Tag: Unidos Podemos

  • June 26, 2016

    June 26, 2016

    COOPERATION Military cooperation on security issues between Romania and Great Britain will continue, Defence Minister Mihnea Motoc has today said after Britain’s latest decision to get out of the European Union. Motoc has also said that neither will Britain’s role inside NATO change. In another development Finance Minister Anca Dragu last night said that Britain’s leaving the EU would not affect Romania from the financial point of view. According to Dragu, Romania can rely on significant currency and funding reserves. Furthermore, the country’s economy is robust and can take such a shock irrespective of the period of time needed for the implementation of such a referendum.

    MEDAL Romania’s female saber team on Saturday won bronze at the 2016 edition of the European Fencing Championships in Torun, Poland, after beating Hungary. Romania’s male sabre team has also walked away with bronze after a win against the similar side of Hungary. We recall that last year the Romanian women fencers reaped gold in the sabre event of the European Championships in Montreux, Switzerland.

    FLAG Every year on June 26th Romanians celebrate the Day of the National Flag. Ceremonies dedicated to this event are to be staged in Bucharest and all over the country. In his address on the occasion, president Iohannis has underlined that the flag is the most important symbol of national identity as it represents a modern Romania, a sovereign, independent, unitary and undivided country, a staunch ally of the USA and fully-fledged NATO and EU member. In turn, Romania’s Foreign Minister says the national flag is the supreme symbol of the Romanian unity and identity.

    BREXIT The US Secretary of State, John Kerry will on Monday travel to Brussels and London for talks with European and British officials about Brexit effects. The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has told the BBC that she will seek “immediate discussions” with Brussels to “protect Scotlands place in the EU” after UKs vote to leave. We recall that Scotland has mainly voted for remaining in the EU. Foreign Ministers from the EU’s six founding nations who convened in Berlin yesterday have called on Britain to leave the bloc a.s.a.p.

    VOTE Over 36 million Spaniards are today expected to the polls to cast their ballot for a new Parliament. The ballot takes place after six months of political deadlock in which parties failed to forge a government coalition and a couple of days after Britain’s decision to leave the EU. The Spanish must decide whether they want to keep the right in power or vote for the centre-to-left coalition Unidos Podemos instead. Opinion polls show that the People’s Party of incumbent Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy stands chances to muster most of the votes; its main contender is the leftist alliance Unidos Podemos. Parliament seats will also go to the Socialist Party and to Liberal formation Ciudadanos.

    DRILL Targu Mures, a city in central Romania, will for the first time in world history host a NATO civil emergency exercise, Raed Arafat, the head of the Department for Emergency Situations with the Interior Ministry in Bucharest, said. This exercise due to take place over July 4th and 7th, involves the participation of 15 countries that will have access to a virtual simulator.