• September 26, 2024 UPDATE

    September 26, 2024 UPDATE


    FLOODS The Danube flood tide is expected to reach Romania on October 2-3, when the river flow rate is expected to reach 9,500 cubic metres per second, the manager of the Romanian Waters National Agency, Sorin Lucaci, announced. The Emergency Directorate announced measures have already been prepared, and will be adjusted to the new circumstances triggered by the heavy rainfalls announced for this weekend. The Emergency Directorate chief, Raed Arafat, said at the end of today’s Cabinet meeting that citizens will be kept informed, including through the Ro-Alert emergency service, and that local authorities have been instructed to identify vulnerable citizens and to plan for their timely evacuation. The Danube has so far caused major floods in the countries it transits, as Storm Ashley has hit Europe, bringing low temperatures, strong wind and massive rainfalls.


    UN Insecure as today’s world may be, the answer to our problems will always be more cooperation and more solidarity, said Romania’s president Klaus Iohannis in his address at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. He also highlighted Romania’s efforts and contribution to solving current global challenges, from security crises such as the war in Ukraine and the Middle East conflict to the major challenges facing the world. Iohannis pointed out that security is not a regional, but a global matter, and that the war waged by Russia in Ukraine has affected nations and people around the globe.


    ECONOMY The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development significantly revised downwards its economic growth forecast for Romania this year, as the lower outsourcing demand has hit the IT sector, according to a report released on Thursday. The EBRD expects Romania’s GDP to grow by 1.4% this year, down from its previous estimate of 3.2% in May. For next year, the EBRD expects a 2.6% growth rate, down from the 3.4% figure proposed in May. The increase in the minimum wage in Romania and Bulgaria has stimulated demand but led to a growth in the trade deficit and added to inflationist pressure, the report also says. The EBRD mentions that the latest forecasts of the Tax Council in Bucharest indicate an increase in the budget deficit to around 8% of GDP this year. The International Monetary Fund also revised downwards its forecast concerning Romania’s economic growth this year, from 3.8% last October to 2.8% in its World Economic Outlook released in April this year. Last week, the National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis revised its estimates concerning the GDP growth down to 2.8% from 3.4% previously.


    EU The European Commission has initiated 2 infringement procedures against Romania, and requests notification on the progress in implementing 2 directives. The infringement package targets 26 member states, with Denmark as the exception. The first procedure against Romania concerns its failing to fully transpose into national law the provisions of the revised Renewable Energy Directive related to the simplification and acceleration of permitting procedures. Romania and the other 25 notified states should have transposed the directive by July 1, 2024. The second notification, received by a total 17 member states, has to do with failing to notify their national measures transposing the Accounting Directive, the Transparency Directive and the Audit Directive. The deadline was July 6, 2024. In both cases, Romania has 2 months to fully transpose the directives and to notify the European Commission.


    IMMIGRATION Romania is becoming more and more attractive to foreign workers, according to a survey conducted by the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society. The home countries of most foreign workers in Romania include Nepal, Turkey, Italy, Moldova, Sri Lanka and India. They work in constructions, the hospitality industry and retail, and according to the Immigration Inspectorate General 80% of them get unskilled jobs. Integrating foreign workers is not easy, but it is important for Romania’s economic development, says the head of the EU representative office in Romania, Ramona Chiriac. She said foreign workers are facing language barriers and abuse by employers. In this respect, several ministries are working together on legislation to help immigrants, the PM’s office has announced. In 2023, the number of foreign workers employed in Romania was 200,000.


    BUSINESS Members of the Romanian business community complain that, in spite of their investments in dual education, many of the youth completing such programmes leave the country. The deputy chair of the Romanian Association of Small and Mid-sized Traders, Feliciu Paraschiv, says there are no guarantees that those who provide financial support to a student for 2-3 years will eventually benefit from the knowledge they have gained, and that Romanian entrepreneurs end up training the future employees of more developed countries. Paraschiv believes education institutions should be more connected to the actual demand in the economy and highlighted the need for a change in the public perception of certain jobs.


    CITIES The city of Braşov, in central Romania, is viewed as the most attractive city to live in, according to an urban attractiveness survey conducted by the Institute for Visionary Cities. Braşov is followed by Cluj-Napoca and Oradea, in the north-west, Sibiu, in the centre, Timişoara (west), Constanţa (south-east), the capital city Bucharest, Iaşi (north-east), Alba Iulia (centre), and Piatra Neamţ (north-east). The survey looks at moving plans and the overall perception of the quality of life. The authors highlighted that leisure opportunities have proved to be the most important element for interviewees, overshadowing traditional factors such as well-paying jobs and infrastructure. The latter still ranks second, followed by a city’s capacity to encourage creativity and innovation.


    TENNIS The Romanian tennis player Irina Begu Thursday defeated China’s Ye-Xin Ma, 1-6, 6-4, 6-1, in the WTA 1000 tournament in Beijing. Begu (34, ranked 103rd WTA) is next to take on seed no. 17, Mirra Andreeva (Russia). In the same competition, another Romanian player, Jaqueline Christian, defeated Ana Bondar (Hungary), 1-6, 6-7, whereas Gabriela Ruse lost to Sijia Wei (China), 4-6, 6-7. (AMP)

  • September 24, 2024

    September 24, 2024


    BUDGET The government of Romania approved the adjustment of the state budget, social security budget and unemployment insurance budget, taking into account the macroeconomic forecasts made by the National Forecast Commission. The indices on which the adjustment is based include a revised 2.8% economic growth rate, an updated GDP of nearly EUR 353 bln and a 6.9% budget deficit. The adjustment focuses on 4 major areas: supporting investments, education, healthcare and social programmes for citizens.


    UN The president of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is taking part on Tuesday and Wednesday in the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, held in New York. The central theme of the current session is ‘Unity in diversity for the progress of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for everyone everywhere.’ The president’s participation in the UNGA this year is, according to the presidency, an opportunity to highlight Romania’s contribution to the global effort to step up progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Mr. Iohannis will give an address on Wednesday in the plenary meeting, when he will plead for maintaining multi-lateral dialogue, especially within the UN, as a key element of regional and global security. The Romanian official will also underscore Romania’s efforts and contribution at all levels to solving current global issues, from security crises such as the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East, to major challenges for mankind, including climate change, the deterioration of human rights and cyber threats. Mr. Iohannis will also plead for a reformed UN system, able to meet all current and future challenges in an efficient and transparent manner.


    AMBASSADOR Romania is, along the other EU member states, among the main guardians and contributors in the field of human rights, the Romanian Ambassador to the UN, Cornel Feruţă, said in an interview to AGERPRES. He emphasised that Romania has a well-defined profile in terms of promoting international law, of a rule-based international order and the rule of law. According to the Romanian diplomat, the country has credibility in the international community thanks to its openness and willingness to support partners in various parts of the world, especially in Africa, Asia – Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean, in fulfilling goals related to sustainable development and to strengthening public sector capabilities. Romania also intends to remain involved in defining global policies to fight climate change. The Romanian diplomat also said the dynamics in the diplomatic community in New York reflects the developments at global level, specifically the war of aggression waged by Russia for over 2.5 years against Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza following the October 7, 2023 tragedy.


    EDUCATION The Romanian education minister, Ligia Deca, is taking part today in a conference themed ‘A bright future beyond borders: Investing in early childhood education and care’, organised by UNICEF Moldova, Romania and the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia jointly with the LEGO Foundation. According to the education ministry, the conference is aimed at developing a shared view and deep understanding of the importance of high-quality early childhood education and care systems, including essential elements such as learning through play, consolidating partnerships and facilitating know-how exchanges in order to step up the development of high-quality early childhood education and care systems in Moldova and Romania. Success stories will also be presented, concerning the inclusion and integration of Ukrainian refugee children in Moldova and Romania.


    FLOODS The Danube flow rate upon entering Romanian territory will be 8,000 cubic meters per second at most, on September 29-30, the Romanian Waters Administration announced. Based on current information, the risk of major problems caused by the propagation of floods to the Romanian segment of the river is low, explained the institution’s spokesperson, Ana-Maria Agiu. In turn, the chairman of the Board of Hidroelectrica, Karoly Borbely, promised that the high level of the Danube waters entering the country can be handled safely. (AMP)

  • September 17, 2023 – UPDATE

    September 17, 2023 – UPDATE

    UN President Klaus Iohannis will be leading Romania’s
    delegation to the 78th session of the UN General Assembly between
    September 18 and 22 in New York. In his address, Mr. Iohannis will present
    Romania’s views on current global developments, highlighting Romania’s foreign
    policy priorities and its contribution to reaching the goals on the UN
    multilateral agenda. President Iohannis will also attend the Summit on
    Sustainable Development Goals, and will be a guest of honour at the World
    Leaders Forum organised by the prestigious Columbia University in New York, where
    he will be discussing Romania’s outlook on the war in Ukraine and its impact on
    Black Sea security.

    PENSIONS A new
    version of the special pension law, comprising the amendments requested by the
    Constitutional Court, will be endorsed by the end of September, said the
    interim Chamber of Deputies speaker, Alfred Simonis. He added the law covers
    all categories of special pensions, but because the special benefits paid to
    magistrates and other categories cannot be scrapped, as it happened in the case
    of MPs, taxation will be introduced, which the Court has accepted. Also,
    Simonis said, ceilings must be introduced for each particular profession, so as
    to eliminate special pensions of EUR 8,000 or even EUR 14,000 a month. The
    Constitutional Court last month sent back to Parliament the new draft pension
    law, on grounds that pension benefits currently being paid cannot be readjusted
    to different principles than the ones in the law under which they have been

    CEREMONY A military and religious ceremony was held on
    Sunday at the Heroes’ Cross on Caraiman Peak in central Romania, to celebrate
    95 years since the monument was unveiled. Included in the Guinness Book of
    Records, the 40m cross is the highest such monument placed on a mountain top in
    the world. It was erected at an altitude of 2,291 m between 1926 and 1928, at
    the initiative of and with support from Queen Marie and King Ferdinand of
    Romania, as a tribute to WW1 heroes.

    FLIGHTS The Romanian airline TAROM announces new flights to and from Chișinău,
    in the neighbouring Republic of Moldova, as of September 24. TAROM will operate
    additional flights over weekends, to reach a total of 21 weekly return flights,
    with prices starting at EUR 85.

    MOTORWAYS As of next week Romania will have 1,000 km of
    motorway in use, with the opening of the Nuşfalău – Suplacu de Barcău segment
    of the A3 Transilvania motoway. Next month the first 20 km of the Bucharest
    ring motorway will also be opened, and next year the first 2 segments of the Ploieşti-Buzău
    motorway are scheduled to be completed.

    SCHENGEN Austria’s opposition to Romania’s Schengen
    accession is not targeted against Bucharest, but against this freedom of
    movement system, said the Austrian minister for the EU, Karoline Edtstadler. The
    statement comes after Bucharest warned it would sue Vienna over its veto to
    Romania’s accession. Karoline Edtstadler told the media she understood the
    position of Romanian authorities, but added Austria cannot close its eyes to an
    already flawed system. She explained the EU should ensure efficient protection of its external
    borders before envisioning a Europe without internal
    borders. In
    an interview to Austrian mass media, Romania’s PM
    Marcel Ciolacu said that in case of further opposition from Austria, Romania
    will have to take the matter to court and demand compensation for the losses
    incurred because of its failure to join the Schengen area.

    NATO NATO’s secretary general
    Jens Stoltenberg has warned in an interview published on Sunday, that we must
    not expect a swift end to the war in Ukraine, as Kyiv carries on its
    counteroffensive against Russian forces, AFP reports. The war began in February 2022, when
    Russian troops invaded Ukraine. As for Ukraine’s efforts to join NATO, Jens Stoltenberg promised
    that sooner or later, Ukraine will be a NATO member. In July’s NATO summit in
    Vilnius, Alliance leaders agreed that Kyiv may join NATO once
    certain conditions are fulfilled, with the US and Germany emphasising that
    these conditions include reforms to protect democracy and the rule of law. In
    mid-June the Ukrainian army launched a counteroffensive to push out the Russian
    troops from the south and east of the country, but so far only a limited number
    of localities have been freed.

    TABLE TENNIS Romania’s women’s team was defeated by Germany,
    3-0, on Sunday, in the European Table Tennis Championships final in Malmo (Sweden).
    Elizabeta Samara lost to Xiaona Shan 3-0 (11-6, 11-8, 11-8), Bernadette Szocs was
    defeated by Ying Han 3-1 (14-16, 11-8, 11-8, 12-10), and Nina Mittelham beat
    Andreea Dragoman 3-2 (5-11, 11-9, 8-11, 11-6, 12-10), after the Romanian player
    lost two match points. Romania was already a European vice-champion, after
    winning the silver in 2021, at home in Cluj-Napoca.

    RUGBY Defending world champions, South
    Africa Sunday defeated 76-0 Romania’s national rugby team in a World Cup Group
    B match in Bordeaux (France). A week ago Romania lost to Ireland 82-8 (33-8). Romania’s rugby team is next to play against
    Scotland on September 30 and against Tonga on October 8, in Lille. (AMP)