Tag: variant

  • Outpatient Evaluation Centres in Romania

    Outpatient Evaluation Centres in Romania

    is these days seeing an increasing number of Covid-19 infections and
    authorities are taking the first measures to cope with the situation. In a video
    conference with hospital managers and other health officials on Tuesday,
    Romania’s Health Minister Alexandru Rafila discussed the outpatient evaluation
    centers for Covid-infected patients as well as the measures hospitals must take
    in order to provide medical services to infected patients and those suffering
    from other diseases. The minister underlined the importance of the outpatient
    evaluation centers, which are ready to investigate and provide treatment to
    those infected, in order to avoid hospital overcrowding.

    to State Secretary Adriana Pistol, it is important that Covid-infected patients
    arrive at these centers as soon as possible so that they may get the right
    treatment. In this way, severe cases can be prevented. Patients will not need a
    referral to get to these centers, which are ready to provide free treatment to
    all those infected, whether they have health insurance or not.

    Health Ministry is trying to draw up an interactive map of these centers and
    made it available to the citizens as soon as possible. The first seven centers
    have already become operational in the county of Alba, in central Romania. According
    to experts, the Omicron variant is spreading more rapidly than Delta and the main
    recommendations are to use high-quality protection masks and get the vaccine,
    including the booster jab in order to increase effectiveness against the new

    Romania’s vaccine rollout is moving at a sluggish pace and even though the
    number of those vaccinated is on the rise these days, the country is still on
    the last but one position in an EU vaccination ranking.

    to physician Marius Geantă, chair of the Centre for Innovation in Medicine, the
    new variant is four times more transmissible than Delta and the social
    distancing of 1.5 meters previously recommended is no longer effective in this
    case because the virus is airborne. Geanta recommends the use of masks in
    outdoor and indoor spaces, particularly in the crowded areas and even the use
    of masks with a higher protection degree, such as the so-called FFP masks.


  • 16/12/2021


    Covid-19 — La Roumanie a rapporté jeudi 812 nouveaux cas de contamination au coronavirus et 84 décès des suites de cette maladie, dont 19 antérieurs à la période de référence. Le taux d’incidence sur 14 jours a continué à baisser dans le cas de Bucarest, pour se chiffrer à 0,77 cas par mille habitants. Trois cas de personnes infectées au variant Omicron ont été confirmés. Jusqu’ici, la Roumanie a rapporté 11 cas de contamination avec ce variant. La Commission européenne s’attend à ce que ce variant devienne dominant dans l’UE jusqu’à la mi-janvier. La présidente de la Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, s’est montrée toutefois confiante que le bloc communautaire peut et dispose des moyens pour dépasser cette situation. Le Centre européen pour la prévention et le contrôle des maladies a mis en garde que la multiplication rapide des cas atteints du nouveau variant était imminente et que la vaccination à elle seule n’empêchera pas la propagation du virus. Afin de maintenir la pression sur le système sanitaire à un niveau « gérable », le Centre a demandé de nouveau une « réintroduction rapide et un renforcement » des soi-disant mesures « non pharmaceutiques » contre le Covid-19, soit des restrictions.

    Conseil européen — Réunis, aujourd’hui et demain, à Bruxelles, les chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de l’UE discuteront de la situation épidémiologique dans le contexte de la pandémie de Covid-19, de l’importance de la vaccination et de la lutte contre la réticence à cet égard. Par ailleurs, suite à l’instabilité mondiale de plus en plus marquée, les Etats membres ont décidé que l’UE devait assumer une responsabilité accrue pour sa sécurité. Ainsi, les leaders européens aborderont des thèmes ayant trait au renforcement de la coopération avec l’OTAN, qui demeure le fondement de la défense collective. La question des forces militaires russes massées le long de la frontière ukrainienne sera également discutée au Conseil européen, tout comme la situation au Belarus. La Roumanie est représentée à ce sommet par le président Klaus Iohannis. Il considère nécessaire que le sujet de la hausse significative des prix de l’énergie reste prioritaire à l’agenda des institutions européennes. Le chef de l’Etat soutient aussi la nécessité de trouver des solutions pour protéger les consommateurs vulnérables, mais aussi le fait que l’énergie nucléaire et le gaz constituent des options pour une transition énergétique accessible.

    Magistrature — Bucarest accueille aujourd’hui des élections pour la direction du Conseil supérieur de la magistrature (CSM), en l’occurrence pour le président et le vice-président de cet organisme. Ce sera un mandat au cours duquel le CSM fera des nominations importantes, dont celles des nouveaux chefs à la Haute Cour de cassation et de justice et à l’Inspection judiciaire. La juge réformatrice Andreea Chiş est en lice pour les fonctions de présidente ainsi que la juge Gabriela Baltag, qui a critiqué constamment ce qu’elle a appelé les abus du Parquet national anticorruption. Le CSM est composé de 19 membres : neuf juges et cinq procureurs, deux représentants de la société civile élus par le Sénat et trois membres de plein droit — le ministre de la Justice, le président de la Haute Cour et le procureur général de la Roumanie. Le mandat des membres élus est de 6 ans, non renouvelable.

    Timişoara — Des commémorations ont lieu à Timişoara (ouest), 32 ans après le début de la Révolution de 1989, qui a mené à la chute du régime communiste. Une Journée portes ouvertes est organisée au Mémorial de la Révolution, avec un service religieux, et des élèves de 15 écoles déposent des couronnes de fleurs aux monuments des héros. Une réunion festive du Conseil local, une projection du film Remember 89 ou l’organisation de la marche « Les héros ne meurent jamais » sont également prévues. La soirée s’achèvera par le concert Folk for Revolution, et une messe de minuit sera célébrée aussi. Le 17 décembre sera une journée de deuil à Timişoara. Rappelons que la flamme de la Révolution s’est allumée le 16 décembre et allait embraser l’ensemble du pays. Les trams se sont arrêtés, les manifestants ont formé des colonnes et ont marché vers le centre-ville, au son des slogans contre le régime totalitaire. C’est alors que les premières arrestations ont eu lieu, et le lendemain, 17 décembre, le feu a été ouvert sur les protestataires.

    Salaires — En Roumanie, les salaires de base, certaines soldes, les indemnités et les primes dont bénéficient les personnels publics seront gelés l’année prochaine, afin d’éviter des pressions supplémentaires sur les dépenses budgétaires, selon un projet d’ordonnance d’urgence publié par le ministère des Finances. Cette disposition règlementaire pourrait être adoptée vendredi par le gouvernement. Mercredi, le cabinet de coalition a adopté les ordonnances d’urgence permettant la majoration, à partir du 1er janvier, des retraites et des allocations familiales et la mise en place d’une 13e indemnité pour les personnes handicapées. Le gouvernement de Bucarest accordera aussi des aides aux retraités les plus pauvres, au mois de janvier. Détails après nos infos.

    Sondage — L’Armée, l’Académie roumaine et l’Eglise occupent les premières places au classement de la confiance des Roumains, selon le baromètre de la vie religieuse, édition 2021, lancé par l’Institut des sciences politiques et des relations internationales de l’académie roumaine et par le Centre de recherches sociologiques LARICS. Selon cette enquête, les roumains accordent beaucoup de confiance à l’Armée, à hauteur de plus de 67 %, à l’Académie roumaine — près de 65 % – et à l’Eglise — plus de 62 %. Les mairies des localités des sujets questionnés et la Police sont créditées de taux de confiance de 45, et respectivement de 44 %. Seuls 20 % des Roumains font confiance à la presse, près de 15 % au président, 14 % au parlement et 13 % au gouvernement. Avec 9 % de confiance seulement, les partis politiques arrivent en dernière position en matière de confiance des Roumains.

    Météo – Beaucoup de grisaille et de mauvais temps en Roumanie. Des pluies et des chutes de neige sont signalées. les températures vont de 1 à 7°, avec 4 petits degrés sous un ciel morne à Bucarest.

  • 7.5 million Romanians, fully vaccinated

    7.5 million Romanians, fully vaccinated

    Since the start of
    the vaccine roll-out on December 27, last year, nearly 7.8 million people have received
    one of the 4 anti-Covid vaccines-Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and
    Johnson&Johnson, and 7.5 million of them are now fully vaccinated.

    The number of COVID
    19 cases is on the decrease, but authorities are once again calling for
    vaccination and compliance with protection measures, while the introduction of the
    compulsory COVID certificate before New Year’s is rather unlikely.

    The head of the
    Department for Emergency Situations, Raed Arafat, said that mobile vaccination
    centres will be organised in rural areas in the forthcoming period. He also
    added that the vaccine is the ‘best solution’ to prevent severe forms of the

    Romanian hospitals
    are seeing the lowest number of COVID-19 patients since the start of the 4th
    wave, with around 900 patients in intensive care.

    The health minister
    Alexandru Rafila has recently talked with representatives of family
    physician associations. According to
    him, one of the main emergencies at the moment is developing the testing
    capacity in family physician practices, as well as improving the assessment and
    treatment of milder forms of the disease. Funds will be earmarked to this end,
    so that patients need not incur additional costs. For confirmed coronavirus
    cases, family physicians will be able to prescribe anti-viral medication:

    Alexandru Rafila: The refund
    package for testing covers the testing as such and the protection materials for
    healthcare personnel. Apart from that, for confirmed cases the option of a
    minimal funding package will be available, allowing for investigations and the
    prescription of outpatient anti-viral treatment, which obviously will be protective
    for patients and healthcare STAFF, so as to make sure that anti-viral treatment
    is only given after prior assessment of the patients.

    At EU
    level, Brussels is considering the introduction of compulsory COVID-19
    vaccination requirements, as the new variant, Omicron, keeps spreading. Austria has
    announced vaccination will be mandatory as of February 1, and it is the first
    country in Western Europe and one of the few in the world to take this step. Germany
    is also considering making vaccination mandatory, with Parliament to make a
    decision in this respect by year end. In turn, Greece announced this measure will
    be introduced for citizens over 60 years of age, and similar ideas are taken
    into account in other EU member states as well. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • 05/12/2021


    Coronavirus en Roumanie — Les autorités de Bucarest ont défini dimanche toute une série de nouvelles mesures contre l’épidémie, après la confirmation des deux premiers cas d’infection au variant Omicron du virus SARS-CoV-2 en Roumanie. Ils concernant des personnes rapatriées d’Afrique du Sud. Le ministre de la Santé, Alexandru Rafila, a déclaré que les Roumains et d’autres ressortissants européens qui viennent de pays hors Union devront présenter un test PCR obtenu tout au plus 48 h avant le voyage. Ceux qui ne sont pas vaccinés sont tenus d’observer la quarantaine pendant 10 jours. Ceux en provenance d’autres pays de l’UE continueront à présenter, comme jusqu’ici, le certificat vert ou le résultat négatif d’un test PCR, obtenu 72 h tout au plus avant le voyage. Les personnes non vaccinées ou qui n’ont pas fait la maladie les six derniers mois qui voyagent en provenance d’autres pays communautaires sis en zone rouge seront tenues d’observer la quarantaine pendant 10 jours. Si les personnes non vaccinées et qui n’ont pas eu la maladie ne présentent pas de test PCR, réalisé 72 h avant le voyage, elles entreront en quarantaine pendant 14 jours, a ajouté le ministre. A partir du 20 décembre prochain, la Roumanie introduit aussi l’obligation de remplir le formulaire de localisation des passagers, censé établir l’historique du voyage. Ce document est déjà requis par plusieurs Etats d’Europe. L’épidémie de coronavirus poursuit sa tendance à la baisse en Roumanie. Cette semaine, il y a eu 35 % de nouveaux cas et de décès en moins par rapport à la semaine précédente. En plus, le nombre des personnes hospitalisées et des patients en soins intensifs a connu une diminution d’un quart. Dimanche, 910 nouveaux cas de Covid-19 et 78 décès ont été rapportés, dont 5 antérieurs à la période de référence. 916 patients sont en réanimation. Le taux d’incidence de la maladie continue de baisser dans la capitale aussi — ce dimanche, 1,38 cas par mille habitants. L’incidence des cas de Covid-19 cumulée sur 14 jours ne dépasse pas les 5 par mille habitants sur l’ensemble du pays, a informé le Groupe de communication stratégique.

    Frégate — La frégate roumaine Regina Maria regagne lundi le port militaire de Constanţa, à la mer Noire, en venant de la Méditerranée, où elle a participé, du 27 octobre au 30 novembre, à des missions de suivi du trafic naval, dans le cadre d’un groupement naval permanent de l’Alliance de l’Atlantique Nord. Pendant les six semaines de mission, le bâtiment roumain a également pris part aux exercices multinationaux Dogu Akdeniz 21 organisés par les Forces navales de la Turquie, et NIRIIS 21, organisés par les Forces navales de la Grèce, aux côtés de plus de 50 bâtiments, 8 sous-marins et des dizaines d’aéronefs militaires alliés et partenaires.

    Tennis — La Roumanie rencontrera l’Espagne dans le barrage pour la qualification au tournoi final de la Coupe Davis 2022, selon le tirage au sort qui a eu lieu dimanche à Madrid. Les matchs auront lieu en Espagne les 4 et 5 mars. L’étape finale de la Coupe Davis de l’année prochaine réunira 16 équipes, dont quatre sont déjà connues : Russie, Croatie, Royaume-Uni et Serbie, les deux dernières étant bénéficiaires de wild cards. L’Espagne a déjà gagné six fois le trophée et a été finaliste quatre fois. Les Espagnols ont 10 joueurs dans le Top 100 ATP, avec Rafael Nadal (5e) pour leader incontestable. La Roumanie s’est qualifiée dans le barrage pour la Coupe Davis 2022 après avoir vaincu le Pérou 4-0. Le joueur roumain le meilleur classé est Marius Copil (276e ATP). L’unique victoire des tricolores contre l’Espagne a eu lieu en 1969, à Valence, par 4-1, dans les demi-finales de la zone Europe, par les points apportés alors par Ion Ţiriac (2), Ilie Năstase et leur duo.

  • November 30, 2021 UPDATE

    November 30, 2021 UPDATE

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 9,500 people getting the
    first dose and almost twice as many the booster dose on Tuesday. However, the
    low number may be owing to the fact that October 30 was a banking holiday in

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, were
    brought to the country on Tuesday. The Tarom aircraft that brought them landed
    at the Military Base 90 instead of Otopeni Airport near Bucharest, as
    originally announced. The measure was taken because of concerns with infection
    risks. All the passengers will be tested and quarantined. The seats available
    in the Tarom aircraft that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member
    states to repatriate their own citizens, as part of the European civil
    protection mechanism. In related news, PM Nicolae Ciuca said the 72 Romanian
    tourists stranded in Morocco will also be repatriated by a Tarom aircraft on
    Thursday. Meanwhile, the authorities will try to find out whether there are any
    other Romanian nationals in the area. The foreign ministry urges citizens to
    analyse the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the
    new coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section
    on the institution’s home page.

    NATO A meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Riga, Latvia,
    continues on Wednesday, with the Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu taking
    part. The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrated on Tuesday St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron
    saint of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in
    today’s Dobrogea, on
    the Black Sea coast. St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped
    cross in the city of Patras, in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named
    after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on Wednesday in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. According to the defence ministry, 100
    combat vehicles will also participate. In turn, the city of Alba Iulia will
    host a military parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed
    a national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 30, 2021

    November 30, 2021

    COVID-19 Over 1,600 new COVID-19 cases in 24 hours were reported on
    Tuesday in Romania, along with 147 deaths, 17 of which from a previous date. Doctors
    warn that although ambulance services are receiving fewer requests for home
    testing, a large number of teams are still being deployed. After several states
    announced finding the Omicron variant of the virus, which has over 50 mutations,
    tests in Romania are now taking into account this strain as well. Meanwhile,
    the vaccination rate remains low, with only around 12,800 people getting the
    first dose on Monday, and almost twice as many booster doses administered on
    the same day.

    REPATRIATION The Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa following
    the suspension of flights to the EU over the new coronavirus variant, Omicron, are
    scheduled to land today on Otopeni Airport near Bucharest. All the passengers
    will be tested and quarantined. The around 50 seats available in the Tarom aircraft
    that flew to Pretoria were offered to other EU member states to repatriate
    their own citizens, as part of the European civil protection mechanism. The
    Romanian foreign ministry announced today that after Moroccan authorities
    decided to suspend commercial flights to that country over Omicron concerns, the
    Romanian Embassy to Rabat is handling the situation of 72 Romanian tourists
    whose flights have been cancelled. The Romanian embassy has already taken steps
    to identify alternative flights. The foreign ministry urges citizens to analyse
    the situation carefully before traveling to countries affected by the new
    coronavirus variant and to check out the COVID-19 Travel Warnings section on
    the institution’s home page.

    NATO The Romanian foreign minister Bogdan Aurescu takes part on
    Tuesday and Wednesday in a meeting of NATO foreign ministers held in Riga, Latvia.
    The meeting is a major landmark in preparing negotiations on NATO’s new
    Strategic Concept and for the summit due in Madrid next year. Minister Bogdan
    Aurescu will reiterate Romania’s support for preparing the new Strategic Concept,
    able to provide adequate response instruments to the challenges of the current
    security environment. According to the foreign ministry, Aurescu will also
    discuss the latest security developments in the Eastern Neighbourhood and the
    need to carry on efforts to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defence posture in
    a coherent and comprehensive manner for the entire Eastern Flank, including the
    Black Sea region.

    ST. ANDREW Christians around the world
    celebrate today St. Andrew’s feast day. Andrew the Apostle is the patron saint
    of Romania. He spread the word of God and baptized the first people in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast.
    St. Andrew was martyred by crucifixion on an X-shaped cross in the city of Patras,
    in Greece. Over 900,000 Romanians are named after St. Andrew the Apostle.

    FAIR Romania is taking part, until December 2, in the 2nd
    edition of Egypt’s International Defence Expo, EDEX 2021, hosted by Cairo. Public
    defence companies as well as private operators will be present. Some 400
    companies from around the world are taking part in this year’s edition,
    showcasing the latest technologies in the field of defence.

    NATIONAL DAY 1,500 troops, Interior and Defence Ministry staff, as well
    as foreign military will take part on December 1 in a parade celebrating
    Romania’s National Day in Bucharest. Alba Iulia will also host a military
    parade, a photo exhibition and concerts to mark the occasion. Proclaimed a
    national holiday after the 1989 anti-communist revolution, December 1 marks the completion of the
    Romanian nation state in 1918, after World War 2, by the union of all
    territories with predominantly Romanian population. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global riskof infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • November 29, 2021

    November 29, 2021

    COVID-19 Romanian authorities announced today 1,096 new
    COVID-19 cases for the last 24 hours, some 450 cases
    less than a week ago. Another 107 Covid-related fatalities have also been
    reported, 15 of them from a previous date. Meanwhile, in the capital Bucharest
    the infection rate dropped to 1.95 cases per thousand. A Tarom airliner
    is scheduled to repatriate the 36 Romanian nationals stranded in South Africa,
    after flights to and from that country were suspended in an attempt to prevent
    the spread of the new
    coronavirus variant Omicron.

    of this past weekend Romanians are enjoying a short holiday. With Tuesday,
    November 30th and Wednesday, December 1 official bank holidays, the
    government decided to make Monday a non-working day as well. Many Romanians
    chose to spend these days off in mountain or spa resorts, but city breaks in
    historical locations were also popular choices. On Tuesday, November 30,
    Orthodox Romanians celebrate St. Andrew, the patron saint of Romania. He spread
    the word of God in today’s Dobrogea, on the Black Sea coast. More than 900,000
    Romanians are named after him. On Wednesday, December 1, on Romania’s National
    Day, military parades and ceremonies will be held across the country, including
    in the capital Bucharest. Because of the pandemic, however, these events will be
    low-key. In many Romanian cities holiday street lights will be turned on that
    evening and Christmas fairs will be opened.

    HANUKKAH The Hanukkah tradition reinforces faith and hope among the
    members of the Jewish community, said the president of Romania Klaus Iohannis, in
    a message occasioned by this holiday. The Romanian official also mentioned in
    this context Romania’s commitment to preventing and fighting anti-Semitism. In
    turn, the PM Nicolae Ciucă and the Chamber of Deputies speaker Marcel Ciolacu
    took part on Sunday night at the National Opera House in Bucharest in a
    ceremony in which the first Hanukkah candle was lit. The 2 officials also
    mention that Israel is an important ally for Romania. The Festival of Lights, as the Hanukkah is also
    known, lasts for 8 days and commemorates the recovery of Jerusalem and subsequent
    rededication of the Second Temple following a historic battle for the Jewish
    people in the 2nd century BCE.

    MIGRANTS The president of the European Commission,
    Ursula von der Leyen, and the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg,
    promised to strengthen cooperation against the hybrid threats coming from
    Belarus and Rusia. The 2 officials Sunday made a joint visit to Lithuania and
    Latvia, which alongside Poland are facing an inflow of illegal migrants. Ursula
    Von der Leyen and Jens Stoltenberg accused Minsk of orchestrating the migrant
    crisis, viewed as a hybrid threat against the EU, but Belarus dismissed the
    accusations. The visit of the 2 officials comes ahead of a meeting of NATO
    foreign ministers on Tuesday and Wednesday in Latvia. Also attending will be
    the US secretary of state Antony Blinken. The participants in the meeting are
    expected to voice concerns over the Russian military build-up near the
    Ukrainian border.

    OMICRON World Health Organisation member states are
    analysing for the next 3 days a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The
    WHO has warned today that the new variant, Omicron, poses
    a very high global risk of infection surges, but has also emphasised that many uncertainties still
    exist with respect to the dangers and the transmission rate of this variant. G7
    health ministers are taking part in an online conference on the Omicron
    variant, first identified in South Africa. Omicron has been found in other
    parts of the world, including the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia’. Several
    countries have already suspended flights to and from countries in the south of
    Africa, in an effort to prevent the variant from spreading. (tr. A.M. Popescu)

  • 27.11.2021


    Covid – Le
    Comité roumain pour les Situations d’urgence a décidé que tous les voyageurs européens
    ou suisses arrivant en Roumanie en provenance des pays de l’Afrique australe
    observent une période de quarantaine, même s’ils détiennent un certificat
    sanitaire. La mesure a été adoptée après la recrudescence des cas d’un nouveau
    variant de Covid dans cette région du monde,
    La période de quarantaine peut
    être limitée à dix jours, sur preuve d’un test négatif. La Roumanie a également
    mis à jour la liste des pays à haut risque épidémiologique, en plaçant en rouge
    le Botswana, le Mozambique, la Namibie, l’Afrique du Sud, le Lesotho et le
    Zimbabwe. L’accès en terre roumaine des citoyens autres que ceux Européens en
    provenance de tous ces pays sera interdit. Par ailleurs, la Roumanie a rapporté
    samedi 1727 nouveaux cas de coronavirus enregistrés en 24 heures, tout comme
    180 décès dont 19 antérieurs à la période de référence, ont fait savoir les
    autorités roumaines. Le taux d’incidence a chuté à 2,26 cas pour mille
    habitants en deux semaines. Rappelons-le, le pic de l’incidence a été
    enregistré le 22 octobre dernier, à Bucarest, qui a rapporté à ce moment-là
    16,54 cas pour mille habitants. Le nombre de personnes pleinement vaccinées en
    Roumanie approche les 7,35 millions.

    PNRR Le
    nouveau ministre roumain des Finances, Adrian Câciu, a signé vendredi l’accord
    de prêt entre la Commission européenne et la Roumanie, via le Mécanisme de
    Relance et de Résilience, au terme duquel une première tranche de 15 milliards
    d’euros sera versée à Bucarest. L’argent sera utilisé pour financer le déficit
    du budget d’Etat et refinancer la dette publique gouvernementale, compte tenu
    des dépenses budgétaires effectuées pour les réformes prévues dans le Plan
    national de relance et de résilience. Les sommes seront versées en dix tranches
    au fur et à mesure que le pays accomplit les objectifs stipulés dans les
    réformes et les investissements associés au prêt. Un préfinancement de presque
    2 milliards d’euros, soit 13% du montant total du crédit sera débloqué par la
    CE une fois l’accord lancé. La Roumanie se verra octroyer une enveloppe de
    quelque 29 milliards d’euros.

    Tourisme – La Fédération patronale du Tourisme de Roumanie a transmis au nouveau gouvernement en place à Bucarest un projet d’ordonnance d’urgence censé permettre la distribution aux salariés de la fonction publique des tickets de vacances, à partir du 1 janvier 2022. Les patrons du tourisme considère que de tels tickets dont le montant total est de presque 300 euros contribueront au bien être des Roumains au bout de deux ans de pandémie. En plus, l’industrie de l’hôtellerie se verra offrir un coup de pouce au bout d’une période difficile quand nombre d’activités touristiques ont été suspendues. Cette année, faute de budget, les fonctionnaires publics de Roumanie n’ont plus reçu des tickets de vacances.

    Tennis – L’équipe
    roumaine de tennis devance l’équipe péruvienne par 2 à 0 dans les matchs de
    barrages pour les qualifications à la Coupe Davis, après les victoires de
    samedi de Nicolae Frunza contre Nicolas
    Alvarez et de Marius Copil contre Conner Huertas del Pino. Dimanche, au tableau
    du concours de double, on retrouvera d’abord le match entre Marius Copil/Horia
    Tecău et Sergio Galdos/Arklon Huertas del Pino et ensuite celui entre Marius
    Copil – Nicolas Alvarez et Nicolae Frunză – Conner Huertas del Pino.A
    l’exception de Horia Tecau, 17ème mondial, aucun des sportifs mentionnés ne se
    retrouve parmi les cent meilleurs tennismen du monde.

    Météo – En
    Roumanie, il fera très doux pour la saison presque partout, avec des
    températures maximales allant de 7 à 17 degrés. Le ciel sera plutôt couvert
    dans la moitié occidentale du territoire et des pluies seront signalées. Des
    précipitations mixtes toucheront les altitudes. Le vent soufflera légèrement
    sur l’ensemble du relief et plus fort sur les sommets des Carpates où les
    rafales pourraient atteindre les 100km/heure.