Tag: Vladimir Putin

  • 100 de ani de la încheierea Primul Război Mondial

    100 de ani de la încheierea Primul Război Mondial

    demoni şi noile ideologii ameninţă pacea – a avertizat,
    duminică, preşedintele francez Emmanuel Macron, la ceremonia de comemorare a
    Centenarului Armistiţiului ce a încheiat Primul Război Mondial. Peste 70 de preşedinţi şi şefi de guvern din întreaga
    lume, între care şi preşedintele român, Klaus Iohannis, au fost prezenţi la
    Paris, răspunzând invitaţiei preşedintelui francez. Înainte de startul
    ceremoniei, ei au păşit împreună către Arcul de Triumf, într-o poză cu valoare
    de angajament. Au făcut excepţie preşedinţii american Donald Trump şi rus Vladimir
    Putin, care au venit separat. În cursul aceleiaşi după-amiezi, liderii mondiali
    au participat la Forumul de la Paris pentru Pace. Nu, însă, şi preşedintele
    Statelor Unite, care a ales să părăsească Franţa mai devreme. Acelaşi lider de
    la Casa Albă a creat stupoare şi nemulţumire, după ce, anterior, a decis să își
    contramandeze o vizită la un cimitir militar american din nordul Franței, din
    cauza … vremii nefavorabile.

    Din doar două dezbateri, tonul Forumului pentru
    Pace a fost dat: reuniunea de la Paris, care se desfăşoară până marţi, este
    consacrată apărării multilateralismului, concept ignorat inclusiv de liderul de la
    Casa Albă. Naţionalismul, rasismul, antisemitismul şi extremismul sunt pasiuni
    triste care fragilizează prin revenirea lor – a avertizat Emmanuel Macron. Lumea
    în care trăim – a întărit el -
    este fragilizată de crize precum cele economică, ecologică, climaterică şi
    migratorie. Omenirea este fragilizată şi de reapariţia unor ameninţări capabile
    să lovească oricând: terorismul, proliferarea chimică sau nucleară şi
    cybercriminalitatea. În acest context, multilateralismul este esenţial. Or, pentru
    secretarul general ONU, Antonio Guterres, fără un sprijin din partea tuturor,
    omenirea riscă să intre într-un angrenaj similar celui care a condus la Primul
    Război Mondial.

    Totodată, spectrul celor mai negre ameninţări poate fi alungat
    doar prin pace, aşa cum s-a întâmplat la 11 noiembrie 1918. Prin pacea semnată
    între Antanta şi Puterile Centrale la Compiègne, în Franţa, ostilităţile pe
    Frontul de Vest al Primului Război Mondial au încetat. Istoricilor nu le place
    conceptul de noroc, prea vag şi greu de plasat într-un discurs ştiinţific. Şi
    totuşi! Ceea ce s-a întîmplat în România, imediat după încheierea primei
    deflagraţii mondiale, ţine de miracol. La începutul anului 1918, românii erau o
    naţiune învinsă, obligată să iasă din război după semnarea unei păci teribile
    cu Germania. La sfîrşitul aceluiaşi an, ei erau incluşi, de către Franţa, în
    tabăra învingătorilor, astfel că, la circa trei săptămâni după declararea Armistiţiului,
    la 1 Decembrie, România devenea stat unitar, toate teritoriile locuite
    preponderent de români unindu-se. După marcarea, la 11 noiembrie, a Centenarului Armistiţiului ce a
    încheiat Primul Război Mondial,pe 1 Decembrie, în România va avea loc Centenarul
    naşterii României Mari.

  • Missile Defence and Security Threats

    Missile Defence and Security Threats

    All it took was a tiny spark from the US, for Russia to blow things
    out of proportion. The US President Donald Trump announced his country would
    pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty (INF) signed with
    Moscow in 1987, and which, according to the White House, has been repeatedly
    violated by Russia for years. Vladimir Putin was quick to react, and claimed
    the decision to denounce the treaty would lead to a new arms race. Hinting at
    dangerous, even apocalyptic future scenarios, according to some of his aides,
    Putin threatened with a quick and effective response in kind. Those European
    countries that would agree to station US missiles would expose their territory
    to the threat of a possible retaliatory strike, Putin added, and said he was
    hoping to discuss the issue with President Trump during their meeting in Paris
    on November 11.

    Meanwhile, Romania, which feels targeted directly by these
    statements, given that under the NATO umbrella the USA has activated in
    Deveselu, southern Romania, a missile shield base equipped with missile
    interceptors able to shoot down enemy ballistic missiles while they are still
    in space, responded to Putin’s statements. According to the Romanian Foreign
    Ministry Russia’s mentioning this system in the context of the dispute on the
    INF is completely irrelevant. Moreover, Moscow’s aggressive rhetoric is
    unwarranted and counterproductive, given that Kremlin has received long ago all
    the necessary assurances and explanations both from Romania, and the
    North-Atlantic Alliance. Still, Bucharest reiterates them now, and says the
    missile shield is purely defensive and complies with all international

    Following these new threats targeting European countries, and
    precisely in order to remind President Putin that NATO stands by its members,
    the Alliance initiated in Norway on Thursday the biggest military drills since
    the Cold War, simulating a response to an attack on one of the Allies. Taking
    part in the manoeuvres, known as Trident Juncture and scheduled to end on
    November 7, are 50,000 troops, 250 aircraft, 65 vessels and 10,000 land
    vehicles from 31 NATO member and partner states. NATO does not want a conflict,
    but it is prepared to protect all its members against any threat, the
    organisation’s secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said. Moscow retorted
    quickly, describing the exercise as provocative and anti-Russian.

    (Translated by A.M. Popescu)

  • July 17, 2018

    July 17, 2018

    CONSTITUTIONAL COURT — Romania’s Constitutional Court is today discussing the notification filed by the head of state, Klaus Iohannis, as regards the revision of the law on the organisation and functionning of the Higher Magistracy Council, as well as the notification signed by 90 deputies with the National Liberal Party, Save Romania Union and unnafiliated MPs on the same matter. President Iohannis has argued that Parliament rejected without any motivation his request for the stipulations regarding the functioning of the Higher Magistracy Council to be reexamined, which he says affect the role of the head of state as the one who guarantees the independence of the judiciary and the functionning of the Judicial Inspection. Iohannis also mentions, invoking a Counstitutional Court decision in this respect, that Parliament must reexamine all signalled aspects.

    MEETING — President Klaus Iohannis has required a meeting with the Social Democrat PM Viorica Dancila, to be held on Wednesday. The meeting will take place against a sensitive political background, with the media saying that the ruling coalition is negotiating the issuing of an emergency order regarding amnesty and pardoning. This continues to be a controversial issue that triggered large-scale proteststs 18 months ago. The previous meeting between Iohannis and Dancila was held two months ago, also at the president’s request, following the heated debates sparked by the possible relocation of Romania’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. President Iohannis asked PM Dancila to resign, at the end of April, saying she is unable to cope with the responsibilities incurred by her position.

    BREXIT – UK junior defense minister Guto Bebb has resigned after voting against a government-backed amendment on the customs bill, BBC news reported on Monday. Bebb, who was minister for UK defense procurement, voted against the amendment that will stop Britain from collecting tariffs for the European Union after Brexit. The British government voted to support an amendment proposed Prime Minister Theresa May. The Brexit negotiations between London and the European Union started last year and are due to be completed by the end of March 2019.

    CRITICISM – President Donald Trumps discourse at Monday’s news conference in Helsinki drew widespread criticism in the US, including from Trump’s own party, news agencies report. Several Republican senators and a former CIA chief were stunned by Trumps refusal to condemn Putin for what U.S. intelligence agencies have said is solid evidence of Russias sustained effort to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. Donald Trump, in a joint news conference with Vladimir Putin on Monday in Helsinki, said that both the United States and Russia were to blame for what he also called the worst relationship between the two countries in their history and said that was about to change. President Putin said in turn the meeting was a good one and that the first steps towards mutual trust were being taken.

    BUDGET REVISION – The Bucharest Government convenes today to discuss the first budget revision this year. According to the meeting’s agenda, a draft law initiated by the Defense Ministry, regarding the purchase of equipment aimed at securing Romania’s Black Sea area, will be analyzed. Minister Fifor has said that at the recent NATO Summit in Brussels it was emphasized the fact that Romania is part of a group of five countries that have allotted 2% of the GDP to defense. He has also said that most of this amount will be used for the equipping and modernization of the army.

    WATER POLO – Romania’s water polo team was defeated by title holder Serbia, 11-5 in their first match in Group D of the European Championships in Barcelona, attended by the best 16 national teams in Europe. In the other match of the group, Russia beat Slovakia 12-6. Romania will be up against Slovakia on Wednesday. At the 2016 edition of the European Championships, Romania ranked 10th, while in 1993 and 2006 was 4th placed.

  • Nachrichten 7.05.2018

    Nachrichten 7.05.2018

    Bukarest: In den rumänischen Krankenhäusern hat am Montag ein Warnstreik stattgefunden – Krankenschwestern, Verwaltungs-Personal und Labormitarbeiter haben ihre Arbeit für zwei Stunden niedergelegt. Nur Notfälle wurden behandelt. Die Protestierenden sind mit der 30% -Begrenzung der Lohn-Zulagen unzufrieden und sagen, dass bei Anwendung der neuen Lohnvorschriften bei einigen Personen Einbu‎ßen von bis zu 1000 Lei oder ca. 215 Euro verzeichnet wurden. Darüber hinaus klagen sie über Diskriminierungen: die Löhne von Ärzten und Krankenschwestern seien gestiegen, aber nicht die der Pfleger, Biologen, Apotheker, Radiologen oder Hebammen. Die SANITAS-Gewerkschaft teilte mit, dass sie mehr als 50.000 Unterschriften gesammelt habe und die Bedingungen für die Auslösung eines Generalstreiks am 11. Mai erfülle. An den letzten Tagen haben Gewerkschaftsvertreter Gespräche mit den Ministern für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Finanzen geführt, ohne eine Einigung zu erzielen. Eine neue Verhandlungsrunde wird mit Ministerpräsidentin Viorica Dăncilă stattfinden. Am Montag wude im Parlament auch eine Rüge der Opposition gegen Gesundheitsministerin Sorina Pintea verlesen, über die am Mittwoch abgestimmt wird.

    Bukarest: In Cluj ist am Montag die antikommunistische Dissidentin und Literatin Doina Cornea bestattet worden, die am Freitag mit 89 Jahren verstorben war. In einer Kondolenzbotschaft sagte Präsident Klaus Iohannis, dass Cornea ein Symbol des Mutes und des Widerstands im Kommunisum verkörpert habe. Das Regime hatte sie seit 1969 drangsaliert, in den 1980er Jahren wurde sie zu einer Hauptfigur unter den Dissidenten, die gegen das nationalkommunistische Gewaltregime von Nicolae Ceausescu protestierten. Sie wurde von der Universität Cluj entlassen, mehrmals brutal verhört und unter Hausarrest gestellt. Sie gehörte auch zu den Persönlichkeiten, die nach der Wende gegen die Reformkommunisten protestierten.

    Bukarest: Auf Rumänien kommt im ersten Semester des Jahres 2019 keine leichte EU-Ratspräsidentschaft zu: der Brexit wird vollzogen und der Haushalt der Union für den Finanzrahmen 2020 — 2024 beschlossen. Das sagte am Montag in Bukarest der Chef des rumänischen Bankenverbandes Sergiu Oprescu auf einer Fachveranstaltung. Bei der Ratspräsidentschaft gehe es in erster Linie darum, Verantwortungsbewusstsein zu zeigen. Sie sei eine Herausforderung, aber auch eine Gelegenheit, Ma‎ß und Klarheit zu beweisen. Staatschef Klaus Iohannis hat letzte Woche in Ruse, in Bulgarien, mit seinen Amtskollegen aus Österreich und Bulgarien über die Kontinuiät der Ratspräsidentschaften der drei Länder diskutiert.

    Moskau: Vladimir Putin ist am Montag zum vierten Mal als Präsident Russlands vereidigt worden. Nach seiner Vereidigung kündigte er in einer kurzen Ansprache an, sein “Möglichstes für Russland zu geben”. Der 65-Jährige hatte die Präsidentschaftswahl im März mit mehr als 75% Prozent der Stimmen klar gewonnen. Er ist bereits seit dem Jahr 2000 als Staats- oder als Regierungschef an der Macht. Putin steht damit für sechs weitere Jahre an der Staatsspitze. Nach seiner Vereidigung schlug Putin erneut Dmitri Medvedev für das Amt des Ministerpräsidenten vor. Medvedev war bereits von 2012 bis 2018 Ministerpräsident, von 2008 bis 2012 hatte er das Präsidentenamt inne. Laut dem Korrespondent von Radio Rumänien in Moskau, soll Putin in den kommenden Tagen eine neue Regierung bilden und die Mitglieder des Präsidialamtes ernennen. Nach Angaben der russischen Medien, sollen in der neuen Regierung der Au‎ßenminister Serghei Lavrov sowie Verteidigungsminister Serghei Şoigu ihre Ämter behalten.

    Bukarest: Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und der NATO im Bereich der Truppen-Mobilität wird sich in der nächsten Zeit intensivieren — das ist die Schlussfolgerung des informellen Treffens der EU-Verteidigungsminister in der bulgarischen Hauptstadt Sofia. EU-Au‎ßenministerin Federica Mogherini, kündigte an, dass sie bis Mitte Juni ihre Vorschläge für das neue Instrument für Stabilität und Frieden — kurz PESCO- vorstellen werde. Dieses soll zur Krisenprävention beitragen und die gemeinsame Verteidigungsarbeit finanzieren. Im vergangenen Jahr wurden 17 Projekte abgeschlossen. Grö‎ßere Investitionen in militärischer Infrastruktur sind geplant. Die Europäische Union wird mit den Vereinten Nationen und der NATO zusammenarbeiten, um Konflikte in Afrika, im östlichen Mittelmeerraum und auf dem westlichen Balkan zu verhindern. Laut einer Pressemitteilung des Verteidigungsministeriums in Bukarest unterstütze Rumänien weiterhin die Operationalisierung von PESCO. Rumäniens Einstellung sei pragmatisch und verfolge konkrete Ergebnisse, hie‎ß es.

  • March 19, 2018

    March 19, 2018

    DEBATES – The Romanian MPs with the Parliament’s special committee on the justice laws are today resuming debates on the status of judges and prosecutors and judicial organisation. After the projects are put in line with the Constitutional Court’s decisions a final vote will be given in Parliament. The Power and the Opposition have had divergent opinions on an article referring to the elimination of the head of state from the procedure of appointing and revoking the leadership of the High Court of Cassation and Justice. The MPs have analysed around 20 articles that the Constitutional Court judges deem unconstitutional.

    ELECTION – Vladimir Putin won on Sunday a 4th presidential mandate with 77% of the votes, in the context of a turnout rate of over 67%. The Radio Romania correspondent to Moscow has reminded that Russia has for the first time organised presidential elections in Crimea, where the Kremlin leader, who has been at the helm of Russia for 18 year as president or prime minister, has won over 90% of the votes. The West as well as Kiev have said they would not recognise the elections in the Ukrainian peninsula annexed by the Russians in 2014. Vladimir Putin will rule Russia for another six years, in the context of very tense relations between the West and the East. The conflict in Syria, the Ukrainian crisis, the suspicions of Russian interference with Donald Trump’s election as US President and the recent accusations by London, of Moscow having poisoned a Russian spy on the territory of the UK have done nothing but increase tensions.

    INVESTIGATION – International chemical weapons experts have today arrived in the UK to collect samples of a nerve agent used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the English city of Salisbury on March 4. Technical experts from the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons are collecting samples of the toxin, which London says is a Soviet-designed military grade nerve agent called Novichok. President Vladimir Putin has rejected allegations that Russia was behind the attack. The incident has triggered a crisis, with Britain and Russia expelling diplomats in tit-for-tat measures.

    WEATHER — Romania continues to be affected by a sharp decrease in temperatures, by up to 15 degrees Celsius compared to the multi-annual average, according to a code yellow alert. Weather experts say that the bad weather will stay the whole week and have warned that, after the yellow warning for heavy rain, wind and low temperatures in place for the eastern half of Romania, rain will gradually turn into drizzle and snow. The National Road Infrastructure Administration has announced that one thousand special vehicles have been used to spread non-slip substances in order to ensure normal traffic on the road sectors affected by the bad weather. Most problems have been reported in the north of the country, where it has been snowing heavily and the roads have been covered in a thick layer of snow, which could not be removed because of the wind.

    BOOK FAIR — The Leipzig Book Fair came to an end this past weekend. Romania was the guest of honour, and under the motto “Zoom in Romania” it organised over 70 events to promote contemporary Romanian writers. For 4 days, readers had an opportunity to meet several Romanian authors already present in the German market, such as Mircea Cărtărescu, Norman Manea, Nora Iuga and Filip Florian, as well as young writers like Lavinia Branişte and Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu. During the event, more than 40 works translated from Romanian were promoted. The Leipzig Book Fair is one of the most important such events in Europe and the world. Meanwhile, Romania is also taking part these days, alongside 45 other countries, in the 38th Paris Book Fair. “Romania, as you have never read it” is the motto of the Romanian stand, which presents more than 50 recent releases and over 20 events. (Translated by Elena Enache)

  • March 17, 2018 UPDATE

    March 17, 2018 UPDATE

    CRIMEA – The Romanian Foreign Ministry supports and joins the declaration of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy regarding Russias illegal annexation of Crimea. In a communiqué issued on Saturday, the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest states that, 4 years since the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, Romania is once again firmly condemning that violation of international law regulations and principles. Also, Romania is reasserting its support for Ukraines sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    DEFENSE – Romanias Supreme Defense Council, headed by president Klaus Iohannis, will convene on Tuesday. According to the Presidential Administration, the meeting will focus on an analysis of the activities carried out by the Council and the other institutions with responsibilities in the field of national security in 2017 and the main objectives for 2018. Also, the participants will tackle other major national security topics.

    RIUF – More than 100 universities and education institutions from 18 countries are attending in Bucharest, on Saturday and Sunday, the 22nd Romanian International University Fair (RIUF). According to the organizers, participating in the fair are education institutions from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Romania, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the US, Singapore, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Greece and Bulgaria. Visitors will find information about free tuition in the Nordic countries, but also about a scholarship fund of 3,000,000 Euro for bachelor and master degrees in Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. At the RIUF YouForum there will be more than 30 workshops, talks and presentations. The topics of discussion include online marketing, branding, gaming, IT, architecture, non-formal education and technology.

    RUSSIA – The British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Saturday that Moscows response to the sanctions decided by London did not change the facts of the matter, namely Russia part in the poisoning of the former Russian spy Serghei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury, England. Theresa May stated that Great Britain would decide the next steps in the coming days, together with its international allies, following Russias decision on Saturday to expel 23 British diplomats. On Saturday morning, the UK ambassador to Russia was summoned by the Russian Foreign Ministry for the second time this week. Russia has also decided to stop any activity of the British Council on Russian soil. The British Council is the United Kingdoms international organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities. The measures were announced just one day before the presidential elections in Russia, as a result of which Vladimir Putin would get his fourth term. According to France Presse, the Kremlin is worried that a low turnout would weaken the legitimacy of the otherwise predictable outcome. Putin has been heading Russia for 18 years, as president and once as a prime-minister. His main opponent, Alexei Navalny, has been deemed non-eligible because of a criminal conviction in a case which, he says, was staged by the Russian authorities. Navalny has called on the population to boycott Sundays elections.

    TENNIS – The Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, number one in the WTA rankings, has failed to qualify for the final of the Indian Wells tournament in California, with 8 million dollars in prize money, as she was defeated by the Japanese Naomi Osaka in two sets: 6-3, 6-0. Halep won the Indian Wells trophy in 2015, but this year has already sustained two defeats. However, she remains top of the rankings. In the final, Naomi Osaka will play against the Russian Daria Kasatkina, who has defeated the American Venus Williams.

    RUGBY – Romanias national rugby team, ranking 17th in the world, on Sunday will play against the team of Georgia, away from home, in the last leg of Rugby Europe International Championship 2018. Romania is hoping for qualification to the World Cup to be hosted by Japan in 2019. So far, the oaks, as the Romanian rugby players are dubbed, have defeated Russia, Germany and Belgium and have lost to Spain. In the competitions classification, Georgia ranks first and Romania second. (translated by Mihaela Ignatescu)

  • March 17, 2018

    March 17, 2018

    CRIMEA – The Romanian Foreign Ministry supports and
    joins the declaration of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign
    Affairs and Security Policy regarding Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea. In
    a communiqué issued today, the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest states that, 4
    years since the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the
    city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, Romania is once again firmly
    condemning that violation of international law regulations and principles.
    Also, Romania is reasserting its support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and
    territorial integrity.

    RIUF – More than 100 universities
    and education institutions from 18 countries are attending in Bucharest, on
    Saturday and Sunday, the 22nd Romanian International University Fair
    (RIUF). According to the organizers, participating in the fair are education
    institutions from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, France, Switzerland,
    Romania, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Ireland, the US,
    Singapore, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Greece and Bulgaria. Visitors
    will find information about free tuition in the Nordic countries, but also
    about a scholarship fund of 3,000,000 Euro for bachelor and master degrees in
    Great Britain, the Netherlands and Germany. At the RIUF YouForum there will be
    more than 30 workshops, talks and presentations. The topics of discussion
    include online marketing, branding, gaming, IT, architecture, non-formal
    education and technology.

    RUSSIA – The Russian Foreign Ministry has today
    announced the imminent expulsion of 23 British diplomats, following a similar
    decision announced by London after the poisoning of a former Russian spy and
    his daughter in England, blamed on Russia. Also, the British Ambassador to
    Moscow has been summoned by the Russian Foreign Ministry for the second time
    this week. Russia has also decided to stop any activity of the British Council
    on Russian soil. The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international
    organization for cultural relations and educational opportunities. The measures were announced just one day
    before the presidential elections in Russia, as a result of which Vladimir
    Putin would get his fourth term. According to France Presse, the Kremlin is
    worried that a low turnout would weaken the legitimacy of the otherwise
    predictable outcome. Putin has been
    heading Russia for 18 years, as president and once as a prime-minister. His
    main opponent, Alexei Navalny, has been deemed non-eligible because of a
    criminal conviction in a case which, he says, was staged by the Russian
    authorities. Navalny has called on the population to boycott Sunday’s

    TENNIS – The Romanian
    tennis player Simona Halep, number one in the WTA rankings, has failed to
    qualify for the final of the Indian Wells tournament in California, with 8
    million dollars in prize money, as she was defeated by the Japanese Naomi Osaka
    in two sets: 6-3, 6-0. Halep won the Indian Wells trophy in 2015, but this year
    has already sustained two defeats. However, she remains top of the rankings. In
    the final, Naomi Osaka will play against the Russian Daria Kasatkina, who has
    defeated the American Venus Williams.

    RUGBY – Romania’s
    national rugby team, ranking 17th in the world, on Sunday will play
    against the team of Georgia, away from home, in the last leg of Rugby Europe
    International Championship 2018. Romania is hoping for qualification to the
    World Cup to be hosted by Japan in 2019. So far, ‘the oaks’, as the Romanian
    rugby players are dubbed, have defeated Russia, Germany and Belgium and have
    lost to Spain. In the competition’s classification, Georgia ranks first, and
    Romania second.

  • Personality of the Year 2017 on RRI

    Personality of the Year 2017 on RRI

    We challenged you to nominate a person from any walk of life, which, in your opinion, left their mark on the world in a positive way in 2017.

    A number of politicians rank among the nominees, including US President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron, Chinese President Xi Jingping, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and Chris Christie, the Governor of New Jersey. Pope Francis has also been one of your nominations. King Michael I of Romania, who passed away in 2017, at the age of 96, Queen Elisabeth II of Great Britain or the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman, have also been nominated. The North-Korean leader Kim Jong-Un has been nominated for his negative influence on the world in 2017.

    We also received a number of collective proposals: women in conflict areas, for their resolve in coping with the numerous challenges and hardship, as well as all the women in the world fighting for the elimination of violence against women. As usual, we got a number of nominations from the world of sports, namely the football teams of Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, whove managed to qualify to the World Cup in Russia.

    Other nominations included the rock band “Agatha Christie, Slovakian road bicycle racer Peter Sagan, reputed physicist Stephen Hawking, singer songwriter Karen Chisholm or the robot Sophia.

    However, based on the highest number of nominations we got from RRI listeners, the Personality of the Year on Radio Romania International is Romanian tennis player Simona Halep, who in 2017 became the worlds number one woman tennis player!

    Dumitru Pelican of Romania explains his choice: “Its a dream come true! Simona Halep is number one in the world! Many thought this would be an unachievable goal. But Simona believed it could be done, she put in a tremendous amount of work, upped for service, continued to hope and thus became the first Romanian athlete to climb onto the top position in WTA standings! In the mens competition, we had Ilie Nastase! It is a historic success which the millions of Romanians who never stopped believing in Simona had been waiting for!

    In turn, Santa al Djika of Macedonia (FYROM) writes: “She makes us proud when she wins and sad when she loses.

    What best describes Simona Halep as a model for the rest of us, our listeners ask, also providing the answer: hard work, constant progress, patience, ambition, modesty, unaffectedness, spontaneity, a sense of humor, love and respect.

  • December 6, 2017 UPDATE

    December 6, 2017 UPDATE

    KING MICHAEL – Around 100 personalities from all over the world, including heads of state and government and members of royal families, are expected to attend the funeral of Romania’s former king Michael I, who died on Tuesday at his residence in Switzerland, aged 96. King Michael’s body will be flown to Romania on Wednesday, December 13, and placed in the Hall of Honour of the Peles Castle in Sinaia, the Romanian Royal House has announced. On the evening of the same day, the coffin will be brought to Bucharest and placed in the Throne Hall of the Royal Palace, to lie in state until the 15th of December. The King will be buried next Saturday in Curtea de Arges, in the south, where all of Romanias kings are interred. The Bucharest Government declared three days of national mourning on December 14, 15 and 16. On Monday, December 11, Parliament will convene in plenary sitting to pay homage to the former monarch. King Michael of Romania was credited with pre-emptively saving thousands of lives in World War II when, at 22, he had the courage to arrest the pro-Nazi leader, Marshal Ion Antonescu, which took Romania into the war on the side of the Allies. Historians say the monarch’s action might have shortened the war by months, saving tens of thousands of lives. King Michael ruled Romania from 1940 to 1947, when he was forced by the communists to abdicate and flee. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said that King Michael was one of Romanias greatest figures and his death is a great loss for the country. In his turn, the European Commission President, Jean Claude Junker, conveyed condolences on his behalf and on the behalf of the European Commission saying “I would like to pay tribute to King Michael’s role when, in 1997, he undertook a tour of European capitals to promote Romanias entry into the European Union. Twenty-two years later, his beloved country will, for the first time, in the first half of 2019, hold the presidency of the European Union. This will be an important moment for Romania and an important moment for the future of our Union.”

    STATE BUDGET — Romania’s Government approved on Wednesday the 2018 budget bill centred on health, education and investment. According to a Government release, the budget has been built on a 5.5% economic growth, an average inflation rate of 3.1% and a budget deficit of less than 3% of the GDP. The budget bill also provides for the resources needed to increase the net minimum and average salary in the public and private sector and to also increase pensions. One of the objectives for the next year is a 4% decrease in the unemployment rate. Also, 2% of the GDP is earmarked for defence in 2018 as well. Parliament will have the final say on the 2018 budget bill and social security bill.

    MOSCOW – President Vladimir Putin, who has been ruling Russia for 18 years, announced on Wednesday that he would seek a new six-year term in March. If he wins what would be a fourth presidential term, he will be eligible to serve another six years until 2024. Opinion polls show him as the clear winner, in the absence of a contender able to win public support. In spite of economic difficulties and tense relations with the West, Vladimir Putin has managed to remain widely popular in his country. His critics, however, say that during his rule the country has regressed in terms of observance of human rights and freedoms.

    BUDGET DEFICIT – The Romanian finance minister Ionut Misa has told the EUs Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) that met on the 4th and 5th December in Brussels that Romania is committed to taking the necessary steps so as not to exceed the recommended 3% budget deficit of the GDP. In a press release published after the meeting, the EU Council said Romania failed to take efficient measures to address a significant budget deviation. The Council thus issued a new recommendation revising its previous one. The Council established the deadline of 15th April 2018 for Bucharest to present a report on the actions taken in response to the revised recommendation. According to the autumn forecast published by the European Commission, the budget deficit is to reach 3% of the GDP in 2017 and is predicted to grow to 3.9% in 2018 and 4.1% in 2019.

    HANDBALL The Romanian womens handball side defeated Spain 19 -17 in a Group A match on Tuesday to secure their qualification for the round of last 16 at the World Championships in Germany. In the other group matches, Slovenia defeated Angola 32-25, while France defeated Paraguay 35-13, thus also making it to the next round. Russia, Germany and Serbia have also qualified. After three wins, Romania, who also defeated Slovenia and Paraguay, top the group with 6 points followed by France, Spain and Slovenia with 4 points each, and Angola and Paraguay with no points. Romania will next face Angola on Thursday and France on Friday before the knock-out round. (Translated by E. Enache)

  • December 4, 2017

    December 4, 2017

    JUSTICE – The changes that Romania’s ruling coalition intends to operate in the judiciary will be discussed in Parliament starting this week. A first draft regulation, concerning the status of judges and prosecutors, is currently on the agenda of the Chamber of Deputies, after having been approved by a special parliamentary committee. The bill stipulates that the head of state may no longer challenge judge and prosecutor appointments, makes prosecutors part of a hierarchy topped by the justice minister, and prohibits magistrates from working as covert intelligent service agents, by having them submit annual statements in this respect. The changes promoted by the ruling coalition made up of the Social Democratic Party and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats, have again been contested in the street in Romania’s biggest cities.

    TOUR – US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson embarks this week on a diplomatic mission to shore up alliances in Europe. His trip is structured around ministerial conferences of the NATO allies in Brussels and the 57-member Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, in Vienna. Tillerson will also meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on the sidelines of the OSCE talks late in the week. The American official assured his European allies that the US remains firmly committed to defending Europe’s security.

    ORTHODOXY– Russian President Vladimir Putin is today meeting with the delegation of the Romanian Orthodox Church headed by Patriarch Daniel. They travelled to Moscow to attend festivities marking 100 years since the re-establishment of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Daniel met with head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kiril, and held the Devine Liturgy in the Church of the Deposition of the Robe. It is first time when a Romanian Patriarch held a religious service here.

    BREXIT — British Prime Minister Theresa May is today holding decisive talks in Brussels on Brexit negotiations. She will try to convince the Europeans that her promises are enough for them to agree to open negotiations on commercial topics that London has insistently asked for. Theresa May will meet with the European Commission President, Jean-Claude Junker and with the European Council President, Donald Tusk. Brexit has been scheduled for end-March 2019.

    MILITARY DRILL – The air forces of the United States and South Korea are holding a joint drill as of today, deploying over 230 fighter jets among which six F-22 Raptor stealth fighters in the exercise. The drill called “Vigilant Ace” is held between december 4th and 8th. The Vigilant Ace drill is a biannual, bilateral training event held by the United States and South Korea to simulate wartime defenses. The exercise comes as North Korea continues to move forward with the development of its nuclear and missile program in defiance of international sanctions.

    VISIT – Romanian Defence Minister Mihai Fifor continues his official visit to Belgrade. Today he will meet with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vulin. Talks will focus on regional security and on boosting bilateral cooperation in the field of defense. Chief of the Romanian Army’s General Staff, General Nicolae Ciuca, accompanies Minister Fifor in Belgrade.

    HANDBALL – The Romanian women’s handball team will be up against Spain on Tuesday. On Sunday, the Romanians scored their second victory in Group A of the World Women’s Handball Championship hosted by Germany, by defeating Slovenia, 31 to 28. On Saturday, the Romanians defeated 29-17 the team of Paraguay in their debut match. Also on Tuesday, in Group A, Slovenia will be up against Angola and France against Paraguay. In the previous World Championship of 2015 Romania won the bronze medal, being the only team to have participated in all the 22 editions of the championship held so far.

    (Translated by E. Enache)

  • April 12, 2017 UPDATE

    April 12, 2017 UPDATE

    DECENTRALIZATION — The Romanian Government on Wednesday adopted the strategy for decentralization. Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu said local authorities would be distributed additional tasks and objectives. The domains included in the decentralization process are: agriculture, culture, tourism, the environment, healthcare, education and extra-curricular activities, youth and sports. The general objective assumed in the strategy is the transfer of new competences, except for those of inspection and control, to the local authorities – town halls, local and county councils. At present a great part of these competences are being exerted by the ministries’ decentralized directorates.

    STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP — On Wednesday the Foreign Ministry in Bucharest played host to the interim meeting of the Romania-US Strategic Partnership, attended by representatives of the US Embassy in Bucharest and other public institutions. The meeting occasioned a review of bilateral relations and the identification of new projects for bilateral cooperation. The participants reiterated their commitment towards the principles underlying the Strategic Partnership, and hailed the marking of 20 years since the Bilateral Partnership was adopted. Representatives talked about bilateral cooperation in defense and security, regional issues, cyber security, energy security, trade and investment, law enforcement, scientific and cultural exchanges, and the U.S. Visa Waiver Program. The meeting was held ahead of the annual Romania-US Strategic Partnership Meeting scheduled to take place in Bucharest in the fall, 2017.

    US-RUSSIA RELATIONS — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday said US-Russia relations had worsened since Donald Trump took office at the White House. The Russian official made the statement after the Foreign Ministers of the two countries met in Moscow. Russia wants to know the United States’ real intentions in terms of international policy in order to avoid a new US air raid in Syria and to work together against terrorism, Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov said. In turn, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he wanted an open, straightforward and honest exchange of views in order to clarify common objectives and interests, as well as differences in the two countries’ approach to the main global topics. Rex Tillerson’s visit to Moscow follows an escalation of tensions between the two countries. Russia has condemned the latest US air strike on a Syrian government air base, in retaliation to the chemical attack which killed 89 people.

    DORTMUND ATTACK — The German Police have arrested an Islamic terrorist in connection with Tuesday’s bomb attack on the bus carrying the Borrusia Dortmund football club, the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office has announced. The investigation is focusing on two suspects, the authorities also said. According to the press, the letter found on the site of the blast points to the German military involvement against the terrorist organization the Islamic State and it also refers to the attack on the Berlin Christmas market in December. We recall that the bus of the Borrusia Dortmund football team was hit, Tuesday, by three explosive devices at about 7.15 p.m. local time, ahead of the Champions League quarter final they were due to play on home ground against AS Monaco. The defender Marc Bartra was injured in the explosion as well as the police officer at the front of the motorcade. Former Romanian footballer Marcel Raducanu, who played for Borussia in the 80s and is running a youth football facility in Dortmund, expressed his shock at the news. “These things have nothing to do with football. I don’t understand why anyone would want to harm a football team”, Raducanu told the Romanian sports news agency, DigiSport.

    INFLATION — In Romania, the annual inflation rate stagnated in March 2017 at 0,2%. This is the 3rd consecutive month when positive values are reported, after 19 months of negative values of the inflation rate, show data published by the National Statistics Institute quoted by the daily Ziarul Financiar. In February, the annual inflation rate was 0.2% after it had stood at 0.05% in January. At the end of 2016 the annual inflation rate was minus 0.5%, that being the 2nd consecutive year when the annual inflation rate reported negative values.

    EGMO — The Romanian girl’s math team won three silver medals and one bronze at the 6th edition of the European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO) hosted by Zurich, Switzerland, between April 6 – 12. The medals were obtained by the students of several prestigious IT high schools in Bucharest and Slatina (in the south). The European Girls’ Mathematical Olympiad is an international competition similar in structure to the International Mathematical Olympiad. According to regulations, a team is made up of 4 girls. More than 160 girls from 43 countries have participated in this year’s edition. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • March 18, 2017 UPDATE

    March 18, 2017 UPDATE

    TERRORISM – A man was shot dead on Saturday morning by security forces after grabbing the weapon of a soldier on Orly International Airport in Paris in what seems to be a terrorist attack. No one got hurt in the incident. Air traffic was brought to a halt and thousands of people were evacuated from the two terminals, which were both shut down. The authorities have launched a large-scale security operation involving bomb disposal experts. Counterterrorist prosecutors are conducting an investigation. Sources with the French Interior Ministry say the man was a radicalized Muslim who had been on the watchlist of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Prior to the incident on Orly Airport, the man had opened fire on a roadblock checkpoint in northern Paris, injuring a policeman, then headed to Orly. Since January 2015, Paris saw one of the highest number of terrorist attacks, which killed numerous victims.

    MILTARY EXERCISE – 1,200 Romanian and US military are taking part in the Spring Storm 17 joint military exercise, consisting of complex defence tactics carried out on the Romanian Black Sea coast and urban areas, with naval, ground and air support. Today the military are scheduled to carry out a drill for the debarkation of Romanian and American marines from the USS Carter Hall landing ship. During the drill the forces will be attacked by battleships on sea while the Romanian Air Force will provide air support with two MIG 21 Lancer fighter jets. In another development, diplomatic and military sources in the Russian media say the Russian Federation is closely monitoring the French warship La Fayette, which will be anchored in the port of Constanta over March 24-27 as part of a joint military exercise carried out with the Romanian navy.

    MOLDOVA – Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Moldovan counterpart, Igor Dodon, met in Moscow to discuss the terms of the agreement of their previous meeting, held less than three months ago. Igor Dodon said difficulties in terms of bilateral relations have been overcome due to this agreement and suggested the organization of consultations for the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership. The agenda of Igor Dodons visit to Moscow is mostly focused on the economy, and included the Moldovan officials participation in a Russian-Moldovan business forum. On this occasion, Igor Dodon called on Russian business people to invest in the Republic of Moldova. Any investor with an investment capital exceeding one hundred thousand dollars may apply for Moldovan citizenship and thus benefit from Moldovas Association Agreement with the European Union. At the same time, the Moldovan President said on April 3, Moldova will sign a cooperation agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union.

    TRUMP – US President Donald Trump on Friday talked to German Chancellor Angela Merkel about migration, which he sees as a privilege, not a right, underlining that citizen safety should come first. The two officials also discussed the NATO budget, with the White House leader insisting on the need for member states to make contributions to the NATO budget. Donald Trump said there are states currently owing large sums of money, and they have to pay their debts. In turn, Chancellor Merkel argued in favour of resuming negotiations between the European Union and the United States on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Angela Merkel also expressed their willingness to improve relations with Russia, provided a positive solution is found to the crisis in Ukraine.

    GYMNASTICS – Gymnast Catalina Ponor on Friday qualified to the vault and floor final events at the World Gymnastics Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is the only Romanian athlete qualified to the finals, scheduled to take place on Sunday. 120 gymnasts from 21 states are taking part in the World Championships, an important event ahead of the European Championships to be hosted in April by Cluj Napoca, central Romania. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • March 18, 2017

    March 18, 2017

    TERRORISM — A man was shot dead on Saturday morning by security forces after grabbing the weapon of a soldier on Orly International Airport in Paris in what seems to be a terrorist attack. No one got hurt in the incident. Air traffic was brought to a halt and thousands of people were evacuated from the two terminals, which were both shut down. The authorities have launched a large-scale security operation involving bomb disposal experts. Counterterrorist prosecutors are conducting an investigation. Sources with the French Interior Ministry say the man was on the watchlist of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Prior to the incident on Orly Airport, the man had opened fire on a roadblock checkpoint in northern Paris, injuring a policeman, then headed to Orly. Since January 2015, Paris saw one of the highest number of terrorist attacks, which killed numerous victims.

    MILTARY EXERCISE — 1,200 Romanian and US military are taking part in the Spring Storm 17 joint military exercise, consisting of complex defence tactics carried out on the Romanian Black Sea coast and urban areas, with naval, ground and air support. Today the military are scheduled to carry out a drill for the debarkation of Romanian and American marines from the USS Carter Hall landing ship. During the drill the forces will be attacked by battleships on sea while the Romanian Air Force will provide air support with two MIG 21 Lancer fighter jets. In another development, diplomatic and military sources in the Russian media say the Russian Federation is closely monitoring the French warship La Fayette, which will be anchored in the port of Constanta over March 24-27 as part of a joint military exercise carried out with the Romanian navy.

    MOLDOVA — Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Moldovan counterpart, Igor Dodon, met in Moscow to discuss the terms of the agreement of their previous meeting, held less than three months ago. Igor Dodon said difficulties in terms of bilateral relations have been overcome due to this agreement and suggested the organization of consultations for the conclusion of a Strategic Partnership. The agenda of Igor Dodon’s visit to Moscow is mostly focused on the economy, and included the Moldovan official’s participation in a Russian-Moldovan business forum. On this occasion, Igor Dodon called on Russian business people to invest in the Republic of Moldova. Any investor with an investment capital exceeding one hundred thousand dollars may apply for Moldovan citizenship and thus benefit from Moldova’s Association Agreement with the European Union. At the same time, the Moldovan President said on April 3, Moldova will sign a cooperation agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union.

    TRUMP — US President Donald Trump on Friday talked to German Chancellor Angela Merkel about migration, which he sees as a privilege, not a right, underlining that citizen safety should come first. The two officials also discussed the NATO budget, with the White House leader insisting on the need for member states to make contributions to the NATO budget. Donald Trump said there are states currently owing large sums of money, and they have to pay their debts. In turn, Chancellor Merkel argued in favour of resuming negotiations between the European Union and the United States on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Angela Merkel also expressed their willingness to improve relations with Russia, provided a positive solution is found to the crisis in Ukraine.

    GYMNASTICS — Gymnast Catalina Ponor on Friday qualified to the vault and floor final events at the World Gymnastics Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan. It is the only Romanian athlete qualified to the finals, scheduled to take place on Sunday. 120 gymnasts from 21 states are taking part in the World Championships, an important event ahead of the European Championships to be hosted in April by Cluj Napoca, central Romania. (Translated by V. Palcu)

  • Focus – Putin voltă tru Europa (05.02.2017)

    Focus – Putin voltă tru Europa (05.02.2017)

    Ninti di 1989, vizita fapta Budapesta di liderlu suprem di Moscova ari cabili s-adara masi emotii comuniste, nauntrul a unlui lagăr tru cari Uniunea Sovietică tanea Estul a Europal’ei. Ungaria era si ea tru partea dit Europa controlată di Moscova, di la bitisita a doilui polim mondial. Asi avea futa akcasearea anamisa di Roosevelt, Churchill si Stalin, ca a Moscoval’ei să-l’i si pricunoască interese tru partea dit Europa cu cari s-nvietina. Ica ma di tamam pi cari u anvali Armata Rosie pi calea cata Berlin. Concret, sidzura cama di patru decenii sum comunismu România, Polonia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Cehoslovacia si una bună parti dit Germania.

    Tru aesti vasilii, cu exceptia ali Românie, trupele sovietiti s-astirnura până după 1989. Atumtea, dalga di revolutii cari eliberara aesti vasilii di comunismu u loara nintea a situatiil’ei dit Uniunea Sovietică. Tasi tru 1991 ateali 15 di republici unionale s-proclamara, pi arada, indipendenta ti atea ca, ti di Crăciun, Gorbaciov, atel dit soni sovietic, să-di da demisia, sum zorea al Boris Eltan. El era seful ali Rusie, nai cama marli clirunom ali Uniunii Sovietice, nascanti ori singurul. La treatirea tru anlu 2000, Eltan al’I deadi putearea, cu buna vreari, câtă bună vrearea nica putea s-hiba atumtea, a unui lidir putan cunascuta ama tru mplină ascensiune, Vladimir Putin.

    Estul european s-ndridzea s-agiungă parti a Europal’ei vestica iara Rusia al Eltan nu s-ncuntra a aistei orientări hiresti. Lucarli s-alaxira unaoara cu priloarea a putearil’ei di cătra Putin cari s-pripusi s-da ali Rusie statutlu di mare puteare. La scurtu kiro, fostele vasilii comuniste dit Estul si Centrul a Europal’ei aderara la NATO si Uniunea Europeană. La un momentu dat, eale basi ndreapsira una orientare nauă, una Europă nauă, mai implicată si ma aprukeată di SUA.

    Anlu 2014 fu un an di sutatură, ahurhit pi un fondu di revolutie pro-europeană tru dizvarteari, celebrul fenomen Maidan. Tru scurtu 2014, Rusia feati un lucru ti ciudusi tuta lumea si lumea nica nu apufusi cum s-da apandisi: u lo aplo Crimeea, peninsula strategică dit Amarea Lae. Tru idyiul kiro, un polim ca ti ciudieama extrem di vatamator aputrusea apirita ali Ucraina, la sinurlu cu Rusia. Dit ahurhita s-akicasi că tuti aesti probleme agudira Ucraina di furn’ia orientaril’ei a l’ei pro-occidentale.

    Uniunea Europeană si SUA apănasira cu sanctiuni serti preayalea ayalea atea turlie ca ligaturli s-aratira cabaia si niti oamin’il’I si niti paradzl’i si niti bunurli numata urdină ca ma nainti, maxus dit Rusia cătra Uniunea Europeană. Si niti basi energia, gazele maxus, cu cari Moscova tani tru haua Europa. Dit ahurhita s-vidzura bot cari s-ncuntrara la sanctiun’il’i contra ali Rusie ama până tru soni Europa zbura cu una boati. Ama nu tra daima.

    2016 fu iară un an cu evolutii dramatiti, ma s-adutem aminti incredibilu Brexit ica basi niasteptata candidatură si maxus victorie al Donald Trump la prezidentialili americane. Tru aest contextu, vizita al Vladimir Putin fapta Budapesta iasi tru videala ca ancărcată di semnificatii. Determinarea americană andicra di politica internatională ali Rusie intra tru era a mandatlui Trump di reevaluare si importanti alaxeri. Intereslu economic fu invocat totna, ahât di prezidentul Putin ama si di premierlu Orban. Dol’I diplânsira sanctiunile ca hiindalui situatii polititi ti aduc zn’ie a economiclui.

    Ghini ma acordul prit cari Ungaria va s-aminta gazi arusesti la pahadz acceptabil’i fu prilundzitu până tru 2012 iara dezvoltarea nucleară ali Ungarie poati s-ntimil’eadza pi investitiile arusesti. Budapesta, ama ndrupasti că feati isapi tra chireari vara 6,5 miliardi di euro di furn’ia că baga tru lucru sanctiunile apufusiti di Uniunea Europeană. Tuti aesti asiguripsescu ali Ungarie un rol privilegiat tru politica ali Rusie si nu masi tru atea ti mutreasti Uniunea Europeană ama si tru relatiile cu SUA dit naua eră Trump.

    Autor: Marius Tita

    Armanipsearea: Tascu Lala

  • Putin vizitează Europa

    Putin vizitează Europa

    Înainte de 1989, vizita la Budapesta a liderului suprem de la Moscova ar fi produs doar emoții comuniste, în interiorul unui lagăr în care Uniunea Sovietică ținea Estul Europei. Ungaria era și ea în partea din Europa controlată de Moscova, de la sfârșitul celui de al doilea război mondial. Așa fusese înțelegerea dintre Roosevelt, Churchill și Stalin, ca Moscovei să i se recunoască interese în partea din Europa cu care se învecina. Sau mai exact pe care a acoperit-o Armata Roșie în drum spre Berlin. Concret, au stat mai bine de patru decenii sub comunism România, Polonia, Bulgaria, Ungaria, Cehoslovacia și o bună parte din Germania.

    În aceste țări, cu excepția României, trupele sovietice au staționat până după 1989. Atunci, valul de revoluții care au eliberat aceste țări de comunism a luat-o înaintea situației din Uniunea Sovietică. De abia în 1991 cele 15 republici unionale și-au proclamat, pe rând, independența pentru ca, de Crăciun, Gorbaciov, ultimul sovietic, să își dea demisia, obligat de Boris Elțîn. El era șeful Rusiei, cel mai mare moștenitor al Uniunii Sovietice, uneori singurul. La trecerea în anul 2000, Elțîn i-a cedat puterea, de bună voie, câtă bună voie mai putea fi atunci, unui lider puțin cunoscut dar în plină ascensiune, Vladimir Putin.

    Estul european se pregătea să devină parte a Europei vestice iar Rusia lui Elțîn nu se opunea acestei orientări firești. Lucrurile s-au schimbat odată cu preluarea puterii de către Putin care și-a propus să redea Rusiei statutul de mare putere. La scurt timp, fostele țări comuniste din Estul și Centrul Europei au aderat la NATO și Uniunea Europeană. La un moment dat, ele chiar au constituit o orientare nouă, o Europă nouă, mai implicată și mai apropiată de SUA.

    Anul 2014 a fost un an de cotitură, început pe un fond de revoluție pro-europeană în derulare, celebrul fenomen Maidan. În februarie 2014, Rusia a făcut un gest care a uimit întreaga lume și lumea încă nu a decis cum să reacționeze: a luat pur și simplu Crimeea, peninsula strategică din Marea Neagră. În același timp, un război ciudat dar extrem de ucigaș răvășea estul Ucrainei, la frontiera cu Rusia. De la început s-a înțeles că toate aceste probleme au lovit Ucraina din cauza orientării sale pro-occidentale.

    Uniunea Europeană și SUA au răspuns cu sancțiuni înăsprite treptat astfel că relațiile s-au răcit semnificativ și nici oamenii și nici banii și nici bunurile nu mai circulă ca înainte, mai ales din Rusia către Uniunea Europeană. Și nici chiar energia, gazele mai ales, cu care Moscova ține în șah Europa. De la început s-au găsit voci care s-au opus sancțiunilor împotriva Rusiei dar până la urmă Europa a vorbit cu o singură voce. Dar nu definitiv.

    2016 a fost iarăși un an cu evoluții dramatice, dacă ar fi să amintim incredibilul Brexit sau chiar neașteptata candidatură și mai ales victorie a lui Donald Trump la prezidențialele americane. În acest context, vizita lui Vladimir Putin la Budapesta apare ca încărcată de semnificații. Determinarea americană față de politica internațională a Rusiei a intrat în era mandatului Trump de reevaluare și importante schimbări. Interesul economic a fost invocat mereu, atât de președintele Putin cât și de premierul Orban. Amândoi au deplâns sancțiunile ca fiind situații politice ce afectează economicul.

    Și totuși, acordul prin care Ungaria va primi gaze rusești la prețuri acceptabile a fost prelungit până în 2012 iar dezvoltarea nucleară a Ungariei se poate baza pe investițiile rusești. Budapesta, totuși, susține că a contabilizat pierderi de 6,5 miliarde de euro din cauză că aplică sancțiunile decise de Uniunea Europeană. Toate acestea asigură Ungariei un rol privilegiat în politica Rusiei și nu numai în cea referitoare la Uniunea Europeană dar și în relațiile cu SUA din noua eră Trump.