Tag: Veneto

  • UPDATE Măsuri pentru prevenirea infectării cu coronavirus

    UPDATE Măsuri pentru prevenirea infectării cu coronavirus


    Cei 45 de elevi şi cei 6 profesori însoţitori din Alba Iulia, reîntorşi duminică seara dintr-o excursie din Italia, au fost consultaţi de medicii epidemiologi care nu au constatat simptome de gripă, a declarat directorul Direcţiei de Sănătate Publică Bihor, Daniela Rahotă. Autocarul cu cei 51 de pasageri, venind din Italia, zona Veneto, a intrat duminică seara în vama Borş. Potrivit prefectului de Alba, Nicolae Albu, s-a luat decizia ca membrii grupului să rămână în izolare la domiciliu. Aceştia vor fi monitorizaţi zilnic din punct de vedere al stării de sănătate în următoarele două săptămâni. Iniţial, autorităţile au transmis că urmau să fie plasaţi, cel mai probabil, în carantină într-un spaţiu care urma să fie identificat până la sosirea lor, deoarece ar fi fost într-o zonă de risc.

    Pe de altă parte, o femeie din localitatea buzoiană Largu, sosită cu un microbuz din Lombardia, dintr-o zonă contaminată cu coronavirus, a fost internată duminică seara într-un pavilion special al secţiei Boli contagioase a Spitalului judeţean Buzău, cu suspiciunea de infectare cu coronavirus.

    În context, autorităţile cu atribuţii în menţinerea sănătăţii publice sunt pregătite pentru intervenţie la Aeroportul Avram Iancu din Cluj-Napoca în cazul călătorilor care vor prezenta simptome specifice coronavirusului, a informat, duminică seara Instituţia Prefectului – judeţul Cluj. De asemenea Spitalul Clinic de Boli Infecţioase Cluj-Napoca este pregătit pentru preluarea pacienţilor a căror simptomatologie ridică suspiciunea de infectare cu noul Coronavirus.

    Anterior Premierul desemnat Ludovic Orban declarase că orice persoană care vine în România dintr-o zonă unde există un focar de infecţie cu coronavirus va sta în carantină timp de 14 zile şi a afirmat că sunt în derulare procedurile de achiziţie de echipamente şi medicamente.


    Persoanele care sosesc în România din localităţile italiene din regiunea Veneto şi din provincia Lodi/Lombardia în care există cazuri de infecţie cu coronavirus sau care au călătorit în aceste localităţi vor intra în carantină, iar în cazul în care nu respectă regulile sunt pasibili de pedeapsă, a declarat duminică pentru AGERPRES managerul Institutului “Matei Balş”, Adrian Streinu Cercel.

    “Locurile din Centrul de carantină din Bucureşti sunt destinate celor care sunt aduşi de Forţele Aeriene Române cu avioane militare, ceilalţi se carantinează la domiciliu sub supravegherea DSP”, a afirmat Streinu Cercel.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe a precizat că autorităţile italiene au luat o serie de măsuri de natură a preveni răspândirea infecţiei cu coronavirus în regiunile care concentrează marea majoritate a cazurilor (zonele Lombardia şi Veneto), precum suspendarea serviciilor de educaţie pentru copii şi şcoli şi stoparea excursiilor educaţionale, suspendarea activităţilor serviciilor publice, fără a suspenda furnizarea de servicii esenţiale şi de utilitate publică.

    Autorităţile italiene nu au raportat cazuri de cetăţeni români simptomatici cu noul coronavirus, precizează Ministerul Sănătăţii, care afirmă că România ar putea fi mai expusă la apariţia de cazuri de infecţie cu noul coronavirus pe teritoriul naţional, din cauza dinamicii călătoriilor cetăţenilor români pe rutele terestre şi aeriene dintre Italia şi China.

  • February 23, 2020 UPDATE

    February 23, 2020 UPDATE

    The Romanian Foreign
    Ministry has announced that after new cases of infection with the Covid-19
    virus were reported in Italy, where many Romanians also work and live, an
    emergency cell was set up at the Romanian embassy in the Italian capital, which
    is monitoring the situation and keeps in touch with the local authorities. No
    cases of infection have been reported among the Romanian community in Italy,
    sources with the Romanian Health Ministry have announced adding that Romania
    could be more exposed to the new virus on its national territory due to its
    citizens traveling between China and Italy. Most of the cases reported in Italy
    were in the northern regions of Lombardy and Veneto, where over 300 thousand
    Romanians also live. We recall that six Romanian nationals from the Diamond
    Princess, a cruise liner that was quarantined in the Japanese port of Yokohama
    after cases of infection with the new virus had been reported on board, on
    Saturday arrived in Romania. Although tested and found negative for the virus
    by a mobile medical unit before departure, upon their arrival they have been
    put in quarantine for 14 days. Two infected Romanians on the same vessel are
    being treated in a hospital in Japan and their condition has been reported as
    good. Another nine Romanian nationals, crew members, have decided to remain on
    board. The Health Ministry in Bucharest has announced that all Romanians coming
    back from the two Italian regions currently under quarantine, will be put in quarantine
    for 14 days while border checkpoints have been added more medical personnel. Over
    130 cases of infection with the new coronavirus were confirmed by the
    authorities in Italy on Sunday, and two citizens were confirmed to have died
    from the virus in that country.

    Romania’s Prime Minister designate Ludovic Orban is expected to go to
    Parliament on Monday to get an investiture vote for his fresh cabinet. The 16
    ministers of the Orban ll cabinet, which has the same structure and formation
    as the government sacked through a no-confidence vote, have been interviewed by
    the specialised committees of the Legislature in Bucharest. The Liberals’ plan
    is to have two governments rejected, which could lead to Parliament dissolution
    and early election. According to Orban these could take place over June 15th
    and 30th concurrently with the local election. The opposition Social
    Democrats have announced their intention not to participate in the investiture
    vote. In the absence of a quorum, the investiture voting for the Orban government
    could be postponed. Also on Monday, Romania’s Constitutional Court is going to
    host debates upon a notification from the presidents of the two Parliament
    Chambers who blamed the president for his decision to have designated the
    sacked Prime Minister to forge a new government, which in their opinion is
    sidestepping the Legislature.

    TENNIS The world’s no. 2 tennis player, Simona Halep of Romania, has won
    the WTA tournament in Dubai after a 3-6, 6-3, 7-6 victory against Elena
    Rybakina of Kazakhstan. Simona also won the aforementioned tournament five
    years ago and has so far won 20 tournaments. Romanian tennis player Horia Tecau
    and his Dutch partner Jean-Julien Rojer will next week participate in the
    doubles contest of the ATP tournament in Dubai. The two will be taking on
    third-seeded Kevin Krawietz and Andreas Mies of Germany who are also the Roland
    Garros champions. Tecau and Rojer won two titles in Dubai, in 2017 and 2018 and
    last year they made it to the competition’s semifinals.

    FAIR The
    spring edition of Romania’s Travel Fair came to an end in Bucharest on Sunday.
    The event was attended by over 300 travel agencies offering holiday packages in
    Romania and abroad, including for the upcoming Easter holidays. The top holiday
    destinations for the Romanians were Turkey, Greece, Spain, Tunisia and Egypt,
    but the participants’ offer also included exotic destinations such as Bali and

    (translated by bill)

  • MAE: Task Force privind coronavirusul la Ambasada de la Roma

    MAE: Task Force privind coronavirusul la Ambasada de la Roma

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe precizează că la nivelul Ambasadei României la Roma a fost constituit un task force care se află în legătură constantă cu Protecția Civilă Italiană și alte autorități italiene cu atribuții în gestionarea situației.

    Până la acest moment, misiunea diplomatică şi oficiile consulare române de pe teritoriul Italiei nu au primit notificări din partea autorităților italiene cu privire la existența vreunui cetățean român printre persoanele infectate şi nu au primit solicitări de asistență consulară în legătură cu acest subiect din partea cetățenilor români, informează MAE.

    În contextul apariției unor noi cazuri confirmate de infecție cu virusul Covid-19 (coronavirus) în Republica Italiană, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe precizează că autoritățile italiene au luat o serie de măsuri de natură a preveni răspândirea virusului în regiunile care concentrează marea majoritate a cazurilor – Lombardia şi Veneto.

    Măsurile includ închiderea localurilor publice, anularea activităţilor sportive sau recreative, suspendarea cursurilor școlare şi emiterea de alerte pentru urgenţă sanitară care sfătuiesc cetăţenii să rămână în case.

    Cetăţenii români pot solicita asistenţă consulară la numerele de telefon ale Ambasadei României la Roma: +390683523358; +390683523356; +390683523369, +390683523371, +390683523374, +390683523352; +390683523344, Consulatului General al României la Milano: +39 0240098207, +39 0240074018 şi Consulatului General al României la Trieste: +39 040 411 652, +39 040 452 8136, +39 040 416 350, apelurile fiind redirecţionate către Centrul de Contact şi Suport al Cetăţenilor Români din Străinătate (CCSCRS) şi preluate de către operatorii Call Center, în regim de permanenţă.

    Totodată, MAE mulţumeşte în mod deosebit partenerilor italieni şi germani pentru sprijinul acordat, precum şi autorităţilor nipone pentru foarte buna cooperare în legătură cu demersurile autorităţilor române pentru revenirea în ţară a şase cetăţeni români de pe vasul de croazieră Diamond Princess.

    În urma unei operaţiuni complexe desfăşurate în cadrul mecanismului european de protecţie civilă la care au participat autorităţile române, italiene şi germane, cei şase cetăţeni români care s-au aflat pe vasul de croazieră Diamond Princess acostat în portul Yokohama, Japonia şi care şi-au exprimat dorinţa de a reveni în ţară, au ajuns la Bucureşti, sâmbătă dimineaţa.

    Sursa: Agerpres

  • Separatist tendencies in Europe

    Separatist tendencies in Europe

    The results of the referendums staged in northern Italy on Sunday leave no room for optimism. Initiated last year with the Brexit referendum, and continued this fall with the Catalan secessionist fever, centrifugal tendencies have been affecting Europe’s unity.

    Also, Scotland seems to be rather attracted by the idea of separating from London. In Belgium, the Flemish majority is being less attached to the French-speaking regions of Wallonia and Brussels. Also, out of the 12 million Italians invited to go to the polls, over 60% cast their ballots in Veneto and over 32% in Lombardia. Over 90% of them opted for increased autonomy of the two provinces.

    The vote in Italy is strictly consultative and, according to the Radio Romania correspondent in Rome, was held in keeping with the law. However, its result might lead to negotiations with the Italian government, in an attempt to get better financial deals. In the analysts’ opinion, northern Italy cannot keep to itself more of the money it produces because it risks affecting the poorer regions in the south. And this is exactly what the referendum’s initiators, the Northern League Party, want. Seen as an extremist party, the Northern League has been arguing, for more than twenty years, that the people of Milan, Turin and Genoa, who are efficient and rich, must also provide for the people of Naples and Sicily, who are poor and lazy.

    Sociologists refer to this fracture within societies that are ethnically homogenous as “welfare chauvinism”. Doubled by the ego of a special identity, welfare chauvinism is also felt in Catalonia, the most prosperous and also heavily indebted region of Spain. Over 40% of the country’s exports of electronics and cars are produced in Catalonia, which also contributes 12 of the country’s 60 million euros revenues from tourism every year. Catalonia, however, would have to pay its public debt of 44 billion euros had it be left without Madrid’s guarantee.

    Moreover, analysts say, a hypothetically independent Catalonia would be forced out of the Eurozone, given that it does not even have a central bank of its own. The region would also be excluded from the EU and its citizens would need passports to travel to Madrid or Paris. On behalf of Romania, Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu reiterated the country’s firm support for Spain’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Any unilateral declaration of independence, irrespective of how it is presented, would lack legal grounds so it could not have legal effects, Melescanu has also said. Moreover, no EU member state has the intention to recognize an independent Catalonia, while Brussels sees it as Spain’s domestic policy problem.

  • October 22, 2017

    October 22, 2017

    CATALONIA – Hundreds of thousands of Catalan protesters, together with the Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, demonstrated in Barcelona on Saturday against the imposition of direct rule from Madrid. The Catalan society is deeply split over the independence issue. The Council of Ministers which convened on Saturday in an emergency meeting decided to call on the Senate to authorise the sacking of the separatist leader Carles Puigdemont and the dissolution of the Catalan government, whose prerogatives will be taken over by ministers in the central government. Evoking, as a premiere, article 155 in the Spanish Constitution-which allows for suspending a regions autonomy if it does not comply with its obligations to the state- Rajoy also called for the dissolution of the Catalan Parliament and for holding elections in that region in six months time. The measures are expected to be endorsed on October 27 by the Senate, where Mariano Rajoys Peoples Party holds a majority and where he secured the support of the Socialist PSOE, the main opposition party, and of the Ciudadanos centrist party.

    ITALY – After Catalonia, two of the most prosperous regions in Italy, go to the polls today to vote in a consultative referendum on greater autonomy. The region of Lombardia, which also includes Milan, as well as the region of Veneto, with the capital in Venice, which together produce 30% of Italys GDP, are inviting their citizens to vote for greater autonomy from Rome. Initiated by the local governors, both of them right wing politicians of the Northern League, a party which has played with a pro-secession idea, the vote is intended to provide more power to the regional authorities relative to spending, immigration, education and healthcare. Five of Italys regions are already enjoying more power, including Sardinia and Sicily. In Lombardia, this vote is also a premiere, as it is an electronic vote, which is cast by means of modern tablets, which thus replace the stamp. Traditional voting methods will however be kept in Veneto. Unlike the independence referendum in Catalonia, which has been declared illegal by the Spanish Government, the Italian Constitution allows for such a vote to be held.

    THE CZECH ELECTION – Populist billionaire candidate Andrej Babis and his party have won the general election in the Czech Republic. Babis, 63, is the country’s second-richest man and campaigned on an anti-establishment and Euro-sceptic platform. With all votes counted, his centrist movement ANO (Yes) collected a share of almost 30%, nearly three times that of its closest rival. Turnout stood at some 61%. Babis is now set to become prime minister after coalition negotiations. He said he had invited everyone for talks but added he was not prepared to cooperate with either the far-right party or the Communist Party.

    MEASLES EPIDEMIC – The number of deaths caused by measles in Romania has reached 35, data released by the National Public Health Institute show. A total number of 9,670 cases have been confirmed, in 41 counties. Romania is facing the most severe measles epidemic in the past years. The large number of confirmed cases and deaths has prompted the World Health Organisation to include Romania among the five countries which overall, register 80% of the total number of confirmed cases of measles at world level.

    FILM – The Astra Film Festival in Sibiu chose its winners on Saturday. The prize for best Romanian documentary went to Radu Judes Dead Country. The film is a hybrid between a documentary and an essay, based on documents kept in the Romanian archives and dating back to the 1930-1940 period. The best international documentary prize went to the Chinese film Another Year, which tells the story of a modest family from China, spanning 13 months. In the Central and Eastern Europe section, the jury awarded the best documentary prize to the Polish Film “First Communion. The Excellency Prize went to director Iosif Demian, settled in Australia. His film “Rainbow Balloons, shot 35 years ago and banned by the Communist censorship, was officially launched at this years edition of the Astra Film Festival.

    HANDBALL – Romanias women handball champion, CSM Bucuresti, is today meeting away from home the Danish team Nykobing Falster Handball, in the third round of the Champions League Group A. In the first two matches, CSM defeated the Slovenian team RK Krim Mercator Ljubljana, on home turf, 30-18, and the Polish team Vistal Gdynia, 34-23, away from home. CSM Bucuresti won the Champions League in 2016 and is one of the favourites in the current edition of the strongest European inter-clubs competition.

  • Italia: Atenţionare virus gripal H1N1

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe informează cetăţenii români care se deplasează sau se află deja în regiunea Veneto, asupra faptului că în zona orașelor Padova, Treviso, Vicenza și Belluno sunt semnalate 4 cazuri de deces și câteva zeci de cazuri de îmbolnăvire prin contractarea virusului gripal H1N1.

    Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă cetățenilor români care se deplasează în zonă să se vaccineze, să evite zonele foarte aglomerate, să fie atenți la respectarea normelor de igienă personală și să se prezinte la medicul specialist pentru consultație, imediat după instalarea primelor simptome ale unei forme gripale.

    Pentru informaţii suplimentare, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe recomandă accesarea site-ului Institutului Naţional de Sănătate Publică — Centrul Naţional de Supraveghere şi Control al Bolilor Transmisibile (http://www.insp.gov.ro/cnscbt/).