Tag: Viitorul

  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    In the third game of the finals of the Romanian ice hockey championship,
    Corona Braşov on Monday clinched a 6-5 win away in their game against Sport
    Club Miercurea Ciuc. The hosts got the upper hand 3-0 20 minutes into the game,
    but Corona managed an excellent comeback in the second round, which they
    eventually sealed 5-1. The third round ended in one-all draw after Canadian
    Cody Fowlie had scored the victory goal for Corona, 25 seconds from time. Miercurea
    Ciuc has a 2-1 advance on aggregate though. The fourth game is due in Miercurea
    Ciuc on Tuesday and the finals is held under the best-of-five playoff series. Also
    worth noting is the bronze medalist CSM Galaţi, which secured a 6-3 away win
    against ACSH Gheorgheni. Galaţi also won the place on aggregate 3-0.

    Romanian tennis player Raluca
    Olaru and her team mate Nadia Kicenok have been eliminated from the WTA 1000 tournament
    in Madrid after they lost to Petra Martic of Croatia and Shelby Rogers of the
    USA 6-1, 6-4. For their participation in the aforementioned tournament, the two
    champions in Saint Petersburg this year, Olaru and Kicenok, are going to
    receive checks of 13,810 euros and 120 WTA points.

    Last weekend saw the
    matches of the fifth leg of the Romanian football championship. On Friday in
    Medias, local side Gaz Metan ended in a one-all draw their game against FC
    Argeș. On Saturday, Chindia Târgoviște secured a 1-0 away victory against UTA. On
    Sunday, Poli Iași obtained a 2-1 away victory against Astra Giurgiu while Hermannstadt
    had a 1-0 win against FC Voluntari. Dinamo București outperformed Viitorul
    Constanța 2-1 on the latter’s home turf. Poli Iași with 17 points and Hermannstadt
    with 19 are presently occupying the 10th and 9th positions facing demotion to
    the second league. Dinamo Bucharest with 21 and Viitorul with 22 points are
    ranking 8th and 7th respectively and will be going into the playoffs in an
    attempt to keep their positions in the first football league.

    On Saturday, FC Botosani obtained a 2-1 home win against Sepsi Sfantu
    Gheorghe, while on Sunday, Academica Clinceni outperformed Universitatea Craiova
    1-0. The match pitching FCSB against CFR Cluj in Giurgiu, southern Romania, on
    Monday ended in a one-all draw. CFR ranks first in the table with 42 points
    followed by FCSB with 40 and Craiova with 37.


  • Sports roundup

    Sports roundup

    In the third game of the finals of the Romanian ice hockey championship,
    Corona Braşov on Monday clinched a 6-5 win away in their game against Sport
    Club Miercurea Ciuc. The hosts got the upper hand 3-0 20 minutes into the game,
    but Corona managed an excellent comeback in the second round, which they
    eventually sealed 5-1. The third round ended in one-all draw after Canadian
    Cody Fowlie had scored the victory goal for Corona, 25 seconds from time. Miercurea
    Ciuc has a 2-1 advance on aggregate though. The fourth game is due in Miercurea
    Ciuc on Tuesday and the finals is held under the best-of-five playoff series. Also
    worth noting is the bronze medalist CSM Galaţi, which secured a 6-3 away win
    against ACSH Gheorgheni. Galaţi also won the place on aggregate 3-0.

    Romanian tennis player Raluca
    Olaru and her team mate Nadia Kicenok have been eliminated from the WTA 1000 tournament
    in Madrid after they lost to Petra Martic of Croatia and Shelby Rogers of the
    USA 6-1, 6-4. For their participation in the aforementioned tournament, the two
    champions in Saint Petersburg this year, Olaru and Kicenok, are going to
    receive checks of 13,810 euros and 120 WTA points.

    Last weekend saw the
    matches of the fifth leg of the Romanian football championship. On Friday in
    Medias, local side Gaz Metan ended in a one-all draw their game against FC
    Argeș. On Saturday, Chindia Târgoviște secured a 1-0 away victory against UTA. On
    Sunday, Poli Iași obtained a 2-1 away victory against Astra Giurgiu while Hermannstadt
    had a 1-0 win against FC Voluntari. Dinamo București outperformed Viitorul
    Constanța 2-1 on the latter’s home turf. Poli Iași with 17 points and Hermannstadt
    with 19 are presently occupying the 10th and 9th positions facing demotion to
    the second league. Dinamo Bucharest with 21 and Viitorul with 22 points are
    ranking 8th and 7th respectively and will be going into the playoffs in an
    attempt to keep their positions in the first football league.

    On Saturday, FC Botosani obtained a 2-1 home win against Sepsi Sfantu
    Gheorghe, while on Sunday, Academica Clinceni outperformed Universitatea Craiova
    1-0. The match pitching FCSB against CFR Cluj in Giurgiu, southern Romania, on
    Monday ended in a one-all draw. CFR ranks first in the table with 42 points
    followed by FCSB with 40 and Craiova with 37.


  • Sportevents: Gewichtheben-EM, ATP-Turnier in Basel, Fußball (1. Liga)

    Sportevents: Gewichtheben-EM, ATP-Turnier in Basel, Fußball (1. Liga)

    Rumäniens Bilanz bei der Gewichtheber-EM für Jugendliche in Bukarest ist gut ausgefallen: insgesamt 25 Medaillen standen am Ende zu Buche, davon vier aus Gold, 11 aus Silber und 10 aus Bronze. Die ersten Goldmedaillen hatte Bianca Dumitrescu gewonnen, in der Kategorie Juniorinnen bis 45 Kilogramm – sie war im Stoßen und in der Gesamtwertung erste. Die nächste Goldmedaille stammte ebenfalls von einer Juniorin: in der Kategorie 59 Kilogramm gewann Andreea Penciu den Wettbewerb im Reißen. In der Gesamtwertung landete sie auf Platz drei. Schließlich eroberte Bianca Molie in der Kategorie Jugendliche unter 64 Kilogramm eine Gold- und zwei Silbermedaillen. Sie wurde erste im Reißen, während sie im Stoßen und in der Gesamtwertung auf Rang zwei abschloss. Rumäniens Delegation hatte sich im Vorfeld der Europameisterschaft fünf Medaillen vorgenommen, der Wettbewerb galt auch als Qualifikation für die Olympischen Spiele in Tokio 2020.

    Rumäniens Tennisprofi Horia Tecău hat am Sonntag an der Seite seines Langzeit-Partners Jean-Julien Rojer aus den Niederlanden das ATP-Turnier von Basel gewonnen. Das Duo bezwang im Endspiel die US-Amerikaner Taylor Fritz und Reilly Opelka mit 7:5 und 6:3. Tecău und Rojer sicherten sich somit die Teilnahme an den ATP-Finals in London. Für den Rumänen war das Finale in Basel das 58. seiner Karriere.

    Und nun zum Fußball: Am Wochenende wurde der 14. Spieltag der ersten rumänischen Liga ausgetragen, der erste Spieltag der Rückrunde. Am Freitag trennten sich in Sfântu Gheorghe der Gastgeber Sepsi und der FC Voluntari torlos. Sepsi verschoss in der Verlängerung einen Elfmeter. Am Samstag fanden zwei Partien statt: In Ploieşti endete die Begegnung zwischen Chindia Târgovişte und Gaz Metan Mediasch 1 :1 Unentschieden und in Târgu Mureş bezwang der FCSB den FC Hermannstadt mit 4:0. Die Partien vom Sonntag: Academica Clinceni weihte das neue Stadion mit einem 0:0 gegen Universitatea Craiova ein. Anschließend besiegte Astra Giurgiu auswärts den FC Botoşani mit 2:1, das Duo Denis Alibec-Constantin Budescu war hier erneut entscheidend. Im letzten Spiel vom Sonntag gewann Dinamo Bukarest gegen Viitorul Constanţa mit 3:2. Die letzte Begegnung des 14. Spieltags wird am Montag ausgetragen, dabei empfängt Politehnica Iaşi den CFR Klausenburg. In der Tabelle führt Klausenburg mit 27 Punkten, es folgt Viitorul mit 25 Zählern.

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian pugilist Lacramioara
    Perijoc on Saturday became gold medalist in the 54 kilogram category of the
    European Women Boxing Championship held in Madrid, Spain. The Romanian defeated
    Karina Tazabekova of Russia in the finals.

    Romania’s delegation attending this
    competition included seven athletes and during the last year’s edition of this
    contest held in Sofia, Bulgaria, Romanian boxer Steluta Duta reaped bronze for
    Romania in the 48 kilogram category.

    The World Rowing Championship ended
    on Sunday in Linz Austria. Romania ended the competition with two silver medals
    won by Nicoleta-Ancuta Bodnar and Simona Geanina Radis in women’s double scull
    race and by the men’s four made up of Mihaita Vasile Tiganescu, Mugurel Vasile
    Semciuc, Stefan Constantin Berariu and Cosmin Pascari.

    Seven Romanian teams have also qualified
    for Tokyo Olympics next year. They are the women’s light-weight double scull,
    the women’s and men’s quadruples, the men’s and women’s double sculls, as well
    as the women’s and men’s pair oars.

    The Romanian women’s volleyball
    selection was defeated by the Serbian representative 3-0 in the eight finals of
    the European Championship held in Ankara, Turkey. The en titre champions,
    Serbia, secured the victory in one hour and eleven minutes. Three players in
    Serbia’s lineup, namely Maja Aleksic, Bianka Busa and Silvija Popovic, are also
    playing for Romania’s champions CSM Volei Alba Blaj.

    Last weekend saw the games of the eighth
    leg of Romania’s first football league. On Friday, FC Botosani ended in a
    two-all draw their home match against Academica Clinceni, while Universitatea
    Craiova secured a 2-1 away win against FC Voluntari. On Sunday in Medias, local
    side Gaz Metan obtained a 3-2 win against Poli Iasi.

    Astra Giurgiu clinched a home win
    against CFR Cluj with the same scoreline. On Sunday, Targu Mures, FC
    Hermannstadt defeated Chindia Targoviste 2-1 while FCSB secured a 2-1 against
    Viitorul Constanta. Gaz Metan ranks first in the standings with 18 points
    followed by CFR with 17.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian pugilist Lacramioara
    Perijoc on Saturday became gold medalist in the 54 kilogram category of the
    European Women Boxing Championship held in Madrid, Spain. The Romanian defeated
    Karina Tazabekova of Russia in the finals.

    Romania’s delegation attending this
    competition included seven athletes and during the last year’s edition of this
    contest held in Sofia, Bulgaria, Romanian boxer Steluta Duta reaped bronze for
    Romania in the 48 kilogram category.

    The World Rowing Championship ended
    on Sunday in Linz Austria. Romania ended the competition with two silver medals
    won by Nicoleta-Ancuta Bodnar and Simona Geanina Radis in women’s double scull
    race and by the men’s four made up of Mihaita Vasile Tiganescu, Mugurel Vasile
    Semciuc, Stefan Constantin Berariu and Cosmin Pascari.

    Seven Romanian teams have also qualified
    for Tokyo Olympics next year. They are the women’s light-weight double scull,
    the women’s and men’s quadruples, the men’s and women’s double sculls, as well
    as the women’s and men’s pair oars.

    The Romanian women’s volleyball
    selection was defeated by the Serbian representative 3-0 in the eight finals of
    the European Championship held in Ankara, Turkey. The en titre champions,
    Serbia, secured the victory in one hour and eleven minutes. Three players in
    Serbia’s lineup, namely Maja Aleksic, Bianka Busa and Silvija Popovic, are also
    playing for Romania’s champions CSM Volei Alba Blaj.

    Last weekend saw the games of the eighth
    leg of Romania’s first football league. On Friday, FC Botosani ended in a
    two-all draw their home match against Academica Clinceni, while Universitatea
    Craiova secured a 2-1 away win against FC Voluntari. On Sunday in Medias, local
    side Gaz Metan obtained a 3-2 win against Poli Iasi.

    Astra Giurgiu clinched a home win
    against CFR Cluj with the same scoreline. On Sunday, Targu Mures, FC
    Hermannstadt defeated Chindia Targoviste 2-1 while FCSB secured a 2-1 against
    Viitorul Constanta. Gaz Metan ranks first in the standings with 18 points
    followed by CFR with 17.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian athlete
    Bianca Pascu on Saturday won bronze in the saber event of the World Fencing
    Championship. The Romanian was outperformed in the semifinals by Ukrainian Olga
    Harlan, who also became the gold medalist.

    Sunday saw the
    end of the women’s tennis Open, a WTA competition with 250 thousand dollars in
    prize money. The singles event was won by Elena Rybakina of Kazahstan, who
    outperformed Patricia Tig of Romania 6-2, 6-0 in the finals. The doubles
    contest was won by a pair made up of Viktoria Kuzmova of Slovenia and Kristina
    Pliskova of the Czech Republic who defeated the all-Romanian pair Jaqueline
    Cristian/Gabriela Ruse 6-4, 7-6.

    Let’s now have a
    look at the latest in football. Romanian international Nicolae Stanciu on
    Sunday scored his first official goal for Slavia Praga who secured a 5-1 away
    win against FK Teplice in the second leg of the Czech football championship.
    Also on Sunday, another Romanian, Bogdan Mitrea scored for his side, Spartak
    Trnava, which beat Sered 2-0 in a home match counting towards the first leg of
    the Slovakian championship.

    Last weekend saw
    several games counting towards the second leg of the Romanian football
    championship. On Friday in Targu Mures, central Romania, local side Gaz Metan
    secured a 2-0 win against FC Hermannstadt. Then in Ploiesti, southern Romania,
    Viitorul Constanta defeated the newly promoted Chindia Targoviste 1-0. On
    Saturday, FC Botosani clinched a 4-1 home win against FC Voluntari and so did
    CFR Cluj against the newly promoted Academica Clinceni.

    On Sunday Poli
    Iasi obtained a 1-0 win in their home match against Astra Giurgiu. The leg’s
    derby was hosted by the National Arena in Bucharest where local side Dinamo
    Bucharest received Universitatea Craiova. The game ended 2-0 to the visitors
    and during the match, Dinamo’s headcoach Eugen Neagoe fainted and had to be carried
    to a hospital.

    (translated by bill)

  • Sports Roundup

    Sports Roundup

    Romanian athlete
    Bianca Pascu on Saturday won bronze in the saber event of the World Fencing
    Championship. The Romanian was outperformed in the semifinals by Ukrainian Olga
    Harlan, who also became the gold medalist.

    Sunday saw the
    end of the women’s tennis Open, a WTA competition with 250 thousand dollars in
    prize money. The singles event was won by Elena Rybakina of Kazahstan, who
    outperformed Patricia Tig of Romania 6-2, 6-0 in the finals. The doubles
    contest was won by a pair made up of Viktoria Kuzmova of Slovenia and Kristina
    Pliskova of the Czech Republic who defeated the all-Romanian pair Jaqueline
    Cristian/Gabriela Ruse 6-4, 7-6.

    Let’s now have a
    look at the latest in football. Romanian international Nicolae Stanciu on
    Sunday scored his first official goal for Slavia Praga who secured a 5-1 away
    win against FK Teplice in the second leg of the Czech football championship.
    Also on Sunday, another Romanian, Bogdan Mitrea scored for his side, Spartak
    Trnava, which beat Sered 2-0 in a home match counting towards the first leg of
    the Slovakian championship.

    Last weekend saw
    several games counting towards the second leg of the Romanian football
    championship. On Friday in Targu Mures, central Romania, local side Gaz Metan
    secured a 2-0 win against FC Hermannstadt. Then in Ploiesti, southern Romania,
    Viitorul Constanta defeated the newly promoted Chindia Targoviste 1-0. On
    Saturday, FC Botosani clinched a 4-1 home win against FC Voluntari and so did
    CFR Cluj against the newly promoted Academica Clinceni.

    On Sunday Poli
    Iasi obtained a 1-0 win in their home match against Astra Giurgiu. The leg’s
    derby was hosted by the National Arena in Bucharest where local side Dinamo
    Bucharest received Universitatea Craiova. The game ended 2-0 to the visitors
    and during the match, Dinamo’s headcoach Eugen Neagoe fainted and had to be carried
    to a hospital.

    (translated by bill)

  • July 19, 2019

    July 19, 2019

    PROSECUTOR The European Parliament has
    reiterated its support for the former head of Romania’s main anti-corruption
    agency (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi, as their candidate for the position of
    European Chief Prosecutor. As the European Parliament president David Maria
    Sassoli has explained in a communiqué, it is essential that investigation and
    prosecution in cases involving EU budget frauds, corruption or cross-border VAT
    frauds be ensured as soon as possible. Sending a letter of support from the
    European Parliament was decided upon Thursday at the Conference of Presidents
    of the European Parliament (which brings together heads of political groups in
    Parliament). We recall that in spring, the European Parliament decided to back
    Kovesi to head the European Prosecutor’s Office whereas the EU Council preferred
    French candidate Jean-Francois Bohnert. Several rounds of talks between the
    delegates of the two institutions have so far ended in a deadlock. Under the
    internal regulations of the future European institution the Council and
    Parliament must agree upon the nomination of the chief prosecutor for a 7-year
    mandate, which cannot be renewed.

    CONFERENCE During a ministerial conference in
    Washington on promoting religious liberty staged by the US State Department,
    Romanian state secretary Maria Magdalena Grigore has said that Romania will
    always be a promoter of religious liberty and the spirit of tolerance, the Foreign
    Affairs Ministry in Bucharest has announced. ‘We believe that ethnic and
    religious diversity are sources of development enriching any culture or society
    and the latest visit Pope Francis paid to Romania is proof of the inter- confessional harmony in our country’, the
    Romanian official went on to say. The conference has brought together over 100
    foreign ministers and high-ranking government officials from all over the world.
    Participants have tackled the present challenges to religious freedom as well
    as concrete ways of fighting religious persecutions. Hosted by secretary of
    state Mike Pompeo, the conference is the largest event of this kind in the
    world. Romania has associated to two declarations made during the event, one
    referring to the respect for religion and faith and the other to the protection
    of worship places, the same communiqué says.

    VISIT A delegation of the Romanian
    Ministry for Business Environment, Commerce and Entrepreneurship is visiting
    Japan over July 19th and 26th in order to attract
    Japanese investors in the Romanian economy. According to a communiqué the
    Ministry issued on Friday, the Romanian delegation’s agenda includes a series
    of talks and meetings in Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto and Tokyo with officials from
    Japan’s government institutions and representatives of the business and banking
    environment about opportunities deriving from the coming into effect early this
    year of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. Also high on the agenda
    are talks with representatives of several major Japanese companies. Bilateral
    trade between the two countries stood at 710 million dollars in 2018. Romania
    exports to Japan tobacco, wood, honey, car parts, clothes, medicine, electrical
    equipment and imports cars, industrial machinery and equipment, metal and
    chemical products, instruments as well as optical and photo equipment.

    FESTIVAL The 11th Histories
    and Film Festival kicks off in Rasnov, central Romania today. Film screenings,
    theatre shows, concerts of rock and baroque music will be taking place in the
    city centre until July 28th. The festival will also host debates on
    the anti-communist revolution of December 1989, economic freedom, the liberty of
    music, freedom gained and freedom lost 30 years after the demise of the
    communist regime in Romania, cinema and freedom. Other issues are to be tackled
    during the festival such as Romanian migration, Europe’s future after the
    Brexit, the digitization of society or the minorities issue. 50 years since the
    first moon landing are to be also marked during the event as well as 70 years
    since the foundation of NATO.

    FOOTBALL Three Romanian teams will play in Europa League’s second
    preliminary round. Winners of Romanian Cup in football, Viitorul Constanta take
    on Belgian opponents KAA Gent, straight into the second preliminary round.
    Vice-champions FCSB grabbed a two-legged win in the tie against Milsami Orhei
    of Republic of Moldova. FCSB will next take on Armenian opponents Alashkert FC,
    while CSU Craiova, whose most recent record also includes a double-legged win
    in the tie against Azeri team FK Sabail, are up against Hungarian side Honved
    Budapest. Romania’s champions CFR Cluj have got through to the Champions
    League’s second preliminary round, where they will face Israel’s champion team
    Maccabi Tel Aviv.

    (translated by bill)

  • The Week in Review   8-14.07.2019

    The Week in Review 8-14.07.2019

    The pension law has been promulgated by the Romanian President Klaus

    President Klaus Iohannis has promulgated
    a new pension law which provides, among other things, for a pensions’ increase
    and the recalculation of millions of pensions that are now in payment process.
    The bill was voted by Parliament in June after the first version had been
    returned to the legislative by the Constitutional Court. The law stipulates the
    increase in the pension point, which will be implemented gradually as of
    September 2019 until 2022.

    Also, under the new law, all
    remuneration rights for which contributions to the state budget have been paid,
    such as benefits, 13th salary, overtime, bonuses, etc will be
    capitalized on. Under the law, women who have completed the minimum
    contribution period of 15 years and have given birth to 3 children whom they
    have raised up to the age of 16 will benefit from a reduction of the retirement
    age by 6 years. Starting with the 4th child, one year will be added
    for each child at the initial 6 years. The survivors’ benefits are maintained
    with a new amendment: aid for the surviving spouse amounting to 25% of the
    pension of the deceased spouse. The standard retirement age for men is 65 and
    for women 63. The minimum contribution period is 15 years for both women and
    men while the complete contribution period is 35 years.

    GRECO will continue to monitor Romania

    The latest GRECO report on Romania
    published by Brussels officials is a new red card for the PSD-ALDE ruling, says
    Romanian president Klaus Iohannis who has also called for dismantling the
    special section for the investigation of offences in the judiciary through a
    government initiative. Iohannis has also called on the executive to come up
    quickly with a draft law in order to bring justice legislation back in line
    with the will of the people and the recommendations from European institutions.

    GRECO, the Council of Europe
    anti-corruption body, believes Romania has made very little progress in putting in place measures to prevent
    corruption among parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors and to address the
    concerns raised by its controversial reform of the judicial system. Greco is
    particularly critical of the lack of action to address the need for objective
    selection criteria when appointing and dismissing prosecutors, which is posing
    serious threats to the independence of the judiciary. GRECO decided to continue
    evaluating Romania’s compliance with the pending recommendations contained in
    the two reports and has requested that the Romanian authorities report back on
    progress achieved by 30th June 2020.

    Former MEP,
    Social-Democrat Ioan Mircea Pascu has been designated interim European
    commissioner without portfolio

    Social Democrat Ioan Mircea Pascu, a former MEP proposed by the PSD-ALDE
    government in Bucharest for the position of interim European Commissioner for
    Regional Policy, has been designated member of the community executive but
    without portfolio. In the same situation is the Estonian candidate Kadri
    Simson. The decision has been made by the president of the European Commission
    Jean Claude Juncker who didn’t bestow specific portfolios on the two candidates
    due to their short mandate, which is due to end on October 31st,
    when a fresh European Commission is expected to begin its mandate.

    They will participate
    in the Commission’s activities and in the team project. Under the regulations,
    the European Commission president has interviewed the two candidates and
    confirmed their competences. Ioan Mircea Pascu and Kadri Simson are to be
    interviewed on Wednesday by commission presidents in the European Parliament and
    the MEPs are to cast their votes on the two candidates in Strasbourg on

    A veteran left-wing politician, Pascu, 70, got involved in politics
    shortly after the anti-communist revolution of 1989. He was the country’s
    Defence Minister in 2004 when Romania entered NATO and an MEP since the country
    joined the European Union in 2007 until this year. Before 2014 and 2019 he was
    one of the 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament.

    According to data
    provided by the National Institute for Statistics, Romania’s inflation rate
    went down to 3.4%

    Romania’s economic growth of 4%
    last year remained robust though being mainly based on consumption and less on
    investment, the country’s central bank governor Mugur Isarescu said during the
    presentation of the institution’s annual report. However, Romania is among the
    countries with the lowest public debt, 35% of its GDP, Isarescu went on to say.
    Referring to the 3.84% inflation rate, the governor explained that inflation
    went down because of the slight drops in food and non-food prices.

    In mid-May the central bank revised
    its inflation forecast up to 4.2% this year, and a 3.3% inflation rate for 2020.
    Also in May, the European Commission estimated that Romania’s inflation rate
    would stay around 3.6% in 2019 and 3% in 2020. Mugur Isarescu, who has been
    governor of Romania’s central bank since 1990, has again been confirmed by
    Parliament for a fresh mandate.

    Four Romanian football sides are playing in the European cups

    Romania’s vice-champions FCSB,
    formerly known as Steaua Bucharest, on Thursday secured a 2-0 win against
    Milsami Orhei from the neighboring Republic of Moldova in the first round of
    the Europa League’s first preliminary stage. Also on Thursday, CSU Craiova,
    from south-western Romania clinched a 3-2 away win against FK Sabail of

    On Tuesday, Romania’s champions CFR
    Cluj conceded a 0-1 defeat in an away game against Kazakh side FC Astana in the
    Champions League. The return games will be taking place next week. Romanian Cup
    holder, Viitorul Constanta will play directly in the competition’s second
    preliminary round against Belgian side FC Anvers, coached by former Romanian
    international Ladislau Boloni.

    (translated by bill)

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    As Romanias current Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has recently announced on a TV station, the former international footballer Gheorghe Popescu has been appointed sports adviser to the Prime Minister. Over 1988 and 2003, Gheorghe Popescu had 115 caps for the national squad, for which he scored 16 goals. Among the club teams he was signed up by, there were Universitatea Craiova, Steaua Bucharest, Barcelona FC and Turkeys Galatasaray. In 2014, Gheorghe Popescu received a three-year prison sentence in a file linked to illegal transfer of footballers. Popescu was released on parole in 2015.

    The Croatian midfielder Ivan Pesic signed a contract with Dinamo Bucharest football club. The contract is valid until the summer of 2020. Born on April 6, 1992, Pesic began his football career with Hajduk Split. Pesic also played for Austria Klagenfurt, Sibenik, Zadar and RNK Split. The Croatian midfielder played 108 matches and scored 9 goals in Croatias League One, for such teams as NK Zadar, RNK Split and Hajduk Split. For the 2017-2018 season, Ivan Pesic played in 12 domestic championship matches and in Hajduk Splits fixture in the Cup of Croatia.

    For the ongoing competition break, the transfer of Pesic is the first one made by Dinamo Bucharest. Also, returning to Dinamos pool of regulars are three footballers that were on loan in the first part of the domestic championship. They are Mihai Popescu and Vlad Olteanu who played for FC Voluntari, and Daniel Popa, who played for FC Botoşani.

    Romanias football champions FC Viitorul Constanţa is to play a friendly game against Galatasaray Istanbul on January 14. The match is part of the Romanian champion teams training stage in Turkey, scheduled over January 12 and 26. Scheduled for Viitoruls training period in Belek are seven other training matches. On January 18, Viitorul will take on Russian second league team Luci Vladivostok and Swiss team Grasshopper Zurich. On January 22nd Viitorul Constanta will take on Azeri team Kapaz and Russias FC Rostov. On January 25 Romanias champions will play Cernomoreţ Odesa of Ukraine and Polands Jagiellonia Bialystok.

    (translated by: Eugen Nasta)

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    As Romanias current Prime Minister Mihai Tudose has recently announced on a TV station, the former international footballer Gheorghe Popescu has been appointed sports adviser to the Prime Minister. Over 1988 and 2003, Gheorghe Popescu had 115 caps for the national squad, for which he scored 16 goals. Among the club teams he was signed up by, there were Universitatea Craiova, Steaua Bucharest, Barcelona FC and Turkeys Galatasaray. In 2014, Gheorghe Popescu received a three-year prison sentence in a file linked to illegal transfer of footballers. Popescu was released on parole in 2015.

    The Croatian midfielder Ivan Pesic signed a contract with Dinamo Bucharest football club. The contract is valid until the summer of 2020. Born on April 6, 1992, Pesic began his football career with Hajduk Split. Pesic also played for Austria Klagenfurt, Sibenik, Zadar and RNK Split. The Croatian midfielder played 108 matches and scored 9 goals in Croatias League One, for such teams as NK Zadar, RNK Split and Hajduk Split. For the 2017-2018 season, Ivan Pesic played in 12 domestic championship matches and in Hajduk Splits fixture in the Cup of Croatia.

    For the ongoing competition break, the transfer of Pesic is the first one made by Dinamo Bucharest. Also, returning to Dinamos pool of regulars are three footballers that were on loan in the first part of the domestic championship. They are Mihai Popescu and Vlad Olteanu who played for FC Voluntari, and Daniel Popa, who played for FC Botoşani.

    Romanias football champions FC Viitorul Constanţa is to play a friendly game against Galatasaray Istanbul on January 14. The match is part of the Romanian champion teams training stage in Turkey, scheduled over January 12 and 26. Scheduled for Viitoruls training period in Belek are seven other training matches. On January 18, Viitorul will take on Russian second league team Luci Vladivostok and Swiss team Grasshopper Zurich. On January 22nd Viitorul Constanta will take on Azeri team Kapaz and Russias FC Rostov. On January 25 Romanias champions will play Cernomoreţ Odesa of Ukraine and Polands Jagiellonia Bialystok.

    (translated by: Eugen Nasta)

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    Best-placed are Viitorul from Constanta. In the first leg of the third preliminary round Gheorghe Hagi’s trainees outclassed Cyprus champions APOEL Nicosia 1-nil in the southeastern Romanian town of Ovidiu.

    After an unassuming beginning Romania’s young champions took control of the game and had the upper hand all throughout the first half. The second half of the match was little bit more balanced, yet on the pitch Viitorul had more opportunities to score than their opponents.

    The goal occurred in minute 75. With a shot from 30 meters, Cristian Manea flawlessly turned a free kick into a goal, scoring Viitorul’s first goal in a European Cups fixture. Towards the end of the game, Viitorul had missed another opportunity to score. However, George Tucudean was given an early bath after he got yellow-booked too many times.

    The second leg of the tie pitting Viitorul Constanta against APOEL Nicosia is scheduled on Wednesday August 2nd, in Cyprus. We recall that APOEL Nicosia’s best performance so far occurred in the Champions League’s 2011-2012 season, when APOEL reached as far as the quarterfinals.

    The other Romanian team in the League’s preliminary round, vice-champions Football Club FCSB (formerly known as Steaua), on the National Arena in Bucharest, on Tuesday took on Czech contenders Viktoria Plzeň, with 34,000 football fans watching the game.

    Steaua were held to a 2-all draw, while Plzeň had a 1-nil and a 2-1 lead, respectively, during the game, thanks to the goals scored by Michael Krmencik, on 23 minutes and Jan Kopic in minute 53. Scoring for FCSB were Constantin Budescu on 37 minutes and Portuguese Felipe Teixeira in the 61st minute. Towards the end of the game the best footballer on the pitch, Constantin Budescu sustained an injury and will be unavailable for this coming Wednesday’s return leg, away from home.

  • Football Flash

    Football Flash

    Best-placed are Viitorul from Constanta. In the first leg of the third preliminary round Gheorghe Hagi’s trainees outclassed Cyprus champions APOEL Nicosia 1-nil in the southeastern Romanian town of Ovidiu.

    After an unassuming beginning Romania’s young champions took control of the game and had the upper hand all throughout the first half. The second half of the match was little bit more balanced, yet on the pitch Viitorul had more opportunities to score than their opponents.

    The goal occurred in minute 75. With a shot from 30 meters, Cristian Manea flawlessly turned a free kick into a goal, scoring Viitorul’s first goal in a European Cups fixture. Towards the end of the game, Viitorul had missed another opportunity to score. However, George Tucudean was given an early bath after he got yellow-booked too many times.

    The second leg of the tie pitting Viitorul Constanta against APOEL Nicosia is scheduled on Wednesday August 2nd, in Cyprus. We recall that APOEL Nicosia’s best performance so far occurred in the Champions League’s 2011-2012 season, when APOEL reached as far as the quarterfinals.

    The other Romanian team in the League’s preliminary round, vice-champions Football Club FCSB (formerly known as Steaua), on the National Arena in Bucharest, on Tuesday took on Czech contenders Viktoria Plzeň, with 34,000 football fans watching the game.

    Steaua were held to a 2-all draw, while Plzeň had a 1-nil and a 2-1 lead, respectively, during the game, thanks to the goals scored by Michael Krmencik, on 23 minutes and Jan Kopic in minute 53. Scoring for FCSB were Constantin Budescu on 37 minutes and Portuguese Felipe Teixeira in the 61st minute. Towards the end of the game the best footballer on the pitch, Constantin Budescu sustained an injury and will be unavailable for this coming Wednesday’s return leg, away from home.

  • 14.05.2017


    USR – Nicusor Dan a été réélu président de l’Union Sauvez la Roumanie, parti d’opposition récemment créé et 3e en termes de poids au Parlement de Bucarest. Il a obtenu une majorité de votes lors du premier congrès du parti déroulé du 12 au 14 mai à Cluj Napoca (nord-ouest). Le statut de l’Union a également été voté à cette occasion, la principale mesure portant sur l’organisation de référendums internes sur les décisions importantes prises au sein du parti. Le document stipule aussi que la nouvelle direction du parti rendra publiques ses déclarations de fortune sur le site de la formation. L’Union Sauvez la Roumanie s’ambitionne de devenir le deuxième parti du pays, d’ici deux ans, de sorte à pouvoir proposer un premier ministre suite aux élections de 2020. Pour le même scrutin, l’Union se propose de gagner les fauteuils de maires des grandes villes roumaines.

    Eurovision – C’est la chanson du Portugal qui a remporté la finale de l’Eurovision 2017 accueilli par la capitale ukrainienne, Kiev. Roumanie, représentée par Ilinca et Alex Florea avec la chanson « Yodel It !» s’est classée en 7e position. Avant la finale de samedi soir,la chanson roumaine était considérée comme la 6e favorite, alors que les sites spécialisés affirmaient que les chanteurs roumains formaient le duo le plus apprécié de la compétition. La meilleure performance de la Roumanie, qui y a participé à 19 reprises, depuis 1994, c’est la troisième place occupée par deux fois, en 2005 et en 2010. L’Eurovision de la chanson a fêté cette année ses 62 ans d’existence et se déroule sous le slogan « Celebrate Diversity » – « Célébrons la diversité »

    Tennis – La meilleure joueuse roumaine de tennis du moment, Simona Halep a remporté pour la 2e année consécutive le Tournoi de Madrid. Elle a eu raison samedi soir de la Française Kristina Mladenovici, score 7-5, 6-7 (5), 6-2. Simona Halep avait également disputé la finale du tournoi de Madrid en 2012.

    Football – Créé en 2009 par le célèbre footballeur roumain, Gheoghe Hagi, Le Club de football Viitorul de Constanta (sud-est) a remporté en première le titre de champion de Roumanie. Samedi, Viitorul a vaincu l’équipe CFR Cluj, score 1 à 0, sur son propre terrain. Viitorul devient ainsi le club champion le plus jeune de l’histoire des 54 ligues du continent, compte tenu de l’année de sa création. Il s’enorgueillit aussi d’une autre première : c’est l’équipe qui a réussi à remporter le titre national le plus vite, depuis sa création. Sur la seconde place du championnat national l’on retrouve le club FCSB (l’antérieurement connu comme Steaua Bucarest), suivi de Dinamo Bucarest.

    Météo – Le temps est plutôt instable en ce dimanche en Roumanie. Des pluies à verse sont signalées par endroits. Les températures maximales de la journée iront de 13 à 27 degrés. 22 degrés et un ciel couvert à midi à Bucarest.

  • Fotbal flash

    Fotbal flash

    Spania este ţara cu cele mai
    multe echipe în sferturile de finală ale Ligii Campionilor la fotbal. Trei
    formaţii iberice au trecut de optimile de finală, şi anume Real Madrid,
    Barcelona şi Atletico. Urmează Germania, cu două: Bayern München şi Borussia Dortmund.
    Franţa este reprezentată de AS Monaco, Anglia – de Leicester, iar Italia, de
    Juventus Torino.

    Antrenorul Naţionalei
    României, germanul Cristoph Daum, se confruntă cu o serioasă problemă de lot
    înainte de jocul cu Danemarca, de săptămâna viitoare. Atacantul Bogdan Stancu,
    titular în majoritatea ultimelor partide ale Naţionalei, are probleme de
    sănătate, iar prezenţa lui în echipă a devenit nesigură. În aceste condiţii, Daum a apelat la Gheorghe Grozav,
    jucător care evoluează la echipa rusă Terek Groznîi. Cel mai probabil însă,
    lupta pentru poziţa de vârf de atac se va duce între Claudiu Keşerü, de la
    gruparea bulgară Ludogoreţ Razgrad, şi Denis Alibec, de la Steaua Bucureşti. Vă
    amintim că jocul cu Danemarca va avea loc duminică, 26 martie, la Cluj, pe
    stadionul Dr. Constantin Rădulescu, şi contează pentru preliminariile Cupei
    Mondiale din 2018, grupa E. În acest moment, România
    ocupă locul 4 în grupă, cu o singură victorie în 4 jocuri, şi are mare nevoie
    de un succes împotriva danezilor.

    Sâmbătă are loc
    primul derby al fazei play-off din campionatul primei ligi române de fotbal. Se
    întâlnesc, la Ovidiu, Steaua Bucureşti şi Viitorul Constanţa, primele două
    echipe din clasament. Viitorul, formaţie patronată şi antrenată de Gheorghe
    Hagi, vine după 11 înfrângeri consecutive în faţa steliştilor. În confruntările
    dintre cele două echipe