouveau la première ministre roumaine Viorica Dancila. Le programme d’action est finalisé, les mécanismes de travail ont été mis sur pied, les modalités de déroulement des activités ont été établies, a-t-elle encore précisé. « Nous avons la capacité de montrer à nos partenaires européens que la Roumanie est un Etat membre équilibré et responsable, déterminé à contribuer à la construction de l’avenir de l’UE, quelles que soient les approches politiques d’un moment ou d’un autre. La résolution publiée mardi par le PE est un tel moment et je vous assure qu’elle ne nous empêchera pas d’atteindre nos objectifs » a ajouté la cheffe du gouvernement roumain. Elle se dit également déçue par les conclusions du rapport du Mécanisme de Coopération et de Vérification (MCV) alors que la Roumanie a prouvé qu’elle était un partenaire loyal et correct de l’UE. Rappelons que tant la résolution du PE que le rapport de la CE critiquent durement les réformes des lois de la justice conduites par la coalition au pouvoir à Bucarest, formée du Parti Social Démocrate (PSD) et de l’Alliance des Libéraux et des Démocrates (ALDE).

    Fonds – Le gouvernement de Bucarest doit se pencher aujourd’hui sur le décret de création du Fonds souverain d’investissements. L’objectif de ce fonds et de développer ou de construire de zéro des affaires profitables dans les domaines prioritaires pour l’Etat roumain, soit par l’Etat lui-même soit en partenariat avec d’autres investisseurs ou avec d’autres fonds d’investissements. Inspiré de l’expérience d’autres pays tels la France, la Norvège, la Pologne ou encore l’Italie, et inclus dans le programme de gouvernance pour la période 2017 – 2020, le Fonds souverain d’investissements de la Roumanie sera composé principalement de compagnies d’Etat rentables et se chiffrera à plus de 10 milliards d’euros.

    Grève – Les négociations entre les syndicalistes et la direction de la société Metrorex responsable du métro de Bucarest se poursuivront, après la grève d’avertissement observée ce jeudi matin, afin d’éviter la grève générale annoncée pour le 19 novembre. Les employés de Metrorex demandent une hausse salariale de 42%, alors que la direction de la compagnie leur offre un maximum de 18%. Selon le ministre des Transports, Lucian Sova, les salaires du personnel du métro bucarestois ont augmenté annuellement, la dernière hausse de 21% remontant à 2017. Notons qu’environ 700.000 personnes voyagent en métro tous les jours dans la capitale roumaine.

    Exercice – Quelque 1800 militaires roumains et étrangers et 250 moyens techniques participent ces jours-ci à l’exercice multinational Scorpions Fury 18, sur le polygone de Cincu (au centre de la Roumanie). Son objectif est d’évaluer la capacité du Commandement de la Brigade Multinationale du Sud-Est, dont le siège est à Craiova (sud) d’assurer la commande et le contrôle d’une opération de défense collective de l’OTAN. Au programme : des exercices de commandement assistés par ordinateur, des entraînements sur le terrain et des exercices tactiques. Y participent des militaires roumains, turcs, polonais, bulgares, italiens et portugais. Gaudeamus – La Foire internationale du Livre, Gaudeamus – Livre d’apprentissage, se poursuit jusqu’à dimanche à Bucarest. Ce jeudi au programme, entre autres : un débat sur le sujet « Avons-nous toujours besoin de cercles littéraires ? » et le lancement du livre « L’histoire de la Roumanie pour les enfants en 100 images ». Au total 900 événements ont été préparés par les 300 maisons d’édition qui participent à cette foire du livre organisée par la Radiodiffusion roumaine.

    Football – La sélection nationale de football de la Roumanie des moins de 21 ans rencontre ce soir sur son propre terrain, à Cluj (nord-ouest), l’équipe de Belgique dans un match amical. Les deux équipes sont qualifiées pour le Championnat d’Europe des moins de 21 ans qui aura lieu en juin 2019 en Italie. Ce sera la 2e participation de la Roumanie, après celle de 1998 accueillie par Bucarest. Samedi, la sélection nationale des séniors affronte la Lituanie dans un match comptant pour le Groupe 4 de la Ligue des Nations, alors que mardi prochain son adversaire sera le Monténégro. Avec une victoire et 3 matchs nuls, la Roumanie a cumulé 6 points. En tête du Groupe on retrouve la Serbie, avec 8 points, suivie par le Monténégro avec 7 points.

    Météo – Les températures sont à la baisse et le soleil n’est pas de la partie aujourd’hui en Roumanie. Il pleut sur la plupart du territoire du pays, alors que la neige est signalée en montagne. Les températures maximales vont de 5 à 15 degrés. 10 degrés et un ciel plutôt couvert à midi à Bucarest.

  • Retrospectiva săptămânii 14.10 – 20.10.2018

    Retrospectiva săptămânii 14.10 – 20.10.2018

    Preşedintele României în Italia şi la

    Agenda încărcată
    pentru preşedintele României în această săptămână, care a inclus o vizită de
    stat de 4 zile în Italia, o deplasare la Bruxelles la Consiliul European de
    toamnă şi la al 12-lea summit Asia-Europa. În prima parte a săptămânii, Klaus
    Iohannis a fost în Italia, în prima
    vizită de stat a unui preşedinte român din ultimii 45 de ani în această ţară. Cu o valoare estimată a schimburilor comerciale de peste 15,5 miliarde de
    euro în 2018, Italia este al doilea partener comercial al României şi ocupă
    primul loc în topul investitorilor străini din punct de vedere al numărului de
    companii prezente pe piaţa românească. Organizată în contextul sărbătoririi de către Bucureşti a Centenarului
    Marii Uniri şi al aniversării a 10 ani de la ridicarea relaţiei bilaterale
    dintre România şi Italia la nivel de Parteneriat strategic consolidat, vizita a
    avut în prim-plan şi importanta comunitate românească, de circa 1,2 milioane de
    persoane – cea mai numeroasă din afara graniţelor şi cea mai mare comunitate
    străină din peninsulă.

    În cadrul întâlnirilor oficiale cu preşedintele şi
    premierul Italiei, Iohannis a transmis mulţumiri pentru felul în care românii sunt trataţi şi
    integraţi în Peninsulă. De la Roma, preşedintele român a plecat la Bruxelles
    unde a participat la Consiliu European de toamnă şi la al 12-lea summit
    Asia-Europa. Prima
    zi a Summitului UE s-a încheiat fără vreun progres semnificativ în
    privinţa Brexitului.Preşedintele Iohannis a afirmat
    că, în ciuda negocierilor intense, acordul de retragere a Marii Britanii nu a
    fost finalizat până în acest moment. El şi-a exprimat speranţa să se ajungă
    măcar la un acord de ieşire ordonată a Marii Britanii, ca să încercăm pe urmă
    alţi paşi
    . În cea de a doua zi, liderii europeni au discutat probleme
    legate de migraţie, securitate internă şi întărirea uniunii monetare. Discuţiile pe
    tema migraţiei s-au concentrat pe evoluţiile viitoare, în direcţia întăririi
    cooperării cu statele terţe de origine şi de tranzit. În ceea ce priveşte
    securitatea internă, preşedintele Iohannis a subliniat că prevenirea şi
    contracararea terorismului trebuie să rămână printre preocupările prioritare
    ale statelor membre ale UE.

    Turneul premierului român in Turcia, Emiratele Arabe Unite şi Kuweit

    Premierul român Viorica Dăncilă a făcut în această
    săptămînă un turneu în Turcia, Emiratele Arabe Unite şi Kuweit. Prima
    etapa a fost Turcia, unde prim-ministrul
    a fost primit, la Ankara, de şeful statului, Recep Tayp Erdogan. Cei doi
    oficiali au convenit ca România va continua să susţină parcursul european al
    Turciei. Cele două ţări sunt hotărâte să colaboreze, în continuare, pentru
    dezvoltarea relaţiilor economice, asigurarea securităţii şi lupta împotriva
    terorismului. Cei doi demnitari au semnat şi două documente de cooperare
    bilaterală în domeniul medical şi al educaţiei.

    Turneul a continuat in
    Emiratele Arabe Unite. În Dubai, la întâlnirea cu conducătorul Emiratului,
    şeicul Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, şefa Guvernului de la Bucureşti a prezentat cele mai recente
    oportunităţi investiţionale din România şi a încurajat companiile din Emirate
    să participe fie la licitaţiile organizate pentru proiectele finanţate prin
    programele operaţionale existente, fie la proiectele în parteneriat
    public-privat. Ea a declarat şi
    că România va continua să acorde o importanţă deosebită vecinătăţii sudice a
    UE, mai ales că, anul viitor, va deţine, timp de şase luni, preşedinţia
    semestrială a Uniunii. La Abu Dhabi,

    Viorica Dăncilă a discutat despre atragerea investițiilor emirateze și
    intensificarea schimburilor comerciale bilaterale. Miercuri, şefii
    Executivelor de la Bucureşti şi de la Abu Dhabi au adoptat ‘Declaraţia comună
    privind stabilirea unui parteneriat economic strategic între Guvernul României
    şi Guvernul Emiratelor Arabe Unite’Comerţul, investiţiile, agricultura, turismul, cercetarea,
    inovarea sunt doar câteva dintre domeniile prioritare în care vor colabora
    mediile de afaceri din cele două state. Ultima etapa a turneului a fost Kuweitul.

    Exerciţiul Seism 2018

    trebuie să fie pregătită cât mai bine, pentru a şti cum să reacţioneze în urma
    unui eventual dezastru, a declarat şeful Departamentului pentru Situaţii de
    Urgenţă, Raed Arafat, la ceremonia care a marcat închiderea exerciţiului de
    simulare a unui cutremur major în România, Seism 2018. Raed Arafat
    a spus că a fost cel mai amplu şi mai complex exerciţiu la nivel european din
    ultimii ani, care a dat prilejul
    autorităţilor române să-şi testeze viteza de reacţie şi capacitatea de a
    interveni şi de a coopera în cazul unui cutremur puternic. România e
    considerată una dintre ţările membre ale Uniunii cele mai vulnerabile la

    În ultimele două secole, aici au avut loc şapte cutremure de peste 7 pe
    scara Richter. În simulări au fost antrenate, timp de cinci zile, toate
    structurile responsabile în cazul producerii unui seism major, de magnitudine
    7,5, urmat de replici, ce ar produce victime multiple şi ar afecta, în primul
    rând, Bucureştiul. Salvatorii au fost puşi în faţa unor situaţii-limită, cu mii
    de decese, răniţi şi persoane rămase fără adăpost. Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis
    a decretat instituirea stării de urgenţă. În bazele sale, Armata a instalat
    spitale militare mobile, iar pe stadioanele din oraş şi din aşezările-satelit
    au fost amenajate tabere de sinistraţi. Din Israel, Italia şi Norvegia au fost
    aduse spitale mobile de ultimă generaţie, inclusiv cu dotări de terapie
    intensivă, iar din Austria şi Ungaria au venit ambulanţe.

    Selecţionata de fotbal Under 21 a României,
    la un turneu final de Campionat European după 20 de ani

    Selecţionata de tineret a României s-a calificat
    la Campionatul European de fotbal Under-21 de anul viitor, după ce a învins
    Liechtensteinul cu 4-0, marţi, pe teren propriu, la Ploieşti, în ultimul său
    meci din Grupa a 8-a a preliminariilor. Cu şapte victorii şi trei remize din
    zece partide, românii au terminat preliminariile neînvinşi, au acumulat 24 de
    puncte şi au câştigat o grupă din care au mai făcut parte Portugalia, Bosnia, Ţara Galilor şi Elveţia. România a
    reuşit, astfel, a doua sa calificare la un Campionat European de tineret, după
    cea din 1998, cand turneul final a fost organizat la Bucuresti. Europenele se
    vor disputa în perioada 16-30 iunie 2019, în Italia şi San Marino, cu
    participarea a 12 echipe

  • October 12, 2018

    October 12, 2018

    EU TALKS – The Secretary General of the European Commission, Martin Selmayr, and Clara Martinez Alberola, Head of Cabinet of the EC President, Jean-Claude Juncker, are today being received in Bucharest by president Klaus Iohannis and the Speakers of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Liviu Dragnea and Calin Popescu Tariceanu, respectively. On Thursday, the European officials met with PM Viorica Dancila. Talks focussed on the larger context in which Romania takes over the rotating presidency of the EU Council, on January 1, 2019. The PM expressed Romanias readiness to ensure an efficient and pragmatic presidency of the EU Council. During the six month term, elections for the European Parliament will be held, Great Britain will leave the community bloc and negotiations will be held on the future multiannual budget of the EU.

    ROMANIAN-ITALIAN RELATIONS – Romanias President, Klaus Iohannis, will travel to Italy, between October 14th and 17th, on the first visit by a Romanian president to that country over the past 45 years. According to a communiqué issued by the Presidential Administration, Klaus Iohannis is due to meet his Italian counterpart, Sergio Mattarella, PM Giuseppe Conte, and the Speakers of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati and Roberto Fico, respectively. The agenda of the visit also includes meetings with representatives of the Orthodox, Greek-Catholic and Roman-Catholic religious denominations as well as with representatives of the Romanian community, the largest outside the borders of the country. The visit is paid against the backdrop of celebrations marking the Great Union Centennial and 10 years since Romanian-Italian relations were raised at the level of Consolidated Strategic Partnership, the communiqué also reads.

    FRANCOPHONIE – Romania further assumes the role of flagship country of the Francophone Movement, Romanian deputy prime minister Ana Birchall, said during the Conference of heads of state and government of the Francophone countries, held in Yerevan, Armenia, between October 10 and 12. Ana Birchall gave a speech in her capacity as head of the Romanian delegation, underlining Bucharests commitment to Francophonie and its values. The agenda of talks also covered issues related to the adoption of documents and resolutions concerning the Francophone area, electing the Secretary General of the Francophonie for the 2018-2022 period, debates on crisis situations in the Francophone area and accepting new members of the International Organisation of the Francophonie. Talks also covered such issues as the importance of culture, education and research for the development of countries in the whole Francophone area. On this occasion, the Romanian deputy PM signed an agreement regarding the headquarters of the Regional Bureau of the International Organisation of the Francophonie for Central and Eastern Europe, concluded by the Romanian Government and the International Organisation of the Francophonie.

    POLL – Almost two thirds of the Europeans say they are not convinced that their lives would be worse without the European Union, a poll carried out by a polling institute in Brussels, Europes Friends shows. The poll was conducted in September, among 11,000 interviewees, from all member states. According to the poll, 64% of the Europeans are not convinced that their lives would be worse without the EU, and almost half of the respondents said the Union is irrelevant. The poll underlines that over 30% of the North Europeans, the French and the Germans want to promote values and democracy in the EU, whereas over 40% of the citizens in Southern Europe and the Vishegrad Group, namely the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, believe the main objective of the European bloc should be economic growth.

    FOOTBALL Romanias national team Under 21 is meeting this evening on home soil, in Cluj, north-western Romania, the team of Wales, on the last but one game in the preliminaries for the European Championship due next year. On Tuesday, on home soil, in Ploiesti, southern Romania, the Romanian team will play the last qualifying match, with Liechtenstein. Ranking first in the group is Bosnia, with 18 points, followed by Romania with 18 points but a match still to be played. Romania failed to qualify for Under 21 final tournaments in the past 20 years. On Thursday evening, the seniors defeated Lithuania, away from home, 2-1, in a Group 4 C Series match of the newly created Nations League. In the same group, Montenegro-Serbia ended their match,0-2. Leading the group is Serbia with 7 points, followed by Romania with 5 points and Montenegro with 4. Lithuania has failed to win any point. Romania will face Serbia and Lithuania- Montenegro on Sunday.

  • October 11, 2018

    October 11, 2018

    TRANSPORTS – Intercity passenger transport is severely disrupted in many counties in Romania, where carriers protest the line ministrys plans to change the rules for the award of licenses. The protest was organised after the Transport Ministry announced it would change the scoring system for the companies taking part in bids for transport routes, on grounds that the current system has led to a monopoly in the market. Carriers around the country are waiting for a meeting with PM Viorica Dăncilă, before they make a decision regarding future protests. Meanwhile, the Transport Committee in the Chamber of Deputies has invited the line minister, Lucian Sova, to provide explanations.

    JUDICIARY – The Public Ministry has all the resources required in order to make the Section investigating magistrate offences operational, the Prosecutor General Augustin Lazăr announced today. The statement comes after the Government passed an order on Wednesday regarding the establishment of that section, which is to take over all pending and finalised cases from the National Anti-Corruption Directorate, as of October 23. Augustin Lazăr said the act has already been made public in the Official Journal. Under the law, the new Section is to start working within six months after the law has taken effect, and the Higher Council of Magistrates is yet to initiate the procedures for making it operational. The new unit will be made up of 15 prosecutors, and its chiefs will be appointed further to a selection process run by a commission of 3 judges and a prosecutor from the Higher Council of Magistrates.

    PENSIONS – In Romania, a new Pension Bill is to be sent to Parliament, after having been passed by the Government. The Labour Minister Olguta Vasilescu says no pension will be reduced under the new law, nor will the standard retirement age and contribution period be amended. Novelties include the introduction of masters degree and doctoral degree studies as corresponding to pension fund contribution periods. The new law is to come into force in several stages until 2021, when it has taken full effect. Its provisions will regulate the benefits paid to over 5 million Romanian pensioners.

    COURT – The Constitutional Court of Romania is discussing today the notifications filed by the Supreme Court, the National Liberal Party, the Save Romania Union and President Klaus Iohannis against a bill amending the Code of Criminal Procedure, as it has been drafted and approved by the ruling coalition. The magistrates claim the text is fraught with ambiguities, whereas the Opposition says the bill helps favour offenders. Also today the Constitutional Court is to discuss the bill on the organisation of courts.

    BREXIT – German Chancellor Angela Merkel says progress has been made in the Brexit negotiations, just one week ahead of a meeting of EU leaders in Brussels for what might be one of the last chances to reach an agreement on the terms of the separation between Britain and the European bloc. Merkel said the 27 remaining EU member countries are very united and that they have great confidence in the EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier. Negotiations are stuck particularly over the Irish border issue and ways to monitor trade over that border.

    FOOTBALL – Romanias national football team is playing today, away from home, against Lithuania, in the UEFA Nations League. On Sunday the Romanians will take on Serbia, in Bucharest. In the group standings, Montenegro and Serbia have 4 points each, Romania 2 and Lithuania nil. Depending on its performance in Nations League, Romania may have a better position in the draw for the Euro 2020 preliminaries. Moreover, if they fail to qualify, the Romanians might still have a chance in the play-offs, provided they finish at least 2nd in their group. Meanwhile, Romanias Under 21 team is playing on Friday against Wales, at home, and on Tuesday against Liechtenstein, in the last games of the 2019 European Championships qualifiers. Top of the group is Bosnia, with 18 points, followed by Romania. The last time Romania took part in a Euro Under 21 final tournament was 20 years ago.

    YOUTH OLYMPICS – The Romanian table tennis player Andreea Dragoman won the bronze in the womens singles event at the Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires. This is the 7th medal for Romania, which Wednesday night was ranking 7th in the nations with 2 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals. Romanias Youth Olimpics delegation is made up of 34 athletes, 21 girls and 13 boys, competing in 14 events. The Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires conclude on October 18th.

    (translated by: Ana-Maria Popescu)